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WWE: Time To Play The Game...for now...

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Pre-Show: [I]Non-title: WWE Women’s Champion Cheerleader Melissa vs. Mickie James [/I] These two didn’t click, and the fans have been almost taught to have no interest in women matches. Foley was at ringside with James, but it didn’t really help the match at all. Melissa got the win nearly 5 minutes in with an Air Raid Crash. Winner at 4:44 Cheerleader Melissa [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]Cryme Tyme vs. The Bar Brawlers [/I] This wasn’t that good at all. Kingston and Ruckus showed some promise, but the fans just weren’t that into the match really. That said, management clearly have some confidence in the Brawlers, who got the win when Ruckus hit The Hate Crime (a sit-out Suplex Slam) on JTG. Winners at 4:39 The Bar Brawlers [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]Umaga vs. Unknown [/I] The fans were treated to very good match to get them hyped before the show. As always, the mysterious competitor was great and Umaga was a solid opponent. The match didn’t last long, but Umaga was cost the victory after the ref was accidentally knocked out. The Undertaker hit the ring and Chokeslammed the Samoan Bulldozer. The unknown wrestler then locked in a Sharpshooter! The ref came to in time to see Umaga tap out. Winner at 3:39 Unknown [B]Rating: B [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/mondaynightraw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR: [/B]Welcome to Monday Night Raw! Ladies and gentlemen, we are one night removed from the hottest party of the summer, I’m of course talking about Summerslam! [B]Lawler: [/B]It was a great night full of exciting action from Smackdown and Raw, but when all was said and done, CM Punk still walked out champion! [I]Time To Play The Game! A familiar riff and vocals are heard over the P.A. and Triple H walks out to a fair amount of boos. He walks to the ring and does his iconic entrance, before grabbing a mic from ringside. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TripleHShades.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple H: [/B]Can the production idiots cut the music and bring up the lights, and can all the jackasses who paid to be here tonight please shut the hell up, because no-one tuned in to hear your whiney voices. Look, I already asked- shut your damn mouths! Thank you! I’m not out here just to piss you all off, I just want to get a few things off my chest. I didn’t lose last night- whoa! Stop booing, stop pissing and moaning because it’s true. If he had of pinned ME or even hit me with the Superkick in the final moments, then I’d concede that maybe he could be better than me. But no...I was Chokeslammed when I couldn’t fully defend myself after I Pedigreed Umaga. I took out the Samoan Bulldozer and The Undertaker took advantage. With the best man taken out of the match, HE took the chance to kick Undertaker in the chin and steal the victory. To be honest, it makes me sick. Now, I know Vince McMahon is making an announcement later on in the show, but regardless of what the announcement is, I just want to say...I hope you’re watching VERY closely. I hope you’re listening well, turn up the monitor in your locker room. [I]*Turns away from the camera to the fans.*[/I] If I were you, I’d really shut up, because this doesn’t concern you, it’s between ME...and him. Right...whatever the announcement later on tonight is, wherever it leaves either of us, I want to make something absolutely clear, so there’s no doubt left in your mind...this isn’t over yet, and I will get my revenge Shawn. [B]Rating: B [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [I]World Tag Team Title Match: World Tag Team Champions Cade and Murdoch vs. The Hardy Boyz [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/LanceCade2.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TrevorMurdoch2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JeffHardy3.jpg[/IMG] This was a solid tag team bout that had the fans fairly interested, which is a rarity in this division. All four men showcased their talents for 8 and a half minutes, until Cade hit a stiff Lariat for the win! Winners at 8:34 and STILL World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]We cut backstage, where Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra is in his office, dressed in a sharp suit. There’s a knock at the door and Dykstra goes to answer. In walks...Vince McMahon! [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KennyDykstra3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dykstra: [/B]Erm...sir? [B]Vince: [/B]Yes? [B]Dykstra: [/B]You know I’m doing interviews to find someone to try to help me take over the WWE, to cleanse and censor the corruption that its subject to? [B]Vince: [/B]Yes? I’m not liking your tone. Watch your mouth! [B]Dykstra: [/B]Vinnie, may I remind you that YOU’RE being interviewed by ME for a position on my staff. So, impress me... [B]Vince: [/B]Well, my herculean physique! I’m a billionaire! I AM professional wrestling...hell; I’m Vincent Kennedy McMahon, dammit! [B]Dykstra: [/B]Ah, yes. The man who’s beaten up his daughter, wanted to bring incest into this fair sport, the man who makes grown men kiss his bottom for some perverse pleasure. Vince, I’m sorry but you’re NOT suitable. [B]Vince: [/B]Well...I never wanted the job anyway...I mean, I still have the Corporation. [B]Dykstra: [/B]Vince...YOU’RE.........FIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRED! [B]Vince: [/B]Damn you! Kenny, you’re gonna regret that. Don’t worry- it won’t be The Corporation getting its revenge or anything like that. But I’m making my announcement later on tonight and you WON’T be involved. [B]Rating: C+ [/I] [I]Nick Armaho vs. Dan Severn [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/NickDinsmore2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DanSevern.jpg[/IMG] In the shock of the night, these two didn’t click but still put on a solid match that the fans were relatively in to! Severn was impressive, managing to get the fans to boo him despite not really caring who he is. Armaho put on another solid performance but seems to be treading water. In the end, a You’re Nicked put Severn down for the 3-count half way through the 3rd minute. Winner at 3:33 Nick Armaho [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]The Undertaker comes out with druids who are bringing out an open, empty casket. The casket is left against the apron at ringside, and Taker gets into the ring. He doesn’t take his hat and trench coat off, instead just taking a mic from ringside. The lights stay on a deep blue. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheUndertaker2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Undertaker: [/B]Umaga...you were lucky to escape at Summerslam. You were lucky to escape my wrath last night, but this is not over. It has not been said for a long time, but this really is my yard. You’ve made a horrible mistake and a terrible judgement of character if you think I will let you get away with the attacks last month. Summerslam wasn’t the end of our war, it was the beginning. It will end, quite fittingly, at Unforgiven. Because Umaga...you are not forgiven for anything you’ve done in the last month. So, in four weeks your career will be over. You will Rest In Peace. [I]Undertaker leaves the ring and closes the lid of the casket, before getting back into the ring. One of the druids stays next to the casket, resting his hand on the closed lid, while the rest leave. [/I] [B]Undertaker: [/B]You’ve made a name for yourself by using cheap attacks to vanquish valiant foes. You’ve defeated the likes of Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels...but you’ve not beaten ME yet. Umaga...at Unforgiven you will step into the ring with the Dead Man...in a Street Fight. [I]Suddenly, the druid who had been stood by the casket sneaks up behind Taker and low blows him! Undertaker falls to the mat, and the druid pulls back his hood to reveal his face... [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ArmandoAlejandroEstrada.jpg[/IMG] it’s Armando Alejandro Estrada! Estrada slips out of the ring and opens the casket... [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] Umaga sits up! The Samoan Bulldozer climbs out of the casket into the ring and charges, hitting a modified Shining Wizard of sorts on the Dead Man. Umaga unloads on the Dead Man with rights and lefts, busting him open. A bloody Undertaker is lifted up, only to be sent back down with a Samoan Spike. Umaga and Estrada stand tall over a bloody Dead Man. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Chuck Palumbo vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Carlito Caribbean Cool [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChuckPalumbo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BryanDanielson3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] This was a solid Triple Threat that was thankfully given enough time to develop. These three relatively under-used talents went for just over 10 minutes, keeping the fans interested and putting on a decent showing. In the end, the streak was kept alive when Danielson hit the Dragon Suplex on Palumbo! Winner at 10:27 Bryan Danielson [B]Rating: C- [/B] [B]JR: [/B]Well, up next folks is the culmination of a long rivalry. [B]Lawler: [/B]That’s right, we’ve got former partners Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas facing off. [B]JR: [/B]Not just former partners King, but former World Tag Team Champions. Charlie Haas turned on Benjamin after Shelton showed some...shall we say...unwanted affection towards his partner! [B]Lawler: [/B]Haas clearly didn’t like Benjamin’s display of emotions when they were embroiled in a feud with the Hardy Boyz earlier in the year, and the team split. [B]JR: [/B]And that’s brought us here. The two have had 6 matches already over the last couple of months, but they’re now tied at 3-3. The winner of tonight will prove their dominance by winning the Best of Seven Series! [B]Lawler: [/B]It won’t be enough just to beat your opponent- you have to force them to submit and concede that you are the better man! [B]JR: [/B]That’s absolutely right. Up next, live on Monday Night Raw it’s Shelton Benjamin vs. Charlie Haas, the final match of their Best of Seven Series and it’s Submission Only! [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]Best of 7 Series: Submission Only: Shelton Benjamin (3) vs. Charlie Haas (3) [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SheltonBenjamin5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CharlieHaas20.jpg[/IMG] Benjamin was sadly off his game, but these two still put on the standard of match most people were expecting. They went for nearly 12 minutes and wrestled a solid mat-based match. Haas went for the Haas of Pain in the 11th minute but it was immediately reversed and Benjamin locked in the Crossface. Moments later, Haas tapped out and Benjamin won the series! Winner of the Best of 7 Series at 11:29 Shelton Benjamin [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [B]JR: [/B]Benjamin does it! He proves his superiority over his former partner and looks to have no remorse in causing him pain! [B]Lawler: [/B]Maybe the Shelton Benjamin we’re used to is coming back JR! [B]JR: [/B]That may well be the case, King. But what the hell’s this?! [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] [I]Benjamin is taken out from behind by Samoan Seanoa! The Corporation member takes out the former World Tag Team Champion with a high running leg lariat and starts choking him out. He picks up Benjamin again and hits the Muscle Buster! Seanoa then locks in a Rear Naked Choke before leaving Benjamin unconscious on the floor, with Haas looking on from ringside. [/I] [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnHennigan.jpg[/IMG] [I]We cut backstage, where Mick Foley is walking! The fans give him a decent pop, but this turns to boos when Johnny Nitro comes into view. He gets in Foley’s face and stops him from walking any further. [/I] [B]Nitro: [/B]Well...well...well. Lookie here, it’s Mick Foley. What brings you back to Raw, Mick? Is it a new novel that’s sure to be full of shocking scenes to get a cheap reaction, just like your matches? Or is it a-NOTHER autobiography, yawn-yawn, that only ever sells well