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[CENTER][B][U]TCW: Total Wrestling[/U][/B][/CENTER] “So, what do you think Jack?” Cornell’s stare from behind his oak desk made Jack nervous. Arguably the greatest professional wrestler of all time had just offered him a promotion, which would see him head the second biggest promotion in the USA, Total Championship Wrestling. What would the boys think? Surely, it would change things and he was happy with his role in the company. Jack Avatar: Head Booker of Total Championship Wrestling. It had a nice ring to it. “I know it’s a big ask Jack, but I know you have what it takes.” Jack took a sip of the brandy which Cornell had handed to him upon entering the room. He opened his mouth to speak, but paused in hesitation. Did he really have what it takes? Of course he did. “I’d love to Mr. Cornell.” He finally stated. Cornell smiled and stood up. He offered him his hand, which Jack accepted in the form of a handshake. “Good decision, Jack.” Cornell said with a smile. “Just a few things I want you to keep in mind, other wise you pretty much have control of the company. One - I want TCW to make money, Jack. At the minute, we have around $18,000,000 in the bank - in two years time, I want more then that. Just to make sure you’re doing your job, Jack, if in... say... a year, we have less then $4.5million, you’re gone. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but this is a business. I want this company to be at the top of the mountain, and I think you have what it takes to make it that way.” Jack agreed to Cornell’s terms and thanked him for giving him to opportunity. Jack turned to leave and Cornell sat back down behind his desk. “Oh, one more thing Jack,” Cornell said as Jack opened the door of the office. “I want TCW to look... creditable. You might be able to hire anyone you want, just don’t go hiring and lads who don’t know the basics, alright?” “Sure thing, boss.” Jack replied. “Great,” Cornell said, a hint of relief in his voice. He was handing over power of his baby to a guy completely unproven with the book. “You start on tomorrow night with the TV show. Just let me see the run sheet before hand, okay?” “No problem,” Jack replied with a smile as he left the room. He closed the door and smiled to himself. Jack Avatar: Head Booker of Total Championship Wrestling. It had a nice ring to it. [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] [B][U]OOC[/U]:[/B] I realise there's a sudden rush of TCW diaries (alright, two), so I'll try to keep this different to the other two, which I did enjoy reading through before deciding to do one myself.
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[center][b]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tuesday, Week 1, Jan 2007 Live from the Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East) on GNN Total Sports Attendance: 5,000 (Sold Out!)[/b][/center] [b] TCW World Tag Team Championship The Young Guns vs. The Machines © [/b] The first TCW match of the New Year saw The Machines looking to defend their titles against The Young Guns, Steve Gumble and Harry Allen. It’s conclusion came as Wrestling Machine #1 hit Gumble with his finishing move, Certain Defeat. Allen tried to make the save, but Wrestling Machine #2 made sure he couldn’t by grabbing his leg from the outside. [b] Result: The Machines retain via pinfall in 11:33 Segment Rating = C-[/b] Announcers Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes officially welcomed the viewers to the first Total Wrestling of the New Year. The excitedly talk us through the prospect of seeing a Psycho Circus rematch between the former champion Ricky Dale Johnson and the new champion, Tommy Cornell, although this will be a non-title match. [b] Segment Rating = B Standard Singles Match Aaron Andrews vs. American Buffalo w. Floyd Goldworthy[/b] After a quick break, we’re back in the ring where Aaron Andrews is awaiting his opponent, apparently oblivious to who it is. The question is soon answered, as the monstrous figure of American Buffalo and his manager Floyd Goldworthy step out onto the stage. Buffalo had most of the offence and broke the rules thanks to Goldworthy distracting the referee from time to time. Andrews put a little run of moves together at the seven minute mark, but Goldworthy proved invaluable once again at ringside, this time grabbing Andrews foot. Andrews shouted something at Goldworthy and turned right into The Stampede for the three count. [b] Result: American Buffalo via pinfall in 13:57 Segment Rating = C- [/b] Backstage, Randall Hopkirk is warming up for his upcoming match with “The Golden Boy” Rocky Golden