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WWE: Time To Play The Game...for now...

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Pre-show: [I]Mike Tyson vs. Steve Corino [/I] These two worked a short 3 minute match that wasn’t the disaster expected with Tyson in the ring. Also a surprise was the result of the contest, which saw Corino get a huge win with a Northern Lights Bomb. Winner at 2:54 Steve Corino [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Shawn Michaels vs. Doug Williams [/I] On another night with more time and a decent storyline, this would be an absolute classic. Michaels looked good out there and the fans still enjoyed it, but with less than 2 minutes Williams couldn’t get in the offence he needed. Michaels got the win with the Sweet Chin Music. Winner at 1:40 Shawn Michaels [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]Lance Cade and Carlito Caribbean Cool vs. Ric Flair and Unnamed [/I] Flair put in a stand-out performance in this decent pre-show tag match that saw the youngsters, Flair and the mystery wrestler get in equal offence in a balanced match. However, in the end Flair rolled up Carlito to get the win nearly 9 minutes in to end the pre-show. Winners at 8:44 Ric Flair and Unnamed [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/mondaynightraw.jpg[/IMG] [I]The show opens with Edge sat in the ring with a single spotlight shining down on him in the centre of the squared circle. He’s dressed fairly smartly, with shades on as well. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge: [/B]In 6 days time, I can finally realise my dream once again. You can argue that CM Punk has the advantage of youth and athleticism...or that Val Venis has the veteran instinct, but that’s irrelevant when I’m the third man in the match. I’m the best wrestler this company has ever seen...I’m diverse...I’m experienced...and I’m in my prime. Punk...Venis...you have NO idea what you’re stepping in the ring with this Sunday at Unforgiven. I’m the Rated R Superstar and your next Ultimate Wrestling Champion! It doesn’t matter whether it’s Chris Jericho, Bobby Lashley, Cena, Mysterio, Regal or Rob Van Dam...it doesn’t matter who wins the Number One Contender’s spot because they won’t beat the Ultimate Wrestling Champion at Cyber Sunday. I’m the best thing this company has going for it, and I promise that by the end of this week you will all have a champion you can be proud of- [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Val Venis’ music hits as he makes his way to the ring. Edge completely avoids his gaze, before dropping his mic and leaving the ring without saying a word. Venis picks it up as Edge reaches the stage. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Venis: [/B]Get used to that feeling, Edge. Whatever you do, I promise I’ll do all I can to finally get the World Title I’ve worked my entire life for. You can try all you want to steal the win, but at last this tale will come to an end and we’ll really find out who’s the best. Edge, get used to walking away from this ring without the Ultimate Wrestling Championship, because you’ll still be doing it after this Sunday. [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]The Hardy Boyz vs. Deuce ‘n’ Domino [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JeffHardy3.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Deuce.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Domino.jpg[/IMG] This wasn’t a good match at all, and much better was expected considering it was the Hardy Boys’ last match on Raw and Deuce ‘n’ Domino’s debut. They fought for nearly 7 minutes with some close action before a Swanton Bomb put Deuce away. Winners at 6:40 Jeff and Matt Hardy [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]Immediately after the bell is rung, Matt grabs a mic from ringside. [/I] [B]Matt: [/B]Really? That’s the best Smackdown has to offer? THAT’S Smackdown’s former champions? Sorry, but it looks like no-one in this company can match our standards...it’s clear no-one in this arena is fit to even lace our boots. I mean, it’s obvious none of you deserve to even watch us compete. [B]Jeff: [/B]That’s right bro...we put our bodies on the line week after week for all of you and you’ve let us slip into the background, so now it’s all about US! We’re gonna be doing everything for us now, not any of you pathetic losers. We’re gonna become relevant again, even if it means performing in front of ungrateful bitches like all of you. [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]Russ Siaki vs. Dustin Rhodes [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SonnySiaki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DustinRhodes.jpg[/IMG] In fairness to Siaki and Rhodes, they tried as hard as they could to make this a good match but it just wasn’t enough to keep the fans entertained. Harry Smith interfered to try and help his partner a minute into the match, but the ref immediately sent him away. The distraction was enough for Rhodes to hit a low blow followed by One Handed Bulldog for the win, much to the fans delight. Winner at 2:46 Dustin Rhodes [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]The Chairman of the Board, Vince McMahon, walks to the ring like only he does, with a mic in hand. He gets in the ring and waits for the crowd to fall silent. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vince: [/B]I’m out here to address a couple of things. First of all, some of you will notice that Shelton Benjamin is, once again, in a match involving members of The Corporation, despite us saying there would be no battle between Benjamin and ourselves. Tonight marks the end of it, and my son Shane will make an announcement as to why, immediately before that match takes place. Secondly...I want to take a moment to talk about Survivor Series. Sure, we’re only 6 days away from Unforgiven where we will see a Triple Threat Match for the Ultimate Wrestling Title and a 6-Way to decide the Number One Contender, but I’m looking past that. I’m looking past Unforgiven, No Mercy and Cyber Sunday because this November will mark the 10th anniversary of Shawn Michaels winning his third WWE Title in Montreal. Ten years on, we will see that very same main event with something much more significant on the line. For ten years, myself, Shawn and Bret have been talking about that night, promoting our views. This fall, it will finally be settled. At Survivor Series, as you all know, I will be the Special Guest Referee for the contest between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart...which will be the first-ever Sharpshooter Only Match. There are no rules, except that the ending must come from submission to the Sharpshooter. Bret, I wish you best of luck then and for your match this Sunday with Ric Flair, which I’m told you’re busy preparing for. Thank you for your time ladies and gentlemen, and enjoy the rest of this evening’s broadcast. [B]Rating: B- [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KennyDykstra3.jpg[/IMG] [I]We’re backstage where Kenny Dykstra is one again in his office, Intercontinental Championship on the desk. There’s a knock at the door, but the camera stays focused on the desk and Dykstra until and arm slips into view and places an apple on the desk. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [B]Carlito: [/B]Cutting the crap out of the WWE.........that’s cool. Before you ask Carlito any questions, let Carlito remind you...I’ve held the United States Title once before, and that Intercontinental Championship. I won both those titles on my debut on Smackdown and Raw respectively. I’m the only Puerto Rican wrestler to hold the IC Title since Pedro Morales. Kenny, I’m also the ONLY wrestler to win two titles on two separate debuts....that’s cool. You want someone to help remove all the un-cool stuff from Raw...I’m here. Carlito and Kenny Dykstra, teaming up to censor the WWE... [B]Dykstra: [/B]That’s possibly quite...‘cool’...I’ll let you know. [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]Nick Armaho vs. Trevor Murdoch [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/NickDinsmore2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TrevorMurdoch.jpg[/IMG] They weren’t given a great deal of time, but for less than four minutes they put on a match much better than people were expecting. Armaho showed his class as always, and Murdoch really stepped up his game, maybe showing that there’s a future for him in singles competition when his tag team runs its course. He got the win with a Top Rope Bulldog nearly 4 minutes in. Winner at 3:38 Trevor Murdoch [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Here Comes The Money! Shane O’Mac dances to the ring as Umaga and Charlie Haas flank him on either side, with Seanoa walking a bit further behind. They get into the ring and McMahon gets a mic. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ShaneMcMahon3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CharlieHaas20.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] [B]Shane: [/B]Tonight is the last attempt from The Corporation to get rid of Shelton Benjamin. I’ve said at different times over the last month that we wouldn’t build a big rivalry out of it, but Charlie Haas here is discontent with you going unpunished. So, tonight marks the end. If Umaga, Charlie Haas and Samoan Seanoa can win this three-on-two handicap match...Shelton Benjamin, you are fired from the entire WWE. If you and your partner- if you even managed to find one- manage to steal a win, then this little...disagreement will be forgotten and we can all move on. I will promise that The Corporation and its members will no longer target Shelton Benjamin, nor will we move onto his partner. Whatever the result, this is the end Mr. Benjamin...but you better hope you win, because I doubt you’ll get a good push over at Ted’s place. [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Shelton Benjamin comes out and pauses on the stage, before turning to the ramp as the lights cut out...DONG! The Corporation almost look scared as The Undertaker comes out to be Benjamin’s partner. The Dead Man’s eyes don’t leave Umaga’s until he reaches the ring and they get ready to square off. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheUndertaker2.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SheltonBenjamin5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Umaga.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CharlieHaas20.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] Undertaker and Umaga carried this match, putting in good, solid performances that stood out above the rest. Benjamin, Seanoa and Haas still managed to get in some solid offence in the 8 minute contest, which was a very good effort from all five men. In the end, Taker hit the Chokeslam on his Unforgiven opponent to get the momentum heading into Unforgiven and to save Benjamin’s WWE career. Winners at 8:08 The Undertaker and Shelton Benjamin [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]We cut backstage to a dark room, clearly somewhere far below the arena ground floor. A quiet murmuring is heard, until the camera finally finds... [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/mankindkyky.jpg[/IMG] Mankind sat facing a dark corner speaking, although the person listening cannot be seen. The camera moves to face Mankind side-on. [/I] [B]Mankind: [/B]Oh what has little Johnny boy got himself in for now? I’m going to hurt him...he doesn’t know pain. Mick Foley may have lost last week, but on Sunday it’s my night. Johnny, you don’t understand suffering...you haven’t felt pain until you’ve experienced part of my sad, tortured soul. YOU THINK JOHNNY NITRO CAN BEAT ME?! I will be bringing more than my friends Barbie and Mr. Socko to Unforgiven this Sunday...I’ve got a whole bag of toys...I’m a bit like Santa Clause. I mean, neither of us are REALLY...really, sane men...we’re both misunderstood and no-one really believes in us. They think the stories we tell and the gifts we bring are fake. [I]Mankind then pulls out a small bag and pours some thumbtacks on a table, before leaning back and driving his own head into them. He pulls back up and blood is already trickling down. [/I] [B]Mankind: [/B]Does that look fake to you? Johnny, you can’t imagine the pain...no...the pleasure I get from this. The sight of my own blood is enough to make me feel absolutely no remorse in drawing yours. At Unforgiven...you will feel new levels of pain...levels of pain never felt by man before...only Mankind... [I]Mankind bangs on the wall, switching the light on before quickly running away. The camera pans back to reveal that he was talking to...a broom with a cardboard cut-out of Johnny Nitro’s face on! [/I] [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]The lights suddenly cut out again, before a match is lit on the other side of the room. As the camera turns, a face covered in what looks like trickles of dark blood can be seen. The camera pans back and a trench coat can just be made out. The man sounds like he has trouble speaking, but the word “Punk” can just be heard before the match is blown out and the room plunges into darkness. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Non-title: WWE Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra vs. Chuck Palumbo vs. Bryan Danielson [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KennyDykstra3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChuckPalumbo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BryanDanielson3.jpg[/IMG] This was a very solid, decent match from all three men and it gave Danielson a chance to be in the ring with a champion ahead of his non-title match with Paul London on Smackdown. In the end, a potential foreshadowing for Smackdown was show when Danielson hit Dykstra and then Palumbo with Dragon Suplexes before covering Chuck to get a win over Palumbo and the IC champion! Winner at 7:39 Bryan Danielson [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I][COLOR="Red"]5[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]4[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]3[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]2[/COLOR] Y[COLOR="purple"]2[/COLOR]J! The legendary Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring to an incredible reception from the fans who seem ecstatic to see the living legend. He gets a microphone from ringside and waits for the noise to die down so he can be heard. