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Being Immersed

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I think the hardest thing to do in these kind of games is to make the game feel real. I actually think that the only game that manages to do this is the CM/FM series. I think it is important to ensure that the AI in the players and coaches is nicely tweaked so that they have personality and intelligence. If they have that then the game feels a lot more real and addictive. I could actualyl post a very long post about this but I think that most and ARlie will agree... I just hope that is one of the things he is looking at....
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  • 2 weeks later...
Of course everyone agrees... not much to say on the topic, since it's so obviously a goal of all these games. :) Making the coaches/players have a personality is perhaps even more important than making them intelligent. As long as I can recognize them as human, I'll forgive limitations in the intelligence of them. :D brad
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Clicking through days/weeks with nothing to do or the same repetitive tasks is a big problem in these games. AI is also important and probably the hardest thing to code. (I guess). Being immersed in a game happens for me when I begin to care/follow the players and look towards deeper reports and more intelligence from my opponent. OOTP does a good job with this as does TPB.
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Extremely well said Tim. When I am living and dying with my Heisman-candidate QB that I worked SO hard (and sold out...passing up other guys) to recruit several years ago gets hurt the 3rd game into his Junior season, and I wonder if there is a way to apply for another year of eligibility....THAT's being immersed. It's also taking over a team that won no games last year and being able to pull out 3 victories in a tough season with a rough schedule and looking forward to the recruiting the next year because you know those 3 games will make a difference in some recruits' minds...THAT is being immersed...and I hope / know that is what Arlie is shooting for. If he gets anywhere close to that, OOTP is going to lose a lot of playing time, and I'll be commishing a BB League myself. [QUOTE=Tim Plum]Clicking through days/weeks with nothing to do or the same repetitive tasks is a big problem in these games. AI is also important and probably the hardest thing to code. (I guess). Being immersed in a game happens for me when I begin to care/follow the players and look towards deeper reports and more intelligence from my opponent. OOTP does a good job with this as does TPB.[/QUOTE] :D
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