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S2W: A Midlife Crisis

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[B]Rankings March 2014[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Jean Cattley 0 2 Lenny Brown 0 3 Remmy Skye 0 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Cowboy Buck Winchester 0 6 Knuckles 0 7 Shady K 0 8 Teddy Powell 0 9 Jared Johnson 0 10 Grimm Quibble 0 11 Antonio 0 12 Brooke Tyler +1 13 Austin Smooth -1 14 Amazing Fire Fly 0 15 K-Squared +1 16 Huey Cannonball -1 17 Jonnie Perez 0 18 Josh Jones 0 19 Geoff Borne 0 20 Spike 0 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Austin Smooth [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Fame and Fortune[/CENTER] Grimm Quibble started out strong, winning the right to enter the Anniversary Tournament by beating nine other men in a battle royal. Since then, he has fought hard in losing efforts to two of our biggest and brightest, Lenny Brown and Shady K. This month, he takes on Spike in singles action. Can he continue his warrior-ways, or will Spike prove to be another loss for Quibble? The Tri-State Championship is on the line, as Austin Smooth defends his belt against the high-flying Mexican, Amazing Fire Fly. Also, a new #1 Contender for the National Championship will be named. Remmy Skye won the Anniversary Tournament, and gets a shot at a second attempt on the title, while Roderick Remus was not involved in the decision of either triple threat match against the champion. These two will meet in the squared circle to see who is more deserving of the belt. Also, Kashmir Singh takes on Achilles the Mighty and Teddy Powell faces off against Jared Johnson.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Fame and Fortune[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 2, March 2014[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Marv called in sick today, though I'd guess that he's working somewhere else. But that means I'm all alone, and THAT means that I have nobody to blunt my ideas. This is Fame and Fortune, and I am the owner of S2W, Saul Stewart. Up first, a pair of curtain jerkers that nobody really wants to see, but they get to hear me talk a lot during the match while I don't pay attention. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Achilles the Mighty.jpg[/IMG]Achilles the Mighty -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Kashmir Singh.jpg[/IMG]Kashmir Singh [/b] Achilles got overlooked after his solid performance against Austin Smooth last month, and wants to rectify that. Kashmir is just upset that he's dropped from the top twenty. These two put on a good show, a solid opening match. True to his work, Saul didn't pay attention for most of the match, though he did manage to get some good commentary in at the end, as Achilles hit the Trojan Drop for the victory. [i]Achilles the Mighty in 6:53 by Trojan Drop Pinfall (D)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]Jared Johnson: So I was lounging at home the other day, when I get a phone call. So, I groaned and got up, and saw who it was. Brooke Tyler. Thinking that she might be finally conceding defeat, I pick it up with a grin on my face. Imagine my surprise when she pretty much demands another match with me. Well, I couldn't let that stand, so I of course gave her a piece of my mind. But then, it came to me. She was doing all this behind the scenes. I'm out here to correct that. See, Brooke. There's no way that I will ever give you another match with me. I've proven myself time and again, and I'm tired of it. I want other opponents. I'm getting my first one tonight, but it won't be my last. I'm through with you. [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Teddy Powell.jpg[/IMG]#8 Teddy Powell -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#9 Jared Johnson [/b] A good match that saw both men pull out some of their signature minor moves, but be denied every time they went for a finisher of any sort. Johnson would slowly take the advantage over the first few minutes, and by the five minute mark, he was in complete charge. That's when Brooke Tyler came out. At first she didn't do anything, but after Powell got poked in the eye (so Johnson could pay more attention to her), the referee focused on him, and she entered the ring. She quickly locked a Brooke Breaker on the tired Johnson, and held on for as long as she could. When the referee turned back around, she was out of the ring, Johnson was down, and Powell went for the quick pinfall. [i]Teddy Powell in 5:54 by Pinfall (C-)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]Brooke Tyler: Saul, you've seen what I'm willing to do. I want another match with him, and I won't take no for an answer. [i](E+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: You know what? I'm not really a fan of people trying to intimidate me--but I gotta say, I like the kind of style you pull off in this case. Consider it done. [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Grimm Quibble.jpg[/IMG]#10 Grimm Quibble -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Spike.jpg[/IMG]#20 Spike [/b] A tolerable match that was fortunately pretty quick. Spike took a big risk early that failed, leaving Quibble to take control of the matchup. Spike never recovered, and fell prey to the Quick Quibble Crash. [i]Grimm Quibble in 5:40 by Quick Quibble Crash Pinfall (D+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]Remmy Skye: I know what you're thinking. Why, if I still have the called shot, do I get a chance at a #1 contenders match? Well, there are a couple of reasons. First, I asked for it. Second, I like Roderick, and thought a match with him would go over. And third, because I'm just that good. You've seen what I can do in the ring, and tonight, I intend to earn a second shot at the National Championship. And if I fail? Well, I've still got the one from the tournament. So what you get tonight is a hell of a match. [i](C-)[/i] [b]Match 4 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#13 Austin Smooth -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Amazing Fire Fly.jpg[/IMG]#14 Amazing Fire Fly [/b] This match was evidently booked some time ago, but scheduling conflicts prevented it from occurring until this month. Smooth took control early, almost too easily, and dominated the first part of the match. But then, Fly showed that he had been playing possum, and reversed an irish whip easily, taking over the match. The referee would be squashed by a corner splash, dropping him out of the match for a while. Smooth would take advantage of Fly's trying to check on the ref to grab a chair, which he used to take out the ankles of Fire Fly. He would then toss the chair out and lock on a figure four, easily holding on to it until the referee woke up and called for the bell. [i]Austin Smooth in 9:38 by Submission (C)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Austin Smooth (4)[/i] [b]Match 5 to determine the #1 Contender for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]#3 Remmy Skye -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#4 Roderick Remus [/b] Remus and Skye shook hands at the start of the match, but that was about the only indication they gave that they were friends outside the ring. The action started out fast, and stayed that way through the entire match. Momentum shifts abounded in this match, as first one man, then the other would counter a move and take control. Skye would get the first real pinfall attempt, landing a neckbreaker and getting a one fall. He would hit another 'breaker before climbing to the top, but his Skye Diver attempt missed as Remus rolled out of the way. Remus to his feet first, and took advantage, locking on a Remus Clutch. He would hold it for about a minute, but Skye would get to the ropes. But as both men got to their feet, Remus locked it in a second time, and this time, it was too much for Skye. [i]Roderick Remus in 10:56 by Remus Clutch Submission (C+)[/i] Saul Stewart: And that's over. Come back later, right? [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Achilles the Mighty over Kashmir Singh (D) Teddy Powell over Jared Johnson (C-) Grimm Quibble over Spike (D+) Austin Smooth over Amazing Fire Fly (C) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Roderick Remus over Remmy Skye (C+) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] A good show, but I was disappointed. After my recent run, the straight C rating was almost upsetting to see. But we did get another sellout, 2,000 strong in the Park. Time to start considering moving up a venue level. Final Rating: C [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 43.3% (+0.6%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 25.1 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England to 17.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 18.1% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 6.4% (+0.2%) Prestige to 34.2% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Asylum (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, March 2014[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: We have moved to The Asylum for the month for The Outreach Experiment. I'm Marv Earnest, bringing you the best of hard hitting S2W Action. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: And let's get things started right away, yes? A treat for the fans this month, because I've been in such a giving mood. ME: And you just wanted to get it out of the way as quick as possible? SS: That too. [b]Match 1 for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG]#1 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Roderick Remus.jpg[/IMG]#4 Roderick Remus [/b] A National Championship match as the opener on an Outreach Experiment? Say it isn't so! But it is, and it turns out that it was a pretty good match, too. Remus certainly took the champion to his limit, drawing numerous near falls as Cattley looked for an opening. He would find it around the eight minute mark, getting a kick to the gut in that winded Remus and allowed the champion to take control. A few minutes later, the Mood Swing got the victory. [i]Jean Cattley in 10:13 by Mood Swing Pinfall (C-)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Jean Cattley (7)[/i] [color=orange]Cattley stalks the ring after his victory, raising the belt high for the crowd. He stops, and sees Remus getting to his feet. Cattley looks back and forth at the crowd, who starts booing him as he sizes up Remus...and then throws out his hand. Roderick looks shocked for a moment, but then takes it. Cattley and Remus shake hands with a grin before Remus nods and leaves the ring.