because these morons will lap up anything you say, not because of any literary merit? Either way, you’re clearly only here to prostitute your career and legacy. [B]Foley: [/B]Whoa! Tell jolly old Saint Mick exactly what you mean by that, Johnny. [B]Nitro: [/B]What I mean, Foley, is that you’re only back to make a quick buck. You can’t stay away from the money and the cheap pops, the thrills both of them give you. They’re just as cheap as your wife- [B]Foley: [/B]WATCH YOURSELF NITRO! Tread very...very...VERY carefully. I’m going to be a gentleman and hear you out, but just think about your words very carefully before you let them slip out of your mouth. [B]Nitro: [/B]You’re bastardising your legacy. You’ve retired, left, gone on hiatus, however you wanna put it SO many times that it’s lost all meaning. No-one cares about Mick Foley, Hardcore Legend, anymore. That’s why you and Mickie James never get any TV time anymore...Mick, take a break. Leave Raw for good, if you want. Just stop trying to hog the limelight. [B]Foley: [/B]Nitro...let me tell you something. It’s a little story about a happy, plump man from Long Island. Here’s how it goes...the man has a dream, he has a vision...he wants to reach the big time in the world of professional wrestling. He throws himself off a high shed just to get noticed, just to get his shot. He plies his trade in Japan, spills blood to earn his chance at the big-time all over Europe and puts himself through tables to help EC-****ing-W! This man left his ear in Germany, buckets of blood over every state in America just to get a chance to do this job. He takes any opportunity that comes his way to continue doing this job, because he loves- no! Johnny, this man LIVES...BREATHES...eats, drinks sleeps and BLEEDS this business that we all claim to love. This man is then told by a relative nobody, whose most extreme act is not using protection backstage with Kenny Dykstra- [B]Nitro: [/B]Shut the h- [B]Foley: [/B]AND THIS...kid...has the audacity to disrespect the man’s legacy and legendary status, all the blood he spilt just so this boy can lace his own boots. He paved the way, and the kid doesn’t show him any respect. So, do you know what the man does, Johnny? He- [I]Eric Bischoff appears, getting between the two. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff: [/B]Not...another...word. It’s clear you two have developed an issue with each other very quickly. Mick, back off! Nitro, just relax- I’ve got this one, don’t worry. We go a while back, we’re pals- I won’t do anything that would jeopardise you or your health. [B]Nitro: [/B]Thank you Eric, thank you! I think that’s best for both me and Mr. Foley, because the things I’d do to him if I got the chance are unreal. [B]Bischoff: [/B]Really? Well, Johnny if you’re so sure you could destroy the Hardcore Legend- [B]Nitro: [/B]Oh I could, easily! [B]Foley: [/B]By Hardcore Legend, he isn’t talking about your mother in her little “home videos.” [B]Bischoff: [/B]Enough! Mick, I'm currently the co-General Manager of this brand, I'm in charge now! Mick, you clearly want this and Nitro...you clearly think you can take it to Foley and give him the best you’ve got. So, at Unforgiven it will be Johnny Nitro...versus...Mick Foley...in a Hardcore Match! [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]We’re back in the main arena, and Vince McMahon is making his way to the ring for his big announcement! [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vince: [/B]That was quite a bombshell by Eric Bischoff there, but I’ve got something bigger, something better. Next week will mark the beginning of a tournament to crown the Number One Contender to the Ultimate Wrestling Title. Here’s the deal...at Unforgiven there will be a 6-way Match, with the winner getting a title match at Cyber Sunday. That still leaves Unforgiven and No Mercy, but I will leave it to the champion- whoever that will be after tonight’s main event- and all the General Managers to decide what will be happening there. Now, one man called me out the other week and said that he better be involved in my announcement. I’m happy to say that Chris Jericho...you WILL be in this 6-way Match...if you win your qualifier. Yes, next week will see all 6 spots competed for. Because of the current rivalries on Raw and matches set already for Unforgiven, there will only be one Raw qualifier next week. That will see Chris Jericho against a yet-to-be-named opponent. On the Smackdown after that Raw, there will be five more qualifiers. The winners of these six matches will compete at Unforgiven to determine the challenger for the Ultimate Wrestling Championship at Cyber Sunday. Good look to everyone involved. [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]WWE Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra and Triple H vs. Val Venis and Shawn Michaels [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KennyDykstra3.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TripleHShades.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ShawnMIchaels3.jpg[/IMG] This was a fantastic match from bell-to-bell, with Dykstra really stepping up his game to hang with the main eventers. It was an open match and all four men got in lots of offence, with Dykstra booked like someone who can be at this level. In the end, he didn’t even take the fall, with Val Venis pinning Triple H 16 minutes in with a Money Shot! Winners at 15:55 Val Venis and Shawn Michaels [B]Rating: A [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WWEUltimateWrestling.jpg[/IMG] [I]WWE Ultimate Wrestling Title Match: WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Edge [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] Just like the last time they faced, these two put on a brilliant show for the fans. They were given just over 18 minutes to work with, and made the most of the time whilst still telling a solid story. Edge looked like a legitimate threat to the title, very rarely resorting to cheating. Suddenly, nearly 18 minutes in, Val Venis’ music hit! Edge looked angry and left the ring, walking towards the back to confront him. Punk followed after him and turned him round, asking him to come back to the ring to finish the match. The Rated R Superstar decks the champion and the two brawl on the outside, up the ramp. The ref, realising he’s lost control, calls for the bell and ends the match. CM Punk and Edge drew at 18:37 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. Therefore still WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk! [B]Rating: A [/B] FINAL RATING: B No comments.
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] [I]News from WWE.COM[/I]: It has been announced that after Val Venis' distraction (or rather, his music's distraction) cost Edge his title match with CM Punk on Monday, in retaliation for Edge doing the same during Venis' opportunity at Summerslam, the General Managers of all three brands have reached a decision for the Ultimate Wrestling Title Match for Unforgiven. It will be CM Punk defending his title against Edge AND Val Venis in a Triple Threat Match! [B]Tonight on the biggest ECW in history... [/B] [U]New star debuting![/U] As announced on Sunday night, Smackdown! General Manager Theodore Long and the Messiah of Extreme Paul Heyman have made a talent trade. Tonight on ECW, the Chairman of the Board Vince McMahon will be in the ring to personally introduce the new ECW superstar! Who will it be? [U]Confirmed Matches[/U] Non-title: WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar ECW Xtreme Tag Team Title Match: ECW Xtreme Tag Team Champions Balls Mahoney and The Sandman vs. Alex Martin and Jimmy Rave [B]Bret's First Ever ECW Match:[/B] Non-title: Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. ECW Xtreme Champion Kane! [I]New Superstar's Debut Match: [/I]Sabu vs. ECW's Newest Star (will be announced just prior to the match)
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Pre-show: [I]Ric Flair vs. Unnamed [/I] These two have clearly worked together before, and they put on a very good pre-show. They went for 17 and a half minutes, with both men visibly tiring towards the end (although Flair was clearly exhausted). The Nature Boy managed to steal the win with a roll up. Winner at 17:36 Ric Flair [B]Rating: B [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ecwlogo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Styles: [/B]We’re opening with the Ultimate Wrestling Champion in action, we’ve got an Xtreme Tag Title Match, Bret Hart making his ECW debut and a new star coming over from Smackdown! Welcome to the biggest EVER edition of Extreme Championship Wrestling! I’m Joey Styles, as always I’m joined by ECW original Tazz! [B]Tazz: [/B]Tonight will be historic for all the right reasons and I for one can’t wait! Let’s get the party started! [I]Non-title: WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] They put on a fantastic opener that really got the crowd hyped for the rest of the show. They weren’t given a lot of time, but with 4 matches on the card there wasn’t a lot of time. Punk and Lesnar still made the most of the 8 minutes they were given, and Lesnar even got the win over the champion after an F-5! Winner at 8:07 Brock Lesnar [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [B]Tazz: [/B]What a match! And Lesnar beats the champ! [B]Styles: [/B]That was an incredible match, both men deserve credit. We’ve got a packed show still to come over the next fifty minutes, including an appearance from the Chairman of the Board! [B]Tazz: [/B]Vince McMahon joins us tonight on Sky Sports and he’ll have something huge to say. [B]Styles: [/B]This announcement will shake the foundations of ECW. Our esteemed General Manager Paul Heyman made an Talent Trade with Smackdown’s Theodore Long. One man has left the ECW roster and will be revealed on Friday night. However, we’ll found out our acquisition later on tonight! If that’s not exciting enough, seconds after Vince reveals their identity the newest member of the ECW roster will compete against ECW Original Sabu! Stay tuned to ECW. [B]Rating: B [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ECWXtremeTag.jpg[/IMG] [I]ECW Xtreme Tag Team Title Match: ECW Xtreme Tag Team Champions Balls Mahoney and The Sandman vs. Martin and Rave [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BallsMahoney.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Sandman2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AlexShelley-1.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JimmyRave2.jpg[/IMG] This didn’t go down well at all, but despite the number of teams on ECW, there is still no interest in the division so this was expected. All four men got equal offence, but the referee was distracted when Martin low-blowed Sandman before hitting the Shellshock for the win! Winners at 5:51 and NEW ECW Xtreme Tag Team Champions Alex Martin and Jimmy Rave! [B]Rating: D [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] [I]A music video is shown to promote Val Venis, set to Your Revolution Is A Joke by Funeral For A Friend, showing his rise to the top and how he was screwed out of his first chance at a World Title. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I][B]The Hitman’s First ECW Match [/B]: Non-title: Bret “The Hitman” Hart vs. ECW Xtreme Champion Kane [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BretHart.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Kane2.jpg[/IMG] These two were disgustingly given less time than even the Tag Title match, but Hart is really getting on and isn’t great physically. Still, they still pulled out a very solid match. The referee was momentarily distracted when he had to re-attach a turnbuckle pad after Bret un-tied it. The Hitman took advantage of this, drilling Kane with his championship and then locking in the Sharpshooter for the win! Winner at 4:33 Bret Hart [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]No Chance! The fans go insane as the time has come for the newest member of the ECW roster to be revealed. Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring with a huge grin on his face. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vince: [/B]I just want to say congratulations to Bret Hart on getting that win. Bret, no hard feelings ok? I’ll be a fair referee at Survivor Series in November, I promise. But I’m not out here to talk about Bret Hart or an event in a few month’s time- or even ten years in the past. No, I’m out here because this is a night that will go down in history. Smackdown and ECW have made a deal, and two wrestlers will find themselves, by the end of the week, on new brands with new opponents. You’ll have to tune in to Smackdown this Friday to see who their newest star is, but you don’t have to wait long to find out who will be moving to Tuesday nights! Ladies and gentlemen, this man is a third generation wrestler. Wrestling, or Sports Entertainment, is in his blood. He made his debut on Smackdown five years ago, defeating Hardcore Holly. He moved on, aligned himself with some legends of the sport and another up-and-comer at the time. Since then, he’s held the Intercontinental, World Tag Team, World Heavyweight and WWE Championships. He was also the second Ultimate Wrestling Champion in history. Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce...accompanied by Mike Tyson...Randy...ORTON! [I]Randy Orton and Mike Tyson make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos, with some fans even throwing plastic cups onto to the ramp as they walk past. The pair shake Vince’s hand as he gives Tyson the mic. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mike_Tyson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tyson: [/B]You will get used to this sight- Randy Orton with a smile on his face in a wrestling ring. He beat Booker T two nights ago at Summerslam, only to find out that Teddy Long wants him DRAFTED?! It’s insane. [B]Orton: [/B]Not only is it insane, it’s stupid. Theodore Long lost a former Ultimate Wrestling Champion. I wasn’t told who’s replaced me, but really...that’s not possible. I’m simply irreplaceable...I puts asses in seats, simple as. I’m here on ECW to take it to new heights and bring it into a new era. You have all witnessed the beginning of the Orton Era of Extreme Champ- sorry...Orton Championship Wrestling. Welcome to O...C...W! [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]Sabu comes out on cue, gets in the ring and the match can begin! [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] (w/[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mike_Tyson.jpg[/IMG]) vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] This was good match, but a bit better is expected from a main event. That said, Orton was off his game a bit tonight. Sabu held his own against the newest ECW wrestler, fighting for the pride of the original ECW roster. Orton got in offence throughout the match, but it was very even. Sabu looked set to lock in the Camel Clutch 11 minutes in, but Mike Tyson got on the apron. Sabu and the referee were distracted, and Sabu turned around earlier, met with an RKO with the chain! The ref turned just too late to see the chain being slipped into Orton’s boots and counted the pin fall! Winner at 12:09 Randy Orton [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Randy Orton grabs a mic straight after the bell. [/I] [B]Orton: [/B]O-C-W! O-C-W! O-C-W! I won my debut match, and I think the Orton Era has officially begun. I just beat your precious Sabu, the “token” ECW Original that was just wheeled out for me to destroy. With Mike Tyson by my side, ECW WILL become Orton Championship Wrestling. It will only be a matter of time...Kane...before your title is around my waist. I guarantee I WILL be ECW Xtreme Champion before the end of the year. [B]Rating: A [/B] FINAL RATING: B
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] Smackdown! Preview WWE Tag Team Title Match: WWE Tag Team Champions London and Kendrick vs. Cop Killas (Homicide and B-Boy) Chris Hero vs. Paul Burchill vs. Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Chris Masters Batista vs. Josh Abercrombie Rob Evans vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger Smackdown's Newest Superstar vs. William Regal Bobby Lashley vs. Rey Mysterio Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk, Val Venis and Christian vs. Edge, John Cena and Ken Kennedy
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Smackdown! Preview WWE Tag Team Title Match: WWE Tag Team Champions [B]London and Kendrick [/B]vs. Cop Killas (Homicide and B-Boy) Chris Hero vs. Paul Burchill vs. [B]Scotty 2 Hotty[/B] vs. Chris Masters [B]Batista [/B]vs. Josh Abercrombie Rob Evans vs. [B]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B] [B] Smackdown's Newest Superstar[/B] vs. William Regal Bobby Lashley vs. [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk, Val Venis and Christian vs. [B]Edge, John Cena and Ken Kennedy [/B]
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[QUOTE=UFC-KING;513682]Smackdown! Preview WWE Tag Team Title Match: WWE Tag Team Champions [B]London and Kendrick [/B]vs. Cop Killas (Homicide and B-Boy) Chris Hero vs. Paul Burchill vs. [B]Scotty 2 Hotty[/B] vs. Chris Masters [B]Batista [/B]vs. Josh Abercrombie Rob Evans vs. [B]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B] [B] Smackdown's Newest Superstar[/B] vs. William Regal Bobby Lashley vs. [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk, Val Venis and Christian vs. [B]Edge, John Cena and Ken Kennedy [/B][/QUOTE] Cheers for the predictions, any guesses on the ECW wrestler that's been drafted over? Also, feel free to comment on the diary as a whole, nice to know what I'm doing right/wrong.
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Could be Val Venis, or Mike Tyson maybe, although i'm not quite sure As for the diary as a whole, i can't really comment yet, due to the fact that i just started reading it since i got TEW However, you do have a reader for the rest of this dynasty, i'll see if i have the time to check through it A question though, would you mind checking out my dynasty of the WWE, i'm hoping for some predictors and if someone could tell me if i'm doing it right or wrong
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[QUOTE=UFC-KING;513754]Could be Val Venis, or Mike Tyson maybe, although i'm not quite sure As for the diary as a whole, i can't really comment yet, due to the fact that i just started reading it since i got TEW However, you do have a reader for the rest of this dynasty, i'll see if i have the time to check through it A question though, would you mind checking out my dynasty of the WWE, i'm hoping for some predictors and if someone could tell me if i'm doing it right or wrong[/QUOTE] Cheers, glad to have you as a reader. And I'll have a read yeah.
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Pre-show [I]BJ Whitmer, “Lethal” Jay Shipman and Jimmy Jacobs vs. Funaki, Aaron Aguilera and Bryan Danielson [/I] This was a decent match that was very poorly received, mostly due to a lack of interest in any of the talents in the ring, despite them having been in the WWE a while now. In the end, the right team got the win nearly 5 minutes when Whitmer tapped out to the Arms Across America. Winners at 4:52 Bryan Danielson, Aaron Aguilera and Funaki [B]Rating: D [/B] [I]Kevin Steen vs. Chavo Guerrero [/I] This was sort of an open contest, but with it only being a minute long it was essentially a squash. Guerrero dominated the last part of the “contest” before pinning Steen with a Frog Splash. Winner at 1:08 Chavo Guerrero [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]Montel Vontavious Porter vs. Shannon Moore vs. Booker T vs. TJ Wilson vs. Unnamed [/I] This was an unusual match with an odd mix of wrestlers, ranging from total jobbers to superstars. It was just under 5 minutes and got the crowd fairly hyped for the start of the show, and Booker looked good out there. He got the pin on MVP after a Scissors Kick. Winner at 4:47 Booker T [B]Rating: C- [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/fridaynightsmackdown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cole: [/B]Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown! I’m Michael Cole, with John “Bradshaw” Layfield, as always. [B]JBL: [/B]Let’s just get straight to the point. We’re opening the show with a huge title match! [B]Cole: [/B]That’s true. We’ve got Double Champions Paul London and Brian Kendrick defending their WWE Tag Team Titles against the team of Homicide and B-Boy, known as the Cop Killas! [B]JBL: [/B]London and Kendrick also hold the United States and Cruiserweight Titles, respectively. However, I think they’ll struggle against Homicide and B-Boy. [B]Cole: [/B]Neither are proven commodities in a WWE ring, but your right in suggesting that we shouldn’t rule Cop Killas out. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WWETagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [I]WWE Tag Team Title Match: WWE Tag Team Champions US Champion Paul London and Cruiserweight Champion Brian Kendrick vs. Cop Killas [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/PaulLondon5.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BrianKendrick5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/Homicide.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/B-Boy.jpg[/IMG] This wasn’t well-received really, because the fans never totally bought into the idea that Homicide and B-Boy were genuine threats. The four men had 6 and a half minutes to work with, but didn’t really make the most of their ring-time. Kendrick hit Homicide with the Get Well Soon to retain the titles. Winners at 6:37 and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions Brian Kendrick and Paul London [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]The tag champs celebrate in the ring, and Kendrick slips out first to head to the back, as London gives a final wave to the fans. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] Suddenly, he’s attacked from behind by Finlay! The Fighting Irishman takes the US Champion out with a shillelagh and starts to lay in rights and lefts, then choking out Paul London. Kendrick turns around to see the attack and runs down, sending Finlay running up the ramp motioning around his waist that he wants the United States Title. [/I] [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]Smackdown General Manager makes his way to the ring with a mic in hand. He gets into the squared circle to a fairly lukewarm response. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] [B]Long: [/B]I was gonna come out here originally just to announce Smackdown’s tournament matches for next week’s broadcast. However, after what just happened I’ve got something else to say, ya feel me? Finlay, it seems you wanted to get some attention, and then a United States Title match. Well, playa, you’ve got it. I know Paul London is a fighting champion and he’ll want to get his hands on you. That said...if either of you lay a finger on each other, not only is the match called off but London...will be stripped of the United States Title...and you will be fired. Save it for Unforgiven, playas. Now, next week Smackdown will host five matches to qualify for the Number One Contenders 5-way at Unforgiven. Things have changed since Vince McMahon’s announcement on Monday Night though. Val Venis and Edge will both get a shot at getting into the 5-way. The way it’ll work is, if either of them win their match, win the 5-way Number One Contender’s Match and THEN win the World Title, they can pick their opponent at Cyber Sunday. Now, the brackets next week...Edge will be facing a former partner and friend...Rey Mysterio! Val Venis will go one-on-one with...the Great Brit, William Regal. John Cena will fight against Jushin Thunder Lyger, whilst Christian will be up against Bobby Lashley! Finally, the Animal Batista will face Smackdown’s newest superstar, who will be revealed later on tonight. Good look playas, and holla, holla, holla! [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Chris Hero makes his way to the ring for the Fatal Four Way, but has something to say before his opponents can come out! [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisHero2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hero: [/B]Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t want to take up too much of your time but I do have something to say. This will be my last match...as a singles wrestler. Next week, my tag team partner will make his return to the WWE. He’s a former Tag Team Champion, and is more than qualified to join me in my quest for tag team gold. He’s been gone a while, but tune in next week to see a true legend make his return. [B]Rating: D [/B] [I]Paul Burchill, Scotty 2 Hotty and Chris Masters make their entrances and the match can begin. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisHero2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisMordetzky.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/PaulBurchill2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ScottTaylor.jpg[/IMG] This was as solid as was expected, and this was given enough time to develop. Despite the fans not really knowing Hero all that much, and having no interest in Masters, they were still quite into the match. Masters was playing the lone heel, creating an interesting dynamic. In the end, nearly 8 minutes in Burchill tapped out to the Hangman’s Clutch. Winner at 7:46 Chris Hero! [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]We cut backstage, where Christian, Val Venis and the Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk are standing by. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Christian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] [B]Christian: [/B]Next week, I have the chance of a life time. I will go out there in front of the world and beat Bobby Lashley for my entire Peepulation. However, that’s next week. Tonight, I’m teaming up with these fine gentlemen to face John Cena, Ken Kennedy...and Edge. Me and John Cena don’t exactly get on well- he turned on me brutally and beat me down a while back, and in the process turned his back on all the Peeps. Ken Kennedy is just a loud-mouth who hasn’t really done much to deserve to be in a match featuring former World Champions and current Number One Contenders. Now...Edge...we’re brothers, but I will do anything to get the win tonight just to prove that I deserve my spot. Nothing personal, but please don’t be offended if I take you out on my way to becoming Number One Contender at Unforgiven. [B]Venis: [/B]Hello ladies...William Regal...best of luck...not just next week, but tonight. I’ve heard a rumour and well, you won’t want to face Smackdown’s newest star...and you sure as HELL don’t want to face the Big Valbowski next week on Smackdown. I will do all I can to get into this Number One Contenders Match at Unforgiven, and I will do all I can tonight to prove I deserve the spot I’ve earned at Unforgiven, and the spot I earned at Summerslam. [B]Punk: [/B]Edge...you’ve sneaked your way into the title picture again by screwing Val out of his first World Title opportunity. Best of luck for you tonight, next week against Rey Mysterio and at Unforgiven, but Edge...you won’t be walking out champion. [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]We cut to the locker room where Deuce and Domino are sat. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Deuce.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Domino.jpg[/IMG] [B]Domino: [/B]So, you heard we’re against Chris Hero and his partner next week huh? [B]Deuce: [/B]Yeah I heard...we’ll dominate whoever it is, and if it looks unlikely...we’ve got the brains to get the job done. [B]Domino: [/B]I’ve been thinking...maybe we shouldn’t rely on the cheap shots? I mean, we’re on a losing streak and maybe your tactics are to blame? Maybe doing the right thing might help us? [I]Deuce doesn’t respond, instead slapping Domino hard in the face. Domino looks stunned, and Deuce is booed by the fans as he storms out of the locker room. [/I] [B]Cole: [/B]Well I’ve no idea what’s just gone on here, but how will it impacts next week’s tag match? Tune in next week to find out! [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Batista vs. Josh Abercrombie [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DaveBatista3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JoshAbercrombie.jpg[/IMG] There was never any doubt as to who was going to win this match. It was a total squash, but the fans were into it, booing the Animal from his entrance to the end of the 38-second match. Batista hit a Spinebuster, shook the ropes and then hit the Batista Bomb for the dominating win. Winner at 0:38 Batista [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]Mister...Kennedy....Kennedy! Ken Kennedy makes his way to the ring, stands in the centre and catches his mic. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kennedy: [/B]I am...Mister.........Kennedy......KENNEDY! I am Mister Ken Kennedy. I am Ken Kennedy! Look, do I need to come out here and say my name just so Theodore Long can remember who I am? Teddy, you forgot someone for the Number One Contender’s Tournament. I’ve beaten countless former World Champions, I’ve held the United States Champion...I beat the freaking Undertaker in his last match on Smackdown. Teddy, I’m a proven commodity. It’s criminal that Ken Kennedy is not in with even a chance of becoming Number One Contender. Just to put the ten men who do have a chance on hold, just to give you a warning...remember the face...remember the name, because someone won’t have any easy road to Vengeance next week. [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Rob Evans vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JackEvans-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JushinLiger.jpg[/IMG] These two combined to have a good, fast-paced match featuring quick chain wrestling and high-flying action. They went for 5 minutes until Evans was pinned with a Brainbuster. Winner at 5:03 Jushin Thunder Lyger [B]Rating: C [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/BookerT.jpg[/IMG] [I]Booker T makes his way to the ring with a mic, getting a decent reaction from the fans. Before he can make it to the end of the ramp, he’s taken out from behind by... [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DaveBatista3.jpg[/IMG] Batista! The Animal lays into Booker, hitting a Spinebuster on the steal ramp before pulling apart the stairs and delivering a Batista Bomb onto the unforgiving steal. Batista grabs the mic. [/I] [B]Batista: [/B]At Unforgiven...Booker T...you’re next! [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring to a less than favourable reception. He gets into the squared circle and waits for his music to cut out. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vince: [/B]Unless you live in the United Kingdom, you won’t have seen who was traded to the ECW roster earlier this week. Well, I’ll tell you...Randy Orton is no longer a Smackdown superstar, and his agent Mike Tyson followed him to the Land of Extreme. His replacement...is a veteran of the land of extreme. He’s a former ECW Tag Team, TV and World Champion. He’s a former Money in the Bank Winner...he’s held the WWE Title, the Tag Team and European Titles. He’s also a former 4-time Hardcore and 6-time Intercontinental Champion. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome BACK to Smackdown...Mr. Friday Night...the Whole Damn Show, Rob...Van...Dam! [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]William Regal comes out and makes his way down the ramp for his match with RVD. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WilliamRegal6.jpg[/IMG] These two should have combined to make a solid match, but they just didn’t click in the ring and it hurt the match. Regal dominated the early goings with some mat-based offence and the odd cheap-shot, but Van Dam quickly build momentum and fought back with quick kicks and Monkey Flips. The ref was taken out by a stray kick by RVD, giving Regal the opening his needed. A low blow is followed by the Power of the Punch. The brass knuckles are stored back in Regal’s trunks and he makes the cover just as the ref comes to, getting the cheap win. Winner at 9:47 William Regal [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Rey Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ReyMysterio2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] These two didn’t have as good a match as expected either, but it wasn’t bad enough to bore the fans. Mysterio constantly tried to use his speed to his advantage but was cut down by the raw power of Lashley. He went for the 619 six minutes in, but Cena walked down, distracting him. Cena immediately walked to the back when Rey turned back around and when he did he was met with a huge Spear that left him down for the 3-count. Winner at 7:05 Bobby Lashley [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]You think you know me? The Rated R Superstar Edge is out first for the main event and, to the dismay of the fans, has something to say before his opponents come out. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge: [/B]Why the hypocrisy? Please, just explain this to me...my music plays at Summerslam, something that was quite out of my control, and I get booed and criticised. I get a fair one-on-one match against CM Punk, thanks to Eric Bischoff. It seems fair to me...Punk’s Ultimate Wrestling Championship versus...my career. Val Venis’ music hits in a blatant attempt at unwarranted revenge...and you people cheered him! Val Venis did the EXCACT same thing I did, but he nearly jeopardised my career and my ability to earn a living. You people loved Val Venis for nearly ruining a man’s life, and booed me because some technical idiots accidentally played my music. It’s a freaking disgrace, and I’ll prove tonight why it’s a disgrace that my rematch is a Triple Threat at Unforgiven. [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]Edge, Ken Kennedy and John Cena vs. Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk, Val Venis and Christian [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Christian.jpg[/IMG] This wasn’t the classic expected, despite being given a good 21 minutes to showcase all 6 men. Venis was visibly tiring towards the end, but was made to look like he’s still a huge threat to Punk’s title at Unforgiven. In the end, the heels got the win when Kennedy hit the Green Bay Packer on Venis. Winners at 21:37 Ken Kennedy, Edge and John Cena [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Edge gets in the corner after the bell and charges to hit a Spear on Venis, but he moves out of the way and Edge is met with a high kick by Punk! A GTS follows, as Cena gets hit with an Unprettier and Kennedy is knocked down with a Clothesline, followed by a Money Shot. Punk, Venis and Christian are left standing tall raising each others’ arms as the show goes off the air. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] FINAL RATING: B- No comments
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] Raw Preview: Pick Your Poison Ahead of their match in a couple of weeks at Unforgiven, Mick Foley and Johnny Nitro have been given the right to pick each other’s opponent and match type this week. Johnny Nitro has given Mick Foley the challenge of overcoming the legendary Bret Hart in a submission match! Nitro, however, has to face Foley’s old partner, The Rock in a Street Fight! Also on Raw tonight: Kenny Dykstra continues his search for a new partner/alliance, teaming up this week with Shelton Benjamin. These two have very different styles and attitudes, so it will be interested to see how well they click in the ring. Their opponents will be Samoan Seanoa and Charlie Haas! It has been reported on WWE.COM that Haas is the newest member of the Corporation! As part of the Number 1 Contender Tournament, Chris Jericho will take on a yet-to-be-named opponent in the only Raw match in the tournament. The other five matches will be fought on Smackdown this week. In the main event, we have a huge Fatal Four Way, as The Undertaker takes on Umaga, Val Venis and Edge! Also expected to be in action is WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk. Ric Flair will be in the house and apparently has something on his mind. Tune in. Quick Picks: Dykstra's Decision Match: Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra and Shelton Benjamin vs. Samoan Seanoa and Charlie Haas Jeff Hardy vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Trevor Murdoch Submission Only: Mick Foley vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart Carlito Caribbean Cool vs. Kensuke Sasaki Street Fight: Johnny Nitro vs. The Rock Number One Contender Tournament: Chris Jericho vs. ??? The Undertaker vs. Edge vs. Umaga vs. Val Venis
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Sorry this is taking a while, completely swamped with uni work and I had my mate over for the weekend so I got nothing done at all. I've got the last few segments to type up then I'm done, but I'm very busy the next few days so it could be either tomorrow or Monday when this is up. Still, time for any predictions or comments?