for the TCW International Championship. Suddenly, Golden rushes him from behind and drills him with the title belt. Golden puts the boots to Hopkirk and finally drills him right between the eyes with the belt once more. Hopkirk slumps to the floor and Golden looks down at him, shouting “You think you can beat me?! You think you can take this belt from me?! I’m the future of this business, dammit!” A shocked Jason Azaria informed us that the title match was next, although Hopkirk was in no state to wrestle. [b] Segment Rating = D- TCW International Championship Randall Hopkirk vs. Rocky Golden © [/b] Sure enough, Hopkirk was in no state to wrestle. He staggered to the ring for his match, and Rocky methodically picked him apart for five minutes, seemingly punishing him for daring to challenge for his International Championship. Randall started fighting back with some stiff forearms, and began to build some momentum. The end came as Golden reversed Randallism (Hopkirk’s finishing move), and the San Francisco native hit the Golden Gate for the three count. [b] Result: Rocky Golden retains via pinfall in 7:02 Segment Rating = C- [/b] A music video aired to promote Rick Law before his upcoming match. [b] Segment Rating = C Standard Singles Match Rick Law vs. Charlie Thatcher[/b] In a back and forth match up, the imposing figure of “The Insurance Policy” took control in the early going, trying to keep the enthusiastic youngster down with a series of power moves. As the match progressed, Law began fighting back more and more, building momentum as he went. With his momentum seemingly full, Thatcher took him down with a hard spinebuster and looked to follow up with his infamous Crusher Legdrop, but Law rolled away at the last second. Thatcher groaned and pulled himself to his feet, only to turn into The Long Arm of the Law for the three. [b] Result: Rick Law via pinfall in 11:28 Segment Rating = C+ Standard Singles Match Chance Fortune vs. Wolf Hawkins[/b] After a quick break, we returned to in-ring action with two of the brightest prospects in the business. The two fast youngsters put on a show of high risk offence, and the newly crowned All-Action Champion, Chance Fortune gained the upper hand with a spinning heal kick at around the five minute mark. Fortune couldn’t keep Wolf down for long, as he fought back and hit the Full Moon Rising, the devastating running Enzuigiri he does so well, for the pinfall victory. [b] Result: Wolf Hawkins via pinfall in 10:41 Segment Rating = B-[/b] Backstage, Giant Tana cut a promo on his upcoming opponent, Texas Pete. The fun lovin’ big man said that once he was done with Pete, he’d party all night long, the way only a 400lb Samoan can. Take that as you wish. [b]Segment Rating = D- Standard Singles Match Giant Tana vs. Texas Pete[/b] Pretty standard stuff. Pete tried to his best to take the Giant off his feet, but it proved too difficult. Not a small man himself, he couldn’t force the big Samoan off his feet despite trying to work the legs. A few chops, headbutts and a bodyslam later, Tana picked up the win with a Big Fat Samoan Squash. [b] Result: Giant Tana via pinfall in 11:44 Segment Rating = C+ Main Event: Non-Title Match Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Tommy Cornell[/b] In the main event, RDJ looked bemused to see Tommy Cornell strutting out to the ring with the TCW World Heavyweight Championship around his waist, a title only two days ago he himself had strapped around his waist with such pride. The TCW Champion took control in the early going, managing to keep RDJ grounded with submission holds, working on the head and neck looking to soften it up for the Guilt Trip. Things evened out at around the quarter hour mark when RDJ began fighting back and managing to drill Cornell with a Stump Piledriver. Cornell reeling, RDJ put the boots to the fallen champion before signalling the end. Stalking Cornell, he waited for “Rough Justice” to get back to his feet. Cornell obliged, and Johnson spun him around. He grabbed Cornell, looking for his Nadowa variant, Southern Justice. But Cornell had it scouted. A shot to the temple with his elbow made RDJ relinquish his grip. Cornell saw his chance. Following a kick to the midsection, Cornell lifted Johnson into the air in a suplex position, dropping into a slingshot off the ropes then quickly spinning into a face crusher to finish off the Rough Ride. RDJ lay battered, beaten on the mat and Cornell covered. One... Two... No! RDJ’s foot nestled on the bottom rope. Cornell was livid and pulled RDJ back to his feet, looking to lock in the Guilt Trip, but RDJ battled back with a few jabs to the ribs. Cornell