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"Just Call Me The Saviour of All Things Wrestling...."

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TNA X Div Match Joey Matthews vs AJ Styles (TNA X Div Champ) w/ Bischoff Kind of odd that Matthews is getting a title shot this early, but as for the outcome, I'm gonna have to call it a draw. I know the chances are slim, but it's hard to see either superstar lose a match at the moment. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell If Joe is looking to enter the Main Event scene, this would be the guy to beat to put him in that spot. TNA World Title Match - Abyss vs [B]Christian Cage[/B] (TNA World Champ) Kind of weird that Abyss is getting a title shot, especially after losing to Banderas at Slam. but should be an interesting match nonetheless. [B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs Ted Hart Didn't this guy's ankle get broken? Sorry for rippin on ya haha I'm just in the mood. I pick Angle for obvious reasons; wouldn't make sense for Teddy to win when Kurt is being hyped to fight a legend and also it'd be a good idea to have Angle on a roll for when 'the match' does happen. TNA World Tag Match - Voodoo Kin Mafia vs [B]Paparazzi Productions [/B](TNA World Tag Champs_ They just won the titles so I doubt we'll see them lose this early. [B]Taz & Rhino[/B] vs Raven & Sabu I really like this match and it was hard to predict the winners but since Taz is fresh and on a roll and Sabu's been on a losing streak recently, I have to go with the sick team of Taz & Rhino. Very nice card, definitely PPV material .. almost too nice for TV :p haha but I honestly cant wait for the show. I expect Hart to turn up somehow as well so I'll be checking the boards often for the post. Keep up the awesome work.
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Hey, Ego. Nice thing you've got going here. ^_^ At first I was kinda effy about it, but I really like it as it seems so realistic and cool. Good stuff. TNA X Div Match Joey Matthews vs [B]AJ Styles[/B] (TNA X Div Champ) w/ Bischoff ~ Considering Bischoff's behind him, I can't see AJ losing this match. Samoa Joe vs Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell ~ This is a bit of a toss up, because I do see Samoa winning, yet at the same time, it would set back Ricky. Personally, I would think Ricky goes over but only after Joe makes him tap. TNA World Title Match Abyss vs Christian Cage (TNA World Champ) ~ Christian will likely retain via outside interference before "The Saviour" comes out to save Abyss from the beatdown. Kurt Angle vs Ted Hart ~ I expect this to be an upset and Ted wins, but only because Bret does indeed show up. However, I bet "The Saviour" beat up Kurt and announces he's not in the building. TNA World Tag Match Voodoo Kin Mafia vs Paparazzi Productions (TNA World Tag Champs) Taz & Rhino vs Raven & Sabu ~ I see the Paparazzi retaining simply because its too soon to strip them of the titles.
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Guest loves2spooge
TNA X Div Match Joey Matthews vs [B]AJ Styles[/B](TNA X Div Champ) w/ Bischoff [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell TNA World Title Match - Abyss vs [B]Christian Cage[/B] (TNA World Champ) Kurt Angle vs [B]Ted Hart[/B] TNA World Tag Match - Voodoo Kin Mafia vs [B]Paparazzi Productions[/B] (TNA World Tag Champs_ [B]Taz & Rhino[/B] vs Raven & Sabu
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TNA X Div Match Joey Matthews vs [B]AJ Styles [/B](TNA X Div Champ) w/ Bischoff Samoa Joe vs Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell [B]Draw[/B] This match will end in a count out or be thrown out. TNA World Title Match - Abyss vs [B]Christian Cage [/B](TNA World Champ) [B]Kurt Angle[/B] vs Ted Hart, Bret may get involed or play mind games. TNA World Tag Match - Voodoo Kin Mafia vs [B]Paparazzi Productions[/B] (TNA World Tag Champs) Squash? [B]Taz & Rhino[/B] vs Raven & Sabu
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]Monday, Week 1 July 07 From PWTORCH.COM Sean “X-Pac” Waltman Passes Away[/U][/B] [url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs116.xs.to/xs116/07230/16.jpg[/img][/url] The Wrestling world is mourning today with the shock & tragic death of Sean Waltman, 37. Waltman was found in a hotel room last night after what is to be believed a severe drug overdose. Waltman, debuted in 1992, is a former WWE, WCW & TNA star and a multi time champion, his last being the X Division Title in TNA. The world is obviously shocked. Expect TNA & WWE to hold a minutes silence for Waltman on Raw & Impact respectively. PWTorch passes on our sincere condolences to all Sean’s family and friends.
