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[B][SIZE="3"][CENTER][FONT="System"]MONDAY NIGHT RAW![/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/RAWlogo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"] [I]Being held in front of 9,023 people at Louisville Gardens, and being shown LIVE on USA Network.[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER] [[I]The show comes on air with ECW Heavyweight Champion and WWE Chairman Vince McMahon already in the ring. Shane McMahon is in the ring alongside him. Todays Do-Rag is black to match is somewhat street clothes.[/I]] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: So, once and for all I'm going to put an end to this, I'm going to destroy you Lashley - just like I've destroyed everything else that's stood in my way and pestered me in my life time. However, it can't be said that I'm not a gracious champion, that I don't defend my title. So, right now, I'm offering an open challenge to anyone out back to come down to the ring and take on the EXTREME Grapefruits [[I]Cups imaginary huge grapefruits around his crotch[/I]]. Lets call it a warm up match for One Night Stand. [QUOTE]Match: [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/titles/ECWWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][B][CENTER] ECW Heavyweight Championship Match[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/BradArmstrong.jpg[/IMG] -v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/VinceMcMahonAAF3.jpg[/IMG] [U]Brad Armstrong[/U] -v- [U]Vince McMahon[/U] [I]Hardcore Rules[/I][/CENTER] Brad Armstrong made his way down the ring, with Umaga marching menacingly behind him clearly forcing Armstrong into the fight - so much for an 'open challenge'. Vince dominated the entire match with the help of his son Shane and Umaga, who kept Armstrong down whenever he tried to make a comeback. Shane McMahon hit the Trash Can Coast-to-Coast, letting Vince McMahon to pick up the easy 1,2,3. Vince McMahon defeated Brad Armstrong in 2:54 by pinfall with a Stunner [/QUOTE] [[I]Vince McMahon walks around the ring, looking pleased with himself[/I]] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: Proof enough that I'm the most Extreme Champion to grace this ring. Now get him out of my ring. [[I]Umaga forcefully removed Armstrong from the ring, leaving him shaken and beaten as he slowly got to his feet.[/I]] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: I've been ECW Champion for over a month and no one has been able to stop me, no one! Even Bobby Lashley hasn't been able to regain his... [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/big%20pictures/Lashleyentrance.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [[I]Cue Bobby Lashley's music to strong cheers. Vince McMahon tries to keep a defiant faces as Lashley makes his way to the ring, however McMahon is quick to tell Umaga to get infront of him.[/I]] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: ah, ah, ah, careful. Remember you can't touch me, Lashley. [[I]Boo's from the crowd. Vince snarls and points at Lashley from behind Umaga.[/I]] If you lay one finger on me before 'One Night Stand' you're history! [B]Lashley[/B]: Well, Vince, you see, I can't wait till One Night Stand. I can't wait one more day, until I can knock your block off. [[I]Crowd cheers[/I]] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: You think you can just come down here, and challenge me to a match? Make demands to the Chairman of WWE? Who the hell do you think you are? [[I]Booes and ******* chants from the crowd[/I]] Just because you somehow managed to get through the gauntlet to win the match at 'One Night Stand', doesn't mean you can make demands of me! [[I]The crowd booes loudly fading away to 'Bobby' chants.[/I]] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: [[I]Vince faces the crowd[/I]] Shut the hell up.[[I]Crowd Booes at Vince as he turns to face Lashley[/I]] You want to face me at Saturday Night's Main Event, Lashley? [[I]Lashley nods, crowd cheer[/I]] Then tonight you'll face Umaga, if you win you can face me at Saturday Night's Main Event. [[I]The crowd cheer even louder, Shane looks at Vince unsure of whats going on[/I]]. [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]: He really does Extreme Grapefruits, JR! [B]Jim Ross[/B]: What's Mr. McMahon thinking! [CENTER][[B][I][I][SIZE="3"]Commercial Break[/SIZE][/I][/I][/B]][/CENTER] [[I]A video recap plays showing the events that happened earlier on RAW between Vince McMahon, Bobby Lashley and Umaga.[/I]] [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/Candice2.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/Victoria.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Candice Michelle[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Victoria[/U][/B][/CENTER] A rather typical diva match, however once again Candice Michelle showed great improvement in her skills and looked good on the offence. Just when it looked like Victoria was going to gain the upper hand, Melina mistimed a kick from ringside and distracted Victoria by mistake. Candice Michelle took advantage and looked on the Candylicious. Candice Michelle defeated Victoria in 4:56 by submission with a Candylicious Victoria and Melina argue and blame each other for the mishape while Candice Michelle celebrates and make her[/QUOTE] [[I]A Condemend video plays[/I]] [QUOTE]Tag Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/LanceCade.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/TrevorMurdoch.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/JTGNeighborhoodie.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/ShadGaspard2.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Cade & Murdoch[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Cryme Tyme[/U][/B][/CENTER] A rather standard match that tried to work the crowd for laughs. Murdoch and Cade defeated Cryme Tyme in 4:45 when Lance Cade defeated JTG by pinfall with a Sweet and Sour.[/QUOTE] [Recap of Santina/Masters fued over the last few weeks] [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/titles/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [B]Intercontinental Match[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/ChrisMasters.