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jericho: [/B]Ladies and gentlemen, this is...Raw...Is...Jericho! I am Chris Jericho, the only man representing you in the 6-Way at Unforgiven this Sunday. I just want to take a little look back at the history of the Ultimate Wrestling Championship. The first-ever Hell In A Cell Triple Threat Match at Wrestlemania 23 earlier this year crowned our first ever champion, being The Undertaker. The match featured two Raw superstars compared to Smackdown’s one, and Undertaker- a Raw Superstar- won the title. The next challenger and subsequent champion again came from the longest-running show in cable TV history...the ****y, inconsiderate, crappy, boring...Randy Orton. But, he was Raw again. CM Punk managed to get the title and is holding it well, but of the first three Ultimate Wrestling Champions in history...two of them came from Raw. This Sunday, like I said, I’m the only Raw competitor fighting for the Number One Contender spot...history shows I’ll be facing CM Punk one-on-one at Cyber Sunday for the Ultimate Wrestling Championship, and I KNOW that’s something you all wanna see. [I]The crowd go insane cheering for Y2J, who nods and thanks them before speaking again. [/I] [B]Jericho: [/B]I’ve got some tough opponents...Bobby Lashley...big, bad Bobby Lashley. His only credible win this year...well, half credible... is a three-on-two handicap win that banished Kane and Shawn Michaels from Smackdown...and HBK was a Raw competitor anyway. So yeah, I’m not worried. Then...there’s Rey Mysterio. Rey is a phenomenal athlete, and did beat Edge this past Friday, but Rey...you’ve had your chance at the top and you squandered it. Admittedly that was because you were thrown against giants each and every week, but I think it’s knocked your confidence. Speaking of knocked confidence, we come nicely along to...John...Cena! The Doctor of Thuganomics lost his chance at making history at Wrestlemania and now he can’t find his footing, especially since turning on Rey, Christian and the fans. Cena...I still don’t forget you beating me and getting me fired a couple of years ago, so fully expect to be tapping like a bitch on Sunday and sending me to Cyber Sunday. Now we move on to a fantastic mat-wrestler but someone that I don’t think has what it takes to really reach the top of this company...William Regal. He’s done well, he’s held the United States Title a couple of times this year...but that means he’s LOST it twice as well. Regal, best of look to you but when has a little stuck-up ass-clown from Blackpool ever had a credible shot at the World Title? And Rob Van Dam? Best of luck to you, but what have you really done this year? A brief chance at the ECW Xtreme Title in a tournament...you’re treading water and I don’t see that ending. Of course, the one reason none of you will really get the job done this Sunday is standing in this ring. [B]Rating: A* [/B] [I]Unforgiven Preview: Val Venis vs. Edge [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] This was an absolutely fantastic match from both contenders this Sunday. They were given enough time to develop this slowly before building to the ending. Edge dominated the early goings after a cheap shot just before the bell, but Venis was able to fight back and build momentum towards the middle. The closing minutes were full of near-falls from both men, with the crowd absolutely loving it. 13 minutes in, Venis was standing on the apron when Edge dived through the ropes to hit a Spear to the outside! Both men crashed to the mat on the outside and couldn’t make it back in before the 10-count. Val Venis and Edge drew at 13:35 because of a double count out. [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]A video plays hyping Triple H vs. CM Punk. [/I] [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Non-title: WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Triple H [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/tripleh2.jpg[/IMG] These two put on a fantastic MOTYC in the main event tonight that built well from the beginning right until the ending. The crowd were all over Triple H, booing his every mood whilst being solidly behind the champ. Punk worked H’s leg throughout the match and at one point even managed a Pepsi Plunge! However, 16 minutes in it was the Go to Sleep that put The Game away for 3. Winner at 15:50 CM Punk [B]Rating: A* [/B] FINAL RATING: B+ Success
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] ECW Preview: Val Venis vs. Ted Dibiase Jr. Non-title: ECW Xtreme Tag Champions Martin and Rave vs. The Originals Fallen Angels (Daniels and Senshi) vs. Tajiri and Ken Shamrock Mordecai vs. Sabu Non-title: ECW Xtreme Champion Kane vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton
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Pre-show: [I]Edge vs. Unnamed [/I] This was an absolutely incredible match that will sadly never see the light of day for anyone except those in the arena tonight. Surprisingly, the unnamed masked wrestler was not carried at all in this match, with both men putting on an incredible showing for 8 minutes until Edge hit an Edgecution after a rake to the eyes. Winner at 8:19 Edge [B]Rating: A* [/B] [I]Paul Burchill vs. Sonjay Bhalla vs. Abyss [/I] This was an odd match with a big contrast in styles between all three men but they still put on a solid showing to get the crowd hyped for the show. It was a let-down after the previous match but that was completely expected. Nearly 7 minutes in, Abyss put Burchill down for 3 with a Black Hole Slam. Winner at 6:51 Abyss [B]Rating: C- [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ecwlogo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Styles: [/B]Hello to everyone watching all over the UK, and welcome to Extreme Championship Wrestling. I’m Joey Styles alongside my partner Tazz and what a show! [B]Tazz: [/B]Too right! Ted Dibiase Jr. will be making a rare appearance tonight to face off against Val Venis, new tag team champions Martin and Rave are facing Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards- [B]Styles: [/B]And that’s not all! Tajiri and Ken Shamrock will face off against Christopher Daniels and Senshi Dragon whilst their Fallen Angel companion Mordecai will go one-on-one with Sabu. Finally, our main event is a non-title match pitting Kane against Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar! But we’re kicking things off in the middle of the ring with our General Manager Paul Heyman. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG] [B]Heyman: [/B]I realise we’ve got some great matches taking place tonight, so I don’t want to take up too much of your time but there is something I have to say. It’s come to my attention that we’re just five days away from Unforgiven...and ECW is the only brand not represented on the card. So, I figured I should take it upon myself to ignore the rules about checking things with Vince first, and I’m just gonna do my job and make a match for this Sunday. The easy thing to do would be to give Randy Orton an ECW Xtreme Title match against Kane live on pay-per-view...but that just isn’t happening this Sunday. You see Randy, you can cut promos for the rest of your career about a new era, about Orton Championship Wrestling and about how you were handpicked for a reason, and have been “fed” ECW Originals. Well...first of all, maybe people should understand why Randy Orton is on ECW. I swapped Rob Van Dam because he wanted a chance at the Ultimate Wrestling Champion and you were all I could get, Randy. You faced Sabu in your debut because I was hoping he’d be able to injure you and send you packing. Randy, you talk about a new era...an era of OCW...Orton, this is STILL E-C-W and we’re STILL ****ING EXTREME, BITCH! With that said, this Sunday you’re earning a pay-cheque. At Unforgiven it will be the Fallen Angels...Senshi Dragon, Christopher Daniels and Mordecai...teaming with Randy Orton...to face the team of.....Ken Shamrock, Tajiri, Kane and the man who beat Randy Orton last week...Sabu! [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]Ted Dibiase Jr. and his famous daddy come out next for the match with Val Venis. Junior gets on the mic before the match. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TedDibiaseJr.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG] [B]Dibiase Jr.: [/B]I realise many of you might not recognise me yet...but I will be a big deal one day. I’m the son of this man, the Million Dollar Man, and that can only mean big things for me and my career. [B]Dibiase: [/B]Hahaha...I’ve spoken to Vince McMahon and given him a...financial incentive. If my son can beat Val Venis up next...he gets a World Title Match at No Mercy! [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]Val Venis makes his entrance, not looking too worried. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TedDibiaseJr.jpg[/IMG] (w/[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG]) vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] These two showed signs of great chemistry, but it was Venis who really shone in this match. Sadly it was only a minute long and was essentially a squash, resulting in a Money Shot that means we won’t be seeing a Dibiase fighting for the World Title any time soon. Winner at 1:08 Val Venis [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Non-title: ECW Xtreme Tag Team Champions Martin and Rave vs. The Originals (Dreamer and Richards) [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AlexShelley-1.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JimmyRave.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/StevenRichards.jpg[/IMG] This was a surprisingly good match showcasing ECW’s growing and improving tag division. Whilst the tag titles on all three brands still haven’t been repaired, there is a wealth of challengers for all three sets of belts, and this match showed why. In the end, the originals got the win over the champs after nearly 6 minutes when a Dreamer DDT was enough to pin Jimmy Rave. Winners at 5:45 Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Randy Orton and Mike Tyson make their way to the ring to a chorus of boos, with some fans even throwing trash into the ring. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mike_Tyson.jpg[/IMG] [B]Tyson: [/B]Welcome to OCW, and let me introduce to you YOUR new favourite wrestler...Randy Orton. [B]Orton: [/B]Thank you...look, you people REALLY need to just learn to accept that I’m here to stay. I’m ushering in a new era, the Orton Era...I am the best this business has to offer. That’s said by a lot of people, but I can back it up and I will back it up at Unforgiven. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t have the Addams Family as my tag team partners, but as it stands I have no choice. Mordecai I can justify being acceptable, in my own head, because man...you ARE a former ECW Xtreme Champion...but Daniels and Senshi? You two aren’t even fit to lace my boots. You can lose you’re match up next, that’s fine, I can handle that but you better not screw up for me on Sunday. I WILL beat Kane this Sunday and show that I deserve...no, and show that I’m OWED a title match. [B]Tyson: [/B]It’s damn near criminal that Mr. Orton, as the most valuable commodity on the OCW roster, hasn’t been given a chance at the Xtreme Title yet. Tajiri and Ken Shamrock will get a chance at The Fallen Angels tonight and boys...however you cope tonight, you better not screw the chance you’ve got on Sunday. [B]Orton: [/B]You’re teaming with the best the business has to offer, the future of this business, me...Randy Orton. All it takes to put anyone- and I mean ANYONE- down for the count is an RKO. I was the second ever Ultimate Wrestling Champion, the first person to win it legitimately, instead of in a match to crown the inaugural champ. I will hold the ECW Xtreme Title sooner rather than later, and my dynasty will beg- wait...my dynasty will just simply continue. It begins this Sunday at Unforgiven...the Era of Orton. [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Fallen Angels (Daniels and Senshi) vs. Tajiri and Ken Shamrock [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChristopherDaniels3.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/LowKi.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenShamrock2.jpg[/IMG] This was quite a good match and a decent preview of Unforgiven, with that match hopefully being an improvement on this with the addition of Orton and Mordecai. It was an open contest, with Daniels and Senshi getting in a fair bit of offence before Shamrock made the original Fallen Angel tap out to the Ankle Lock in the 6th minute. Winners at 6:32 Ken Shamrock and Tajiri [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]A video plays hyping Kane vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton. [/I] [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]Mordecai vs. Sabu [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mordecai.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] This was a nice little pre-main event that showcased the upper-card talent available to ECW. The former champion dominated the first few minutes until Sabu managed to fight his way back into the match until a roll up out of nowhere put Mordecai away for three, giving Sabu a big win for the second week in a row. Winner at 6:34 [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Non-title: ECW Xtreme Champion Kane vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Kane2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG] (w/[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mike_Tyson.jpg[/IMG]) The talent of all three men was shown tonight with a fantastic main event to conclude a good show that was the go-from from ECW’s point of view. All three stars got in a fair amount of offence, but eventually it was the champion who got the win 8 minutes in with a Chokeslam on Lesnar. Winner at 8:12 Kane [B]Rating: A [/B] FINAL RATING: B
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Edge in a dark match? WHY! But i think his unnamed opponent will be signed to a contract so we can see those two on one of the main shows. I am liking how you made DiBiase Jr. debut but I don't like how you put him in a squash match against Val. i would of prefered a 8 minute match but the outcome of the match was right. other than the points I have made it was another good show. Well done.
