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Corleone Wrestling

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/8403/corleonewrestlingpd3.png[/IMG] [I][SIZE="2"]The following plot is based on the events that took place in The Godfather storyline. However the events will be displayed as if they took place in the current time period, not the time period stated in the novels or movies.[/SIZE][/I] [IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/3844/goddyri3.jpg[/IMG] [B]“No Sicilian can refuse any request on his daughter's wedding day…”[/B] *[/CENTER] [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: So what do you want me to do about it? You need to train harder; you need to lose a few pounds… [CENTER][I]The recipient of Vito’s words looks confused.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Man[/B]: Train harder? I’ve done all the training I need to do. Godfather, I have taken more bumps than anyone else in the company. I have broken my body over this business. The fans love me, and Vince knows it! [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: I’m finding it hard to understand what you are requesting. Are you wasting my time? My only daughter is wed on this day, and you wish to waste my time? Be clear with me Robert. [B]Robert[/B]: I was wondering whether or not you could persuade Vince McMahon to give me a long run at the top. I’m sick of being held down! [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Robert, listen carefully. If you wish to succeed in a competitive sport, you need to better yourself. How can I help you defeat others if you do not better yourself? [B]Robert[/B]: Godfather… you do understand wrestling, right? You do realise that it’s a performance? The results are pre-determined. All the successful wrestlers are only successful because the boss man likes them. All I ask of you Godfather is that you persuade Vince McMahon to give me a topflight run. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Ahh, I understand now Robert. Forgive me, as I have very little interest in the wrestling business. However, I now understand your request. Robert, I acknowledge your situation and you have my word. [B]Robert[/B]: Thank you Godfather. Enjoy your daughter’s wedding day. [I][CENTER]Robert stands from the seat, approaches Vito, kisses his hand and then leaves Vito Corleone’s office.[/CENTER][/I] [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Tom, make Vince McMahon a visit. Advise him that the fans are requesting that Robert be the main attraction. If that does not work, tell him that [I]I[/I] request that Robert be the company’s main attraction...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/344364/Tower_Finished.jpg[/IMG] [I]Tom Hagen enters the WWE Headquarters and makes his way to the reception area. [/I][/CENTER] [B]Receptionist[/B]: Good morning Sir. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Good morning, I have an appointment with Mr. McMahon. My name is Hagen, Tom. [I][CENTER]The receptionist scans his name down the appointments book.[/CENTER][/I] [B]Receptionist[/B]: Hagen… Hagen… Hagen… Sorry Sir there is no one listed by the name of Hagen. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: I see... [B]Receptionist[/B]: I could always arrange a future appointment for you… [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: It’s okay, but thank you. Have a good day. [I][CENTER]Tom Hagen leaves the building and makes his way to his car. He picks up his phone and calls Robert.[/CENTER][/I] [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Robert. I need a way to access the corporate car park of the WWE Headquarters. Is there any information you can give me that will allow me to do this? [B]Robert[/B]: Erm… I overheard Kevin Dunn talking about new media clients coming to the headquarters this morning. I think one of them was called… Walter Davies. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Okay, thank you. [I][CENTER]Hagen puts down the phone without waiting for a reply from Robert. He gets inside his car and drives up towards the corporate car park. [/CENTER][/I] [B]Security Officer[/B]: May I help you? [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Yes indeed, I have an appointment with Mr. Dunn. [B]Security Officer[/B]: And the name? [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Davies, Walter. [B]Security Officer[/B]: Ahh yes. Go on through Mr. Davies. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Thank you. [CENTER][I]Hagen makes his way into the car park. He rides around the car park until he finds an appropriate spot to park. The spot is directly in front of the corporate headquarters entrance. Tom Hagen switches off his engine and waits for Mr. McMahon to leave the building.[/I][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]After several hours of waiting, Tom Hagen spots Mr. McMahon leaving the headquarters. Accompanying Mr. McMahon is a bodyguard. Tom Hagen steps out of the car and makes his way towards Mr. McMahon.[/CENTER][/I] [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Mr. McMahon. Could I have a quick word? It concerns one of your employees. [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: You will need to make an appointment if you’re a journalist. [CENTER][I]The heavy bodyguard started to jostle with Tom.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: No Mr. McMahon. I’m from the Corleone family. I am speaking on behalf of the many fans, including myself, who watch your product. I suggest that you start to push Rob Van Dam. The fans are craving for him. [CENTER][I]Vince McMahon stops the bodyguard from getting close to Tom Hagen.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: The Corleone family? Do you have a name? [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Tom Hagen. I am the family’s private lawyer. [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: Well I’ve never heard of you or the Corleone family, so listen up. I tell fans who to crave. I tell the wrestlers what to do. And I’m telling you now, to get the hell out of my building! [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Mr. McMahon, if you could separate yourself from your onscreen character for a few minutes, then maybe you would understand. I come from the Corleone family and Don Vito Corleone insists that Rob Van Dam headlines your company for the next year. [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: Don Vito Corleone? So you are part of the mafia? Listen up! I don’t take orders from corrupt Italians. You people bring your mafia crap over here, and you take away the innocence of the United States of America. You people make me sick! [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Actually, I’m German-Irish. [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: It doesn’t matter what you are, you work for the mafia regime, and that is a regime I will not be intimidated by! This conversation is over! [CENTER][I]Vince McMahon walks off with his bodyguard and enters his limo.