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/SantinoMarella4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U]Chris Masters[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Santino Marella[/U][/B][/CENTER] It was another bad match from the pair, despite almost the months worth of matches to gel and develop some sort of chemistry. Santino Marella defeated Chris Masters in 8:29 by submission[/QUOTE] [Chris Masters got on the mic while Santino celebrated] [B]Chris Masters[/B]: Thats it! I've had enough of your lucky cheap wins! This Sunday, One Night Stand - me, you Extreme Submission Match! When it comes down to it, at the end of the night, I'm the Masterpeice, I'm the one with the Master Lock. When it comes down to it, Santino, you don't have what it takes to be in the ring with me, let alone the Intercontinental Champion... [Masters throws the mic down] [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]: Oh no, JR! This could be the end for Santino, there's only one person in the WWE that's ever broken the Master Lock. [B]JR[/B]: You're right King, but lets not count out Santino yet, he seems to have luck on his side more often then not. [A video plays recapping the earlier events between Vince McMahon, Umaga and Bobby Lashley]. JR: I'm not sure this match could be anymore important to Bobby Lashley, other then being in the ring with Vince McMahon himself, King. Lawler [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/Umaga.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/BobbyLashleyAAF4.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Umaga[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Bobby Lashley[/U][/B][/CENTER] Umaga and Lashley clicked well in the ring, however the battle between the Monster and the Lashley suffered from a lack of selling between the pair. Bobby Lashley defeated Umaga in 10:17[/QUOTE] [[I]Vince McMahon, who was at ringside, climbed into the ring and berated Umaga for losing getting right into his face. Umaga shouted Samoan at McMahon causing McMahon to slap Umaga around the face, telling him to beat down Lashley.[/I]] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: Attack him dammit, beat him down! [[I]Umaga looked at Lashley lying in the middle of the ring, it looked like he was going to follow through on McMahon's orders until he climbed out of the ring and made his way up the ramp way[/I]] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: Get back here, dammit! GET BACK HERE! [Lashley had slowly made his way to his feet, glaring at McMahon.] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: Stay back, Lashley... you may have won against Umaga, but there's one thing I forgot to mention earlier. At Saturday Night's Main Event it'll be a 4v4 match; my team against yours. My sone Shane, Umaga, Myself and... well... I'll leave you guessing who the 4th man will be. Goodluck on finding 3 men to work yourside, Lashley. [B]JR[/B]: I'm not sure McMahon is as confident as he sounds, King. Umaga just walked away from him! [Condemend Video] [Maria is backstage with Randy Orton] [B]Maria[/B]: I'm here backstage with Randy ORTON! So Randy, what was it like giving the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels that stiff knock out blow? [B]Randy Orton[/B]: Maria, what I did to Shawn Michaels is nothing compared what I want to do to John Cena. The path to redemption is... [[I]John Cena appears from off camera and stares at Orton stopping him in mid sentance[/I]] [B]John Cena[/B]: You're going to do what to me? You're going to bore me to death with your verbal diarrhea... [Cena gets right up into Orton's face]. [B]John Cena[/B]: I'm never too busy to do business in the ring, Orton. All you had to do if you wanted me to slap that silly smirk off of your face, was ask me to my face! I'll see you in the ring. [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/RAW/small%20roster/JohnCena3.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Randy Orton[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]John Cena[/U][/B][/CENTER] Orton went for Cena straight from the bell, which seemed to catch Cena off gaurd enabling Orton to get in a good amount of offense until he tried an early RKO which Cena was able to counter. From that point on it was Cena on the comeback with a series of his own offence - just as it looked like Cena was going to pick up the win The Great Khali made his way down to ringside and attacked Cena and Orton. The ref called for the bell and the double DQ. Randy Orton drew with John Cena in 4:50 following a double DQ. [/QUOTE] The Great Khali continued to beat down John Cena, smashing him against metal stairs and the announce table. Randy Orton angered at Khali for costing him the match started to attack Khali. The show fades out as Khali stands over Orton and Cena's prone body.
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[B][FONT="Arial Narrow"]2nd July 2007[/FONT][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/wwecom/releases.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][SIZE="4"]ECW on Sci Fi Preview[/SIZE][/FONT][/U][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/225px-ExtremeChampionshipWrestling.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote] After last night's announcement on Monday Night Raw that it would be Vince McMahon's team v Bobby Lashley's team one night before One Night Stand at Saturday Night's Main Event can Lashley find an alliance from his fellow ECW Superstars? Also, CM Punk takes on the 'New Breed' in a Handicap match. CM Punk was scheduled to take on Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von in a tag match with RVD as his tag team partner. However, RVD hasn't been seen for a number of days now, and no one is sure where he's gone; leaving CM Punk all alone. And who will finally put a stop to Snitsky's rampage through ECW? Tune into ECW on Sci Fi to find out, Tuesday Nights 10/9 CT.