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Arlie, More Updates Please!

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Hey Arlie! I know you a busy man. We don't ask for much. Just an update at least once a week or so or every few weeks. You don't have to promise when the game might come out. But I can hear the crickets for crying out loud. You get info at Maximum football. and there is only 1 guy working on that. And that is even more impressive since it has graphics.
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I'm still in serious coding mode and I don't like to take a lot of breaks to give status updates (esp when I may do a 180 on something a couple days later). With the 40-50 hour a week job outside of GDS, I don't have a ton of outside time to work on the game and I want to spend it all coding. As we get closer, I will start getting more feedback to you guys. But, for right now, I need to focus more on getting the game done.
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