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]Monday, Week 1 July 07 From PWTORCH.COM WWE Great American Bash Results[/U][/B] WWE is coming off a superb GAB Event, where we saw Rob Van Dam beat John Cena for the ECW Title in a ladder match, the fans reaction was said to be huge in this one. Also, interestingly, Chris Jericho did not debut last night as rumoured, perhaps setting him up to be the saviour of TNA, announced tonight on Impact? Although the heavy betting is on Chris Hero to be that saviour. Expect the saviour to have some sort of alignment with Shane McMahon on his arrival.
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[CENTER][COLOR="red"][B][url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07240/tnaa.jpg[/img][/url] iMPACT! Kicks off with a bang here tonight!! The fans are wild as the pyros fly into the arena! We see signs such as ‘HART FEARS ANGLE!’ ‘CAGE IS CLASSIC!’ and ‘STYLES FEARS JOE!’ We see the shots of our announce team, Mike Tenay, Jerry Lawler & Don West. The 3 guys are at the announce table and are ready to cruise us into iMPACT! [IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/MikeTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/DonWest.jpg[/IMG] Tenay – “Good Evening Impact fans, He said for years it would never happen, but now the legend, Bret “Hitman” Hart is returning, one last time to a wrestling ring to dispose of Kurt Angle, TNA is buzzing King….” Lawler – “Everybody knows I hate that Hitman, but Mike, Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart is a dream match and I gotta see it. But forget that guys, who is this saviour of TNA?!” West – “….Im not sure King, but what I am sure of is that we will find out tonight!!!” Tenay – “Also tonight, Cage vs Abyss…..Styles vs the returning Joey Matthews, and Samoa Joe vs Ricky Banderas, tonight is a night, you don’t wanna miss!!!”[/B][/COLOR] [B]**** [U]Triple Threat Match[/U] “The Future” Chris Sabin Vs “The Canadian Destroyer” Petey Williams w/ Christy Hemme vs “Showtime” Eric Young[/B] [I]What a way to kick off Impact! Sabin still smarting from losing the X Division strap, Young is a star in the making, Williams back in the mix following his assault at Slammiversary, Christy Hemme on the outside is shouting support @ Williams, All 3 lock up, Sabin tries to quicken the pace, Young rolls to the outside, Williams ducks Sabin, The scoop up by Petey, Hemme thinks the match is won!! Sabin slides down the back of Williams….. Small Package!!!! 1, 2 ……3!! Where was Eric Young!!! WAIT-A-MINUTE! Williams is down, Sabin gets up who looks at Young on the outside… They smile at each other…. Eric Young grans Christy Hemme!! He puts a smacker on her!!! Hemme pushes him off!!! Hemme looks disgusted!! Sabin & Young stroll back up to boos!![/I] [B]Chris Sabin defeated Petey Williams and Eric Young in 4:43 when Chris Sabin got the pinfall. D **** [U]Tag Team Match[/U] ‘The Steiner Brothers’ “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner & “Dog Faced Gremlin” Rick Steiner Vs ‘The Naturals’ Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens w/ Scott D’Amore[/B] [I]The Steiners are the State favourites here!! Douglas & Stevens are waiting for that glimmer of hope and a break….. Tonight could be that break? Coach Scott D’Amore f’n hopes so!! He shouts the instructions from the mat…. Scott is treating Andy Douglas like a rag doll here…. Scott Steiner then poses, standing over Douglas…. Stevens tries to run in and goes for the flying cross body! Stevens managed to tag in! Scott Steiner is standing over Douglas and has Stevens in the cradle position…. He goes over for the tag to Rick Steiner…the fans pop!… SCOTT STEINER LAUNCHES Stevens into the air!! Rick manages to catch him into the Steinerline!!! Its over!![/I] [B]The Steiner Brothers defeated The Naturals in 5:28 when Rick Steiner defeated Chase Stevens by pinfall with a Steinerline. D ****[/B] [B][U]Ringside[/U][/B] The fans boo madly as “Ravishing” Robert Roode comes to ringside with Trish! He is wearing a very expensive suit and is reminiscent of a Triple H 2004 circua. Trish is in a little black number….not literally, its just a dress…. Roode has a mic…. [I]Roode – “Ya know something, last week I made a statement of intent right here on Impact, when I beat down your legend, Sting, like a dawg!”