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Pro Wrestling MAX - The Beginning Of A Revolution? (C-Verse diary)

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[B][CENTER]SWF Christmas Clash 2006[/CENTER][/B] Nearly every SWF Pay-Per-View is the same. Big talentless lugs like Runaway Train destroy someone infinitely more talented but smaller like Jack Bruce while has-beens like Christian Faith and never-weres like Enygma hog up screen time. The company generally treats us like idiots, feeding us rubbish like Joe Sexy hitting on veteran woman's wrestler Heidi Brooks in a guest appearance or creating ridiculous gimmicks. They were the people who gave Jim Force his first job, for goodness sake! I mean, maybe I'm bitter towards Big Dick Eisen (his nickname, not mine) for firing me. I'm sure some people would construe my wild rampaging bitterness as a reaction to this event. Maybe, just maybe, I haven't forgiven him for blackballing me as an announcer throughout North America. Maybe, and this is a BIG maybe, I blame him for losing my wife and my life... But i still watch the Pay-Per-Views. I know what I'm gonna get. I know how I'm gonna feel. But on the second Thursday of every month, I sit there and I switch it on. I waste three hours of my month sitting swearing at the TV, ranting about how I could do better if I only had the chance... So, yeah. I order Christmas Clash 2006 and crack open a bottle of Jack. The opening match saw The Underwater Union (ridiculous gimmicks) being defeated by Big Smack Scott and Death Row (bereft of talent) which wasn't odd in itself, except Lobster Warrior took a bigger beating than usual and lost the match for his team. I shrugged at that and moved on. The PPV went on as normal, though there were oddities like Jack Bruce's promo for the main event being a little less enthusiastic than I was used to and Remo being pinned clean as a whistle by Elmo Benson, but everything seemed fine until... Well... It happened. Prior to a match against the odd-couple duo of Christian Faith and Enygma, Sexual Aggression were in the ring giving an interview and... In fact, I'll let Angry do the talking: [QUOTE][B]ANGRY[/B]: [I]FAAAAITH! EEEEEEENYGMA! I'M VERY, VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRY ANGRY! ME AND JOE, WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM WITH YOU INTERRUPTING OUR MATCH AGAINST THE BIGGZ BOYZ, BRUTHAZ! YOU GUYS MAY BE TWO OF THE BEST... Two of the best... Aw, Christ I can't do this. I told Sam and the other guys I'd be respectful and be a professional, but screw that! You know what, I AM angry! But not about some bull**** with the Biggz', about this Goddamn company! I've busted my ASS for this company and done the bull**** shouting-man moron bit for too long and got NOTHING in return! Yeah, I've had a couple of token NA Title reigns, but where's the RESPECT? In Burning Hammer I wasn't the biggest fish in the pond, but I had some Goddamn RESPECT! Here, I'm a JOKE! This company's a JOKE! Tonight... Tonight that joke's over for me... This isn't an angle, it's not a 'shoot', it's the truth! Tonight is the last time you'll see me or Joe or Chris or Jack or Remo in SWF. Sam Keith, a man who is NOT the decrepit has-been Dicky Eisen makes him out to be, is starting a NEW company! PWMAX, bitch! Where wrestling isn't a damn JOKE! This is [B]the beginning of a revolution[/B]! So **** you SWF and **** YOU Dicky Eisen! PWMAX! PWMAX! PW-[/I][/QUOTE] I was speechless. My heart was full of joy. Angry, live in front of the world, had just said exactly what the audience has been wanting to say to Eisen for years. Sure, his mic got shut off and he was kicked out of the arena and no mention was made of it for the rest of the broadcast, but HE'D DONE IT! Sam Keith was starting his own promotion and Angry had just dropped a bomb on SWF! I was giddy, I was excited and - somewhere deep down - I knew my life was changed forever... It started, as all good things do, with a phone-call...
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[B][CENTER]The Beginning...[/CENTER][/B] Moments after the Pay-Per-View ended - with Jack Bruce being spectacularly destroyed by Runaway Train - my phone rang. I got goosebumps at the coincidence. Somebody had seen how dissatisfied Tom 'Angry' Gilmore was with SWF and had thought of me? Was this my big chance? Was my life about to change for the better? I hesitantly answered the phone... [B]ME[/B]: [I]No, this isn't Big Mario's Pizza. That's 01, not 02... Yes... Yes it happens all the time... No, I'm not going to change my number... You'd still not have phoned the right place... Look, there's no need for that kind of language... Well good day to you too![/I] Nope, my life was just the same... I went back to my bottle of Jack... [CENTER]---------- [/CENTER] I awoke the next day in a bed that wasn't my own. In fact, it wasn't a bed at all. It was a sofa. My head was throbbing as I looked around. I had my wallet, all my clothes and vomit on my shoes. This was normal for a Friday morning after a Pay-Per-View. What wasn't normal was my lack of any memory of the night before. I'd finished the bottle, ordered some porn and then... Did I open another bottle? Did I drink that absinthe? And where the hell was I, anyway? [B]VOICE[/B]: [I]So you're up then, kiddo?[/I] I spun around to see where the voice had come from and my jaw hit the floor. It was Sam Keith... [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]How's your head? Bet it hurts a little?[/I] He's perceptive. [B]ME[/B]:[I] Uh... Yeah... I mean, yes sir.[/I] I thought calling him 'sir' was a good idea. [B]SAM[/B]:[I] Any idea where you are? Who you are?[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Um, I know my name's Justin Hammer, but no sir, I don't know where I am.[/I] He laughed. I hoped that was a good sign. [B]SAM[/B]: [I]Well son. You're in MY HOUSE! Your drunken ass staggered in here and woke me and my wife at 4 o'clock this morning! Then you were sick on my damned silk sheets! That's WHERE you are! [/I] Wow. I was gonna get my ass kicked by one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. In some twisted way, that was an honour. [B]SAM[/B]: [I]As for WHO you are... Well, you're the new Head Booker for Pro Wrestling MAX is who you are![/I] Yup I was a dead man... I was... Hang on... What!? [B]ME[/B]: [I]What!?[/I] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]You heard me. You came in here, shouting the place down about how great it was that Tom and I had stuck it to the man. You ranted on at Eisen for about two hours, boy! Quite a story you told me... [/I] God, I told THAT story to wrestling legend Sam Keith? [B]SAM[/B]: [I]And yeah, I wondered how you got my address and yeah I was seconds away from kicking your ass, but then you started spouting off storyline ideas. I admit, I was impressed. Sure, it's not hard to make more sense than Eisen, but you were HAMMERED,boy! And still your ideas were ten times better than his! Besides, I needed an ideas man and an announcer and you really HATE Eisen, so why the hell not? From today you work for me, son! We got a show, a Pay-Per-View scheduled for January! No lolligagging! Get yourself showered, clean the puke off your shoes and come meet me in my office! We've got a revolution to plan! This is just [B]the beginning[/B]! [/I] My jaw dropped further. Here was my big chance. The whole thing was crazy, but it was happening! At Christmas Clash, six of SWF's finest had walked right out of Eisen's doors and were planning on changing the wrestling landscape. And it was my job to help them... This was going to either be a dream come true or a nightmare...
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[B]Pro Wrestling MAX Presents...[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Purple"]G[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]N[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]S[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]I[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]S[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] In December the wrestling world was shook to its very core when Angry Gilmore announced live on SWF Pay-Per-View that there was a new force in Professional Wrestling: Pro Wrestling MAX! Six of SWF's most overlooked and underused talents have banded together under the leadership of the legendary Sam Keith in order to take the world of wrestling to its MAX potential! These six men, along with the cream of the independent scene are striking while the iron is hot as PWMAX presents Genesis this January, less than a month after their shocking mutiny! [CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]THE MAIN EVENT[/COLOR][/B] Jack Bruce vs Remo Richardson[/CENTER] In a match that would never take place in the main event in that other company, two of the finest wrestlers on the planet meet in what is sure to be a classic main event clash! Both have been denied their rightful place as flag-bearers of the modern wrestling scene for far too long and at Genesis they will both stake their claim as the face of Pro Wrestling MAX and the leader of the New Wrestling Revolution! It's 'The Silent Destroyer' versus the 'Rock God' in the main event! [CENTER] [B][COLOR="Purple"]TAG TEAM CLASSIC[/COLOR][/B] Sexual Aggression vs The Tokyo Express[/CENTER] It was Tom 'Angry' Gilmore who dropped the bombshell that is PWMAX in front of the world and at Genesis he gets to show his true skill as he teams with Joe Sexy against the exciting team of Fumihiro Ota and Kazuma Narato, The Tokyo Express! Former staples of TCW's Cruiserweight division, Ota and Narato will finally get the chance to showcase their skills on a National level once again! The warriors from the East will have their work cut out for them, however, against two men who have a lot to prove to Richard Eisen, and the world! It's tag-team wrestling at its finest as these two teams duke it out! [CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]TECHNICAL MASTERCLASS[/COLOR][/B] Sam Keith vs Steve Flash[/CENTER] The man behind PWMAX steps into the ring at his creation in a match against fellow vetern Steve Flash! Flash has never been allowed to be a household name, but in PWMAX it's all about talent and he'll get the chance to show his against the legendary Sam Keith! A multiple time former champion in both Canada and the US, the current NYCW Tri-State Regional Champion will have to bring his A-Game as he faces the master of the Proton Lock, live at PWMAX Genesis! [CENTER][B][COLOR="Purple"]A NEW BEGINNING[/COLOR][/B] Chris Morrisette vs Barry Kingman[/CENTER] For years Chris Morrisette has been forced to hide behind a goofy mask and shield his amazing technical skill from the world, but not in PWMAX! Here talent counts over merchandise and Morrisette will be able to show just how talented he is at Genesis! His opponent is no slouch in the talent department either, however, being the son of the legendary 'Crippler' Ray Kingman! Barry may not be the flashiest or most charismatic superstar in the world, but in PWMAX he will get the chance to show that wrestling is in his blood! It's the former 'Lobster Warrior' against the second-generation wrestling machine at Genesis! [B][COLOR="Red"] ALSO FEATURING[/COLOR][/B]: Ultimate Phoenix vs Black Eagle Silver Shark vs Hell Monkey Mainstream Hernandez & Matt Sparrow vs CGC's The Soldiers of Fortune [B][COLOR="Purple"]HARDCORE ACTION[/COLOR][/B]: Jungle Jack vs Danny Rushmore vs Larry Wood Mario Heroic vs Mean Jean Cattley [COLOR="Red"][B]FOUR MAN MAYHEM[/B][/COLOR]: Ángel de México vs Velocidad vs Burning EXILE vs Jacob Jett It's the beginning of a revolution as PWMAX brings you Genesis, only on Pay-Per-View!
