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CHIKARA: Arm Drags, Masks, Lucha tags

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[IMG]http://img458.imageshack.us/img458/7096/armdragsqg2.jpg[/IMG] [b]CHIKARA: Arm Drags, Masks, Lucha tags and a bucket load of crazy on the side. [/b] Rather than me writing a whole load of waffle, this FAQ should set you straight on what CHIKARA is [quote] Q: What is the name of the company: CHIKARA, Chikara Pro or Chikara Wrestle Factory? A: CHIKARA is the name of our wrestling promotion. The Wrestle Factory is the company-owned training centre in Philadelphia, PA. Q: I thought the promotion was called Chikara Pro? A: Nope. But there is a contingent of fans that liken us to groups such as Michinoku Pro and Osaka Pro, resulting in us often being given the "Pro" tag. Q: Can I try out for CHIKARA? A: Not really. However, you can apply to our wrestling school, which is Chikara Wrestle Factory. Q: I like pudding. A: That's not a question. Q: Why does the ref count to twenty when a wrestler is on the floor, instead of ten? A: Because most CHIKARA matches are conducted under Lucha Libre rules, not Pro-Wrestling rules. The basics of Lucha rules are as follows: Count Outs occur when a wrestler fails to return to the ring before a count of twenty. Disqualifications are rendered immediately for low blows (fouls), or unmasking an opponent. An automatic tag is registered if the legal man in the ring touches the arena floor. These rules also provide for an unusual call named “castigo excesivo" or "excessive punishment." That is to say, the referee can disqualify a wrestler or team that is not trying to win the match (not attempting any pins or submissions,) but is instead just beating up or attempting to otherwise injure an opponent. While rare, the referee does have the ability to disqualify for excessive punishment under this system of rules. Q: Did Mike Quackenbush really write a book? A: Yes, in fact, he's written several. "Fantastic Finishers" came out in 1998 as a special edition of Inside Wrestling magazine, and in 2001 he released "Headquarters." His latest, "Secret Identity" was released in September of 2004. His work is still published in monthly magazines like Pro Wrestling Illustrated and The Wrestler. Q: How do I get on the CHIKARA e-mailing list? A: Just send an e-mail to [email]chikarawrestling@aol.com[/email] and type in the subject header: Add Me! Q: Why are there so many CHIKARA 6-man (or 8-man) tag team matches? A: Multiple-man tag matches are our specialty, an art form almost lost here in the United States, and it is an exciting type of match that allows for incredible action, creativity and zaniness. If you think of a wrestling match as a blank canvas, and each wrestler is a colour in your paint palette, imagine how much more diverse a painting made with 6 or 8 colours can be than a painting made with just two. Q: Is Ichabod Slayne the guy that now wrestles as Icarus? A: Yes. Ichabod Slayne lost his mask on December 7th, 2002 to Blind Rage, and has since been wrestling without a hood as Icarus. Q: Didn't Gran Akuma wear a mask? A: He did, but lost it on November 13th, 2005 to Shane Storm. Q: May I have some pudding? A: You didn't say "please." Q: I want to collect all the songs the wrestlers use for entrances, what are they? A: Not all of them are commercially available. Some that are include "Diamonds are Forever" by Kanye West (Eddie Kingston theme), "God is God" by Laiboch (Hallowicked theme), "Blue Monday" by Orgy (Icarus theme), "Migra" by Santana (Equinox theme), "Break it Down Again" by Tears for Fears (Mike Quackenbush theme), "All Star" by SmashMouth (Bob Saget theme) and "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns n' Roses (Shane Storm theme). Q: What was the deal with Lester Crabtree being dead? A: Lester Crabtree faked his own death in the summer of 2003. Private Eye uncovered the plot as a life insurance scam, and exposed Crabtree's intent to flee to Brazil with the fraudulent funds. Since being foiled, Crabtree has returned to work at CHIKARA until hatching his next get-rich-quick scheme. Q: Why do the old CHIKARA videos have text bubbles instead of audio commentary? A: CHIKARA videos are often enjoyed by the hearing-impaired or deaf, and the text bubbles are a way of making sure that even our hearing-impaired friends are included in the fun. Most of our DVD releases feature regular audio commentary. Q: Whatever happened to Dragonfly/Don Montoya/Jolly Roger/BlackJack Marciano/DJ Skittlez/Private Eye? A: All of these wrestlers have left the business due to injury, personal commitments and other whatnot. None of them are dead. Q: I like the art used on the web page. Who makes all that stuff? A: The illustrations used on our roster page were all created by Ed Jones. Artwork submitted to us for display in our gallery is credited as sent to us, and you can find that sort of information by holding your mouse over the image and/or looking in the caption box. Q: Are there any pictures of the masked wrestlers without their masks on? A: Of course. Their parents probably have several. [/quote] [quote]With CHIKARA being a very Lucha orientated promotion I have gone to the trouble of giving the low down on some of the terminologies found in Lucha that differ from the regular wrestling you may or may not be used to. [i]Luchador – Wrestler Rudo - Brutal person, brawler, in wrestling we call it a heel/rulebreaker. Técnico - Craftsman, in wrestling terms a face/fan-favorite. Caída – Fall La mascara – Mask Cabellera – Hair Campeón – Champion Campeonato – Championship Parejas – Tag Team Trios – Three Person Tag Team Atómicos – Four Person Tag Team Foul – Low Blow[/i] [/quote] [quote][b]Basic Lucha Libre Rules and CHIKARA[/b] The rules of Lucha Libre are very similar to its American predecessor in singles matches. Matches can be won by pinning the opponent to the mat for the count of three, making him submit, knocking him out of the ring for a count of twenty or by disqualification. Using the ropes for leverage is illegal and once a luchador is on the ropes, his opponent must release any holds and he will not be able to pin him. Disqualifications occur when an opponent uses an illegal hold or move, hits his opponent in the groin (foul), uses outside interference, attacks the referee or rips his opponent's mask completely off. Most matches are two out of three falls however in CHIKARA one fall matches are much more common to appeal to the American wrestling market with usually only the tag team title matches being 2/3 falls. [b]Masks[/b] Masks have been used dating back to the beginnings of Lucha Libre. Early masks were very simple with basic colors to distinguish the wrestler. In modern Lucha Libre, masks are colorfully designed to evoke the images of animals, gods, ancient heroes, and other archetypes, whose identity the Luchador takes on during a performance. Virtually all wrestlers in Mexico will start their careers wearing masks, but almost all will eventually be unmasked before the end of their careers. Sometimes, a wrestler slated for retirement will be unmasked in his final bout or at the beginning of a final tour, signifying loss of identity as that character. During their careers, the masked luchadores will often be seen in public wearing their mask. In effect, the mask is synonymous with the luchador. El Santo (English: "The Saint"), Mexico's most famous and well loved luchador, kept his mask until after retirement, revealed his true identity only in old age, and was actually buried wearing his mask. The character had transcended the person. Some famous battles are based on the premise of Luchas de Apuestas (English: Matches with Wagers). The most iconic match is máscara contra máscara (English: mask versus mask), where two masked luchadores bet their masks, and the loser is unmasked by the winner and his real name is officially revealed. The older the luchador gets without being unmasked and the more times he successfully defends his mask, the higher his status. Another well-known type of battle is máscara contra cabellera (English: mask versus hair), in which one masked wrestler and an unmasked one compete (usually the unmasked one has lost his mask to the masked one in a previous bout); if the masked luchador wins, the unmasked one has to shave his head (a further sign of humiliation). If the unmasked luchador is the winner, he keeps his hair and the loser is unmasked. For two unmasked wrestlers, there is cabellera contra cabellera, where the loser of the match has his head shaved. Many wrestlers lose these matches at the end of their careers because it represents their final defeat and the promoter often gives the wrestler a large bonus for the loss of their hair or mask. More recently, the masks that the luchadores wear have become iconic symbols of Mexican and Mexican-American culture. Contemporary Mexican-American artists like Francisco Delgado and Xavier Garza incorporate wrestler masks in their paintings. [b]Seasons[/b] CHIKARA runs by seasons almost with the season typically going from February to November with December and January being “off-months” for the company. This is liked by many fans as it prevents the product from getting stale by running too much. [b]About CHIKARA[/b] Staples of CHIKARA are the yearly Young Lions Cup, The King of Trios and now Rey De Voladores tournaments, The Cibernetico and shows such as International Invaders and Aniversario. CHIKARA is known for several intriguing matches and concepts, but the thing is, some people just have no idea what these things are, so here's a little helping hand for all of you confused... - [b]EL TORNEO CIBERNETICO[/b] # An interesting Mexican tradition, these matches have been taking place for many years south of the border, but it is CHIKARA who brought the match to audiences in the United States. The rules are traditionally as follows: The matches are 16-man tag team elimination matches, meaning there are two squads of 8 men. # Eliminations may occur via pinfall, submission, knockout or disqualification. # Tags are under Lucha rules, meaning a member of the squad has the option of entering the ring if their legal partner leaves the ring and both of their feet touch the floor. # Only one man may win the Cibernetico. If the final 2 men in the match are members of the same squad, they must wrestle until one man is the winner. There have only been 3 of these matches in CHIKARA history (2004, 2005 and 2006), and they are an annual tradition, with two captains having a number of weeks or months to devise their units. - [b]ULTIMATE JEOPARDY[/b] This was a match that took place on 5/22/04 at the Aniversario 3: Avoiding the Sophomore Curse show, and was a basic trios match with several added stipulations. The match in question was Mike Quackenbush, Icarus & Gran Akuma vs. Jigsaw, Eddie Kingston & Jack Marciano, with the following stipulations: # If Mike Quackenbush were to be pinned by any of the rudos, he would lose his six championship belts to that rudo. # If Icarus were to be pinned, he would have to have his head shaved. # If Gran Akuma were to be pinned, he would have to remove his mask. # If either Marciano or Kingston were to be pinned, both of them would have their heads shaved. # If Jigsaw were to be pinned, he would have to remove his mask. - [b]PRINCE RAYMOND TORRES OF BRUNEI RULES[/b] This unique match took place in 2006, with the participants in the bout being Player Uno and Dr. Cheung. The rules were as follows: # There is a 5-minute time limit # Victory is achieved by gaining a 2-count on an opponent. [b]The Points System[/b] Rules: A team requires 3 points to gain eligibility to challenge the Campeones de Parejas for their belts. A point is acquired when a team wins a tag team contest. If a team loses a tag team match, they lose all of their points and start again at 0. - [i]Current Points[/i] Hallowicked and Delirious currently hold 2 points (Def. Mantis and Hydra November 17 and Kingston and Ruckus May 27) The Iron Saints currently hold 2 points (def. Shane Storm & Jigsaw - June 23rd 2006, and Hallowicked & Delirious - June 25th 2006) Team Shanesaw currently hold 1 Point (def Olsen Twins March 24) Eddie Kingston & Joker currently hold 1 point (def. Cheech & Cloudy) Eddie Kingston & Sabian currently hold 1 point (def. 2.0) 2.0 currently hold 1 point (Def Sabian and Joker) Soldier Ant and Worker Ant currently hold 1 point (Def Joker and Sabian) Fire Ant and Soldier Ant currently hold 1 Point (Def Olsen Twins) UltraMantis Black and Hydra currently hold 1 Point (Def Olsen Twins) Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr. currently hold 1 point (Def Los Ice Creams) Eddie Kingston & Shinsuke Yamagasa * currently hold 1 point (def. The North Star Express). Cloudy & Chuck Taylor * currently hold 1 point (def. Ricochet & Player Uno). Jigsaw and Lince Dorado* currently hold 1 point (def Los Ice Creams) - [i]Past Points[/i] # Team ShaneSaw gained 3 points (def. Team F.I.S.T., and def. Rorschach & Crossbones then defeated 2.0 on February 16. Cashed in shot on March 23 losing to Team F.I.S.T. two falls to one.) # Cheech and Cloudy gained 3 points (def. NJ All-Stars Feb 16 and Bosh/Lost and Vito/Brandon in the gauntlet at King of Trios Night 3. Cashed in their shot at Rey De Voladores losing to Team F.I.S.T. two falls to one.) # Lancelot gained 3 points, getting the final point at Apocalypso with a victory over The Colony (def. Triple Dragon, Larry Sweeney & Mana, and The Colony) Lancelot lost all of their points when they entered a Tag Gauntlet at Aniversario Delta and were defeated Triple Dragon. Team K-Dojo gained 3 points with victory in a Tag Team Gauntlet at Aniversario Delta (def. The North Star Express, Crossbones & Rorschach, and 2.0 - May 26th 2006 - The Riverside, Reading, PA) # K-Dojo cashed in on their shot at Aniversario Epsilon, but were defeated by The Kings Of Wrestling. The Colony gained 1 point (def. F.I.S.T. - June 23rd 2006) # The Colony lost their point when they were defeated by The New Dark Breed at The Crushing Weight Of Mainstream Ignorance. Hydra & UltraMantis Black gained 1 point (def. The Colony) # Hydra & UltraMantis lost their point when they were defeated by the North Star Express at the International Invaders Weekend. The North Star Express gained 3 points, getting their final point at the International Invaders Weekend with a victory over Hydra & UltraMantis Black (def. Cheech & Cloudy, Los Ice Creams, and Hydra & UltraMantis Black) # The North Star Express cashed in on their shot at Once In A Lifetime, but were defeated by the Kings of Wrestling. Shane Storm & Mike Quackenbush gained 1 point (def. The Kings Of Wrestling) # Storm & Quack lost their point when they were defeated by Team F.I.S.T. at Talent Borrows; Genius Steals. *denotes tag teams who won tag team matches, but are not considered "regular" combinations. [/quote] In the next instalment the roster, stables, tag teams, upcoming events schedule and a whole lot more will be discussed. [Credit for some of the information goes to Wikipedia, Luchawiki.com, CHIKARAPro.com and CHIKARAFans.com]