turned away in pain, but quickly turned back – only to be hit with some Southern Justice! RDJ covered and the crowd counted along with the referee for the three count. [b]Result: Ricky Dale Johnson via pinfall in 25:46 Segment Rating = B[/b] Ricky Dale shakily got to his feet and began celebrating his victory. Cornell pulled himself up with the ropes and grabbed his title belt from the referee. He looked down at it, and then glanced at RDJ. Without hesitation, he drove the gold into the back of RDJ’s head, sending him sprawling to the mat. Cornell rolled him over and lifted his head off the mat and shouted something into his face. He then drove the TCW title into his forehead once more, leaving Johnson out cold in the ring as the show went off the air. [b]Segment Rating = B[/b] [b]Show Rating = B-[/b]
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[QUOTE=Liamo;238791][B][U]OOC[/U]:[/B] I realise there's a sudden rush of TCW diaries (alright, two), so I'll try to keep this different to the other two, which I did enjoy reading through before deciding to do one myself.[/QUOTE] The more TCW diaries, the merrier. :D Good first show with a nice write-up. Cornell/RDJ always seems the most logical feud to go with given the recent changing hands of the World title, should bring you some solid ratings, I've found it has.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[b]Total Wrestling Preview[/b] [u]Monday, Week Two, Jan 07[/u] Last week on Total Wrestling, Ricky Dale Johnson proved why he held the TCW World Heavyweight Championship for the entire calendar year in 2006 – winning the title on the first Total Wrestling of the year and losing it at Psycho Circus a few weeks ago to Tommy Cornell. In a non-title rematch this passed week, RDJ defeated the new champion after almost half an hour of back and forth action. Surely, this must put Johnson back into the title contention? Cornell obviously thinks so, as he took RDJ out after the match in a brutal attack. Speaking of brutal attacks, last week Randall Hopkirk was set to take on Rocky Golden for the TCW International Championship, but Golden assaulted Hopkirk with the title backstage moments before the match took place. As a result, Golden picked up an easy win and a first successful title defence. This week, Hopkirk’s tag team partner, Billy Jack Shearer will look to avenge Golden in the ring in a non-title match. [b]Confirmed Matches:[/b] Non-Title: Billy Jack Shearer vs. Rocky Golden
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[center][b]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tuesday, Week Two, Jan 2007 Live from the Gorski Ballroom (South West) on GNN Total Sports Attendance: 5,000 (Sold Out!)[/b][/center] The show kicks off following the usual intro movie and pyrotechnic display with “Rough Justice” Tommy Cornell making his way down to the ring. The TCW World Heavyweight Champion stated that last week RDJ got lucky, and didn’t prove anything to him. He said that managing to get the win over his last week “didn’t mean a damn thing” because when it was all said and done, it was Cornell that was left standing. He was cut off as Liberty made his way to the ring. He said that what he saw was completely different to Cornell’s version of events and that Cornell just couldn’t handle defeat. Cornell chuckled and said that maybe Liberty should keep his mouth shut. Liberty grinned. “Dude,” he began. “If you want to make me, maybe you should put that title on the line tonight!” Cornell looked at his title and said that he wouldn’t be defending the title tonight, but he’d shut Liberty up in a non-title match later tonight. [b]Segment Rating = B Standard Singles Match Jack Griffith vs. Robert Oxford[/b] The debuting Griffith of SCCW fame surprised Oxford with his technical ability, keeping him grounded with submission holds in the early goings. Oxford found his bearings eventually, but Griffith finished him off with the Jack in the Box for three count. [b] Result: Jack Griffith via pinfall in 12:37 Segment Rating = C [/b] Backstage, Billy Jack Shearer is warming up for his match with Rocky Golden which, we’re told by Jason Azaria, is next. He begins jogging on the spot, but it sent flying my a shot from behind courtesy of Rocky Golden and the International title belt. Golden starts putting the boots to Shearer. He laughs and places the belt over his shoulder and heading towards the ring. [b] Segment Rating = C- Standard Singles Match Billy Jack Shearer vs. Rocky Golden [/b] For the second time in as many weeks, Golden gained the upper hand before the match even began. Shearer was in no state to compete, but being the man he is, he