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U][CENTER][SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/225px-ExtremeChampionshipWrestling.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER][SIZE="2"]Held infront of 6,821 at Florence Civic Center[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I] [[I]ECW comes on air with a video package of Snitsky plays, showing his past squash wins in ECW while he talks over it explaining how twisted he is[/I]] [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/StevieRichards.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/snitskytl5.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Stevie Richards[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Snitsky [/U][/B][/CENTER] Another typical Snitsky squash match, with Stevie Richards as his victim. Despite Richard's best efforts to put the squash over, Snitsky looked a little off the pace mistiming the few easy attacks he put in. Gene Snitsky defeated Stevie Richards in 1:32 by pinfall with an Egoist Schwein. [/QUOTE] [B]Joey Styles[/B]: WELCOME TO Extreme CHAMPIONSHIP Wrestling, here on Sci-Fi. I'm Joey Styles, and as always Tazz is alongside me. [B]Tazz[/B]: Boy, Snitsky just ripped Stevie Richards a new one! [B]Styles[/B]: He sure did, Tazz. Snitsky has been on the rampage as of late, and no one has been able to stop him. Our main event tonight will see CM Punk take on Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von in a handicap match, after his partner RVD disappeared. [B]Tazz[/B]: I'm not sure where RVD has gone, or if he'll ever return, he's suffered some major head injures lately. [B]Styles[/B]: Also tonight, former ECW Heavyweight Champion Bobby Lashley will make an appearance as he tries to find allies within ECW to take down Vince McMahon. [B]Tazz[/B]: It's going to be tough, I can't think of many people who'd want to put themselves in the firing line against their boss, Joey. HOHO, I've just realised what time it is, Joey. It's time for another EXTREME EXPOSÉ! [[I]The camera cuts backstage to where Extreme Exposé (Kelly Kelly, Layla and Brooke) are getting ready for their segment, however something has caught their attention off camera.[/I]] [B] HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOO LAAAADIES![/B] [[I]The camera pans round to reval Val Venis with a large smug on his face as he observes the Extreme Exposé girls, who don't seem to mind his attention. Venis walks over and puts his arms around Kelly Kelly and Layla and ushers the girls down the ring[/I]] [B]Tazz[/B]: What's Val Venis doing here?! [B]Styles[/B]: Are you stupid Tazz, what other reason would Val Venis being doing here other then to see the Extreme Exposé girls! [[B]Commercial Break[/B]] [B]Styles[/B]: Welcome back to ECW on Sci Fi, during the break Matt Striker came down to the ring and condemed Val Venis lack of respect for women and intelligence. [B]Tazz[/B]: Looks like we've got a match on our hands, Joey! [[I]Val Venis' music plays as he makes his way down to the ring with the Extreme Exposé girls in tow[/I]] [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/MattStriker.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/ValVenis3.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Matt Striker[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Val Venis[/U][/B] w/Extreme Exposé[/CENTER] Venis put on a good match, showing great ability to work the crowd as he entertained the Extreme Exposé girls at ring side during the match. Val Venis defeated Matt Striker in 4:57 by pinfall with a Money Shot.[/QUOTE] [[I]The girls join Val Venis in the ring and dance to celebrate his win, they make their way up the ramp and to the locker room. Just as they've left 'The New Breed' make their way down to the ring[/I]] [B]Elilah Burke[/B]: What the hell was that Striker? You're the weakest link in the 'New Breed' you've suffered defeat after defeat, with one lucky win in between them. It's no reason CM Punk didn't want to join us. If you don't improve soon, you're out on your ass. [B]Tazz[/B]: It's that time of the night, Joey. EXTREME RULES MATCH! [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/BrianMajors.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/BrettMajors.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/ballsmahoneyah8.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/TheSandman.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Major Brothers[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Balls & Sandman[/U][/B][/CENTER] Clearly the Major Brothers weren't ready for an extreme rules match, as they often appeared reluctant to take the weapon shots, with the weapon shots they deleivered looking very watered down. The only positive in this match was that The Sandman looked half decent in this no rules, weaponfest environment. ECW Originals defeated Major Brothers in 6:50 when Balls Mahoney defeated Brian Major by pinfall with a Ball Breaker. [/QUOTE] [[I]A video recap of Monday Night Raw plays over the screen, recapping the Bobby Lashley/Vince McMahon fued[/I]] [[I]Bobby Lashley's music plays as he makes his way down to the ring to a big cheer[/I]] [B]Bobby Lashely[/B]: So Vince McMahon [Boo] says I have to find some allies to join my team to take him on at Saturday Night's Main Event. I've been trying since last night to find people, but it seems no one has the guts to take on the boss. So, I've came back to ECW, to my home, to a place that accepted me and embraced me, to try and find some allies. [[I]Lashley waits and looks at the ramp way[/I]] [B]Lashley[/B]: There must be someone that wants to take down Vince McMahon, to rectify the damage he'd done to ECW, to help remove the stain he's made on the ECW Heavyweight Title... [[I]Tommy Dreamers music plays as he comes down to a huge cheer[/I]] [B]Styles[/B]: No surprise there Tazz, one of the ECW Originals wants to help out Lashely at Saturday Night's Main Event!.. TAZZ? [[I]Tazz gets up from behind the announce desk and climbs into the ring, he grabs Lashley's left hand as Dreamer grabs Lashley's right hand and raise them up high to huge cheers from the ECW crowd[/I]] [B]Styles[/B]: HAHA I DON'T BELIEVE WHAT I'M SEEING, OH MY GAWD! [[B]Commercial Break[/B]] [B]Styles[/B]: Welcome back to ECW on Sci-Fi! If you've just joined us you've missed out on an amazing scene tonight, Tazz, what was that all about? [B]Tazz[/B]: Well you heard the man, Joey. He needs some help to restore pride to ECW, and who else could do that then some ECW Originals? [B]Styles[/B]: But you Tazz? You haven't wrestled in years! [B]Tazz[/B]: I've got alot of pent up aggression I'd be glad to let out on Saturday, Joey [B]Styles[/B]: I can't believe it! [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/ElijahBurke.