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[b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings November 2012[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Daniel Black Francis 0 2 Jean Cattley 0 3 Al Coleman 0 4 Lenny Brown 0 5 Antonio 0 6 Harry Wilson +1 7 Spike -1 8 Jared Johnson 0 9 K-Squared 0 10 Stevie Stoat 0 11 Geoff Borne 0 12 Too Hot 0 13 Huey Cannonball +1 14 Jonnie Perez -1 15 Crockett Tubbs +1 16 Tempest Appleby +1 17 Kashmir Singh +1 18 Irwin Gutmann +1 19 Jack Sanders +1 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Harry Wilson [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Blood Sport[/CENTER] Al Coleman has proven himself to still have that competitive fire after a victory over Stevie Stout last month, and this month it earns him a title shot...a chance to claim the S2W Tri-State Championship when he faces off against Harry Wilson in singles action. These two men have met many times, often with a championship on the line, and every time they did, Al Coleman came out on top. Will he continue to have Wilson's number and claim yet another championship to add to his resume? Also, Daniel Black Francis fought off a tough challenge from Jean Cattley last month, retaining his belt quite possibly only due to the time limit of the match expiring. This month, he faces the undefeated Lenny Brown with the championship on the line. Brown is still new to S2W, but has impressed everyone during his time here, and has decidedly earned this title shot. Will Francis manage to hold on to the belt, or will Brown continue his winning streak and become S2W Champion? Also this month, Jared Johnson takes on Antonio, Crockett Tubbs against Irwin Gutmann, and the Outreach Experiment!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ministry (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Blood Sport[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, November 2012[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: This is Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W, and you are watching the bloodiest entertainment this side of the Thunderdome. This is Blood Sport! [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Noticed you got your name in there first this time. RM: Just part of this game we play, Saul. SS: Speaking of games, I think I'm going to pull out my DS while this bozo speaks. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]Spike: I had it. I had it in the bag. And that stupid balloon got in the way. Well, you got lucky, Huey. A fluke win. It won't happen again. The next time we meet, it's curtains for you, and you'll HAVE to admit I'm the better wrestler. [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Crockett Tubbs.jpg[/IMG]#15 Crockett Tubbs -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Irwin Gutmann.jpg[/IMG]#18 Irwin Gutmann [/b] Remind me again why I haven't gotten rid of Tubbs? Boring match, Gutmann kept it on the ground. [i]Irwin Gutmann in 4:33 by Tiger Sleeper Submission (E+)[/i] [color=orange]A video plays, hyping the matchup between Al Coleman and Harry Wilson. It features clips from both of their entire careers within S2W, all the way back to the original Raising the Roof, when Coleman defeated Wilson for his first S2W Championship. A decent promo, as these things go.[/color] [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]#5 Antonio -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#8 Jared Johnson [/b] Both of these men have been floundering as of late, and are looking to get some more momentum going, starting with a victory here. It was a decent match, with some minor miscommunications that might have effected the end product. Antonio fought out of the first attempt at the Carolina Crossface, went for the Italian DDT, and had it countered into another Crossface. [i]Jared Johnson in 9:53 by Carolina Crossface Submission (D+)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#3 Al Coleman -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG]#6 Harry Wilson (Champion) [/b] The crowd didn't even look to the locker room this time when Coleman's music played, and as expected, he came in from outside. A good solid technical matchup, these two stayed on the ground most of the time. A touch boring at points, they traded submission moves for a good solid four minutes before one of them finally stuck. [i]Harry Wilson in 8:47 by Submission (D)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Harry Wilson (6)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]Lenny Brown: Welcome to the Ministry! I am the Undefeated Superstar, Lenny Brown, and tonight, I get a chance to prove my stripes. To defeat the S2W Champion, and claim that belt for myself. Now, before I get ahead of myself, let me just say that Daniel Black Francis is one hell of a competitor. Did you see that match last week? He's champion for a reason, and this will likely be my toughest challenge yet. Am I up to it? I think I am, but there's only one way to find out. Get to your feet, Tri-State, and welcome the S2W Champion, Daniel Black Francis to what I hope will be his very last championship defense! [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#1 Daniel Black Francis (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#4 Lenny Brown [/b] A good match. Not near the quality of last months main event, but I can't expect that every month. Brown showed just why he deserved the title shot, Francis showed just why he was the champion. Numerous near falls on either side, and one long fast-paced series of moves and counter-moves dominated the middle part of the matchup; it ended with both men finally separating and giving each other a grin and a handshake before going back to the action. The referee ended up getting caught by an errant clothesline, dropping him out of the ring, and both Francis and Brown actually paused the match for a moment to check on the ref...thus, they didn't see Jean Cattley show up. Cattley dropped Brown with a Mood Swing, and turned to attack the champion to find that he was ready for him. DBF and Cattley traded blows, eventually getting out of the ring, and fighting in the crowd. As they did so, the referee recovered, noted Brown down in the ring and Francis out of the ring, and did the only thing he could do. He started counting. At around eight, DBF noted the count, dropped Cattley, and rushed to the ring, but didn't quite make it in time. [i]Lenny Brown in 16:36 by Countout (D+)[/i] [i]Still S2W National Champion, Daniel Black Francis[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley: I don't know what you're doing, champ. You know we have some unfinished business, and you go giving title shots to someone else? I lost one thanks to an incompetent, and the second we drew. I want another match. I want it next month...and I want it in a cage. [i](D-)[/i] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Irwin Gutmann over Crockett Tubbs (E+) Jared Johnson over Antonio (D+) Harry Wilson over Al Coleman (D) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Lenny Brown over Daniel Black Francis (D+); DBF retains the S2W National Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] A solid show. One I liked. Sold out house. And...an injury. Antonio suffered a joint separation tonight. He should be back in action before too long, but he looked like he was in a lot of pain tonight. Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri-State to 35.3%. (+0.4%) Prestige to 31.0% (+12.0%) See those numbers? See that 12% gain in prestige? That's because, as of this show, S2W has officially hit Regional size! Cult, here we come!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 4, November 2012[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: S2W is back in the Great Lakes, and we've got a treat for you folks tonight. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Our S2W Champion himself, Daniel Black Francis, is here to respond to Jean Cattley's challenge. What challenge you might ask? Well, just order our DVD, and you'll see it. Or you can be a pansy and wait until next month's preview to come out online. And be sure you get it now, because with this show, we're starting internet production! Get the DVD while it's hot! RM: Now, Saul. That's not very nice. SS: Eh. I'm not a nice guy. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG]#14 Jonnie Perez -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Irwin Gutmann.jpg[/IMG]#18 Irwin Gutmann [/b] A slow, boring matchup that really didn't get going. [i]Jonnie Perez in 7:12 by Submission (E+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis: Before I say anything else, I just want to apologize to Lenny Brown. I know that wasn't how I wanted the match to end, and I'm sure it wasn't the way you wanted it to end either. But, right now, there's one thing I need to discuss. And that is Jean Cattley's challenge, the one he made at the end of Blood Sport. Jean, I'd like nothing better than to prove to you once and for all that I am the rightful champion. That I deserve this belt more than you do. Hell, I've shown it twice already. But if you want to go for three...that's all right by me. And the cage? A big, steel structure, unrelenting and capable of causing pain and injury? Count me in. [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#1 Daniel Black Francis -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#11 Geoff Borne [/b] I didn't really see this matchup coming. Excellent work between these two, as their styles meshed perfectly. Borne did his usual air attack, and Francis ended up being patient and working on the flyer's legs. Eventually, he did enough damage that Borne couldn't climb up the turnbuckle easily, and it was a fairly easy submission after that. [i]Daniel Black Francis in 13:44 by Submission (C-)[/i] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jonnie Perez over Irwin Gutmann (E+) Daniel Black Francis over Geoff Borne (C-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Contrast in match ratings today, don't you think? Still, we matched our best Great Lakes show and attendance, as we had 34 in attendance again. Oh yeah, as Saul said, as of this show, we've switched our production department from DVD sales to Internet broadcasts, as we try to build up our popularity elsewhere than the Tri-State region. Plus, that lets us really continue storylines when we go out on tour, like with this show. Final Rating: D [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Due to the internet, I'll be keeping more detailed track of popularity from now on. Popularity in Tri State to 35.3% (0) Popularity in Great Lakes to 8.7%. (+1.1%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England, to 5.3% (+0.2%) +0.2% Everywhere else. Prestige to 31.1% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings December 2012[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Jean Cattley +1 2 Daniel Black Francis -1 3 Lenny Brown +1 4 Al Coleman -1 5 Harry Wilson +1 6 Jared Johnson +2 7 Antonio -2 8 Spike -1 9 K-Squared 0 10 Stevie Stoat 0 11 Geoff Borne 0 12 Too Hot 0 13 Huey Cannonball 0 14 Jonnie Perez 0 15 Crockett Tubbs 0 16 Tempest Appleby 0 17 Kashmir Singh 0 18 Irwin Gutmann 0 19 Jack Sanders 0 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Harry Wilson [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Demolition[/CENTER] The Anniversary Tournament is right around the corner, and we have learned that a number of the matchups will be revealed, live on the internet, this month at Demolition. Be sure to tune in so you don't miss it! And if you're planning on coming to see us live, please note that we've even outgrown the Ministry now! S2W now comes at you from Pennsylvania Park, where we hope to see you there! Tickets now on sale! Huey Cannonball remains in a must-win, down three matches to one. This month sees the fifth match of the series, as Spike tries to make it end early. Can Huey make it two in a row? The Tri-State Championship is on the line again. Harry Wilson made a clean defense against the long-time thorn in his side when he defeated Al Coleman; this month he takes on Too Hot in singles action. Plus, a major announcement regarding this championship. And of course, who can miss the match of the year? Two championship matches behind them, two outstanding matches that both ended controversially. This time, there must be a winner. No interference, no time limits, no disqualification, because they are fighting inside a Steel Cage! Jean Cattley hopes the third time for the championship will be the charm as he takes on Daniel Black Francis one more time! Which man will enter the new year as champion? Watch Demolition, live on S2W.com, and find out for yourself! Also, Stevie Stoat versus Tempest Appleby, Jared Johnson versus Al Coleman, and The Outreach Experiment!