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Terrifically written backstory. You even worked in an opening phone call, a must for all budding dynasties/diaries! Sam Keith makes for an interesting owner character and being a fellow characterisation buff, I loved the scene you set with him enduring a prospective storylines through a tirade of drunken abuse/ramblings, especially his reaction. Gilmore's 'shoot' was a nice set-up and got in a degree of name-dropping for a potential starting core of roster members (no Big Smack Scott!?). It's strange that you mentioned your intentions and simiarlity for writing Fumihiro Ota, because I once considered scripting part of my HGC scenario to include Professor Nero ditching his post at RIPW and having Keith drop down to fill the vacancy. Being the bastion of originality that I am, he'd then call it Proton Wrestling... yes, I'd basically use his finishing hold as the name. Pro Wrestling MAX is much catchier though and has the added draw factor of capitalisation at the end. Anyway, I'm rambling now. I'll be adding this to my list of reading, most definitely. EDIT: And I'm such a slow poster, you've just added the first show while I was typing... I'll check it out in full and leave some thoughts little later.
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[CENTER][B]Let The Games Begin...[/B][/CENTER] It was the big night... The first event in PWMAX history, as put together by myself and the legendary Sam Keith. I gotta admit, I was a little nervous. I knew that we had some talented guys and Sam vouched for the guys I didn't know, but there are so many intangibles involved in the wrestling business. What did the fans expect? Would everyone pull their weight? What if someone got injured? What if there was a fire? Or a terrorist attack? And how the hell was I meant to be confident announcing the whole thing? Okay, so I was a LOT nervous. What exactly did I think I was doing? I was a second-rate manager or announcer at best. I'd been on SWF TV for about three months a few years ago. I didn't know anything about wrestling! I was an armchair booker, a fan with an overactive imagination! God, I needed to get out of there... I needed a drink, or something... I staggered out through the arena door and gasped for air. I felt sick. Apparently being around wrestlers has that reaction on me. I looked around, blinking in the light and saw Chris Morrisette, the former 'Lobster Warrior' sitting quietly on a nearby step. I don't think he even saw me. He looked pensive and distant. [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/lobsterwarrior_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ME: Hey there. He blinked and glanced round to me with a faint smile. [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]Hey Carrot.[/I] Now this wasn't a nickname I enjoyed, but it's how Sam introduced me to the guys and they all found the reasons for it too funny to ignore. So it stuck. And no, I'm not going to tell you where it comes from. [B]ME[/B]: [I]Excited about tonight?[/I] [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]Guess so...[/I] He didn't seem it. [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]Barry's a good guy and a very sharing opponent. Should be good fun, don't you think?[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Yeah. And hey, you don't have to wear that stupid costume anymore! Gotta be a plus.[/I] He frowned. This struck me as odd. [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]Maybe... Hey Carrot, do you know why I left SWF?[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Nope. You never said.[/I] Actually, I just hadn't thought to ask him. I'd just assumed it was the costume... It suddenly occurred to me that there was more to Chris than great wrestling and a costume. [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]It's because it wasn't fun anymore. I got into this business to have fun, y'know? Grew up watching SWF and all the old stuff. I remember watching the first SWF Pay-Per-View and rooting for Sam Strong against Micky Starr, or Strong versus Chord from The Supreme Challenge. Wrestling was great fun when I was kid. That's why I created the lobster costume...[/I] Wait... HE created the costume? [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]Ever since DaVE came about, everything has been gritty and serious. Sure, that's great stuff and has been the backdrop to some excellent wrestling, but I don't think I'd like it if I were a kid. What I would like is guys who dress up in silly costumes or have muppets on their headbands or who do silly dances. Some people - and don't tell Sam I said this - but some people take this stuff far too seriously. We're wrestlers. We pretend to hurt each other for a living. It's more like a role-playing game than a sport, if you think about it. Tommy and Sam, they care too much, I think. Me? I'm gonna go out there and have some fun with Barry. There was some stuff Eisen wouldn't let me do that I'm gonna bust out. Change the rules a little, y'know? What's the point of playing the game if you can't break the rules?[/I] Pretty erudite for a shell-fish. Was I taking this whole thing too seriously? I watched The Supreme Challenge, too. That's what had made me get into the business. This WAS meant to be fun... [B]ME[/B]:[I] I hear you, buddy. You give 'em hell tonight, yeah?[/I] [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]I will, Carrot.[/I] I could hear the sounds of a distinctly riled up Sam Keith roaming the corridors screaming for my head coming from inside. Apparently your boss doesn't like it when you disappear half an hour before you're meant to be commentating on the big debut show. [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]See what I mean? He needs to lighten up in his old age. He'll give himself a coronary. [/I] He laughed, and I did too. Good way of dealing with nerves. [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]Well, it's almost time. [B]Let the games begin...[/B][/I] I headed inside. I didn't feel sick anymore. Which is ironic, as I'm allergic to shell-fish and they usually make me more ill... But he was right. I was gonna go out there and have some fun. Genesis was gonna be a blast! I hoped...
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;241644]Terrifically written backstory. You even worked in an opening phone call, a must for all budding dynasties/diaries! Sam Keith makes for an interesting owner character and being a fellow characterisation buff, I loved the scene you set with him enduring a prospective storylines through a tirade of drunken abuse/ramblings, especially his reaction. Gilmore's 'shoot' was a nice set-up and got in a degree of name-dropping for a potential starting core of roster members (no Big Smack Scott!?). It's strange that you mentioned your intentions and simiarlity for writing Fumihiro Ota, because I once considered scripting part of my HGC scenario to include Professor Nero ditching his post at RIPW and having Keith drop down to fill the vacancy. Being the bastion of originality that I am, he'd then call it Proton Wrestling... yes, I'd basically use his finishing hold as the name. Pro Wrestling MAX is much catchier though and has the added draw factor of capitalisation at the end. Anyway, I'm rambling now. I'll be adding this to my list of reading, most definitely. [/QUOTE] Hey, thank you very much for the positive comments. Always meant to do me one of these diary things, but have only just got round to being able to. Glad to know that someone is reading, and if I ever get to be even HALF as good as yourself at this stuff, I'm sure I'll pick up more. Feel free to leave predictions, you and anyone else who's lurking... Show should be up, um... Whenever I write it. QUICK PREDICTION TYPE BIT: Jack Bruce vs Remo Richardson Sexual Aggression vs The Tokyo Express Sam Keith vs Steve Flash Chris Morrisette vs Barry Kingman Black Eagle vs Ultimate Phoenix Hell Monkey vs Silver Shark Jungle Jack vs Danny Rushmore vs Larry Wood Mainstream Hernandez & Matt Sparrow vs The Soldiers of Fortune Mario Heroic vs Mean Jean Cattley Ángel de México vs Velocidad vs Burning EXILE vs Jacob Jett P.S. Big Smack Scott may/may not show up to ruin the main event...
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Heh, Carrot. Predictions... [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs Remo Richardson [B]Depends on what role you have for Remo more than anything, but for a first PPV I think I'll opt for the 'send folks home happy' with a Bruce win only for Remo to establish his heelness with a mauling afterwards.[/B] [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] vs The Tokyo Express [B]As much as I like the Tokyo Express, I can't see them getting such a big win right out of the gate. Especially against Gilmore who started the whole PWMAX ball rolling.[/B] Sam Keith vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] [B]Potential clinic... again I'd expect Keith to get the win, but due to the way you've portrayed him so far, perhaps he might put over the Flashster on opening night.[/B] [B]Chris Morrisette[/B] vs Barry Kingman [B]Lets go Lobster... *clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*[/B] [B]Black Eagle[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix [B]Hmmm, Black Eagle has more immediate character potential... *flips coin*[/B] [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Silver Shark [B]Silver Shark's not in the same league.[/B] [B]Jungle Jack[/B] vs Danny Rushmore vs Larry Wood [B]Jungle Jack is a fairly underrated worker, although I'm kinda wondering whether he'll remain as 'Jungle' Jack since it seems more of an SWF-loved gimmick and due to the anti-Eisen background, he might suit better as Jack Marlowe.[/B] [B]Mainstream Hernandez & Matt Sparrow[/B] vs The Soldiers of Fortune [B]Soldiers of Fortune... solid enough... but not that great.[/B] Mario Heroic vs [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Could be a nice little sleeper match.[/B] Ángel de México vs Velocidad vs [B]Burning EXILE[/B] vs Jacob Jett [B]Wild stab in the dark.[/B]
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[B]From WrestlingPower.com...[/B] [CENTER][B]SATURDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN: PWMAX GENESIS[/B] by Roger Clemens[/CENTER] Hey, new readers of WrestlingPower probably don't remember me, but back in the day I was the SWF recapper and general all-round mack-daddy of this site. I was 'Mister Numbers', so called because I grade with letters. Yes we are big, and we are clever. Then SWF started to suck REALLY badly and I took a hiatus from not just the IWC, but from watching wrestling altogether. Blame Runaway Train and Richard Eisen losing his mind. I heard from a friend about Angry's shoot on Eisen and, man that was some great stuff. Watched it on YouTube, like, eight times in a row. Thing is, as I was watching it, I kept wondering if this PWMAX thing was all a big work... I started throwing out conspiracy theories and suddenly realised I was interested in wrestling again. I got completely up to date on my CZCW, watched some MAW and even imported some WLW stuff and I'd forgotten how much I loved wrestling... Naturally I also had to give this PWMAX a chance: - Live from New York City. - Our hosts are 'Gentleman' Justin Hammer (who I vaguely remember as a manager in SWF) and Dharma Gregg (who is smoking hot, but as BSC Champ, I doubt she knows much about wrestling) [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/Random_Male36.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/DharmaGregg_alt02.