did anyway. Golden picked him apart and Shearer spent most of his time lying on his back. Golden finally finished him off with the Golden Gate for the pinfall, smiling as the three came down. [b] Result: Rocky Golden via pinfall in 11:27 Segment Rating = C- TCW All-Action Championship Freddy Huggins vs. Chance Fortune © [/b] In a rematch from Psycho Circus last month, Huggins went all out to try and recapture the TCW All-Action championship in a high flying match up where both men had their female fans in the audience. Huggins took control in the early going after Fortune missed a high cross body from the top. But Fortune fought back, ducking the Huggins Kiss and hitting the Stroke of Luck for the three count. [b] Result: Chance Fortune retains via pinfall in 12:42 Segment Rating = C- [/b] After a quick break, a music video aired showing highlights of Ricky Dale Johnson’s most memorable matches. [b] Segment Rating = B Standard Singles Match Genghis Rahn vs. Ricky Dale Johnson [/b] Fresh of his victory over TCW Champion last week, RDJ looked to build on his impressive start to the year with a win over “The Arizona Assassin” Genghis Rahn, but Rahn had a role to play. RDJ was in control for the most part, but when referee Ray Johnson got knocked down, Rahn caught Johnson with a low blow and went outside to grab a steel chair. He rolled back in and hit the mat a few time, measuring the former champion as he got back to his feet. Rahn charged, but RDJ ducked and Rahn hit thin air. Rahn turned in frustration, and got caught with a right hook, causing him to drop the chair. A few more shots with the right hand, and Rahn backed into the ropes. RDJ tried to whip him across the ring, but Rahn reversed. On his return, Rahn lifted onto his shoulders, looking to hit the Rahn to the Hills, but Johnson slipped off and spun Rahn around, then nailing him with some Southern Justice onto the chair. He threw the chair out of the ring and the referee made the three count. [b] Result: Ricky Dale Johnson via pinfall in 13:47 Segment Rating = B- [/b] A video was shown highlighting the events of earlier in the evening when Liberty and Tommy Cornell were in the ring. The announcers reminded us that they’d go at it in tonight’s main event. [b] Segment Rating = B Standard Singles Match Wolf Hawkins vs. Giant Tana [/b] With both men in the ring, Tana got things underway with a slap to the face of Hawkins. Tana took control for the first few minutes as Hawkins struggled to come to terms with the sheer size of the big Samoan. He eventually got back into the match with an eye gouge and hit to the ropes for a dropkick, failing to take Tana off his feet. Hawkins hit the ropes again; this time hitting a clothesline but Tana simply shrugged it off and hit young Wolf with a Mongolian chop. Tana continues to try keeping Wolf grounded, but Wolf’s speed advantage paid off in the end, catching Tana with the Full Moon Rising for the three. [b] Result: Wolf Hawkins via pinfall in 12:17 Segment Rating = C Standard Singles Match BLZ Bubb vs. Randall Hopkirk [/b] Pretty standard brawl which saw Bubb control the majority of the match after Hopkirk had some good offence at the beginning of the match. The end eventually came as Bubb hit the Hades Bomb for the three. [b] Result: BLZ Bubb via pinfall in 15:03 Segment Rating = C Main Event: Non-Title Singles Match Liberty vs. Tommy Cornell [/b] With RDJ joining the commentary team, Cornell felt the need to constantly watch his back and taunt the former champion. The match itself went back and forth, although Cornell looked in control for the majority of it. Cornell looked to have had the match won when he locked in the Guilt Trip, but Liberty managed to force his way to the ropes. The end finally came when the match spilled to the outside and Cornell took a cheap shot at RDJ. Furious, RDJ left his position at the announce table and, when the referee was busy checking on Liberty, slide under the bottom rope and gave Cornell a taste of Southern Justice. Liberty then hit the Liberation Slam for the three, as RDJ looked on with a grin. [b] Result: Liberty via pinfall in 18:52 Segment Rating = B+ Show Rating = B-[/b]
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Another solid show, usually the first few shows with TCW will muddle around the B- range. Jack Griffiths should fit TCW like a glove. I like the continuing theme you've got with Rocky Golden and pre-match belt attacks, especially against the fairly ordinary Painful Procedure members. Nice continuation to the RDJ/Cornell feud, but you've gotta believe that Johnson is in for a bit of a fall next week as Cornell looks to strike back.