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Pre-show: [I]Doug Williams vs. El Generico [/I] Despite both being roughly seen at the same level in WWE, there was no real doubt in the minds of the fans in attendance as to who was going to win this. In less than two minutes, Williams dismantled Generico and put him away with the Chaos Theory. Winner at 1:56 Doug Williams [B]Rating: D [/B] [I]The Bulldogs vs. Cryme Tyme [/I] Both teams fought evenly for over 4 minutes, but in the end the more experienced team got the win when Shad pinned Russ Siaki after a G9. Winners at 4:31 Cryme Tyme [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]Matt Hardy vs. Paul Burchill vs. Unknown [/I] They weren’t given a lot of time, but everyone managed to get equal offence, although once again the unnamed wrestler looked a true star. 6 minutes in, he got the pin on Hardy after a Reverse DDT. Winner at 6:02 Unnamed [B]Rating: C [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/mondaynightraw.jpg[/IMG] [I]We open the show with Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Samoan Seanoa in the ring. Both McMahons have a mic. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ShaneMcMahon3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vince: [/B]Tonight, we punish Kenny Dykstra. Kenny, I said last week you wouldn’t be fired and there wouldn’t be any kind of Corporation vs. Intercontinental Champion feud on Raw. I stick by what I said- this is a one-off. [B]Shane: [/B]Kenny, you wanted a team to face you and Shelton Benjamin to help you decide if he’s worthy to be your partner in censoring the WWE. Well, we saw this as an opportunity to teach you and your partner a lesson. One of your opponents will be this man...Samoan Seanoa! [B]Vince: [/B]If you’ve been on WWE.COM, you’ll know who the partner is but some of the people in this arena tonight look like they don’t even know how to work a shovel, let alone a computer so I’ll make an official announcement. Let me introduce the newest member of the Corporation and Seanoa’s tag team partner...Charlie Haas! [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CharlieHaas20.jpg[/IMG] [I]Haas makes his way to the ring, shakes the McMahons’ hands and stands with Seanoa. [/I] [B]Shane: [/B]Now gentlemen, you’re facing this incredible force in our opening contest, but first Eric Bischoff has an announcement to make. We’ll just be sitting here waiting. [I]The Corporation take seats at ringside as our Co-GM makes his way to the ring. [/I] [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bischoff: [/B]Vince, Shane, Charlie and Seanoa...thank you. Now that huge match is indeed opening the show but later on tonight we have the only Raw-exclusive match in the Number One Contender Tournament. It is sure to be the best, I promise you. Chris Jericho will be in action against an old rival, and a friend. They fought at Wrestlemania...they’ve battled in the first-ever Elimination Chamber- a Bischoff creation, might I remind you- and they really need no introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to announce that tonight Chris Jericho will go one-on-one with...the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, with the winner advancing to the 6-Way at Unforgiven! [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Dykstra’s Decision Match: Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra and Shelton Benjamin vs. The Corporation (Samoan Seanoa and Charlie Haas) [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KennyDykstra3.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SheltonBenjamin5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CharlieHaas20.jpg[/IMG] Although it was only 4 minutes, this was a decent opener. Thankfully, Shane and Vince didn’t get involved at all, but the Corporation still walked out winners when Seanoa choked out Benjamin. Winners at 4:31 Samoan Seanoa and Charlie Haas [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]Dykstra runs up the ramp after the bell with his title and a mic. [/I] [B]Dykstra: [/B]Shelton Benjamin, that was disgraceful. Not only am I trying to censor the filth from our television screens, I’m also aiming to remove poor wrestling from Monday Night Raw. So, I’m sorry, but you’ve shown you don’t deserve to help me. The search continues... [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]Jeff Hardy vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Trevor Murdoch [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JeffHardy3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BryanDanielson3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TrevorMurdoch.jpg[/IMG] The huge contrast in styles between all three competitors made for an interesting and entertaining match-up that made all of them look strong, even for the two who didn’t win. It lasted a shade over 7 minutes, coming to an end with Danielson made Hardy tap out to the Arms Across America, continuing his streak by beating both one half of the World Tag Team Champions and one of their biggest challengers. Winner at 7:03 Bryan Danielson [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [B]JR: [/B]Bryan Danielson just got an impressive victory right there. Up next we’ve got a Pick Your Poison Match. Mick Foley and Johnny Nitro got the right to pick each other’s matches tonight. Nitro went for a match Foley will have to fight hard to win...a Submission Only Match with Bret “The Hitman” Hart! [B]Lawler: [/B]And I’m getting news from the back that after the match, Shawn Michaels will be coming down to make an announcement to his Survivor Series opponent! This could be explosive JR! [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Submission Only: Mick Foley vs. Bret “The Hitman” Hart [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BretHart.jpg[/IMG] Bret still clearly has some ring rust, which is understandable considering his health as well. This kind of match is also not geared at all towards the Hardcore Legend, but the atmosphere made it just about acceptable. They went nearly 8 minutes until Hart made Foley submit to the Sharpshooter! Winner at 7:46 Bret Hart [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]Bret Hart’s music is cut out and replaced by the music of Shawn Michaels, and as promised the Heartbreak Kid makes his way to the stage with a mic. Michaels stops at the top of the ramp though and signals for his music to stop. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ShawnMIchaels3.jpg[/IMG] [B]HBK: [/B]Bret, don’t get excited...I’m not coming down there. You can just wait until Survivor Series, it’s only a few months now Bret. I’m out here because it’s come to my attention that I could be competing at Unforgiven, and I’ve competing on the vast majority- if not all of- the pay-per-views this year. Bret, you’ve not competed in any. So, that got old Shawn Michaels thinking...that’s not really fair is it? I mean, I’m made to compete week after week, AND wrestle on the pay-per-views. One option is for the Heartbreak Kid to take a break until Survivor Series...and well we all know that that will NEVER happen! No Bret, I’m still going to compete and entertain these people as long as a physically can. I know you’re not in the shape to do that, Hitman, but you looked fine out there. So, I took the liberty of speaking to a few people backstage and...well, maybe this will be better coming from this man... [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Woooooo! The Nature Boy Ric Flair struts to the ramp, hugs Shawn Michaels and walks to the ring as HBK leaves. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] [B]Flair: [/B]Who would have predicted this over the last few years...us two standing in the same ring? It’s not something I expected at least, Bret. Here’s the deal...I’m just coming off a big inter-brand tag team match at Summerslam but I’m still itching to go. Unlike you, I LOVE this bus- [B]Hart: [/B]Stop right there! I’m the biggest hero in Canada, I made wrestling great- I’m the best there is, was and ever will be! Wrestling is in my blood! [B]Flair: [/B]It may have BEEN in your blood, but all your pissing and whining took it right out of your system son. [B]Hart: [/B]You shut your damn mouth, I’m- [B]Flair: [/B]You can say you’re Bret Hart, the Hitman, the greatest technical wrestler in the history of this business but one thing you’re not...one thing you will never be, Bret, is the man! But hey, there’s one way you could be...Unforgiven is a couple of weeks away, Hitman. [B]Hart: [/B]If you think I’ll risk my chance at facing Shawn at Survivor Series just for a match with you, you’re very much mistaken! [B]Flair: [/B]You don’t think you can get the job done? C’mon Bret...you just beat Mick Foley. I’m coming off a loss at Summerslam. How about we give the fans a dream match for 2007...the Nature Boy vs. The Hitman...Hart vs. Flair...Legend vs. Legend...come on Bret. It’s what the fans want...it’s what the Hart family want...you don’t want to disgrace everyone’s opinion of you do you? I mean, you’ll disappoint the fans...the people who gave you every opportunity in the business...the people from the Dungeon...Owen...hell, you’ll disappoint Canada- [B]Hart: [/B]YOU’RE ON! [I]Hart immediately drops the mic in the middle of the ring and storms out, leaving Flair looking shocked but pleased. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]We cut backstage to an office. Stephanie McMahon walks in on the phone. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/StephanieMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Stephanie: [/B]Yeah, it’s all moving along nicely Steve. Of course, any time you need to get in, let me know. Oh hold on, I’ve just seen something, I’ll catch up with you another time. [I]McMahon hangs up and walks over to her desk, where there is a note taped to her desk. She reads it and breaks into a grin. She laughs and walks out of the room with the note. [/I] [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Carlito Caribbean Cool vs. Kensuke Sasaki [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KensukeSasaki.jpg[/IMG] Carlito and Sasaki have both been consistent in their performances this year, which might explain Carlito’s constant place on the card and Sasaki being brought back a couple of times despite being a freelancer. They put on a solid but fairly basic match that lasted 6 and a half minutes until a Northern Lights Bomb put CCC away. Winner at 6:34 Kensuke Sasaki [B]Rating: C [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] [I]We cut backstage where CM Punk is walking down a dark corridor towards the gorilla position, belt over his shoulder. He hears something, stops and turns to the shadows but can’t see anything, so he walks past the camera. Seconds later, someone emerges slightly from the shadows, looks in the direction Punk just went, then turns the other away and slips quietly away. [/I] [B]Rating: A [/B] [B]JR: [/B]Well that was certainly odd, but CM Punk is on his way out here because up next he’s in one-on-one action! [B]Lawler: [/B]Many people might see this as a throwaway match when they find out his opponent, but he’s a true veteran and will cause Punk some problems. [B]JR: [/B]Absolutely. Up next, in non-title action, CM Punk faces off against...Steve Corino! [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Non-title: Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Steve Corino [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SteveCorino.jpg[/IMG] CM Punk put in a stand-out performance in this match that achieved more in its near-3 minutes than the rest of the match on the show thus far managed with at least a couple of extra minutes. Corino did get the odd offensive move in, but Punk made him submit to the Anaconda Vice for the win. Winner at 2:49 CM Punk [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Street Fight: Johnny Nitro vs. The Rock [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnHennigan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheRock.jpg[/IMG] Creative forgot that these two didn’t click, but they still pulled out an average brawl that featured some decent spots, including a 360 Corkscrew Splash off a ladder in the ring through the announce table. They fought for 9 and a half minutes until Nitro went for a Crossbody. The Rock caught him, dropped him on his feet and delivered a Rock Bottom for the win! Winner at 9:31 The Rock [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]The Number One Contender Tournament match is announced as being next, but Triple H comes to the ring and has something to say before the competitors can come out. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TripleHShades.jpg[/IMG] [B]Triple H: [/B]Eric, what the HELL were you thinking? I’m the Game, the Cerebral Assassin...I’m the biggest superstar in this business. Hell, I’ve got an online recap of our programming named after me...it’s Time To Play The Game...but no! I’ve been skipped over in favour of Shawn?! Last week’s accident with Val Venis pinning me is irrelevant- I’m the bigger draw and I should be in Raw’s only qualifier. Shawn, I told you this isn’t over between us and I’ll make sure that by Unforgiven you realise that, whether you win or lose tonight. I want this match to get the star power it deserves, so King, JR...move over, I’m joining you on commentary. [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Number One Contenders Tournament: Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ShawnMIchaels3.jpg[/IMG] As always, Michaels and Jericho put on an incredible match to entertain the fans. They both went all-out and deserve full credit for producing an exciting match, showing that the decision to give Raw only one qualifier maybe wasn’t a smart one. Michaels looked to be ready to put Jericho away half way through the 9th minute, but Y2J ducked a Superkick attempt and the ref was sent down. Jericho immediately turned into a successful Superkick this time, but no-one was up the make the count. Suddenly, Triple H hit the ring and spun HBK round and delivered a Pedigree! The Game dragged Jericho’s body onto Michaels and left the ring as the ref came to and made the count! Winner at 10:38 Chris Jericho [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]The main event is next. Edge comes out first, but before his opponents can come out as well, not surprisingly he has something to say. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge: [/B]I told you...I told you I’d prove on Smackdown why I deserve another one-on-one match with CM Punk. My team beat his, cleanly and in the middle of the ring, but all you hypocrites booed me...then, they attacked us after the bell and cheered. I’ll be honest...I don’t give a crap about your respect or what you think about me but I DO care about the chances I’m given in this business. Whether I win or lose tonight, it doesn’t matter...because I will get the World Title at Unforgiven. The Rated R Superstar will get to the top of the mountain again, whether you all like it or not. What do I have to do to prove that I’m the best this company has to offer? Take out three jokes in the main event? Undertaker...done, way back with Rated RKO in January. Umaga...I’ve not had the chance because he’s scared. Val Venis...I won’t even dignify that with a response. [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Umaga, Undertaker and Venis make their way to the ring and the match can begin. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheUndertaker2.jpg[/IMG] The Dead Man was off his game tonight but the talent of all 4 men competing tonight combined to make this an incredible match. This was one of the best matches in recent memory, possibly surpassing the Fatal Four Way at Summerslam a couple of weeks ago. The ending came nearly 15 minutes in when Venis and Edge started to brawl on the outside and through the crowd. As this was happening, the ref was distracted and Umaga was able to Samoan Spike Taker in the groin, followed by a slightly more traditional version of the move for the win Winner at 14:52 Umaga [B]Rating: A* [/B] FINAL RATING: B+ Bret was overused, but it was still a success.