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Demolition[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, December 2012[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: We are from a crowded Pennsylvania Park, broadcasting live over the internet. I'm Rob Miskovsky, and this is Demolition! [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: As we lead up to Raising the Roof, this year we decided to try something different. Some of the first round matches are going to be announced right here at Demolition. RM: Our first announced matchup is coming right now. Entering Raising the Roof as the second and seventh seed, respectively, will be Antonio taking on Tempest Appleby! [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Stevie Stoat.jpg[/IMG]#10 Stevie Stoat -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Tempest Appleby.jpg[/IMG]#16 Tempest Appleby [/b] Tempest obviously wanted to have a good performance to get some momentum going into the tournament, but it wasn't to be, as this was just a glorified squash match. A good one, but still a squash. [i]Stevie Stoat in 2:35 by Pinfall (D+)[/i] [color=orange]A video plays, hyping the series of matches between Spike and Huey Cannonball, ending by showing the current score (Spike up three to one).[/color] [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 2 Seven Match Series, Match 5; Spike leads 3-1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#8 Spike -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#13 Huey Cannonball [/b] A match that lived up to their previous incarnations, this one saw Spike nearly get the pinfall early, but Cannonball fight out and get a spurt of momentum. Just as he seemed to be tiring of that, he hit the Cannonball Run for the victory. [i]Huey Cannonball in 6:49 by Cannonball Run Pinfall (D-)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: The time has come to announce the second of our matches for next month. Saul Stewart: The fourth and fifth seeds in the tournament, Stevie Stoat and Huey Cannonball! RM: Huey gets a month off from his series, but will it affect his momentum, or will he be able to use that to keep him going in the tournament? [i](E)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Jean Cattley is seen pacing backstage, obviously preparing himself mentally for his match. A couple of backstage workers walk by, and manage to clip the supports holding the steel cage pieces up against a wall...they start to wobble, and begin falling over. Cattley is oblivious, but just before he gets hit, K-Squared comes out of nowhere and drags Cattley out of the way. The cage falls with a loud clatter, as both Cattley and Squared look on with shock.[/color] [i](D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#4 Al Coleman -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#6 Jared Johnson [/b] This match spirals out of control near the beginning. Neither man wants to back down, and before long, both are using weapons. The referee looks like he's about to call for the bell, but apparently decides that if the wrestlers both want weapons involved, he's not going to stop them. By the six minute mark, both Coleman and Johnson are bleeding. Around eight minutes, the fight goes outside the ring, using tables and chairs at ringside instead of what had been dragged into play. Neither man notices the referee trying to get them back into the ring, or the count. [i]Draw in 10:11 by Double Countout (D+)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG]#5 Harry Wilson (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Too Hot.jpg[/IMG]#12 Too Hot [/b] Wilson gets another solid, and clean, defense. Otherwise, momma always said if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. [i]Harry Wilson in 4:54 by Submission (E+)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Harry Wilson (7)[/i] Saul Stewart: We promised a huge announcement regarding the Tri-State Championship, and it is time to make that announcement. At Raising the Roof, the title will be on the line, as Harry Wilson defends against five other men...in a LADDER MATCH! Yes, it will be Harry Wilson taking on Al Coleman, K-Squared, Jonnie Perez, Geoff Borne, and Jared Johnson to see who can be the first to climb the ladder and claim the belt! [i](E-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis: I know this might be jumping the gun a bit, but I figured it had to be done now. I go into the cage in just a bit--actually, it looks like their coming out to put it up right now. And in that cage, I'm going to be defending my National Championship against Jean Cattley. Fair enough. But what isn't fair is the way that Lenny Brown had his shot robbed from him last month. So right here, right now, I'm saying this. If I win tonight, next month at Raising the Roof, I'll put the championship belt on the line again, this time against Lenny Brown. Lenny, if you're up for it. And if I lose...well, lets just say I'll do everything in my power to make sure Brown still gets the shot. [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG] STEEL CAGE MATCH for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#1 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#2 Daniel Black Francis (Champion) [/b] This match is fought under the rules where the wrestler still has to win by pinfall or submission, but the cage is around the ring. No escapes here. And they took advantage of the environment. Lots of whips into the cage, bloodiness, and more. Cattley managed to get a decent submission hold on that actually utilized the cage as part of it, but Francis fought him off and got back to his feet. Near falls on both sides, some high flying, some ground game. The ending came off a cross body launched from half-way up one of the cage corners, which got reversed, and reversed again so that the champion came out on top. [i]Daniel Black Francis in 9:32 by Pinfall (C)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Daniel Black Francis (5)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: What a match, folks! The champion retains in a cage match against Jean Cattley. Next month is the Anniversary Tournament, and more championship matches! Be sure to be here when Raising the Roof comes to Pennsylvania Park. Until then, this is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Stevie Stoat over Tempest Appleby (D+) Huey Cannonball over Spike (D-) Harry Wilson over Too Hot (E+) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Daniel Black Francis over Jean Cattley (C) to retain the S2W National Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] That was an awesome main event. And it carried us to an awesome show. I'm very happy with (most of) this one, and it's a good momentum boost going into 2013. Of course, we still have one show to go. And, a new attendance record, as our move to the Pennsylvania Park brought in a bunch more people. 1,707 paid to come to this show. Life is good. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 35.7% (+0.4%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 8.9%. (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England, to 5.5% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 0.4% (+0.2%) Prestige to 31.2% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 4, December 2012[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Welcome to our second internet production of The Outreach Experiment. I'm Rob Miskovsky, and with me as always is Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Jean Cattley has informed me that he's taking care of tonight's show. I didn't feel like coming up with anything on my own, so I agreed. RM: What? SS: Eh. What harm could come? [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley: I have been informed that I will be entered, once again, into the Anniversary Tournament next month at Raising the Roof. More, I have been told that I will be given the #1 seed, to give credit to the fact that I'm both a defending champion and that I took Daniel Black Francis, our National Champion, to his limit three times in a row. Well, that's just not good enough. So tonight, I have made one match. One match only. Tonight, I am calling Lenny Brown out. Lenny, if you're not chicken, you'll come out here and put your title match on the line for Raising the Roof. If I win, you take my spot in the tournament, and I get your spot in the title match. If you win...we stay as we are. Now get out here. [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#1 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#3 Lenny Brown [/b] Brown wastes no time in coming to the ring to meet Cattley's challenge. And they put on one hell of a show. It was obvious neither man wanted to lose the title shot next month. It was also apparent quickly that a count-out victory would give Cattley what he wanted, as he spent some time keeping Brown out of the ring, but it wasn't going to be long enough to give him the win. By about the seven minute match, however, both men had gotten back in the ring, and were engaged in hard, back and forth action. Mat-pounding slams brought a bunch of near falls, but this match went to the twenty minute time limit. Cattley shook his head after the bell rang, and said that there was no time limit on this match, Stewart acquiesced, and the match continued. The breather seemed to put new life into Brown, however, and after the bell, it was all him. [i]Lenny Brown in 22:48 by Star Treatment Pinfall (C)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: And...well, one match later, we're all out of time in the Great Lakes. Raising the Roof is next on the slate, so be sure to stop by and check it out. Until then, I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Lenny Brown over Jean Cattley (C) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Only twenty in attendance, which was a shame, becaused they missed one of our greatest matches ever. 2012 ends on a hot note, and I think 2013 will be even better. Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 35.7% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 10.0%. (+1.1%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England, to 5.7% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 5.7%....noted that they've probably been following the two US territories, but I just hadn't noticed prior to this. Everywhere else to 0.6% (+0.2%) Prestige to 31.3% (+0.1%)
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The year 2012 has come and gone, and it is time once again for our annual year in review. Total Championship Wrestling continued a dominating performance, as once again this year they earned the right to both a Match of the Year and a Card of the Year. The Match of the Year was Randy Bumfhole and Tommy Cornell fighting to a double countout on television in October; but the honor of Card of the Year goes to an episode of Riptide in September. Despite those honors, however, the promotion of the year in everyone's eyes was North of the Border Pro Wrestling. Assisted by Veteran Wrestler of the Year Jeremy Stone (and we're sad that he qualifies for that honor now), they consistently put on high-rated shows that drew in the crowds. Improving the most this year, in nearly everyone's eyes, is Danger and Violence Extreme. After years of declining products and talent raids from SWF and TCW, DaVE actually managed to go a year with a fairly consistent and talented roster, thanks to the declining performance of SWF primarily. Whether they can continue this and become a true force to be reckoned with is still in the air. Rounding out the awards this year are the remaining individual awards. Steve Frehley put forth some of the best efforts in years, earning himself the Wrestler of the Year award, which we've learned will be placed on his mothers mantle. Sensational Ogiwara continues her dominance of the women's wrestling scene, earning her fourth Female Wrestler of the Year award. And Fuyuko Higa claims the Young Wrestler of the Year award; we look forward to much more from him. On S2W's home front, this year some some vast improvement in our product. Our card of the year this year goes to Spook Show, a C rated show that had one of three Cattley-Francis matches of the year on it, this one being a draw between the two. We'd also like to recognize Demoltion, a C- rated show, containing another of those three. However, the one we just mentioned, at Spook Show, definitely earned the match of the year. A C+ rated match between the two set the tone for the rest of the year, in our opinion, and really started S2W's current momentum. There were three truly deserving candidates for the Wrestler of the Year. Lenny Brown has proven that he can stand with the big boys, and has earned himself a title shot. More than that, however, he remains completely undefeated with S2W to this point, though still has been stifled in a few attempts at title shots. Daniel Black Francis, the current National Champion, has produced a number of solid matchups that have gotten the crowd going. He continues to impress us with his current reign, having been champion for seven months now; the third longest reign in S2W history already. But our Wrestler of the Year Honoree, Jean Cattley, has really lit the ring on fire. His work, whether with the National Champion, or K-Squared, or any of a number of other workers, has really been impressive, and for that, we award him the Wrestler of the Year. We hope he continues his strong work through the upcoming calendar year.
