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How do I expand my game area? I created three brands to try to have a truly global fed (even though I'm currently only at regional). One was going to cover North America (I'm E+ in US and F+ in Canada), one was going for Europe and UK and the final in Japan. However, when I try to hire workers who can speak the language in Japan it tells me that I can't hire them because they are out of my game area. How do I fix this? What do I have to do?
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There's no "fix", as there's nothing going wrong. If you're an American company then you don't have access to workers who are not set to be able to work in the American game region, just as Japanese promotions can't hire workers who don't have Japan ticked.
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I didn't mean to say something was wrong with the game, I just meant what do I have to do to be able to hire Japanese people. I guess what I could do is just look for people who can work in Japan and US. If I team some of my US workers with Japanese workers (Fujimaro Ohto, Burning Exile, etc) will they learn the language and will there area they can work change?
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People will learn the language by working in the area. You can hire Japanese people, you just have to look for those who are set to work in America. People can change and become available in new areas, but it is not something you can usually predict.
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There's also a few non-Japanese workers who speak fluent Japanese as well. If it's an angle issues, not all angles require speaking, I believe - attack angles etc. don't require any language at all. On the other hand - I love this - workers who will sign a contract with your company will work [I]anywhere[/I] for your company - even for a brand that only holds shows on the other side of the world. Add a couple of cross-area workers, and you have yourself a roster :D
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Yep, if you're starting down at regional, if you're willing to put in some work, you can pull this off nicely. Find any workers you [i]can[/i] hire that speak the proper language, then let the language spread through the locker room. Use your own roster all over the world without worry. Yeah, you'll have to get them over in the other areas, but hey, if you're only regional, your people most likely aren't that popular yet anyway, so as long as you have the money to pull it off, go for it.
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