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[QUOTE=Scotland;530879]Edge in a dark match? WHY! But i think his unnamed opponent will be signed to a contract so we can see those two on one of the main shows. I am liking how you made DiBiase Jr. debut but I don't like how you put him in a squash match against Val. i would of prefered a 8 minute match but the outcome of the match was right. other than the points I have made it was another good show. Well done.[/QUOTE] Edge was in a dark match because I didn't have room for him to be in a proper match on the main show, plus I wanted to show that the unnamed opponent can have good matches to add a bit of intruige. For Dibiase, I just don't have plans to push him at the moment, but wanted some sort of introduction rather than "here's Dibiase's son, Dibiase manages him...yeah". I thought it'd be better to have a bit of a promo to build him up a bit, even though there's no plans to push him any time soon. Thanks for the comments mate, I'll throw a preview for Smackdown up in a bit.
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I have to say that I've been reading and I like this diary. I think that thisis one of the more underrated diarys on this board. I'm just confused as to why you make some matches ridiculiously short. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything and if it came across that way I'm sorry. Is it the length of the angle
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[QUOTE=Sarcasm;530917]I have to say that I've been reading and I like this diary. I think that thisis one of the more underrated diarys on this board. I'm just confused as to why you make some matches ridiculiously short. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything and if it came across that way I'm sorry. Is it the length of the angle[/QUOTE] Cheers for the comments, motivates me a bit more to read comments like that. Obviously thanks for the compliment, and to answer the criticism: pretty much time contraints. ECW is still only at 1 hour (although this changes in a few months I think, when I started booking with 08), and for any major angles I usually run them for at least 6 minutes, to get the impact on the show rating. For PPVs this is obviously different, because I run much longer matches generally, and also TV main events usually get a bit extra time. But yeah, didn't come across as jerk-ish or anything lol, don't worry about it and thanks for reading/commenting.
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] Smackdown Preview: Matt and Jeff make a return to Smackdown tonight. The Hardys’ first match back is a Number 1 Contenders Match for the WWE Tag Team Titles against the new team of The Hurricane and Chris Hero, The Superheroes! US and WWE Tag Team Champion Paull London will face off against Bryan Danielson in non-title action. HUGE 10-MAN TAG TEAM UNFORGIVEN PREVIEW: WWE UWC CM Punk, Val Venis, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam and Unknown vs. Edge, John Cena, Bobby Lashley, William Regal and Unknown- [U][I]There are two rumours regarding matches yet to be added to Unforgiven on the Smackdown side, and it's expected that if these come to light, one of them will feature in this Unforgiven Preview match.[/I][/U] [I]Confirmed Matches: [/I] The Superheroes vs. The Hardy Boyz Non-title: WWE Cruiserweight and Tag Team Champion Brian Kendrick vs. BJ Whitmer Chris Masters vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Montel Vontavious Porter Finlay vs. Jack Styles Non-title: WWE United States and Tag Team Champion Paul London vs. Bryan Danielson Unforgiven Preview: WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk, Val Venis, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam and ??? vs. Edge, John Cena, Bobby Lashley, William Regal and ???
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[QUOTE=RKO_HBK;530934]] [I]Confirmed Matches: [/I] The Superheroes vs. [B]The Hardy Boyz[/B] Non-title: [B]WWE Cruiserweight and Tag Team Champion Brian Kendrick [/B]vs. BJ Whitmer Chris Masters vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. [B]Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [B]Finlay[/B] vs. Jack Styles Non-title: WWE United States and Tag Team Champion Paul London vs. [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] Unforgiven Preview: [B]WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk, Val Venis, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam and ??? [/B]vs. Edge, John Cena, Bobby Lashley, William Regal and ???[/QUOTE] not only do i love 10 man tag matches but i also love mystery partner matches so it is a double thumbs up from me.
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/fridaynightsmackdown.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MichaelCole.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cole: [/B]Welcome to the show that’s changing Friday night’s, ladies and gentlemen you’re watching Friday Night Smackdown with me, Michael Cole, and my broadcast partner John “Bradshaw” Layfield. Tonight, John, we’ve got an incredible main event. [B]JBL: [/B]It’s an Unforgiven Preview Michael! We’ve got a huge 10-man tag team contest to preview the Smackdown side of things for the show this Sunday. [B]Cole: [/B]Indeed, it should be a great main event to send the WWE smoothly on the way to Unforgiven in just two days’ time. At the moment we know eight of the competitors, but it is rumours that two new matches may be added tonight. If this happens, one of these matches will john CM Punk, Val Venis, Edge, Rey Mysterio, John Cena, Rob Van Dam, William Regal and Bobby Lashley in our main event. [B]JBL: [/B]Shut the hell up Michael, greatness is coming to the ring. [B]Cole: [/B]Greatness? Batista is a great competitor but a couple of weeks ago he attacked and brutalised Booker T saying that he’s next. Batista’s got a mean streak and a bad habit of beating people up simply to prove a point, so I wouldn’t call him greatness myself. [I]By this time Batista is in the ring with a huge grin on his face. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DaveBatista3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Batista: [/B]You might be wondering why I’m so happy, so before I say what I need to say, take a look at this... [QUOTE][I]Booker T makes his way to the ring with a mic, getting a decent reaction from the fans. Before he can make it to the end of the ramp, he’s taken out from behind by... Batista! The Animal lays into Booker, hitting a Spinebuster on the steal ramp before pulling apart the stairs and delivering a Batista Bomb onto the unforgiving steal. Batista grabs the mic. [/I] [B]Batista: [/B]At Unforgiven...Booker T...you’re next! [/QUOTE] [B]Batista: [/B]Now, I thought I made it pretty clear what I wanted but apparently not, because the match still hasn’t been made official. So, I’m out here to do just that...Booker T, after this Sunday you’ll be just another victim of the Animal and there’s no escaping it. I’m the best this business has to offer today, and I’m being horribly under-used because spaces are being taken up by worthless nobodies like you. You lost at Summerslam, you’re going to lose in the main event tonight and you WILL lose this Sunday. I’m gonna destroy you so that no-one can complain that I was unfair. I will beat you, fairly and without a doubt, in the middle of the ring this Sunday. [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]The Superheroes vs. The Hardy Boyz [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheHurricane.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisHero2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JeffHardy3.jpg[/IMG] Smackdown’s two newest tag teams faced off in this week’s opening contest and it was a good match as expected. All four men can fly around the ring and mat-wrestle when needed, plus Hurricane, Matt and Jeff all know each other very well. Jeff and Matt were booed for the majority of the match, whereas the fans were predictably solidly behind Hurricane and Hero. In the end, Jeff made it a successful return to Smackdown for the brothers when a Twist of Fate put Hurricane down for three. Winners at 7:42 Jeff and Matt Hardy [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]A video plays hyping Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels for Unforgiven. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Non-title: WWE Cruiserweight and Tag Team Champion Brian Kendrick vs. BJ Whitmer [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BrianKendrick5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BJWhitmer.jpg[/IMG] They were given 5 minutes to work with which was surprising, as many were expecting a very short squash. In actuality, they had a good, open match, although Kendrick’s performance really stood out as being good. After 5-minutes of decent action, a Sliced Bread No. 2 put Whitmer away. Winner at 4:48 Brian Kendrick [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]Chris Masters vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Montel Vontavious Porter [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisMordetzky.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/MontelVontaviousPorter.jpg[/IMG] This was a dreadful match considering how talented MVP and Guerrero, and also the fact that Masters can be dragged to a decent match. For a triple threat, it was quite slow-moving, maybe being a factor in the fans getting bored over the near 10 minute duration. Masters dominated Chavo early on with the help of Porter, but MVP turned on the Masterpiece a couple of minutes in and started to build momentum, taking Masters out of the match towards the end with a vicious kick. Guerrero tried to get back into the match but he was pinned nearly 10 minutes in with a Playmaker. Winner at 9:38 Montel Vontavious Porter [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]A video plays hyping Raw’s Street Fight at Unforgiven pitting Umaga against The Undertaker. [/I] [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]Finlay vs. Jack Styles [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] Although Styles is already a very good talent and prospect for the future, putting him in the ring with a veteran like Finlay will definitely not hurt. Styles started strong early on with high-flying, high-risk offence which proved his undoing. A missed Springboard Forearm gave Finlay the opportunity to work on the spine and lower back of the former Cruiserweight Champion, which helped him steal the win after 13 minutes of exciting action when he used the ropes to steal a pin. Winner at 12:55 Finlay [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Mister......Kennedy.........Kennedy! That voice and the music that follows can only signal the arrival of one man. Ken Kennedy comes to the ring to a decent amount of heat after his attack on Christian last week. His mic drops from the ceiling, and a spotlight comes on. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kennedy: [/B]Shush...shush...good. Now that I have everybody’s attention, I have a few things I need to say, so I’d appreciate it if you jackasses stayed quiet for a moment. Last week I voiced my genuine, and I don’t think unfounded, concerns about being over-looked for the Number One Contender tournament. I knew my words alone wouldn’t get the job done, so I had to take matters into my own hands. Over the last week, I’ve done some investigating. Now, it’s my horrible duty to inform you that Christian is NOT here tonight. He was taken out with a chair shot during his match last week, and I’ve heard he was unfortunately attacked as he was driving into the arena tonight. However, I have not failed you, the great WWE fans. I have played the investigator and I know that it was the same man this week who was to blame for last week’s attack. I’ve done a bit of digging around and there are a...collection of people to blame. [B]Cole: [/B]What?! It’s all Kennedy’s fault, and he knows it! Who else could he possibly try and blame?! [B]Kennedy: [/B]A couple of weeks ago, Theodore Long...Shane McMahon...Stephanie McMahon...Eric Bischoff...and Vince McMahon all got together to decide the brackets for the Number One Contender Tournament. They chose the matches you saw on Raw and Smackdown last week...they are your culprits. You can blame them for putting Bobby Lashley against Christian last week, instead of Ken Kennedy being showcased for the world to see. You can blame them for making FIVE matches on Smackdown and keeping me from every single last one of them. You can blame THEM for what happened to Christian last week and earlier today, but Christian...pal...you can blame ME for what’s going to happen this Sunday. That’s right, it’s Unforgiven...and I DON’T forgive you for taking up a valuable spot that could’ve gone for me. So, I spoke to Vince McMahon and he made it official...this Sunday, live at Unforgiven...Ken Kennedy...versus Christian...if you even manage to get cleared in time. Whether you do make it to Unforgiven, or whether you have to forfeit, the winner of the match will be announced as...MISTER...KENNEDY............Kennedy! [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Non-title: WWE United States and Tag Team Champion Paul London vs. Bryan Danielson [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/PaulLondon5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BryanDanielson3.jpg[/IMG] This was a solid match that gave Danielson a chance to try to hang one-on-one with a semi-major player in the WWE. Danielson and London wrestled very evenly for 9 minutes, with lots of mat-based chain wrestling. London isn’t really the elite of the WWE, but he is the current US Champ and one half of the tag team champions. That said, it was a big (albeit not a shocking) win for Danielson when London submitted to the Arms Across America nearly 9 minutes in, adding another impressive victory to the growing streak. Winner at 8:51 Bryan Danielson [B]Rating: C [/B] [I]The heels make their entrance for the main event. CM Punk is out first for his team, but he barely makes it half way down the ramp when he’s taken out from behind by Ken Kennedy. Kennedy lays the boots into the Ultimate Wrestling Champion, shouting about earning respect. Disturbingly, as Kennedy starts to bloody Punk he calls him “Christian”. Booker T’s music hits, and Kennedy quickly leaves through the crowd before one of Punk’s partners can come out to his rescue. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk, Val Venis, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam and Booker T vs. Edge, Bobby Lashley, John Cena, William Regal and Batista [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ReyMysterio2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/BookerT.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WilliamRegal6.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DaveBatista3.jpg[/IMG] This was a fantastic end to the evening. Instead of rushing this as last-minute hype for Unforgiven, these 10 men were given half an hour to put on a real showcase and sell the PPV. The story of the match was Punk selling the beating from Kennedy, with the heels constantly taking advantage and largely isolating Punk for the opening minutes of the match. When Punk was finally able to make the hot tag to Booker, the momentum shifted and we had a very open, fast-paced match for the majority of its duration. Punk tagged himself back in nearly 30 minutes in, but as he got to the middle of the ring a Regal Cutter out of nowhere put him down for three, leaving the heels standing tall just days before Unforgiven. Winners at 29:24 William Regal, Edge, John Cena, Batista and Bobby Lashley [B]Rating: B+ [/B] FINAL RATING: B Success
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I'll post the preview for Unforgiven probably tomorrow. I've started typing it all up, but I've decided to do the matches a bit differently to how they've done before. I'll do a longer write up, but it won't be extremely detailed, just because I don't have the time to do it being at uni and everything. However, I have done an in-depth write-up for the Nitro-Mankind Hardcore match, cos I felt it needed it. Just thought I'd explain it ahead of time anywho.
