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Dave Croft: Taking 'Wrestling With Passion' To New Limits! - News Up!

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[size=1][color=red][b]Saturday, May 12th[/b][/color] As I lit the cigarette in my hand with my heavily marked lighter, I wondered to myself if this would all pay off. Only a month ago I was lying in my bed waiting for the electricity to go off and my eviction letter to come through the door. I was a bum and I had given up on life, so why was I here? An old friend always told me that "When you're down, you're not out" and he showed me that. Marcel Sampson picked me up from my feet and took me back under his wing, like the time drugs had taken over my life. I had given up on him once but he was determined not to do the same to me. One night we were sitting in the pub discussing the wrestling world I had shy-ed away from when the exciting idea of my own promotion was tossed onto the table of ideas. Needless to say, I built - sorry, we built on that idea and here I was, in Marcel's gym getting things underway with some real protege's. I watched in disbelief as a wrestler I only knew as 'Web Head' flip across the ring and perform one of the greatest hurracanrana's I had ever seen in my illustrious career. It was then I decided that this was no longer about me, it was about getting these guys where they belonged; in the stars. [b]"[/b][color=green]Did you see that Mr. Croft? Wasn't it amazing?[/color][b]"[/b] I looked over to my left where an energetic Remmy Skye stared at me with his pan sized eyes almost as amazed as I was at Web Slinger's move. I nodded, not really knowing what else to do, but it was enough for Skye to piss off back to ringside. I didn't really want to be disturbed at that moment, it was a time for evaluation. Everyone I had seen in the ring had impressed me so far, these guys could go the distance. But to be honest, how would I know what the distance was? I was nothing, I didn't make it as a pro like I promised to. Here I was, praying that 'Wrestling With Passion' would get off the ground. Marcel promised me, but who's to say he was just telling me fake assurance's? Without even knowing, the cigarette had dropped out of my mouth and landed on my jeans creating a burn mark on them. I quickly slapped the cancer stick off my jeans and to the ground and stood up trying to rub the stain off. As I looked up, I noticed everyone staring at me rubbing my crotch violently, what's a guy gonna say? [b]"[/b]Er, that's enough for today, fellas. Come back tomorrow, I'm very impressed with what's been going on today.[b]"[/b] All of them nodded, except for one who had to retort... [b]"[/b][color=green]But Mr. Croft, tomorrow's our first house show and we haven't finished training![/color][b]"[/b] I sighed and shook my head then gave the politest reply I could. [b]"[/b]Yes, thank you Remmy. I want you all back here at 8pm tomorrow, one hour before performance. You all know your matches and what'll be happening, so I expect a good show, alright? Now get yourselves home.[b]"[/b] They all nodded, even Remmy. I sat back in my seat feeling relaxed as I watched all of my 'employees' wrap it up and prepare to make their leave. For a moment I felt like a military commander, but that feeling quickly disappeared as Marcel patted me on the back. [b]"[/b][color=maroon]They're a brilliant bunch, aren't they?[/color][b]"[/b] Ol' Marcel chuckled to himself as he took a seat next to me. [b]"[/b]Yeah, I'll say! Where did you find them?[b]"[/b] It was a stupid question to ask, and I knew the response but it was the spur of the moment. The wise one lifted his right hand in the air ready to utter his most well known (and might I add, stolen) quote. [b]"[/b][color=maroon]If you book them, they will come.[/color][b]"[/b] I nodded my head and gave a small titter. I then climbed to my feet and announced my departure. [b]"[/b]Well, I'm gonna go home and hit the sack. You comin'?[b]"[/b] Once more, he gave that vintage chuckle and a look of respect, even for a tramp like me. [b]"[/b][color=maroon]Nah, I'm gonna stay here and observe my gym, our gym. This is where it all begins you know, your new life.[/color][b]"[/b] I nodded my head, not entirely sure what he meant. [b]"[/b]Whatever you say, Marcel. Catch ya later.[b]"[/b] No reply, he was too busy staring at the ring those men had worked hard in all day today. I made my way down the steps and towards the exit. 'Wrestling With Passion', I will not let you down... I hope.[/size]
