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The Legacy of JJ Malone (EffVerse Scenario)

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Ok, so I'm going to start a dynasty that follows the career of the user character and the promotions he encounters along the way. It is going to be based around the [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23612"]EffVerse[/URL] that myself and Jaded created. The promotion that I plan on starting off with is a pure promotion and so I am posing a question to you all. Since there really aren't any angles/storylines, how should I present the events? I'm very new to this so it will likely be a work in progress. Also to note, this starts out in 2008 and a lot of things have happened since January 2007. Anyhoo, I'll update later with my first in character post. [QUOTE][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="4"]2007 Year in Review[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] 2007 was an extremely wild year in the world of professional wrestling. In this edition of “The Wrap” we will review all the big happenings from all over the world. First we’ll start with the good old USofA. [B][I][U]United States[/U][/I][/B] Nothing in the United States was bigger than the fall of SWF and the rise of TCW. When it was announced in February that Sam Keith was leaving SWF behind, in favor of touring Japan one last time, it sent the wrestling world, and more specifically SWF, into a frenzy. Sam left the company at the end of his contract and signed for PGHW and subsequently leaving behind his head booker position. SWF was quick to find a replacement in Farrah Hesketh; however when the ratings started to drop Richard Eisen pulled the plug on the new venture only a few weeks later. As you can imagine, this didn’t please Farrah very much, but she would get a chance at vengeance later. After the Hesketh experiment, Richard went with a “booking by committee” approach that didn’t go over very well. As the ratings continued to plummet quickly, SWF saw themselves losing sponsors and even some television deals, most notably the ones overseas. Heading into 2008 SWF decided to cut ties with Rhode Island Pro Wrestling as it became clear that the Eisen’s were losing money at an alarming rate. As of January 1st, 2008 SWF still hasn’t settled on a head booker yet, but Richard Eisen has made it very clear that with the start of the New Year, SWF is looking to turn things around and once again reclaim their throne as the #1 promotion in the United States. As stated earlier, with SWF falling TCW found themselves on top of the wrestling world. Following some tremendous booking, the acquisition of superb new talent, and even a few former SWF stars, Total Championship Wrestling grew to new heights. Tommy Cornell decided that it was high time that TCW had its own developmental territory and in late 2007 New Wrestling Revolution was born. While the business venture wasn’t completely unexpected, it was the fact that Jennifer Cornell was in charge of the promotion that shocked many. News slowly came out though that she was merely in charge of the business aspect of the company while Head Booker Farrah Hesketh was in total control of the wrestling side. Several of the smaller promotions around the States finally started making themselves known. Pro Wrestling Xtreme, Elite Wrestling, and Lone Star Wrestling all started to make some waves and get noticed, as well as some of the better known promotions continuing to climb the ladder. [B][I][U]Canada[/U][/I][/B] While you can’t overlook the rookie promotion Toronto Pro’s amazing performances over the last year, nothing shook Canada more than the Stone family breakdown. After a match in May where Edd Stone was told to put over new NOTBPW wrestler Peter Reed. Edd did the job but got into a vicious verbal spat with his father and older brother Dan Jr. afterwards. It was on that night when Edd Stone walked away from the company, leaving behind the company his father built. It didn’t take long for the offers to roll in but be it the money, the guarantees, or just to spite his father, Edd Stone signed to CGC a week later and immediately formed a tag team with Ricky DeColt. The two are reining tag team champions at this time. [B][I][U] Mexico[/U][/I][/B] Nothing of real importance happened in Mexico and they seem like the only wrestling scene that got by unscathed for the most part. You did see guys like Champagne Lover branch out and try things in other areas like Japan, but nothing crazy happened here. [B][I][U] Europe[/U][/I][/B] Where to begin? When Nigel Hornsby of Solihull fame decided to branch off into professional wrestling the early part of 2007 few though it would have the impact that it did. His fame and money was enough to land IWI a television deal and soon he was stealing 21CW talent left and right. Jeff Nova obviously didn’t like this but there wasn’t a lot he could do as most of his men were not under a written deal