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/ECW/small%20roster/MontyBrown.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]CM Punk[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Elijah Burke[/U][/B] & [B][U]Marcus Cor Von[/U][/B][/CENTER] Punk put up a brave effort to tag on both Elijah and Cor Von, it wasn't until the double teaming came that he started to fall apart. The match came to end when Burke and Punk pulled each other the top rope and into a table that had been set up at ringside earlier on by Cor Von. CM Punk drew Elijah Burke and Marcus Cor Von in 12:37 when the Ref couldn't decide who had put who through a table at ringside, and called for the double DQ.[/QUOTE] After the match 'The New Breed' attempted to beat down Punk, however the ECW Originals Tommy Dreamer and Balls Mahoney came down to help him.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/wwecom/wrestlingnewsJimNeidhart.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/SatNights_MainEvent_F.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/PPV/snme/SNMEmatch1.jpg[/IMG] Team McMahon (Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Umaga and ?) v Team Lashley (Bobby Lashley, Tommy Dreamer, Tazz and ?) Chris Benoit & Batista v MVP & Edge[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][I]FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/Fridaynightsmackdown.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER][SIZE="1"]Being held at the Florence Civic Center[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I] [[I]The show comes on air as The Hooligans make their high octan entrance to the ring[/I]] Match [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/PaulLondon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/BrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/WilliamRegal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/DaveTaylorAAF.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]The Hooligans[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Regal and Taylor[/U][/B][/CENTER] Taylor and Regal shone out in this match, playing the crowd well in their heel roles - really helping to put over London and Kendrick. The Hooligans defeated Regal and Taylor in 9:42 when Paul London defeated Dave Taylor by pinfall with a Get Well Soon.[/QUOTE] [[I]Regal and Taylor made their way up the ramp way, as the Hooligans stayed in the ring[/I]] [B]Paul London[/B]: As you might have guessed, I'm 100% fit now, we want our title shots! [Crowd pops] [B]JBL[/B]: These high risk maniacs never learn, Cole. He's just came back from a self inflicted injury, put himself through a gruelling match with some of Smackdown's toughest, and already the kids going straight for the titles. [B]Michael Cole[/B]: It's a testament to his ability, John. Paul London and Brian Kendrick are some of Smackdown's brightest stars of the future! Talking of the future of Smackdown, later on tonight MVP will be making an announcement. [[I]MVP's still appears on the screen as they talk about him[/I]] [B]JBL[/B]: What a year this has been for MVP, whatever he has to say will be worth the wait. [[I]The Miz' music plays to a chorus of boos as he makes his way down to the ring[/I]] [B]JBL[/B]: You know Cole, as annoying as I find The Miz, I have to admit he's change in attitude lately has really helped him in the ring. He's developed something of a mean streak to go with that annoying ****y attitude of his. [B]Michael Cole[/B]: The Miz has certinaly changed of the past few months [B]JBL[/B]: If only he'd change that stupid Red Rooster haircut, then he'd be on the road to stardom. [B]Miz[/B]: HOOOOORAAAAAGH! [[I]Crowd Boos[/I]] Match [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/MikeMizanin.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/JimmyWangYang3.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]The Miz[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Jimmy Wang Yang[/U][/B][/CENTER] The Miz defeated Jimmy Wang Yang in 4:44 by count out.[/QUOTE] [B]Miz[/B]: This is the story of when The Miz defeated another Smackdown wrestler and looked to get some gold, HOOORAGH Where's Chavo? Cos I'm coming for you Chavo, I'm going to get the cruiserweight title and it'll be RATINGS GALORE HOOOORAAAGH!Guerreo? [[I]A still of Edge appears on the screen hypinh his 'Cutting Edge' chatshow segment later on in Smackdown![/I]] [[B]Commercial Break[/B]] [[I]Smackdown comes back after the break with Jillian Hall in the ring singing away (badly) the crowd booing her efforts. Michelle McCool's music plays to a sudden crowd pop as she makes her way to the ring[/I]] Match [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/JillianHall.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/MichelleMcCool3.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Jillian Hall[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Michelle McCool[/U][/B][/CENTER] As good a match as you could expect from the Divas, sadly Jillian Hall's lack of ring experience and selling seemed to dampen the match, not that anyone was really complaining. Michelle McCool defeated Jillian Hall in 4:36 by pinfall with a Mat Backbreaker.