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So This TNA...They Any Good?

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Hi i'm Tom Welsh (W3LSHY). I have to decided to try my Luck with TNA...And with a Brand Split...No Backstory here, Just a guy playing a game. I will pu the rosters for Impact and Xplosion up in a bit, (When i can be bothered. Anyway, Watch this space, because this will be the best darn Diary in the History of The TEW Boards. Either that or it will fail miserably (Most Probably). Cheers ;)
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Impact - November Week 1 [COLOR="Red"]TNA IMPACT – NOVEMBER WEEK 1 !!!![/COLOR] We kick off the First Impact with Tom Welsh in charge of booking with a Video Message from…Raven? ‘Hey TNA fans…Or people who just showed up for a free wrestling show, who know nothing about Wrestling other than the fact that they think Hulk Hogan is that gut that turns green when he gets angry. The Losers that go home, will have a KFC, Watch the TV, And as they do, they’ll watch their pathetic lives slip away, whilst I am out here working my ass off. Anyway enough about you jerks, Tonight is about one thing…One memory that Raven will give you. Tonight I am personally making a challenge. An open Challenge – To anybody backstage for A good old fashioned Hardcore Match. Qoute the Raven…Nevermore…’ [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Rating - C[/COLOR] 15 of The X-Division’s top Stars then flooded the ring, to kick off our First Match of the Night – A 15 Man Over the top Battle Royal to become the #1 Contender for Senshi’s X Division Championship. It started with People such as Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Petey Williams, and plenty more top stars. But in the end it came down to just 4. The First of the 4 eliminated was Austin Aries, After a successful double team move by AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, Who had seemed to be on the Same Page throughout the Match, Eliminating quite a few stars. It came down to AJ and Daniels, and recently signed To TNA, and surprise entry in the Battle Royal, the greatest Super junior Ever…Jushin ‘Thunder’ Lyger. Styles and Daniels then confronted Thunder, and got him half over the top rope, Only for Lyger to suddenly swing his hips and eliminate Both Styles and Daniels, Meaning Lyger will face Senshi at Genesis! On the outside, AJ and Daniels argued… [COLOR="seagreen"]Match Rating – C+ [/COLOR] On the outside Styles and Daniels continued to argue over who’s fault it was, and who let the team down. AJ blamed Daniels and Daniels blamed AJ. After a minute or so of arguing, Both went up the ramp to the back together…But the Tension was obvious… [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – B[/COLOR] Jim Cornette came on screen from his office and said after Brock Lesnar dubiously defended his TNA Impact Title last Sunday, Tonight we will have a Bound For Glory Fatal 4 Way rematch for the TNA Impact Title! [COLOR="seagreen"] Rating – B[/COLOR] Sting turns the corner and bumps into the TNA Television Champion…Kennedy. Kennedy tells Sting to get the hell out of his way. Sting replies with ‘Who the hell do you think your talking to? Your talking to the living legend Sting. You want something to talk about? Talk about the beating your going to get in the ring tonight when I beat you up…So how about it?’ Kennedy Replied with (In Disrespect to Sting’s Catchphrase) ‘Its Showtime………….Showtime’ [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – B+[/COLOR] Raven comes to the ring next, ready to take on whoever his challenger is for his Hardcore Invitational…And running to the ring, Steel Chair in hand, comes Rhino! Rhino enters the ring and nails Raven with the chair. -Rhino then threw Raven to the outside and set up a table. -He then dragged Raven to the Ring Skirt and set him up for a Piledriver! -Raven though managed to wiggle his way out of it and back body drop Rhino through the Table! - After an Unsuccessful pin, Raven brought out an old ECW Favourite…A 2x4 Barbed Wire Bat! - He then went over to Colour Commentator Mick Foley and said this one’s for you… - Raven then swung at Rhino with the Bat, but Rhino ducked… - GORRRE…GORRRRE…GORRRE, Rhino Gored the hell out of Raven. He then covered him - 1…2…What The Hell? - Simond Diamond came from out of the crowd and broke up the pin? He then continued to beat on Rhino and hit him with the Barbie Bat! - Meanwhile Raven set up a table, and went Rhino got up, He got a Brain-Boggling Raven Effect DDT. - Raven covered and got the 3… [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – B[/COLOR] After the Match Raven and Simond Diamond got on the Microphone. ‘What you slobs just watched was