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[center][b]CHIKARA Roster[/b] [i] [color=blue]Técnicos[/i][/color] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/AndySumner.jpg[/IMG] “The Future of the Future of the Sambo Style” Andy Sumner [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/billyroc.jpg[/IMG] “Well Mannered” Billy Roc [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Cheech.jpg[/IMG] Cheech [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/cloudy.jpg[/IMG] “One Hit Wonder” Cloudy [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/CAW.jpg[/IMG] Create a Wrestler (Will debut in new gimmick at YLC) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/darincorbin.jpg[/IMG] “Delicious” Darin Corbin [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Delirious.jpg[/IMG] “The Lizard Man” Delirious [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/DrewGulak.jpg[/IMG] Drew Gulak [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Equinox.jpg[/IMG] “The Masked Marvel from Mexico” Equinox [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/fireant.jpg[/IMG] “The Energetic Insectoid Grappler” Fire Ant [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Hallowicked.jpg[/IMG] “The Dark Minion of the Underworld” Hallowicked [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Jigsaw.jpg[/IMG] “The Wrestling Riddle Wrapped in an Enigma” Jigsaw [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/LinceDorado.jpg[/IMG] “The Feline Phenomenon” Lince Dorado [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/MikeQuackenbush.jpg[/IMG] “Lightning” Mike Quackenbush [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/PlayerUno.jpg[/IMG] “The 8 Bit Lucha” Player Uno [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/TomCarter.jpg[/IMG] Reckless Youth [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/retaildragon.jpg[/IMG] “The Xtreme Customer Service Specialist” Retail Dragon [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Ricochet.jpg[/IMG] Ricochet [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/ryancruz.jpg[/IMG] “The Second Coming of Beautiful” Ryan Cruz [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/ShaneStorm.jpg[/IMG] “The Unionized Traffic Regulator” Shane Storm [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/SicodelicoJr.jpg[/IMG] Sicodelico Jr. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/soldierant.jpg[/IMG] “The Militant Mat Mite” Soldier Ant [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/TimDonst.jpg[/IMG] Tim Donst [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Twiggy.jpg[/IMG] Twiggy [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/WorkerAnt.jpg[/IMG] “The Perennial AOTYC and ‘Net Hero!” Worker Ant [i][color=red]Rudos[/i][/color] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/arikcannon.jpg[/IMG] “The Anarchist” Arik Cannon [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] “The Megalomaniacal Mat Master” Chris Hero [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/chucktaylor.jpg[/IMG] Chuck Taylor [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] “The Snobby Swiss Aristocrat” Claudio Castagnoli [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/colinolsen.jpg[/IMG] Colin Olsen [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Crossbones.jpg[/IMG] “The Real Life Heavyweight Horror” Crossbones [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/DarknessCrabtree.jpg[/IMG] “The Cranky Curmudgeon of the Squared Circle” Darkness Crabtree [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/DrCheung.jpg[/IMG] “The Malicious Mexican Medic” Dr. Cheung [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/EddieKingston.jpg[/IMG] “The Last of a Dying Breed” Eddie Kingston [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/elhijodelicecream.jpg[/IMG] “The Frozen Menace of Mexicali” El Hijo Del Ice Cream [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/GranAkuma.jpg[/IMG] “The Mysterious Mythological Warrior from Afar” Gran Akuma [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/hydra.jpg[/IMG] “The Self Replicating Creature of the Deep” Hydra [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Icarus.jpg[/IMG] “The Winged Ring Warrior” Icarus [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/icecreamjr.jpg[/IMG] “The Delicious Dairy Deviant” Ice Cream Jr. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Jagged.jpg[/IMG] Jagged [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/jimmyolsen.jpg[/IMG] Jimmy Olsen [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/LanceSteel.jpg[/IMG] “The Black Knight of CHIKARA” Lance Steel [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/LarrySweeney.jpg[/IMG] “Sweet and Sour” Larry Sweeney [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/MaximeBoyer.jpg[/IMG] “Canadian Dynamite” Max Boyer [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/mitchryder.jpg[/IMG] “Simply Marvellous” Mitch Ryder [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/ruckus.jpg[/IMG] “The RVD of MTV” Ruckus [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Sabian.jpg[/IMG] “The Black Jesus” Sabian [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/ShaneMatthews.jpg[/IMG] Shane Matthews [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/ShayneHawke.jpg[/IMG] “Superstar” Shayne Hawke [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/Joker.jpg[/IMG] “The Cambodian Axe Murderer” The Joker [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/UltramantisBlack.jpg[/IMG] “The Angry Insect Evildoer” UltraMantis Black [b]Staff[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/BobSaget.jpg[/IMG] Bob Saget – Commissioner [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/BryceRemsburg.jpg[/IMG] Bryce Remsburg – Senior Official and Deputy Director of Fun [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/dereksabato.jpg[/IMG] Derek Sabato – Referee [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/EdOmac.jpg[/IMG] Ed O’ Mac – Ring Announcer [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/leonardfchikarason.jpg[/IMG] Leonard F. Chikarason – Director of Fun [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/MattDillon.jpg[/IMG] Matt Dillon - Referee [quote] [b] Stables and Tag Teams[/b] [i]2.0 – Jagged and Shane Matthews Team AnDrew – Drew Gulak and Andy Sumner BLKOUT – Eddie Kingston, The Joker, Ruckus and Sabian Cheech and Cloudy The Colony – Fire Ant, Soldier Ant and Worker Ant Team F.I.S.T. – Gran Akuma and Icarus Los Ice Creams – El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Ice Cream Jr. Incoherence – Hallowicked and Delirious Kings of Wrestling – Chris Hero, Chuck Taylor, Claudio Castagnoli, Gran Akuma, Icarus, Larry Sweeney, Max Boyer and Mitch Ryder. North Star Express – Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin The Olsen Twins – Colin and Jimmy Olsen The Order of the Neo Solar Temple – UltraMantis Black, Hydra and Crossbones Prescription Thugs – Darkness Crabtree and Dr. Cheung Team ShaneSaw – Shane Storm and Jigsaw[/i] [/quote] [quote] [b]Titles[/b] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v27/forlan/CHIKARA/CHIKARATagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [b]CHIKARA Campeones De Parejas[/b] Current Holders: Gran Akuma and Icarus Previous Holders • Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli [b]King of Trios[/b] Winners 2007 – Mike Quackenbush, Shane Storm and Jigsaw [b]Rey De Voladores[/b] Winner 2007 – Chuck Taylor [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] Current Holder – Vacant Previous Holders • Maxime Boyer • Arik Cannon • Shane Storm • Jigsaw • Larry Sweeney • Hallowicked. [/quote] [quote] [b]Upcoming Events Schedule[/b] [i]June[/i] Young Lions Cup V Night 1 – Friday Week 3 June – The Riverside - Reading, PA Young Lions Cup V Night 2 – Saturday Week 3 June – Ryan Township Fire Hall – Barnesville, PA Young Lions Cup V Night 3 – Sunday Week 3 June – American Legion Hall – Hellertown, PA [i]July[/i] Showdown in CrisisLand – Saturday Week 3 July – Knights of Columbus Hall - Wallingford, CT [i]August[/i] Maximum Overdraft – Friday Week 1 August – New Alhambra Arena – Philadelphia, PA Here Come the International Invaders: 1st Stage - Attack of the Phantom Sith – Friday Week 3 August - The Riverside - Reading, PA Here Come the International Invaders: 2nd Stage - Revenge of the Clone Menace – Saturday Week 3 August - American Legion Hall – Hellertown, PA[/quote] [/center] [quote][b]Young Lions Cup[/b] 24 Men enter the Young Lions Cup but at the end of the day only one person takes home the Young Lions Cup trophy and is crowned the firth YLC winner. This year’s competition is looking great already with just over a third of the competitors being announced. • Chuck Taylor • Create a Wrestler • Lince Dorado • El Hijo Del Ice Cream • Ice Cream Jr. • Tim Donst • Hydra • Ricochet • Billy Roc • A representative from Blood, Sweat and Ears in Ontario. • Soldier Ant • A representative from Full Throttle Wrestling in Alabama. • Ryan Cruz • A representative from International Wrestling Syndicate in Quebec. • A representative from Ring of Honor • A representative from Ultimo Dragon Gym in Mexico • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? [/quote]
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CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [COLOR=Red] [b]YLC5 UPDATE, IWS REP REVEALED, TWIGGY GETS EMOTIONAL AND NON TOURNAMENT ACTION[/b] [/COLOR] Young Lions Cup draws closer, more news on the tournament as well as non tournament action revealed, exclusively here in the CHIKARA newsletter (and maybe in the Podcast a Go-Go) The representatives of two promotions are today exclusively revealed as well as none tournament action between people not in the tournament itself. The International Wrestling Syndicate in Quebec is rarely discussed in CHIKARA circles mainly due the cussing of a certain mister Mobster making our Deputy Director of fun Bryce Remsburg come over all queasy. One thing is for sure and that is the great quality wrestlers within the company, originally Bob Saget wanted to book his hero Pierre Carl Ouellette until he was informed that the age limit was 25, Saget was not amused so decided to put everyone in a hat and draw out someone random, as far as he was concerned PCO not being allowed in ruined the tournament for him, that crazy scamp. After a top secret drawing at the CHIKARA HQ the representative was finally revealed to be the Superstar himself Shayne Hawke. After this we received a very angry phone call from Twiggy’s mom who said her son had not been able to stop crying since he was not in the young lion’s cup. Matt Dillon was despatched to Quebec and after finally getting Twiggy to stop crying told the young ragamuffin that he was also in the tournament as one of the question mark spots. This prompted Twiggy to start crying with joy and Dillon to leave. The other promotion we have a representative for is the Ultimo Dragon Gym in Mexico and it is the younger brother of Dragon Gate star Genki Horiguchi affectionately known as Hiromi Horiguchi. When asked for comment Horiguchi did not reply as he does not speak English. In none tournament action on night one we will see an amazing main event with Mike Quackenbush, Shane Storm, Jigsaw and Reckless Youth going against Chris Hero, Icarus, Mitch Ryder and Claudio Castagnoli representing the Kings of Wrestling. Also on this night we will see former YLC champion Max Boyer go up against Delirious in a fantastic prospective match Night two will see UltraMantis Black and Crossbones representing the Order of the Neo Solar Temple against Jigsaw and Mike Quackenbush. Also Team F.I.S.T. will be in none title action against an as of yet unnamed team. So that has out [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] none tournament action looking like this [b]Night 1[/b] [COLOR=Blue] [b]~RELEVOS ATOMICOS~[/COLOR] Mike Quackenbush, Shane Storm, Jigsaw and Reckless Youth[/b] Vs. [b]Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Icarus and Mitch Ryder [COLOR=Blue]~SINGLES ACTION~[/COLOR] Delirious[/b] vs. [b]Max Boyer Night 2 [COLOR=Blue]~TAG EXPLOSION!~ [/COLOR] UltraMantis Black and Crossbones[/b] vs. [b]Jigsaw and Mike Quackenbush [COLOR=Blue]~NONE TITLE TAG MADNESS~[/COLOR] Gran Akuma and Icarus[/b] vs. [b]?? and ?? [/b] [b]Night 3 [COLOR=Blue]~PREVIOUS YOUNG LIONS TRIOS WARFARE~[/COLOR] Hallowicked, Jigsaw and Shane Storm[/b] Vs. [b]Max Boyer, Arik Cannon and Larry Sweeney[/b] Save up your hard earned cash and start a garage sale as there will be plenty on sale including the Aniversario weekend from our friends at [b]Smart Mark Video[/b], [b]CHIKARA Baseball Caps[/b], limited stock of Aniversario T-Shirts and 2007 Yearbooks and the brand new Order of the Neo Solar Temple [b]zip up jacket. [/b] Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [COLOR=Red] [b]Young Lions Cup Night 1[/b] [/COLOR] Live @ The Riverside [b]Reading[/b], PA Doors Open at 7.00pm, Bell Time of 7:30pm [COLOR=Red] [b]Young Lions Cup Night 2[/b] [/COLOR] Live @ Ryan Township Fire Hall [b]Barnesville[/b], PA Doors open 7:30pm, Bell Time of 8:00pm [COLOR=Red] [b]Young Lions Cup Night 3[/b] [/COLOR] Live @ American Legion Hall [b]Hellertown[/b], PA Doors open 5:00, Bell Time of 5:30 [i][b]All Seats only $15.00[/b][/i] Our homebase: [COLOR=Red] [b][url]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/COLOR] For our free, weekly video podcast : [COLOR=Red] [b][url]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/COLOR] On Myspace! [COLOR=Red] [b][url]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/COLOR][/quote]