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[b]Newsbites[/b] S2W wrestler Stevie Stoat has announced that he will be retiring at the end of January this year. He was already placed in the promotion's Anniversary Tournament, and word has it that this won't be changing. [b]S2W Preview[/b] [B]Rankings January 2013[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Daniel Black Francis +1 2 Lenny Brown +1 3 Jean Cattley -2 4 Harry Wilson +1 5 Jared Johnson +1 6 Al Coleman -2 7 Antonio 0 8 K-Squared +1 9 Spike -1 10 Stevie Stoat 0 11 Geoff Borne 0 12 Huey Cannonball +1 13 Too Hot -1 14 Jonnie Perez 0 15 Crockett Tubbs 0 16 Tempest Appleby 0 17 Kashmir Singh 0 18 Irwin Gutmann 0 19 Jack Sanders 0 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Harry Wilson [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Raising the Roof[/CENTER] The Anniversary Tournament has come again, and that's only the beginning of the wonders in store for this month's show. Eight men have been entered into the Anniversary Tournament, and only one can come out with the called shot for the S2W National Championship. Which man will earn that right? It will be one of the following: Jean Cattley, the first seed in the tournament, is the defending champion. He has dominated most of the competition he has faced within S2W, only finding himself unable to defeat the current National Champion. Antonio, the second seed, is another MAW alumni who has entered S2W. He has been lukewarm at best of late, but his past performances still earn him the high seeding. The third seed in the tournament, to some backstage grumblings, is the debuting Roderick Remus. Roderick is the brother of our former announcer, Remmington, and has been showing great things on the independant circuit. He enters S2W with a quick shot at earning a National Title reign. Fourth seed is the retiring Stevie Stoat. While he may not be up for a long title reign, a quick victory and cash in could earn him a touch more glory before he retires. Fifth seed is Huey Cannonball. Cannonball has some momentum coming into this tournament, earning two straight victories over Spike in their best-of-seven series. Can he keep that going in the tournament? Sixth seed is Crockett Tubbs, probably earning the ranking mostly as a thank you for his years of service. He faces off against someone who's never been in S2W, so his road to the top will be rocky at best. Seventh Seed is the former S2W and Anniversary Champion, Tempest Appleby. Appleby has been in a slump of late, and hopes to show that he can still rise to the same heights he used to. The Eighth and final seed is Kashmir Singh, another one of S2W's originals. He has long been trying to get noticed, and this could be his big chance. But that's not all, as both of S2W's championship belts will be on the line. The Tri-State Championship is on the line in six-man action as Harry Wilson defends the belt in a Ladder Match. Vying for the right to call themselves Tri-State Champion are Al Coleman, K-Squared, Jonnie Perez, Geoff Borne, and Jared Johnson. All of these men can lay claim to the title, but Wilson has been stellar thus far as champion. Which man will climb the ladder and claim the championship? Finally, the undefeated phenom Lenny Brown enters the ring to take on S2W National Champion Daniel Black Francis. Francis defeated Jean Cattley last month in a brutal cage match to retain the belt, but had laid a challenge down for Brown before the match, out of respect for the ring savviness of the rookie, and an apology for the count-out victory he gained two months ago. What will give this time around? [QUOTE] [b]Quick Picks[/b] [code] Jean Cattley------ v |--------- Kashmir Singh----- | |--------- Huey Cannonball--- | | v |--------- | Stevie Stoat------ | |--------- Roderick Remus---- | v |--------- | Crockett Tubbs---- | | |--------- Tempest Appleby--- | v |--------- Antonio----------- [/code] Harry Wilson (c) v Al Coleman v K-Squared v Jonnie Perez v Geoff Borne v Jared Johnson in a Ladder Match for the S2W Tri-State Championshiop Daniel Black Francis (c) v Lenny Brown for the S2W National Championship [/QUOTE] [color=green]As always, comments, questions, and predictions are welcome.[/color]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Raising the Roof[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, January 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: A warm welcome to everyone watching online as we bring you the first ever broadcast Anniversary Tournament! I'm Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W, alongside Saul Stewart, and this is Raising the Roof! [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Sixteen men will be featured here tonight, with three titles up for grabs, plus a guaranteed title shot. Something has got to give, and we will be here to see just what that will be. RM: So let's get the action started; our first two competitors in the tournament are out in the ring, so it's time to begin! [b]Match 1 Round 1 of the Anniversary Tournament [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]#7 Antonio -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Tempest Appleby.jpg[/IMG]#16 Tempest Appleby [/b] Antonio quickly took control of this matchup, and looked to be on his way to an easy victory. Appleby didn't want that, however, and took matters into his own hands, pulling out a set of brass knuckles. He decked Antonio, who dropped like a log, and went for the cover. The ref counted one...two...and then noticed the weapon. He questioned Appleby briefly before calling for the bell. [i]Antonio in 2:31 by Disqualification (D+)[/i] [b]Match 2 Round 1 of the Anniversary Tournament [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Stevie Stoat.jpg[/IMG]#10 Stevie Stoat -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#12 Huey Cannonball [/b] A decent match between someone we hope is up-and-coming and someone who is retiring. Cannonball keeps his momentum alive, taking down the veteran with a quick Run. [i]Huey Cannonball in 3:50 by Cannonball Run Pinfall (D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley: So here we are again. One more year, one more tournament. This year, at least they saw fit to seed me where I belong, at the top. And at the top I remain. Let's see...Kashmir Singh. That shouldn't be hard at all. I give him...oh..five minutes, tops. Then we just saw Huey Cannonball move on, so I'll be fighting him in the second round. What, another eight at most? Personally, I doubt that. And the finals? This thing is mine, and everyone here knows it. So, I guess I should be thanking whoever seeded the tournament for making this so easy on me. [i](D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 Round 1 of the Anniversary Tournament [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#3 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]#17 Kashmir Singh [/b] A far better matchup than I had expected. Singh came out inspired to prove Cattley wrong with his promo, and take down the vocal defending champion. Unfortunately, even though he tried hard and had the crowd behind him, he just wasn't able to turn Cattley into a liar. [i]Jean Cattley in 4:46 by Mood Swing Pinfall (C-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]Roderick Remus: Hey there! I'm out here because it occurs to me that coming out to fight without introducing myself might just be a tad bit rude. Some of you out here might remember my brother, Remmington. Well, I'm the one who didn't injure myself. I'm Roderick Remus, and I've joined S2W to be the best. That I get a shot this early is just a blessing to me. One I intend to make full use of. So now we've been introduced. Let's get my match on. [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 4 Round 1 of the Anniversary Tournament [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]Roderick Remus -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Crockett Tubbs.jpg[/IMG]#15 Crockett Tubbs [/b] A relatively quick match that was brought down by Tubbs poor performance and just bad connections. [i]Roderick Remus in 4:54 by Remus Clutch Submission (E+)[/i] [color=orange]A camera shot of Harry Wilson, the Tri-State Championship Belt over his shoulder, walking to the ring.[/color] Rob Miskovsky: It's time for the ladder match! [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 5 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG] LADDER MATCH for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG] [/b] With six men in the ring, this match quickly degenerated into an all-out brawl. With ladders flying across the ring, being used as weapons, being used to try to climb, it was a spot fest that the crowd loved. High point of the match came as a ladder bridge had been formed underneath the belt, with Jonnie Perez on one side, and Geoff Borne on the other. The two traded punches within reaching distance of the belt, but noticed Harry Wilson moving to knock one of the ladders down...or at least Geoff did. He grabbed Perez, and launched both men off the ladder to the mat below, using a rana variation that took both men down and out. The victory would come when Perez and Borne still down, Wilson and Coleman fighting off in the corner, K-Squared managed to out-climb Jared Johnson to the top, and leap off the top of the ladder with belt in hand. Johnson looked on from the top of the ladder in frustration, as Wilson slowly realized he had lost his championship match. [i]K-Squared in 6:50 (D)[/i] [i]Winner and NEW S2W Tri-State Champion, K-Squared (1x)[/i] [b]Match 6 Semi-Final of the Anniversary Tournament [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#3 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#12 Huey Cannonball [/b] Cattley continues to prove prophetic, as Cannonball tried, but just couldn't keep up with the veteran. Cattley had Huey grounded quick, and though he wasn't able to dominate all the offense, he managed to counter a Cannonball Run with a Mood Swing for the victory. [i]Jean Cattley in 3:58 by Mood Swing Pinfall (D+)[/i] [b]Match 7 Semi-Final of the Anniversary Tournament [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]#7 Antonio -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]Roderick Remus [/b] They pushed this match back, so the announcers said, to try to give Antonio a chance to shake off the shot he'd taken from the brass knuckles in the first match. He still was selling it, however, and Remus was able to capitalize on the weakness of his opponent. The Remus Clutch was locked in at seven minutes, but Antonio seemed to finally realize his tournament hopes were fading, and tried to get to the ropes, only to be pulled back to the center. He tried a second time, but this time Remus was ready for it, and was able to keep his opponent from changing the venue. [i]Roderick Remus in 8:46 by Remus Clutch Submission (D)[/i] [b]Match 8 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#1 Daniel Black Francis (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown [/b] An excellent matchup by any of our standards, these two men put on one hell of a slugfest. Though they seemed a bit awkward on some of the spots, they were able to cover easily, and keep the match going. At times, both men seemed poised to win, Star Treatment being landed at least twice. Both times, DBF was too close to the ropes, and Brown was unable to get the victory. (Miskovsky: A rookie mistake!) Francis started to get some momentum going again after standing up from the second Treatment, and managed to drop Brown with a huge spinebuster. As both men struggled to get to their feet...Jean Cattley entered the ring, dropping the champion with a Mood Swing. Even before the referee could react, however, Lenny Brown was charging Cattley, who promptly landed another Mood Swing on the challenger, leaving both men unable to stand up. Cattley smirked as he backed off, with the bell ringing behind him. [i]Draw in 10:42 by Double Disqualification (C-).