of any sort. With talent flying out the door left and right Nova did what he had to do and instead of raiding MOSC or ROF for talent he decided to buy out ROF and develop it into a feeder. This move was the start of what is now referred to as the “Euro Wars”. Soon after the ROF deal was complete, long time rivals of 21CW, MOSC lent their support to Innovation Wrestling Incorporated. This alliance allowed IWI to use MOSC talent on their programs occasionally and the same for MOSC, a win/win deal for both promotions. Soon enough Mr. Hornsby had struck the same deal with UCR and making it a formidable alliance against 21CW. The big shock came later however. Towards the end of the year Shawn Gonzalez, of all people, let it be known that he was part of a group of investors who were looking to bring a new promotion to Europe. When Nova caught wind of this he immediately became an investor himself and thus establishing himself yet another ally in Advanced Combat Europe. [B][I][U] Japan[/U][/I][/B] The big stories in Japan this past year have to be the fall of one company and the near death of another. Warrior Engine XXV didn’t last too long on the scene only debuting in 2005 before they were forced to close shop in October of 2007. Few were shocked by the move as the company was in dire financial troubles for what seemed like the entire year, but it always affects you when a promotion must close its doors. That is precisely why the wrestling world was on edge when Hansihiro Furusawa announced that GCG was up for sale and if he couldn’t find a buyer the promotion would close down. It seemed like years between when he announced the decision and when Pistol Pete Hall finally made the deal, but it was actually only a few weeks. It was a mixed reaction to all when Hall took over the company as many were just glad that it was out of Furusawa’s hands and the promotion was still afloat. Others were none to thrilled to have an American as owner of one of Japan’s legendary promotions. I must say that I think Hall has done a tremendous job thus far and GCG finally look to be back on track. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][U][I][SIZE="4"]In the Beginning…[/SIZE][/I][/U][/B] December 8th, 2007. It’s a day that I’ll never forget as long as I live. It was this day when I was offered to take over the head booking duty for Toronto Pro. I know what you’re thinking, “What about Spencer James”. Spencer had decided a month prior to train his son for the world of professional wrestling. After seeing what his pupils within Tpro had done and after finding out that his son was interested in wrestling he opted to take a smaller role in the company. It is at this time that Spence decided to just do road agent work. How do I fit into all of this? As an avid fan of the promotion, having followed it from the day it opened, I soon found myself backstage and making friends rather quickly. It wasn’t too long before I was making suggestions on matches and other things. This is a pure promotion so not much was being talked about other than who to book against who and who should win. I suppose you could say I became an unofficial member of the “booking team”. Moving on to December 8th. This was the day when Harry came up to me and offered me the position until Spencer made his return to the role. Obviously I accepted but I made it known that I wasn’t sure if I was ready. It was then suggested that the month of December would be used as a transitional stage. I would have much more input and need to make my own decisions. These decisions were still run by Spencer and of course Harry. I assume this went well as it brings us to today, January 1st, 2008. It is on this day that I officially take over Toronto Pro. Harry said that he plans on giving me a few goals for the year; I have a few goals myself. Make a little money and don’t get fired. I’m sure his will be a little more in depth. [B][I][U][SIZE="4"] The Boys…[/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] [B][U]Main Event[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/BenedictBollinger.jpg[/IMG] Benedict Bollinger [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/MarvinMasters.jpg[/IMG] Marvin Masters [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/HarryPatterson.jpg[/IMG] Harry Patterson – [B]Toronto Pro All Pro Champion[/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/ZacharyEckert.jpg[/IMG] Zachary Eckert [B][U]Upper Midcarder[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/DwightChurchill.jpg[/IMG] Dwight Churchill [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/RudyCoveney.jpg[/IMG] Rudy Coveney [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/ChristopherLyndsay.jpg[/IMG] Christopher Lyndsay – [B]Toronto Pro Pure Champion[/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/HelaineMcCune.jpg[/IMG] Helaine McCune [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/BradleyMartin_Alt.jpg[/IMG] Bradley Martin [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/BrittaMays.jpg[/IMG] Britta Mays [B][U]Midcarder[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/TrumanWain.jpg[/IMG] Truman Wain [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/SheldonShadWright.jpg[/IMG] Sheldon Shad Wright [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/MarciRobinson.jpg[/IMG] Marci Robinson [B][U]Lower Midcarder[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/Jafreese.jpg[/IMG] Jafreese [B][U]Announcer[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/ElliottMcCune.jpg[/IMG] Elliott McCune [B][U]Referee[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/wrestlers%202007%20A%20-%20N%20mini/wrestlers%202007%20O%20-%20Z%20mini/XanderSummer.jpg[/IMG] Xander Summer [B][U]Road Agent[/U][/B] [IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Workers/SpencerJames.jpg[/IMG] Spencer James [B][I][U][SIZE="4"]The Goals…[/SIZE][/U][/I][/B] I spent all yesterday getting to know the talent better than I did and I wanted to know where each of them thought the company was going and what they see for themselves within the company. Pretty interesting stuff, especially from Marvin Masters who evidently thinks he’ll be in the big times in about a month. I got the call today from Harry today, letting me know what he expects out of me this year. He wants the promotion to have more fans and a better reputation by the end of the year. I certainly hope I can manage this, seeing as how we generally average less than 100 for attendance. He said he doesn’t want me to hire anyone who isn’t at least a B in basics and I can’t bring in anyone who currently works for another company either. I don’t think I need to worry about any of this right now, it’s going to be hard enough trying to make things work with the workers we have now, let alone bringing someone else in. He also let me know that our first event of the year, New Beginning, has been scheduled for next week. I guess I better get to working on a plan then. [/CENTER]
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[FONT="Impact"][QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Other/tpro.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]LIVE FROM THE WINDSOR ARENA HALL[/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][I][SIZE="4"]Toronto Pro Presents...[/SIZE][/I][/B] [SIZE="6"][B]A NEW BEGINNING[/B][/SIZE] [B]Main Event All Pro Title Match[/B] [I]Harry Patterson [B](C)[/B] vs. Zachary Eckert[/I] [I]Benedict Bollinger vs. Britta Mays[/I] [B]Pure Title Match[/B] [I]Christopher Lindsay[B] (C)[/B] vs. Marvin Masters[/I] [I]Truman Wain vs. Bradley Martin[/I] [I] Jafreese vs. Marci Robinson[/I] Event starts at 7:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 $2 Admission [/CENTER][/QUOTE][/FONT] Feel free to make predictions.
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[CENTER][B][I][SIZE="4"]Not Quite…[/SIZE][/I][/B] I can’t believe it’s over. I was on edge all night long, but the show seemed to go fairly well I thought. Not the best show the promotion has ever had, but the 38 people in attendance seemed to enjoy it for the most part. Spencer came to me after the show and suggested we run few matches for a while, and I agree. I’m not quite sure what’s worse however; the nerves I had before the show or the nerves I have now before I see what Peter Sanchez of TorontoWrestlingScene.net had to say about the show. [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="3"]www.TorontoWrestlingScene.net[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I]Last night Toronto Pro held their first show of the New Year in “New Beginning” and the name couldn’t be any more fitting. Last night saw the first night for new head booker JJ Malone and while the show was hardly spectacular, it’s wasn’t all that bad. One can only hope though that his booking prowess improves with time. The show once again brought up a few topics I’ve been harping on for a long time now: Toronto Pro needs better announcers/commentary, a much better referee, and they really need to cut some dead wait such as Jafreese and Truman Wain. As I’ve said time and time again on this site, Truman and Jafreese are two very nice guys, but they really don’t fit in with the Tpro style. Anyway, onto the results. [B][U] Jafreese d. Marci Robinson:[/U][/B] Not a very good pre show match at all. Neither of these two are spectacular in the ring and Marci was showing signs of fatigue at the end of this roughly 14 minute bout. Like I said, get rid of Jafreese (and maybe even Robinson). Grade: [B]E-[/B] [B][U]Bradley Martin d. Truman Wain:[/U][/B] Not even Mr. Martin can make Truman look good. On has to believe that was the reasoning behind this booking, to somehow trick the fans into thinking Truman might be able to work a pure-esque style but it just wasn’t happening. Bradley looked good as usual but these two just didn’t click in the ring at all. Grade: [B]D-[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Toronto