[/I] The fans boo. [I]Roode – “SO heres the deal, I want Sting in a match, I wanna finish his career, and I wanna do it right here tonight!!!!”[/I] The fans erupt!!! [I]Roode – “SO Stinger, I know you’re here somewhere tonight (looks to the rafters) so come and get it!!!”[/I] He drops the mic and they both stroll backstage to boos! [B]B **** [U]Backstage[/U][/B] We see a very scruffy “Cowboy” James Storm sitting in a room with the lights off watching old AMW matches and matches between Storm & his former partner Chris Harris. All we see is Storm rocking backwards & forwards watching the tapes….. What is wrong with James Storm!? [B]E **** [U]Tag Team Match[/U] Taz & Rhino Vs Sabu & Raven[/B] [I]An obvious “ECW” chant erupted here…. Raven & Sabu give the fans a “FUK-U” signal on hearing it….. Taz & Rhino are in matching attires now…. Raven is first in the ring…. Rhino is up against him….. Fierce brawling breaks out….. Raven gets to Sabu whilst holding Rhinos hair…. Sabu jumps in and quickens the pace…. SLAM! He’s brought back to earth with a spear!! Taz tries to reach into his weary partner…. Rhino & Sabu are both down trying to get the hot tags! WAIT!!!! Whos this?! DAMAJA & BASHAM!!!! Gail Kim follows her to men down to the ring!! The fans boo wildly! Damaja pulls down Taz from the apron and nails him into the post!!! Basham does the same to Raven!!! The ref rings the bell!!! Basham & Damaja then hit the ring and pick up Rhino & Sabu and tie them in between the top 2 ropes!! They bring in Taz & Raven and do the same!!! My god they have cleaned house!!! Gail Kim slaps all 4 men!!!! Humiliation here!!! All the officials hit the ring as “B.A.D” leave the ring!!!![/I] [B]Taz and Rhino drew with Sabu and Raven in 5:16 when the referee was forced to rule a no contest when all hell broke loose. During the match we also saw Basham run in and attack Raven, and Damaja do the same to Rhino.[/B] [B]C **** [U]Backstage[/U][/B] We see Michael Cole with X Division Champion AJ Styles & Eric Bischoff….. [I]Cole – “AJ Styles, tonight you face a man returning to TNA, but in 3 weeks you face the Human Weapon Senshi!! What are your thoughts???”[/I] Bischoff then butts in! [I]Bischoff – “What do you think his thoughts are Cole?! He will beat Matthews in seconds and beat the white shadow Senshi when the time comes!!! Stupid Question Cole!!” Styles – “Eric, Eric, Eric….calm down man, just slap Cole instead…..”[/I] Michael Cole then gulps and drops the mic and scurrys off!!!! [B]B **** [U]6 Man Tag Team Match[/U] ‘Team 3D’ Brother Ray, Brother Devon & Brother Runt Vs ‘Latin American Xchange’ Killings, Homicide & Hernandez w/ Konnan[/B] [I]Huge Match here! Looks like Ron Killings, know known as just Killings is a member of LAX……. 3D is a Team with more slickness that car accident in wet weather….. Killings starts off strong on Runt, who gets beaten to a pulp…. Killings tags in Hernandez…. Hernandez…POWERBOMB on Runt….he goes for the quick pin…..NO!! Kick Out from Runt!! LAX look bemused!! Hernandez suplex on Runt… Hernandez tags in Homicide!! Homicide puts Runt in the corner……SUPER PLEX from the top rope!! The fans go wild!! Ray & Devon are trying to will Runt over to the corner but hes out!! All Homicide needs to do is make the cover!! He crawls over Runt….. 1……2……..NO!! Kick out!! Homicide looks pi$$ed!!!! He slaps in Killings!! Killings scoops up Runt for the Running Powerslam!!! Runt slips off the back!! He tags in Brother Ray! The fans go wild!!! Ray- DEADLY BOMB!!!! Killings is down!! Devon hits the ring and cleans out Hernandez & Homicide!!! 