[/color] [i](D)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG]Shady K: Lissen up! I've got something to say here, and you're all going to listen good! Now, I know I've got a match in a few minutes, but there's something that needs to be said. This here...this is MY anthem! [color=orange]K proceeds to sing a rap version of the Star Spangled Banner...it's interesting, but not very good.[/color] [i](D)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG] -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Teddy Powell.jpg[/IMG] [/b] Four of our most exciting newcomers put in a tag match together, and it was everything that it was dreamed of being. The crowd loved every second of it, and it wasn't long before the referee lost complete control. He spent most of his time vainly trying to convince two of them to stay out of the ring, but eventually gave up and allowed all four men in the ring at the same time. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough for him, as Lenny Brown showed up and made his presence known, dragging Skye out of the ring (when he was officially the legal man), attacking him. The referee never saw Brown, but did see Knuckles go out of the ring after him. Deciding that he should try to instill SOME order, the referee began a count-out, but neither Knuckles or Skye made it back in in time. [i]Draw in 11:32 by Double Count Out (B-)[/i] Marv Earnest: That's all we've got tonight, other than trying to clear out the brawl still going on in the ring. Until next time, stay tuned to S2W.com for all your updates. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Jean Cattley over Roderick Remus (C-) to retain the S2W National Championship Death Row draws with Teddy Powell and Remmy Skye (B-) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] I have no idea why I booked this show in the Asylum. I think that pre-booking got me some higher estimates than they should have, because I'm pretty sure that the numbers showed I could afford it. But when I don't even get enough people to sell out the OJC (288 paid customers), I should have stayed low on the totem pole. Still, a good show that got people jumping. Final Rating: C+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 43.3% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 26.5 (+1.4%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England to 17.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 18.3% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 6.6% (+0.2%) Prestige to 34.3% (+0.1%)
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[B]Newsbites[/b] The wrestling world was saddened earlier this month by the news that Rip Chord had passed away. He will be sorely missed, and we wish his family well in this time of trouble. It wasn't long after Rip died that word went out that MAW was looking for a new owner. Some were surprised with who the shareholders eventually put in charge. Alex Braun was chosen as the new owner of MAW, and looks to put his own stamp on the company. In other news, Rocky Golden has gone on hiatus, spending some time in Hollywood working on a new, as yet untitled, action movie. [B]Rankings April 2014[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Jean Cattley 0 2 Lenny Brown 0 3 Remmy Skye 0 4 Roderick Remus 0 5 Cowboy Buck Winchester 0 6 Knuckles 0 7 Shady K 0 8 Teddy Powell 0 9 Jared Johnson 0 10 Grimm Quibble 0 11 Brooke Tyler +1 12 Antonio -1 13 Austin Smooth 0 14 Amazing Fire Fly 0 15 K-Squared 0 16 Huey Cannonball 0 17 Jonnie Perez 0 18 Josh Jones 0 19 Geoff Borne 0 20 Spike 0 [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Austin Smooth [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Glory and Honor[/CENTER] Everyone is looking for a bit of vengeance here this month. Brooke Tyler got her next match against Jared Johnson, and it takes place this month. These two have been going back and forth basically since Tyler entered S2W, and their blood fued continues here. Which one will come out on top this time, and will this be the final chapter? Remmy Skye gave Lenny Brown his first loss, and Brown took it personally. After interjecting himself last month in a tag match that Skye was involved in, Skye demanded another match, and got it. Can he catch lightning twice, or will Brown get his second victory over the Anniversary Tournament winner? Jonnie Perez gets a shot to reclaim the S2W Tri-State Championship this month. He lost the belt to Austin Smooth, and lost his rematch, but his shot has come around again, and he hopes to make the best of it this time. Will the third time be the charm, or does Smooth have his number? No man in S2W history has managed to defend the National Championship more than seven times. Jean Cattley has reached that magic number, and hopes to be the first to reach eight successful defenses this month as he faces off against Cowboy Buck Winchester with the title on the line. Winchester, of course, hopes that the seven-defense limit keeps solid and he can walk away from Glory and Honor with a belt around his waist. Also, Josh Jones takes on Irwin Gutmann.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at Pennsylvania Park (Tri-State)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]Glory and Honor[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 2, April 2014[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: We have a capacity crowd at Pennsylvania Park, and an amazing show coming at you, right now! I'm Marv Earnest, and this is S2W's Glory and Honor. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Two title matches, and one purely for bragging rights. Everyone has something to gain here tonight. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Josh Jones.jpg[/IMG]#18 Josh Jones -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Irwin Gutmann.jpg[/IMG]Irwin Gutmann [/b] A good match between two people who are better in the ring than on the stick, and who wanted to show their best tonight. Technical showcase with some good chain wrestling, moves back and forth, reverses, and throws. Eventually, Jones would manage to hit the devastating Canadian Backdrop for the win. [i]Josh Jones in 5:35 by Canadian Backdrop Pinfall (C-)[/i] [color=orange][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG] A video plays, highlighting much of the feud that has developed between Tyler and Johnson. Really, it's not a very good video, though.[/color] [i](E+)[/i] [b]Match 2 for the S2W Tri-State Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG]#13 Austin Smooth -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jonnie Perez.jpg[/IMG]#17 Jonnie Perez [/b] Perez came out motioning for the belt, and it was clear from the outset that he was focused and ready to reclaim the championship. Smooth, however, had other plans, and it was he who started out with the momentum. He managed to keep Perez off his feet for much of the match, and looked to have a victory well in hand when he had a high-risk move reversed, dropping him to the mat hard. Perez would quickly start to work over the champion, locking in a figure four, to the crowd's delight. Smooth would grab the referee for the break, however, and then complain to the ref about Perez grabbing his hair, something that never happened. When the ref moved to chastise Perez, Smooth pulled out some brass knuckles, and leveled Perez as he got away from the referee. Smooth then got his own figure four locked in, and quickly had the challenger tapping. [i]Austin Smooth in 6:31 by Submission (D)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W Tri-State Champion, Austin Smooth (5)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]Jared Johnson: So, in a few minutes, I get to come out to that ring and humiliate Tyler some more. I mean, really--she had to go and ask Saul Stewart for a match when I wouldn't give her one. She went crying to daddy. But no matter. Because tonight, she's going to lose--again. And this time, I'm going to make sure she doesn't get another shot. [i](D)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]Remmy Skye: As I see it now, it's Skye 1, Brown 1. So this, here tonight, the main event? Well, it's a rubber match. A match to truly see which of us is better. And frankly, I don't know. I thought I had his number, but then he went and beat me back in February. But one thing I do know is this--anyone who feels the need to attack me while I'm in the middle of another match is a coward. And I am going to do my best to prove to this coward just what someone who isn't afraid can accomplish. [i](C-)[/i] [b]Match 3 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jared Johnson.jpg[/IMG]#9 Jared Johnson -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Brooke Tyler.jpg[/IMG]#11 Brooke Tyler [/b] This match started out as methodical as most of their matches, both of them knowing the other quite well by this point. Numerous lockups resulted in mutual breaks as both tried to figure out another mode of attack against the other. The crowd was getting behind the multiple quick action sequences when Johnson finally found an opening and started working on Tyler's legs. She tried to get away, but kept getting caught, and slowly but surely started limping around the ring. She recovered enough to whip Johnson to the corner, but the force of the whip dropped her to the mat as well. With a smirk, Johnson stalked her, trying to end the match early, but she surprised him with a sudden erasure of her limp, a smile, and a Brooke Breaker. [i]Brooke Tyler in 6:54 by Brooke Breaker Pinfall (C-)[/i] [color=orange]Brooke celebrates on all four corners, getting the crowd to chant her name.[/color] [i](E)[/i] [b]Match 4 for the S2W National Championship [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG]#1 Jean Cattley -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Cowboy Buck Winchester.jpg[/IMG]#5 Cowboy Buck Winchester [/b] Cattley began his campaign to become the most dominant champion in S2W history slowly, as Winchester took an early advantage after a thumb to the eye at the opening bell. CBW would continue to hold the momentum, slowly whittling Cattley down, and working on the arms to try to take the Mood Swing out of the equation. Indeed, at one point, Cattley tried a surprise Swing, and came up short, favoring his elbow. But the champion was not to be denied, as he started trading punches to take control again, eventually dropping CBW hard to the mat, and raising his arms in triumph. A few powerful clotheslines got the momentum completely back on the champions side, and he used a camel clutch to weaken CBW even more. Finally, he stood, looked down at his arm and nodded, and caught CBW with a Mood Swing as he regained his feet. Grimacing in pain, Cattley went for the cover. [i]Jean Cattley in 7:54 by Mood Swing Pinfall (C)[/i] [i]Winner and STILL S2W National Champion, Jean Cattley (8)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]Lenny Brown: My