[/I][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]Tom Hagen is left standing alone. He makes his way to his car, gets inside of it, and drives out of the car park. From there he begins to make his way back to the Corleone family house.[/CENTER][/I] [B][CENTER]“Mr. Corleone is a man who insists on hearing bad news immediately…”[/CENTER][/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/8403/corleonewrestlingpd3.png[/IMG] [I]Tom Hagen arrives back at the Corleone family house. He enters Vito Corleone’s office.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Tom, what news do you bring me? [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Well, he’s a tough nut to crack. After explaining the situation to him, and involving the family name and your name, Vince still didn’t budge. He seems to be very prejudice against Italian-Americans. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: I see. Does he have any family? [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: I’ve done my research and it seems that Vince McMahon is the head of a very lucrative family. It looks as if he built his fortunes on the wrestling industry. Here I made this document for you… [CENTER][I]Tom Hagen hands Vito Corleone a piece of paper[/I] [IMG]http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/7613/treeye0.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Vince McMahon is the head of the family. He has built the entire promotion to what it is today. He is known for being ruthless when it comes to business decisions. Linda McMahon is his wife. They have been married for many years and they have had two children together. She also holds a lot of power within the company and is a respected businesswoman. Shane McMahon is the eldest son of Vince McMahon. He is the heir apparent to World Wrestling Entertainment. He is married to Marissa McMahon and they have two children, both boys. Stephanie McMahon is Vince’s only daughter. She recently gave birth to a girl, Aurora. The father of the child is her husband and topflight wrestling attraction, Paul Levesque. Paul Levesque wrestles under the name “Triple H” and he is currently injured with a severe knee problem. He is known to use his backstage power to better himself and his allies. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: You’ve certainly done your research. Why is Aurora highlighted? [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: I believe that Aurora Levesque is the key to getting Vince McMahon to crack. Not only would his daughter Stephanie be distraught, but also Paul Levesque would go crazy. He is not the type of man who just waits for things to happen. He would definitely be on Vince’s back to get the deal done. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Interesting… [CENTER][I]Vito Corleone stares at the paper while thinking about Tom Hagen’s suggestion.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: You do not hurt Aurora. She is a mere child, and a girl at that. Simply scare the family. Let them know that the Corleone family does not take bad news lightly. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Currently both Stephanie and Paul spend a lot of time at their house. Stephanie has convenient times to work so that she can spend time with her daughter… [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Take away one of her possessions, a toy or something. They will soon realise it’s missing if they are in the house often. Then a few days after taking the item, mail it back to them. Let them know that we have the power to get inside their house without them knowing. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: I’ll get a foot soldier to help us out. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Some one we can trust. If this goes wrong it will make our family look very bad. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: I’ll get onto it. [CENTER][B]“I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men…”[/B][/CENTER]
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[I]I made him an offer he couldn't refuse...[/I] ...[I]Either his signature was on the contract or his brains were[/I] I'm looking forward to seeing this develop. Go Vito Corleone, make him an offer he can't refuse ha-ha-ha-ha sick puppy that I am
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Hey, just a quick message to say thanks for all the feedback. You guys will get to play an active part in the story and the results and other outcomes soon. You will get to decide what decisions are made by Vito Corleone. You will get this power when there is an important dilema. Anyway, keep reading, keep commenting, and thanks!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/8403/corleonewrestlingpd3.png[/IMG] [I]As usual Vito Corleone is in his office at the family house. Accompanying him are Tom Hagen and Sonny Corleone. From inside the office a booming voice can be heard, followed by a quieter screechy voice. When the voices had stopped, a loud stomping sound begun to grow louder. The stomping had now reached outside the office door.[/I] [I]The door handle rattled, but the door was locked.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Voice[/B]: Let me in goddamn it! [CENTER][I]The door continued to rattle.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Voice[/B]: Let me in you sick bastards! [I][CENTER]Vito turned to Tom Hagen and nodded at him. Tom stood up and unlocked the door. As soon as the lock become open, Vince McMahon burst through the door, and Sonny stood up out of his seat in preparation for a fight. Running up behind Vince him was Fredo Corleone.[/CENTER][/I] [B]Fredo Corleone[/B]: I’m sorry; I tired to stop him… [CENTER][I]Vito, still seated, spoke very calmly.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: What do you want Vincent? [CENTER][I]Vince, red with anger, was unable to get words out of his mouth. Instead of speaking he just stared at Vito.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Have a seat Vince. [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: I’m perfectly okay standing! [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Then please, share with us your distress. [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: You know precisely my distress. [CENTER][I]Sonny attempts to hold in his own laughter.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: You rats have made this personal! Anymore tricks like that and I promise that the whole world will know how corrupt you are. You may have your power, but I have mine too. And I intend on using it if you disturb my family again! [CENTER][I]Sonny begins to crack his knuckles in anger.