1….2…..3!!! My god!!!! Outtanowhere!!!!!!!![/I] [B]Brother Devon, Brother Ray and Brother Runt defeated Homicide, Hernandez and Ron Killings in 8:54 when Brother Ray defeated Ron Killings by pinfall with a Deadly Bomb. C **** [IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/NEWTNAX-Division.jpg[/IMG] [U]TNA X Division Championship Match[/U] “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles © w/ Eric Bischoff vs Joey Matthews[/B] [I]****y, Brash & Confident….and that’s just Bischoff!! Styles stares out Matthews here!! Matthews still wearing WWE style MNM Attire! Styles speeds up the pace to high level! Matthews is trying to mount an offense…. Bischoff moans to the referee that Matthews is cheating with every punch!! Matthews tries to get up a head of steam…. Styles jumps over him and hits the springboard dropkick!! He took Matthews head off with that one!!!! He scoops up Matthews….. Styles Clash…….[/I] [B]AJ Styles defeated Joey Matthews in 9:04 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 2 of his TNA X Division title. C **** [U]Ringside[/U][/B] “IN THE TIME OF NEED – WE ALL NEED A SAVIOUR” - The big screen fills with a smoke effect and theses words show through the smoke! The arena goes black and fills with smoke! The fans are going wild!!! A new music hits….. “The Saviour” is Here!! A White beam of light pin points into the ring from above!!! We see a man facing away from us, arms out like a cross! [url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07240/ghgfghhgfg.jpg[/img][/url] The fans go wild!!! He turns in the Beam of Light!!! Its…… …. …. … CHRIS JERICHO!!!! … “THE SAVIOUR” CHRIS JERICHO!!! The fans go wild!! The lights come on!!! The arena is jumping!!!! Jericho is here in TNA!!!!! My god!!! He is wearing a shiny shirt and leather pants! He has a mic!! [I]Jericho – “In this time of Need, I Am your Saviour!!!!”[/I] The fans go wild!! [I]Jericho – “Ive been watching for a long time now, and its time I swoop in and make the save. TNA needs that beam of light, it needs that Hero leading it into battle….it needs a Saviour…..And you got me!!! Theres far too man a$$ clowns…..far too many juniors here in TNA, that quite frankly couldn’t lead a child to a candy bar! So Mr.Saviour, what do you wish to accomplish, you may ask…..Well kids theres a Title Belt around here which is one ive never won……..Now its Time to make a Change…….. Remember this day that TNA BECAME JERICHO!!!!!!”[/I] He drops the mic as the screen fades off to a commercial!!! [B]A **** [IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/TNATagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [U]TNA World Tag Team Championship Match[/U] ‘Paparazzi Productions’ © Alex Shelley & Austin Starr Vs ‘Voodoo Kin Mafia’ BG James & Kip James[/B] [I]2 of the best Tag Teams in the World here. Hall & Nash aren’t here tonight, due to the death of close friend Sean Waltman. Is tonight the night for VKM? Shelley & Starr look they’ve been wrestling their whole lives!! BG James & Starr start off… James is working to Starr’s pace, We see a few quick fall attempts…. Hot tag to Kip James…… Kip comes in, Starr manages to super kick James….. Tag to Shelley!!! Shelley signals for it……. SHELLSHOCK!!!! The ref’s hands come down quicker than rain from a cloud![/I] [B]Paparazzi Productions defeated Voodoo Kin Mafia in 7:40 when Alex Shelley defeated Kip James by pinfall with a Shellshock. [/B] [B]Paparazzi Productions make defence number 2 of their TNA World Tag Team titles. C **** [U]Highlights[/U][/B] We see various Highlights of the previous matches between Banderas & Abyss. At the end, the teaser hints at further, more brutal matches between the two….. [B]C **** [U]Backstage[/U][/B] We see the Office of TNA Owner Shane McMahon. Shane is talking to Bobby Heenan…. [I]Shane – “Bob, what can I do for you pal?” Bobby – “Shane, ive known you for many years, and ive never demanded anything from you or your family…………UNTIL NOW!”[/I] Shane looks at Bobby Heenan amused. [I]Bobby – “I WANT JERICHO…..I want my Conman, Rob Conway to get Jericho in a match and squash that little twerp!”[/I] [I]Shane – “Seeing you asked so nicely for a match against “Our Saviour”……all you have to do is one thing…..go and get your Conman…….guide him to the ring……step between the ropes…..and breeze past Chris Daniels, Jeff Jarrett & Sean O’Haire…NEXT!!!…think he can manage that?!?!”