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CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [COLOR=Red] [b]YLC5 FINAL PARTICIPANTS REVEALED, TOURNAMENT BRACKETS ANNOUNCED AND INFO ON NON TOURNAMENT ACTION[/b] [/COLOR] With the Young Lions Cup this weekend we at the CHIKARA offices had to put together the final card and we will reveal it at the end of this mail now that it is Saget approved. Firs up we can announce the participant representing Blood Sweat and Ears as a youngster not many know going by the name of Xtreemo. He is not the only Canadian addition of this last mail as we can also reveal that well traveled Canadian superstar Hornet will also be a part of the YLC and even Player Uno has joined the ranks for this if you count Mushroom Kingdom as being in Canada as many people do. Representing Full Throttle Wrestling in Alabama we have the master of the flip flop chop Cabana Man Dan and representing Ring of Honor is Pelle Primeau. Also added to the YLC are both members of the young tag team the New Jersey Independent All-Stars Lucky and JC Ryder as well as the return of The Prophet and debuts of R.A.A.G.E. dojo graduate xOMGx and “Omega” Aaron Draven. So this gives us the names of all 24 men trying to become the Young Lions Cup winner of 2007. More matches have been added to both night as well as the matches in the tournament itself, all details can be found in the full three night card listing below this. However one thing we can announce, the mystery opponents of Gran Akuma and Icarus in the none title showdown on night two, the first member of the team is a cult hero to CHIKARA fans, returning to the promotion from Japan Yoshiaki Yago, he was set to team with MIYAWAKI who sadly could not attend due to personal reasons, however we found a short notice replacement. The replacement will certainly bring the stiffness as back in the company for one night only is Super Dragon. So that has the [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] looking like this and we look forward to seeing you there on all three nights, don’t forget to bring cookies and funnel cake, we at CHIKARA like cookies and funnel cake. [b]Night 1[/b] [COLOR=Blue] [b]~YOUNG LIONS CUP MATCHES~[/COLOR] Chuck Taylor[/b] vs. [b]Pelle Primeau JC Ryder[/b] vs. [b]xOMGx Lucky[/b] vs. [b]Hydra El Hijo Del Ice Cream[/b] vs. [b]Tim Donst Xtreemo[/b] vs. [b]Soldier Ant Player Uno[/b] vs. [b]The Prophet THEN THE SIX WINNERS IN AN ELIMINATION MATCH TO SEE WHO GOES ON TO NIGHT 3[/b] [COLOR=Blue] [b]~RELEVOS ATOMICOS~[/COLOR] Mike Quackenbush, Shane Storm, Jigsaw and Reckless Youth[/b] Vs. [b]Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Icarus and Mitch Ryder [COLOR=Blue]~SINGLES ACTION~[/COLOR] Delirious[/b] vs. [b]Max Boyer [COLOR=Blue]~STUDENTS COLLIDE~[/COLOR] Gran Akuma[/b] vs. [b]Hallowicked [COLOR=Blue]~TAG TEAM MADNESS~[/COLOR] Colin Olsen and Jimmy Olsen[/b] vs. [b]Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin [COLOR=Blue]~ DULCE Y AMARGO CONTRA EL FELINO~[/COLOR] Larry Sweeney[/b] vs. [b]Lince Dorado[/b] [b]Night 2[/b] [COLOR=Blue] [b]~YOUNG LIONS CUP MATCHES~[/COLOR] Create a Wrestler[/b] vs. [b]Hiromi Horiguchi Cabana Man Dan[/b] vs. [b]Shayne Hawke Ryan Cruz[/b] vs. [b]Twiggy Ice Cream Jr.[/b] vs. [b]Billy Roc Hornet[/b] vs. [b]Lince Dorado Ricochet[/b] vs. [b]Aaron Draven THEN THE SIX WINNERS IN AN ELIMINATION MATCH TO SEE WHO GOES ON TO NIGHT 3[/b] [COLOR=Blue]~[b]TAG EXPLOSION!~ [/COLOR] UltraMantis Black and Crossbones[/b] vs. [b]Jigsaw and Mike Quackenbush [COLOR=Blue]~NONE TITLE TAG MADNESS~[/COLOR] Gran Akuma and Icarus[/b] vs. [b]Yoshiaki Yago and Super Dragon [COLOR=Blue]~ LOS REYES LUCHAN LOS INSECTOS~[/COLOR] Chris Hero, Chuck Taylor and Mitch Ryder[/b] vs. [b]Fire Ant, Soldier Ant and Worker Ant [COLOR=Blue]~ EL BULLY CONTRA EL HOMBRE DEL TRÁFICO~[/COLOR] Arik Cannon[/b] vs. [b]Shane Storm [/b] [b]Night 3 [COLOR=Blue] ~TO CROWN YOUNG LIONS CUP V WINNER~[/COLOR] Winner of Night 1[/b] vs. [b]Winner of Night 2 [COLOR=Blue]~PREVIOUS YOUNG LIONS TRIOS WARFARE~[/COLOR] Hallowicked, Jigsaw and Shane Storm[/b] Vs. [b]Max Boyer, Arik Cannon and Larry Sweeney [COLOR=Blue]~ VENGANZA PARA EL HOMBRE DE LA CALABAZA~[/COLOR] Eddie Kingston[/b] vs. [b]Delirious [COLOR=Blue]~ ONE ON ONE~[/COLOR] Mike Quackenbush[/b] vs. [b]Sabian [COLOR=Blue]~PLUS MORE MATCHES TO BE ADDED THE NIGHT OF THE SHOW ~[/COLOR][/b] Save up your hard earned cash and start a garage sale as there will be plenty on sale including the Aniversario weekend from our friends at [b]Smart Mark Video[/b], [b]CHIKARA Baseball Caps[/b], limited stock of Aniversario T-Shirts and 2007 Yearbooks and the brand new Order of the Neo Solar Temple [b]zip up jacket. [/b] Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [COLOR=Red] [b]Young Lions Cup V Night 1[/b] [/COLOR] Live @ The Riverside [b]Reading[/b], PA Doors Open at 7.00pm, Bell Time of 7:30pm [COLOR=Red] [b]Young Lions Cup V Night 2[/b] [/COLOR] Live @ Ryan Township Fire Hall [b]Barnesville[/b], PA Doors open 7:30pm, Bell Time of 8:00pm [COLOR=Red] [b]Young Lions Cup V Night 3[/b] [/COLOR] Live @ American Legion Hall [b]Hellertown[/b], PA Doors open 5:00, Bell Time of 5:30 [i][b]All Seats only $15.00[/b][/i] Our homebase: [COLOR=Red] [b][url]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/COLOR] For our free, weekly video podcast : [COLOR=Red] [b][url]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/COLOR] On Myspace! [COLOR=Red] [b][url]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/COLOR][/quote]
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[b]CHIKARA Young Lions Cup V Night 1 The Riverside, Reading, PA Report from CHIKARAFans.com[/b] [quote] [i] A solid start to the weekend’s proceedings here with the tournament beginning with a pre-show in ring promo from Max Boyer stating in his eyes he will always be the Young Lions Cup champion and whoever wins it better be deserving of holding the belt. This brought out Chuck Taylor his Kings of Wrestling stable mate who stated that he will be the best Young Lions cup holder ever. Boyer and Chuck stared each other down until the other Kings came down and sorted things out. The opener was a fairly one sided encounter with Chuck Taylor pissing off the crowd by spending long periods of time with Pelle just in headlocks and other rest holds with Pelle getting in very little offence before losing out to the Omega Driver. Next up we had one of the sleepers for the MOTN as JC Ryder overcame xOMGx in a hard fought encounter finishing him off with a sneaky roll up pin holding the tights. JC’s partner Lucky did not fair too well in the next match however as Hydra managed to pick up the victory in a fairly one sided contest thanks to a big Chokeslam, much pleasing UltraMantis Black on the outside of the ring. The next match was possibly the worst of the night as a still very green Tim Donst fell to El Hijo Del Ice Cream’s Two Scoop Slam in quick time. Next up saw Soldier Ant against the Canadian Xtreemo in a good high flying match with Soldier coming out the better in the end thanks to the G.I. Ant Swing (get it?). This led nicely into Player Uno against the returning Prophet who seems to have gained a little weight since he was last seen with the company and looked at times to be a little sloppy before losing out to the Game Genie following a GOOMBA Stomp. Huge pops in the next match as Cruz and Corbin made their return in a very comedy orientated match with the Olsen Twins with the former coming out on top thanks to the Cruz Control on both Olsens stacked on top of each other for the three count. Interesting that after the match the North Star Express signalled to Gran Akuma on commentary with Chris Hero that two more points then the titles would be theirs for the taking. A clash of styles in the next encounter as Lince Dorado warmed up for tomorrows Young Lions Cup contest against the devious Larry Sweeney. Dorado tried using his superior speed but could do nothing when Sweeney laid him out with a chain behind referee Derek Sabato’s back to pick up the win. Sweeney then moved to join UltraMantis Black on commentary as Max Boyer from the KOW took on Delirious and ended up picking up quite the upset after a closely fought match he moved out of the way of a panic attack in the corner before scooping up Delirious and landing the Lifestyle for the win. Next we had two CHIKARA trueborns battling it out against one another as Gran Akuma took the win over Hallowicked in very dubious circumstances thanks to interference from Wicked’s current rival Eddie Kingston. Bryce Remsburg had accidentally felt the full force of a big boot from Hallowicked intended for Akuma and was out cold. Eddie Kingston hit the ring and nailed the Blackout Driver on Wicked as Akuma then covered and Chris Hero left commentary to throw water on Bryce and wake him up. After the match Hero gloated that King had done him a favour to which Eddie replied he had no respect for the Kings and if they get in his way he would not hesitate to destroy them, he works for one group and one group only and that is BLKOUT. It was not time for our finals of night one as six men vied for the chance to move on to the final of the Young Lions cup on Sunday night in Hellertown. The first person to fall was Soldier Ant as all the saluting in the world could not save him from being nailed with a modified El Asesino from El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Chuck Taylor. Next up Player Uno fell victim to a cruel loss as he had JC Ryder up for the Game Genie but Chuck Taylor pressed the pause button on his tights and swept his leg as Ryder was still on top for an easy three with Hydra falling at almost the same time to the Cold Stone Stunner taking us down to three left. Ice Cream fell next to the Omega Driver before chuck finally had to put on his working boots to overcome JC Ryder with another Omega Driver to advance to the finals of the Young Lions Cup V tournament. All that was left now was the main event Atomicos match with the rudos coming in ****y from the start but soon being given a lesson in how to wrestle by the técnicos in a topsy-turvy match that had so many near falls and false finishes that the crowd were getting really hot and on the edge of their seats by the end of this almost 40 minute classic when the after the match broke out into a huge brawl Chris Hero turned around into a QD3 from Quack followed up immediately as he rose to a knee by That Japanese Move from Shane Storm then a big Frog Splash from reckless Youth for the three count. The night ended with the técnicos standing tall in the ring and the Kings of Wrestling leaving to the back to lick their wounds. Tonight should be great in Barnesville then it’s onto Hellertown for the final night of Young Lions action. [/i] 1. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Chuck Taylor beat Pelle Primeau [b] (9:13) [/b] with the Omega Driver 2. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – JC Ryder beat xOMGx [b] (6:46) [/b] with a tights assisted roll up 3. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] - Hydra beat Lucky [b] (6:23) [/b] with a Chokeslam 4. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – El Hijo Del Ice Cream beat Tim Donst [b] (3:45) [/b] with a Two Scoop Slam 5. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Soldier Ant beat Xtreemo [b] (6:34[/b]) with a G.I. Ant Swing 6. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Player Uno beat The Prophet [b] (8:58) [/b] with a Game Genie 7. North Star Express beat The Olsen Twins [b] (12:14) [/b] with a Cruz Control 8. Larry Sweeney beat Lince Dorado [b] (16:34) [/b] with a Chain Shot 9. Maxime Boyer beat Delirious [b] (21:14) [/b] with the Lifestyle 10. Gran Akuma beat Hallowicked [b] (17:54) [/b] with outside interference from Eddie Kingston 11. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Chuck Taylor beat JC Ryder, Hydra, Soldier Ant, Player Uno and El Hijo Del Ice Cream [b] (24:35) [/b] in a six man elimination last pinning JC Ryder with the Omega Driver 12. Mike Quackenbush, Reckless Youth, Shane Storm and Jigsaw beat Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Mitch Ryder and Icarus[b] (38:41) [/b] when Icarus was pinned by Reckless Youth after a Frog Splash [/quote]
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[b]CHIKARA Young Lions Cup V Night 2 Ryan Township Fire Hall, Barnesville, PA Report from CHIKARAFans.com[/b] [quote] [i]After the great action last night it was always going to be tough to top it tonight with the usual stubborn crowd in Barnesville but everyone worked hard and managed to rival last nights performance and make many people rush to Hellertown for the Sunday show. The show opened up with the debut of the new persona of Create A Wrestler, announced by Ed O’Mac as DEFAULT out from the curtain appeared a worker with a simple crew cut, black trunks and no boots, knee pads or elbow pads. During his match with Hiromi Horiguchi he used only basic manoeuvres and overhearing Leonard Chikarason on commentary I am to understand that the more success he gets in the ring the better moves he “unlocks”. There was no success today as he fell to the Hiromi Buster which is like an Air Raid Crash onto the knee. Next up we saw a battle between Shayne Hawke of IWS and Cabana Man Dan of FTW and it did not disappoint with both men putting n good performances but Dan eventually getting the win with the Surf’s up. This lead into the next Canadian to be eliminated as Twiggy fell victim to Ryan Cruz and his Boomshakalakah. We then saw possibly the best match of the round as Billy Roc took on El Hijo Del Ice Cream and after a roughly fourteen minute action packed Lucha fest Billy Roc won with a backslide virtually out of nowhere. I say the last match was arguably the best because the next match was just as good as a real Lucha Libre display was put on by Hornet and Lince Dorado with the latter just say coming out on top thanks to a Cartwheel Splash after both men had some very close near falls. The next match surprised me somewhat as Ricochet bested Aaron Draven but Draven seemed to be in his element and fans certainly seemed to like him, wouldn’t mind seeing him come back at some point. Then we moved on to none tournament action as UltraMantis Black and Crossbones of the Order of the Neo Solar Temple held their own well against the pairing of Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw, however it was academic once Crossbones felt the QD2. This gave Quack and Jigsaw their first point of a possible three in their quest for a shot at Team F.I.S.T. Next up we saw Arik Cannon step into a CHIKARA ring for the first time since his suspension for pushing referee Bryce Remsburg and Bryce was in charge for this one although Cannon only had his sights on bullying one person tonight and that was Shane Storm as he stiffed the hell out of him for much of the match before three brutal Saito suplexes on the floor in a row practically killed Shane Storm who was rolled back in and pinned. After the match Cannon stayed and went on commentary with UltraMantis Black as Kings of Wrestling came out for their match with The Colony. Mitch Ryder got on the microphone and offered Cannon a spot in the Kings of Wrestling (Jesus how many guys do they want in the group) however Cannon just seemed to stare him down without giving a yes or no so Ryder just told him to have a think about it. Kings against the Colony was a great chance for the Colony to really step up and show people what they can do; they have beaten BLKOUT in the past so anything is possible. On this day though it was the Kings that came out on top when Chuck Taylor gave Soldier Ant some Sole Food and he fell back into the Hero’s Welcome. Our final none tournament match of the night was the eagerly anticipated none title match between Team F.I.S.T. and Yoshiaki Yago and Super Dragon and it did not disappoint in the stiffness stakes as all four men handed out some of the stiffest shots seen in a CHIKARA ring since Necro Butcher. Somehow Akuma and Icarus escaped with the win thanks to the Pedigree by Icarus followed by Burning Wings for the tap out on Super Dragon. Dragon was clearly favouring his neck after the match and I would not expect to see him in Hellertown. It was then on to our main event of the evening to determine who would be facing Chuck Taylor in Hellertown for the Young Lions Cup. The first elimination was Billy Roc as his good manners meant he offered a handshake to Hiromi who pulled him in for the Hiromi Buster. Horiguchi himself was next to go thanks to a Backslide Driver from Ricochet who then moved out of the way of a Cruz Senton before landing a standing SSP to take us down to three. Cabana Man Dan fell victim to a victory roll from Lince Dorado before Dorado and Ricochet battled it out with Ricochet eventually finishing the match with a patented double moonsault. After the match we were informed that tomorrow we will see Chuck vs. Ricochet for the Young Lions Cup V, Quackenbush vs. Sabian, Kingston vs. Delirious, Previous winners trios match and a whole lot more fun so everyone better head off to Hellertown. [/i] 1. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Hiromi Horiguchi beat DEFAULT [b] (6:20) [/b] with a Hiromi Buster 2. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Cabana Man Dan beat Shayne Hawke [b] (7:31) [/b] with a Surf’s Up 3. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Ryan Cruz beat Twiggy [b] (7:19) [/b] with the Boomshakalakah 4. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Billy Roc beat Ice Cream Jr. [b] (13:07) [/b] with a Backslide 5. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Lince Dorado beat Hornet [b] (13:41) [/b] with a Cartwheel Splash 6. [b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Ricochet beat Aaron Draven [b] (9:51) [/b] with a Double Moonsault 7. Jigsaw and Mike Quackenbush beat UltraMantis Black and Crossbones [b] (16:09) [/b] with a QD2 on Crossbones from Quackenbush 8. Arik Cannon beat Shane Storm [b] (15:39) [/b] with three Saito Suplexes on the outside 9. Mitch Ryder, Chuck Taylor and Chris Hero beat The Colony [b] (18:49) [/b] with a Hero’s Welcome from Hero on Soldier Ant 10. Gran Akuma and Icarus beat Yoshiaki Yago and Super Dragon [b] (19:50) [/b] when Icarus made Dragon tap to the Burning Wings 11.[b]Young Lions Cup[/b] – Ricochet beat Hiromi Horiguchi, Cabana Man Dan, Ryan Cruz, Billy Roc and Lince Dorado [b] (24:35) [/b] in a six man elimination last pinning Lince Dorado with a Double Moonsault [/quote]