[/QUOTE] [B] Michelle McCool[/B]: Jillian, I've had enough, the crowd have had enough. STOP THE SINGING ALREADY! [B]Jillian[/B]: What? I have a golden voice, singing in is my lively hood! I have an album coming out soon, which I'll be plugging in a few weeks time on Smackdown with my Daddies help... [B]Michelle McCool[/B]: No you won't! Next week I'm going to put a stop to this. If I win; you can no longer 'sing' on Smackdown! [[I]Crowd Cheers[/I]] [[I]The camera is following Kane [Crowd pop] walking backstage, when Kane stops and looks at a punk kid [The crowd boo as they realise its Shannon Moore] starring at him with disgust[/I]] [B]Shannon Moore[/B]: You're a slave to the machine, everyday you conform to socie... [[I]Kane smirks his evil smile and grabs Shannon Moore and starts to drag him to the ring, the crowd go nuts[/I]] [B]Michael Cole[/B]: It looks like we've got an inpromptu match, JBL! [B]JBL[/B]: Good, I'm glad Kane is taking that rat like punk to the woodshed. I was going to do it myself if Kane didn't. What the hell was he going on about; Kane coforming? Match [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/ShannonMoore2.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Shannon Moore[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Kane[/U][/B][/CENTER] in 30 seconds Kane destroyed Shannon Moore and looked good in the process. It should be noted that Shannon Moore sold the beatdown well. Kane defeated Shannon Moore in 0:34 by pinfall with a Chokeslam.[/QUOTE] [B]Michael Cole[/B]: Well that was certinaly something of a lesson for Shannon Moore [B]JBL[/B]: The only problem I have, is that it didn't last longer [B]Michael Cole[/B]: Well, coming up next, John, is MVP's Press Conference. I know you're something of an admirer of this young man. [B]JBL[/B]: I'm an admirer of his ability, he's one of the few superstars on the Smackdown roster that back up his talk with moves in the ring. MVP has come on leaps and bounds since his debut last year. [[I]The camera's cut to a MVP's live Press conference, complete with flash photography and reporters[/I]] [B]MVP[/B]: Last week, Chris Benoit raised my hand as the NEW US Champ and in the process, cofirming that I AM Smackdown's M...V...P! Today's announcement is that as the new US Champ it's my role and responsibility to defend this title all across the United States of America, against all comers, all challengers, all walks of life... [[I]Benoit's music plays and he makes his way down to the ring, grabs a mic and looks at the video screen that's showing MVP's Press Conference[/I]] [B]Benoit[/B]: Defend it against me, then, MVP. Unless, you're too afraid. Right here! RIGHT NOW! [[I]Teddy Long's music plays as he appears at the entrance way with a mic in his hand[/I]] [B]Teddy Long[/B]: whow, whow Chris Chris... relax, playa. However, I've had other Smackdown Superstars asking to get their chance at the US Title as well. And now with MVP's announcement that he'll be defending it across the United States, that adds even more would be candidates for a chance to defeat MVP. [[I]Crowd booes[/I]] [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/Daivari.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/BoogeyMan.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Daivari[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]The Boogeyman[/U][/B][/CENTER] A typical Boogeyman squash match, however Daivari's absence lately seems to have been spent improving his rumble skills, as the small offence he did make looked hard hitting. The Boogeyman defeated Daivari in 0:57 by pinfall with a Goodnight. [/QUOTE] [B]JBL[/B]: They're all coming out of the woodwork tonight, Cole. I haven't seen Daivari in months! [B]Michael Cole[/B]: You're not wrong, John. However, I think it'll be a while before we see him again after that defeat to the Boogeyman. [[B]Commercial Break[/B]] [[I]Smackdown comes back with Chavo Guerrero in Teddy Long's office[/I]] [B]Chavo[/B]: I heard MVP's announcement, Teddy. I want a chance at the title! [B]Teddy Long[/B]: Playa please. You've already got the Cruiserweight title, yet I've never seen you defend it in a long time. The Miz was out there calling you out, playa, and you just sat backstage and ignored it. You're going to have to prove to me that you're deserving being the Cruiserweight champion let alone US Champion. So that's why next week on Smackdown, you will face The Miz in a Cruiserweight Title match. [B]Chavo[/B]: WHAT?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT? [B]Teddy[/B]: I can and I did, playa! Now if you excuse me I have an announcement to make... [[I]Teddy Long gets up from behind his desk and exits, leaving Chavo furious[/I]] [B]JBL[/B]: I can't believe it, Teddy Long just gave Miz a title shot. As much as he's improved over the last month, what's the world coming to? Did the Red Rooster ever get a title shot in his life time? [B]Michael Cole[/B]: I'm not sure, John. I thought you were the stats man? [[I]Teddy Long's music plays as he makes his way to the ring[/I]] [B]Teddy[/B]: Ladies and Gentlemen, I've finally decided the best way to solve this US Title situation. Earlier today, before MVP's announcement Matt Hardy [[I]Cheers[/I]] came to me and asked for a shot against MVP. I was heavily considering it, Matt Hardy has been a role as of late, and is certinaly one of Smackdown's Top Playas! However, then MVP made his announcement, and he does get champions privialges, so he's well in his right to defend the title against who he feels deserves it.. within reason. [Boo] And then Chris Benoit wanted his chance to regain the title in a rematch. Well, tonight, it's going to be Chris Benoit & Matt Hardy -v- MVP and a partner of his choosing. I'll be watching the match, and I'll decide the outcome based on whoever gives the best performance tonight! [[I]Crowd cheers[/I]] [B]JBL[/B]: This is a PPV Quality match up, Michael Cole! Chris Beniot, Matt Hardy and MVP in the same ring at the same time, fighting for the approval of Teddy Long. [B]Michael Cole[/B]: It's certianly an interesting way to resolve the issue of who gets a shot at MVP and the US Title. Benoit and Matt Hardy have worked well over the last few weeks in tag matches they've been in, can that continue tonight; knowing that Teddy Long will be watching? Match [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/MVPAAF2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/Finlay.jpg[/IMG]-v-[IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/ChrisBenoit.