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The Return of The National Wrestling Alliance

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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.adrenaline-unleashed.com/_images/NWALogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] NWA™/Trobich strips TNA/Cage/Team 3-D of NWA™ branded Championships NWA™ Executive Director, Robert K. Trokich announces that the storied National Wrestling Alliance® has ended its 5 year relationship with TNA Entertainment, LLC. Trobich also stripped Christain Cage and Team 3-D of the NWA™ branded Championships. A title tourny is being planned to establish a new NWA™ Worlds Heavyweight Champion. "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is our moment. The National Wrestling Alliance now controls its own destiny. For too long, we have been shackled down in the clutches of others. Total NonStop Action Wrestling was wrong for the NWA because it wasn't the NWA. Well, today that changes. I suggest that the NWA creates its own promotion, under our name with our own talent. The territorial system is dead, we must accept that. Today we can rebuild, and get with the times at the same time. Today the NWA is reborn." My name is Robert K. Trokich, and we enter the future today." From NWAWrestling.com - [QUOTE]The NWA has formed a promotion under it's own name. We will tour around the country, bringing the best wrestling action in the world today to you, the wrestling public. Hopefully this will lead to TV time, which will spread the NWA to all corners of the Earth. So be ready, because the NWA is back, and better then ever. Our all-new current roster will be released later in the day. Please come and watch/read The Return of The National Wrestling Alliance [/QUOTE]
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