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[b]Total Wrestling Preview[/b] [u]Monday, Week Three, Jan 07[/u] Last week on TCW Presents Total Wrestling, Ricky Dale Johnson continued to state his claim to the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. During the main event, which saw the TCW Champion Tommy Cornell taking on Liberty in a non-title match up, RDJ joined Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes at the announce table. He said that it was he was going to get his title back by hook or by crook, and his presence obviously distracted Cornell after he had defeated the Champion seven days earlier on the first Total Wrestling of the New Year. The match spilled to the outside, and Cornell got in the face of RDJ. RDJ kept his cool, but moments later cost Cornell the match with some Southern Justice which allowed Liberty to pick up the win. Cornell is said to be furious and has yet to pick up a victory since winning the TCW title from RDJ. This week, Cornell has said that he will deal with this situation when he teams with his protégé Wolf Hawkins to take on Liberty and Ricky Dale Johnson. Also this passed week, Chance Fortune defeated former All Action Champion Freddy Huggins to retain his newly won championship belt, but Huggins isn’t taking it lying down. This week, Huggins will get one last chance to face Chance, only this will be a non-title match. If Huggins wins, he will receive an All-Action Championship match at Malice in Wonderland. If Chance wins, Huggins will never get a shot again as long as Chance is the champion. [b]Confirmed Matches:[/b] Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Liberty Freddy Huggins vs. Chance Fortune
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[center][b]TCW Presents Total Wrestling Tuesday, Week Three, Jan 07 Live from Irvine Hall (Mid South) on GNN Total Sports Attendance: 5,000 (Sold Out!)[/b][/center] After welcoming us to the show, Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes state that tonight we see Tommy Cornell teaming up with Wolf Hawkins to take on Liberty and Ricky Dale Johnson. [b] Segment Rating = B Standard Singles Match Giant Tana vs. Ronnie V. Pain[/b] Decent brawl, but there was only going to be one outcome. Pain tried to use Tana’s size against him, but he couldn’t get the big man off his feet. The end finally came when Tana hit the Big Fat Samoan Squash for the three. [b] Result: Giant Tana via pinfall in 12:46 Segment Rating = C- [/b] Backstage, Freddy Huggins cuts a promo on the TCW All-Action Champion, Chance Fortune. He says that Fortune has beaten him with luck in the past, but tonight his luck was out and he’d go on to take the title at Malice in Wonderland. Good promo, but the fans didn’t get behind it. [b] Segment Rating = E Standard Singles Match Freddy Huggins vs. Chance Fortune[/b] Huggins came out looking strangely focused; obviously realising he needed to win to fulfil his dreams of winning the All-Action title back from Fortune. They had a good high flying contest with a lot of back and forth action, but the end finally came when Huggins ducked the Stroke of Luck (pump kick) from Fortune, and rolled the champion up. With a hand full of tights and another hand on the ropes, Huggins goes on to Malice in Wonderland. [b] Result: Freddy Huggins via pinfall in 10:33 Segment Rating = C[/b] RDJ is shown walking down a hallway backstage. Suddenly, he stops and stares passed the camera. The camera turns to see him staring at Tommy Cornell standing in his path about 10 feet away. Cornell tells RDJ to “take his best shot”, to which RDJ smiles. He begins to walk towards Cornell but a door flies open as he passes and Wolf Hawkins flies out and begins pummelling Johnson. Cornell laughs as he watches Hawkins putting the boots to RDJ on the floor. With Jason Azaria’s screams of “It’s a damn set up!”, Cornell tells