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[size=1][center][b][u]Behind The Scenes[/u][/b] [img]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d105/jsilver536/male2.jpg[/img] [b]Dave Croft[/b] [i]Co-Founder/Head Booker ~ Active[/i] [/center] Croft first debuted in the early 90's on the Indy circuits where he got much attention from the less mainstream loving fans. However, he gave up wrestling in 2000 after succumbing to drink and drugs. In early 2001, he met Marcel Sampson who turned his life around and took him into rehab where Croft managed to make a full recovery. Since then, he has supposedly dedicated his life to a strict diet and working out alot, but he's done nothing for the past seven years except duck and dodge bills and laze around. After a discussion in the pub with Sampson, Croft accepted his invitation to become head booker of a new promotion which Sampson named 'Wrestling With Passion'. Croft hopes to give the wrestlers of WWP the future he gave up on. [center][img]http://s89.photobucket.com/albums/k225/MarcelFromage/TEW2007/th_946.jpg[/img] [b]Marcel Sampson[/b] [i]Co-Founder/Owner/Road Agent ~ Active[/i] [/center] Sampson is the legendary road agent who is yet to be discovered by any major promotion in USA. Despite being a famous man, he is set out to become one of the best in the business in terms of ownership skills. He and Dave Croft co-founded 'Wrestling With Passion' in April 2007. Since then, he has brought a few unknown superstars into the company to make sure WWP is a success. Sampson depends on Dave Croft to not drop the ball as he knows if he does so, he'll never be known in the wrestling world. [center][b][u]Roster[/u][/b] [img]http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/5695/aaronandrewsbd0.jpg[/img] [b]Aaron Andrews[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Midcard [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Finisher:[/b] Standing Hot Shot [b]Biography:[/b] Aaron Andrews is a young but talented rookie from Los Angeles and signed with WWP thanks to his friendship with Marcel Sampson. [center][img]http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3968/alexanderfaytdl7.jpg[/img] [b]Alexander Fayt[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Main Event [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Finisher:[/b] Fayt Decider [b]Biography:[/b] Alexander Fayt is one of WWP's more prosperous looking superstars and looks to be a main event superstar. [center][img]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9753/apocolypse1bg6.jpg[/img] [b]Apocolypse #1[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Heel [b]Push:[/b] Tag Team [b]Age:[/b] ?? [b]Finisher:[/b] Hellpress [b]Biography:[/b] Apocolypse #1 is one half of the tag team; 'Apocolypse' with his (kayfabe) brother; Apocolypse #2. Nothing is known about him without his masked identity. [center][img]http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/4968/apocolypse2pj7.jpg[/img] [b]Apocolypse #2[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Heel [b]Push:[/b] Tag Team [b]Age:[/b] ?? [b]Finisher:[/b] Hellpress [b]Biography:[/b] Apocolypse #2 is one half of the tag team; 'Apocolypse' with his (kayfabe) brother; Apocolypse #1. Nothing is known about him without his masked identity. [center][img]http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/5396/apostle2nr9.jpg[/img] [b]Apostle #1[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Tag Team [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Finisher:[/b] Redemption [b]Biography:[/b] Ryan Shearer is an upcoming superstar from San Diego who currently forms one half of 'The Apostles' with his real life best friend 'Joey Jacobs'. [center][img]http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/6166/apostle2biq6.jpg[/img] [b]Apostle #2[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Tag Team [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Finisher:[/b] Forsaken Frog Splash [b]Biography:[/b] Joey Jacobs is an upcoming superstar from San Diego who currently forms one half of 'The Apostles' with his real life best friend; Ryan Shearer. [center][img]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/6083/chancefortuneyc0.jpg[/img] [b]Chance Fortune[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Upper Midcard [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Finisher:[/b] Stroke Of Luck [b]Biography:[/b] Chance Fortune is one of the brightest stars in WWP today. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/GeordieJimmyMorris.jpg[/img] [b]Geordie Jimmy Morris[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Midcard [b]Age:[/b] 40 [b]Finisher:[/b] Full Nelson [b]Biography:[/b] Newcastle-born Geordie Jimmy Morris was the founder and main star of Ring Of Fire in the UK, but left the promotion in 2005. Since then, he has signed with WWP to make his name known in USA. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/JedHigh.jpg[/img] [b]Jed High[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Tag Team [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Finisher:[/b] Sky High [b]Biography:[/b] Jason "Jed High" Cole is a talented risk-taker who is best known as one half of The Force tag team alongside Toby Juan Kanobi. He plays the science fiction nerd role well, but also has some impressive ring skills, and is rapidly improving to the point that he should soon be able to drop the overly-gimmick character and stand on his own merit. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/JoeyPoison.jpg[/img] [b]Joey Poison[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Upper Midcard [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Finisher:[/b] Antidote Web [b]Biography:[/b] Joey Poison is a Canadian worker with distinctive multi-coloured hair. Many feel that with his skills, charisma, and mind for the business, he will eventually go on to become a massive star with one of the bigger promotions. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/render1t.jpg[/img] [b]Matt Despair[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Heel [b]Push:[/b] Main Event [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Finisher:[/b] Edge Of Despair [b]Biography:[/b] Matt Despair is another senior member of the roster who has yet to have been discovered in the wrestling world. He is looking to be another main event superstar next to Alexander Fayt. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/BlackEagle.jpg[/img] [b]Plague[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Heel [b]Push:[/b] Midcard [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Finisher:[/b] New Jersey Turnpike [b]Biography:[/b] N/A [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/RemmySkye.jpg[/img] [b]Remmy Skye[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Midcard [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Finisher:[/b] Skye Diver [b]Biography:[/b] "Psyche Out" Remmy Skye is a youngster from Georgia. Skye possesses oddly hypnotic charisma and insane daredevil wrestling style which is sure to make him a big hit in the wrestling industry. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/RichMoney.jpg[/img] [b]Rich Money[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Heel [b]Push:[/b] Upper Midcard [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Finisher:[/b] Cash Converter [b]Biography:[/b] Rich Money is clearly being groomed for an eventual main event run. His plays his super-arrogant, rich bully character to perfection, and has the in-ring skills to back his entertaining gimmick up with awesome matches too, as displayed in a few Indy circuits over the past year. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/samurai2.jpg[/img] [b]Samurai[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Midcard [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Finisher:[/b] Super Ninja [b]Biography:[/b] Samurai is the Japan born superstar who decided not to follow his friends into the Japanese Wrestling Industry and instead try his luck in America. He has since been picked up by Marcel Sampson to join WWP. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/TobyJuanKanobi.jpg[/img] [b]Toby Juan Kanobi[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Tag Team [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Finisher:[/b] Kanobi Kutter [b]Biography:[/b] Toby Juan Kanobi (AKA Christopher Lister) is a lightweight wrestler who does an obsessive sci-fi fan routine which is a lot of fun. However, beneath the fun character is a talented worker who is improving every match. He regularly teams with Jed High as The Force. [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TEW/SpideyNorm.jpg[/img] [b]Web Slinger[/b][/center] [b]Alignment:[/b] Face [b]Push:[/b] Midcard [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Finisher:[/b] Spider Suplex To Moonsault [b]Biography:[/b] Web Slinger is a parody of the famous character 'Spiderman' who got his name from his sensational aerial ability. He also has some amazing wirework and can portray the comic book hero gimmick excellently. [center][b][u]Announcers & Referees[/u][/b] [img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/RyanHolland.jpg[/img] [b]Ryan Holland[/b] [i]Referee ~ Active[/i] [/center] Ryan Holland is the first and only referee in WWP. He is a no nonsense, no **** taking referee who actually has skills in wrestling himself which can come in handy for rule breakers. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/HustlerD.jpg[/img] [b]Hustler D[/b] [i]Announcer ~ Active[/i] [/center] Hustler D is one half of the Crazy Midget Clown Klan (alongside Joker The Pimp), a shock-jock radio team who have become anti-establishment cult figures with their controversial late night show which is broadcast in the New York City area. They are well known for their foul-mouthed, racist, sexist, homophobic content, and so naturally are also both wrestling fans. It is said that they are actively looking to do commentary work for any promotion who'll risk having them on live TV. [center][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/JokerThePimp.jpg[/img] [b]Joker The Pimp[/b] [i]Colour Commentator ~ Active[/i] [/center] Joker The Pimp is one half of the Crazy Midget Clown Klan (with Hustler D), a shock-jock radio team who have become anti-establishment cult figures with their controversial late night show which is broadcast in the New York City area. They are well known for their foul-mouthed, racist, sexist, homophobic content, and so naturally are also both wrestling fans. It is said that they are actively looking to do commentary work for any promotion who'll risk having them on live TV. [center][b][u]Tag Teams[/u][/b][/center] [b]The Apostles:[/b] Apostle #1 & Apostle #2 [b]The Force:[/b] Jed High & Toby Juan Kanobi --- [b]Apocolypse:[/b] Apocolypse #1 & Apocolypse #2 [center][b][u]Titles[/u][/b] [img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/originalbelt06.jpg[/img] [b]WWP Heavyweight Champion[/b] Held By: Vacant [i]Title Won: N/A Defenses: N/A[/i] [img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/xspudx/originalbelt09.jpg[/img] [b]WWP Tag Team Champions[/b] Held By: Vacant [i]Title Won: N/A Defenses: N/A[/i][/center][/size]
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[size=1][b][u]This Week's Card[/u][/b] [center][b]Wrestling With Passion House Show[/b] [i]May 14th ~ New York, New York ~ Marcel Sampson's Gym[/i] [b]Match 1[/b] [b]Chance Fortune[/b] vs. [b]Geordie Jimmy Morris[/b] [i]Singles[/i] [b]Match 2[/b] [b]Alexander Fayt[/b] vs. [b]Matt Despair[/b] [i]Tag Team[/i] [b]Main Event[/b] [b]Apocolypse[/b] vs. [b]The Apostles[/b] vs. [b]The Force[/b] [i]Elimination Triple Threat Tag[/i][/center] [b][u]Television[/u][/b] N/A --- [b][u]PPV Schedule[/u][/b] [u]Key[/u] • Event : TBA = Upcoming Event [i]• Event : TBA[/i] = Event Already Passed [b]• Event : TBA[/b] Current Month Event TBA: TBA TBA: TBA TBA : TBA TBA : TBA [b]TBA : TBA[/b] TBA : TBA TBA : TBA TBA : TBA TBA : TBA TBA : TBA TBA : TBA --- [b][u]Show Archive[/u][/b] [b]House Show[/b] N/A --- [b][u]PPV Archive[/u][/b] N/A[/size]
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[size=1][color=red][b]Monday, May 14th[/b][/color] Just as I expected, I was the first to be in my seat ready to witness the new generation of sports entertainment. I wasn't expecting a big turnout but I was at least hoping for a bit of cash to go into the pot. I looked at my watch; 8:30, only half an hour until the show and it was only me to watch my performers go out and perform with everything they had. Remmy Skye and Web Slinger were trying to impress me in the ring, and it was working. Remmy had this energy I had never seen in a person before, he gave his all in and out of the ring and I was proud to have him on the roster despite the times he annoyed me. I felt guilty for not having him do anything tonight because I knew he wanted to perform so