[/i] [i]Still S2W National Champion, Daniel Black Francis (6)[/i] [b]Match 9 to determine the Anniversary Tournament Champion [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#3 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]Roderick Remus [/b] Once the aftermath of the National Championship match was taken care of, Remus came out for the finals of the tournament. He seemed a bit more wary of Cattley after the attack on the two men before him, but that didn't stop him from getting into the match. Cattley took the early advantage, but Remus was able to adjust and counter a quick Mood Swing from Cattley into a Remus Clutch, which he held on for as long as he could, even though he was too close to the ropes and was being told to let go. Releasing the hold at the last moment, he backed off while Cattley stood, fire in his eyes. They locked up again, and again Remus would get the advantage, though he couldn't get the Clutch locked in again, and eventually, Cattley started to take control. After Remus missed an attempted lariat, Cattley would land a release suplex, then stalk Roderick for the Mood Swing. [i]Jean Cattley in 9:44 by Mood Swing Pinfall (C)[/i] [i]Winner of the Anniversary Tournament, Jean Cattley (2x)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley: None of you believed me, did you? You didn't think I'd pull through and become the first man to defend the Anniversary Tournament. Well, I did. And guess what that means? That means, that once again, I have a called shot for the S2W National Championship. And I'll be cashing it in, NEXT MONTH! At Barnstorm, the National Champion and I have a little date, and when we're done, I'll be the one hoisting the championship belt. [i](D-)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: We are done here, but 2013 is shaping up to be one heck of a year. Be sure to tune in next month as Barnstorm comes at you live! Until then, I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Antonio over Tempest Appleby (D+) Huey Cannonball over Stevie Stoat (D-) Jean Cattley over Kashmir Singh (C-) Roderick Remus over Crockett Tubbs (E+) K-Squared wins a six-man ladder match (D) for the S2W Tri-State Championship Jean Cattley over Huey Cannonball (D+) Roderick Remus over Antonio (D) Daniel Black Francis and Lenny Brown fought to a Draw (C-); Daniel Black Francis retains the S2W National Championship Jean Cattley over Roderick Remus (C) to win the S2W Anniversary Tournament [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Would you believe two straight C- shows? I almost can't myself. But Jean Cattley is amazing, look at the work he did in this show. He brought Cannonball up from his D- dregs! Our attendance improved slightly, up to 1719 this month, which isn't a big boost, but better than a loss. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 36.1% (+0.4%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 10.2%. (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England, The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 5.9% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 0.8% (+0.2%) Prestige to 31.4% (+0.1%)
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[b]S2W Preview[/b] Stevie Stoat has officially retired; S2W regrettably had no room backstage for him, and so terminated his contract. He wasn't happy. [B]Rankings February 2013[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Daniel Black Francis 0 2 Lenny Brown 0 3 Jean Cattley 0 4 Roderick Remus (NR) 5 Antonio +2 6 K-Squared +2 7 Jared Johnson -2 8 Harry Wilson -4 9 Al Coleman -3 10 Spike -1 11 Huey Cannonball +1 12 Geoff Borne -1 13 Too Hot 0 14 Crockett Tubbs +1 15 Jonnie Perez -1 16 Tempest Appleby 0 17 Kashmir Singh 0 18 Irwin Gutmann 0 19 Jack Sanders 0 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] K-Squared [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Barnstorm[/CENTER] Jean Cattley prevailed at Raising the Roof, claiming the Anniversary Tournament title for the second year running. He has already cashed in his called shot, and at Barnstorm, he will take on Daniel Black Francis for the S2W National Championship. These two have already met three times in the past year with the title on the line, with Francis retaining each and every time. Will Cattley's luck be better this time, or will Francis deny him yet again? K-Squared won a ladder match to claim the S2W Tri-State Championship, and at Barnstorm, Harry Wilson gets a chance for revenge when he takes on the new champion with the title on the line. Can Wilson reclaim? Also, Spike and Huey Cannonball continue their series, and Lenny Brown puts his undefeated status up against Jared Johnson. And don't miss S2W this month as we go on tour! Three Outreach shows coming at you this month, in each of the first three weeks of the month. As always, they will be online, so be sure to tune in to S2W.com!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 1, February 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: It's the first time S2W has ever had more than two shows in a month, and this is the first. We are live in the Great Lakes for The Outreach Experiment. I am Rob Miskovsky, and with me is Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Indeed. We've decided that while we can run a show in the Great Lakes most months, we're going to try to branch out into other areas as well. This month, we're visiting three territories, including the Lakes. If it seems successful, we'll continue it in future months. RM: And we've got a nice treat for those watching today, here and at home on the internet. Today, we have a debuting worker, a second generation future superstar, making her debut right here in the Great Lakes. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Irwin Gutmann.jpg[/IMG]#18 Irwin Gutmann -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]Brooke Tyler [/b] A good technical matchup, as Tyler definitely showed shades of her dad in her working, and Gutmann is always a fairly technical worker. Brooke locked on a painful looking submission hold, one that looked like it would break the back of Gutmann, for the victory. [i]Brook Tyler in 8:02 by Brooke Breaker Submission (D)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]Al Coleman: The life of an outsider such as myself is a lonely one. It's true, I've been in the shadows for a while. I've been lost. There is a man who has essentially taken my place. That man is Jean Cattley. Cattley, I am here tonight because I want to prove to myself and to the world that I am better than you. I want to face you in a match. Jean Cattley... [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley: Hold on there, freak. You want to face me? That's all well and good, but just two weeks ago I went through three brutal matches. I'm not ready to wrestle right now. Fortunately, I know someone who is, and he just happens to be trying to worm his way back into my good graces...and I understand that he's had some altercations with you in the past. So you want to fight? Be my guest. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#6 K-Squared -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#9 Al Coleman [/b] We're told at the beginning that this is a non-title matchup, as it is impromptu and was intended for Cattley to be in there instead of Squared. That doesn't stop Coleman from staring at the belt for a while before actually getting into the match. Squared does his best, but keeps seemingly being distracted by something backstage, and eventually finds himself in a submission hold. [i]Al Coleman in 13:51 by Submission (D)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: And that's all we have time for today. Next week, we'll be coming at you from Stanley Hall in the Mid Atlantic region! Get your tickets today. Until then, this is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Brooke Tyler over Irwin Gutmann (D) Al Coleman over K-Squared (D) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Well, we apparently reached some threshold of popularity, because we had sixty people paying to get in today. Far cry from the Tri-State area, but I'm pleased with our progress. Final Rating: D [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 36.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 11.0. (+0.8%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England, The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 6.1% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 1.0% (+0.2%) Prestige to 31.5% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Stanley Hall (Mid Atlantic)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 2, February 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: We are coming at you live from Stanley Hall! I'm Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W, along side Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Look at this pathetic crowd. Hopefully our fans in New England will do better next week. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Tyler is on her way to the ring for the match with Singh when he chases her out of the locker room, tracks her down, and lays into her with a chair. He continues the assault for a moment before sending her into the ring.[/color] [i](F)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]#17 Kashmir Singh -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]Brooke Tyler [/b] Singh presses his advantage for as long as he can, trying for a number of quick pinfalls and submissions. Tyler fights out of all of them, however, and by the four minute mark has managed to regain her feet and her composure. After that, she is able to dismantle Singh, and eventually locks in the Brooke Breaker. [i]Brooke Tyler in 7:57 by Brooke Breaker Submission (D+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]A screaming match has erupted behind the 'crowd', as Spike and Coleman argue over...something. What it was is something that never really was determined. Finally, Al points to the ring, and Spike heads in that direction.[/color] [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#9 Al Coleman -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#10 Spike [/b] Though the fight seemed impromptu, Rob and Saul made a big deal about how this match could affect the monthly rankings. Spike put up a good fight, taking down Coleman a couple times, but never really seemed to be able to get any true momentum. [i]Al Coleman in 13:34 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: And that's all the time that Stanley Hall has given us this time. Until next time, I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Brooke Tyler over Kashmir Singh (D+) Al Coleman over Spike (D-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] We had 28 people show up to Stanley Hall for a decent first show. The internet has been helping us a touch, it seems. Final Rating: D [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] ...though if you hadn't noticed, it seems my Tri State popularity is above the level at which the internet can increase the popularity. That's a shame. Popularity in Tri State to 36.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 11.2. (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 7.2% (+1.1%) Popularity in New England, The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 6.3% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 1.2% (+0.2%) Prestige to 31.6% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Barnstorm[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, February 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: S2W has returned home for Barnstorm, and we've got a good one for you tonight. I'm Rob Miskovsky, along with Saul Stewart, welcoming those here at Pennsylvania Park and all those watching online. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Both championships are on the line this month, and I believe that we'll see at least one of them change hands. RM: That very well could be, and the first of those two...hold on a second, I've just received word of an altercation in the back. Let's get some cameras there. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Spike and Huey are in each others faces, screaming obscenities at each other. The argument seems to be similar to what started their series, about who the better wrestler is. They nearly come to blows, but are eventually pulled apart by the observers.[/color] [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#6 K-Squared (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Harry Wilson.jpg[/IMG]#8 Harry Wilson [/b] Wilson was pissed at losing his belt, and did his best at taking control of this match. He succeeded mostly, and managed to get the champ down a few times, but never for the full count. K-Squared would eventually get the pinfall on a rollup, with his feet on the top rope for extra leverage. [i]K-Squared in 8:54 by Pinfall (D+)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, K-Squared (1)[/i] [color=orange]The match is over, and K-Squared given his belt. He starts walking out when Wilson says something. Squared doesn't hesitate but rushes back to the ring, nailing Wilson's face with the championship belt before wailing on him with closed fists for a few minutes.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [color=orange]We quickly cut backstage where another attack is taking place--Huey Cannonball has been ambushed by Spike, and the latter is now taking full control, as he sends Huey into a stack of tables. He follows that up by grabbing a trash can and slamming it into Cannonball's head. And finally, dragging him out to the ring, he whips him into the steel steps before rolling him into the ring.