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[b]CHIKARA Young Lions Cup V Night 3 American Legion Hall, Hellertown, PA Report from CHIKARAFans.com[/b] [quote] [i]It was finally time for the third night and with much of the card still unknown it left surprises galore as the night progressed on, ultimately culminating in the new Young Lions Cup holder being crowned. The opening match saw the return of a familiar face as Darkness Crabtree was back in a CHIKARA ring for the first time in a while taking on DEFAULT. This match was good for the comedy as Crabtree did all his usual shtick before breaking out the pills and going all crazy ending by taking a rare victory thanks to the Sweatergree. We then heard the familiar theme tune of The Colony as Fire Ant and Soldier Ant marched down to the ring to face a makeshift duo of Xtreemo and xOMGx. The inexperience as a team of the two showed as the Colony controlled a lot of the match ultimately ending with Fire Ant getting the tap out from Xtreemo on the Royal Octopus Hold. As soon as this was over we saw a very interesting match between the impressive Hornet and the devious UltraMantis Black who was accompanied to the ring by his “monster” Hydra. Mantis used every trick in the book to try and cheat his way to a victory much to the pleasure of Larry Sweeney on commentary and eventually thanks to Hydra knocking Hornet off the top rope Mantis was able to connect with the Brainwashing (Reverse STO) for the win to put the Order of the Neo Solar Temple back on the right tracks after last nights loss. Next we saw a nice little match between Claudio Castagnoli and Sicodelico Jr. I’m still not personally convinced on Sicodelico yet and a few botches in this match shows he still has a long way to go, Claudio got the win with the Ricola Bomb, nothing special in honesty. This lead into a strange Atomicos match pitting Billy Roc, Cabana Man Dan, Lince Dorado and Twiggy against Los Ice Creams, Aaron Draven and Shayne Hawke. The action came thick and fast in this one with it being very difficult for referee Matt Dillon to keep any sort of order with Lince eventually pinning Hawke after a Cartwheel Moonsault to keep fans of the técnicos happy. Next we saw Worker Ant pick up an impressive victory over Lance Steel thanks to a jumping frankensteiner from the top turnbuckle. Afterwards there was intermission with UltraMantis doing a major job of shilling his Order of the Neo Solar Temple zip up hoodies. After intermission we were hit with a fantastic comedy match which was a rematch from the first round of the IWA Mid South Candido Cup as 2.0 faced the North Star Express. Mostly based around the extremely high charisma of all men involved, including referee Bryce Remsburg this was a great one for the kids to watch but it sadly seemed to end a little too soon with North Star Express gaining their second point and 2.0 losing the one point they did have thanks to a Cruz control on Jagged. Once again NSE said they were coming for the Campeones De Parejas, making the 1 point to go signal. We then got Mitch Ryder on the microphone which is never a bad thing as this guy just oozes the old school promo charisma that you grew up with and really takes it back to the old USWA days and such. He announced he had no opponent tonight so he would beat anyone that CHIKARA threw at him. This lead to the usual names in a hat deal between Leonard Chikarason and Bryce Remsburg with the first name being Bill Dundee, to which Bryce gave a “He’s not here” after checking the locker room, same scenario next as we got a John Zandig to the same “He’s not Here” chant. This was followed by a Jolly Roger as the crowd chanted his name but once again he was not here, until eventually YOSHIAKI YAGO was picked out and we had ourselves a match. Yago wasted no time in going to work on Mitch with hard rights and the crowd were loving every minute of it, Ryder got in some bouts of offence but a lot of the time was just destroyed by Yago before being finished off with a couple of straight rights and lefts to the jaw followed by a release Dragon Suplex. After the match it was clear that Ryder had possibly a broken nose as well as two black eyes, was not really his night tonight. Next up it was time to see Sabian against Mike Quackenbush and what surprised me was that Sabian still got quite the pop despite being the rudo here, although to be fair he did show respect to Quackenbush and the two had a pretty much fair and sporting match. Sabian got in his share of the offence but Quack went old school and finished him off with the Quackendriver #1. I find it strangely symbolic in many ways that night one Quack landed the QD3, night two the QD2 and then now night 3 the QD1. The fans then got a nice surprise as a potential main event of a trios match was next on the card with the Campeones De Parejas of Gran Akuma and Icarus teamed with Chris Hero to take on Reckless Youth and the returning Cheech and Cloudy. This match lived up to all the expectations when people knew it was happening as all six men gave stellar performances and Reckless looked the best he has in a long time although it was Reckless that in the end fell victim to a Shiranui from Icarus as he got back the pinfall that Reckless took on him right at the start of the weekend and showed payback is certainly sweet celebrating almost like a madman. Next up was Delirious fighting for the honour of partner Hallowicked against Eddie Kingston to try and gain revenge for King biting off Wicked’s stem at Aniversario. Delirious was in for a shock of his own however as after a long and even match Kingston just snapped and landed a huge Yakuza Kick followed by Blackout Driver on Delirious who was out cold. Instead of pinning him however Eddie Kingston began undoing the lace on the back of his mask as referee Matt Dillon tried to stop him but was pushed away and immediately called for the bell. Kingston still would not stop as Dillon, Sabato and Bryce were all trying to get him off as well as several of the locker room but King eventually managed to pull the mask from the face of Delirious as Bryce managed to get a towel in the way just in time to avoid his face being revealed. King left looking pleased with himself even though he lost the match by DQ. Next we had the semi-main event with the previous Young Lions forming two teams to face off with one another. There was a clear friction between Arik Cannon and his two Kings of Wrestling team mates and it hampered their chances of working together as a unit with Cannon eventually walking off and leaving Sweeney and Boyer to fall prey to the técnicos as Shane Storm pinned Sweeney with That Japanese Move. And so it came down to our final of Young Lions Cup V with Chuck Taylor announcing beforehand that he would stop Ricochet flying and certainly would not be flying himself as he owes the fans nothing. He then deliberately knocked over someone’s beer in the front row just to add to his ****y persona. He said that he won the Rey De Voladores without flying and now he is winning the Young Lions Cup the same way. Much of the match was all about Ricochet using his high flying moves whilst Taylor tried to ground him until the final stages where Taylor pulled out a chain right in front of Bryce and got it taken off him only to reveal another chain whilst Bryce was disposing of the first chain. Ricochet ducked the chain shot however and laid out Chuck with a backslide driver for a long two count. As Chuck got up Bryce noticed the other chain and took that from him too but once again the devious Chuck had another plan and whilst Bryce was getting rid of the chain he threw powder into the eyes of Ricochet before landing the Omega Driver for the win to become the winner of Young Lions Cup V and seventh holder of the prestigious trophy. Max Boyer hit the ring with YLC trophy which he still hadn’t given back and presented it to fellow King of Wrestling Taylor although he did not look too pleased doing it. Then Chris Hero lead down the whole Kings of Wrestling stable as all 8 Kings stood tall in the ring with Taylor holding the Young Lions Cup in the centre and Team F.I.S.T. showing off their Campeones De Parejas. Fans booed and began leaving as the KOW celebrated mid ring for around ten minutes and “We are the Champions” played.[/i] 1. Darkness Crabtree beat DEFAULT [b](6:45)[/b] with the Sweatergree 2. The Colony beat xOMGx and Xtreemo [b] (9:48) [/b] with Xtreemo tapping to a Royal Octopus Hold from Fire Ant 3. UltraMantis Black beat Hornet [b] (11:34) [/b] with the Brainwashing 4. Claudio Castagnoli beat Sicodelico Jr. [b] (9:24) [/b] with a Ricola Bomb 5. Billy Roc, Twiggy, Lince Dorado and Cabana Man Dan beat El Hijo Del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr., Shayne Hawke and Aaron Draven [b] (9:57) [/b] with Lince pinning Hawke after a Cartwheel Moonsault 6. Worker Ant beat Lance Steel [b] (7:28) [/b] with a Jumping Frankensteiner 7. North Star Express beat 2.0 [b] (7:20) [/b] with a Cruz Control on Jagged 8. Yoshiaki Yago beat Mitch Ryder [b] (9:11) [/b] with a Dragon Suplex 9. Mike Quackenbush beat Sabian [b] (15:58) [/b] with a QD1 10. Icarus, Gran Akuma and Chris Hero beat Cheech, Cloudy and Reckless Youth [b](15:57)[/b] when Icarus pinned Reckless Youth with a Shiranui 11. Delirious beat Eddie Kingston [b] (14:42) [/b] when Kingston was disqualified for removing Delirious’ mask 12. Shane Storm, Jigsaw and Hallowicked beat Arik Cannon, Larry Sweeney and Max Boyer [b] (17:41) [/b] with Storm pinning Sweeney after That Japanese Move 13. [b]Young Lions Cup V Final[/b] – Chuck Taylor beat Ricochet [b] (16:42) [/b] with the Omega Driver after throwing powder in his eyes [/quote]
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CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email=lfchikarason@gmail.com]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [color=Blue] [b]FIRST MATCHES ANNOUNCED FOR WHEN CHIKARA DEBUTS IN WALLINGFORD, CONNECTICUT [/b] [/color] So the Young Lions Cup is over and done with and Chuck Taylor proved it really is his year here in CHIKARA by adding the trophy to his Rey De Voladores victory. Since his win we have been inundated with people wanting to challenge for the trophy and the first defense will take place in Wallingford and will see Darin Corbin get a shot. Corbin and Cruz have returned and picked up two points over the YLC weekend but Corbin is going it alone here and trying to stop Chucky T at the first hurdle. 2.0 will also be in action on this show as they take on the always impressive Team AnDrew and with neither team currently holding a point towards the Campeones De Parejas both are looking to get right on track. Lastly for today we can announce a grudge match between two men who you would class as rudos in the grand scheme of things but certainly do not see eye to eye. Arik Cannon was offered a spot in the Kings of Wrestling and did not answer, and then he left Boyer and Sweeney in a handicap situation during a trios match. This has angered the Kings and a statement from Mitch Ryder has informed us that the Kings of Wrestling will be challenging Arik Cannon to go one on one with Icarus to try and teach him some respect for the Kings. Cannon immediately told us he will relish the opportunity to start destroying the KOW one by one….OH YEAHHHHHHH!!! This sees our current card for the CT debut as follows [b][color=red]~FIRST YOUNG LIONS CUP DEFENCE FOR THE NEW CHAMPION~[/color] Chuck Taylor[/b] [campeon] Vs. [b]Darin Corbin[/b] [b][color=red]~REVENGE OF THE KINGS~[/color] Arik Cannon[/b] vs. [b]Icarus[/b] [b][color=red]~TAG TEAM MADNESS~[/color] Jagged and Shane Matthews[/b] vs. [b]Drew Gulak and Andy Sumner[/b] [b][color=red]~PLUS BLKOUT, HALLOWICKED, MIKE QUACKENBUSH AND MORE WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE~[/color][/B] Remember to bring along some of that spare cash too as we have a final few yearbooks still to sell, [b]Young Lions Cup V[/b] will be available on DVD as well as the usual CHIKARA goodies. Also we have a short supply of “CHIKARA Summer Tour 2007” T-Shirts, only [b]100[/b] have been made, 50 will be on sale at the show and 50 on our website shortly after, [b]don’t miss out on this historical purchase.[/b] Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [color=Blue] [b]Showdown in CrisisLand! [/b] [/color] Live @ Knights of Columbus Hall [b]Wallingford[/b], CT Doors Open at 6.30pm, Bell Time of 7:00pm [i][b]All Seats special price of $12[/i][/b] Our homebase: [color=Blue] [b][url=http://www.chikarapro.com]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/color] For our free, weekly video podcast: [color=Blue] [b][url=http://www.chikarapodcast.com]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/color] On Myspace! [color=Blue] [b][url=http://www.myspace.com/chikarapro]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/color][/quote]