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/smackdown/small%20roster/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]MVP[/U][/B] & [B][U]Finley[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Chris Benoit[/U][/B] & [B][U]Matt Hardy[/U][/B][/CENTER] A great match up, however Internet reports later hinted that Michael Cole is dragging down the matches with his play by play calls. MVP did his best to try and not get into the ring at the same time as Chris Benoit throughout the match, which often left Finley vunerable. Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy defeated Montel Vontavious Porter and Finlay in 17:55 when Matt Hardy defeated Finlay by pinfall with a Side Effect.[/QUOTE] [B]Michael Cole[/B]: What a coward MVP is, John! [B]JBL[/B]: You say coward, I say intelligent. He lives to fight another day, Cole. Why should he risk himself to injury at the hands of the irrate Benoit? He made the decision and I think it was a wise one. [B]Michael Cole[/B]: He left his tag team partner to get pinned, JBL! [B]JBL[/B]: I hardly think its MVP's fault that his tag team partner wasn't up to the same standards of Smackdown's crown jewel and MVP. Don't get me wrong, I admire Finley, he's one of the toughest guys I've ever met, but he's not in the same mould as the US Champion MVP. [[I]A set is constructed in the ring for Edge's 'Cutting Edge' talk show segment, Edge's music plays to a fountain of huge pyros[/I]] [Edge's music plays as he makes his way to the ramp way holding the title high above his head as his huge pyro display goes off. He makes his way down to the ring and enters the 'Cutting Edge' set] [B]Edge[/B]: Welcome to the CUTTING EDGE! [Crowd Booes] Tonight's guest, is none other then former WWE World Heavyweight Champion and moaning mertle, DAVE Batista... [[I]Batista's music plays and he enters to equally over the top pyros and to large cheers from the crowd[/I]] [[I]Edge grinned in Batista's face as Batista entered the ring. Edge held the belt over his shoulder, rubbing it with glee in Batista's face[/I]] [B]Edge[/B]: Welcome to the 'Cutting Edge', Dave... [[I]Batista starred Edge down[/I]] [B]Edge[/B]: Do you have any words for the fan that came to see you tonight? No, I guess you don't, after all I'm sure you'll be able to tell your Mom whatever's on your mind when you get home and she's made you your porridge... [[I]Batista continued to stare down Edge, not showing any emotion or allowing himself to be baited[/I]] [B]Edge[/B]: No, no. I guess you're right Dave. I guess you've realised that you don't have anything to say. After all these people have came here to see ME, they came to see the CHAMP! I am the one with the... [[I]Crowd Boo[/I]] [[I]Batista grabbed Edge's hand and dragged the mic towards him, despite Edge's best effort to keep it away from him. The crowd cheer[/I]] [B]Batista[/B]: Me. You. Sunday. In a cage. Whatever I've got to say, I'll say it in the ring. [[I]Batista starred at Edge, eye to eye, before raising his hand up and gave the thumbs down, delievering the Batista Bomb to Edge as the show ends[/I]]
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[B][I][SIZE="4"][CENTER][FONT="Impact"]Saturday Night's Main Event[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE][/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/SatNights_MainEvent_F.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][SIZE="1"][CENTER]Being held in front of 15,000 people at Quicken Loans Arena[/CENTER][/SIZE][/I] [[I]Show starts with a huge red, white and blue pyro display[/I]] [B]Michael Cole[/B]: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Saturday Night's Main Event, here on NBC! [B]Jerry Lawler[/B]: Look at those fireworks, Cole, haha! [B]Cole[/B]: They truely are impressive, King. However, so is tonights Main Event; Randy Orton, The Great Khali and John Cena squaring off against each other in a 3 way match. It's exciting for me, as a Smackdown presenter, to be able to sit here and watch Raw Superstars tonight. [B]King[/B]: I wish I could say the same thing about watching the Smackdown Superstars, Michael... [B]Cole[/B]: Hey! [B]King[/B]: Only kidding, calm down! [B]Cole[/B]: Lets started with our first match tonight, a showcase of the WWE's Strangest Wrestlers... [B]King[/B]: You're saying Finlays strange? [B]Cole[/B]: Not at all, King, but the guys in the ring with him certinaly are [QUOTE]Match [CENTER] [B][U]Finaly[/U][/B] & [B][U]Hornswoggle[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]The Boogeyman[/U][/B] & [B][U]Doink the Clown[/U][/B][/CENTER] It was nothing more then an interesting crowd warming match, however it turned into something of a highlight reel moment for Hornswoggle he put on a great show alongside Finlay. Even the aging Doink the Clown looked good working the crowd. Finlay and Hornswoggle defeated The Boogeyman and Steve Lombardi in 4:52 when Finlay defeated The Boogeyman by pinfall following interference from Daivari. [/QUOTE] [[I]The Boogeyman got to his feet and chased the fleeing Daivari up the ramp way and backstage[/I]] [B]King[/B]: He better keep running, who knows what The Boogeyman will do to him if he catches up! [B]Cole[/B]: Every Friday Night on Smackdown, King, we have to watch The Boogeyman eat worms, as if that wasn't bad enough he usually feeds them to his enemies too. [B]King[/B]: Poor Daivari! [[I]A Video package recapping the action from Friday Night Smackdown plays. It shows the fued between Batista & Edge, as well as Benoit & MVP[/I]] [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][B][U]MVP[/U][/B] & [B][U]Edge[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Chris Benoit[/U][/B] & [B][U]Batista[/U][/B] [/CENTER] Once again reports on the internet seemed to have it in for Michael Cole's announcing ability for the 'big matches' (apprently they got bored of writing things about Cena). The match was pretty much back and forth, with Edge skirting away from the ring whenever Batista was tagged in. It could have gone either way until Batista chased Edge, leaving MVP alone and in the Crossface. Edge played his role very well, and looked good. Chris Benoit and Batista defeated Edge and Montel Vontavious Porter in 10:25 when Chris Benoit defeated Montel Vontavious Porter by submission with a Crippler Crossface.