bad, but by the way he was performing right now he'd be on the card next week with Web Slinger in no time. Despite not having either men performing tonight, I was happy with the show I had planned and I was expecting whatever crowd we had to enjoy it as well as I would. I knew a few of my friends were coming down to see what I could do, that and they were marks for 'Jed High' and 'Toby Juan Kanobi'. I didn't see the big deal with those two, slap a ridiculous gimmick on them and they're good to go, but I guess I had to see how they were in the ring tonight. The match I was looking forward to the most was Alexander Fayt and Matt Despair. I knew Matt was somewhat of a troublemaker and had been inside the cell a few times but it was obvious he had a passion for wrestling and wasn't just doing it to pay the bills... I hoped. [b]"[/b][color=blue]First one here, huh?[/color][b]"[/b] I looked around to see a young man around the age of twenty wearing a shirt dedicated to 'The Force'. I was positive that this shirt was made for another company but I had no idea which one. I nodded to him as he took a seat next to me, I don't think he knew that I was the one and only booker of the company he had come to watch. He gave a light chuckle while watching the match with me. [b]"[/b][color=blue]Man, that Remmy Skye sure is nuts. I remember seeing him on the indy circuits a year ago, poor guy couldn't catch a break. Now look at him, on his way towards stardom I think, and he should definitely get used.[/color][b]"[/b] I looked deep into his eyes while lighting a cigarette in my mouth. [b]"[/b]You want a job, kid?[b]"[/b] Once more, he chuckled lightly. I inhaled the smoke and exhaled in his face waiting for him to respond. [b]"[/b][color=blue]Me? I'm just a fan, what do I know... right?[/color][b]"[/b] He was giving off a strange vibe, as if he was more talented in the ring than he looked. I asked the question that would be on anyone's lips in my position. [b]"[/b]Who are you?[b]"[/b] He also pulled out a cigarette and immediately lit it with a classic zippo lighter. He stuck it in his mouth before responding. [b]"[/b][color=blue]Apparently, I'm Jim Olsen, according to my birth certificate.[/color][b]"[/b] [b]"[/b]You wrestle, right?[b]"[/b] He exhaled and tapped the butt of the cigarette confidently. [b]"[/b][color=blue]Does the pope **** in the woods?[/color][b]"[/b] Another arrogant youth, they were as common as muck these days. I gave him a serious look wanting a serious answer, after all I was asking a serious question. [b]"[/b]Yes or no?[b]"[/b] He scoffed and dusted off his arm rather ****ily before replying. [b]"[/b][color=blue]Of course I wrestle, that's the whole reason I'm here, to get spotted. Why? Ya interested in signing me?[/color][b]"[/b] I looked back at the action in the ring where Web Slinger had covered Remmy Skye. The referee counted the 3 count and Slinger began to celebrate. Remmy slowly began to get to his feet and both men shook hands respecting eachother. I then looked back at Jim. [b]"[/b]You're hired. Come down here tomorrow at the same time and we'll see what ya've got.[b]"[/b] He reached out his hand hoping for me to shake it, I did so having struck my first deal. [b]"[/b][color=blue]Thanks Mr. Croft, you won't regret it! Hey, Christina! I got it![/color][b]"[/b] Jim waved at the gym doors where a petite woman waved back. He then jumped out of his seat and ran to her not really caring about the show. Just like that, he was gone, and I was the only crowd member once again. Half an hour later, I was surprised to see a room full of fans waiting to see the first show of Wrestling With Passion. I clasped my hands together knowing well who'd be the first to wrestle. [center][b]Wrestling With Passion House Show[/b] [i]May 14th ~ New York, New York ~ Marcel Sampson's Gym[/i][/center] [b]Match 1[/b] [b]Chance Fortune[/b] vs. [b]Geordie Jimmy Morris[/b] [i]Singles[/i] The show opened with the technical; Geordie Jimmy Morris taking on an obvious future star; Chance Fortune. Using his speed and wit, Chance managed to get the advantage in the starting minutes of the match but Morris quickly managed to counter-act and begin delivering a cluster of suplexes trying to finish Chance altogether. In the end, Fortune managed to get out of Jimmy Morris' deadly Full Nelson and roll him up for the 3 count. Both men shook