Pro Pure Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Christopher Lyndsay d. Marvin Masters:[/U][/B] Wowee, wow, wow wow! Do I ever love to see these two men work together! They have such great chemistry and it shows in every match they have. Everyone close to Tpro knows that Masters has a bit of an ego and is just looking for his big break, but despite this he is one hell of an athlete. It’s matches like these that might push guys like Masters and Lyndsay to places like NOTBPW like Tpro alumn Peter Reed. Grade: [B]C-[/B] [B][U] Britta Mays d. Benedict Bollinger:[/U][/B] First off let me say big props to Benny for doing the job for Britta. She’s needed a bit of a self esteem boost ever since it was let know that the only reason she took the Pure title from Peter Reed was an act of revenge on the part of Harry Paterson for Reed leaving. That being said, this was an less than average and short match. I understand the reason behind it: a cool down match between the Pure championship and All Pro championship but the match may have cooled down the crowd too much. Grade: [B]E+[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Main Event Toronto Pro All Pro Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Harry Patterson d. Zachary Eckert:[/U][/B] Eckert continues to make strides at fitting in with the Tpro style despite his size. It’s been over a year now since Harry Patterson won his own promotions top title and has yet to lose it. Will the new booker finally make a stride and take the title off of him? Probably not. This match was OK, not great but not awful. I think this match and maybe all of the matches could have been better with improved refereeing and commentary. Grade: [B]D[/B] [B][U]Final Thoughts:[/U][/B] An OK show over all, but they can do better. Tpro really needs to improve things other than workers and they might find themselves rising quickly. Use this event as an example and JJ Malone/Harry Patterson make a new beginning, it’s time to shake up the promotion a little, spend a little money and make a little money. Final Grade: [B]D[/B] [RIGHT] -Peter Sanchez[/RIGHT][/QUOTE][/I] [I][B][SIZE="4"]The Reaction…[/SIZE][/B][/I] Well at least he liked one match, right? You know as much as it pains me most of the time to agree with guys like Pete, he’s right. We could use a better ref. Xander is a nice guy and all but he makes a lot of mistakes. Elliott needs help too. Maybe I’ll see if I can talk Harry into making a few changes, bringing in some new talent at the ref spot and maybe some help for Elliott at the table. Just got a call from Marvin Masters, he’s a little upset. He certainly wasn’t happy doing the job for Chris but I convince him otherwise. Now he informs me that he’s a little beat up from the match and that I “owe him”. I can already tell this is going to be interesting. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][I][SIZE="4"]One Interesting Week…[/SIZE][/I][/B] So I approached Harry about making some changes. He seemed less than thrilled with the ideas, but said he had faith in me and then he don’t me to not mess up. Encouraging. So Truman Wain is no longer with the company, I couldn’t figure out anything for him and my guys can’t seem to make him look viable. Best of luck to him. I also cut ties with Xander our ref, he just wasn’t cutting the cheese. I think brought in young Terry Smith from Winnipeg to be another play by play man alongside Elliott. My next move was to get a replacement ref, after a few negations with guys fell through I finally managed to nab Ray Johnson, and let me tell you he didn’t come cheap. Harry was a little peeved at how much I agreed to pay Ray, but I told him it was for the best. When I then went to Harry to sign off on bringing in a color man he stopped me in my tracks. He informed me that for what I paid for Mr. Johnson that I needed to either do the job myself or find someone already on the roster who would. And since I didn’t want to remove any of my guys from the ring I began my career as Color Commentator. Wonders never cease. I already started planning our next event for February in an effort to draw more of a crowd this time around. Hope it comes off well. [FONT="Impact"][QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/nlw2006/EffVerse/Diary/Other/tpro.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][SIZE="5"][FONT="Impact"]LIVE FROM THE WINDSOR ARENA HALL[/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][I][SIZE="4"]Toronto Pro Presents...[/SIZE][/I][/B] [SIZE="6"][B]Phaze 2[/B][/SIZE] [B]Main Event All Pro Title Match[/B] [I]Harry Patterson [B](C)[/B] vs. Britta Mays[/I] [I]Marvin Masters vs. Jafreese[/I] [B]Pure Title Match[/B] [I]Christopher Lindsay[B] (C)[/B] vs. Sheldon Shad Wright[/I] [I]Dwight Churchill vs. Rudy Coveney[/I] Saturday, Week 2, February! Event starts at 7:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 $2 Admission [/CENTER][/QUOTE][/FONT][/CENTER] Feel free to make predictions.