Historic. You just saw the TNA debut of The New Flock’ [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – B+[/COLOR] Kennedy vs Sting for the TNA TV Title was coming up next… - The opening was a little tentative, but the pace soon heated up… - Kennedy dominated the first couple of minutes - - Sting though found a way back into it, when out of nowhere he pulled out a neckbreaker - Sting then got on a roll, and went for the Stinger’s Splash, But Kennedy rolled out of the way (and knowing Sting was becoming more and more dominant), Kennedy Low-Blowed Sting drawing the DQ - Knowing that when Tom Welsh took over, he scrapped the TNA rule of Titles change hands on DQ’s, Kennedy retained his TNA TV Championship…To the disgust of the Crowd… [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – B-[/COLOR] The Camera’s then rushed to the back where Bill Goldberg was laying on the ground Surrounded by Paramedics. He wasn’t unconscious, but he had been attacked to the extent that the Doctor told Bill that tonight he wouldn’t be able to compete… [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – A*[/COLOR] It was Main Event Time. A now Triple Threat Match for the TNA Impact Title. Lesnar vs Jarrett vs Cage - It started off with Jarrett and Cage double teaming Lesnar and attacking his back. - It didn’t take long for them to turn on each other though, when Jarrett started Taunting, Cage through him out of the ring and went for the pin on Lesnar, but he kicked out. - Cage then picked him up and went for an Unprettier, but Lesnar pushed him off and Nearly Knocked Cage’s lights out with a Stiff Clothesline. - He then pinned him, but Jarrett hit the ring and broke it up. - Jarrett then chucked Cage out of the Ring like Cage did earlier. - Jarrett then went over to Lesnar, but Lesnar caught him, dragged him down and put him in the Brock Lock. - Jarrett Made it to the ropes, but on the outside Cage had hold of the Impact world Title, and cracked Jarrett in the Face with it, - He was then going to enter the ring, when Bill Goldberg came running out and attacked Cage - . It was Cage who attacked Bill earlier obviously. - The two then started Brawling through the Crowd - Meanwhile in the ring, Jarrett was out cold, so Lesnar picked him up and drilled him down to the mat with a Cyclone (F5) - Lesnar then covered Jarrett to retain his TNA Impact Title. [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – A[/COLOR] After the Match though, as Lesnar celebrated, Jarrett got his hands on a Guitar and drilled Lesnar with it. Jarrett then grabbed the Impact Belt and Taunted to the Crowd. He then told Lesnar that this is a sign of the Future… [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – A[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"] END OF IMPACT WEEK 1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The overall Show Got a B+, Which was a Good result for TNA, Resulting in their Popularity going up.[/COLOR]
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R3ports With W3lshy So far I am planning on having AJ and Daniels losing some tag matches, having little arguments, and then later on have one of them turn heel and have it blow off into a massive fued. The Flock idea I stole to some proportions off a different TNA Dynasty (Credit to whoever it was for that idea, although mine isn’t completely the Same). I think I’m not to sure what to do with them yet. I might build them up a bit and get their overness a bit higher before I put them in a big fued. They will be a Key Feature on Impact though, Despite the Tag Titles being on Xplosion…So I’ll probably build them as a Stable type of Tag Team (ie. VKM and DX) The Senshi – Lyger Fued…I might have that quite a big fued, and have Lyger win it after 3 Months or so, on the last Match of the Fued. The Sting and Kennedy fued will be one of my main 3 Fueds, but I’m not to sure weather to have it for the TNA TV Title though because it would be like the Kennedy vs Taker fued – Its like having Taker winning the US Title. Sting is too established to be the TV Champ, whereas Kennedy needs it to help overness and Because he will be a Main Event star in the Future. Christian Cage vs Bill Godberg will be a Major Fued aswell, because depending on who performs best in this fued, will probably be my next TNA Impact Champion and end Lesnar’s run. Should also be one hell of a fued… The Impact Title Fued Between Lesnar and Jarrett, will probably see Lesnar retain his title throughout it. I’m unsure however of how long to run this for. Either a month or 3 months (like most other fueds). I think I will decide judging on how they perform together… Shouldn’t be that bad, based on that Lesnar can put anybody over and gets A’s at minimum normally.