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] Here's this month's Pay-Per-View Preview for WWE's Unforgiven. The announced card is as follows: [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/ElTiburon/WWE%20GFX/Unforgiven07logo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WWEUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] [B]United States Title Match[/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/PaulLondon5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] After Finlay attacked the Double Champion a few weeks ago on Smackdown, the match was made for the US Title. London is coming off a loss to Bryan Danielson, whereas Finlay defeated former Cruiserweight Champion Jack Styles, so the momentum is clearly in Finlay's favour but who'll walk out with the title? [B]Hardcore Rules Match[/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/mankindkyky.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnHennigan.jpg[/IMG] Nitro insulted Mick Foley a few weeks ago, leading to Foley verbally destroying Johnny Nitro. This in turn resulted in Eric Bischoff booking them to face each other in a Foley speciality...a Hardcore Match! This last week on Raw, we saw Mankind in the basement of the arena in a clearly derranged state of mind. Will Nitro survive the punishment Mankind has planned, or will he surprise the world and beat the Hardcore Legend at his own game? [LEFT][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Kane2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenShamrock.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Sabu.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mordecai.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChristopherDaniels3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/LowKi.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT]Ever since Randy Orton was traded to ECW, he's been c0cky and arrogant, talking about a "new era" of Orton Championship Wrestling. He's also set his sights on the ECW Xtreme Title. This past week, he told the Fallen Angels not to screw up his change to make a statement tonight, but with Sabu holding a win over Orton and Mordecai they might not need to mess up to lose the match. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Christian.jpg[/IMG] When the matches for the Number One Contender Tournament were announced a couple of weeks ago, Ken Kennedy verbally showed his distain for being "overlooked" in favour of other members of Smackdown's elite. The last man to beat The Undertaker as a Smackdown-exclusive wrestler took his fustrations out on Christian, costing him his tournament match with Bobby Lashley. Christian was also attacked by Kennedy in the parking lot prior to Smackdown on Friday and so couldn't make it to the show. Kennedy put the blame on all the authority figures and this match was made, but will Christian even make it to Unforgiven? [B]Number One Contender 6-Way[/B] [I](Winner gets an Ultimate Wrestling Title shot at Cyber Sunday)[/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WilliamRegal6.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ReyMysterio2.jpg[/IMG] All six men fought in tough qualifying matches to get the chance they have at Unforgiven. Of the group, all but William Regal are former World Champions, although the Great Brit has the experience advantage and is a former 2-time United States Title. Will Cena look to reclaim the title he was so close to winning at Wrestlemania 23, or will Bobby Lashley find his way to his first World Title match since losing the now-defunct ECW World Title? Will Rey Mysterio rise above the rest and capture his first World Title despite being the clear underdog, or will Rob Van Dam make his move back to Smackdown a succesful one by adding Ultimate Wrestling Champion to his list of accomplishments? Or will it be the dark horse of the match, the only Raw superstar, in Chris Jericho, who finally gets back at The Corporation by earning a shot against the man who beat him to earn a title match in the first place? [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/BookerT.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DaveBatista3.jpg[/IMG] A couple of weeks ago, Booker T was named as Batista's next "victim" after The Animal brutally beat down Booker on Smackdown. Will Booker get revenge on the man who unfairly attacked him, unprovoked, or will Batista's reign of terror and dominance continue? [B][I]DREAM MATCH! BRET HART'S RETURN TO PPV![/I][/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BretHart.jpg[/IMG] Ahead of his hugely anticipated rematch with Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series, Bret Hart has been getting in some practice to shake off the ring-rust. This last month, HBK announced that someone had something to say to The Hitman. Ric Flair came out and layed down the challenge, so this Sunday Bret will make his return to PPV. Will it be successful, or will the Nature Boy get a huge win over the returning Hitman? [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/tripleh2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ShawnMIchaels3.jpg[/IMG] These two have been feuding or been part of DX for years, but now the rivalry is extremely intense. Triple H turned on Michaels months ago on his first night back after injury, restarting the feud. Months later, this should see it end, with Michaels vowing to destroy Triple H and pin him in the middle of the ring. Will HBK get his wish, or will it be game over for the Heartbreak Kid? [B]Street Fight[/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheUndertaker2.jpg[/IMG] Undertaker and Umaga have a bitter rivalry spanning the last few months, including a Fatal Four Way match last month including Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Will the Samoan Bulldozer use the environment to his advantage, or will Taker take Umaga to hell and back to punish the Bulldozer? [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WWEUltimateWrestling.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"]VS.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="6"]VS.[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] CM Punk beat Edge to earn his initial chance at the Ultimate Wrestling Championship, and highly respects Val Venis. Venis sees great potential in Punk, and has been screwed out of chances at the gold by Edge. After already earning his shot at Summerslam last month and losing arguably because of a distraction from the Rated R Superstar, will Venis finally get to the top of the business? Will Edge get the gold after months of trying, including after being present at the beginning of Punk's journey to the top? Or, will CM Punk prove that he isn't just a paper champion by finally ridding himself of his last two challengers?[/CENTER] [U]QUICK PICKS:[/U] US Title: Paul London (C) vs. Finlay Hardcore Rules: Mankind vs. Johnny Nitro ECW Xtreme Champ Kane, Ken Shamrock, Tajiri and Sabu vs. Randy Orton and The Fallen Angels Ken Kennedy vs. Christian Number 1 Contenders 6-Way: Chris Jericho vs. Bobby Lashley vs. John Cena vs. William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio Booker T vs. Batista Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels Street Fight: Umaga vs. The Undertaker WWE Ultimate Wrestling Title: CM Punk (C) vs. Edge vs. Val Venis
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QUICK PICKS: US Title: [B]Paul London (C)[/B] vs. Finlay Hardcore Rules: [B]Mankind[/B] vs. Johnny Nitro ECW Xtreme Champ Kane, Ken Shamrock, Tajiri and Sabu vs. [B]Randy Orton and The Fallen Angels[/B] [B]Ken Kennedy [/B]vs. Christian Number 1 Contenders 6-Way: Chris Jericho vs. Bobby Lashley vs. John Cena vs. William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam vs. [B]Rey Mysterio[/B] - really want to see Mysterio at the top again. Booker T vs. [B]Batista[/B] [B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart[/B] vs. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair Triple H vs. [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] Street Fight: Umaga vs. [B]The Undertaker[/B] WWE Ultimate Wrestling Title: CM Punk (C) vs. Edge vs. [B]Val Venis[/B] - would say CM Punk, but eh what the hell.
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Cheers for the predictions, just thought I'd give an update and say I'm half way through writing up Unforgiven. I was progressing nicely, but then uni work and the social side took over for a few days, but I've managed to do a couple of promos and a match today. Just wanted to let people know this isn't dying, just been a hectic, awful week :rolleyes:
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QUICK PICKS: US Title: [B]Paul London (C)[/B] vs. Finlay Hardcore Rules: Mankind vs. [B]Johnny Nitr[/B][B]o[/B] ECW Xtreme Champ Kane, Ken Shamrock, Tajiri and Sabu vs. [B]Randy Orton and The Fallen Angels[/B] - Tajiri on the other side swings it for me, Tajiri to me equals credible jobber in that he probably should have won more often in the "E" Ken Kennedy vs. Christian Number 1 Contenders 6-Way: Chris Jericho vs. Bobby Lashley vs. John Cena vs. William Regal vs. [B]Rob Van Dam[/B] vs. Rey Mysterio - RVD was a guy I thought was a little undervalued to be honest in the "E", I just remember seeing the guy when he first came into the Invasion and being completely and utterly blown away by him, he was supernatural Booker T vs. [B]Batista [/B]Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs. [B]"Nature Boy" Ric Flair[/B] - Ric always has one of those dirtiest player in the games party tricks up his sleeve Triple H vs. [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] - if there's a guy HHH doesn't mind a job to it is HBK Street Fight: Umaga vs. [B]The Undertaker[/B] WWE Ultimate Wrestling Title: [B]CM Punk (C)[/B] vs. Edge vs. Val Venis
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[QUOTE=RKO_HBK;536434]Cheers for the predictions, just thought I'd give an update and say I'm half way through writing up Unforgiven. I was progressing nicely, but then uni work and the social side took over for a few days, but I've managed to do a couple of promos and a match today. Just wanted to let people know this isn't dying, just been a hectic, awful week :rolleyes:[/QUOTE] What are you doing at Uni may I ask? I'm also at uni.