[/QUOTE] [[I]A video package plays recapping the past weeks events from RAW and ECW, it shows Lashley's fued with McMahon, as well as Lashley gaining support from Tommy Dreamer and Tazz on ECW[/I]] [B]Cole[/B]: I have all the respect for Bobby Lashley, King. Over the last month he's kept his calm and cool and never gave up overcoming the odds to get a shot at Vince McMahon. And Tonight, my old Announce partner Tazz has stepped up to the plate to help Bobby Lashley, I can't quiet believe it, King. [B]King[/B]: Well, they always said Tazz had been dropped on his head so many times as a kid that all common sense was knocked out of him. [B]Cole[/B]: He's been itching to get back into the ring for years, King. Tonight will seem like a dream come true again for him... [B]King[/B]: Until that 400lbs monster Umaga comes splashing down onto his chest, then he wished he had been dreaming of Geanie instead! [B]Cole[/B]: Well, that fact remains that at the moment its 3v3, however earlier today Vince McMahon announced that The Coach would be in his corner as well. Which leaves Lashley's 4th partner unknown [[I]Bobby Lashley's music plays to his huge fanfare pyro explosion. He walks down the ramp and jumps onto the ring[/I]] [B]King[/B]: Here he is! [B]Bobby Lashley[/B]: For the last week, I've been trying to find people to help me tonight in my match against Vince McMahon. I can understand those that didn't want to cross the boss, I don't think any less of you for it. However, even though Tommy Dreamer and Tazz stepped up to help restore some pride to their ECW, I was left short of one man. [[I]The crowd start to chant for Bret Hart[/I]] [B]Lashley[/B]: However, I got a call from someone who was prepared to risk it all for a chance to get into the ring with Vince McMahon... well... I'm sure he can say it better then I can. [[I]Bret Bret Bret Bret Bret[/I]] [[I]The screech of car tires explodes into a car crash as Mick Foley appears at the top of ramp way to a huge pop[/I]] [B]King[/B]: Oh no, what's that moron doing here! He was fired from appearing in the ring! [B]Cole[/B]: It looks like Mick Foley is prepared to face anything coming his way to face Vince McMahon tonight. [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][B][U]Bobby Lashley[/U][/B], [B][U]Mick Foley[/U][/B], [B][U]Tommy Dreamer[/U][/B] & [B][U]Tazz[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]Vince McMahon[/U][/B], [B][U]Shane McMahon[/U][/B], [B][U]Umaga[/U][/B] & [B][U]The Coach[/U][/B][/CENTER] For someone that hasn't appeared in the ring for almost over a year, Mick Foley looked good out there doing what he does best - being a human punching bag. He took some heavy hits from Umaga, the Coast to Coast from Shane McMahon and eventually the Stunner from Vince McMahon to pick up the win. The match itself was pretty hectic and at times looked like it was going to descend into a hardcore brawl. However Team McMahon got the upper hand, Umaga splashed and took out Tazz, Tommy Dreamer was kept busy attacking The Coach outside the ring, Bobby Lashley was too busy battling Umaga to be able to break up the pin fall on Mick Foley. Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Umaga and The Coach defeated Bobby Lashley, Tommy Dreamer, Tazz and Mick Foley in 9:54 when Vince McMahon defeated Mick Foley by pinfall with a Stunner.[/QUOTE] [B]King[/B]: Oh my! Someone call the Coroner, I think Mick Foley's dead! haha [B]Cole[/B]: As crazy as that was, I don't think its going to be anywhere like when Bobby Lashley finally gets his 1 on 1 match with Vince McMahon tomorrow night at One Night Stand! [[I]A video recap of last Monday's RAW plays. It shows Orton v Cena and Khali costing Orton the match, which led to the brawl afterwards[/I]] [B]King[/B]: You can't start to imagine how ugly The Great Khali is until you see him in person, Cole. [B]Cole[/B]: King, I've seen him every week on Raw, and Khali is impressive, he's a monster. Don't forget he used to be on Smackdown, I'm not sure anyone is able to stop him, not even John Cena. [QUOTE]Match [CENTER][B][U]Randy Orton[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]The Great Khali[/U][/B] -v- [B][U]John Cena[/U][/B][/CENTER] The crowd were really behind this match, at times Khali took both Orton and Cena on at the same time and came out the winner. However, whenever it did look like Cena was going to get the upperhand, Orton was quick to attack Cena to try and the advantage, which allowed Khali to get back into the match. The Great Khali defeated Randy Orton and John Cena in 14:41 when The Great Khali defeated Randy Orton by pinfall with a Giant Bomb.[/QUOTE] [B]King[/B]: Oh my! That 3 way match turned into a 1v2 Handicap in Khali's favour, despite the fact that Orton and Cena teamed up on him, he still came out the winner! [B]Cole[/B]: Thank you for joining us here tonight, we look forward to seeing you tomorrow night at WWE One Night Stand! [[I]A video package plays hyping up One Night Stand. It includes footage of all the wrestlers appearing on the card; John Cena, The Great Khali, Vince McMahon, Bobby Lashley, Edge, Batista, Santino, Chris Masters and CM Punk[/I]]