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] ECW Preview: A fair champion, CM Punk gave any ECW competitor the chance to step up and challenge him for the Ultimate Wrestling Title. Senshi Dragon, a member of the Fallen Angels, has stepped up the plate! Confirmed Matches: ECW Xtreme Tag Team Titles: Martin and Rave vs. The Sandman and Balls Mahoney Ultimate Wrestling Title Match: WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Senshi Dragon ECW Xtreme Champion Kane and Tajiri vs. Brock Lesnar and Mordecai Randy Orton vs. Sabu
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here are my predictions for ECW. Winners as usual are in bold. [B]Martin and Rave [/B]vs. The Sandman and Balls Mahoney Ultimate Wrestling Title Match: [B]WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk [/B]vs. Senshi Dragon ECW Xtreme Champion Kane and Tajiri vs. [B]Brock Lesnar and Mordecai[/B] [B]Randy Orton[/B] vs. Sabu
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I've pretty much finished writing up the show, so hopefully I'll have it up by the end of tonight. Sorry for the delays between posts, but uni work is really starting to take its toll. Got my first assessment tomorrow, which is a group presentation. Then, by the 21st I've got to be able to hand in three 500 word essays that I've not even started background reading on...and by the 5th December I need to have (in a group) organised, carried out and written about an interview. In addition to that, the 2nd of December is the start of the uni play that I'm part of, so I'm busy with rehersals for that. So, sadly this isn't my top priority, although I do type bits of shows every day. Just thought I'd explain why updates are usually a few days apart now.
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Pre-show: [I]Viscera vs. “Ace” Chris Colton vs. Gene Snitsky vs. Abyss [/I] This was a poor match that did nothing to get the crowd whipped up for the show, but its purpose was to give everyone some ring-time. In the end, Abyss hit a huge Black Hole Slam on Viscera for the win. Winner at 4:32 Abyss [B]Rating: D [/B] [I]Paul Burchill vs. Perry Saturn [/I] This face-vs.-face match wasn’t really received well by the fans, but from a technical standpoint it was solid. Burchill looks to be a commodity for the future, but tonight he was used to give Saturn a win off-camera. The Death Valley Bomb put him away just over 5 minutes in. Winner at 5:25 Perry Saturn [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]Billy Blade vs. Unknown [/I] Billy Blade and the unnamed masked wrestler didn’t click, but this was too short to mean anything anyway. This was basically a squash, but the fans lapped it up for its 2 minute duration, cheering when a Reverse DDT put Blade away. Winner at 2:08 Unknown [B]Rating: C- [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ecwlogo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Styles: [/B]Welcome to Extreme Championship Wrestling! I’m Joey Styles alongside Tazz and partner...are we in a new era of extreme? [B]Tazz: [/B]If you listen to Randy Orton we are! He made his ECW-exclusive debut last week, beating ECW Original- [I]Tazz is cut off by Orton’s music! ECW’s newest superstar Randy Orton makes his way to the ring, accompanied as always by Mike Tyson. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mike_Tyson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tyson: [/B]Ladies and gentlemen...welcome to...ORTON...Championship Wrestling. You are all witnessing history tonight, but sadly Joey Styles and Tazz seem to have forgotten that. [B]Orton: [/B]Indeed...this is MY show now, OCW. I came here last week after being traded for Rob Van Dam...and then I beat his friend Sabu. Now, I’ve thought about those two facts and I’ve come to the realisation...ECW needs me. I am here to save ECW from itself, to stop it from becoming the disgusting ****-hole it used to be. Paul Heyman must realise how pitiful this brand is and that it needs to move on...he traded Rob Van Dam, your ECW hero, for true talent. Know, if you ask Paul, he’ll probably spew some crap about RVD wanting a change of scenery with fresh opponents but no! RVD was forced out of ECW to make way for a bona-fide superstar, someone who CAN entertain you. You need a better class of superstar, a better champion...a new face rather than an over-the-hill, past-it “Original.” See, that’s another thing Paul Heyman did...he fed Sabu to me. You really think your General Manager thought Sabu could beat the second-ever Ultimate Wrestling Champion? Heyman may be a twisted, twisted man but he is smart...he, just like all of you, realises that I’m the best on this roster. I’ve replaced your precious Rob Van Dam...I’ve beaten your hero Sabu...I’m the reason you all tuned in tonight to watch OCW...and I will beat Sabu again tonight. [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Jerry Lynn vs. Mike Knox [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JerryLynn.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MikeKnox.jpg[/IMG] These two showed great chemistry in this brief match which saw Lynn get a fair bit of offence. This was an interesting match-up, in that the crowd were interested despite it being between an under-used veteran and a relatively new talent who can’t seem to break through. In the end, Knox hit a Reverse Fisherman Buster for the win. Winner at 3:42 Mike Knox [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]Knox is celebrating when his music cuts out and the arena is plunged into darkness. The screen comes to life, showing white noise before it shows a badly lit corridor. The camera moves down as screaming and laughing can be heard. After a few seconds, a door can be seen with bars on it. The camera presses against the bars and a shadow of a man in a trench coat can be seen. His arm is raised and the entire room is plunged into darkness. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]We cut back to the main arena, but immediately Styles says we have to cut back to the locker room where there is an emergency. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] We see CM Punk being helped to his feet, with blood pouring from the back of his head. The Ultimate Wrestling Champion gets to his feet and can just about be heard talking about getting hit from behind by what felt like a lead pipe. He’s also heard saying he doesn’t need medical attention; he will face Senshi Dragon tonight! [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ECWXtremeTag.jpg[/IMG] [I]ECW Xtreme Tag Title Match: ECW Xtreme Tag Team Champions Martin and Rave vs. The Sandman and Balls Mahoney [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AlexShelley-1.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JimmyRave.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Sandman2.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BallsMahoney.jpg[/IMG] This was a poor match, but it will be remembered for a while because of the closing minutes. Mahoney looked to have the match won, bringing the titles back round the waists of him and Sandman, but tagged in the Extreme Icon. Before he could get into the ring, Balls threw him over the rope to the canvas and laid some stomps in. Jimmy Rave distracted the ref as Balls hit a low blow on his partner, which was followed by a Shellshock by Martin for the win! Winners at 10:02 and STILL ECW Xtreme Tag Team Champions Alex Martin and Jimmy Rave [B]Rating: D- [/B] [B]Styles: [/B]What the hell is going on here?! Balls Mahoney just cost himself and his partner The Sandman a chance at regaining the Xtreme Tag Titles! [B]Tazz: [/B]A slam and a low blow left Sandman helpless, and the Shellshock has cost him the tag team championships! [B]Styles: [/B]It doesn’t look like Mahoney’s finished, Tazz! He’s got Sandman up, and a shot right to the eye sends him back down! Balls has snapped! [I]Balls drags Sandman outside and wedges his head between the steel steps and the ring post, before grabbing a steel chair! The Chair Swingin’ Freak cracks the steps, wedging Sandman’s head between the two steel objects. The Extreme Icon is dragged to the announced table and his head bounces off it. [/I] [B]Tazz: [/B]I don’t like where this is going, Joey! Balls Mahoney has snapped, and he’s pulled a damn table from under the ring! He’s pulled Sandman up, and the former partners are on the wooden table at rings- [B]Styles: [/B]OH MY GOD! Holy ****, Balls Mahoney just hit Sandman with a Piledriver through the table! Balls is showing no remorse, look at him! He’s laughing off all the boos from the fans- he honestly thinks he’s in the right! [B]Rating: E+ [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WWEUltimateWrestling.jpg[/IMG] [I]WWE Ultimate Wrestling Title Match: WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Senshi Dragon [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/LowKi.jpg[/IMG] Dragon comes to the ring without the rest of the Fallen Angels, whereas Punk limps to the ring with a bandage on his head. The match begins with Senshi taking a cheap shot to the head, kicking Punk just after the bell is rung. After a brief spurt of offence, Senshi is hit with a knee to the face and Punk begins to build momentum. The champion had Senshi Dragon backed into the corner and charged to hit the Shining Wizard but was met with a Spear! Edge takes out the champ and gives him the DQ win. Winner at 2:41 by DQ and STILL WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk! [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] [I]Edge immediately lays the boots into the champion as Senshi motions to the back and out come... [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mordecai.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChristopherDaniels3.jpg[/IMG] Mordecai and Christopher Daniels! Edge can be seen smiling and takes some cash out of his boot, before handing it to Mordecai. The Fallen Angels then start to beat down Punk, before lifting him up in the middle of the ring. Edge backs into the corner ready to hit another Spear but he’s pulled out of the ring by...Val Venis! The other contender for the title at Unforgiven starts to beat down Edge and sends him running, as the ECW Xtreme Champion Kane hits the ring and immediately takes out Daniels and Dragon, before Chokeslamming Mordecai and rolling him out of the ring. Venis and Kane help Punk to his feet as Mordecai slowly helps himself up ready for the tag match next! [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]Tajiri makes his entrance first, followed by Brock Lesnar. The heels hit the ring, and the match can start. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Kane2.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mordecai.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] This was a decent affair, getting 7 and a half minutes and using it well. Considering the lineage of the ECW Xtreme Title, this was a match full of former World Champions and the fans reacted well. Kane and Tajiri dominated the opening few minutes, but eventually Mordecai and Lesnar were able to fight back until a Dark Kiss put Tajiri down for the 3-count. Winner at 7:28 Mordecai and Brock Lesnar [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Randy Orton vs. Sabu [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] (w/[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mike_Tyson.jpg[/IMG]) vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] This was another good match between the two which also got a decent amount of time. It was an open match, but Orton definitely looked stronger. As Sabu started to build up momentum, Tyson got on the apron to distract the referee. Orton attempted a punch with the chain but Sabu hit a low blow before tossing the chain out of the ring and rolling up Orton for the shocking win to end the show. Winner at 7:23 Sabu [B]Rating: B [/B] FINAL RATING: B-