[/I] The fans erupt as Bobby Heenan gulps!!! [I]Shane – “Surely its not that difficult?!” Bobby – “Its coming Shane….its coming…..”[/I] Bobby walks off as Shane smiles to himself!! [B]C **** [U]Fatal 4 Way Match Winner to face “The Saviour” Chris Jericho @ Victory Road[/U] “Double J” Jeff Jarrett Vs “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels Vs “The Untouchable” Sean O’Haire w/ Lita vs “The Conman” Rob Conway w/ Bobby Heenan[/B] [I]Lita looks hot!!! She has matching attire to Sean O’Haire…. Daniels looks focused here. Jarrett gets the biggest heat here…. Conway with a freshly groomed goatee psyches up! Jarrett and Daniels lock up here…. O’Haire goes straight for Conway…. Daniels gets slammed by Jarrett, Jarrett & Conway double suplex O’Haire Jarrett gets a slap in the jaw from Conway for his efforts!! Daniels then hits a top rope dropkick into Conways head!! Daniels is on fire!! O’Haire gets up slowly! Daniels hits a DDT!! O’Haire is bust open!!! Jarrett gets up, he nails Daniels with a Double Underhook DDT himself….. Conway gets up! Outtanowhere!!!!! – NECKBREAKER!!! SWINGING NECKBREAKER!! He covers Jarrett for the fall!!!![/I] [B]'The Conman' Rob Conway defeated Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels and Sean O'Haire in 7:36 when 'The Conman' Rob Conway defeated Jeff Jarrett by pinfall with a Swinging Neckbreaker.[/B] [B]C **** [U]Vignette[/U][/B] We see Samoa Joe walking around an empty arena with a towel over his head. We see flashes of Joe pinning various opponents, with an Image of Cage vs Joe @ Victory Road popping up, as the screen fades off. [B]B **** [U]Singles Match[/U] “Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe Vs “Man in the Iron Mask” Ricky Banderas w/ James Mitchell[/B] [I]Two Future World Champions – NO DOUBT! Banderas takes off his freaky mask, Joe wrenches his arm up and away we go….. Banderas tries charging Joe to no avail…… Banderas tries again…. No avail…. 3rd time lucky….. Banderas comes off the ropes, Joe, side slam on Banderas!!! James Mitchell cant believe it!! Banderas just sits up!! Joe doesn’t seem fazed….. Banderas grabs Joe’s face and eye gouges him!!! REFEREE!!! The ref ticks of Banderas…. Joe tries to clear his eyes…. Banderas hits the choplock on Joes right leg…. Joe is down….. Banderas going up here!! Suicide Splash!!!! Right onto Joe!!! But Joe rolls it through!! Joe is on top of Banderas…..1….2….NO! Kick out by Banderas!! Mitchell is beside himself here!!! Joe recovers, he scoops up Banderas….And its over!! Muscle Buster!!! What a match!!![/I] [B]Samoa Joe defeated Ricky Banderas in 11:46 by pinfall with a Muscle Buster. B ****[/B] [B][U]In The Ring[/U][/B] Kurt Angles music hits as he gets booed out the Building!! A Wicked “WE WANT BRET!” chant starts!!! Its drowning out Kurt as he starts to speak!! [I]Angle – “Finally!!! Finally I get the Sh-itman in the ring!!!”[/I] BOOS!! [I]Angle – “After this delightful warm up match here tonight against the “Crippled Hart” Ted Hart next, I will continue my pre-victory speech for the Hitman…..such as why he was too much of a ***** to accept my challenge in person……and….”[/I] As Angle continues to speak the music of “The Broken Hart” Ted Hart hits….as he hobbles down to ringside to a nice pop!! He doesn’t look fit to wrestle….but he’s trying to uphold his families honour here!! [B]A **** [U]Grudge Match[/U] “The Broken Hart” Ted Hart Vs “The Olympic Hero” Kurt Angle[/B] [I]The bell rings and Teddy is visibly strapped heavily up here, he doesn’t look good. Kurt is looking over confident here….. Kurt circles Teddy Here…. Teddy looks a man beaten already! Kurt then slides down takes out Ted Harts legs!! Hart is in pain already!! Angle is laughing to himself!! The fans are booing here!!! Angles goes to work on Hart…. Hart looks like hes been in a car crash! How did Shane McMahon sanction this?! Angle asks for his Gold Medals here….. Don West gets up and passes them to him innocently…. Angle then kisses his medals and proceeds to try to stuff them down Ted Harts throat!!!! The fans are booing here!! Stop him!!!! Theres a rustling in the crowd!!! BRET