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] -They introduce us to the show and God, Justin has stupid hair. Thank God Dharma's hot... They run down a card that features Chris Morrisette - the former 'Lobster Warrior' against 'Crippler' Kingman's son, Sam Keith against Steve Flash, The Tokyo Express against Sexual Aggression and, in the main event, Jack Bruce against Remo! Sounds fun... -Speaking of Jack Bruce, his music hits and it looks like he's kicking of the show! [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JACK[/B]:[I] GOOD EVENING NEW YORK CITY! Are you ready to RAWK!? [/I](Huge cheer) [I]I SAID... ARE YOU READY TO RAWK!? [/I](HUGE cheer) [I]That's much better. You're witnessing history tonight, folks! PWMAX, bahbee! The beginning of a revolution! And right in the eye of the storm, YOUR Rock God: Jacky Bruce! That's right, tonight I go platinum as I go ONE ON ONE with Remington 'Remo' Richardson! Thing I'm wondering is... Did Remington even remember to turn up tonight? He's not the sharpest tool in the box. I mean, sure he's a MASSIVE tool, but he's not so sharp. He went in to do an IQ test and they failed him on sight. He didn't even get a number... Though if he does show up, he's just proving exactly how much brainpower he's lacing, because Jack Bruce is gonna rock and roll his way through all the competition here in PWMAX and Remington's gonna find that out first hand! Blink and you'll miss it kids, because tonight it'll all be over in... [/I](The crowd chant along) [I][B]A... New... York... Minute![/B][/I] [I]Now lets get this show on the road! [/I] (Not his best, but the crowd were way into it. I'll be generous and give it a [B]B+[/B]) [CENTER][B]SAM KEITH VS STEVE FLASH[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] -And it's the man himself, Sam Keith out to start us up wrestling-wise. Hammer immediately screws up by calling his opponent Sam Flash. Way to go, moron. I guess he's nervous, but come ON, man! STEVE Flash - who, interestingly, has his NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship belt with him - goes for the handshake, but Keith just stares a whole through him and these two get it on. They face each other on the mat in the early going and Flash shows he can hang with the legend, but Keith just proves to much for him, constantly coming out on top. He works Flash's leg with a half Boston crab and Gregg astutely points out that he's softening up for the Proton Lock. Good girl. The leg takes a real beating as Flash keeps trying to pull himself back into it, only to be thwarted each time before he just starts reeling off hard strikes. Keith, unusually, allows himself to get drawn into a fist-fight and fares worse against Flash who then takes him down and mounts the comeback. It's back and forth from then on with both men trying to one-up each other, but in the end, Steve goes for the Flash Bang, but can't get Keith up with the bad leg and Sam rolls right through into the Proton Lock for the victory at 14:29! (This was rolling along workman-like until they started firing off those strikes, which really kicked it up a notch. A fine match between two veterans, but they never made me buy Flash as a viable threat. Call it a [B]B-[/B]) [CENTER][B]ULTIMATE PHOENIX VS BLACK EAGLE[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] -Two CZCW stars here, and the crowd doesn't really react to their entrances. Once the match gets going, though, they're left speechless. These two bring some great chemistry with them from the as they start at full speed and simply do not slow down! Early in the match, there is a sequence of pinfalls and pinfall reversals that reminds me of Elemental/Optimus. Everything these two do is fluid and when they start busting out the top rope mayhem the crowd really get on their feet. At one point Hammer confusingly miscalls a moonsault as a Shooting Star, but it doesn't really detract from a damn fine display in the ring. The ending comes after Phoenix misses his Phoenix Firebird Splash and Eagle, instead of taking the pin, goes for a New Jersey Turnpike which ALSO misses and Phoenix rolls him up with a La Magistral at 12:35! Eagle does NOT look happy with that as he's up right after the three. (Great effort from two indie favourites. They didn't look out of place coming after a legend like Sam Keith, and that speaks volumes for them. These two are gonna be stars.[B] B-[/B]) [CENTER][B]ÁNGEL DE MÉXICO VS VELOCIDAD VS BURNING EXILE VS JACOB JETT[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/ngelDeMxico.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/Velocidad.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - I'm not too familar with any of these guys. I've seen Jett a few times and heard good things about EXILE, so this could be good. Gregg continues to surprise me by reeling off histories for all 4 men, including EXILE's falling out with Kaneie Komine. Interesting. These four put on quite the little spot-fest, with Jett and and Velocidad proving to be fine strikers too. Velocidad is VERY fast! If he can get as fluid as an Ultimate Phoenix, he could go far. Jett and EXILE both show quite the mean-streak. Finish comes after Jett nails EXILE with the Jett Take Off powerbomb, only for Velocidad to take him out of the ring and follow with a Nuclear Warhead Plancha, leaving EXILE easy pickings for a moonsault from México at 7:35. (They weren't given too much time, but packed a lot of stuff in. Nice way to introduce them to a new crowd. [B]C-[/B] and definite potential) [CENTER][B]MARIO HEROIC VS MEAN JEAN CATTLEY[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Now, Cattley I know from the MAW I've been watching lately. He's a good solid hand. Heroic has a weird look to him and starts the match by kissing Cattley on the forehead. Okay then. Hammer distracts me yet again by constantly calling Cattley a 'structural fighter', whatever that means. Gregg, thankfully picks up on this and runs a random, but hilarious, diatribe where she sets up PWMAX as a construction company. Odd girl. Heroic shows some good character stuff as he throws out strange shenanigans like lying right down in the middle of the ring, throwing the more serious Cattley. In between this, there is some fine wrestling with Heroic's speed more than matching Cattley's solid skills. In the end, Cattley just snaps and kicks the snot out of Heroic before finishing with a Mood Swing at 10:07. (Good solid wrestling. Cattley is rock-solid and Heroic is very watchable. The comedy stuff drew a little from this match, but it's a fine [B]C-[/B]) - We cut backstage to see another MAW star in Mainstream Hernandez with former DaVE, uh, star Matt Sparrow. [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]SPARROW[/B]:[I] You ready for this?[/I] [B]MAINSTREAM[/B]: [I]Yo, bro, I was born ready! You doubting the power of the Mainstream? That's whack, yo! I'm the trendsetter, the jetsetter! An IRISH SETTER![/I] [B]SPARROW[/B]: (Blinking) [I]Sorry?[/I] [B]MAINSTREAM[/B]: [I]It's cool, sugar. See, we be fighting two big tough mofo's, but you got the flight of a BIRD and I got my skilllz! We be beef jerky. FEEL THE JIVE![/I] And he dances off. (Okay... What? I thought the point was to get away from retarded gimmicks, but between this and Heroic... I'm holding out judgement. [B]D+[/B]) [B][CENTER]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ & MATT SPARROW VS THE SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE [/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/Fate.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/TheInsaneHeat.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Despite the odd gimmick, I know Mainstream is a star in the making. Fate and Destiny, the Soldiers, are unknown to me, but I know they work up in Canada and they look kinda cool. The Soldiers have a strange looking manager in green with them, who Dharma kindly informs me is called Genio Verde. He's excellent in this match as he brings more star quality than the four in the ring, including a strangeley off his game Hernandez and distracts from the mess in the ring. They never really get anything started and the match kinda falls apart early on, leading to the dreaded 'BORING' chant. Eventually, after an 8:47 that feels considerably longer, Verde trips Mainstream mid-dance - yup, no stupid gimmicks here - and Fate drops him with a lariat for the win. (Wow. That just wasn't good. The crowd didn't like it and neither did I. I don't know if Hernandez was nervous about being on Pay-Per-View, but he looked awful out there. Even without the dancing. Chance and Fate didn't show much either and Sparrow will never be a star. Verde stops this from being a total waste and barely brings this to an [B]E+[/B]) - Verde leaps into the ring with an evil grin on his face and gestures to the back, bringing out Hell Monkey and Remo! [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/TheMagnificentMark.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/HellMonkey_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/Remo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]VERDE[/B]:[I] That was just the first step! Project Green is go and tonight my clients, Hell Monkey and Remo, will be victorious! I am the Green Genius, Genio Verde and like it says on the propaganda, this IS the beginning of a revolution... A Revolution in Green! MUERTE A EL RESTO DE CORTINAS Y DE LOS PIGMENTOS![/I] (Uh, what he said. What started as a show of great wrestling has quickly descended into inanity. This isn't any better than what they throw out on SWF. It may even be worse... [B]D[/B]. Remo looked like a killer here, though. He's a scary dude) [CENTER][B]HELL MONKEY VS SILVER SHARK[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SilverShark.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/HellMonkey_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - These two know each other from WLW, and indeed they both bring their WLW belts with them, Monkey his Streetfighting belt and Shark his Showstealer. From what I've seen of these two, this should be good. Verde stays out there with his client, but doesn't get involved. Things start, predictably, with Monkey just kicking the crap out of his fishy opponent. After that, though, things lose their footing as Shark bizarrely tries to wrestle a mat-based match. They struggle through some clumsy sequences and Hammer doesn't help as he proclaims this to be an 'excellent technical display'. What match is he watching? Keith versus Flash from earlier? Gregg lifts my spirits yet again, proving she may be the MVP of this show, with her speculation on who'd really win a fight, a shark or a monkey? She gives monkeys the edge for being able to breathe air. You'll notice I'm not talking about the match, which finishes with a Hellfire kick from Monkey at 11:57. (This SHOULD have been really good. It wasn't. I have no idea what they were going for, but it didn't quite work. [B]D+[/B] and this show has gone steadily downhill) [CENTER][B]HARDCORE MATCH[/B] [B]JUNGLE JACK VS DANNY RUSHMORE VS LARRY WOOD[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Would it kill them to call him Jack Marlowe? Is being a second-rate SWF, their masterplan? Thankfully he barely touches on the gimmick, instead opting for plain crazy brawling with a master of such things Larry Wood and the big Danny Rushmore, who brings both a USPW Tag Belt AND their National belt with him. That's two whole belts for Rushmore. Marlowe is on fire from the opening bell as his intensity is just off the charts here. He forces Wood and Rushmore to team up on him as the fight spills from the ring, but even still they have a hard time keeping him down. Dharma puts Jack over heavily as a star in the making seconds before Wood splinters a wooden chair over his head and goes for the cover, only for Rushmore to break it up and now they're at it. Rushmore looks to win it in the ring as he powerbombs Wood into a trash can, but Marlowe fires back in and hoists the big man up with a Jack Jammer at 8:48. (Nice spirited brawl. Jack and Wood both looked great and Rushmore actually pulled his wait. not great, but a fine display and a solid[B] C-[/B]) - After the match, Wood hammers Marlowe over the head with a chair and, after a quick word to Rushmore, both men take one of Rushmore's belts and wait for Marlowe to stand before drilling him in either side of the head. Ouch. (Crowd didn't really care about this. It did its job. [B]D+[/B], but Wood and Rushmore as a team could be fun) [B][CENTER] CHRIS MORRISETTE VS BARRY KINGMAN[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/lobsterwarrior_alt.