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] The Sandman arrived very late to the last show. It was ridiculous timing, as the plan was to have him be off for 3 months after the brutal attack and come back with a new gimmick (although not much of a departure). Anyway, reports are that with yet another black mark against his name, he has been notified that enough is enough and his contract will be terminated. [I]Smackdown! Preview[/I]: Chris Hero and ??? vs. Domino and ???- Hero will reveal his partner to the world tonight. Also, after a heated argument that left fans sympathising with Domino, his team with Deuce looks to be over. Who will be Domino's partner tonight? Number One Contenders Tournament: Bobby Lashley vs. Christian N1C Tournament: Jushin Thunder Lyger vs. John Cena N1C Tournament: Val Venis vs. William Regal Bryan Danielson vs. Kensuke Sasaki N1C Tournament: Batista vs. Rob Van Dam N1C Tournament: Edge vs. Rey Mysterio
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[QUOTE=RKO_HBK;523794][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] The Sandman arrived very late to the last show. It was ridiculous timing, as the plan was to have him be off for 3 months after the brutal attack and come back with a new gimmick (although not much of a departure). Anyway, reports are that with yet another black mark against his name, he has been notified that enough is enough and his contract will be terminated. [I]Smackdown! Preview[/I]: Chris Hero and ??? vs. Deuce and ???- Hero will reveal his partner to the world tonight. Also, after a heated argument that left fans sympathising with Deuce, his team with Domino looks to be over. Who will be Deuce's partner tonight? Number One Contenders Tournament: Bobby Lashley vs. Christian N1C Tournament: Jushin Thunder Lyger vs. John Cena N1C Tournament: Val Venis vs. William Regal Bryan Danielson vs. Kensuke Sasaki N1C Tournament: Batista vs. Rob Van Dam N1C Tournament: Edge vs. Rey Mysterio[/QUOTE] Christian - I'd like to see Christian get a good push here Cena - Love Lyger, always have, always will, but I think Cena is the WWE's payroll biatch Regal - self profressed Regal lover Sasaki - this would be one hell of a match though if there was real chemistry and heat involved in real life, credible booking, playa Van Dam - I suggest it'll actually be Batista, but RVD is a major star in my eyes who was perenially sold short by the E Edge - I'm a big Rey fan, but I guess Edge has his 'means' of collecting the 'w'. Looking forward to it, broheim.
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Thanks for the predictions and comments Tristram. Smackdown should be up within the next few hours, it's all written up and formatted but I'm heading to the pub to watch England beat (read: lose to :rolleyes:) Germany after a day doing assignments and this show lol.
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Pre-show: [I]BJ Whitmer vs. Unnamed [/I] This was a squash, but the fans were surprisingly into it a lot. After a minute of action, the unnamed masked star made Whitmer tap out to a modified Sharpshooter. Winner at 1:02 Unnamed [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Suicide vs. Rory McAllister vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. TJ Wilson vs. Rich Davin vs. Scotty 2 Hotty [/I] This was a poor match, but it gave all 6 men some needed ring time in front of a live audience. They were given a decent amount of time, and Jacobs got the pin after hitting Davin with the Contra Code. Winner at 6:49 Jimmy Jacobs [B]Rating: D- [/B] [I]WWE Tag Team Title Match: WWE Tag Team Champions Cruiserweight Champion Brian Kendrick and United States Champion Paul London vs. Cop Killas [/I] This was a pre-show title match, so no surprises that the tag titles didn’t change hands tonight. It was less than 2 minutes long but the fans were into it, with London looking good out there. Kendrick got the win after hitting B-Boy with a Get Well Soon, and he came out of the match looking good. Winners at 1:41 and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions London and Kendrick [B]Rating: C- [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/fridaynightsmackdown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cole: [/B]Tonight we have five qualifying matches for the Number One Contender 6-Way at Unforgiven, featuring superstars from Smackdown and Raw. Also, Chris Hero’s partner will be revealed in our opening contest. Hello everyone and welcome to a stacked edition of Friday Night Smackdown! I’m Michael Cole as always, alongside John “Bradshaw” Layfield. [B]JBL: [/B]I can’t wait for tonight to find out who’s going to get one step closer to beating that nobody CM Punk for his title at Cyber Sunday. [B]Cole: [/B]I would hardly call our Ultimate Wrestling Champion a nobody John, I mean he’s beaten you this year- but wow! What a way to start the show- here comes one third of the World Title match at Unforgiven, Raw’s Val Venis! [I]Val Venis gets into the ring with a mic to an incredible response from the Smackdown fans. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Venis: [/B]...hello ladies! Tonight, the Big Valbowski comes to Smackdown to try and earn a guaranteed rematch at Cyber Sunday, should I lose at Unforgiven. I’ve fought long and hard for a fair title match and at Unforgiven there will be no excuses. Edge...Punk...at last we’ll all be in the ring at the same time, so there’ll be no cheap shots and no reason to complain. In 15 days, the world will be watching and we will put on an incredible show...win or lose, it will be my career match. Tonight I’m facing...William Regal. Regal is a great talent and someone I respect...but Regal, I don’t think you have what it takes to reach the top. You’ve got the experience, but do you have the heart? I think you and Edge will struggle to reach the top because you just don’t have the heart I have...which is why I will be walking out of Unforgiven as the Ultimate Wrestling Champion! [I]Venis looks ready to leave the ring but CM Punk’s music hits. The Ultimate Wrestling Champion walks to the ring with a grin on his face, applauding Val. He gets to the ring and grabs a mic from ringside and waits for the amazing reception to die down. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] [B]Punk: [/B]Val...I won’t deny your talent. We’re friends, and I know how long and hard you’ve fought for the opportunities you’re finally getting after years of deserving them but c’mon...you’re really THAT sure you can win? You talked about Edge and Regal lacking the heart and determination, and how that means you’ll walk out with MY World Title, but there’s one thing you forgot to mention. Val, I’m in the Triple Threat in case you’d forgotten. I fought long and hard to earn my initial shot at the this title, and I spent a hell of a long time fighting Orton and Tyson to win it. I’m not going to give it up that easily to you, Edge or anyone. Whoever wins the 6-Way at Unforgiven will be facing the Straight Edge Superstar at Cyber Sunday, I promise you! [I]Venis smiles and the two shake hands before leaving. [/I] [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]Chris Hero comes to the ring for his tag match against Deuce and his mystery partner. The crowd actually seems to be a bit excited for the announcement regarding Hero’s new tag team partner. He gets on the mic and signals for them to listen. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisHero2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Hero: [/B]So, I’ve had a few matches since my debut and I’m doing alright...but I’ve done the singles thing before. What I want is to help save Smackdown, and to do that I need a partner to create a dynamic duo. I’ve thought long and hard about this, I’ve being calling round for months and now I can finally stand before you to reveal your next WWE Tag Team Champions. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to cause a storm...the winds are changing for the Smackdown tag division.........it’s the era of The Superheroes...... [I]STAND BACK...THERE’S A HURRICANE COMING THROUGH! The fans pop as The Hurricane comes out! He’s not been seen for nearly 3 years, and the fans seem glad to see him back! He makes his entrance before getting in the ring and embracing Hero. The two play to the crowd for a moment until the music is cut out. [/I] [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Domino makes his entrance next, pausing on the ramp. He’s getting mostly cheers after Deuce turned on him last week for questioning his cheating ways. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Domino.jpg[/IMG] [B]Domino [/B]The Hurricane returning to Smackdown? Wow, bro, that’s huge! Well, from one big tag team to another let me introduce my partner. He used to cheat a lot, and it made the fans hate him and his partner but he’s had some time to think about his actions. My tag team partner for tonight...Deuce. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Deuce.jpg[/IMG] [I]Deuce comes out to a lukewarm face reaction, but the fans are clearly bored and confused by the random way of trying to turn Deuce ‘n’ Domino face. [/I] [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]The Superheroes vs. Deuce ‘n’ Domino [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheHurricane.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisHero2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Deuce.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Domino.jpg[/IMG] Despite the completely stupid way of turning Deuce ‘n’ Domino face, the fans reacted surprisingly well to this face-versus-face tag match. Deuce and Domino played by the rules, the returning Hurricane was received well by the fans despite being last seen as the ****y Gregory Helms, and Hero looked totally at home teaming with Hurricane. The match was even throughout its 6 minute duration, but eventually Hurricane got the win on his return when Domino was pinned after the Eye of the Hurricane. Winners at 6:14 The Hurricane and Chris Hero [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]The bell is rung and all four men shakes hands in the middle of the ring, before Deuce ‘n’ Domino leave to give Hurricane and Hero time to celebrate. [/I] [B]Rating: D [/B] [I]Hype is shown for the Number 1 Contender Tournament. Bobby Lashley, Edge, John Cena, Christian, Rey Mysterio, Jushin Thunder Lyger, Val Venis, Batista, Rob Van Dam, William Regal and CM Punk are shown. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]We cut backstage where Ken Kennedy is standing by. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kennedy: [/B]Can some please explain to me why I’m not featured in this Number One Contender Tournament? You see, it’s a collection of the best our business has to offer...but Mr. Kennedy isn’t present? I’ve been overlooked for Jushin Thunder Lyger? Let me just recap Summerslam for ya...I beat Lyger by two straight falls. I destroyed him, and he’s been put in the tournament ahead of me? Ok, I’ll get past that, he’s a legendary luchador, I guess he can get his token opportunity. One thing I don’t like is Christian getting a match up next. At Summerslam, as we JUST heard...I beat Jushin Thunder Lyger two falls to nothing...I WON my match...technically I won TWO. At Summerslam...Christian was teaming with arguably the greatest wrestling of all time without the last name “Kennedy...KENNEDY”...and he lost. I’m just saying, it doesn’t seem fair that I got overlooked...I’m gonna make sure it doesn’t happen again. [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Number One Contender Tournament: Christian vs. Bobby Lashley [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Christian.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] Christian starts strong against the powerful Lashley, aiming low and attacking the legs trying to take the big man down. After a couple of minutes, the raw power of Lashley comes into play as he turns Christian inside out with a huge clothesline. The two fight back and forth for a few more minutes until Christian looks set to win! He signals for the Unprettier when suddenly he’s taken out from behind with a chair shot by... [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] Ken Kennedy. The ref rings the bell, and Lashley progresses on a disqualification after a solid match. Winner at 6:02 by DQ and in the 6-Way at Unforgiven Bobby Lashley [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Number One Contender Tournament: John Cena vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JushinLiger.jpg[/IMG] These two have totally contrasted styles and builds, but they somehow combined to put on a good match well worthy of a place in the tournament. Lyger got in some good periods of offence but never really looked like a threat, and he was put away nearly 8 minutes in with an STFU. Winner at 7:41 and in the 6-Way at Unforgiven John Cena [B]Rating: B [/B] [B]Cena: [/B]Yo, yo, yo! Edge, get out here right now, I’ve got a proposition... [I]You think you know me? The Rated R Superstar makes his way to the stage with a mic, standing at the top of the ramp. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge: [/B]What is it, John? Why should I help you? First of all, we’ve got a long, storied past...and we could be competing together at Unforgiven. [B]Cena: [/B]That’s just it Edge...you take Rey out tonight, you destroy him for me...how about you help me win at Unforgiven...I could return the favour later on in the night. Then, we have ourselves the match we deserve...one-on-one...Cena vs. Edge to see who is truly the best in the world...but you have to beat Rey. If you can take him out, and give me a hand at Unforgiven in the 5-way...I can guarantee your title match would become a bit easier... [B]Edge: [/B]You know John...you make an interesting proposition...but hell no! *Crowd pops* And you can all shut the hell up cheering, because I’m not doing it for any of you fat, disgusting rejects. No, I’m going to face my former tag team partner one-on-one and have a hell of a match before going on to win twice in one night at Unforgiven. After Unforgiven, after I go through Rey, Val, anyone else...after I go through you...there will be NO title match at Cyber Sunday because I’ll have the title...and the title match. Tough luck Cena...but best of luck for Unforgiven. [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]Number One Contender Tournament: Val Venis vs. William Regal: [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WilliamRegal6.jpg[/IMG] These two put on a good contest showing that their talent should have been better utilised earlier. Both have been terribly underused in the past, but tonight they showed that their rise to the top is not unjustified. Regal managed to get the huge win over one of the current Number One Contenders with a Regal Cutter, advancing to his biggest match to date at Unforgiven. Winner at 11:03 and in the 6-Way at Unforgiven William Regal [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]We cut backstage where we see Bryan Danielson walking, until he accidentally bumps into Paul London. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BryanDanielson3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/PaulLondon5.jpg[/IMG] [B]London: [/B]Whoa watch out dude- [B]Danielson: [/B]Sorry man, wasn’t looking where I was going...but hey...congrats on defending that US Title at Summerslam, must’ve been tough beating Carlito. [B]London: [/B]It wasn’t easy- [B]Danielson: [/B]Carlito hasn’t beaten me either...but then, no-one has since Wrestlemania...I think I deserve a US Title Match...tonight! [I]Suddenly, a door opens and Theodore Long walks out. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] [B]Long: [/B]Whoa playas...you two want to fight tonight? Sorry, but no can do. We need to leave room for the last two tournament matches, and Bryan you’re already in action next! Tell ya what playas...next week, on Friday Night Smackdown...Paul London, you will defend the United States Title! Now, Bryan, you’ve done well so far but you need to prove yourself just one more time to me and all the fans playa. So, up next you’re facing Kensuke Sasaki as announce, but it is now...a Number One Contenders Match. Holla, holla, holla! [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]US Title Number One Contenders Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Kensuke Sasaki [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BryanDanielson3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KensukeSasaki.jpg[/IMG] If Sasaki is brought back at a future date, and if Danielson eventually makes it up the card, this could easily be a classic match on PPV. However, it was merely an average match in the eyes of the WWE fans who didn’t appreciate completely the brief but great display they witnessed. Danielson and Sasaki worked well with the 6 minutes they had, until Danielson got the win with a Dragon Suplex! Winner at 6:33 Bryan Danielson (who will face Paul London next week for the United States Title) [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]Number One Contender Tournament: Rob Van Dam vs. Batista [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DaveBatista3.jpg[/IMG] In what seems to be a pattern in the qualifying matches tonight, these two have very different styles but still put on a solid match that kept the fans entertained. They had 9 minutes to work with and used it well, but in the end Batista cost himself the match after getting angry and just taking out Van Dam with a steel chair before quickly leaving the ring with a deranged look on his face. Winner at 8:54 by DQ and in the 6-Way at Unforgiven Rob Van Dam [B]Rating: B- [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ReyMysterio2.jpg[/IMG] [I]We cut backstage where Rey Mysterio is stretching in the locker room. He looks up to see Edge walk in. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge: [/B]Rey, calm down, I’m not here to blindside you. I just wanna say...you know, we’ve been partners and opponents before...and anything I do to you tonight isn’t for John Cena or anyone else. I’ll do anything to prove tonight that you were always the weaker link. But good luck out there amigo... [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]Number One Contender Tournament: Edge vs. Rey Mysterio [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ReyMysterio2.jpg[/IMG] WWE booked this show well, as evidenced by the decision to leave this match until last. These two showed great chemistry against each other and were given nearly 16 minutes to put on an absolute classic. This match will probably be remembered for years to come, and was a nice nod back to the Smackdown Six. In the end, Mysterio got a huge win after a 619 and the West Coast Pop! Winner at 15:45 and in the 6-Way at Unforgiven Rey Mysterio! [B]Rating: A* [/B] [I]Rey looks emotional after winning the match despite Cena and Edge thinking he had no chance. As he celebrates, CM Punk and Val Venis come to the ring and hoist him on their shoulders, parading him around the ring as the show comes to an end. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] FINAL RATING: B+ Success!
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] Another trade has been made between GMs. This time, Raw and Smackdown are trading teams. Raw’s decorated former champs The Hardy Boyz are swapping over to Smackdown, which could give them the opportunity to win their first set of WWE Tag Team titles, having won 6 World Tag Titles in their great careers. In exchange for them, Theodore Long is sending Deuce ‘n’ Domino over to Raw. Tonight on Raw, they will both face off! How will the Raw fans react to the former WWE Tag Champions? How will the Hardys fare on their last appearance on Monday Night Raw? Tune in to find out. [B][I]Raw Preview:[/I][/B] The Hardys vs. Deuce 'n' Domino Russ Siaki vs. Dustin Rhodes Nick Armaho vs. Trevor Rhodes Shelton Benjamin and ??? vs. Umaga, Samoan Seanoa and Charlie Haas Non-title: Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra vs. Chuck Palumbo vs. Bryan Danielson Edge vs. Val Venis Non-title: WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Triple H [B][I]Also, thus far the following matches are confirmed for this Sunday's Unforgiven:[/I][/B] [I](It is expected more will be added on this week's broadcasts)[/I] WWE United States Title: WWE United States and Tag Team Champion Paul London vs. Finlay Hardcore Rules: Mick Foley vs. Johnny Nitro Number One Contenders 6-Way: William Regal vs. Chris Jericho vs. John Cena vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H Street Fight: Umaga vs. The Undertaker WWE Ultimate Wrestling Title: Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Val Venis vs. Edge [I][U]This Friday's match between US Champion Paul London and Bryan Danielson has been changed to a non-title match, out of fairness to the challenger at Unforgiven, Finlay.[/U][/I]
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[QUOTE=Scotland;529136]I am eager to see what you do with Hurricane and Hero but I am not liking the fact that you are trying to turn Deuce and Domino faces. IT JUST WON'T WORK :mad:[/QUOTE] Yeah, it wasn't something I wanted to do reaaally, but when I was booking this they were getting very, very stale in-game and I didn't want to have any drastic gimmick changes, so finding a quick way of turning them face was difficult. I do realise it was an awful way of doing it though, but at the time it was the best I could think of.
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