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CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email=lfchikarason@gmail.com]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [color=Blue] [b]MORE MATCHES ADDED FOR WHEN CHIKARA DEBUTS IN WALLINGFORD, CONNECTICUT [/b] [/color] Two big matches added to this card today as well as one challenge which it remains to be seen whether it will be accepted or not. The first announcement is a huge Atomicos match just been added to the card as all four members of BLKOUT will be in the house. Sabian, Joker, Ruckus and Kingston will not have an easy night by any means as they go against Incoherence who are set on getting revenge on Eddie Kingston and will be teaming up with two tough young guns in Cheech and Cloudy. We at CHIKARA always try to provide the best action in the Pennsylvania area and now we are moving on to Connecticut too and what better main event than a traditional CHIKARA Atomicos match. The battle rages on between Mike Quackenbush and his técnico friends and the Kings of Wrestling and it shows no signs of stopping in Connecticut as Quack will team with long time friend and trainee Shane Storm to take on a team with the combined charisma of a Ric Flair heel run, the sweet and sour one Larry Sweeney and Marvelous Mitch Ryder. The challenge we were talking about is a strange one as Ryan Cruz has found himself with nothing to do on this night and noticed Gran Akuma hasn’t either. Cruz has requested a one on one with one half of the Campeones De Parejas as the North Star Express carry on going full steam ahead to try and get the points needed then topple Team F.I.S.T. We hope to have an answer from Akuma soon This sees our current card for the CT debut as follows [b][color=red]~RELEVOS ATOMICOS~[/color] Eddie Kingston, Ruckus, Sabian and The Joker[/b] Vs. [b]Hallowicked, Delirious, Cheech and Cloudy[/b] [b][color=red]~FIRST YOUNG LIONS CUP DEFENCE FOR THE NEW CHAMPION~[/color] Chuck Taylor[/b] [campeon] Vs. [b]Darin Corbin[/b] [b][color=red]~TAG TEAM ATTRACTION~[/color] Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm[/b] vs. [b]Larry Sweeney and Mitch Ryder[/b] [b][color=red]~REVENGE OF THE KINGS~[/color] Arik Cannon[/b] vs. [b]Icarus[/b] [b][color=red]~TAG TEAM MADNESS~[/color] Jagged and Shane Matthews[/b] vs. [b]Drew Gulak and Andy Sumner[/b] [b][color=red]~PLUS RYAN CRUZ, LOS ICE CREAMS, CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI AND MORE WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE~[/color][/b] Remember to bring along some of that spare cash too as we have a final few yearbooks still to sell, [b]Young Lions Cup V[/b] will be available on DVD as well as the usual CHIKARA goodies. Also we have a short supply of “CHIKARA Summer Tour 2007” T-Shirts, only [b]100[/b] have been made, 50 will be on sale at the show and 50 on our website shortly after, [b]don’t miss out on this historical purchase.[/b] Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [color=Blue] [b]Showdown in CrisisLand! [/b] [/color] Live @ Knights of Columbus Hall [b]Wallingford[/b], CT Doors Open at 6.30pm, Bell Time of 7:00pm [i][b]All Seats special price of $12[/i][/b] Our homebase: [color=Blue] [b][url=http://www.chikarapro.com]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/color] For our free, weekly video podcast: [color=Blue] [b][url=http://www.chikarapodcast.com]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/color] On Myspace! [color=Blue] [b][url=http://www.myspace.com/chikarapro]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/color][/quote]
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CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email=lfchikarason@gmail.com]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [color=Blue] [b]FINAL CARD FOR CONNECTICUT DEBUT ANNOUNCED[/b] [/color] Firs things first today is the announcement that Gran Akuma has accepted the challenge from Ryan Cruz to face him one on one. This will be a tough test for Cruz but will give him a chance to get to know Akuma’s style before a possible Campeones De Parejas showdown later in the year between the North Star Express and Team F.I.S.T. An interesting tag team match has been added as Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr. look to add to the one point they already have but will find it tough up against the original Kings of Wrestling Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli. Hero and Claudio are looking to earn their first point since losing the Campeones De Parejas to Team F.I.S.T. last November. In singles action we will see Jigsaw up against UltraMantis Black in an interesting first time ever singles contest with Mantis being a part of the first class of graduates from the Wrestle Factory and Jigsaw being a graduate of the second class, whilst in a tag team showdown the ever losing Olsen twins will go against Crossbones and Hydra. This is a big night for the Order of the Neo Solar Temple and they will be looking to prove to everyone that they are the best stable in CHIKARA. The tenth and final match on the card is a trios match with Los Ice Creams teaming with JC Ryder to face off with the Colony of Fire, Solider and Worker Ant. Hope to see many new faces in Connecticut as well as old ones making the journey too. This sees our final card for the CT debut as follows [b][color=red]~RELEVOS ATOMICOS~[/color] Eddie Kingston, Ruckus, Sabian and The Joker[/b] Vs. [b]Hallowicked, Delirious, Cheech and Cloudy[/b] [b][color=red]~LUCHA TAG~[/color] Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr.[/b] vs. [b]Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli[/b] [b][color=red]~FIRST YOUNG LIONS CUP DEFENCE FOR THE NEW CHAMPION~[/color] Chuck Taylor[/b] [campeon] Vs. [b]Darin Corbin[/b] [b][color=red]~TAG TEAM ATTRACTION~[/color] Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm[/b] vs. [b]Larry Sweeney and Mitch Ryder[/b] [b][color=red]~REVENGE OF THE KINGS~[/color] Arik Cannon[/b] vs. [b]Icarus[/b] [b][color=red]~GRUDGE MATCH~[/color] Gran Akuma[/b] vs. [b]Ryan Cruz[/b] [b][color=red]~FIRST TIME EVER STUDENT COLLISION ~[/color] UltraMantis Black[/b] vs. [b]Jigsaw[/b] [b][color=red]~TAG TEAM MADNESS~[/color] Jagged and Shane Matthews[/b] vs. [b]Drew Gulak and Andy Sumner[/b] [b][color=red]~TAG TEAM CRAZINESS~[/color] Hydra and Crossbones[/b] vs. [b]Jimmy Olsen and Colin Olsen[/b] [b][color=red]~TRIOS ACTION~[/color] Fire Ant, Soldier Ant and Worker Ant[/b] vs. [b]El Hijo Del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr. and JC Ryder[/b] Remember to bring along some of that spare cash too as we have a final few yearbooks still to sell, [b]Young Lions Cup V[/b] will be available on DVD as well as the usual CHIKARA goodies. Also we have a short supply of “CHIKARA Summer Tour 2007” T-Shirts, only [b]100[/b] have been made, 50 will be on sale at the show and 50 on our website shortly after, [b]don’t miss out on this historical purchase.[/b] Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [color=Blue] [b]Showdown in CrisisLand! [/b] [/color] Live @ Knights of Columbus Hall [b]Wallingford[/b], CT Doors Open at 6.30pm, Bell Time of 7:00pm [i][b]All Seats special price of $12 with a just added discount of buy two adult tickets and any children in the party get in for half price[/i][/b] Our homebase: [color=Blue] [b][url=http://www.chikarapro.com]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/color] For our free, weekly video podcast: [color=Blue] [b][url=http://www.chikarapodcast.com]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/color] On Myspace! [color=Blue] [b][url=http://www.myspace.com/chikarapro]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/color][/quote]
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[b]CHIKARA Showdown in CrisisLand! Knights of Columbus Hall, Wallingford, CT Report from CHIKARAFans.com[/b] [quote] [i] CHIKARA started off with a bang on their re-debut to the New England area and the albeit small Connecticut crowd loved every minute of what they saw from the wacky superstars of CHIKARA. The show opened up with some traditional trios style action as The Colony took on Los Ice Creams and JC Ryder in a fast paced Lucha affair. The action was so frantic in this one there was hardly a chance to take a breath with bodies flying all over the place. In the end though Worker Ant got the pinfall over Ice Cream Jr. with a Victory Roll. Next up we saw UltraMantis Black lead out Crossbones and Hydra to face off with the Olsen Twins. With the Olsen Twins often on the wrong end of matches it was quite easy to predict the winners here and when Hydra landed the Chokeslam on Colin the victory was academic. More tag team action followed as the team from the “Great White North” 2.0 took on the no nonsense Sumner and Gulak. Sumner and Gulak controlled most of the match with their superior mat wrestling ability but somehow 2.0 snuck out the win to get themselves back onto the point’s board when Jagged held down Sumner’s leg from the outside so he could not kick out of a pinfall from Shane following a DDT. It was then on to singles action as Mantis reappeared along with Hydra as added security to take on Jigsaw in a match between first and second class students respectively. UltraMantis gave a solid account of himself as he equaled Jigsaw on almost everything but eventually despite the best efforts of Hydra he fell victim to the Jig and Tonic for the three count. Mantis was not finished as he afterwards proclaimed that Jigsaw had held the tights and won unfairly much to the amusement and bemusement of the crowd. Mantis went on to say that to teach Jigsaw a lesson he had someone that knew Jigsaw well to face him at Maximum Overdraft in the ECW Arena. Making his return to CHKARA rings will be the High Flying Optical Illusion himself and former tag team partner of Jigsaw in the Conundrum, Rorschach. Jigsaw was shocked at the announcement as Mantis gave off one of his trademark laughs before also going on to announce that the Order of the Neo Solar Temple will be in full force next month as also in action will be BLIND RAGE. Next we moved on to possibly the biggest test of Ryan Cruz’s career in singles action as he took on Gran Akuma. Akuma immediately started in with the kicks to the chest much like the ones that caused Cloudy to be sick in the ring at Rey De Voladores but Cruz would not back down and began fighting back with all he had and busted the mouth of Akuma open with a forearm but a sickening smile came over Gran Akuma’s face and he landed a huge kick to the side of Cruz’s head. After this it was virtually academic as a Yoshi Tonic sealed the fate of Cruz and left one half of the Campeones De Parejas standing tall. We swiftly moved on to the other half of the Campeones De Parejas Icarus who certainly had his work cut out taking on Arik Cannon and Cannon was in no mood to trade holds as he just laid the stiffness all over Icarus, mainly with forearms and sick headbutts. Icarus to his credit managed to fight back with some stiff shots of his own but after the action spilt to the outside and Cannon nailed a Brainbuster on the outside it was virtually academic as inside the ring Cannon landed the Glimmering Warlock for the three count. More solid tag team action next up as Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm got the better of Larry Sweeney and Mitch Ryder. A lot of the match was the typical heel/face dynamic with Ryder and Sweeney isolating Quack and working on his back with shady underhanded tactics until the hot tag to Storm as he cleaned house eventually leading into a rejuvenated Quack pinning Sweeney with QD2. Now it was time for Young Lions Cup defense number one for Chuck Taylor as he faced off with the Minnesota native Darin Corbin in a match of the night candidate that was fast paced despite Chuck’s best efforts to slow it down and bore the crowd. Corbin got in his fair share of offence and at times looked like he could seriously end Taylor’s reign before it even got going but in the end Chuck went for the Omega Driver which was countered by Darin who then kicked away Chuck’s leg leaving him in perfect position for Shin City but Taylor avoided the Shin City and rolled up Corbin with the tights to sneak away with his belt. Now we were on to the penultimate match of the night as Hero and Claudio managed to overcome Sicodelico Jr. and Lince Dorado in a high flying Lucha affair that was too fast for me to remember much on although I do remember that a KRS II finished off Sicodelico in the end. It was then time for the big Atomicos main event and beforehand after the rudos had made their way to the ring Eddie Kingston spoke on the microphone about how Cheech and Cloudy were proud New Yorkers just like himself and should do the right thing and just step aside and let Hallowicked and Delirious take their punishment. After Kingston had finished out came Director of Fun Leonard F. Chikarason who claimed Cheech and Cloudy could not make it tonight anyways and so accompanying Incoherence would be Incoherencecito of Cloudy and Cheech dressed as Hallowicked and Delirious respectively, although this may not be known by anyone who had not seen the late 2006 DVD’s or shows. Onto the actual match it was a fantastic match that had it all from high flying Lucha to just brutal stiffness between the two sides and numerous times just broke out into arena wide brawling as things got messy. In the end though the masked team won when Joker fell victim to the Chemical Imbalance II from Delirious. The show ended with the técnicos victorious as Kingston stared down Wicked from the entranceway. [/i] 1. Fire Ant, Soldier Ant and Worker Ant beat El Hijo Del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr. and JC Ryder [b](9:36) [/b] with a Worker Ant victory roll on Ice Cream Jr. 2. Crossbones and Hydra beat Jimmy Olsen and Colin Olsen [b] (11:58) [/b] with a Hydra Chokeslam on Colin 3. Jagged and Shane Matthews beat Andy Sumner and Drew Gulak [b] (11:37) [/b] via cheating 4. Jigsaw beat UltraMantis Black [b] (11:35) [/b] with the Jig and Tonic 5. Gran Akuma beat Ryan Cruz [b] (15:22) [/b] with the Yoshi Tonic 6. Arik Cannon beat Icarus [b] (16:47) [/b]with the Glimmering Warlock 7. Mike Quackenbush and Shane Storm beat Larry Sweeney and Mitch Ryder [b] (18:13) [/b] with Quackenbush getting the fall on Sweeney with the Quackendriver II 8. [b]Young Lions Cup Defense #1[/b] – Chuck Taylor beat Darin Corbin[b] (16:44) [/b] with roll up holding the tights 9. Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli beat Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr. [b] (21:43) [/b] with the KRS II on Sicodelico 10. Delirious, Hallowicked, Deliriouscito and Hallowickedcito beat Eddie Kingston, The Joker, Sabian and Ruckus [b] (24:14) [/b]with Delirious pinning The Joker after a Chemical Imbalance II [/quote]
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  • 2 weeks later...
CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email=lfchikarason@gmail.com]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [color=blue] [b]MAXIMUM OVERDRAFT ON THE HORIZON[/b] [/color] After a fantastic debut in Connecticut we already have some great matches penciled in for our special Sunday show at the old ECW Arena including the return of some old faces. We have a first time face off between the talisman of CHIKARA Mike Quackenbush and the ****y former Young Lions Cup champion Max Boyer from Quebec. In addition to this we already know that under the guidance of UltraMantis Black we will see the return of Rorschach to face off against his former partner from The Conundrum Jigsaw. Arik Cannon got the better of Icarus up in Connecticut and now he will face off with the other half of Team F.I.S.T. Gran Akuma. This promises to be a hard hitting battle as both are known for their stiff strikes and is certainly one to watch. Lastly announced for today’s newsletter is the main event for this show and what a cracker it will be and certainly one that Team F.I.S.T will watch with a vested interest. On one side of the ring we have on two points Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz The North Star Express as they look to gain that vital point to earn the shot. On the other side of the ring we have Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli the original Kings of Wrestling currently on one point looking to climb back up and get a shot at the titles their stable mates won from them last year. This will be interesting and will have serious repercussions on the tag team championship scene This has the current card looking like this [color=blue][b]~TAG TEAM MAIN EVENT SPECTACULAR~[/color] Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz[/b] vs. [b]Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli[/b] [color=blue][b]~FIRST TIME BATTLE~[/color] Mike Quackenbush[/b] vs. [b]Max Boyer[/b] [color=blue][b]~CONUNDRUM COLLISION~[/color] Jigsaw[/b] vs. [b]Rorschach[/b] [color=blue][b]~REVENGE OF THE KINGS PART TWO~[/color] Arik Cannon[/b] vs. [b]Gran Akuma[/b] [b]ALL OF THIS PLUS SIX OTHER MATCHES FEATURING EDDIE KINGSTON, WORKER ANT, CHUCK TAYLOR, LARRY SWEENEY AND MUCH MORE FUN…[/b] We have a very short supply of “CHIKARA Summer Tour 2007” T-Shirts remaining, only [b]100[/b] were made, now there are [b]20 left, 10 will be sold at this event [/b]along with the brand new [b]Worker Ant caps, t-shirts and mugs, everyone loves them some Worker Ant.[/b] Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [color=blue] [b]Maximum Overdraft [/b] [/color] Live @ New Alhambra Arena [b]South Philly[/b], PA Doors Open at 3.30pm, Bell Time of 4:00pm [i][b]All Seats just $15[/i][/b] Our homebase: [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapro.com]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/color] For our free, weekly video podcast: [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapodcast.com]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/color] On Myspace! [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.myspace.com/chikarapro]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/color][/quote]
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~TAG TEAM MAIN EVENT SPECTACULAR~ Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz vs. [B]Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli[/B] ~FIRST TIME BATTLE~ [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B] vs. Max Boyer - The guys awesome, u knows it, i knows it! ~CONUNDRUM COLLISION~ Jigsaw vs. [B]Rorschach[/B] ~REVENGE OF THE KINGS PART TWO~ Arik Cannon vs. [B]Gran Akuma[/B] Plus ill have one of those Summer Tour Shirts, and what about that pudding you mentioned earlier?!
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CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email=lfchikarason@gmail.com]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [color=blue] [b]MAXIMUM OVERDRAFT CARD FINISHED~!![/b] [/color] With a mere few days until CHIKARA returns to the ECW Arena we have no finalized the card for the event with ten thrilling matches in all. An interesting Atomicos match has been added as UltraMantis Black, Hydra, Crossbones and the returning Blind Rage take on Team AnDrew, Tim Donst and DEFAULT. In grudge Trios action we will se BLKOUT represented by Eddie Kingston, Sabian and The Joker go up against Delirious, Cheech and Cloudy, whilst in singles action from the same feud Ruckus and Hallowicked will face off. In none title action we will see Chuck Taylor go up against Worker Ant as the ant looks for a surprise over the ****y youngster from Raccoon City. Will the Young Lions Cup winner keep up his great streak since joining the Kings of Wrestling back in February or will The Colony once again prove it is not the size of ant in the fight it’s the size of the fight in the ant. The final two matches see two interesting first time contests as Shane Storm goes up against Lince Dorado and Larry Sweeney looks to ground the impressive Sicodelico Jr. This is not an event to be missed and is an early starter to get the kids back home and into bed for the school day the next day, perfect afternoon of family fun in CHIKARA for all. This has the final card looking like this [color=blue][b]~TAG TEAM MAIN EVENT SPECTACULAR~[/color] Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz[/b] vs. [b]Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli[/b] [color=blue][b]~FIRST TIME BATTLE~[/color] Mike Quackenbush[/b] vs. [b]Max Boyer[/b] [color=blue][b]~TRIOS EXTRAVAGANZA~[/color] Eddie Kingston, Sabian and The Joker[/b] vs. [b]Cheech, Cloudy and Delirious[/b] [color=blue][b]~CONUNDRUM COLLISION~[/color] Jigsaw[/b] vs. [b]Rorschach[/b] [color=blue][b]~REVENGE OF THE KINGS PART TWO~[/color] Arik Cannon[/b] vs. [b]Gran Akuma[/b] [color=blue][b]~SINGLES ACTION~[/color] Ruckus[/b] vs. [b]Hallowicked[/b] [color=blue][b]~LUCHA FLYIN’ ACTION~[/color] Shane Storm[/b] vs. [b]Lince Dorado[/b] [color=blue][b]~NONE TITLE SINGLES ACTION~[/color] Chuck Taylor[/b] vs. [b]Worker Ant[/b] [color=blue][b]~FIRST TIME EVER~[/color] Sicodelico Jr.[/b] vs. [b]Larry Sweeney[/b] [color=blue][b]~ATOMICOS FANTASTICO~[/color] UltraMantis Black, Crossbones, Hydra and Blind Rage[/b] vs. [b]Andy Sumner, Drew Gulak, Tim Donst and DEFAULT[/b] We have a very short supply of “CHIKARA Summer Tour 2007” T-Shirts remaining, only [b]100[/b] were made, now there are 20 left, 10 will be sold at this event along with the brand new [b]Worker Ant caps, t-shirts and mugs, everyone loves them some Worker Ant.[/b] Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [color=blue] [b]Maximum Overdraft [/b] [/color] Live @ New Alhambra Arena [b]South Philly[/b], PA Doors Open at 3.30pm, Bell Time of 47:00pm [i][b]All Seats just $15[/i][/b] Our homebase: [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapro.com]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/color] For our free, weekly video podcast: [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapodcast.com]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/color] On Myspace! [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.myspace.com/chikarapro]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/color][/quote]
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~TAG TEAM MAIN EVENT SPECTACULAR~ Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz vs. [B]Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli[/B] ~FIRST TIME BATTLE~ [B]Mike Quackenbush[/B] vs. Max Boyer ~TRIOS EXTRAVAGANZA~ [B]Eddie Kingston, Sabian and The Joker[/B] vs. Cheech, Cloudy and Delirious ~CONUNDRUM COLLISION~ [B]Jigsaw[/B] vs. Rorschach ~REVENGE OF THE KINGS PART TWO~ Arik Cannon vs. [B]Gran Akuma[/B] ~SINGLES ACTION~ Ruckus vs. [B]Hallowicked[/B] ~LUCHA FLYIN’ ACTION~ [B]Shane Storm[/B] vs. Lince Dorado ~NONE TITLE SINGLES ACTION~ Chuck Taylor vs. [B]Worker Ant[/B] ~FIRST TIME EVER~ Sicodelico Jr. vs. [B]Larry Sweeney[/B] ~ATOMICOS FANTASTICO~ [B]UltraMantis Black, Crossbones, Hydra and Blind Rage[/B] vs. Andy Sumner, Drew Gulak, Tim Donst and DEFAULT Go Worker Ant!
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[b]CHIKARA Maximum Overdraft New Alhambra Arena, South Philadelphia Report from CHIKARAFans.com[/b] [quote] [i] CHIKARA returned to the ECW Arena with a solid afternoon show with lots of fantastic action as well as some scores still being left unsettled. The show opened with a solid Atomicos match as the Order of the Neo Solar Temple basically dominated what could be considered a squash match against the students of the Wrestle Factory with Tim Donst ending up spiked on his head from the Praying Mantis Bomb in the end. We were then treated to a long speech from Larry Sweeney and Mitch Ryder basically bigging up the Kings of Wrestling and talking about how unstoppable they were and such before Sicodelico Jr. came down and the match was on. Sicodelico controlled the early going with some good work until Ryder starting getting involved from the outside as ref Bryce eventually admonished him sending him to the back but whilst he was preoccupied Sweeney levelled Sicodelico with a chain before landing the twelve large elbow for the win. Next was everyone’s favourite Worker Ant in a none cup match against Chuck Taylor and Worker was really impressive as he took the more experienced Taylor to the limits before ultimately falling to a rollup with the tights hooked as Taylor sneaked off with the win. The next match was a fun Lucharific affair between Shane Storm and Lince Dorado as both men flew everywhere until Dorado missed a big Cartwheel Splash that took the wind out of him and allowed Storm to connect with the “That Japanese Move” to take home a win he very much needed to keep his good run going. Next was a grudge match as Hallowicked took on Ruckus and Ruckus jumped Wicked during the entrances in much the same way that Eddie Kingston did in this very building back at Rey De Voladores. This time however Hallowicked wouldn’t say die and we actually got a match underway that was a great match with Wicked eventually coming out the winner thanks to the Graveyard Smash over the BLKOUT member. Eddie Kingston tried to jumped Wicked after the match but referees got there in time and there was no confrontation. Intermission time now as Director of Fun Leonard F. Chikarason made an announcement on the International Invaders weekend coming up that would please many people as he informed us that there would be visitors both familiar and not so familiar from Japan, Canada and Mexico and that right now he could reveal the main event of both nights. Night 1 will see Mike Quackenbush, Shane Storm, Hallowicked and Jigsaw in an Atomicos match against from Mexico Cuervo, Charly Manson, Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr. Night 2 main event will see the specially sanctioned defence of the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title as Mike Quackenbush takes on the 2007 Best of the super Juniors winner returning to CHIKARA Milano Collection AT. Now back to the action tonight as next up was a very hard hitting affair between Arik Cannon and Gran Akuma with Akuma using a kick based offence combating a very headbutt and forearm based offence from Cannon as both men just seemingly wanted to knock the other out. Akuma had two of his signature moves countered by Cannon over the course of the match as Cannon countered the Yoshi Tonic into a modified Jig and Tonic as well as countering the Falcon Arrow by slipping off the back and landing a huge Saito Suplex. In the end the match ended via a count out after the match just broke down and Cannon landed Akuma with a sick Brainbuster on the hard floor and Gran Akuma could not make it in before the twenty count. Next up was the returning Rorschach accompanied by UltraMantis Black against his former tag team partner Jigsaw and from the get go it was an uphill struggle for the técnico as he was in virtually a handicap match as Matt Dillon at time struggled to keep the rudos in check and eventually whilst Mantis distracted him out came Crossbones who levelled Jigsaw with a big chop block to the knee as Rorschach locked on a modified version of the Rorschach Lock which put a lot of pressure on the leg and Jigsaw was forced to tap out. A clearly delight UltraMantis Black proclaimed this to be a great day for the Order in their meteoric rise through the ranks in CHIKARA. Now it was time for the big trios match as BLKOUT collided with Cheech, Cloudy and Delirious but there was no horsing around here today as BLKOUT were all business and brought the stiffness very early on as they basically destroyed Cloudy by isolating him and by the time he got the hot tag he could only clump into a heap on the outside almost unconscious turning it virtually into a handicap match. As the match wore in Cloudy somehow showed the heart to once again get involved but as it broke down the BLKOUT were in their element as the outside of the ring where things hurt is where they love to be. With Delirious and Cheech virtually destroyed on the outside by Joker and Sabian we had Eddie Kingston pin Cloudy after the Blackout Driver but he was not done yet as he nailed another one after the match before landing a couple of Blackout Lariat’s then Joker nailed a Joker Driver followed by a Black Jesus Stomp from Sabian as Cloudy was left in a heap and with Delirious and Cheech out of it on the outside Hallowicked tried to run down but was blindsided by Ruckus as BLKOUT began to beat down on Wicked until the lights lowered and “CHIKARA Announcement” came on the big screen as for only the second time in CHIKARA history we were treated to commissioner Bob Saget. Saget announced that in Hellertown later this month at the second Invaders night it will be the match to settle a score as Hallowicked will put his mask on the line against Eddie Kingston. As Kingston does not have a mask or hair, if he loses he is gone from CHIKARA until 2008 and if he sets foot on a CHIKARA show in 2007 after losing this match he will be fired from the promotion forever. Next up we had what was my match of the night as Mike Quackenbush and Max Boyer