hands after the match but I couldn't help but think Jimmy Morris looked frustrated. [b]Match 2[/b] [b]Alexander Fayt[/b] vs. [b]Matt Despair[/b] [i]Singles[/i] This was definitely one of the most impressive matches of the night for me. It was a technical spectacular and both men showed me they could go toe to toe and give the crowd a night to remember. In the end, Matt Despair managed to reverse an unknown submission from Alexander Fayt and get a successfull pinfall. His celebration was short lived after Samurai appeared to challenge him. Despair denied the challenger complaining that he was "too tired" to kick more ass and left Samurai alone in the ring while Fayt also made his way up the ramp. [i]Rich Money was next to make an appearance, he entered the ring to cut a promo about Wrestling With Passion. I couldn't remember telling him to say any of the stuff he was saying, he must of been a natural. After a few minutes of jibber-jabber, the charismatic Money started talking about respect and even announced that he didn't respect nobody, not even me. I somehow got the feeling he was being serious when he pointed at me which got me wondering, what does this guy have against me? Having said enough, he made his way back to the locker room apparently gaining a larger fan base than before, he was a brilliant heel to have for my first company.[/i] [b]Main Event[/b] [b]Apocolypse[/b] vs. [b]The Apostles[/b] vs. [b]The Force[/b] [i]Elimination Triple Threat Tag[/i] I knew The Force were popular but I had no idea how popular until this match got underway. The crowd were loving Kanobi and Jed's teamwork and almost blew the roof off the gym when Toby Juan managed to eliminate Apocolypse #2 with the Kanobi Kutter eliminating Apocolypse from the match. After that, The Apostles began to dominate but made a major mistake when Apostle #1 was shoved off the top rope through a table outside much to the crowd's pleasure. Jed High then hit the Sky High on Apostle #2 while Kanobi brought a lightsaber down on him when he hit the ground. The double team manoeuvre made the crowd go wild and they certainly enjoyed celebrating the victory with The Force as the 3 count was made and they disappeared into the crowd for a wild night of partying. [i]I could definitely say the show was a success and I stayed behind staring at the ring in total awe of what I had seen tonight. I could now believe that Wrestling With Passion had a future...[/i] [b]Quick Results[/b] Chance Fortune def. Geordie Jimmy Jacobs Matt Despair def. Alexander Fayt The Force def. The Apostles & Apocolypse[/size]
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[size=1][center][img]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/9669/stszz5.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Latest Articles[/u][/b] [color=gray][b]Taker Injured[/b] The Undertaker will definitely have to face surgery for his right biceps after tearing them off the bone. He's expected to be out until around February 2008. We wish him a speedy recovery, because he's had a **** year, dumb WWE even killed his WrestleMania winning streak.[/color] [color=gray][b]Sabu fired[/b] Sabu is finally fired from the WWE, there is no reason specified. Apparently, Rob Van Dam is not at all happy with this outcome and has complained to the WWE. Careful there, Robbie V...[/color] [b]Wrestling With Passion Debuts[/b] Not that big of a deal, the show seemed a bit more lively than others but way too gimmicky. While there were some great talent on the show, some of it was way too gimmicky. The main event had two sci-fi geeks by the names of 'Toby Juan Kanobi' and 'Jed High' (I know, terrible right?) who seem to be popular on the indy circuits. That wasn't all, as they were also put in the ring with two teams who seemed to be 'demons' of somesort. One team went by the name 'Apocolypse' and the other 'The Apostles'. Adding no originality to either team's member names, they were named Apocolypse #1, Apocolypse #2, Apostle #1 and Apostle #2... brilliant. Still, I'd still try and catch this show which is probably doing it's round on the Internet just for Chance Fortune only, that kid is a future star no doubt. [center][b]Results[/b] Chance Fortune def. Geordie Jimmy Jacobs Matt Despair def. Alexander Fayt The Force def. The Apostles & Apocolypse[/center][/size]
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