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Been looking forward to this. Always thought Morrisette was very under-rated and if Barry takes after his dad, this could steal the show. They start off slow, with Chris looking just happy to be out there. What follows is a solid technical match with Morrisette looking a million bucks. He pulls out a crazy pinning combination, a suicide dive and, most surprisingly, an insane tumbling moonsault that Gregg dubs the 'Morrisault'. Kingman looks solid, if not spectacular and lacks his dad's trademark charisma, but it doesn't matter much, as this is Morrisette's show and he brings down the curtain with a Lobster Trap - renamed The Morrisette Special- at 15:53. (Great show-case for Morrisette, but suffered even more than the opener in terms of competition. I never thought for a second Kingman had a chance. [B]C-[/B], but Chris may just be the breakout star of PWMAX) - The fans go nuts as Sexual Aggression's music hits. A heroes welcome, youi could say. [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ANGRY[/B]:[I] My name is Tom Gilmore. And I'm ANGRY! (Crowd cheers) Angry, because I'm the one who kick-started this whole revolution, yet I'm not in the main event! PWMAX is MY company, no matter who actually owns it, and I DESERVE to be its star! Not some moron New Yorker like Jack Bruce! (Some of the crowd boo. They're New Yorkers, see) I'll play along for now. Me and Joe will kill us some Ninjas, but next month I'd BETTER be in the Main Event![/I] [B]JOE[/B]:[I] So without further ado, ladies and... Well, OTHER ladies prepare to get wet because the Erotic Masterpiece and his Angry friend are about to make a statement![/I] (Wow, they missed an opportunity here. Gilmore was perfectly positioned after his shoot to be THE fan favourite, but they went the other route. It hurt the promo as the fans clearly wanted to cheer him, so I'm afraid I can't go higher than a [B]C[/B]) [CENTER][B]SEXUAL AGGRESSION VS THE TOKYO EXPRESS[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Wow. Angry is just completely on fire in this match. He was wrestling for three men, which is a good thing as Ota and Sexy are both struggling towards the end and Narato has never been anything special. Sexual Aggression are, well, the aggressors for most of this match on Ota, but the crowd are very favourable toward Gilmore still. Sexy, thankfully, is a heat machine, but relying on him being in there leads to him being blown up. Though Greggs constant torrent of insults toward him are amazing. Love this girl. Ota's comeback isn't as great as it could be due to him being a bit out of breath, but he gets a reasonably hot tag. Gilmore struggles to hit Narato with the Anger Management a few times until Joe distracts the ref and Angry hits a STIFF field kick between the legs! Narato won't be fathering many children after that. One Anger Management later and we have a winner at 17:53. (Okay, maybe Gilmore's gonna be the breakout star. He was molten in this match and held the whole thing together. It may have been overlong, the ending maybe wasn't necessary and the face/heel divide might not have been perfect, but the work was fine. Another solid [B]C-[/B]) - After the match, Ota, oblivious to the low-blow, slides into the ring to go face-to-face with Gilmore and he demands a handshake. Which Angry replies to with yet another low blow. He MUST be Angry! (Hmmm... The crowd cheered that. Probably not the desired result. [B]D+[/B]) [CENTER][B]THE MAIN EVENT[/B] [B]JACK BRUCE VS REMO RICHARDSON[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/Remo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - No such confusion over who to cheer here, as the hometown hero gets a huge reaction and Remo, with Genio Verde by his side, is booed by proxy. THe crowd carry both men throw a very back-and-forth contest as I have an admission to make. I'm not a huge Remo fan. He has some excellent workrate, but his selling is sometimes very wobbly. I know it's part of the gimmick, but it can be detrimental to the match. Here it's not an issue early on as he just dominates Bruce with some SERIOUSLY stiff strikes and awesome shows of strength. Bruce gets in short burst of offense, but can't really get any momentum going until later in the match when he counters a Destroyer attempt and nails a superkick! The tide is turned as Jack builds up some strong offense with hit and run tactics and the crowd go nuts for a New York Minute attempt, which is countered into a terrifyingly hard powerbomb from the Silent Destroyer. The action becomes back and forth here, but Remo suddenly stops selling the beating he's taken and pops up after a superplex on Bruce and delivers a Destroyer for the win at 26:43. (It was going great until that closing minute. The finish was out of nowhere and Remo just DIDN'T sell. Great stuff until that point though. [B]B-[/B]) [B]OVERALL GRADE: C+[/B] Overall, a solid first attempt by PWMAX, but they are suffering from a serious identity crisis, hovering somewhere between TCW and SWF, while not really bettering either. Perhaps a Big Four, is just too much? There is a lot of potential here, though... So watch this space. I will be.
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Dharma Gregg on the announce table eh? I thought the patronising commenting on her announcing was a nice touch actually, whilst putting over that she may have a bit more about her that one would suspect.I thought the overall perspective of the write-up was good though, removed from your central character. Outside of the former SWF rebels, the roster is quite an eclectic mix. It'll be interesting to see which of the workers that appeared are keepers and which aren't, unless you've got them all pretty much tied down to written contracts. Solid first show though, although I think the identity crisis summed it up quite well. It's like TCW with elements of SWF gimmickery thrown in. I could definitely believe that Sam Keith would have been the mind behind most of it though. Good to see my predictions were traditionally rubbish, heh.
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[CENTER][B]A Bad Egg?[/B][/CENTER] So that's what it's like to put on your first wrestling show. Pretty cool. I thought that the show went excellently. That Main Event was a classic, and my second best match of the night had to go to Hell Monkey and Silver Shark. What an amazing technical display. After some build, Monkey was going to be huge. I was very proud of how I carried myself through the announcing, and I think I may have coined a great term for Cattley's fighting style. It had been a while and I just slipped right back into it. Sitting next to Dharma Gregg for three hours... My job is so hard, huh? It was in this proud state that I wandered through the halls of the arena and ran into a certain Mister Jack Bruce! [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ME[/B]: [I]The man of the hour himself! Great show tonight, Jack! You were incredible out there![/I] He smiled, half-heartedly. [B]JACK[/B]: [I]Yeah. Sure I was.[/I] Now I knew that off-camera Jack was a bit less of a personality, but I thought he'd be excited about finally breaking the glass ceiling and main-eventing... [B]ME[/B]: [I]Hey, I wouldn't lie to you, man! You really stole the show.[/I] [B]JACK[/B]: [I]Yeah, maybe... I dunno. It's easy for you to say that, Carrot. You really wanted us to succeed. It could've been two backyarders out there and you'd probably still be showering them with praises... I dunno, I just thought something was off. It wasn't quite the era-defining classic I wanted to have. I wanted to go out there and put on a match that got people talking. That they'd still be talking about in ten years! Remo was incredible, he looked like a damn superstar! Me? I don't think I was quite there... Maybe Angry was right. Maybe I don't deserve to be in the Main...[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Hey, that match was epic! You sent that crowd home happy, and I mean BOTH of you! It takes two to make a match. And Tom was only saying what I told him to say. It was in character, I'm sure he thinks you're great.[/I] He scoffed at that. It suddenly hit me that I'd never seen Tom OUT of character... [B]JACK[/B]: [I]Yeah, sure. You know the only reason he didn't rip me apart as a TCW wagon-jumper in that shoot? Bad advertising. He's just not a nice guy. He's [B]a bad egg[/B], Carrot. [/I] Heh, egg-carrot. [B]ME[/B]: [I]I'll talk to him.[/I] [B]JACK[/B]: [I]Thanks... And hey... Could you talk to Sam, too?[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Sam? What for?[/I] [B]JACK[/B]: [I]Just ask him... Just ask him how he thought I did out there, yeah? He's kinda my idol... I only worked with him in SWF a few times and we never got close. Kinda get a bit nervous around him. It'd mean a lot to me if he liked what I did.[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Sure, I'll ask him. You have a godo night, yeah? Go out and celebrate! You deserve it.[/I] [B]JACK[/B]: [I]Yeah. Sure...[/I] He slumped out of the room with his bag. Sam has that kind of effect on people, I guess. When I was calling his match, I made DAMN sure I was at my best, just because he's THAT much of a legend. I never even thought how much pressure it put on a guy like Jack Bruce. I was slowly learning that these characters I'd watched on TV for so long had real people underneath them. And I was suddenly VERY worried about the Main Event I'd had planned for next month..
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[B]Pro Wrestling MAX Presents...[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE="7"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Orange"]T[/COLOR][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]H[/COLOR][COLOR="Orange"]E[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]N[/COLOR][COLOR="Orange"]E[/COLOR][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]X[/COLOR][COLOR="Orange"]T[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]C[/COLOR][COLOR="Orange"]H[/COLOR][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]A[/COLOR][COLOR="Orange"]P[/COLOR][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]T[/COLOR][COLOR="Orange"]E[/COLOR][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]R[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Genesis is in the books and the new wrestling revolution is in full swing! Already new rivalries are being made and new stars are emerging. You'd be a fool to miss The Next Chapter in Pro Wrestling MAX history! Battlelines are going to be drawn, revenge will be sought and what affect will all this have on the upcoming one night Crowning Of A King tournament coming up in just one month's time? [CENTER][B][COLOR="Orange"]THE MAIN EVENT[/COLOR][/B] Jack Bruce & Chris Morrisette vs Remo Richardson & Sam Keith[/CENTER] It's all-star tag team action in the Main Event! All but one of these men are hurtling into this event with the momentum of a victory on their side, and the odd man out Jack Bruce is desperate to avenge that loss! Bruce and Remo may have a score to settle, but how do Keith and Morrisette fit into that? Morrisette showed a whole new side and looked unstoppable at Genesis, will he continue his winning ways? What of Sam Keith, a notorious loner, teaming with the man who Main Evented HIS show last month, will these two get along? And what about Genio Verde and his so-called 'Project Green', will that be a factor? So many questions that can only be answered in the Main Event! [CENTER][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]NO HONOR[/COLOR][/B] Tom 'Angry' Gilmore vs Kazuma Narato[/CENTER] Last month at Genesis, Sexual Aggression picked up a victory over The Tokyo Express after a less than honorable low-blow from Angry to Narato. This lack of respect was further compounded by Gilmore's refusal to shake hands with Narato's partner Fumihiro Ota after the match. Disgusted at this dishonor, Narato has demanded a match with the Angry one to beat some respect into him! Gilmore will no doubt be upset at missing the Main Event again and may well look past the man from the Far East. It's a matter of respect at The Next Chapter! [CENTER][B][COLOR="Orange"]THE REMATCH[/COLOR][/B] Ultimate Phoenix vs Black Eagle[/CENTER] These two sensational high-fliers put on what many are calling the show-stealer of last month's Genesis event, and now we're getting part two! Black Eagle was not happy with the quick pinfall Phoenix got on him last week and has been telling anyone who'll listen that it was a fluke. Phoenix offered him to put his money where his mouth is and the rematch is on! With the emotion now behind it and both men having something to prove, will this match top their classic from last month? Find out by ordering the Pay-Per-View! [CENTER][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]TRIPLE THREAT[/COLOR][/B] William Hayes vs Mean Jean Cattley vs Joe Sexy[/CENTER] William Hayes is a star from PGHW in Japan and, as part of PWMAX's promise to bring the best of the best to Pay-Per-View will debut at The Next Chapter! He faces tough competition, however as he goes against two of PWMAX's best. Joe Sexy may be best known as one half of Sexual Aggression, but he has had quite the singles career as well. He'll be looking to prove himself worthy of a spot in next month's title tournament! Mean Jean Cattley showcased his dead-ahead style in a victory against Mario Heroic last month and many are calling him a sleeper pick for PWMAX's breakout star. I certainly wouldn't bet against him. It's Triple Threat action at The Next Chapter! [B][COLOR="Orange"]ALSO FEATURING[/COLOR][/B]: Barry Kingman vs Steve Flash [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]HARDCORE ACTION[/COLOR][/B]: 'Jungle' Jack Marlowe & Mainstream Hernandez vs Danny Rushmore & Larry Wood Hell Monkey vs Fumihiro Ota Jacob Jett vs Silver Shark Mario Heroic vs Burning EXILE The story continues with The Next Chapter, only on Pay-Per-View!