squared off for the first time ever and gelled very nicely together in the ring in a fast paced technical encounter with both men having equal opportunities to win the match until Quack eventually got the tap out win with the CHIKARA Special like he defeated Chris Hero with at Aniversario? It was then on to the main event as Corbin and Cruz had the chance to do the almost impossible and defeat the Kings of Wrestling to gain the final point needed to challenge Akuma and Icarus. Hero and Claudio were looking for their second point on the way to trying to get a shot at their stable mates for the gold. In the early going Corbin and Cruz had a fire inside of them and they used fast paced wrestling to try and surprise the much larger Kings of Wrestling who were accompanied to the ring by Larry Sweeney but eventually Claudio and Hero slowed down the pace and began methodically picking apart Cruz and Corbin and as the match wore on the win looked less and less likely for the plucky youngsters from Minnesota. However all of that changed as Hero took a bad tumble to the floor and was seemingly in a lot of pain with his knee and Claudio began to be double teamed in the ring but managed to put his knees up on a Cruz Control attempt before throwing Corbin out of the ring and landing a Roaring European Uppercut on Cruz as he covered for the three count to wipe all North Star Express points from the board and give a second one to himself and Hero. As Hero and Claudio won Larry Sweeney got on the microphone and proclaimed that the crowd was looking at the next Campeones De Parejas as Hero and Claudio would win back what was rightfully theirs. Just then Blue Monday by Orgy hit as out strolled Icarus and Gran Akuma with the Campeones De Parejas belts on their shoulders as Icarus said on the microphone that back at the end of 2006 when Team F.I.S.T. defeated Hero and Claudio for the titles to become the second ever holders the torch was passed. The true Kings of Wrestling came to be known as Gran Akuma and Icarus and nothing since then has changed. Icarus pointed out to Hero that they are the ones in the Kings of Wrestling that hold all the stroke and if their paths do meet in the ring everyone knows that the outcome will be exactly the same as Team F.I.S.T. are the true kings no matter what anyone says. Things started to get a little heated between the two teams until Mitch Ryder, Chuck Taylor and Max Boyer came down to the ring and began to try and calm things and eventually they came to some sort of agreement and all left together as the show ended with all seemingly not well between the Kings.[/i] 1. UltraMantis Black, Hydra, Crossbones and Blind Rage beat Andy Sumner, Drew Gulak, Tim Donst and DEFAULT [b] (9:44)[/b] with UltraMantis pinning Tim Donst after the Praying Mantis Bomb 2. Larry Sweeney beat Sicodelico Jr. [b] (13:35) [/b] with the Twelve Large Elbow Drop 3. Chuck Taylor beat Worker Ant [b] (14:34) [/b] with a rollup holding the tights 4. Shane Storm beat Lince Dorado [b] (14:57) [/b] with That Japanese Move 5. Hallowicked beat Ruckus [b] (16:09) [/b] with the Graveyard Smash 6. Arik Cannon beat Gran Akuma [b] (16:47) [/b] via a count out after a Brainbuster on the outside 7. Rorschach beat Jigsaw [b] (10:55) [/b] with a modified version of the Rorschach Lock 8. Eddie Kingston, Sabian and The Joker beat Cheech, Cloudy and Delirious [b] (18:46) [/b] when Eddie Kingston pinned Cloudy after the Blackout Driver 9. Mike Quackenbush beat Max Boyer [b] (16:51) [/b]with a tap out gained from the CHIKARA Special 10. Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli beat Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz [b] (24:42) [/b]after Claudio pinned Cruz with the Roaring European Uppercut. [/quote]
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CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email=lfchikarason@gmail.com]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [color=Red] [b]PREPARE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL INVASION~!!![/b] [/color] First up for those of you that were not at the ECW Arena for Maximum Overdraft shame on you, you missed one great night of action and also some of the matches announced for out annual invaders weekend. Never fear it is all here however and we will tell you it all again in this newsletter. A Huge Atomicos main event was announced for the first night as we will see from Mexico the team of Lince Dorado, Cuervo, Charly Manson and Sicodelico Jr. taking on out very own team from CHIKARA of Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Shane Storm and Hallowicked. Immediately afterwards it was announced that Mike Quackenbush would defend his NWA Jr. Title in the main event of night 2 against the returning Milano Collection AT. However after the events later in the night this match will still go ahead but will not be the main event as that will be the big one announced by our very own Bob Saget as Hallowicked will put his mask on the line against Eddie Kingston’s 2007 CHIKARA career, will we finally see the creature from Sleepy Hollow unmasked or will we get rid of Eddie Kingston and his rudo ways for the rest of the CHIKARA year. We can now announce three additional matches to night one and two to night two penciled in recently. First up is night 1 and an interesting match as Eddie Kingston asked for a tune-up match before his big match with Hallowicked so he will be taking on Tim Donst. This is a first ever singles match for Donst and Kingston will certainly be a tough test for the youngster. There will be a huge chance for The Colony of Soldier Ant and Fire Ant as they look to add a third point and become eligible to face off with Gran Akuma and Icarus as they go up against The Olsen Twins. Lastly announced so far for night one is a match that has more charisma involved than you can shake a big stick at as 2.0 look to add to the one point they already have against the North Star Express who are wanting to quickly get back on the points trail after losing their two points to the Kings of Wrestling. Just added to night two is a match between two returning superstars, Hornet impressed with his displays at the Young Lions Cup and has a huge opportunity to make a name for himself against the returning form Wrestle Factory trainer Skayde. The other match sees a big opportunity for Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli to gain their third point and a shot at Icarus and Gran Akuma but it will not be easy. They will be facing off with Charly Manson and Cuervo from the AAA promotion in Mexico. Much more to be added to both nights soon but this is how they stand at present.. [b]Night 1 [color=Blue]~ INTERNATIONAL ATOMICOS~[/color] Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Shane Storm and Hallowicked[/b] vs. [b]Charly Manson, Cuervo, Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr. [color=Blue]~ CHARISMA EXPLOSION~[/color] Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz[/b] vs. [b]Jagged and Shane Matthews [color=Blue]~ TAG TEAM MADNESS~[/color] Fire Ant and Soldier Ant[/b] vs. [b]Jimmy Olsen and Colin Olsen [color=Blue]~ FIRST EVER SINGLES MATCH~[/color] Tim Donst[/b] vs. [b]Eddie Kingston[/b] [b]Night 2 [color=Blue]~ MASK VS. 2007 CHIKARA CAREER~[/color] Hallowicked[/b] vs. [b]Eddie Kingston [color=Blue]~ NWA WORLD JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE~[/color] Mike Quackenbush [/b] [Campeon] vs. [b]Milano Collection AT[/b] [Retador] [b][color=Blue]~ TAG TEAM SHOWDOWN~[/color] Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli[/b] vs. [b]Cuervo and Charly Manson [color=Blue]~ SINGLES MADNESS~[/color] Skayde[/b] vs. [b]Hornet[/b] [color=Blue][b]PLUS MUCH MORE TO BE ADDED TO BOTH NIGHTS INCLUDING PARTICIPATON FROM BLKOUT, THE ORDER OF THE NEO SOLAR TEMPLE AND A YOUNG LIONS CUP MATCH..[/b][/color] Don’t forget to bring along your pocket money too as there will be much goodness in DVD format from our friends at [b]Smart Mark Video[/b], [b]CHIKARA Merchandise[/b], in the form of T-Shirts, Caps, Flyers, Posters and much much more. Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [color=Red] [b]Here Come the International Invaders: 1st Stage - Attack of the Phantom Sith [/b] [/color] Live @ The Riverside [b]Reading[/b], PA Doors Open at 7.00pm, Bell Time of 7:30pm [color=Red] [b] Here Come the International Invaders: 2nd Stage - Revenge of the Clone Menace [/b] [/color] Live @ American Legion Hall [b]Hellertown[/b], PA Doors open 7:30pm, Bell Time of 8:00pm [i][b]All Seats only $15.00[/b][/i] Our homebase: [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapro.com]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/color] For our free, weekly video podcast : [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapodcast.com]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/color] On Myspace! [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.myspace.com/chikarapro]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/color][/quote]
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CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email=lfchikarason@gmail.com]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [color=Red] [b] THE INTERNATIONAL INVASION TAKING SHAPE~!!![/b] [/color] A massive six matches added to this mammoth weekend as of this update with an event three added to each night with still more to come as each night will showcase ten titanic bouts. First up added to the first night is the return of ladies action to the CHIKARA rings as Sumie Sakai from Japan will be taking on Portia Perez from Canada. Since we last saw Portia she has participated in two European Tours and worked on a regular basis for Dave Prazak and his SHIMMER promotion. Sumie will still be a tough test and this promises to be a treat for the fans in attendance in Reading. Rorschach made a winning return over Jigsaw albeit by dubious means and will be in action in Reading as he goes up against a man who recently took Young Lions Cup holder Chuck Taylor to the limit the ever loved Worker Ant. This is a clash between the new school and the old school of CHIKARA trainees and will be an interesting spectacle to see. Finally announced for now as far as night one is concerned is a contest between two high flyers as representing the BLKOUT will be Ruckus as he faces off against all the way from the KAIENTAI Dojo in Japan the high flying Hi69. Now on to night two a huge none title tag grudge match has been added as Gran Akuma and Icarus go up against Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin. When Corbin and Cruz returned they set their sights on the Campeones De Parejas and have been embroiled in a bitter war with Akuma and Icarus ever since. This is just the latest chapter in the feud that is reaching boiling point. After his match on night one against Ruckus Hi69 will move on to night two and another high flying contest against Cloudy. Cloudy is flying solo this weekend as Cheech has a family wedding to attend to on the Saturday which we hope goes well for Cheech. Finally for now is yet another grudge match as Arik Cannon continues his crusade against the Kings of Wrestling and this time it is Max Boyer. Boyer was the man who abruptly ended Cannon’s run as Young Lions Cup holder back at Cibernetico Forever last October and you have to think that Cannon will be wanting revenge for that too. [b]Night 1 [color=Blue]~ INTERNATIONAL ATOMICOS~[/color] Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Shane Storm and Hallowicked[/b] vs. [b]Charly Manson, Cuervo, Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr. [color=Blue]~ CHARISMA EXPLOSION~[/color] Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz[/b] vs. [b]Jagged and Shane Matthews [color=Blue]~ TAG TEAM MADNESS~[/color] Fire Ant and Soldier Ant[/b] vs. [b]Jimmy Olsen and Colin Olsen [color=Blue]~ HIGH FLYING CRAZINESS~[/color] Ruckus[/b] vs. [b]Hi69 [color=Blue]~ INTERNATIONAL LADIES ACTION~[/color] Sumie Sakai[/b] vs. [b]Portia Perez [color=Blue]~ OLD SCHOOL VS. NEW SCHOOL~[/color] Rorschach[/b] vs. [b]Worker Ant [color=Blue]~ FIRST EVER SINGLES MATCH~[/color] Tim Donst[/b] vs. [b]Eddie Kingston[/b] [color=Blue][b]PLUS THREE MORE EPIC BOUTS[/b][/color] [b]Night 2 [color=Blue]~ MASK VS. 2007 CHIKARA CAREER~[/color] Hallowicked[/b] vs. [b]Eddie Kingston [color=Blue]~ NWA WORLD JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE~[/color] Mike Quackenbush [/b] [Campeon] vs. [b]Milano Collection AT[/b] [Retador] [b][color=Blue]~ NONE TITLE GRUDGE SHOWDOWN~[/color] Gran Akuma and Icarus[/b] vs. [b]Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin [color=Blue]~ TAG TEAM SHOWDOWN~[/color] Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli[/b] vs. [b]Cuervo and Charly Manson [color=Blue]~ REVENGE OF THE KINGS PART THREE~[/color] Arik Cannon[/b] vs. [b]Max Boyer [color=Blue]~ HIGH FLYERS PARADISE~[/color] Cloudy[/b] vs. [b]Hi69 [color=Blue]~ SINGLES MADNESS~[/color] Skayde[/b] vs. [b]Hornet[/b] [color=Blue][b]PLUS THREE MORE MATCHES[/b][/color] Don’t forget to bring along your pocket money too as there will be much goodness in DVD format from our friends at [b]Smart Mark Video[/b], [b]CHIKARA Merchandise[/b], in the form of T-Shirts, Caps, Flyers, Posters and much much more. Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [color=Red] [b]Here Come the International Invaders: 1st Stage - Attack of the Phantom Sith [/b] [/color] Live @ The Riverside [b]Reading[/b], PA Doors Open at 7.00pm, Bell Time of 7:30pm [color=Red] [b] Here Come the International Invaders: 2nd Stage - Revenge of the Clone Menace [/b] [/color] Live @ American Legion Hall [b]Hellertown[/b], PA Doors open 7:30pm, Bell Time of 8:00pm [i][b]All Seats only $15.00[/b][/i] Our homebase: [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapro.com]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/color] For our free, weekly video podcast : [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapodcast.com]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/color] On Myspace! [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.myspace.com/chikarapro]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/color][/quote]