name is Lenny Brown, and I am out here for one reason and one reason only. That is to show up that punk Remmy Skye, to prove to him and to all of you once and for all that I am the best in the business today. That his victory over me at Raising the Roof was a fluke. And most of all, to prove to him that he can NOT beat me. Not then, not today, not ever. After tonight, I will return to my post as the most dominant person on the S2W roster. [i](C-)[/i] [b]Match 5 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]#3 Remmy Skye [/b] This was just an awesome match. Neither man backed down a single inch, and they took the fight everywhere. They brawled in the crowd, they flew on the entrance ramp. Skye kept his high-flying exciting and innovative, highlighted by a 540 splash while Brown was on the outside of the ring. At times, it felt more like a series of spots than an actual match, but the way these two worked together more than made up for it. After some hard hitting action outside the ring (that the referee conveniently ignored), the two finally returned to where a pinfall could be made, Brown rolling Skye in. Trying to set up for a Star Treatment, Brown whipped Skye to the corner...but Skye showed his quickness, running up the turnbuckle and launching himself into the air with a Skye Diver...and holding on for the pin. [i]Remmy Skye in 8:15 by Skye Diver Pinfall (B)[/i] Marv Earnest: Look at that! Skye takes two out of three in his series with Lenny Brown, and that's got to make Brown just furious. We don't have time for the aftermath right now, but I'd be willing to wager a month's worth of paychecks that something will happen on The Outreach Experiment. Be sure to check it out, at S2W.com. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Josh Jones over Irwin Gutmann (C-) Austin Smooth over Jonnie Perez (D) to retain the S2W Tri-State Championship Brooke Tyler over Jared Johnson (C-) Jean Cattley over Cowboy Buck Winchester (C) to retain the S2W National Championship Remmy Skye over Lenny Brown (B) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Another day, another sellout. I've been more than pleased with the way shows are going lately, and otherwise, I don't really have anything further to say. Final Rating: C+ [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 43.9% (+0.6%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 26.7 (+0.2%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England to 17.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 18.5% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 6.8% (+0.2%) Prestige to 34.4% (+0.1%)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS at the Ohio Jewish Center (Great Lakes)[/CENTER] [b][size=3][CENTER]The Outreach Experiment[/CENTER][/size][/b] [CENTER]Wednesday, Week 3, April 2014[/CENTER] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Marv Earnest.jpg[/IMG]Marv Earnest: The OJC is sold out for the first time in S2W history, and we have a great show for you here tonight. [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Saul Stewart.jpg[/IMG]Saul Stewart: Well.... ME: Oh, you know it is. We've got a huge main event for you. SS: But we can't announce it just yet. ME: No, one of the participants has asked to be the one to talk about it, and that'll come later. For now, let's get right to the action. [b]Match 1 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Huey Cannonball.jpg[/IMG]#16 Huey Cannonball -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Achilles the Mighty.jpg[/IMG]Achilles the Mighty [/b] Huey shows us yet again why he sucks in the ring. Unfortunately, he also didn't get along with Achilles, so this match was really just a bad show. Achilles claims victory. [i]Achilles the Mighty in 5:47 by Trojan Drop Pinfall (E)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Grimm Quibble.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Knuckles.jpg[/IMG] [color=orange]Grimm is walking to the ring for his match when Death Row rushes up behind him, starting to assault him outside the ring. They send him into the ring steps, then the barricade, then the ring steps again. After a few stomps, they seem pleased with their results, and roll Quibble into the ring, where K quickly follows.[/color] [i](D+)[/i] [b]Match 2 [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Shady K.jpg[/IMG]#7 Shady K -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Grimm Quibble.jpg[/IMG]#10 Grimm Quibble [/b] Grimm does the best job he can, under the circumstances, and actually manages to surprise Shady K with a touch of good flying offense. However, it was not to be, as the attack just took too much out of him. [i]Shady K in 2:49 by K Killer Pinfall (C+)[/i] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]Remmy Skye: So, here I am. With two wins over Brown, I'm pretty confident in my abilities. But for some reason, he won't leave well enough alone. He wants another match. And, after talking it over with Saul and the booking team, I've agreed to that match, here, tonight. But, there are some caveats to this match. First, since this whole controversy started when I defeated him for the Anniversary Tournament Championship, I figured might as well let it end that way. If Lenny Brown can defeat me tonight, then he gets my called shot, a National Championship match that he can use at any time. Second, this is going to end tonight, one way