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Thanks for the feedback, guys. Very much appreciated. The comments about the, uh, commentators are based directly on the notes the game gives me. Apparently my user character sucks at commentary and Dharma is awesome on color. Also, if someone improves a stat or something like that, I tend to reflect it in there. Just for kicks. The eclectic mix is very deliberate, but most guys have a function outside of just being on the shows... The Soldiers of Fate are here for a reason that'll eventually come up. Some guys like Velocidad and Larry Wood I just really like... Y'know, I'm British and as such have no idea about base-ball. I just picked a name out of my head. Funny how that works out... Anyway, Justin's talk with Angry next, followed by the show. Probably both tomorrow. QUICK PREDICTION TYPE BIT Jack Bruce & Chris Morrisette vs Remo Richardson & Sam Keith Tom 'Angry' Gilmore vs Kazuma Narato Ultimate Phoenix vs Black Eagle William Hayes vs Mean Jean Cattley vs Joe Sexy Barry Kingman vs Steve Flash 'Jungle' Jack Marlowe & Mainstream Hernandez vs Danny Rushmore & Larry Wood Hell Monkey vs Fumihiro Ota Jacob Jett vs Silver Shark Mario Heroic vs Burning EXILE Uh, card IS subject to change... Maybe...
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[CENTER][B]Gun-Slinging at High Noon[/B][/CENTER] It was the day of our second show, the imaginatively titled The Next Chapter. Turns out show names aren't my strong point. I was feeling a lot more confident about this month's show than last month's. Sure, I'd packed ALL our Main Eventers bar two into one match, but I knew Eagle/Phoenix would deliver and I had good feelings about Monkey/Ota and Kingman/Flash. Still, I couldn't help this feeling that something was gonna go wrong... I was sure something would come up, but I had some important business to take care of. I'd promised to talk to Gilmore for Jack, and that's what I was gonna do. Only... Well, I'm not SCARED of Angry or anything, but he's pretty intense from what I've seen on camera and... Well, we'd have to see how it went. I knocked on his locker room door and entered... [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ANGRY: [I]Oh, it's you.[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Hehe, yup! Old Carrot![/I] I can be such a dork at times... [B]ANGRY[/B]: [I]What do you want?[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Well, I kinda need to talk to you.[/I] [B]ANGRY[/B]: [I]Oh yeah? What about? Is it about me not being in the main event tonight? Have you come to apologise about that? Because sorry is not good enough you lank-haired little BITCH! You storm onto the scene not having a DAMN clue how to run a wrestling promotion and think you can tell us what to do! You're a WASTE, Hammer! You couldn't book your way out of a PAPER BAG! I bet you actually think people CARE about that random Japanese guy I'm wrestling! They DON'T! They care about one guy: ME! Every month I'm not in that Main Event is a JOKE of a month! So THERE'S your talk! Now if I don't win that tournament next month, you better sleep with one eye open because I will rip your heart CLEAN OUT![/I] Okay, so I AM scared of him and that really didn't help... I wasn't sure what to do as he stared a hole straight through me, fuming, then suddenly burst into laughter and smacked me hard on the shoulder. [B]ANGRY[/B]:[I] I'm just kidding, Carrot! A bit of in character practice! Man, you're pretty damn gullible. I'll remember that. So what did you want to talk about?[/I] He was beaming a wide grin at me as I laughed nervously. [B]ME[/B]: [I]Well, I just wanted a quick talk with you with you about Jack Bruce actually...[/I] The grin suddenly fell. Uh oh... [B]ANGRY[/B]:[I] Oh, right, HIM! Has that little BITCH been talking crap behind my back again? I swear to God, if I so much as hear a word from that TCW REJECT against me I'll gouge his DAMN EYES OUT! I told Sam that Bruce was a whiny cry-baby and here he goes RATTING on me to you! I think it may be time to SETTLE this matter! The old COWBOY WAY! [B]Gun-slinging at HIGH NOON[/B]![/I] He was joking. Thank God he was joking... [B]ME[/B]: [I]Yeah, quickest on the draw wins the coconut![/I] Suddenly he grabbed me by the throat and pushed me against the wall. [B]ANGRY[/B]: [I]You think I'm JOKING? I'm NOT joking! [/I] He wasn't joking... [B]ANGRY[/B]: [I]Wrestling isn't a JOKE to me, muffin top! If that BITCH Bruce has a problem with me and gets in my way I WILL SHOOT HIM! You don't believe me, then check THIS out![/I] He reached into his pocket and pulled out... Oh Lord, he pulled out a gun... [B]ANGRY[/B]: [I]You believe me NOW!? Wrestling isn't a GAME for me, Hammer! It's my WHOLE DAMN LIFE! If Jacky Bruce wants to mess that up then there is NOTHING I won't do to take him out! I bought this gun with the FULL INTENTION of using it if I needed to! There is NOTHING and NO-ONE that will get in my way of being known as the GREATEST WRESTLER OF ALL TIME! Not BRUCE, not YOU, not even the LORD GOD HIMSELF! So you go back to your boy Bruce and you give him a message! You tell him that if he even LOOKS at me the wrong way, he'll find himself missing a KNEECAP! Just.. Like... YOU![/I] He pointed the gun to my knee and pulled the trigger. I winced, preparing for the unmitigated pain of... Having a wet knee? Gilmore continued to spray water at me - notably toward my crotch - as he laughed his head off. [B]ANGRY[/B]: [I]Man, I LIKE you! You are REALLY gullible! Look... Bruce is a great guy and an amazing wrestler, but he's got some confidence issues and a habit of not getting my sense of humor. This happened a few times in SWF. I'll set him straight. Don't worry about it... And go clean yourself up! You look like you've indulged in a urinatory reaction to terror![/I] I looked at him and blinked as he put the water pistol into a nearby gym bag. It was now clear to me that Tom Gilmore is insane and it's probably that knowledge that stopped me from losing it and telling him in very abusive terms that his joke wasn't funny... Besides I had another thing to ask him. [B]ME[/B]:[I] Ha... You got me... Very funny... Um, in all seriousness, thanks for putting Jack straight. He'll appreciate the confidence boost. And one last thing, you know Hayes, right? I need to talk to him too, you know where he is?[/I] [B]ANGRY[/B]: [I]Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. He's in Japan with INSPIRE. COMPLETELY slipped my mind, hope it's not too much hassle. I mean, it's not like you advertised him or anything, is it? Well, I have to get ready. See you, Carrot![/I] The son-of-a... He grinned his Cheshire Cat grin at me and bustled me out of the room before I had time to respond. He'd 'conveniently forgot' to tell me that? Now I had to reshuffle the card ON THE DAY... And I looked suspiciously wet in the crotch. Suddenly I wasn't as confident as I had been...
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After reading that, [B]I'm[/B] scared of Gilmore. Also liked the entry with Bruce, I like how you're fleshing out the main players of the PWMAX revolution one-by-one thus far. Predictions... Jack Bruce & Chris Morrisette vs [B]Remo Richardson & Sam Keith[/B] Oooooh, I like the look of this match. I'm swinging towards Remo and Keith. [B]Tom 'Angry' Gilmore[/B] vs Kazuma Narato Armed or not, Gilmore's goin' over. Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Black Eagle[/B] William Hayes vs Mean Jean Cattley vs [B]Joe Sexy[/B] I like Hayes, I like MJC, but Sexy is the most over of the trio and it's worth keeping him that way for the time being. Barry Kingman vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] Flash Man. [B]'Jungle' Jack Marlowe & Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Danny Rushmore & Larry Wood Another team experiment with Mainstream Hernandez? This one might come off, but moreso due to Jack. Hell Monkey vs [B]Fumihiro Ota[/B] Ota... you can't keep a good ninja down. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] vs Silver Shark More potential in Jett. [B]Mario Heroic[/B] vs Burning EXILE Hard to call, both solid enough workers.