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 2 Seven Match Series, Match 6; Spike leads 3-2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#10 Spike -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#11 Huey Cannonball [/b] Spike doesn't even seem to notice that the match has been officially started, but continues the assault. He pulls in a steel chair with him, but the referee grabs at it and tries to keep him from using it. Eventually, he gives up, but while the referee is getting rid of the chair, he grabs a sledgehammer from under the other side of the ring. He takes that in, only to be hit by a dropkick from Huey. That does seem to be the only offense Cannonball is capable of, but fortunately, Spike is too far gone. Spike grabs the sledgehammer again from its place on the mat, and drives it into Cannonball's back, just as the referee turns back around. [i]Huey Cannonball in 3:09 by Disqualification (D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#7 Jared Johnson [/b] Brown actually helps clear the ring of Spike so the next match can start. He seems ready to go, and acts quickly when Johnson gets in the ring. But the fight doesn't end quickly, and goes back and forth for some time, as JJ gets some good offense in, dropping the undefeated Brown a number of times. However, after posing just a touch too long, he falls to the Star Treatment. [i]Lenny Brown in 14:43 by Star Treatment Pinfall (D+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Backstage, where Squared has found Jean Cattley.[/color] K-Squared: Jean, there you are! Listen, man. I want to apologize. For ruining your first shot at the title. For losing last month. For not doing what I'm told. For everything. Let's just get back to what it was before, right? You, teaching me, me getting better? It's good stuff. Can we handle that? Jean Cattley: Yeah...I can handle that. But I don't want to. [color=orange]Cattley suddenly whips out a hand that decks Squared in the side of the head, as he crumples to the ground. Cattley throws a couple of boots before walking off.[/color] [i](D-)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#1 Daniel Black Francis (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#3 Jean Cattley [/b] Cattley looks pissed when he makes his way to the ring, an attitude that seems to fit DBF just fine. The champion takes control of the match early, and holds it for nearly eight minutes before Cattley snaps out of it and starts to come alive. After ten minutes, Cattley hits the first Mood Swing, but is unable to capitalize, as Francis kicks out at two. He gets him up, and tries to hit a second, but DBF counters it into a DDT, and both men are down and out. Francis gets to his feet first, and is able to get a quick rush of momentum going, but then K-Squared shows up...and nails DBF in the back with the Tri-State belt as he bounds off the ropes. [i]Daniel Black Francis in 13:59 by Disqualification (C+)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Daniel Black Francis (7)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: K-Squared gets involved in Cattley's match again, and again costs his mentor a championship match. What kind of fallout will this cause? I'm sure we'll find out. Catch us next week in New England--until then, this is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] K-Squared over Harry Wilson (D+) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Huey Cannonball over Spike (D-) Lenny Brown over Jared Johnson (D+) Daniel Black Francis over Jean Cattley (C+) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Ignoring the Outreach shows, which I can't expect as solid performance in (saving money and lower popularity)...I'm looking for three straight C- shows. With 1,222 in attendance, lower than it should have been, was I going to get what I wanted? Not this time, but I can't be disappointed with bettering my expectations. An awesome show...though looking back on it, it feels more awkward than I remember it. I just remember evolving the K-Squared / Jean Cattley storyline about a dozen times. Final Rating: C [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 36.7% (+0.6%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 11.4. (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 7.4% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England, The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 6.5% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 1.4% (+0.2%) Prestige to 31.7% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Biker's Paradise (New England)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, February 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: We're riding high from an awesome show at Barnstorm! This is The Outreach Experiment from New England, and I'm Rob Miskovsky. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: I'm sorely disappointed in the turnout by the New England faithful. I expected more of you to turn out. RM: Now, Saul. We'll get more next time. SS: I'm not sure there will be a next time. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#12 Geoff Borne -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG]#15 Jonnie Perez [/b] A nice, face paced match to get things started and get the crowd to their feet. Nothing overwhelming, but some decent aerial action between two solid comptitors. [i]Jonnie Perez in 9:33 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]I've never been to New England before, and let me tell you something...I love it here. There's just one thing I find somewhat annoying, and that's the temperature. It's fairly cold out there in February. Of course, I'm about to heat up the ring with another wrestling match, this time against...Too Hot. Oh boy, I did not mean those puns. Who am I kidding? Of course I did. And you loved them, didn't you? I thought so. Hot, lets get this thing going so this crowd can brave the weather again. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Too Hot.jpg[/IMG]#13 Too Hot [/b] The crowd continues to cheer Brown, and he seems to thrive off of it. By the three-minute mark, the result of this match was a foregone conclusion, but Too Hot just didn't seem to realize it, as he continued to fight back. Remarkably, he almost managed to pull off the upset, but Brown was able to kick out of a rollup at the last second (even with Too Hot using the ropes for leverage), and hit the Star Treatment. [i]Lenny Brown in 7:28 by Star Treatment Pinfall (D)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: And that's all we have time for tonight, everyone. See you next time. Until then, I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jonnie Perez over Geoff Borne (D-) Lenny Brown over Too Hot (D) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] 21 showed up in New England for a decent first show. Though, the financial aspect of four shows a month...well, it's just too much. So we're going to cut back down to two for the time being. More on that front in the future, though. Final Rating: D [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 36.7% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 11.4. (+0.0%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 7.6% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 7.3% (+0.8%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 6.7% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 1.6% (+0.2%) Prestige to 31.8% (+0.1%)
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[B]Rankings March 2013[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Daniel Black Francis 0 2 Lenny Brown 0 3 Jean Cattley 0 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Antonio 0 6 K-Squared 0 7 Jared Johnson 0 8 Al Coleman +1 9 Harry Wilson -1 10 Huey Cannonball +1 11 Spike -1 12 Geoff Borne 0 13 Brooke Tyler (NR) 14 Jonnie Perez +1 15 Too Hot -2 16 Crockett Tubbs -2 17 Tempest Appleby -1 18 Jack Sanders +1 19 Kashmir Singh -2 20 Irwin Gutmann -2 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] K-Squared [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Fame and Fortune[/CENTER] The Tri-State Champion is in action, defending the championship against Jonnie Perez. Will his rather odd relationship with Jean Cattley come into play during this fight, or will Perez be given a fair shake? Also, newcomer Brooke Tyler made some decent headway during the Outreach programs last month, and this month she sees action against Jared Johnson. Johnson is naturally talented, while Tyler has the training. Which of them will come out on top? Also on the card, Huey Cannonball takes on Antonio, as it has been determined that time is needed before the seventh match in his series against Spike to cool some tempers. Will that strategy work, or will Spike feel the need to involve himself in this fight? And finally, in a huge match, the undefeated Lenny Brown takes on Roderick Remus in a match that surely will have National Championship implications. Can Brown continue his streak, or will Remus be the one to take him down? Don't miss Fame and Fortune from the Pennsylvania Park, or The Outreach Experiment, from the Ohio Jewish Center. Catch them live only on S2W.com!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Fame and Fortune[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, March 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Welcome to Fame and Fortune! I'm Rob Miskovsky, alongside Saul Stewart, welcoming you to the newest S2W offering. We've got a big show for you tonight, one I think you'll enjoy. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: My writers can't come up with anything good, and I refuse to say what they want me to say. RM: Which was? SS: I'm not going to say it. RM: Shall we just get to the matches? SS: Lets. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG] for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#6 K-Squared (Champion) -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG]#14 Jonnie Perez [/b] K-Squared dominated the early going of the matchup, but every time he came close to getting a pinfall, he'd suddenly show fear, and start looking around the arena. This happened three times before Perez managed to note what was going on. The fourth time Squared stood up from a pinfall, Perez reacted, rolling up the champion for an easy victory. [i]Jonnie Perez in 5:46 by Pinfall (D)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]Huey Cannonball: Let cooler heads prevail they said. That's why I'm out here with Antonio tonight instead of Spike. I don't know what they were watching, but I don't want to have a cool head. I want my hands on Spike, and I want to destroy him. But tonight, I get to take my frustrations out on Antonio instead. [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]#5 Antonio -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#10 Huey Cannonball [/b] Huey was inspired for this match, and did his best to take down Antonio quickly and brutally. An early Cannonball Run seemed to seal the victory, but he apparently decided to keep the pressure on instead, and pulled Antonio from the mat. That proved to be a mistake, as Antonio fought back, rocking Huey on his heels. Eventually, a DDT counter got Antonio down again, but as Huey set up for another Cannonball Run, Spike appeared and threw him from the corner turnbuckle. Antonio registered that enough to get an arm over Huey, and claims victory. [i]Antonio in 5:41 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#7 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#13 Brooke Tyler [/b] Johnson smirked as Tyler came out, apparently thinking he had an easy victory. It would prove to be anything but easy, as Tyler didn't back down from the fight at all, and in fact getting Johnson on his back more than once for a newar fall. The end of the fight came when Johnson tried to lock on the Carolina Crossface, and instead had it countered into a Brooke Breaker. [i]Brooke Tyler in 9:37 by Brooke Breaker Submission (C)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]K-Squared is moping backstage after his title loss, when Jean Cattley comes around the corner. Without Squared noticing, Cattley smirks, and then charges his protege, knocking him from his seat and proceeding to beat the tar out of him...again. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] That's when Daniel Black Francis shows up, sees what's going on, and interferes, pulling Cattley off squared. He gets in Cattley's face, as the two glare at each other with daggers in their eyes.