or the other. If I'm putting up something, so is he. That's why tonight, if Lenny Brown loses to me yet again, he admits that I'm better than him, that this place isn't big enough for both of us, and he walks. That's right, he's putting his job on the line. Third, and perhaps the most important is this--this match will be fought inside a cage. I'm ready for this--are you, Lenny? [i](C-)[/i] [b]Match 3 Modern Steel Cage Match [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Lenny Brown.jpg[/IMG]#2 Lenny Brown -vs- [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Remmy Skye.jpg[/IMG]#3 Remmy Skye [/b] Brown apparently was ready, because he rushed the ring. Before the cage had even been fully locked into place, the match had basically started. Where some of the other matches had features some good high flying, this one was essentially just a huge brawl, with the cage being used as a weapon more than once. Both men were bleeding well before the four minute mark, and the ring was becoming a huge mess. Skye would be dropped hard with a Star Treatment, but Brown took so long climbing the cage that Skye was able to recover, catch up, and throw Brown off the cage. Skye found himself near the top, with no one near by, and finished climbing up...only to launch himself off the top of the cage with a huge Skye Diver. Brown went to get out of the way, but wasn't quite fast enough, and after the hit, almost looked knocked out. Skye wasn't much better, but he was on his feet first, and to the side of the cage. He was halfway up when Brown got to his feet, and over by the time Brown was at the cage. Climbing down proved to be more difficult than imagined, as Lenny managed to get a burst of speed and grab at Skye before he dropped to the ground, and they actually spent about thirty seconds fighting THROUGH the cage before Skye wrested himself free and fell the floor. [i]Remmy Skye in 7:51 by Escape (C)[/i] Marv Earnest: Apparently we've seen the last of Lenny Brown! Skye retains his called shot, and sends Lenny Brown packing, and we're all out of time so we're packing up too. Hopefully everyone checks us out online, and next month look for another great show. [QUOTE] [b]Quick Results[/b] Achilles the Mighty over Huey Cannonball (E) Shady K over Grimm Quibble (C+) Remmy Skye over Lenny Brown (C) [/QUOTE] [i]Booker's Notes[/i] Sold out the Jewish Center this time around, 300 people coming to the show. Not the best show in the world, but you get what you can. Unfortunately, Lenny Brown and I couldn't agree on a contract (IIRC, he was looking for nearly a 50% raise, and a doubling of his downside--something I just couldn't manage at this point in time), so he was let go. We'll miss him, and the storylines I had in mind for him. Final Rating: C- [i]Cheater's Notes[/i] Popularity in Tri State to 43.9% (+0.0%) Popularity in Great Lakes to 27.3 (+0.6%) Popularity in Mid Atlantic, New England to 17.1% (+0.0%) Popularity in The Maritimes, Quebec, and Ontario to 18.7% (+0.2%) Everywhere else to 7.0% (+0.2%) Prestige to 34.5% (+0.1%)
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[B]Rankings May 2014[/B] [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [code] 1 Jean Cattley 0 2 Remmy Skye +1 3 Roderick Remus +1 4 Shady K +3 5 Cowboy Buck Winchester 0 6 Knuckles 0 7 Teddy Powell +1 8 Jared Johnson +1 9 Brooke Tyler +2 10 Grimm Quibble 0 11 Antonio +1 12 Austin Smooth +1 13 Amazing Fire Fly +1 14 K-Squared +1 15 Huey Cannonball +1 16 Jonnie Perez +1 17 Josh Jones +1 18 Geoff Borne +1 19 Spike +1 20 Jack Sanders (NR) [/code] [B]S2W National Champion[/B] Jean Cattley [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_National.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Jean Cattley.jpg[/IMG] [B]S2W Tri-State Champion[/B] Austin Smooth [IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/S2W_TriState.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/Austin Smooth.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.2d12.com/crunchyelf/S2W/logo-small.png[/IMG] S2W PRESENTS Fanning the Flames[/CENTER] We try to shake up the title scenes this month, and we're doing it in a big way. The Tri-State Championship is up for grabs this month as Austin Smooth takes on Josh Jones in singles action. But whichever of them comes out on top, by the end of the night, they'll know who their next challenger is as there will also be a Tri State #1 Contenders match featuring four contender hopefuls. Antonio, Geoff Borne, K-Squared, and Jack Sanders (newly re-arrived in the top 20) square off in a first-fall match to see who earns the right to go after the Tri-State Championship. Also, the National Title Scene is looking for some shakeup, and we pit a number of top contenders against each other, and give another the chance to insert themselves into that scene. Roderick Remus takes on Shady K in singles action, as the Death Row member looks to continue his team's late dominance of S2W, while Remus just hopes for another shot at the title. Also, Cowboy Buck Winchester hopes to claim a spot in that race as he takes on the impressive Remmy Skye, who holds a called shot and was the man to send Lenny Brown out of S2W with his tail between the legs. And finally, Jean Cattley faces off in non-title action against Brooke Tyler, who could use a win here to propel her right into the mix of things at the top.
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