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[B]From WrestlingPower.com...[/B] [B][CENTER][B]SATURDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN: PWMAX: THE NEXT CHAPTER by Roger Clemens [/B][/CENTER] Hey kids, me again, and it's time for PWMAX's second Pay-Per-View show. I heard Sam Keith actively avoided getting a TV deal recently, preferring to stick to Pay-Per-Views for now. Apparently he's going senile in his old age, as the long wait between these two shows will NOT help the lesser known competitors he's trying to build up. Having said that, they ARE just starting out... Here's hoping for more of a blow-away show than last month, but with most of the big stars in one match, they have an uphill struggle... - Live from Los Angeles, California... - Our hosts, once again, are the stupidly haired moron 'Gentleman' Justin Hammer and the unbelievably hot Dharma Gregg. [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/Random_Male36.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/DharmaGregg_alt02.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - They welcome us to a show which features a rematch of the fine Black Eagle/Ultimate Phoenix match from last month, a grudge match between Angry and Narato and that All-Star Main Event. Justin regretfully informs us that William Hayes, scheduled to be in our opening triple threat match, can't be with us. Apparently he's at an INSPIRE show and no-one told us. Great professionalism guys. So it'll just be JOe Sexy against Mean Jean Cattley one-on-one. I can live with that, even if it is heel versus heel. - Instead of either of those two, however, we get an appearance by Tom 'Angry' Gilmore! [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]ANGRY[/B]: [I]Well look at that... Another month, and once AGAIN the true star of PWMAX is left out of the supposedly 'All-Star' Main Event! So Kazuma Narato thinks what I did to him last week was 'dishonorable'? Ain't NOTHING dishonorable about being beat by the BEST in the business, pal! You'll learn that when it happens for a second time tonight! See, you're a little speed-bump, Kaz. Barely even a warm-up for next month. That's right, folks, next month is a tournament to crown the FIRST PWMAX Champion and I plan on not only being in that tournament but winning the whole damn thing and landing the big belt in the MAIN EVENT! This month, however, I just get to relax, mug me a ninja and watch my pal Joe kick some ass! Speaking of which...[/I] (That was fine, but I KNOW Gilmore can do much better. He just needs to hit his groove and he'll get better than a [B]C-[/B]) [CENTER][B]MEAN JEAN CATTLEY VS JOE SEXY[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Angry heads out of the ring, passing his tag team partner on the way as they joke about whether Joe'll be able to do this one alone. Joe looks VERY concerned. No sarcasm in his face, nope. He enters the ring and waits for Cattley, who walks out with a determined gait except he's not alone! Unbeknown to Cattley he is being shadowed down the ramp by Mario Heroic, copying his every movement. They both enter the ring the same way and a smirking Joe points behind Cattley, but when Mean Jean turns around, so does Heroic. After a minute of similar shenanigans, Cattley catches the mindwarped Mexican and tries to throw him out of the ring, but Heroic just swings round and lands right back in the ring before throwing Cattley out! An infuriated Mean Jean storms up the stairs and calls over the referee who shrugs and then calls over the ring announcer to declare this a triple threat! What about Heroic's match with EXILE? [CENTER][B]MARIO HEROIC VS MEAN JEAN CATTLEY VS JOE SEXY[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MarioHeroic.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MeanJeanCattley.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - From the outset a ruffled Cattley just takes it to Heroic, beating him around the ring as Joe simply watches. Hammer infuriates me early tonight by busting out that stupid 'structural fighter' line. Gregg, thankfully, once again makes up for her partners ineptitude by opining that Joe '[I]Couldn't catch an STD if he tried[/I]' among her torrent of abuse leveled at the 'Erotic Masterpiece'. Heroic rallies back with some flashy offense and his off-beat style amuses Joe until Heroic wanders over to the Sexy One and grabs the 'Special Delivery Package'! Joe's eyes widen and he levels 'The Enigmatic One' before both heels gang up on Our Hero... They take turns beating him up until Joe goes for the pin after a DDT and now the two heels are at it! They brawl to the outside and Sexy gets the upper hand, only to be taken out by a Heroic plancha! Cattley pounces on him and throws him into the ring to finish what he started last month as he hits TWO Mood Swings on Mario! Before he can cover, Sexy launches him out of the ring and hoists Heroic up into a frankly unnecessary One Night Stand to render him clinically dead at 10:57. (The bait and switch reeks of bush-league, but Heroic's stuff seems to be connecting with the crowd and there was some fine work done here. A solid [B]C[/B]) - Burning EXILE runs down as the heels leave the ringside area and rolls in to pin Heroic, but the referee just shakes his head at him and Matt Sparrow's music hits! ANOTHER switch? [CENTER][B]MATT SPARROW VS BURNING EXILE[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MattSparrow.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/BurningExile.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - I'd question the need for this match, but I liked what I saw of EXILE last week, so I'm not really going to complain. He kicks Heroic out of the ring and Mario groggily comes to and takes a stroll through the crowd. Okay. Sparrow hits the ring running and they got toe-to-toe in a flurry of uninspiring offense. When EXILE takes control things get a little better and I suddenly notice he brought a title belt with him down to the ring. A WEXXV one, I think? When matches don't interest me that much, I'm easily distracted by such puzzles. EXILE plays to the crowd a little, but they don't really care about Sparrow, even when he makes his come back. It all ends at 10:13 when EXILE drills Matt with an EXILE Driver. (Yeah, that wasn't really must-see stuff. Going with EXILE opportunistically pinning an unconscious Heroic would have been more enjoyable and we'd get some kind of character for the Japanese guy. This helped precisely noone and was too long.[B] D+[/B]) - We cut backstage to a green-lit area and a smile is put on my face as Genio Verde appears with Remo pacing behind him. Verde appears to have a belt, too... Likely from MPWF. [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/TheMagnificentMark.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/Remo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]VERDE[/B]: [I]Buenos Dias, lowly curs! Welcome to The Next Chapter... The next chapter of 'Project Green'! Last week my client destroyed the disgustingly purple Jack Bruce and looks to do so again tonight, as well as the formerly red Lobster Man! Then, next month, King Remo will be crowned and our dominance will continue in a rhapsody of green! Before all that though, my Hell Monkey will murder a man in black! That's up NEXT! MUERTE A EL RESTO DE CORTINAS Y DE LOS PIGMENTOS![/I] (Uh, yeah. I actually quite enjoyed that. The things he's saying are bizarre, but he somehow manages to pull it off. A good round [B]C[/B]. And Remo still scares the crap out of me.) [CENTER][B]HELL MONKEY VS FUMIHIRO OTA[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/HellMonkey_alt.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] -Interestingly, despite being in the last segment, Verde doesn't accompany his charge to the ring. Are they setting up a schism already? Ota makes a cool entrance as the lights go out and when they come up moments later he's in the ring across from Monkey. Hopefully this'll be better than the match with Silver Shark last month. It starts out well enough as they kung fu it out with some big strikes. Once again, however, it devolves very quickly into generic indy-match #4, with spots being no sold and clunky transitions. Gregg, as disinterested as me it seems, ponders the Monkey/Verde relationship, pointing out the Monkey is red. Monkey with green hair would look bad-ass. The match trundles to a conclusion with a Ninja Strike from Ota at 14:16. (That was very workmanlike and devoid of soul. I'm worrying about Monkey in PWMAX. He's not hitting the highs I KNOW he's capable of... [B]D+[/B] again for you. Bad Monkey) - We cut backstage to see Mainstream Hernandez walk up to his partner for tonight: Jack Marlowe! [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]MAINSTREAM[/B]: [I]Yo yo YO! It's the jungle jam jukebox jiver himself, Mistah Jack Marlowe! Now me and the bird dawg weren't quite beef jerky last month, but I still gots me the power of the Mainstream! We combine that with your jungle bungle fever, we have a recipe for success! It's on like Donkey Kong and you're just like an ape! Those mountain men'll wish they weren't alive when they FEEL THE JIVE![/I] He slaps Jack in shoulder and Jack smiles at him, nodding. He looks ready. (I don't get it. He either thinks he's black, or he's retarded... Marlow looked intense though, in spite of the silliness. [B]D-[/B]) [CENTER][B]STEVE FLASH VS BARRY KINGMAN[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/BarryKingman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - From the ridiculous top the sublime, as these two are about as old-school as they come. Hammer continues his stupidity as he manages to FORGET the name of Barry's dad, the legendary 'Crippler' Ray! He's only one of the guys working backstage at PWMAX, dipstick! This guy annoys me quite a bit. These two go hold for hold in a nicely paced display of technical skill, with neither quite getting an advantage. Flash tries to use the strikes that gave him an edge against Sam Keith last month, but Kingman has them well scouted and they both go back to the mat. Barry eventually takes the advantage after surprising the Flash Man with a flying body press then follows up with a series of German suplexes for the win at 12:57. (Now that's more like it. Just some incredibly sound wrestling from two great wrestlers. A pleasing [B]C+[/B] and Mister Keith'd be proud!) - Speaking of Sam Keith, the camera;s cut to him sitting sedately backstage. [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]Hey there folks, owner of PWMAX and inventor of the Proton Lock, Sam Keith here. But, of course, you knew that already. Y'know, a lot of people asked me why I didn't demand to be in the Main Event last week, something I COULD have done... Well I'll tell you why, pups: History. For a long time, Sam Keith has been making history and schooling all these young pretenders in what wrestling's really about and last week I made yet more history as I won the first match in PWMAX! I kick-started a revolution, kids, but in doing so I let that Jack-ass Bruce into the main event! There's no room for fun-time guys like Bruce and Morrisette in MY main event, and it's not because they ain't talented... It's because they ain't ME! Tonight boys... I take you to school![/I] (Man, I missed Sam Keith interviews. Just classic stuff and a [B]B[/B] for my favourite wrestler of all time.) [CENTER][B]JACOB JETT VS SILVER SHARK[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SilverShark.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Shark was kinda disappointing last month, but he's in there with someone more his style this time. They indulge in the ancient art of spot fu and trade high-flying stuff for the most part. Hammer goes off on a Gregg-like tangent about Shark's getting caught in jet engines, but it's really not funny. Dharma delightfully scolds him for not focusing on the action! Wow, she understands irony! Or she's VERY blonde... The match reminds me a lot of TCW's old Cruiserweight division, which makes a lot of sense considering Shark was IN that division. Jett has a lot of potential for someone so young and may live up to his 'Amazing' nickname yet. The match finishes when Shark reverses a Jett Take Off attempt into a hurricanrana at 12:54 to get the duke. (Fine, harmless cruiserweight fluff. It'll be nice to see just how good Jett gets. [B]C-[/B]) [CENTER][B]HARDCORE MATCH[/B][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ & JACK MARLOWE VS THE MOUNTAIN TRAILBLAZERS[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/MainstreamHernandez.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JungleJack.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/LarryWood.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/DannyRushmore.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - Well thank God they've ditched the 'Jungle Jack' monicker. The Trailblazers - not the best name, but hey - attacked Marlowe after he bested them last month to set up this match. And I guess Hernandez just wasn't busy. Marlowe looks incredible as he starts this match just obliterating his two foes. He looks like he's having a blast out there and, after a double clothesline on both men, turns Mainstream and the two share a dance. Dharma is doing everything but proclaiming him the World's Greatest Lover on commentary, just spectacularly putting him over. Wood storms in with a Singapore Cane to STOP... THE... MADNESS and murders Jack with a shot to the head to kill the crowd! The Mountain Men start abusing Hernandez with double-teams, stopping every now and then to keep Marlowe down. It's all very dull. Mainstream just isn't catching on with the crowd, so the beating is pretty heatless until Jack NO SELLS a cane shot, then roars back into action! The crowd are jolted awake as Jack destroys the Trailblazers before finishing Rushmore with a Jungle Jack Jammer at 10:56. He shares another dance with Mainstream (If this was just Marlowe fighting himself, it'd have got a higher grade. For what it was, it gets [B]D[/B] and likes it. I have a good feeling about Marlowe.) - Backstage and the crowd goes NUTS for Jack Bruce and Chris Morrisette! [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/lobsterwarrior_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JACK[/B]:[I] Hey, Chris? Are you ready to rawk?