HART!!!! The Hitman in a cap and glasses jumps the barrier!!! He gets towards the ring on the mats!!! Angle spots him and gets up….. He leans on the ropes as the Hitman stops before rolling into the ring…. THE FANS ARE GOING CRAZY!!!! Angle then sees Bret Stopped and laughs….He then starts doing a chicken impression!!! Bret then smiles and grins!! Angle looks confused…… ROLL-UP!!!!! 1…2….3!!!! Ted Hart just rolled up Kurt Angle!!!!!! Bret Hart gos back through the crowd as the fans are going wild here!!! Angle is furious here!!! The EMTS block Angle from getting to Ted Hart, As Angle watches Bret Hart leave the arena through the crowd!!! The arena is rocking here!!!!![/I] [B]Ted Hart defeated Kurt Angle in 4:51 by pinfall following interference from Bret Hart. B ****[/B] [B][U]Backstage[/U][/B] We see Christian Cage watching a monitor of the Hart – Angle segment……… We hear him chant with the crowd – [I]“We Want Bret!!” – “We Want Bret!!”[/I] The fans laugh, then Cage notices the camera and then looks embarrassed!!! Cage vs Abyss is coming up…… [B]C ****[/B] [B][U]Parking Lot[/U][/B] Backstage we see Robert Roode & Trish packing their bags into a stretch limo…. Roode opens the door for Trish to get, as he does he looks around the parking lot a little bit nervous….. He gets in the limo too…. The limo pulls away…… ….as the limo drives off we see a blacked out 4x4 follow the limo, and we catch a very quick glimpse of the driver through an open window….its STING!!!! My God!!! Roode is being hunted here!!! [B]B ****[/B] [B][U]The Main Event[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/TNAWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match[/U][/B] [B]“The Instant Classic” Christian Cage © Vs “The Monster” Abyss[/B] [I]Abyss is the hugely fan favourite here!! Cage looks confident as ever as he looks to the crowd!! Abyss mauls Cage as he turns his back stupidly! Cage cant mount an offense here, Abyss is just chopping Cage here like a lumberjack!! Cage cant get up…. Are we to have a new Champion here on Impact?! Abyss throws Cage around the ring, Cage manages to break free and he runs into the ropes…. Jumps at Abyss, who purely catches him and proceeds to dump him out of the ring!!!! Abyss then looks over the top rope to the floor…. As he does…. BANDERAS hits the ring!!!! He has his Iron mask in hand!!! The fans are booing wildly!!! The ref looks on scarred here – not wanting to get involved!! The fans are willing Abyss to turn around!! SMACK!!! Banderas clobbers Abyss with his mask!! Abyss is bust open here!!!! The ref scurrys away and rings the bell for the DQ!! Cage gets up and brings his title belt in…..he stomps on Abyss to….. He smiles at Banderas….Banderas just turns away to leave the ring…. CAGE CLOBBERS HIM WITH HIS BELT!!! My God!! Has he got a deathwish!!!!! Wait!!! SAMOA JOE!!!! Joe hits the ring!!! Cage flurries away but drops his title belt!! Cage is standing outside the ring….Joe picks up the World Title to the cheers of the fans!! He then raises it in the air!!!!!! The fans go wild at his signal of intent!!!![/I] [B]Abyss defeated Christian Cage in 10:49 when Christian Cage was disqualified when Ricky Banderas ran in and attacked Abyss. B ****[/B] [IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/MikeTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb307/TheEgoImages/DonWest.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]With the Announce Team…..[/U][/B] [I]Tenay – “What an Impact tonight has been!! I cant believe what has transpired here tonight between Cage, Joe, Abyss & Banderas…..Im Still in shock at Chris Jericho’s arrival here….” King – “Don’t you mean….”The Saviour” Chris Jericho, Tenay?!” Don – “What a night! Who would have thought Bret Hart would have been here tonight!!!!” Tenay – “What an Impact?! We’re outta time!!!!!”[/I] B[/COLOR] [url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07240/tnavr07.jpg[/img][/url] [B]Final Show Rating – C, The Show was a success. Attendance Figure – 9,522[/B][/CENTER]