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[CENTER]One Night Stand [B]WWE Heavyweight Match[/B] The Great Khali -v- John Cena (c) - Falls Count Anywhere Match [B]ECW World Heavyweight Match[/B] Bobby Lashley -v- Vince McMahon (c) - Street Fight [B]WWE World Heavyweight Match[/B] Batista -v- Edge (c) - Cage Match [B]WWE US Title Match[/B] Chris Benoit -v- MVP (c) [B]WWE Intercontinental Match[/B] Chris Masters -v- Santino (c) - Submission Match Tommy Dreamer, Balls, CM Punk -v- Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn [/CENTER] [SIZE="2"][I]Feel free to predict[/I][/SIZE] [U][CENTER][B]Wrestling Observer Notes[/B][/CENTER][/U] [U]WWE One Night Stand[/U] WWE's One Night Stand is tonight, with many fans across the internet claiming that this is the mark of death for ECW. The once exclusively ECW PPV, has now turned into a complete WWE whitewash across the board, with no less then 4 WWE Titles being defended at the show. Couple that with the fact that only 6 ECW Superstars are appearing, of which only 2 are ECW Originals, it would seem that WWE and the McMahon's have finally gave up on the 'step child brand'. [U]Saturday Night's Main Event[/U] SNME was a huge disappointment with average at best matches, this is how we rated them. Finaly & Hornswoggle -v- The Boogeyman & Doink the Clown (C-) Chris Benoit & Batista -v- MVP & Edge (C) Team McMahon -v- Team Lashley (C+) Randy Orton -v- The Great Khali -v- John Cena (B-) It's questionable why the WWE booked PPV Main Event matches on a show that is sceduled to be shown one day before a PPV. It will be interesting to see how well One Night Stand does now, considering we've already had a 'taster' of things to come. There is a general feeling that Saturday Night's Main Event, and to some extent Smackdown, would come across a lot better if Michael Cole wasn't the voice behind the 'big matches'. It's believed he doesn't have the quality to give the match that extra lift and rating, that JR is able to bring. For those wondering who was under the Doink mask, it was none other then Steve Lombardi. It has to be said that he did play his part well and looked somewhat ok. [U]Draft Lottery?[/U] If you've checked your local listings for 2 weeks time, you may have noticed that RAW is scheduled as a Draft Lottery special, while this hasn't be confirmed by WWE, it hasn't be denied either. It would make sense, giving the current state of the rosters due to injuries to shuffle some of the superstars around. [U]Coming and Goings[/U] WWE have released Bruce Pritchard, Dewey Larson, John Cone, Marty Rebuchla, Trinity, Johnny Jeter, Mike Mondo, Nick Nemeth over the last week, due to not having anything planned for them. Johnny Jeter, Mike Mondo and Nick Nemeth were previously in the Spirit Squad. It's believed that the failed Spirit Squad gimmick has turned into a kiss of death for its former members. Which leads us to wonder what lies in store for Kenny. However, even though they've released many from their roster during an injury crisis, they have also hired plenty as well. Mike Sparks and Bruce Bowen have joined the Referee team and are expected to appear on ECW and RAW house shows soon. Reports that TNA's Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin were spotted behind the scenes at Saturday Night's Main Event, seem to be wide of the mark however. Sabin is still the TNA X Division Champion, and Shelly has had plenty of try outs with WWE in the past, often saying that WWE isn't the style for him. Jim Neidhart however, was backstage on Saturday, and many expected him to appear as Bobby Lashley's 'suprise' partner, which would explain the Bret Hart chants. The chances of Bret Hart working a deal with WWE are slim, even giving last years Bret Hart DVD release they worked on together. Remember Disco Inferno? He's been telling people that he'll be working with the WWE in some capacity in the near future. No one is sure if this is true or not. Interestingly enough Bill Goldberg claimed that WWE had contacted him recently about working a program, but they two parties couldn't come to an agreement over a schedule and payment. --- OOC: [I]Thanks for the comments, [B]The Ego[/B], I'm hoping to improve graphics over the course of this diary, as well as introduce some other elements. :) Thanks for all those who have read, I know this week has already happened in real life WWE and some elements mirror what happened, but I'm trying to book this like WWE and the McMahon's were still in control and not some random booker changing things over night. The 'Bloodlines and Legacy' part of the topic, should become clear in a few game months, once I've worked an end to the real life WWE fueds.[/I]
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[I][SIZE="2"]Sunday 3rd June 2007[/SIZE][/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n203/Chriswok/WWE/wwecom/wwecomdraft.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]# [CENTER][U][B]Internet Dirt Sheet Round Up[/B][/U][/CENTER] [U]Draft Special Report[/U] Various internet sites reported that local TV listings had WWE Raw listed as a 3 hour special on the 18th, apprently these rumours were true as WWE.com announced a 3 hour Draft Special for that day. While anything has yet to be confirmed on screen, it certinaly does make sense to 'refresh' the rosters of the depleating WWE. Names touted as moving include; Chris Benoit, The Great Khali, Chris Masters, CM Punk. However, nothing has been confirmed yet. One report surfaced saying the WWE would be running a 'mini King of the Ring' style event to highlight the best of the potential draft picks. However, it should be noted that this is the WWE and anything that creative and exciting would be miles away from our screens. [U]WWE One Night Stand[/U] Just hours away from WWE One Night Stand, reports are suggesting that Paul Wight aka The Big Show is going to turn up during Bobby Lashley and Vince McMahon's match. There were reports earlier in the week that WWE and Paul Wight were in contact with each other about a possible program, and a return to the ECW brand to 'reclaim his title' would make a bit of sense. If this was true, it would remain unclear at the moment as to which 'side' The Big Show was take, if any side at all. [U]4 Horsemen?[/U] There's been talk backstage at WWE shows about bringing back the Four Horsemen. It's been common practice with the WWE over recent years, to push on screen storylines that shadow their DVD Releases. The Horsemen DVD has been out for a few months now, so it seems a little late to 'push the boat out' on such a storyline now. Ric Flair in recent weeks has been heard saying that the younger talent in the business don't seem to understand or want to put the work rate into matches. If a Horsemen stable was created, it would give Flair the chance to school the younger talent into the 'old school' style.
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