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[CENTER][B][I][SIZE="4"]Sunday, Bloody Sunday…[/SIZE][/I][/B] Tomorrow starts a brand new month and if it ends anyway like this one did it will be a doozy. I got a call late last night from Marvin Masters again. This time, however, he wasn’t calling to bitch and moan to me. The first words out of his mouth were “Thank you”. Apparently some scouts from CGC were a few of the 38 in attendance at New Beginning. They evidently loved the Lyndsay/Masters bout and contacted him a week or so later. As you could have guessed he signed the deal. Fortunately for us it’s only a PPA thing and he ensured me that he would still work for us as long as he was available. We’ll see. A women’s wrestling promotion just opened up in good ole Canada. Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation or something. Not a big deal, but rumors are starting to spread about our women being offered deals. Congrats to them if this is true I guess. Got the early financial reports of the month in. I managed to lose us $680. I’ve got to sort out this merch stuff as we’re paying for more than we sell. Harry told me I need to start making money soon or he’ll start making changes. Couple of talent attempts heading into a new month. A friend of the promotion and Spencer James trainee Courtney LeBlanc has officially declared himself ready for professional work. Unfortunately for him Harry and Spence disagree and told me not to sign him until he proves he has the basics down. So I agreed. Currently in talks with a female named Amber Allen. Spence saw her at an indy show somewhere and brought me a tape. Pretty good stuff. Some of the guys are going to head out to CGC’s next show to support Marvin, hopefully he’ll wrestle. Until next time. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][I][SIZE="4"]A Second Go…[/SIZE][/I][/B] Sorry for the lack of updates, things have been busy over at the HQ. So Phaze 2 has come and gone and I’m not sure how I feel about it. There weren’t any horrid matches like the Jafreese/Marci match at New Beginning, but at the same time there were no show stealers like Lyndsay/Masters either. Funny story about Marvin. So we all went to the first CGC show after Marv was on the roster as he was informed that he would definitely be booked. He gets there and low and behold if he isn’t scheduled to job to Joey Poison. For those of you who don’t know, Marvin and Joey don’t get along so well because Marvin turned down a contract to 4C because they weren’t “big enough” and Marv thought NOTBPW was right around the corner. Just thought that was a nice bit of karma seeing Masters job out to Poison on day one. Back on track. I got word after the show that I went WAY over budget. I figured it would happen after signing a ref who wants almost a grand a show. Oh well, I guess it’s time to read up on how bad I suck over at TWS.[/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="3"]www.TorontoWrestlingScene.net[/SIZE][/U][/B] [I] Phaze 2 was in full effect last night in the Windsor Arena Hall. I want to take this time to thank Mr. Malone for finally making a few changes to this promotion. As reported a few weeks ago, Truman Wain was released by the company and the company replaced him with a technically competent broad. She didn’t wrestle last night, so we’ll still have to wait and see on her. I also want to commend him for switched to a three man table of announcing. The acquisition of Terry Smith was a great move and maybe the most surprising and possibly best bit of mic work in Tpro history, JJ Malone himself stepped behind the mic to entertain via color commentary. It’s unfortunate however that only the 28 in attendance and the few who view the shows via internet will get to hear him in action. Toronto Pro also brought in a new referee in Ray Johnson who performed beautifully. Now that-that info is out of the way, onto the results! [B][U] Rudy Coveney d. Dwight Churchill:[/U][/B] OK match here, but nothing super. These two are definitely capable of putting on decent matches and you can’t complain with this one. Grade: [B]D[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Toronto Pro Pure Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Christopher Lyndsay d. Sheldon Shad Wright: Lyndsay delivers another enjoyable match here. Wright isn’t quite up to Chris’ level yet, but he’s making great strides. I think Lyndsay is definitely ready to step it up another notch and become a key Main Event guy. I thought this might have been the night that he drops the title and moves on to be an All Pro contender, but not yet. Grade: [B]D+[/B] [B][U] Marvin Masters d. Jafreese:[/U][/B] I’ll admit, this match caught me by surprise. First I was surprised they booked Jafreese this high and secondly that it wasn’t an appalling match. It certainly wasn’t a great match, but Marvin definitely did a nice job of making Jafreese look better. Masters is now pulling double duty with CGC and Tpro so expect to see him nearly every show as they are likely to capitalize on any increase in popularity he gets. Grade: [B]D-[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]Main Event Toronto Pro All Pro Championship[/SIZE][/B] [B][U]Harry Patterson d. Britta Mays:[/U][/B] A surprisingly solid match took place here, but there was no amount of psychology that made anyone think that Britta Mays was going to take the title off of Harry Patterson. If this promotion wants to succeed they need to at least make the audience believe that Patterson might drop the belt, even though we all know he won’t. Grade: [B]D+[/B] [B][U]Final Thoughts:[/U][/B] Much better show overall than last month, but still not the best they can do. This may very well be a fleshing out period for Malone who is trying to find his own style of booking. He’s doing a good job though as this show, as I said, was better than the last. I also commend him for trying to make the most of all the talent he has around him, but sometimes you just have to cut your losses and move on. Final Grade: [B]D+[/B] [RIGHT] -Peter Sanchez[/RIGHT][/QUOTE][/I] [CENTER] [B][I][SIZE="4"] Hmmm…[/SIZE][/I][/B] Great commentary? If you say so. I was so nervous up there, not like anything I’ve had to do before. The show, according to Pete, seemed to be better this time around. Maybe I am just fleshing things out. I certainly hope so. Spence keeps telling me that I have to book the kind of show I think is best. I know what he means…but I’m not sure if I’m ready to take that step yet.[/CENTER]
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