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CHIKARA Spam [quote]From: "L.F. Chikarason" [email=lfchikarason@gmail.com]lfchikarason@gmail.com[/email] To CHIKARA Mailing List [color=Red] [b]FINAL CARD FOR OUR INTERNATIONAL SPECTACULAR WEEKEND~!!![/b] [/color] The final three matches have been added to each night of action as we are a mere few days away from the spectacle that is “Here Come the International Invaders” and personally looking at night two it could go down as one of the greatest events in the history of this promotion. This weekend has such huge implications as we could be ending it with someone out for the rest of the year, someone losing a mask and possibly two teams on the three points necessary to face off with Icarus and Gran Akuma, plus there is no telling what else might go down on these nights. This is not taking anything away from night one which looks like a stellar card in its own right and the last three matches added only enhance that fact. A massive Trios match which will see Team F.I.S.T. and Max Boyer representing the Kings of Wrestling against a fantastic international blend of Skayde, Milanito Collection AT and Milano Collection AT. Also this night there will be a showdown of stiffness as Crossbones will face off one on one with the Anarchist himself Arik Cannon. Speaking of members of the Order of the Neo Solar Temple, UltraMantis Black and Hydra hold one point in the tag team ranks but will have their hands full this night as they go up against Joker and Sabian representing BLKOUT looking to get their first point on the board. Now on to night two which as previously mentioned is looking like something special and worthy of following the great prospective night one. First up we can announce the second defence of the Young Lions Cup for Chuck Taylor as he looks to add to his win over Darin Corbin in his first defence against Milanito Collection AT. This is a huge opportunity for Taylor as we have seen in the past before that Milanito is far from being a pushover and he could well surprise everyone and take home the cup. Tim Donst will be following up his first ever singles match with his second ever singles match as he goes up against the Sweet and Sour one himself Larry Sweeney whilst in Atomicos action The Colony will team with Lince Dorado to take on the Olsen Twins and 2.0. [b]Night 1 [color=Blue]~ INTERNATIONAL ATOMICOS~[/color] Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Shane Storm and Hallowicked[/b] vs. [b]Charly Manson, Cuervo, Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr. [color=Blue]~ CHARISMA EXPLOSION~[/color] Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz[/b] vs. [b]Jagged and Shane Matthews [color=Blue]~ TAG TEAM MADNESS~[/color] Fire Ant and Soldier Ant[/b] vs. [b]Jimmy Olsen and Colin Olsen [color=Blue]~ INTERNATIONAL TRIOS~[/color] Gran Akuma, Icarus and Max Boyer[/b] vs. [b]Skayde, Milano Collection AT and Milanito Collection AT [color=Blue]~ HIGH FLYING CRAZINESS~[/color] Ruckus[/b] vs. [b]Hi69 [color=Blue]~ INTERNATIONAL LADIES ACTION~[/color] Sumie Sakai[/b] vs. [b]Portia Perez [color=Blue]~ STIFFNESS SHOWDOWN~[/color] Arik Cannon[/b] vs. [b]Crossbones [color=Blue]~ TAG TEAM FRENZY~[/color] The Joker and Sabian[/b] vs. [b]UltraMantis Black and Hydra [color=Blue]~ OLD SCHOOL VS. NEW SCHOOL~[/color] Rorschach[/b] vs. [b]Worker Ant [color=Blue]~ FIRST EVER SINGLES MATCH~[/color] Tim Donst[/b] vs. [b]Eddie Kingston[/b] [b]Night 2 [color=Blue]~ MASK VS. 2007 CHIKARA CAREER~[/color] Hallowicked[/b] vs. [b]Eddie Kingston [color=Blue]~ NWA WORLD JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE~[/color] Mike Quackenbush [/b] [Campeon] vs. [b]Milano Collection AT[/b] [Retador] [b][color=Blue]~ NONE TITLE GRUDGE SHOWDOWN~[/color] Gran Akuma and Icarus[/b] vs. [b]Ryan Cruz and Darin Corbin [color=Blue]~ TAG TEAM SHOWDOWN~[/color] Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli[/b] vs. [b]Cuervo and Charly Manson [color=Blue]~ REVENGE OF THE KINGS PART THREE~[/color] Arik Cannon[/b] vs. [b]Max Boyer [color=Blue]~ YOUNG LIONS CUP DEFENCE~[/color] Chuck Taylor[/b] [Campeon] vs. [b]Milano Collection AT[/b] [Retador] [b][color=Blue]~ RELEVOS ATOMICOS~[/color] Fire Ant, Soldier Ant, Worker Ant and Lince Dorado[/b] vs. [b]Jagged, Shane Matthews, Jimmy Olsen and Colin Olsen [color=Blue]~ HIGH FLYERS PARADISE~[/color] Cloudy[/b] vs. [b]Hi69 [color=Blue]~ SINGLES MADNESS~[/color] Skayde[/b] vs. [b]Hornet [color=Blue]~ SINGLES MATCH~[/color] Larry Sweeney[/b] vs. [b]Tim Donst[/b] Don’t forget to bring along your pocket money too as there will be much goodness in DVD format from our friends at [b]Smart Mark Video[/b], [b]CHIKARA Merchandise[/b], in the form of T-Shirts, Caps, Flyers, Posters and much much more. Keep checking our website at [b]CHIKARAPro.com[/b] as well as [b]CHIKARAPodcast.com[/b] for our weekly CHIKARA Podcast with Mike Quackenbush, Wiggly and Chiz of Trapdoor. [color=Red] [b]Here Come the International Invaders: 1st Stage - Attack of the Phantom Sith [/b] [/color] Live @ The Riverside [b]Reading[/b], PA Doors Open at 7.00pm, Bell Time of 7:30pm [color=Red] [b] Here Come the International Invaders: 2nd Stage - Revenge of the Clone Menace [/b] [/color] Live @ American Legion Hall [b]Hellertown[/b], PA Doors open 7:30pm, Bell Time of 8:00pm [i][b]All Seats only $15.00[/b][/i] Our homebase: [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapro.com]www.chikarapro.com[/url][/b] [/color] For our free, weekly video podcast : [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.chikarapodcast.com]www.chikarapodcast.com[/url][/b] [/color] On Myspace! [color=Red] [b][url=http://www.myspace.com/chikarapro]www.myspace.com/chikarapro[/url][/b] [/color][/quote]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[b]CHIKARA Here Come the International Invaders: 1st Stage - Attack of the Phantom Sith The Riverside, Reading, PA Report from CHIKARAFans.com[/b] [quote][i]The fans packed into reading for the start of what promises to be an unbelievable two night showcase and were treated to an opening match massacre. Eddie Kingston absolutely destroyed young Tim Donst with stiff shots before landing the corner Mafia kick followed up by the Blackout Driver. King was not done yet however and landed a sickening Blackout Lariat before covering the youngster for the three count. This was only the beginning however as he got on the microphone calling out Hallowicked to settle this thing right now. All the while he kept laying more and more punishment to young Donst until eventually Wicked came out of the entrance but was stopped by CHIKARA security. Somehow Tim Donst was sneaked out with this distraction and presumably taken to hospital as Kingston looked angry to say the least. Next up we had old school meeting new school as Worker Ant took on Rorschach who was accompanied to the ring by UltraMantis Black and Mantis began getting involved in the match until Soldier Ant came out and gave a big salute to the crowd before taking care of Mantis. This brought us into an even contest which Worker Ant picked up the win in thanks to a spinning head scissors into cradle move. More Order of the Neo Solar Temple was up next as Mantis and Hydra went up against Sabian and The Joker of BLKOUT. Sabian and Joker certainly brought the stiffness in this one as Mantis and Hydra could not manage to hold on to their points and BLKOUT got one foot on the ladder as they got the pinfall thanks to the Black Jesus Stomp on Hydra. More stiffness was the order of the day as Crossbones representing The Order of the Neo Solar Temple in their third straight match went up against Arik Cannon who seems to slowly be starting to win back the adulation of the fans. This was just full of brutal strikes until Cannon finished it off with the Glimmering Warlock to make sure The Order was 0-3 tonight. Ladies action was the order of the day next as the ****sure Portia Perez fought Japanese favourite cutie Sumie Sakai. This match had an odd dynamic as Portia was quite obviously the heel but Sakai was also using every trick in the book leaving referee Derek Sabato baffled. In the end it was Sumie picking up the win thanks to a Fisherman Buster. Next was intermission and I got to meet Worker Ant, how could this night get any better I hear you ask, well it did if you read on. High flying contest to restart the proceedings here as Ruckus representing BLKOUT faced off with Hi69 representing the KAIENTAI Dojo. The action in this one was at times so hectic that there was no possible way to keep up but eventually Ruckus nailed the Razzle Dazzle in the corner before connecting with the Hate Crime Falcon Arrow variation for the three count. Trios action next as the Kings of Wrestling were represented by Icarus and Akuma the Campeonatos De Parejas and former Young Lions Cup champion Max Boyer. Their opponents got the biggest pop of the night so far as Milanito Collection AT, Milano Collection AT and Skayde all made their CHIKARA returns. This match was fast paced right the way through and entertained the fans the most of all the matches so far, it had everything from Milano and his invisible dog to the cold bloodedness of Team F.I.S.T. The match must have gone around 25 minutes by my reckoning with many false finishes as everyone pulled out their big moves for the occasion but in the end Milano Collection AT forced a tap out from Gran Akuma to the AT Lock. Next up was tag team action as the ever charismatic Olsen Twins took on Fire Ant and Soldier Ant looking to get their third and final point and earn a shot at the Campeones De Parejas. This match wasn’t really long or even overly exciting outside of the comedy aspects and the big pop came at the end when Fire Ant landed a flying blockbuster on Colin Olsen for the pinfall and The Colony officially can now challenge Team F.I.S.T. Talking of charisma the next match oozed it in abundance as 2.0 and the North Star express faced off in a match full of tomfoolery and shenanigans including an odd moment when a groggy Ryan Cruz accidentally tagged Shane Matthews who came in and began fighting with Jagged until after a short sequence they both realised they should be fighting their opponents, this match is worth the DVD purchase alone. It had to end eventually though and North Star Express got back on the horse with a point thanks to Cruz Control on Jagged. After the match had ended Blue Monday by Orgy hit and Team F.I.S.T. came down the ring much to the boos of the crowd as they stared down Corbin and Cruz until Icarus basically said something about tomorrow night North Star Express will not only be back to zero points they will be in hospital beds after Akuma and Icarus are done. It was hard to hear over the loud booing of the Reading fans. Atomicos main event time now as Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Shane Storm and Hallowicked took on Lince Dorado, Cuervo, Charly Manson and Sicodelico Jr. This match went roughly thirty minutes but it literally flew over as it was superduperluchatastic and all eight men worked their socks off to put on an amazing showcase. Signature moves, new invented moves and dives galore was the order of the day as well as many near falls. The end came when Hallowicked picked up some huge momentum for his huge match with Eddie Kingston tomorrow night by pinning Charly Manson with the spinning Rydeen Bomb. After the match was over both of the teams shook hands and the show came to a close with Quackenbush putting over what talent people would see tomorrow in Hellertown.[/i] 1. Eddie Kingston beat Tim Donst [b] (3:40) [/b] with the Blackout Lariat 2. Worker Ant beat Rorschach [b] (13:24) [/b] with a Lucha cradle 3. The Joker and Sabian beat UltraMantis Black and Hydra [b] (14:26) [/b]when Sabian pinned Hydra with the Black Jesus Stomp 4. Arik Cannon beat Crossbones[b] (13:36) [/b] with the Glimmering Warlock 5. Sumie Sakai beat Portia Perez [b] (12:50) [/b] with a Fisherman Buster 6. Ruckus beat Hi69 [b] (18:02) [/b] with the Hate Crime 7. Skayde, Milanito Collection AT and Milano Collection AT beat Gran Akuma, Icarus and Max Boyer [b] (24:34) [/b] when Milano forced a tap out from Gran Akuma in the AT Lock 8. Fire Ant and Soldier Ant beat Colin Olsen and Jimmy Olsen [b] (11:32) [/b] when Fire Ant pinned Colin Olsen with the Flying Blockbuster [I][Fire Ant and Soldier Ant now have the three points necessary to challenge the Campeones De Parejas when they choose][/i] 9. Darin Corbin and Ryan Cruz beat Jagged and Shane Matthews [b] (13:45) [/b] with a Cruz Control on Jagged 10. Mike Quackenbush, Hallowicked, Shane Storm and Jigsaw beat Charly Manson, Cuervo, Lince Dorado and Sicodelico Jr. [b] (29:40)[/b] when Hallowicked pinned Charly Manson following a Spinning Rydeen Bomb [/quote]
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Wow, I didn't even know there was a CHIKARA diary on this board. - Kingston's dickhead, bully heel stuff is gold. I am loving this Hallowicked/King feud. - Good to see Rorschach back, I always liked him. Worker getting the win is fine by me. - I love BLK OUT in CHIKARA, and them beating the ever-loving **** out of the Temple guys is awesome. I wanna see them murder the Colony again. - Cannon/Crossbones sounds awesome too. I love the matches where it's CHIKARA students vs. guys who got establsihed other places. - Women's match, not bad. - Awesome to see some more K-Dojo guys coming in, and the match sounds great. - Skayde returning is AWESOME, them getting involved in the ever-ongoing tecnicos vs KOW feud would be ideal. - Colony getting a shot is, once again, awesome. I'd love to see them win the belts, and have them defend with Worker as the singles guy. - NSE vs. The Colony would be great for a first defense...the tag-division you have here is really shaping up. - Absolutely great to bring in some real Mexican luchadores. I always thought CHIKARA should try to be more lucha-y...and having an awesome atomico with those guys is just awesome. I'm loving this diary and am going to be reading everything you post. It's awesome to see someone run a good, accurate, realistic indy diary.
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