RDJ he’ll see him in the ring later tonight. [b] Segment Rating = B- Standard Singles Match Ice Man C.A. vs. American Buffalo w. Floyd Goldworthy[/b] Pretty standard squash match, Floyd Goldworthy barks orders to Buffalo as he beats the hell out of Ice Man. He puts him out of his misery with The Stampede and covers with one foot for the three. [b] Result: American Buffalo via pinfall in 5:35 Segment Rating = D+ Non Title Tag Team Match Painful Procedure vs. The Machines[/b] A surprisingly good match despite the styles clash between the two teams. With no titles on the line, The Machines didn’t seem to look like they wanted to win the match and Painful Procedure took advantage, knowing a win would see them become major contenders to the tag titles. Despite The Machines taking it easy, they managed to isolate Randall for the most part, keeping him grounded with submission holds while Billy Jack paces on the apron. Hopkirk finally got the tag after hitting the Randallism on Machine #2 and crawling to the corner. Shearer came in with the crowd behind him and he ran through the tag team champions and finally pinned Machine #1 after a Rhythm and Bruise. [b] Result: Painful Procedure via pinfall in 14:27 Segment Rating = C+[/b] Backstage, Jack Griffith is warming up for his International championship match with Rocky Golden next. Suddenly, he is set to the ground after a shot with the International title belt to the back of head. “For the love of God, not again!” is the cry from Azaria at ringside, and sure enough Golden repeatedly drills Griffith in the skull with the title belt. He smirks and look down at his victim and heads off to the ring. [b] Segment Rating = D- TCW International Championship Jack Griffith vs. Rocky Golden ©[/b] Griffith makes it to the ring and puts up quite a fight against the Champ, but in the end Golden is too much for him to deal with in his current state. Although Golden looked like he could win it whenever he wanted at one point, Griffith kept coming back and in the end, the Golden Gate Bomb and the foot on the ropes was enough for the win. [b] Result: Rocky Golden via pinfall to retain in 12:49 Segment Rating = C+[/b] Golden looks overjoyed and holds the title in the air, having himself a little celebration. [b] Segment Rating = C Standard Singles Match Troy Tornado vs. Rick Law[/b] Tornado took control early in the match with come stiff clotheslines and locking in different submission holds. Law came back but it was Tornado who would come away with the victory, hitting the Star Maker for the win. [b] Result: Troy Tornado via pinfall in 17:15 Segment Rating = B-[/b] At ringside, Azaria and Rhodes inform us not to go anywhere, because our main event of Cornell and Hawkins taking on RDJ and Liberty is coming up next... [b]Segment Rating = B[/b] ...after a quick replay of the events since the turn of the year between Cornell and Johnson. [b]Segment Rating = B Main Event: Tag Team Match Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins vs. Liberty and Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] Hawkins and Liberty’s chemistry sucks. That said, Hawkins and Cornell beat the hell out of Liberty after RDJ’s spell of dominance in the opening few minutes. They kept Liberty in their corner and used quick tags to keep themselves fresh. When he finally did tag out, the referee missed it and ordered RDJ out of the ring. Seeming enraged, RDJ charged at Cornell and the two began to battle it out, until Hawkins hit him from behind. RDJ turned his attentions to the youngster, allowing Cornell to hit the Rough Ride on Liberty for the win. The show went off the air with Cornell pointing to his TCW Championship belt and laughing. [b]Result: Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins via pinfall in 20:04 Segment Rating = C+ Show Rating = C+[/b]
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