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[QUOTE=tristram;536559]What are you doing at Uni may I ask? I'm also at uni.[/QUOTE] Cheers for the predictions and comments, I'll get the show up ASAP but it'll likely be Monday. Should get a lot of the show typed up tomorrow though. I'm doing Journalism, you?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just want to let everyone know that this is alive, but the show won't be up as soon as I'd have hoped. Basically, the last week and a bit of uni involved lots of assessments and well lots of going out and drinking. :p Basically life took over lol, but this won't die cos I've got loads already booked that I can't wait to type up, it's just been hard to find the time. I got back from uni yesterday though, so hopefully I'll be able to get the last few matches of Unforgiven typed up so I can get this posted by the end of the week. Just thought I'd let everyone know why this has been so quiet the last week or so.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/ElTiburon/WWE%20GFX/Unforgiven07logo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][I]Live from the sold-out Staples Centre in front of 15,000 fans![/I][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR: [/B]Hello to all our fans around the world, we’re here in front of a sold-out Staples Centre to bring you Unforgiven! I’m Jim Ross and tonight I’m joined by not only Jerry “The King” Lawler but also colleagues from Smackdown and ECW. First, Joey Styles! [B]Styles: [/B]Thanks JR. Tonight Unforgiven goes extreme with a 6-man tag match featuring the best ECW has to offer but tonight is all about the main event! [B]JBL: [/B]I’m looking forward to seeing CM Punk finally get dethroned by Edge in front of the world. [B]JR: [/B]It could be the case, but don’t count the Ultimate Wrestling Champion out. He defied all odds to win the title from Randy Orton. [B]Styles: [/B]That’s true JR, but we can’t forget about Val Venis. Val’s fought long and hard to get to this point and he won’t give up his chance that easily. Anyway, with the anticipation building up for this show it feels like we've been waiting a life time, so let's get it underway! [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]A video plays hyping Paul London vs. Finlay, showing Finlay’s attack a few weeks ago. [/I] [B]Rating: C- [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WWEUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] [I]United States Title Match: WWE US and Tag Team Champion Paul London vs. Finlay [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/PaulLondon5.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] Finlay starts the match strong with a cheap-shot over the ref’s head, taking London down early and giving him a chance to get to work. He focuses on the left knee and lower back of the double champion, clearly trying to limit his high-flying offence early. As the match moves on, the champion manages to get a Dropsault out of nowhere to gain the advantage. London uses quick strikes and takedowns to try to counter Finlay’s offence, but the Fighting Irishman constantly gets the upper hand due to his strength advantage. The match gets into the 5th minute and it becomes a pure mat-based contest, which the fans surprisingly enjoy. This stage of the match is really open and Finlay looks to have stolen the title 6 minutes in with a roll up with a handful of tights...1...2...no, the ref’s seen the rule-breaking. Finlay argues with the ref but turns into a Crossbody followed by a 450 Splash. 1...2...3! London retains his title in a decent opener. Winner at 6:45 and STILL United States Champion [B]Paul London! [/B] [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [B]JR: [/B]That was a good effort from both competitors, but in the end Paul London proves that cheaters don’t always win, getting the victory to make his forth defence of the United States Title. Up next it’s Raw’s first exclusive match of the evening and there will be no cheating in this contest King! [B]Lawler: [/B]That’s right JR, because Johnny Nitro and Mankind are facing off in a Hardcore Match! There are no count outs, no disqualifications, no rope breaks and falls count anywhere. This is a hellish, brutal match and Mankind’s speciality. Foley has brought back one of his most popular personalities for this, because Foley himself isn’t capable of the punishment he wants to put Nitro through in the match. [B]JR: [/B]We saw Mankind in the basement of the arena on Monday Night and he really is ready to make Nitro pay for his comments to Mick Foley a week ago and... [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/mankindkyky.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR: [/B]Here comes Mankind! The Hardcore Legend and troubled soul is back for one night only, making his way to the ring, but what the hell?! [I]Mankind reaches under the ring and pulls out a table! He sets it up and ringside and climbs to the top rope before jumping off and through it! He then raises his hand in the air and climbs back up into the ring with a sick grin on his face. [/I] [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Hardcore Match: Mankind vs. Johnny Nitro [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/mankindkyky.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnHennigan.jpg[/IMG] Nitro looks visibly shaken as he walks to the ring, looking everywhere except into the insane eyes of his opponent. He pauses at the end of the ramp and suddenly runs back down the ramp! Just as he reaches the stage, Mankind spins him round and hits a solid right hand before pulling him to the ring by his hair as Nitro squeals to the crowd’s amusement. Once both men get in the ring, the fun really begins. Mankind unleashes on Nitro with wild punches before a Cactus Clothesline leaves both men on the outside. The Hardcore Legend gets to his feet first and quickly grabs a chair from ringside, laying it across Johnny’s chest. Mankind goes to the apron and runs to hit an elbow, but as he’s flying through the air Nitro’ throws the chair into his body, saving his own. At this point, Nitro takes the opportunity to get on the offence, choking his opponent against the barrier at ringside, following it up with an Irish Whip that sends Mankind knees first into the steel steps. Nitro gets under the ring and pulls out...a huge ladder! Just as Mankind gets to his feet he’s taken out by a stiff ladder shot, but he gets right back up laughing. Nitro looks confused as Mankind goes under the ring himself, pulling out a large sack. He gets into the ring and plays to the crowd before pouring out the contest...lighter fluid, a lighter, Barbie, a steel chair, a sledgehammer, a baseball bat, a kendo stick and another smaller bag. The 3rd minute is marked with Nitro getting in the ring only to be taken out by a big kendo shot to the back and then another to the skull, leaving him face-down looking unconscious. Mankind walks around in the ring parading the smaller bag before emptying the contents in one corner of the ring...thousands of thumbtacks! He goes to pick Nitro up to unleash more punishment but a low blow brings Mankind to his knees. Nitro grabs the baseball bat and hits a brutal shot to the face to send Mankind to the mat. As we get into the 5th minute, Mankind is teetering by the tacks, trying not to fall. He hits a shot to the throat of Nitro, staggering him. Johnny Nitro charges, but a high back body drop sends him straight into the thumbtacks! Nitro looks horrified at the pain he’s going through, but still manages to Drop Toe Hold Mankind onto the tacks as well. By the 6th minute both men are visibly bleeding (although it’s more obvious for Nitro), but neither look like giving the other an easy win. Mankind hits a Double Armed DDT out of nowhere and throws Nitro out of the ring. He doesn’t see his opponent grab a trash can lid from under the ring, but certainly feels it when he goes to get out of the ring. Mankind is left hanging half out of the ring, and Nitro takes advantage, getting to the top rope and hitting a stunning Shooting Star Press to the outside, pulling Mankind out with him. He sets up the ladder outside the ring and pulls a table out, setting it up in the ring. Mankind gets back up though and lays him out with Barbie, before dowsing the table in lighter fluid! Another low blow puts any plans he had on hold, and Nitro drags him outside to the announce table. A rake to the eye gives Mankind the advantage, and he uses it, hitting a great DDT through the announce table! 1...2...no! Nitro somehow kicks out and gets back on the offence in the ring. A Step-Up Enziguri leaves Mankind on the mat, and Nitro uses the time to get the lighter and set the table on fire! He picks Mankind up...Suplex through the flaming table! 1...2...3! Nitro shocks the world by beating Mankind in his speciality match after all kinds of punishment, but certainly looks a lot less confident than he did last week. The crowd applaud both men’s efforts in this good contest, but it really could’ve done with a bit more time because the spots seemed too crammed together. Winner at 9:44 [B]Johnny Nitro! [/B] [B]Rating: B [/B] [B]Tazz: [/B]Well Joey, sorry for the gimmick infringement but OH MY GOD! Holy ****, that match was incredible! Up next ECW is represented at Unforgiven with a huge 6-man tag match! It’s gonna be the team of The Fallen Angels and Randy Orton facing off against Sabu, Ken Shamrock, Tajiri and the ECW Xtreme Champion Kane. This could have huge implications for the future of ECW, with Orton setting his sights on Kane recently and telling Daniels and Senshi Dragon that they better not screw things up for him! For their sake, let’s hope it runs smoothly for Orton. [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]ECW Xtreme Champion Kane, Tajiri, Ken Shamrock and Sabu vs. Randy Orton and The Fallen Angels [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Kane2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenShamrock.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Sabu.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Mordecai.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChristopherDaniels3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/LowKi.jpg[/IMG] Senshi Dragon and Tajiri start the match and begin trading stiff kicks and punches before moving onto some nice cruiserweight action to get the crowd into the match. Orton and Kane are largely kept apart, with Mordecai and Kane mixing it up for a while. When Sabu gets tagged in, he’s isolated by quick tags and cheap shots, but manages to reverse an RKO 6 minutes in and make the hot tag to Shamrock. Ken and Daniels brawl and trade blows for a couple of minutes until a sneaky eye poke allows Daniels to tag in Randy Orton. He goes for the RKO...no, Shamrock slips away and tags into Tajiri who charges...but he’s met with a kick to the gut and a quick RKO. 1...2...3! Orton’s team get the win in a passable match, but considering who was on Orton’s team a great deal of interest wasn’t expected. Randy Orton put in a great stand-out performance, really holding the match together and making it enjoyable at times. Winners at 8:49 [B]Randy Orton, Christopher Daniels, Senshi Dragon and Mordecai! [/B] [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]Ken Kennedy makes his way to the ring to a decent amount of heat, holding a baseball bat. He gets in the ring and his mic drops. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Kennedy: [/B]Tonight...tonight, there will be one winner. I said on Smackdown this past Friday that you should blame the bosses for what happened to Christian last week and in the parking lot before the show...but really, blame me. I mean, I took the chair and smartly cost Christian his spot in the Number One Contender 6-Way later tonight. I beat him down because I deserve to be in that match...I deserve to be handing title matches whenever I want them, because of who I am. I’m the fasting rising star in the world of sports entertainment...not just because of my raw talent...not because of the great shape I’m in...not even because of my undeniable charisma...no...I’m smart. I know that taking out the competition is tactical. All’s fair in love and war, and well I love championship gold. Christian...because of this baseball bat hitting your face through a car windscreen...you won’t be at the show tonight. Therefore...the winner of this match by forfeit...MISTER............KENNEDY............KEN-AH-DAY! Ring- [I]Before the ref can award Kennedy the victory, Christian's music hits! [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Christian.jpg[/IMG] Captain Charisma is here! He comes out with a bandage round his head and looks to be in bad shape, but never takes his eyes of Kennedy. [/I] [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Ken Kennedy vs. Christian [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KenKennedy.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Christian.jpg[/IMG] Christian gets in the ring and Kennedy tries to lay the boots in but a spear takes him down as Captain Charisma unloads with wild rights and lefts. Eventually Kennedy lands a blow on the back of the head that puts Christian down early and gives him a chance to dominate. The opening 5 minutes are almost entirely Kennedy, with any offence Christian gets being stopped from developing thanks to a cheap shot to the back of the head. Kennedy controls the match well, building up the crowd to extent that they absolutely explode when Christian manages to hit a Dropkick out of nowhere and start to build momentum heading into the 7th minute. Christian looks enraged as he just unleashes on Kennedy with strikes and submissions, locking him in a Crossface in the 11th minute. Kennedy manages to roll out and nearly takes his head off with a stiff Clothesline! 