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[IMG]http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t36/mcwelshy/ALTOGETHER.jpg[/IMG] Alto Volar is Chris Sabin's New Mysterious Gimmick. Its Spanish for High-Flyer. Gran Encargado is Afa (Half of the Samoan Tag Team Back in the day- Now Retired from Active Wrestling and now a great manager for me in game) - Alto Volar's (Chris Sabin's) Manager. Its Spanish for Great Manager. Abdull Daivari is Khosrow Daivari. Was Dalip 'The Great Khali' Singh's manager in my old game, before he broke out as a great X Division Star. Hoping he might end up doing that in this game, but this time not start off as a manager, but as a full on wrestler. If he doesn't progress like he should...i'll probably just job him... The Following are the Tag Teams I currently have going: [url]http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t36/mcwelshy/TAGTEAMSALTOGETHER.jpg[/url] Sorry for the Size...Oh...And Cheers For your time So Far ;)
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TNA Xplosion - November Week 1 [COLOR="red"]TNA XPLOSION NOVEMBER WEEK 1[/COLOR] We kick off the show with Lance Hoyt backstage in Jim Cornette’s office. ‘Hey…Hey Jim. You may not of noticed I haven’t had a match in the last 6 Weeks. I demand a match Dammit. I am the future of this industry, and you don’t even book me in any matches?’ ‘Lance…I totally agree with you’ ‘You do?’ ‘Yeah. So tonight you go to that ring and you will have a match.’ ‘Thanks Mr. Cornette…Thank You very much…’ Hoyt walked out of the door and under his breath Cornette muttered ‘Be Careful what you wish for…’ [COLOR="SeaGreen"]Rating – C[/COLOR] We had our first match next, a Non-Title Match between The TNA National Champion…Test martin and challenger Ron ‘The Truth’ Killings. - Test dominated the duration of the match - He hit backbreakers, Sidewalk Slams and other hard-hitting moves - He then picked The Truth up for a powerslam, but Killings climbed down his back and hit a Sunset-Flip out of nowhere for the 3! - It may not have been a title match…But it surely put Killings in the Title Picture… [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – C[/COLOR] Whilst Killings celebrated, Abyss’ music hit the pyro and out came the monster and Mitchell, Killings left the ring. Mitchell got on the microphone… ‘When Cornette told me Abyss was in the Battle Royal tonight…I was fuming. Abyss should be the Xplosion Champion by default, because he is unbeatable… Cue Samoa Joe’s Music and out He came, and grabbed the Mic. Off Mitchell. ‘I was just watching in the back, and I was thinking…What a load of Bull****…If anyone should be the Champ by default it should be me. But I haven’t got an issue with that. I’ve got an issue with you calling Abyss Unbeatable. Yes Abyss may have a 67-0 Win streak in TNA. But guess what…I have a win streak aswell. I am unbeaten in TNA aswell. And you know…TNA isn’t big enough for both Streak’s so how about it Abyss. Me and You right now!’ Cornette came out though and told Joe to chill out. Because at Genesis it will be Streak vs Streak …2 Years in the Making…Joe vs Abyss!!! [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – C-[/COLOR] Hoyt came to the ring next to take on is opponent, Whoever that maybe. My Name is Dave Finlay, And I love to fight! Dave Finlay shocked the World and Came out from the tunnel the newest TNA Wrestler! Just a Week ago he was competing in WWE on ECW, and now he is making his debut Tonight! - It wasn’t much of a match to be fair… - The Fighting Irishman dominated throughout, and even when Hoyt could get back into it, Finlay snuffed out the Opportunity - The Finish came after 2:36 when Finlay caught Hoyt off a Crossbody, with a Huge Right Hand. - Finlay then covered for the 3 Count. [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – B[/COLOR] Next we went backstage where the Tag Team Champs, The Hardys Were standing, Interviewed by Jeremy Borash. They commented on the fact that first tonight they will defend their titles, and then there’s the main event. When JB asked who’s going to win the Battle Royal Tonight, they both Said at the Same time…’ME’. They then looked at each other, staring deeply into one another’s eyes. [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – B-[/COLOR] The Hardy Boyz though had a match up next, defending their Tag Titles in a 4-Way Tag