[/I] [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]Yesirree![/I] [B]JACK[/B]:[I] I don't think you quite heard me, Chrissy... I said are you ready to RAWK!?[/I] [B]CHRIS[/B]:[I] HECK YEAH![/I] [B]JACK[/B]: [I]That's more like it! We've got some tough opponents tonight, guy. Remington beat me clean as a whistle last week and Samuel Keitherson is a LIVIN' LEGEND! But you know what, he's wrong about us not deserving to be in the main event! Not only are we gonna go out there tonight and headline this whole shebang, but you - the former crustacean, current sensation - and me - the RAWK GAWD - are gonna win the the whole nine yards![/I] [B]CHRIS[/B]: [I]Well, gee Jack, that sounds swell! And it's gonna happen too, Jackerino. I have a friend who knows these things. He told me that I'd find five bucks in my jeans today and then we'd win this match. And you know what?[/I] He pulls out a five dollar bill. [B]CHRIS[/B]:[I] Kerching![/I] [B]JACK[/B]: [I]That friend of your's must be psychic, Chrissy! But I'll go one better than him and predict how long it'll take us to win! I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict that it will take us precisely one... New... York.. Minute![/I] They high-five as we cut back to the ring. (See, that's how you do silly, Mainstream. This really got the crowd pumped up. [B]B[/B]) [CENTER][B]TOM 'ANGRY' GILMORE VS KAZUMA NARATO[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Both men come out alone, Gregg pointing out that Narato probably dismissed Ota due to a code of honor. She then speculates that Sexy just isn't there because Angry's arrogant. Shrewd deduction. Indeed, in the early going Gilmore doesn't seem to be taking his opponent very seriously at all, as he just smiles at the man from Japan. They lock up with Gilmore getting the upper hand and cracking Kaz with a big slap! That'll sting your face AND your pride! He continues to toy with Narato until the Tokyo native suddenly bursts into second gear and goes ballistic on the Angry one with some hellacious kicks! This forces Angry into a higher gear too and they start to go at it tooth and nail! Angry looks really good with everything he hits and the match progresses at a rocking pace. They keep exchanging big moves and things start get a little spotty until Tom takes over after a HUGE powerbomb counter to a hurricanrana attempt! He tries to put Kaz away with an Anger Management, but Narato's having none of it and counters out of it several times, frustrating Gilmore. Hammer has been very negative towards Gilmore this whole match and I sense some bitterness. It's really distracting. Dharma tells him to 'stop being so wet' and giggles, and I'm left feeling I missed the joke... Narato refuses to stay down, so Joe Sexy struts out and distracts the ref allowing Angry to just destroy Kazuma's Cajones with a big kick just like last week and hit the Anger Management for the three at 17:41. Twice in two months is just COLD, man... (Good fun match, but maybe too long considering what they were trying to do. Angry looked good though, even with the finish. [B]C[/B]) - After the match Sexy lifts Kaz up and spreads his legs apart for Angry. Not as creepy as it sounds... The lights go off and when they come back, Ota has magically appeared and chases Sexual Aggression off. (That was goofy. The fans aren't quite buying The Tokyo Express as threats... [B]D+[/B]) [CENTER][B]ULTIMATE PHOENIX VS BLACK EAGLE[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/UltimatePhoenix.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/BlackEagle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - This is a rematch from their pretty great match from last month, and they'll be looking to top themselves. These too just click so well and go at it from the bell. They're a little more cautious than last month and we see them counter some moves they encountered in the previous match. They build on this and the pace starts to increase exponentially and this is poetry in motion. Both guys are so crisp and it's a breath of fresh air compared to the big lugs in SWF and so on. They continue back and forth as Hammer yammers about Optimus and Elemental despite only seeming to know their names and little else. They get to the big stuff and nothing seems contrived, although their flow falters slightly and the end comes after Phoenix leaps to the top rope but stumbles back and Eagle gets a quick roll up for the three at 18:52 of the match. Phoenix is up right away and stares down his foe and I don't think that finish settled anything! (Great match. On par with their match last month so gets another [B]B-[/B]. I'm glad this feud is continuing. It could make stars out of both of them.) [CENTER][B]JACK BRUCE & CHRIS MORRISETTE VS SAM KEITH & REMO RICHARDSON[/B] [IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JackBruce.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/lobsterwarrior_alt.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/Remo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] - This is the All-Star Main Event and I can't help but feel that having these four spread out would have helped the show a bit, but no matter, this should be good. They start out with Morrisette and Keith which is a great technical exchange, as you'd expect. Can't wait 'til we get a chance to see these two one-on-one! Keith keeps going for the Proton Lock early, but Morrisette appears to have it scouted well and he never quite locks it in. Chris gets the upper-hand and tags in Bruce who shows some real flair in there with the legend. The match continues evenly like this until Keith reluctantly tags Remo in and he just destroys Morrisette. They get a good story going with Keith and Richardson dominating the former Lobster Warrior, but not gelling well as a team. This miscommunication nearly causes Chris to get a tag, but Genio distracts the referee and he misses it. Good work green dude. The match progresses with Keith still trying to get that elusive Proton Lock and the crowd are really getting behind Morrisette. He looks like star and sells like a champ until a mist-timed attempt at a duble clothesline allows him to get a MOLTEN tag on Bruce who is similarly electric when he gets in. He is a house of fire until he runs into a brick wall named Remo who hits a lariat that neatrly decapitates him. They run through some good stuff, and Remo's lack of selling works here because he's quite fresh. Jack eventually tags in Morrisette, but Chris still isn't 100% and a Morrisette Special attempt is turned into a DDT. Remo gets up and Keith blindly tags in before Remo drills Chris with the DESTROYER! That was VICIOUS! He covers, but Sam's the legal man and they have another argument before Keith tosses Richardson to the outside! He goes for the Proton lock, but Chris has recovered enough and rolls out of it, tagging in Jack Bruce who very quickly hits a New York Minute on Keith to get the win at 20:46! Remo had that match won, but Keith just screwed him out of the victory! (They told a good story, but in some ways it was detrimental to the actual woork in the match. Morrisette continues to impress me and Remo dominated. A [B]C[/B], not the best Main Event ever, but did it's job) - Remo is NOT happy! He storms in and catches Bruce with a DESTROYER! Another one for Morrisette! Keith is up and he tries to make nice, but it's no dice and he eats a DESTROYER too! Remo stands tall with Verde to take us out! (Holy cow! Remo looked like a BEAST here! [B]B[/B]) [B]OVERALL GRADE: C+[/B] Another solid show for PWMAX, but they've yet to really blow me away. Maybe next month's tournament will lead to the MOTYC's I KNOW they're capable of. They're getting there... (OOC: GAh... Anyone know why Morrisette's picture is always too big? Or better yet, anyone actually got an unmasked render for him? It's just irritating...)
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[CENTER][B]In The Blood[/B][/CENTER] So that was the end of our second chapter. Not too shabby a show, even with the reshuffling. That was nearly a double disaster when Mario Heroic was late to the arena for 'undisclosed reasons'. I went off at him for that, believe me... Monkey and Ota did great out there and the crowd are really rallying behind Marlowe. My big ideas for the title tournament may just work... I was distracted from my plotting by a knock at the door that heralded the arrival of Joe Sexy. I'm pretty sure that's not his real name... [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]JOE[/B]: [I]Yo, Carrot, you got a minute pardner?[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Sure Joe. So long as you're not here to finish the job Tommy started earlier with a whole bucket of water...[/I] He laughed. Joe ALWAYS laughs. [B]JOE[/B]: [I]That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Tommy'ss a handful, I know, but don't take any of it personally. Hell, I'm usually the guy helping him with his ribbing, but he still goes out of his way to get me! That stuff with the gun... He wasn't trying to prove a point or nothin', it was just one of them initiations![/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Initiations?[/I] [B]JOE[/B]:[I] Sure! You wanna be part of the 'Super Secret 'Rassling Club' you got to expect a little bit of hazing. You take it in good fun, you get them back, it's all good. Once we start touring and have THAT relentless schedule you'll come to welcome a water gun to crotch from time to time! Hey, sometimes it can be refreshing![/I] He laughed heartily again. Joe's a real positive guy. I wanted to ask him how he coped with all the madness that goes along with our sport, but it turned out I didn't have to... He was going to tell me anyway. [B]JOE[/B]: [I]Let me tell you a story, Carrot. A guy leaves college with a good Business degree, marries a beautiful woman and has a pretty good life going for himself. Except he feels shut out. His wife is worshipped by men on the street, but he doesn't have a word to say to her. He has great career prospects, but at the end of the day is just another office automaton. He's living comfortably, but he ain't really living. So this guy.. He decides it's time for a change. He dumps his job, buys a bar and tries that. Customers come in and he's the center of their world as long as he's serving them drinks, but he still doesn't fit in. He lends an ear when they drown their sorrows, but who listens to his worries? So he changes again, but he can't find another job. the comfortable lifestyle dries up. The wife leaves. He doesn't care. What does that guy do, do you reckon?[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]You got into wrestling.[/I] He laughs again. [B]JOE[/B]: [I]Now I never said it was me, Carrot! But ya got me! I was that guy, living off the state, wandering through life... Then I wandered into a gym. Dunno what made me do it. I worked out, bulked up and saw an advert for a wrestling school. Couldn't hurt, could it? Point being, I found a place I was accepted. The people who get into this business... Well... They ain't normal! You see guys like Nemesis and Eddie Peak? You think they go back home to their wives and read a book in front of the fire after mauling a man and tasting their blood? Hell no, those suckers are JUST as crazy out of the ring! [/I] He does an impression of Eddie Peak's mad eyes and bared teeth, making himself laugh again. [B]JOE[/B]: [I]I wouldn't have it any other way, though. Now I know I'm not the greatest wrestler in the world. Give me the right opponent or a great partner like Tommy and I'm pretty good, but that's not the point. You can be the BIGGEST screw-up on the planet with NO talent and it don't matter. Inside that ring, you feel like you belong. It's something intangible that comes from being in front of all those fans. It's [B]in the blood[/B], Carrot. In the soul. Some guys got it, some guys ain't... You? I think you got it. You're part of this crazy family, whether you like it or not![/I] I considered this and smiled. [B]ME[/B]: I think I like it. He slapped me hard on the shoulder with another hearty laugh. I wish these wrestler's would stop hitting me on the shoulder... They're strong guys. [B]JOE[/B]: [I]Then you get everything that comes with it! Including and ESPECIALLY the practical jokes! Anyhow... I'll leave you to try and organise this chaos! Make sure I do well in that tournament next month! I've been known to mistake my water pistol for a revolver![/I] He guffawed again as he left the room and I felt myself laughing too. It's weird enough discovering that these wrestlers were real people, but realising you considered them family? That's pretty cool. Yup, PWMAX was a family! A tightly knit unit! A well-oiled machine, poised for a revolution! Nothing could stop us! Or so I thought...