1...2...no! Christian gets the shoulder up. Kennedy pulls him up...DDT...cover...he kicks out again! Kennedy starts clubbing the back of Christian’s head, before hitting a perfect Neckbreaker near the corner...1...2...Christian gets his foot on the bottom rope. Kennedy is clearly annoyed as he goes to the top rope...Kenton Bomb...misses! Christian slowly gets to his feet and a dropkick to the knees bounces Kennedy into the corner...Unprettier! 1...2...3! Christian wins an absolutely amazing match that has the fans on their feet. Winner at 13:35 [B]Christian! [/B] [B]Rating: A [/B] [B]Cole: [/B]That was an incredible contest! Christian got his revenge. Up next, more than pride is at stake with a 6-way match to decide the new Number One Contender for the Ultimate Wrestling Championship. It’s gonna be five of Smackdown’s best against the finest from Raw, and here’s how we got to where we are tonight... [I]A recap of the tournament leading to the Number One Contender 6-Way is shown. [/I] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Chris Jericho vs. Bobby Lashley vs. John Cena vs. William Regal vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Rey Mysterio [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BobbyLashley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WilliamRegal6.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ReyMysterio2.jpg[/IMG] Rather than the predictable start of all the Smackdown guys taking out the Raw “outsider”, Cena and Mysterio immediately start to brawl on the outside, RVD and Regal trade blows in one corner as Lashley and Jericho exchange quick holds, already illustrating the different dynamics on show in this match. The first pin fall attempt comes 4 minutes in, after Jericho managed to hit a Lionsault on Van Dam after a knee to the skull from Regal floored him. However, the Great Brit manages to kick Jericho in the face to stop the living legend from winning early on. 10 minutes in, it’s total chaos in the ring with all 6 superstars brawling and going for quick falls. In the confusion, Mysterio manages to hit a 619 on RVD! He goes for a Springboard Splash but Lashley Spears him in midair! Bobby then turns only to be met by a strong right hand from Cena. The two superstars trade blows in the middle of the ring until Cena is shoved back and met with a Bulldog by Jericho! Using his momentum, Y2J also dropkicks Lashley. Van Dam just gets to his feet but is taken out by an Enziguri and is locked in the Walls of Jericho! After a while in the hold, Regal saves the day by kneeing Y2J in the back of the head! He goes for the cover on RVD...1...2...3! William Regal wins! Regal is victorious in an incredible match and will get an Ultimate Wrestling Title shot at Cyber Sunday! Winner at 12:33 and the Number 1 Contender for Cyber Sunday [B]William Regal! [/B] [B]Rating: A* [/B] [B]Cole: [/B]Regal did it! I can’t argue with that result- William Regal just beat five of the best in this business to earn a championship match against the Ultimate Wrestling Champion at Cyber Sunday. Up next is the Smackdown-exclusive main event, pitting Booker T against Batista. The Animal has been on the war-path most of the year, taking out anyone he wants to prove his dominance. A few weeks ago, Booker T became the latest victim of a brutal attack but tonight he gets his chance at revenge. Will Batista’s reign of singles dominance on pay-per-view continue, or can Booker T get a measure of revenge on the man that tried to injure him three weeks ago? [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Booker T vs. Batista [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/BookerT.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/DaveBatista3.jpg[/IMG] The contrast in both wrestlers’ appearance is immediately noticeable, with Batista looking almost emotionless, staring at a man that looks like he wants to murder the Animal. The two start the match with an all-out brawl that spills out of and around the ring until they make it in just before the 10-count when a huge kick takes Batista down to the crowd’s delight! Booker T gets his revenge for a few solid minutes of relentless abuse, but a Scissors Kick attempt fails when Booker bounces off the ropes into a high Spinebuster! 1...2...no! Batista doesn’t roll away from the cover, instead pounding Booker in the side of the head until the ref is forced to pull the Animal away. Just as Booker is getting to his feet, a cheap kick to the side of the head sends him back down again. By the 7th minute, Booker starts to build back some momentum with quick chops and kicks before a Spinebuster of his own lets him to up to the top rope...Houston Hang Over! Both men are on their feet...Book End...no, Batista elbows his way out...Spear! 1...2...Booker kicks out and both men rush to their feet...the Book End connects, but Booker is also on his back. He crawls over to the cover...1...2...not quite! Booker slips out of a Batista Bomb 10 minutes in, but turns into a stiff clothesline. He’s picked up but manages to hit a Suplex out of nowhere. Batista gets up and goes for the Spear...Booker avoids it but the ref takes the full force! Booker kicks the Animal in the gut...Scissors Kick, but the ref’s down...1...2...3...the ref still isn’t up! Booker pulls Batista to his feet and goes for another but a low blow brings him to his knees! Batista Bomb! The ref crawls over...1...2...3! Something just clicked between these two, and this was an incredible match. Winner at 12:06 [B]Batista! [/B] [B]Rating: A* [/B] [I]A recap of the Michaels/Hart/Flair segment from this week’s Raw is shown: [QUOTE]Bret Hart’s music is cut out and replaced by the music of Shawn Michaels, and as promised the Heartbreak Kid makes his way to the stage with a mic. Michaels stops at the top of the ramp though and signals for his music to stop. [/I] [B]HBK:[/B] Bret, don’t get excited...I’m not coming down there. You can just wait until Survivor Series, it’s only a few months now Bret. I’m out here because it’s come to my attention that I could be competing at Unforgiven, and I’ve competing on the vast majority- if not all of- the pay-per-views this year. Bret, you’ve not competed in any. So, that got old Shawn Michaels thinking...that’s not really fair is it? I mean, I’m made to compete week after week, AND wrestle on the pay-per-views. One option is for the Heartbreak Kid to take a break until Survivor Series...and well we all know that that will NEVER happen! No Bret, I’m still going to compete and entertain these people as long as a physically can. I know you’re not in the shape to do that, Hitman, but you looked fine out there. So, I took the liberty of speaking to a few people backstage and...well, maybe this will be better coming from this man... [I]Woooooo! The Nature Boy Ric Flair struts to the ramp, hugs Shawn Michaels and walks to the ring as HBK leaves. [/I] [B]Flair:[/B] Who would have predicted this over the last few years...us two standing in the same ring? It’s not something I expected at least, Bret. Here’s the deal...I’m just coming off a big inter-brand tag team match at Summerslam but I’m still itching to go. Unlike you, I LOVE this bus- [B]Hart:[/B] Stop right there! I’m the biggest hero in Canada, I made wrestling great- I’m the best there is, was and ever will be! Wrestling is in my blood! [B]Flair:[/B] It may have BEEN in your blood, but all your pissing and whining took it right out of your system son. [B]Hart:[/B] You shut your damn mouth, I’m- [B]Flair:[/B] You can say you’re Bret Hart, the Hitman, the greatest technical wrestler in the history of this business but one thing you’re not...one thing you will never be, Bret, is the man! But hey, there’s one way you could be...Unforgiven is a couple of weeks away, Hitman. [B]Hart:[/B] If you think I’ll risk my chance at facing Shawn at Survivor Series just for a match with you, you’re very much mistaken! [B]Flair:[/B] You don’t think you can get the job done? C’mon Bret...you just beat Mick Foley. I’m coming off a loss at Summerslam. How about we give the fans a dream match for 2007...the Nature Boy vs. The Hitman...Hart vs. Flair...Legend vs. Legend...come on Bret. It’s what the fans want...it’s what the Hart family want...you don’t want to disgrace everyone’s opinion of you do you? I mean, you’ll disappoint the fans...the people who gave you every opportunity in the business...the people from the Dungeon...Owen...hell, you’ll disappoint Canada- [B]Hart:[/B] YOU’RE ON! [I]Hart immediately drops the mic in the middle of the ring and storms out, leaving Flair looking shocked but pleased. [/I] [/QUOTE] [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Ric Flair makes his entrance, followed by Bret Hart, making his return to pay-per-view! [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BretHart.jpg[/IMG] Two of the best wrestlers of all time stare face-to-face in a great but somewhat subdued atmosphere, but the fans are clearly still excited to see the legends face off. A quick lock-up and attempted takedowns from both men do nothing to really get the match going, but the two back away and Flair extends his hand. Hart goes to return it, but turns it into an Irish Whip and hits Flair with a shoulder block as he bounces back. It’s clear by the 4th minute that Hart is slightly limited in what he can do with a longer match, but he’s still holding his own with the Nature Boy. Flair starts to get an advantage, working on the legs and keeping the Hitman grounded. The 6th minute sees both competitors chopping each other on their knees until Hart is knocked back and Flair locks in the Figure Four! The crowd go wild, but after a minute in the hold Bret manages to reach the bottom rope. The Hitman continues to work the legs of Flair, but goes for a Piledriver 8 minutes in...Flair falls back and flips the Hitman over to the mat. The Nature Boy looks to be going for another Figure Four Leg Lock...but Bret hits a Drop Toe Hold...Sharpshooter! Flair is in the hold for over a minute, grabbing the rope but being pulled right back to the middle of the ring...he taps! Hart wins his return to PPV with the move he HAS to win with at Survivor Series. This could’ve been an incredible match, but it was good enough considering the age and condition of both competitors. Winner at 9:50 [B]Bret Hart! [/B] [B]Rating: B [/B] [B]JR: [/B]Bret “The Hitman” Hart has won his return to pay-per-view! He just beat the Nature Boy! [B]Lawler: [/B]That’s one brief saga over, but up next we could be seeing the culmination of another! [B]JR: [/B]This is another instalment of an unpredictable, rocky relationship between sometimes best friends, now enemies, Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Michaels said he won’t let this die until he pins The Game in the middle of the ring. Will tonight be the end of the latest part of this bitter rivalry? Let’s find out! [I]By this time, the Cerebral Assassin is in the ring. HBK makes his entrance, and the bell is rung. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/tripleh2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ShawnMIchaels3.jpg[/IMG] A split second after the bell Triple H gets a cheap shot over the ref’s head and starts beating down the Heartbreak Kid, focusing on the skull and spine of his former DX teammate. The Game keeps Michaels grounded with kicks to the side before putting him in a Surfboard, putting more pressure on HBK’s spine, which has had many well-documented issues in the past. Triple H uses the weakened spine to his advantage for the first few minutes, dominating Michaels with cheap shots and holds to further wear HBK down. Shawn can barely get to an upright position as he wildly swings at the Game, trying to get a shot in. A running knee sends Michaels back down to the mat, holding his face as we get into the 4th minute. As we hit the 6th minute, the Heartbreak Kid gets back in the match with a running forearm out of nowhere, leaving both men down on the mat. They both get up and start trading blows but a Manhattan Drop is followed up by a Body Slam. Michaels goes up to the top rope...Elbow Drop! He tunes up the band......the Game ducks the Sweet Chin Music, kick to the gut...HBK slips out of the Pedigree...Forearm! Michaels nips up...right into a running knee! 1...2...HBK kicks out! The fans are on their feet willing Michaels to be able to build some offence against Triple H, who has pretty much dominated the first 8 minutes. Triple H Irish Whips HBK and goes for the Spinebuster, but it’s reversed into a DDT! The Game gets to his feet...Superkick! Michaels collapses as well though, and can’t make the cover. He manages to crawl and throw an arm across the chest of his rival...1...2...no! The Cerebral Assassin just gets a shoulder up! The Heartbreak Kid looks stunned that the Sweet Chin Music wasn’t enough...he locks in the Sharpshooter! Triple H struggles in the hold as the match is midway through the 10th minute...he reaches the ropes. The ref pushes HBK away from the ropes and Triple H hits a cheap shot over the ref’s head, staggering Michaels and leaving him prone to the Pedigree! 