Match. Against AMW, The NWO and The Steiner’s. - The Action was pretty even, until 5 Minutes from the end, When the Hardy’s got involved - Both Hardy’s pulled out all their best moves, trying to out-do each other and Almost stake their claim as the best. - Matt Hardy then hit a Twist of Fate, as AMW and NWO were brawling on the outside - Matt went to the top, going to hit his Signature leg Drop, Jeff Hardy tagged himself in. - He Climbed the Turnbuckle and hit a Picture perfect Swanton Bomb. - Matt looked pissed off, as Jeff covered for the 3, Defending the Titles Again. [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – B[/COLOR] We then went to the back again, Where Kurt Angle said he will win the Battle Royal for the Xplosion Title Tonight. Oh It’s Real…It’s Damn Real! [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – A*[/COLOR] Next we had the 30 Man Battle Royal for the TNA Xplosion Title. - The Hardy Boyz eliminated The Briscoes and Rick Steiner and were flying… - With everyone down, and just the Hardy’s left standing, Jeff thought it would be safe to hit a Swanton. He went to the top, but Matt Hardy pushed him off and Eliminated him! - Matt then said to Jeff, that’s for earlier. Matt was blinsided though by Paul Wight, Who threw Matt over - Matt and Jeff then argued intensly, all the way to the back - The Final 3 were RVD, Angle and Wight. - The First to go was Angle, who was eliminated after RVD snuck out the ring, got a Chair, and hit a Standing Van Terminator to the back of Angle, Launching him over the top rope. - Wight then tried to powerbomb RVD over the top, But RVD hit a Hurricarana, sending Wight over, Making RVD Victorious and our first ever TNA Xplosion Champion! [COLOR="seagreen"] Rating – B[/COLOR] After the match though, Wight was bitter, so he entered the ring and beat down RVD. Kurt Angle ran in and prevented it before it got too bad though and helped RVD to his feet. Angle then got on the Microphone and said to RVD… ‘Rob, I did something for you, so you can do something for me. At Genesis I want a shot at that title…’ Cornette then appeared on the Titantron and told him… ‘Kurt, you don’t make the matches…I do. So next week we are going to have a #1 Contenders match for the Xplosion Title. Kurt Angle vs Paul Wight! [COLOR="seagreen"]Rating – A*[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"] End of Xplosion – November Week 1[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Overall Rating B. No Comments Made about this show, which i am slightly dissapointed about.[/COLOR]
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R3ports With W3lshy The Lance Hoyt bit i am going to build into a war between Lance himself and Cornette, Because Cornette keeps booking him in matches against 'Difficult People'. Its going to culminate in a Loser is Fired from Xplosion Match, and when Hoyt wins, Larry Zybysko will become the Exclusive Authority for Xplosion, And will give Hoyt alsorts of Title Shots. This is basically a way of Pushing Hoyt, and getting Larry Zbysko to become the new authority on Xplosion. Finlay will continue beating up Jobbers in Quick 2-3 Minute Squash matches, before i find a good storyline for him and begin to push him hard. The Test Martin (Test) vs Ron Killings fued is just going to be a Standard Fued, that will increase Test's Overness Hopefully. The Undefeated Streak vs The Undefeated Streak - Samoa Joe/Abyss Fued is going to bea big Fued. I plan to have The First one a Singles Match, where it ends with Double Countout. The Second Match to be a Cage Match, Where they both hit the Floor at the Same Time (SO THEY BOTH STAY UNDEFEATED) and then finally end it with a Lethal lockdown match to finally Decided who stays Undefeated and who doesn't. Whoever performs best in this fued will most probably be headlining some shows after thi fued has ended. The Hardy Boyz thingthats going on, Its going to be a Fued where its not what it seems. Ie. You would of thought they will turn against each other (IE> MY IMPACT STORYLINE WITH AJ AND DANIELS) Not in this fued...I have an even better ending. The RVD/Wight/Angle thing will be The Biggest Fued on Xplosion (PROBABLY BECUASE ITS FOR MY MAIN TITLE lOl). I plan Next Week's Number 1 Contender Match between Wight and Angle to be a draw, leading to a Triple Threat Match and so on and so forth...
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