[/color] [i](E-)[/i] Jean Cattley: I don't know what you think you're doing, Francis. This doesn't concern you. Daniel Black Francis: What you were just doing concerns anyone with a conscience, Jean. And that includes me. JC: You want to get involved? Let's take it to the wring, where I can kick your rump legally. DBF: You haven't managed to do that yet, so why not? You're on. [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#4 Roderick Remus [/b] (Miskovsky: Apparently, this is no longer our main event!) These two squared off carefully before getting down to business. Remus continually worked the legs, trying to both prepare for the Clutch and take out the Star Treatment, and before long, Brown was limping. But every time he actually tried to lock on the Remus Clutch, Brown would manage to squirm out of it, and at least twice he sent Roderick sprawling to the ringside. In the end, Remus' efforts at taking out the legs would prove to be in vain, as the Star Treatment still got hit, and the match was over. [i]Lenny Brown in 8:37 by Star Treatment Pinfall (D+)[/i] [b]Match 5 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#1 Daniel Black Francis -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#3 Jean Cattley [/b] ... I'm speechless. Literally. Miskovsky was left completely in the dust, and struggled to keep up with the frantic pace that Francis and Cattley put on. The crowd was on their feet, cheering and stamping, and trying to keep the energy levels up, which was working like a charm. Near falls on both sides, with both men managing to escape losing the match only thanks to the proximity of the ropes. Both men actually took to the skies, slightly, to try to change up the pace and pull of something unexpected, but in the end, it was a familiar move that ended the match. [i]Jean Cattley in 12:37 by Mood Swing Pinfall (B-)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Cattley has pinned the National Champion! He has finally bested his demons and taken down the man who has plagued him, but it was in a non-title matchup! What can this mean? We'll find out later, because we're all out of time! This is Rob Miskovsky, for myself and all of S2W, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jonnie Perez over K-Squared (D) to win the S2W Tri-State Championship Antonio over Huey Cannonball (D-) Brooke Tyler over Jared Johnson (C) Lenny Brown over Roderick Remus (D+) Jean Cattley over Daniel Black Francis (B-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] A B- main event! I'm ecstatic with that match, and very pleased with the way this whole show went in general. One note--I think I might have made the Squared/Perez match a championship matchup by mistake--my notes seemed to indicate I had intended it to be a non-title, so I must have changed my mind on that at the last minute. We had a paid attendance of 1,657, which isn't our high point, but enough so that we covered our costs. All in all, a very good show. Final Rating: C [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 37.3% (+0.6%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 11.6. (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 7.8% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 7.5% (+0.8%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 6.9% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 1.8% (+0.2%) Prestige to 31.9% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, March 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Back in the Great Lakes for another Outreach Experiment. I'm Rob Miskovsky, the voice of S2W. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: We've got a debut here tonight in our main event, but first, an ousted champion tries to prove himself. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#6 K-Squared -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#13 Brooke Tyler [/b] Squared just seems despondent, almost as if losing the Tri-State belt had crushed his spirit. He put up a listless fight, doing just enough to keep Tyler from defeating him. However, he never really took the opportunities that presented themselves to defeat her, instead choosing to mope in the corner whenever he had the opportunity. Still a good match, but when Tyler locked on her submission, Squared didn't even try to fight it. [i]Brooke Tyler in 8:02 by Brooke Breaker Submission (C-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]Jared Johnson: Brooke, you and I may have both had matches here tonight, but we're not through. I want to prove that your victory over me at Fame and Fortune was just a fluke. I want to face you again, and this time, I'm going to win. [i](E)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]Brooke Tyler: I'm not one to back down from a fight, regardless of who with. You've got your match. [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#7 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]Amazing Fire Fly [/b] Fly debuted strongly here in the Great Lakes, S2W's first ever masked worker. The actually got the crowd talking for a bit, wondering if he was just someone repackaged, but his moveset quickly disabused that notion, as he brought a true lucha style to the match. Johnson seemed overwhelmed by the new look, and eventually resorted to blatant cheating to end the match. [i]Amazing Fire Fly in 10:38 by Disqualification (C-)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: Strong showing from the rookie, and despicable actions from Jared Johnson. Saul Stewart: That kind of fire was just why I brought him in, if you remember. RM: I remember. We're out of time for now, see you all next month. Until then, this is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Brooke Tyler over K-Squared (C-) Amazing Fire Fly over Jared Johnson (C-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] We had 42 people show up for what I believe was our best Outreach yet. Not a whole lot else to say, though I am pleased with the Fire Fly. Hopefully he can keep up the good work. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 37.3% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 13.0. (+1.4%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 8.0% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 7.7% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 7.1% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 2.0% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.0% (+0.1%)
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[B]Rankings April 2013[/B] We say goodbye to two of our originals, as Tempest Appleby and Crockett Tubbs have been released from their contracts. We wish them luck in their future endeavors. Lenny Brown's continued undefeated streak combined with Jean Cattley's victory over the champion have rearranged the top of the charts, and similar motion occupies the middle rankings. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Lenny Brown +1 2 Jean Cattley +1 3 Daniel Black Francis -2 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Antonio 0 6 Jared Johnson +1 7 Al Coleman +1 8 Brooke Tyler +5 9 Amazing Fire Fly (NR) 10 Jonnie Perez +4 11 K-Squared -5 12 Huey Cannonball -2 13 Spike -2 14 Geoff Borne -2 15 Too Hot 0 16 Jack Sanders +2 17 Kashmir Singh +2 18 Irwin Gutmann +2 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Jonnie Perez [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Glory and Honor[/CENTER] Rematches and debuts make up the bulk of this year's edition of Glory and Honor. Fighting for glory, Jonnie Perez defends his newly won Tri-State championship in a rematch with K-Squared, as the latter looks to reclaim the belt that he held for too short a time. Can K-Squared earn the victory, or will Perez secure the belt for another month? Jared Johnson asked for a rematch with Brooke Tyler at last months Outreach Experiment, and the match was made. This month, the two meet once again; can Johnson come out with the victory this time around, or does Brooke have his number? Also, preview matches of sort as Spike and Huey Cannonball fight for honor; Spike takes on the undefeated Lenny Brown, hoping for a HUGE momentum boost going into the final match of their best of seven series. Huey Cannonball, meanwhile, takes on a newcomer to the S2W ring in Aristocrat. And finally, the National Champion is in action in a non-title matchup against another rookie, Cowboy Buck Winchster. In the battle of the triple-initials, can the unknown CBW defeat the S2W National Champion DBF? Plus, another edition of The Outreach Experiment.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Glory and Honor[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, April 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Glory and Honor are both up for grabs! I'm Rob Miskovsky, and this is S2W. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: You are beginning to remind me of the last announcer I fired. RM: I see. SS: Never mind. We've got a title match. [b]Match 1 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#10 Jonnie Perez -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG]#11 K-Squared [/b] Unlike his last match, this one saw Squared actually seem to care about the match, and he worked hard to reclaim the championship. Unfortunately, it wasn't to be, as Perez managed to lock him in a camel clutch for the victory. [i]Jonnie Perez in 7:10 by Submission (D+)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Jonnie Perez (1)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/K-Squared.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Squared has barely registered the fact that he was defeated again, when Jean Cattley slides into the ring. Cattley lays a big boot into the back of Squared's head, and then goes down with some mounted punches. It doesn't take long for Daniel Black Francis to charge the run, causing Cattley to back off, as unheard words pass between the two.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]Huey Cannonball: So we've had six matches now. Spike won the first three, and I won the last three. The problem lies in that they've all just been regular matches. If we really want to see who's the best one, we need to branch out a little. The next time we meet, whenever the bookers see fit to allow us to finish this off, I want something special. I want a tables match. [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#12 Huey Cannonball -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Aristocrat.jpg[/IMG]Aristocrat [/b] Aristocrat seemed oddly confident and relaxed during the beginning of this fight, and it soon became apparent why as Spike made his way down to the ring. While the referee was distracted by him, Aristocrat was able to fight dirty, dropping back to a good clean fight whenever the ref was paying attention. The ending came when Aristocrat complained of something in his eye, drawing the ref to him, while Spike entered the ring and dropped Cannonball hard...with a Cannonball Run. Suddenly able to see, Aristocrat got the cover and the win. [i]Aristocrat in 6:21 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]Spike: You want tables, Huey? I have no problem with that. I have no doubt that this time, I'll defeat you. And it'll be even more of a pleasure to send you through a table to do so. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#1 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#13 Spike [/b] Spike lost that confidence quickly as Brown made his way to the ring, but tried to catch the undefeated man off guard with an attack as he was climbing through the ropes. It worked for a while, as Lenny was off balance and unable to recover until a giant shoulder block around the three minute mark. A vicious lariat followed, then the Star Treatment. [i]Lenny Brown in 5:51 by Star Treatment Pinfall (D+)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#6 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#8 Brooke Tyler [/b] Once again, a solid match between these two that showed just about every type of spot you could want. Tyler is a machine, while Johnson is a brawler, between them they usually kept the ground game going, but there was the occasional spot of airtime as well. Tyler locked on the Brooke Breaker, but Johnson fought out of it, and into a rollup...grabbing the ropes to hold on to that. [i]Jared Johnson in 10:09 by Pinfall (C)[/i] [color=orange]Backstage...[/color] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]Jean Cattley: It's a simple matter, really. He wants to get into my business, then I've gotta get into his. So, here's the deal. I'm laying it all out. I want another shot at Daniel Black Francis. And, since I defeated him the last time we faced off, I'm demanding that it be for his National Championship. Like I said, simple. I'll be waiting for your answer. [i](D-)[/i] [color=orange]...and back to the ring.