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[B]Predictions Review. Winner to Name The Tag Team of Rhino & Taz.[/B] The Rick - 1/6 Extreme Athelete - 2/6 Dorian - 3/6 [B][COLOR="Red"]loves2spooge - 4/6[/COLOR][/B] - Well Done Son! Hail Sabin! - 2/6 Colt Cabana - 2/6 BIGJOSH - 2/6 [QUOTE]OOC - Sorry for the delay guys, had other things to do!! Sorry the results were a little too tricky, and that other matches happened that werent on the quick picks, but hey nevermind!!! Hope you all enjoyed the show! and I really appreciate you guys Predicting & Discussing this TNA.[/QUOTE]
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]Tuesday, Week 1 July 07 From PWTORCH.COM RAW Notes & TNA Tidbits[/U][/B] WWE Raw last night was live from the Bob Carpenter Centre, We saw Johnny Nitro beat Shawn Michaels in an apparent 5 star match, and also Randy Orton beat John Cena in the main event. Robert Roode has extended his TNA deal. A “Multi-year, Multi-Million” Pound contract has been agreed for the future Spearhead of the company. Roode is currently entering into a feud with Sting. Also, One half of the TNA tag Team, “The Naturals”, Andy Douglas is said to be having ligament troubles in his ankle. With his return to TNA still fresh, he will aim to work through this injury in an aim to get back to the top of the already stacked TNA Tag Team Division.
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Just to tell you in the actual TNA, any DQ in a title match, the title can change hands just to be different from everyone else. Not sure if you stated it as a new rule with Shane, but I am just letting you know. With everything else, this is a very good diary and I really love the writing and all the new guys being brought in. Keep it up and I got to totally catch up. And X-Pac passing away. Damn! That was a shocker.
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Yeah i was aware, but im trying to get the rulings similar to WWEs, As Shane McMahon's TNA needs to be very similar to WWE to be successful in the mainstream Thanks for pointing it out, not sure if i mentioned it tho! Taxi for Ego!
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As Mister Kennedy points out, ya hadn't stated that. But you can get around it by having O'Mac come out and just state he won't allow that. ^_^ Great diary, and I like the swerves you are producing. Keep it up, Ego.
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Yeah, that was definitely a sick show and defintiely one of the greatest in Impact history. Teddy beating Angle was a shocker and I was surprised to see Abyss win as well. But the storylines are awesome so definitely congrats in that department. The diary just keeps getting better and better and I cant wait for the next show, KUTAW.
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Thanks Dude, Comments are always appreciated. Aslong as Teddy continues to put in good matches, and doesnt flunk on me, "The Broken Hart" has a future in TNA. Abyss picking up the victory keeps him strong. I have high hopes for both my Tag & World X Divisions, hope they are interesting for everyone else too.
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[url=http://xs.to][img]http://xs215.xs.to/xs215/07206/LOGOvip.jpg[/img][/url] [B][U]Wednesday, Week 1 July 07 From PWTORCH.COM WWE/TNA News[/U][/B] ECW on Sci Fi last night saw Rob Van Damn beat Justin Credible in the Main Event. WWE Smackdown saw Edge retain his WWE title over the Boogeyman. Interestingly, TNA Owner Shane McMahon has contacted the WWE over the possible “use” of the “Stampede Bulldogs” for a few dates in TNA, possibly in the Bret Hart-Kurt Angle feud, take this for what you will until you see confirmation on the TNA or WWE website.
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Wow, Wembley? :eek: Dude, it's the hallowed turf. So many great FA Finals Cup memories there. It's like Lords, or Twickenham, getting there, and especially if you can pack it out you're doing awesome and it's a great experience. I bid you good luck in selling that mother out, perhaps the curtain raiser could be Chelsea and Arsenal or something :)
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