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[B]Pro Wrestling MAX Presents...[/B] [CENTER][FONT="Century Gothic"][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]R[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]O[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]W[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]N[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]N[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]G[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]O[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]F[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]A[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]K[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]I[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]N[/COLOR][COLOR="Purple"]G[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/CENTER] PWMAX hits the ground running a 4 hour PPV Spectacular where, by the end of the night, we WILL have our first PWMAX Champion! Eight men will go head to head in a one-night single elimination tournament and there can only be one winner! [CENTER][COLOR="DarkOrange"]PWMAX CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT[/COLOR] Joe Sexy vs Jack Marlowe Remo Richardson vs Fumihiro Ota Sam Keith vs Chris Morrisette Tom 'Angry' Gilmore vs Jack Bruce [/CENTER] These eight men have arguably made the biggest impact thus far in PWMAX and will fight it out to see who can call themselves the best of the best! Morrisette, Sexy, Marlowe and Gilmore have yet to lose a match here in PWMAX and the dominating Remo has yet to be pinned. By the end of the night, they won't all be able to keep their records! Sam Keith has won titles the world over and will look to make history as the first PWMAX Champ! Jack Bruce has already Main-Evented both PWMAX shows, and will look to make it a hat-trick! Fumihiro Ota is the ultimate dark horse, but I wouldn't bet against a ninja! It'll be an unpredictable rollercoaster as we crown a King LIVE on Pay-Per-View! [CENTER][COLOR="Purple"]2/3 FALLS[/COLOR] Ultimate Phoenix vs Black Eagle[/CENTER] PWMAX's third show, and a third match between these rivals. After complaining that Ultimate Phoenix stole a fluke pinfall at Genesis, Black Eagle did exactly the same at The Next Chapter! There will be no room for flukes this month as these two battle it out in a two out of three falls match! This feud has quickly developed into a heated rivalry, but by the end of this match, one of these men can truly claim to have the other's number! It's Eagle/Phoenix III at Crowning Of A King! [CENTER][COLOR="DarkOrange"]HARD HITTING ACTION[/COLOR] Hell Monkey vs Frankie Perez[/CENTER] Hell Monkey is touted, mainly by his manager Genio Verde, as 'the hardest hitting man in PWMAX'. However, he may have some competition for that title in the form of the debuting Frankie Perez! The P-Dawg has made a name for himself in CZCW and more recently as a member of the DaVE roster, but he'll be looking to establish dominance against the Satanic Simian as they square off, ONLY in PWMAX! [COLOR="Purple"]ALSO FEATURING[/COLOR]: Ángel de México & Velocidad vs Jacob Jett & Burning EXILE vs The Soldiers Of Fortune vs Mainstream Hernandez & Silver Shark [COLOR="DarkOrange"]SIX-MAN SCRAMBLE[/COLOR]: Mario Heroic vs Mean Jean Cattley vs Barry Kingman vs Steve Flash vs Matt Sparrow vs Kazuma Narato A championship will be decided at PWMAX Crowning Of A King, only on Pay-Per View
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[B]Predictions[/B] [LEFT][COLOR=black][B]PWMAX CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT[/B] Joe Sexy vs [B]Jack Marlowe[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][I]You seem pretty high on Marlowe and I can see you giving him the win here, Sexy is already an established star in the eyes of the paying public but a win here for Marlowe would help make him one.[/I] [/COLOR] [COLOR=black] [B]Remo Richardson[/B] vs Fumihiro Ota [I]Richardson looks like he is being built as an unstoppable monster heel [/I] [I]force[/I] [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs Chris Morrisette [I]Could go either way, but I'm going for the bonafide legend in this one[/I] Tom 'Angry' Gilmore vs [B]Jack Bruce[/B] [I]Gilmore's frustration at missing out on the main event continues. [/I] [/COLOR][B]Semi Finals[/B] Jack Marlowe vs [B]Remo Richardson[/B] [I]Remo wins the battle of the powerful big men[/I] [B]Sam Keith[/B] vs Jack Bruce [I]Keith wins, but not without a little help from Tom 'Angry' Gilmore, who is still seething from his loss to Jack Bruce...[/I] [B]Final [/B] [B]Remo Richardson[/B] vs Sam Keith Remo wins the championship and keeps his streak of never being pinned alive [COLOR=black] [/COLOR][LEFT][COLOR=black][B]2/3 FALLS[/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [COLOR=black][LEFT] Ultimate Phoenix[B] vs Black Eagle[/B] [I]Could go either way but I'll go for Black Eagle in 2 falls to 1.[/I] [/COLOR] [COLOR=black] [/LEFT] [/COLOR][LEFT][COLOR=black][B]HARD HITTING ACTION[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black] [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Frankie Perez[/COLOR][/LEFT] [I]Hell Monkey has flattered to deceive so far but I fancy him to pick up the win in this one.[/I] [COLOR=black] Ángel de México & Velocidad vs [B]Jacob Jett & Burning EXILE [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [I]When in doubt go with the bigger names[/I] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]The Soldiers Of Fortune[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez & Silver Shark[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][I]When in doubt go with the proper tag team[/I] [B]Mario Heroic[/B] vs Mean Jean Cattley vs Barry Kingman vs Steve Flash vs Matt Sparrow vs Kazuma Narato [I]You seem to be building up Heroic as a bit of a star, so I'll stump for him. But as ever with these sort of matches, anyone could steal a victory.I] [/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B]Hero's Farewell?[/B][/CENTER] Sitting in my apartment, I thought back over the past 3 months. Sure, it didn't make any sense. How likely is it that some third-rate manager/announce becomes second in command to his hero and an all-round wrestling legend? I was working for my hero... That still hadn't sunk in yet. I wasn't sure it ever would. The first two shows had went well and we were preparing for a doozy of a third. Things were good. I was confident. I had my notebook in front of me and was scribbling down ideas. I was being creative! Things were great! I suddenly realised I hadn't had a drink in three months. I was never an alcoholic. Nothing as dramatic as all that. I only drank socially. I just happened to be VERY social. Often by myself. It's funny, it was getting majorly drunk and shouting at the legendary Sam Keith that got me this job, and it was this job that was keeping me off alcohol. That's probably ironic... I'd been so busy and so excited that I just hadn't had to. Things were going so well! Maybe... Maybe too well? There was a knock at the door. Much to my surprise, it was Sam... [CENTER][IMG]http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]Hey, kid. Mind if I come in?[/I] [B]ME[/B]:[I] Uh, not at all, sir. Have a seat. But, uh, if you don't mind me asking... How do you know where I live? [/I] He laughed. At me? With me? [B]SAM[/B]: [I]I seem to remember me asking you the same question once upon a time! By the by, you still owe me some new sheets. Satin ain't cheap, son. And those sheets were a wedding present from Mr Lucha, so they kinda had sentimental value![/I] Sam has a habit of name-dropping. I'm not sure we've had a conversation yet where he hasn't mentioned some wrestling legend... [B]SAM[/B]: [I]But that's not why I'm here, kiddo! I ain't the kind to rag on my boys for a little drunken indiscretion. I ever tell you about the time me and Sean McFly had been at the liquor after a tour up in Canada and woke up the next day in a sleeping bag in the middle of nowhere surrounded by snow? The son-of-a-gun thought he could out-drink me... What a sucker! Still don't know how we ended up in the sleeping bag together, mind... And God knows where my pants were... That's not as bad as that time me and Dread had a drinking contest over in Japan. He's a big man, but he can't hold his sake for crap! And by GOD, crap he did! You ever had to clean up a 360 pound man's waste? That's a LOT of waste![/I] I suddenly felt a bit sick. I chose to stop him... [B]ME[/B]: [I]So why are you here, sir?[/I] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]Well first off I don't hold for that 'sir' business! So quit it! My name's Sam![/I] [B]ME[/B]:[I] Sorry, si- Uh, Sam.[/I] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]That's better. How's the planning for our big tournament coming? You better have me in the final, or you're fired![/I] He laughed and hit me on the shoulder. I think they all got together and decided that hitting me and threatening me was going to be 'their thing'... [B]ME[/B]:[I] It's great. I've got some cool stuff worked out that'll further a few storylines and kick-start another one. I'm going for a layered approach to the booking, see. In SWF, it's all one good guy versus one bad guy at a time, but I'm trying to get it so that everyone on the roster has some kind of relationship with the others, y'know? For instance, you don't like Bruce and Morrisette for being 'cartoony', but you're also not a huge Remo fan... It's all layers![/I] He didn't seem to be listening. His mind was elsewhere. [B]SAM[/B]:[I] Hmm, sure... Sounds good.[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Everything okay, Sam?[/I] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]Yeah, of course! Just thought I'd pop in. Flash lives just a few blocks from here and me and Marie had been round there having lunch with him and his wife. He's a good guy, it's great to work with him again... I said to Marie she could come meet you, but she's still a bit sore on the whole 'you being sick on her' thing... Anyway, me and Steve were talking about what a great job you've been doing. Gotta admit, you've surprised me, son. Then we started talking about our careers and what it's like being over 40 in a business dominated by youth a and drive and THAT led us onto talking about reti-[/I] He was interrupted mid-thought by my phone ringing. I was glad, as I wasn't sure I liked where this was heading... [B]ME[/B]: [I]Hello? Mario? No, this ISN'T Big Mario's Pizza, that's 01... Oh, Mario HEROIC... Sorry, mistook you for a fat Italian... What do you want to talk about, Mario? YOU WHAT!? RIPW... I don't understand... Yeah, I know SWF's the 'big one', but... We're meant to be against them... What do you mean 'Superior Six'? Listen to me... Look... Hello? Hello?[/I] It was like a punch to the gut. [B]ME[/B]: [I]He... Quit. He's signed a developmental deal with Eisen![/I] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]Yeah, I know. He phoned me yesterday. That's what I came to talk to you about.[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]But PWMAX is about being against everything Big Dick stands for! I don't get it...[/I] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]For US that's what it's about. Guys like Mario, it was just about a paycheck. Good luck to him, I say.[/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Good luck!? He just walked out on us! He had the audacity to call you, angry and the other guys the 'Superior Six' and said you were fighting a losing battle! What an arrogant son-of-a-bitch![/I] Sam considered this. [B]SAM[/B]: [I]Well, he's still got that last match. How about we give him a [B]Hero's Farewell[/B]?[/I] He grinned deviously. [B]ME[/B]: [I]What do you mean?[/I] [B]SAM[/B]: [I]I'll get back to you.[/I] He stood up and extended a hand to shake. [B]SAM[/B]: [I]Well, it's been swell, but I have to get back to my lovely wife![/I] [B]ME[/B]: [I]Sure. Hey, Sam? What were you about to say about retirement? You and Steve were talking and...?[/I] He laughed again. He's almost as bad as Joe. [B]SAM[/B]: [I]We decided we'd keep going until our heart's stopped or our wives left us! Although between you and me, wrestling comes a tiny bit before Marie... Don't tell her I said so! If she ever, y'know, talks to you again... See you late, son! Get planning![/I] I wasn't really in the mood for planning. Here I thought we were all one big family and suddenly Mario's signed a deal with the devil himself... I guess this might just be a revolution in our heads... I caught Sam just before the door closed. [B]ME[/B]: [I]How do you keep so positive, Sam? What if this is just the start? What if Eisen comes for Marlowe or one of the other guys?[/I] He placed a hand on my shoulder. Nice not to be hit there for once. [B]SAM[/B]:[I] Kid, when you're fighting a losing battle... Being positive is all you got![/I] He laughed and waved me off as he walked away. But my confidence was shot once again. Were we fighting a losing battle? Wasn't this the beginning of a revolution? Was I just wasting my time scratching against the Eisen juggernaut? I needed a drink...
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Ouch, Mario Heroic gone from PWMAX? That's a nasty reality check right there, but sets the story well by illustrating how whilst Keith and the other former SWF revolutionaries are going to have to face sharing a roster containing some members who are just there for the ride/rub. I do so love Sam Keith's namedropping, though. I see you found J Silver's render of the unmasked Lobster too.
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