[/color] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]Daniel Black Francis: I won't make you wait, Jean. I want to hurt you as bad as you want this belt. You're a menace to society, and I take exception. And if I can do it within the confines of the ring, so much the better. You're on. [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 5 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#3 Daniel Black Francis -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]Cowboy Buck Winchester [/b] Surprisingly for recent events, this was actually a clean match. CBW wanted his debut against the champion to go well, and he took the fight right to him, trying to get a quick clean victory. Francis was having none of that, however, and fought out of every pinning predicament he was placed in. Eventually, DBF would just prove to have more ring savvy than his opponent, and pick up the victory. [i]Daniel Black Francis in 12:42 by Pinfall (C-)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: That's all we've time for this month; be sure to check us out online for The Outreach Experiment. Until then, I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jonnie Perez over K-Squared (D+) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Aristocrat over Huey Cannonball (D-) Lenny Brown over Spike (D+) Jared Johnson over Brooke Tyler(C) Daniel Black Francis over Cowboy Buck Winchester (C-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] We only got 1,547 this month; I think the lack of publicized solid main event brought sales down. Hopefully CBW can live up to his indy reputation, though, and get that name power eventually. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 37.7% (+0.4%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 13.2. (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 8.2% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 7.9% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 7.3% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 2.2% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.1% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, April 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Hello again, and welcome to another edition of The Outreach Experiment. I'm Rob Miskovsky, and beside me as always is Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: A good show for you tonight, featuring another new worker to S2W...you know, I just realized that I bet our viewers can tell right when our contracts run out. RM: Sometimes. But when you are bringing in new people to improve, does it really matter? SS: I suppose not. I just don't like it. RM: But anyway, besides that, we've got a great main event for you tonight. We liked the match between Brooke Tyler and Jared Johnson so much at Glory and Honor, and heard such good things about it, that we decided to have another edition of it here, live, for you folks in the Great Lakes. [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Geoff Borne.jpg[/IMG]#14 Geoff Borne -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Josh Jones.jpg[/IMG]Josh Jones [/b] Jones acquitted himself well for his first time in an S2W ring. A solid match between an aerialist and a ground game that the crowd seemed to enjoy. Borne went for the Borne Again, but had it countered into what Rob Miskovsky called a "Canadian Backdrop". [i]Josh Jones in 7:40 by Canadian Backdrop Pinfall (D)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#6 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#8 Brooke Tyler [/b] Another good match from these two that again saw Tyler take an early advantage, only to have Johnson use dirty tactics to get the momentum on his side. This time, it was an attempted stripping that caused Tyler to drop her guard, and Johnson got the rollup for the victory. [i](D+)[/i] [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Josh Jones over Geoff Borne (D) Jared Johnson over Brooke Tyler (D+) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] The main event wasn't as good here as it had been elsewhere. That's disappointing, to me. Forty-five people came to see this show--where'd the sixty go, I wonder? Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 37.7% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 14.3 (+1.1%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 8.4% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 8.1% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 7.5% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 2.4% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.2% (+0.1%)
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[b]Newsbites[/b] Two major North American retirements were announced this month, as both Jeremy Stone and Lobster Warrior announced that they were giving up the in-ring work for other projects. [B]Rankings May 2013[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Lenny Brown 0 2 Jean Cattley 0 3 Daniel Black Francis 0 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Antonio 0 6 Jared Johnson 0 7 Cowboy Buck Winchester (NR) 8 Al Coleman -1 9 Brooke Tyler -1 10 Amazing Fire Fly -1 11 Aristocrat (NR) 12 Jonnie Perez -2 13 K-Squared -2 14 Huey Cannonball -2 15 Josh Jones (NR) 16 Spike -3 17 Geoff Borne -3 18 Too Hot -3 19 Jack Sanders -3 20 Kashmir Singh -3 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Jonnie Perez [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Fanning the Flames[/CENTER] We lead the way into Hell on Earth with a number of major matches this month. Our main event sees Lenny Brown putting his undefeated record on the line as he faces off with the #1 contender Jean Cattley in singles action. Also, National Champion Daniel Black Francis is in action against the rookie Aristocrat, taking on a newcomer for the second time in as many months. Cowboy Buck Winchester performed well against the champion last month, and this time around, he takes on Roderick Remus for bragging rights. The Tri-State Championship is on the line as Jonnie Perez defends against Al Coleman. And finally, Al Coleman takes on Too Hot. Plus, The Outreach Experiment continues.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Fanning the Flames[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, May 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Hello, and welcome once again to S2W. I am Rob Miskovsky, and this is Fanning the Flames. We've got a bit of a preview show for you tonight, but there's still going to be some major action. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Starting, once again, with a Tri-State Championship match. [b]Match 1 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Antonio.jpg[/IMG]#5 Antonio -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#12 Jonnie Perez [/b] A good match that had Perez start out in charge, but quickly lose his advantage when Antonio started misbehaving. Thumbs to the eyes, arguing with the referee, and more happened as Antonio quickly lost his cool. Eventually, he shoved the referee after what he called a slow count, and was disqualified. [i]Jonnie Perez in 5:46 by Disqualification (D)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Jonnie Perez (2)[/i] [color=orange]Perez was handed his belt, and started to celebrate, but was quickly cut short as Antonio apparently wasn't over his fit. A trio if Italian DDT's left the champion down and out.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#8 Al Coleman -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Too Hot.jpg[/IMG]#18 Too Hot [/b] A better match that it probably could have been, Coleman managed to stay in control for much of the match despite seeming to not care. It didn't take long to wrap up Hot for the victory. [i]Al Coleman in 4:31 by Pinfall (D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]Huey Cannonball: So, rumour has it that next month is the tables match between Spike and myself. At this match, anything goes, and the only way to be named a winner is to drive your opponent through a wooden table. Well, I just happened to bring a table with me here...just to show you how much force it takes. I've also got this sledgehammer...and just watch. [color=orange]Huey uses the sledge and drives it down onto the table, which barely cracks. He doesn't notice Spike walk up behind him...until he turns around. He tries to react but is caught flat-footed, and is picked up and driven through the table himself. Spike smirks and walks off.[/color] [i](E-)[/i] [color=green]A video plays, hyping the history between Daniel Black Francis and Jean Cattley. Their four previous title matches; two with K-Squared interfering, one a draw, and one which DBF retained in a steel cage. Other encounters, brutal attacks, some shots of them with other wrestlers. A decent video.[/color] [i](D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG]#3 Daniel Black Francis -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Aristocrat.jpg[/IMG]#11 Aristocrat [/b] Though Aristocrat brought his game face, the second-match rookie wasn't really a match for our National Champion. Still, it was a decent workout for DBF, and he actually seemed winded when he finally got the victory. [i]Daniel Black Francis in 8:06 by Pinfall (D+)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#4 Roderick Remus -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#7 Cowboy Buck Winchester [/b] Winchester came in with guns blazing, trying to overwhelm Remus with strength and drive, and it worked. Time and again, Winchester dropped Remus to the mat, and went for the cover, but each time Remus kicked out. Eventually, Remus started a face comback, but got dropped hard by a big Neckbreaker. CBW taunted him, before going for the pinfall, and when he actually went for the cover found himself locked in the Remus Clutch. He fought for the ropes, but just before he got there, Remus tightened the hold, and CBW couldn't fight any more. [i]Roderick Remus in 10:17 by Remus Clutch Submission (D)[/i] [color=orange]Now free of the Clutch, CBW stands, and lays out Remus with a powerful lariat. He picks up his opponent, and drills him with a painful looking piledriver.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 5 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#1 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#2 Jean Cattley [/b] An amazing match that left nothing behind, as these two men put on a show for the Pennsylvania crowd. Huge momentum shifts, brawling outside, a ref bump that allowed Cattley some cheating time without getting caught, last-moment kickouts of near falls. This match had it all. Eventually, Brown started getting some solid momentum, and looked sure to end up with the Star Treatment, but Cattley fought out of it after getting picked up into the Fireman's carry...and when he stood back up to his feet 'accidentally' caught Brown with a low blow. The referee didn't believe it was an accident, and called for the bell. [i]Lenny Brown in 6:32 by Disqualification (C)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: We are all out of time, but what a show this was. A huge National Championship match next month at Hell on Earth, be sure not to miss it. Until then, this is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jonnie Perez over Antonio (D) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Al Coleman over Too Hot (D-) Daniel Black Francis over Aristocrat (D+) Roderick Remus over Cowboy Buck Winchester (D) Lenny Brown over Jean Cattley (C) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] The crowd took another hit this month, dropping to 1,507. But this was still a decent show, and continued our run of C level shows with another C-. It did feel thrown together, though, but I know that there was at least one storyline that was starting up here. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 38.1% (+0.4%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 14.5 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 8.6% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 8.3% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 7.7% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 2.6% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.3% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, May 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: We are Live at the Ohio Jewish Center, and this is The Outreach Experiment. I'm Rob Miskovsky. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: And I'm Saul Stewart. RM: Hmm. SS: Told you that wouldn't work RM: Yeah, I guess you're right. This time. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#8 Al Coleman -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Irwin Gutmann.jpg[/IMG]Irwin Gutmann [/b] Gutmann has fallen out of the top twenty, and looks to redeem himself with a solid showing here today. Coleman is back to entering from outside the arena (such as it is), and being a slacker in the ring. Still, when it comes to the technical matchup that Gutmann tried to bring, Coleman is still fairly good, and was able to counter most moves in order to get the win. [i]Al Coleman in 8:03 by Pinfall (D)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]Brooke Tyler: Ok, so I won the first match. Then, it took Johnson two tries before I considered him winning a match--neither of those two counted as a full match since he had to cheat to win both. So, I consider us even, and I want to make it uneven again. Jared Johnson, I want another match. [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#9 Brooke Tyler -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]#10 Amazing Fire Fly [/b] Fly started out with an aerial attack, but Tyler was up to the challenge, and actually managed to match the luchadore move for move, at least for a bit. When she realized that Fly was slowly getting a decent advantage in momentum, she shifted gears and started a ground game. That definitely took Fly out of his element, and eventually, out of the match. [i]Brooke Tyler in 14:07 by Brooke Breaker Submission (D+)[/i] Rob Miskovsky: That's all we have time for this episode of The Outreach Experiment. Be sure to tune in next month for Hell on Earth. Until then, this is Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Al Coleman over Irwin Gutmann (D) Brooke Tyler over Amazing Fire Fly (D+) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Attendance continues to drop around the board, as this one had only 35 people show. I wonder if that's because of the internet distribution; more people watching it online for free. Final Rating: D+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 38.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 15.3 (+0.8%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 8.8% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 8.5% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 7.9% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 2.8% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.4% (+0.1%)
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[B]Rankings June 2013[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Jean Cattley +1 2 Lenny Brown -1 3 Daniel Black Francis 0 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Antonio 0 6 Cowboy Buck Winchester +1 7 Jared Johnson -1 8 Al Coleman 0 9 Brooke Tyler 0 10 Amazing Fire Fly 0 11 Aristocrat 0 12 Jonnie Perez 0 13 K-Squared 0 14 Huey Cannonball 0 15 Josh Jones 0 16 Spike 0 17 Geoff Borne 0 18 Jack Sanders +1 19 Kashmir Singh +1 20 Irwin Gutmann (NR) [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Daniel Black Francis [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Jonnie Perez [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Hell on Earth[/CENTER] Everything is red hot this month as Hell on Earth comes to the Pennsylvania Park. First, after falling down three matches to none, Huey Cannonball has now won three straight matches against Spike to force a seventh matchup. This time, both men have agreed that we will be seeing a Tables match, where the only way to get victory is to knock your opponent around enough to be able to drive them through a wooden table. Which man will be able to muster the fortitude neccessary to achieve victory? Tri-State Champion Jonnie Perez issued an open challenge for a title shot, and it was answered by relative newcomer Josh Jones. Jones hasn't been around long, but has impressed in his few matches. Can he leverage this title shot into a more prominent role, or will he just be another notch in the belt for the champion? Cowboy Buck Winchester has been reliably vicious in his few matches here, and he has been paired up against an opponent this month where he will need every bit of his spirit. He will be taking on the undefeated Lenny Brown in singles action, hoping to be the first to actually defeat this powerhouse. The Main Event, with the National Championship on the line, Jean Cattley against Daniel Black Francis. Francis has successfully retained his championship four times against Cattley, but the last time the two met in singles action, Cattley was able to land the Mood Swing to finally gain a victory. Will he be able to do that again, or will DBF continue his streak of retentions when these two meet yet again. Also, Jared Johnson against Al Coleman, and The Outreach Experiment continues.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Hell on Earth[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Sunday, Week 2, June 2013[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Rob L Miskovsky.jpg[/IMG]Rob Miskovsky: Live, from the Pennsylvania Park, this is Hell on Earth! I am Rob Miskovsky, the current voice of S2W. Along side of me as always, is Saul Stewart. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Always and forever. RM: And starting tonight, we have another broadcast correspondent. You know him, you love him, ladies and gentlemen please give a warm S2W welcome to Marv Earnest! [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: A pleasure to be here with you, Rob, Saul. And what a first show for me, too. SS: And just what I always wanted. Two announcers to keep me company. RM: You're the one who signs the checks, Saul. ME: And the one who made my contract. SS: All right already. Can we just get the show started? What's going on back there? [color=orange][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG] Backstage, we can see Spike going through the motions of warming up. He's stretching, limbering up, jumping up and down. He finally looks at the clock, looks worried, and starts to leave. He pauses, looking at a bunch of broken tables littering the ground nearby.[/color] [i](D-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG] Lenny Brown: Hey, Huey. You're up man, we've started the show. Huey Cannonball: Crap. I'd better get out there. LB: Hey, Huey? HC: Yeah? LB: Kick the crap out of that guy. Good luck. [i](D-)[/i] [color=orange]A video plays while we wait for the two competitors to get to the ring. In it, we see the end results of each match one at a time, seeing Spike's climb to a 3-0 lead, followed by Cannonball's return to a 3-3 split. It shows some of the attacks perpetrated by Spike over the last few months. And finally, it shows a shot of a broken table with a question mark over it.[/color] [i](E-)[/i] [b]Match 1 Best of Seven Series, Final Match TABLES MATCH [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#14 Huey Cannonball -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#16 Spike [/b] This match, for a tables match, kind of disappointed. Most of it seemed to be their same old stuff, with the tables only coming into play at the very end. Eventually, Spike set up Cannonball for a drop through the table from the top rope, but Cannonball reversed the angle at the final moment, putting himself on top as Spike fell through instead. [i]Huey Cannonball in 6:49 (D-)[/i] [b]Match 2 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#12 Jonnie Perez -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Josh Jones.jpg[/IMG]#15 Josh Jones [/b] A solid match between two of the undercard. Back and forth action, numerous teases of a title switch, before Jones apparently blew a move and ended up on his head. Perez tried to take advantage, but Jones kicked out before the three. After that, Perez was in control the entire match, but it wasn't easy to put the challenger away. [i]Jonnie Perez in 9:46 by Pinfall (D)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Jonnie Perez (3)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]Jared Johnson: Some of you might be wondering about the challenge posed to me last month by Brooke Tyler. Well, it's simple. I'm accepting it. Surprised? Don't be. Why should I be worried? I got over confident in the first match, which I barely lost. I don't intend to make that mistake again. I've since defeated her twice. I can do it again. Just don't let another fluke happen. Like tonight...when I take out the former champion. [i](D-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#7 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Al Coleman.jpg[/IMG]#8 Al Coleman [/b] An awesome match that got the crowd going. Coleman actually seemed fired up by Johnson's comments, and wanted to prove that he was better than the man ranked just above him. Johnson, for his part, actually fought fairly cautiously, a change for him, and was on the defensive for a good while. Up until he was able to counter a whip with a dropkick, at which point he was in control. It wasn't long after that he hit the MDK. [i]Jared Johnson in 7:49 by MDK Powerbomb Pinfall (C-)[/i] [b]Match 4 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#6 Cowboy Buck Winchester [/b] These two didn't seem to really get along in the ring, though from the way the match came out, that didn't really matter much. It was an all-out brawl, neither man giving an inch, for about five minutes. That's when a few actual wrestling moves came into play, mostly suplexes of various strength-proving capability. Finally, CBW seemed to get an advantage, and managed to whip Brown into the corner...where Brown nailed his head on the corner post, dropping to the mat in a heap. The referee kept CBW away from the corner while he checked on Brown...and completely missed Roderick Remus entering the ring with a steel chair, dropping CBW to the mat with a well-timed crash on the head. The referee determined Brown was well enough to continue, and left the corner, only then noticing CBW was down, and he started the ten-count. Brown managed to crawl over to CBW before the ten, and drape an arm over his opponent, getting the win. [i]Lenny Brown in 9:44 by Pinfall (C-)[/i] [b]Match 5 for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG]#1 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Daniel Francis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG]#3 Daniel Black Francis [/b] A good solid match for a main event, as both men seemed bound and determined to make this match count. For nearly seven minutes, numerous covers happened on either side, and yet neither man gave up more than a 1-count at any point. Non-stop action dictated that there was lots of movement, counter after counter after counter. The first near fall came at 9:00, as DBF scored on a cross-body, which got a long two. After Cattley kicked out, DBF pulled him to his feet...and never saw the Mood Swing coming. [i]Jean Cattley in 9:24 by Mood Swing Pinfall (C+)[/i] [i]Winner and NEW S2W National Champion, Jean Cattley (1x)[/i] Marv Earnest: Just like that, a new champion! Saul Stewart: About time, too. Rob Miskovsky: But we're all out of time. While Cattley celebrates his victory, we remind you to check out The Outreach Experiment next week. Until then, for Marv Earnest, Saul Stewart, and all of S2W, I'm Rob Miskovsky, signing off. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Huey Cannonball over Spike (D-) Jonnie Perez over Josh Jones (D) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Jared Johnson over Al Coleman (C-) Lenny Brown over Cowboy Buck Winchester (C-) Jean Cattley over Daniel Black Francis (C+) to win the S2W National Championship [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Attendance remains mostly steady for the first time in a while, only three fewer paid tickets than last month at 1,504. More, I really liked the way this show turned out, pretty much all around. There's only one thing I regret. At this point in time, I'm down to 4 S2W originals, counting myself. Al Coleman, K-Squared, and Kashmir Singh. I really want to push them to the top--I want Coleman to still be in the main event, hunting for the National belt. But getting bigger and more popular means that I can't do that. It's unfortunate. Oh, and at this point, I have both Earnest and Miskovsky on my roster notes. Not sure if I had them both announcing or not, and I can't seem to find out, so I figured that I might as well have them both speaking. Final Rating: C [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 38.7% (+0.6%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 15.5 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic to 9.0% (+0.2%) Popularity in New England to 8.7% (+0.2%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 8.1% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 3.0% (+0.2%) Prestige to 32.5% (+0.1%)
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