1...2...he kicked out! Shawn kicks out of the Pedigree and Triple H can’t believe it. He goes for another...counted into a Sharpshooter! He makes to the ropes after another brief struggle and turns right into a Superkick! Michaels goes up and hits another Elbow Drop...tuning up the band...Sweet Chin Music! He makes the cover...1...2...3! Shawn Michaels does what he vowed to do, standing tall after beating Triple H in what was an incredible contest. Winner at 13:35 [B]Shawn Michaels! [/B] [B]Rating: A* [/B] [B]JR: [/B]Michaels did it! Michaels beat Triple H, 1-2-3, in the middle of the ring! Up next, The Undertaker looks to end the career of Umaga prematurely as the two face off in a Street Fight! Will the Samoan Bulldozer defeat the Dead Man, or will Umaga rest in peace? [I]Street Fight: The Undertaker vs. Umaga [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TheUndertaker2.jpg[/IMG] Umaga barely gives Undertaker any time to start, tackling him into the corner and driving his shoulder into the gut of the Dead Man before unleashing with a barrage of kicks and punches to the body and head of the legend. Undertaker tries to get a shot in at the Samoan Bulldozer but one powerful shot to the temple leaves him slumped, but standing, in the corner. Umaga charges and goes for a splash, but Taker slips out of the way and staggers the monster with a big boot. A clothesline and several hard fists follow, but Umaga still doesn’t go down. Taker charges and manages to knock the Bulldozer off his feet with a huge Lariat. By the 4th minute, Umaga starts to introduce weapons into the match, wildly tossing steps, a trash can full of street signs and a kendo stick, its lid and a steel chair into the ring. He waits for The Undertaker to get to his feet and goes to take him out with a stop sign, but a hard right hand bends it over the face of the Samoan Bulldozer, sending him to the mat. Taker grabs the trash can and places it over the face of Umaga, before going to the top rope! Undertaker goes for a splash off the top...the trash can is thrown and stops him in mid-flight. Undertaker finally starts to build some momentum and punish Umaga mid-way through the 6th minute when a chair shot sends him to the mat. He tries to slip out of the ring, but a stomp stops him with his head hanging out. Taker rolls him over and places a steel chair on the Bulldozer...Guillotine Leg Drop! Umaga’s on the mat outside and he’s hoisted up for...the Last Ride! Pin-falls only count inside the ring though, and there are no count-outs, so Undertaker has to roll him in and goes for the cover...1...2...no! As we get mid-way through the 10th minute, Umaga is back in control with a Kendo Stick shot, followed by a Samoan Spike out of nowhere! 1...2...thr- Taker kicks out! Umaga looks stunned and confused, going to choke the Dead Man but he’s met with a goozle...Taker gets to his feet...Chokeslam! He makes the cover...1...2...no! Umaga powers out and charges, only to be met with a stiff chair shot to the skull, followed by another pin...1...2...Umaga gets the shoulder up! By the 13th minute, Umaga has Undertaker dazed and has his entire hand wrapped in barbed wire...an extreme Samoan Spike sends the Dead Man down...1...2...3! Umaga beats The Undertaker in a decent Street Fight that kept the fans entertained and in a good mood for the main event. Winner at 13:40 [B]Umaga! [/B] [B]Rating: B [/B] [B]JR: [/B]The Undertaker took everything Umaga threw at him, gave it back tenfold but in the end Umaga put the Dead Man away with a Samoan Spike wrapped in barbed wire! [B]Cole: [/B]The Raw-exclusive main event of the evening certainly delivered J.R., but up next is the match everyone tuned in to see. CM Punk will finally see his saga with Val Venis and Edge end, one way or another. [B]JBL: [/B]Punk’s fairytale title reign will come to an end tonight, and I see Edge being the one to take it away. [B]Lawler: [/B]Call me crazy guys, but I’m pulling for Val Venis! [B]Cole: [/B]He’s a great talent and a true veteran of the sport, King, but don’t rule out CM Punk! He’s over-come a lot of adversity to get to where he is now, and he won’t give up his Ultimate Wrestling Championship without a hell of a fight! [B]JR: [/B]All three men are in the ring, so let’s get to it! [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WWEUltimateWrestling.jpg[/IMG] [I]WWE Ultimate Wrestling Title: WWE Ultimate Champion CM Punk vs. Edge vs. Val Venis [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] The atmosphere is absolutely electric as the bell is rung and these three warriors will finally settle their differences all in the same ring. Punk and Venis shake hands, but as they’re doing so Edge takes them both down with a double clothesline to the back of the head. He starts stomping on both, before rolling Punk out of the ring and starting to work on the veteran Val Venis. By the 3rd minute, Edge is firmly in control, lifting Venis up for an Electric Chair Drop. However, just before he falls back the champ gets back in the ring pulls his friend down before unleashing a string of kicks on the Rated R Superstar, knocking him down. He turns and bumps into Venis. The two pause and stare, before shaking hands again and locking up. A great chain-wrestling display follows, but eventually Venis gets the advantage with a Suplex that only gets a 1-count. The 6th minute sees all three men brawling and taking each other out, and Edge looks to steal the win, rolling Punk up with a handful of tights but that only manages a 2-count. Venis hits a Spinebuster on the Rated R Superstar and goes up top, but an athletic leap to the top and an arm drag from Punk send him to the mat. Punk gets up only to be met by a Spear out of nowhere! Edge makes the cover 8 minutes in...1...2...Venis breaks up the pin! Venis trips Punk up and locks in the Venis Fly Trap! Punk is struggling in the hold and looks ready to tap out, but just manages to get to the ropes. Venis releases, but turns into a Spear of his own from Edge. The Rated R Superstar makes the cover again...1...2...Punk breaks it up this time, dropkicking Edge in the face. He immediately locks in the Anaconda Vice on his friends Val Venis! Val tries to escape the hold, but it’s locked in until the start of the 12th minute, when Edge manages to break it up. Punk and Venis try to take it to Edge, but a Double Edgecution sends them both down, and he crouches in the corner...DOUBLE SPEAR! He covers both men...1...2...they both barely get the shoulder up! Punk gets to his feet and trades blows with Edge before hoisting him up and delivering a quick GTS! He makes the cover...one...two...thre- Edge gets the shoulder up and keeps himself and Venis in the match. Venis hits a Shoulder Block on the champ as we get into the 14th minute, followed by a Money Shot! 1...2...Edge leaps over and rolls up Venis...1...2...he kicks out...Venis avoids the Spear but is met with a Go to Sleep! Punk hits another on Edge, but falls onto Venis for the pin...1...2...3! Punk does it! Punk retains his title after bitter competition with both men, doing so in an absolutely incredible match. Winner at 16:48 and STILL WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion [B]CM Punk! [/B] [B]Rating: A* [/B] [B]Cole: [/B]He did it! I don’t believe it, CM Punk is still the Ultimate Wrestling Champion! [B]JR: [/B]PUNK WINS! PUNK WINS! Bah gawd, he’s been through hell and back with Val Venis and Edge, who put up one hell of a fight, but join us on Monday Night Raw tomorrow night when the next era of a CM Punk-dominated WWE will continue! Thanks for watching, goodnight! FINAL RATING: B+ Foley and Bret Hart were used to much, but this was still a success.
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Sorry that took so long to put up, but you've no idea how relieved I am that I've finally got that posted. Hopefully you can understand from the length of that show why it took me so long to get done in between uni and life in general, so any comments would be most definitely welcome.
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] Raw Preview: [I]Dykstra's Decision Match:[/I] Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra and Carlito Caribbean CoolThe Corporation (Shane McMahon and Samoan Seanoa) Deuce vs. Harry Smith Val Venis vs. Vito Bryan Danielson vs. Charlie Haas Triple H vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels [I]WWE Ultimate Wrestling Title:[/I] WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Ric Flair
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  • 2 weeks later...
[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/mondaynightraw.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JimRoss.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [B]JR: [/B]Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m Jim Ross with Jerry “The King” Lawler and we’re one night removed from Unforgiven. It was a hell of a show with arguably the best main event of the year so far, which saw CM Punk retaining his title against two of the best wrestlers in the business today! [B]Lawler: [/B]It was a great night and a great main event, but tonight we have to move on towards No Mercy. But here comes the champ! [I]The Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk walks to the ring to a fantastic response, with what looks like every fan in the arena on their feet! He gets in the ring and has to wait a while to be heard, but eventually the noise dies down. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] [B]Punk: [/B]Well.........we did it! Tonight, I still stand in front of all of you as your Ultimate Wrestling Champion...and I wouldn’t have got through the last few months if it wasn’t for your support. Edge did all he could to get the title off me, and Val fought like the legend and veteran he is to earn the shots he got, but after all’s said and done...I’m still standing and holding the gold. However...I don’t want to live in the past, I don’t want to spend the first twenty minutes of a broadcast talking about being the best in the business and how Raw is my show. The night I come out and treat you all with that lack of disrespect, you may as well paint me green and call me Terra, because I certainly won’t be the real CM Punk anymore. Tonight isn’t about what happened last night or further back in the past. I’m out here because I’m a fighting champion and I will take on all challengers. You could be Robbie Brookside...you could be Brock Lesnar...hell, you could be Triple H...I don’t care who it is, I will face whoever Eric Bischoff puts me against. You see, I don’t get to accept a challenge myself for No Mercy, because apparently that puts William Regal at a disadvantage for Cyber Sunday. So, Eric Bischoff gets to hand-pick me an opponent. I won’t complain about not knowing yet who it is, I’m going to concentrate on the matter at hand and the main event tonight. I’m going one-on-one in a title match...against the Nature Boy Ric Flair! This is a dream match for me, but Ric...I won’t go easy on ya. I know we’ll both bring our A-game, and I hope mine’s enough to let me make it to No Mercy with this belt still round my waist. [B]Rating: A* [/B] [I]Dykstra’s Decision Match: Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra and Carlito Caribbean Cool vs. The Corporation [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/KennyDykstra3.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ShaneMcMahon3.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] Seanoa starts strong, dominating the early goings of this decent but unspectacular match. Carlito was in the ring more than Dykstra, with Kenny trying to assess Carlito as his partner. He seemed to impress, hitting an Outward Rolling Cutter on Seanoa for the win 6 and a half minutes in. Winners at 6:32 Carlito Caribbean Cool and Kenny Dykstra [B]Rating: C [/B] [I][COLOR="Blue"]5[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]4[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]3[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]2[/COLOR] [SIZE="4"]Y[COLOR="purple"]2[/COLOR]J[/SIZE] The living legend Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring, his music nearly drowned out by the crowd who are showing their love for Y2J. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jericho: [/B]There’s one man who has been constantly screwed and even ignored since his return to Raw way back in January. This man faced all sorts of adversity to try and capture his EIGHTH Intercontinental Championship, but he was screwed at the final hurdle. Since then, the McMahons and the other ‘powers that be’ have tried to ignore this man, until they just had to take notice. They had to give you, the great Jerichoholics, what you wanted and place this man in the Number One Contender 6-Way last night at Unforgiven. This man was given his chance not in the one-on-one title match he EARNED after defeating The Corporation, but in a 6-Way. This man...was me, Y2J, Chris Jericho. Then, there’s another man. This man just bitches and complains, and cheats his way into constant title or number one contender opportunities. He doesn’t deserve any chances that have come his way, but he still complained each and every time he lost them. Ladies and gentlemen, that man is the Rated R Superstar...Edge. I’m tired of his bitching, and his moaning...Edge, I’m calling you out. I’m sick of how ungrateful you are to the opportunities you’ve received this year, and to the fans who pay money so that you can earn a paycheque...although I’m using the term ‘earn’ loosely. Edge, get down to this ring, because I’m challenging you to a match at No Mercy! [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]Jericho waits, but nothing happens. After a moment’s silence, Edge’s music hits! The Rated R Superstar comes out, but stops on the stage, mic in hand. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/AdamCopeland4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Edge: [/B]If you think for one second I’m going to come down there and let you cheap-shot me, you’re DEAD wrong, Chris. I can give you my answer here. You see, I don’t like you, and you apparently don’t like me. You’ve always been jealous of me, and this just proves it. I get a couple of WELL DESERVE World Title opportunities, and you have to complain about the injustice. Jericho, how about you earn your own chances? I’m an honest man, despite what these...these “assclowns” might think. I’m going to give you a chance to prove yourself against the unarguable best in the business...but it’s on MY terms. At No Mercy, we will face off, one-on-one...it will be Y2J, the Ayatollah of Rock ‘n Rolla, the living legend, the King of the World...Chris Jericho against...the Rated R Superstar, the Ultimate Opportunist, former World Champion, the superior...Edge. And Chris...it will be a match I made famous. We’re going to be in a ring with...Tables...Ladders...and Chairs! I accept. [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [I]Deuce vs. Harry Smith [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Deuce.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/HarrySmith2.jpg[/IMG] This match-up, on paper, showed that Raw could have a very interesting tag division, with these two part of teams that aren’t even involved in the title picture at the moment. As it stands, management doesn’t really have much faith, it seems, in either Deuce ‘n’ Domino or The Bulldogs at the moment. These two were still given 6 minutes to work with, but it wasn’t a good effort at all. Smith got a roll-up when Deuce was distracted by Russ Siaki, letting him steal the win. Winner at 5:51 Harry Smith [B]Rating: D+ [/B] [I]Val Venis vs. Vito [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/SeanMorley.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BigVito.jpg[/IMG] To the crowd’s surprise, this was given a decent amount of time considering how rarely Vito appears on-screen, and how big a difference there is between the popularity of these two. However, they showed some good chemistry over the 7 minutes they were given, and it was a surprisingly openly fought match. The result, however, was predictable, with Venis getting the win with a Money Shot. Winner at 6:53 Val Venis [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]After the match, Val Venis gets a mic from ringside. [/I] [B]Venis: [/B]Cut the music, cut the music. I don’t want to keep you all long, but I- hello ladieeeeeeeeees. Now, I lost last night, it’s true, but so did another man. I heard this guy in the back before the show still bragging about being the best damn thing in this business...he said no-one can play the game. But, to me at least, it looks like he was pinned in the middle of the ring last night by a bitter rival? So, I’m going to play the game and try to win. Triple H...I’m challenging you to a match at No Mercy...Val Venis and Triple H, one on one. You said I’d never break the glass ceiling, but I will break you. [B]Rating: B+ [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/tripleh2.jpg[/IMG] [I]Venis starts to walk back down the ramp, when Triple H comes through the crowd and attacks him from behind, hitting a Clothesline to the back of his head. The Game picks up Val Venis for a Spinebuster onto the ramp, before pulling him up again and hitting the Pedigree, standing over the lifeless body of what it seems is his No Mercy opponent. [/I] [B]Rating: B [/B] [I]Charlie Haas vs. Bryan Danielson [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CharlieHaas20.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BryanDanielson3.jpg[/IMG] This was always going to be a good match at the very least, but the issue would be what the crowd thought of it, with Haas not having a huge amount of momentum at the moment, and Danielson still not really established compared to the more seasoned competitors in the WWE. That said, this was a very good match between two great wrestlers, and Danielson got the win to carry on his streak when he pinned Haas 8 minutes in with a Dragon Suplex. Winner at 8:35 Bryan Danielson [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]A video airs hyping the Raw brand, showcasing the past (Ric Flair), present (Umaga) and future (Johnny Nitro). [/I] [B]Rating: A [/B] [I]Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ShawnMIchaels3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/My%20Cuts/tripleh2.jpg[/IMG] These are three of the best wrestlers in the world today, in terms of psychology and overall impression of being a true star. Jericho has stepped up his game a lot since his return in January, and Michaels and Triple H have just finished a fantastic feud with each other. All three men have big momentum behind them, and they combined to put on a true classic match, leaving the fans desperate for more when it ended nearly 12 minutes in. HBK got the win with a Superkick on Triple H after a Pedigree on Jericho, pinning him for the second night in a row to put a definite end to their feud. Winner at 11:42 Shawn Michaels [B]Rating: A* [/B] [I]After the bell is rung and the two opponents have left, Shawn gets a microphone from ringside and waits for his music to be cut out. [/I] [B]Michaels: [/B]Tonight seems to be the night of new beginnings, with Val Venis and Chris already making challenges for fresh matches at No Mercy. You see, those matches are already decided, and we’ve got nothing really to wait for, except the hype to what will be great matches. However, I want to do something a little differently. After proving that I still am the best in this business, I’m still looking to do that before I meet Bret Hart at Survivor Series in three month’s time. I’m offering an Open Challenge to anyone who wants to try and step in the ring with the Icon, the Main Event...Mr. Wrestlemania, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. I was in the first ever Triple Threat Hell In A Cell match...I was in the first ever Wrestlemania Hell In A Cell main event...I won the Royal Rumble match...I beat John Cena on pay-per-view...I was in a match to crown the first-ever Ultimate Wrestling Champion...I’ve got Triple H off my back and beaten all comers...all this year, so far. So, who wants to try and make a name for themselves by trying to hang with the Heartbreak Kid? I’ve been called broken down, but I’ll never back down. I’ll accept the first challenge made to me by No Mercy...but to keep things fresh...it will have to be someone who has never faced me on pay-per-view before. I look forward to seeing who’s gonna seize this opportunity. [B]Rating: A* [/B] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/WWEUltimateWrestling.jpg[/IMG] [I]WWE Ultimate Wrestling Title: Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. Ric Flair [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/CMPunkchamp.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] Although this match showed that Flair still has the talent to have a good match with the right opponent, it also showed that he’s not really at the level needed to be in World Title main events anymore. The Nature Boy was exhausted by the end of this 16-minute title match, but this was still a good match that gave the fans something to let them leave in a good mood. The crowd were fairly split between Ric and Punk, but they were all on their feet when the champion retained after a Go to Sleep! Winner at 15:49 and STILL WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk! [B]Rating: B [/B] FINAL RATING: B+ Success [SIZE="1"][I]Apologies for the gap between shows, I'm just not really finding the motivation to get them done as quickly as I have done in the past. In between uni, my band and just life in general, I'm not really finding myself needing to come on here to post a show that'll get one response if I'm lucky. This isn't a dig on the readers, because I'm still going to be posting when I can, it just wont be as regular as I used to be with this. This isn't really including the show, because it should take all of about 15 minutes to type up in fairness.[/I][/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ecwlogo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Tazz.jpg[/IMG] [B]Styles: [/B]Welcome to ECW, live all over the United Kingdom! Tonight we have four huge matches set, and watching them alongside me is former ECW Champion Tazz! [B]Tazz: [/B]This should be off the hook, Joey! We’re kicking it off with Paul Burchill in action, plus two former ECW Xtreme Champions are facing off! [B]Styles: [/B]That’s right. The first-ever Xtreme Champ Elijah Burke will face off against the second-ever champ, in Tajiri. Also, Balls Mahoney will face off against Perry Saturn. Our main event, however, is the third in what has turned into almost a mini-series of matches. Sabu and Randy Orton will compete, once again, in our main event. Sabu got the shock win a couple of weeks back, but let’s show you what’s happened since the so-called Orton Era of ECW began... [I]A video plays hyping Randy Orton vs. Sabu. [/I] [B]Styles: [/B]Before we go to the ring for our opening contest, I’ve just been informed that by order of Paul Heyman, Mike Tyson is banned from ringside for the main event! That could certainly change the way things go! [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Ted Dibiase Jr. vs. Paul Burchill [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TedDibiaseJr.jpg[/IMG] (w/[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/TedDibiase.jpg[/IMG]) vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/PaulBurchill2.jpg[/IMG] These two didn’t click, which was a shame because if they would’ve shown some sort of chemistry this had the potential to be a solid match. They were given less than 3 minutes to work with though, and it seems management is already starting to lose a little faith in Dibiase Jr. Burchill secured the win after a fairly even match with the C4. Winner at 2:38 Paul Burchill [B]Rating: D- [/B] [I]A music video is shown to promote the ECW Xtreme Champion Kane. [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Kane2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Rating: B- [/B] [I]Perry Saturn vs. Balls Mahoney [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/PerrySaturn.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/BallsMahoney.jpg[/IMG] Thankfully, Mahoney’s turn on The Sandman seemed to have really turned the fans against him, as he had a fair bit of heat in this match. These two managed to put on a solid contest for the fans, serving really as a way to fill time whilst still showing the strength of the rosters. Saturn got in a lot of offence, but Balls rolled him up at the 7-minute mark and used the ropes to steal a win. Winner at 7:01 Balls Mahoney [B]Rating: C- [/B] [I]Elijah Burke vs. Tajiri [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/ElijahBurke.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Tajiri.jpg[/IMG] A clash between two former ECW Xtreme Champions would usually be expected to be a lot better, but these two seemed to be holding back slightly, so that they didn’t risk over-shadowing the big main event. They were given 8 and a half minutes to work with and made the most of it though, showing why they were the first two Xtreme Champions in history. Burke untied the turnbuckle padding, and hit a low blow when the ref was trying to fix it back on. This was enough for him to pick up the win over his bitter rival. Winner at 8:31 Elijah Burke [B]Rating: C+ [/B] [I]Randy Orton vs. Sabu III [/I] [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/RandyOrton2-1.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/Sabu.jpg[/IMG] This match has been billed as an important contest, so there was a lot to live up to. Whilst it wasn’t an incredible match by any means, they went for nearly 22 minutes full of good, solid action. Better is maybe expected from Orton, but Sabu still isn’t a huge name in comparison, so this was definitely a good sign. Without the back-up of Mike Tyson, Orton seemed slightly distracted. He looked good in the match, but a Triple Jump Moonsault put him away in a surprising end to the show! We go off the air with Sabu celebrating on the ramp and Orton looking shocked and annoyed at the result. Winner at 21:44 Sabu [B]Rating: B [/B] FINAL RATING: B- No comments
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[IMG]http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/twr.jpg[/IMG] Smackdown! Preview: Non-title: WWE Cruiserweight and Tag Team Champion Brian Kendrick vs. Jack Styles La Resistance vs. The Superheroes Jushin Thunder Lyger vs. Finlay Non-title: WWE United States and Tag Team Champion Paul London vs. D’Lo Brown Bobby Lashley vs. Rob Van Dam William Regal vs. Christian Non-title: WWE Ultimate Wrestling Champion CM Punk vs. John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio
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