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Please, let’s be gentlemen about this… [B]Vince McMahon[/B]: And your friend Rob Van Dam, he can kiss his push to main event goodbye. At thirty-six years old and with two years left on his new contract, it’s looking very unlikely that he will ever get to the top. Now I don’t have any more time to waste on your family! [CENTER][I]Vince turns around and leaves the office. Fredo is finally able to enter the office now that Vince has left the doorway. He comes inside and closes the door. He and the rest of the family take a seat around the office table, chaired by Vito Corleone.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: Let’s kill the bastard! [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Calm down Santino. You must remember; never hate your enemies… it affects your judgement. [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: What can we do then? We can’t just let him get away with that. Nobody speaks of our family like that, not to our face anyway. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: First of all we have let down our friend Robert. He’s now never going to make it. [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: We tried our best... [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: We didn’t do good enough! We should have researched Vince a little better. We really can’t risk any more on him, he has an international media base. We could be ruined if he started a media frenzy. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: That is a good point Tom. [CENTER][I]Vito silenced the room with his words.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Fredo Corleone[/B]: Could we… could we not combine helping out our friend and getting revenge on the McMahon’s together? [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: Good one Fredo, but how? [I]Another silence filled the room.[/I] [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Okay… it’s just a thought. And I know that you have very little knowledge of this industry Vito, but how about we hurt the McMahon’s in a financial sense... How about we rival their wrestling promotion? [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: ...I don’t know about that Tom. It seems a little too adventurous. We are businessmen after all, but this would consume a lot of time… how much is the wrestling industry worth at the moment? [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Well the current figures suggest that World Wrestling Entertainment is currently worth one billion dollars. Their yearly revenue is around four hundred million dollars. And last year they made forty six million dollars profit. [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: That sounds great! [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Hmm… how much money would a wrestling company need to have as a starting capital? [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: We’re probably talking about two million dollars… but I could make this work. It’s a sound investment. With the families contacts and the current under-competitiveness of the market, we could really make this work. I have also been spending a lot of time researching the industry thanks to Vince McMahon. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Two million dollars is a lot of money… [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Not wishing to speak out of line, but I do believe that within five years the McMahon’s could become bankrupt. It almost happened before. Admittedly the promotion that almost killed off the McMahon’s had much more money to spend. But due to the sparseness of the industry, if the fans could be given a choice, they may switch over from WWE to us completely. [CENTER][I]Vito went into his deep thinking and then slowly came out of it.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Tom, this will be a big challenge, but I respect it. Due to the nature of this challenge, I will only use the family’s money to fund this project if you agree to several clauses. The first clause is that you will only have a million dollars. We cannot afford to double that. I am going to put all of last years profit from the olive oil industry into this project. You may use all of the money, but I will not give you anymore. If we are to attach the family name to this project, it has to be respectable. It cannot be filth. Also, I will not let you do this alone Tom. You need a partner. Sonny, you have an interest in wrestling don’t you? How would you like to work alongside Tom on this project? [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: Erm… sure. [B]Fredo Corleone[/B]: I know a lot about wrestling… I could help out. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: I have… erm... bigger things planned for you. But of cause, if they think they need your help then they will ask for it. Fredo looks unsatisfied and uncomfortable. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: And finally I want to know what’s going on with the company. I want to know results of matches; I want to know about any backstage news that is affecting the company. Let's make it a weekly meeting. I want to know the full employee’s list when the company is set up. If you two disagree on a subject, then I will make the final decision. Is that okay with both of you? [B]Tom & Sonny[/B]: Yeh [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Then we’ve got ourselves a wrestling company. You two need to get to work straight away. Remember; hit Vince where it hurts, in the wallet. I have my full faith in this project. [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]The Corleone Wrestling Family[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/4603/osobysonnyhp9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/5255/osobydonjf5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/5794/osobyhagenve8.jpg[/IMG] [B]"I'm a businessman. Blood is a big expense..."[/B][/CENTER]
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Nicely written, son. I could really picture that scene playing out. My only advice would be to not involve Tom and Sonny too heavily 'cos, for me at least, that would lose a touch of realism as they would be required for other duties. I think you've pulled this off very well so far. It's certainly one of the backstories on here that appeals most to me. Good job ;). Quote the Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;247277]Just one question, if someone were to turn down a contract offer, would he get iced?[/QUOTE] I think you'll find contract offers cannot be refused. Signature or brains and all that... Could make for a tense backstage environment, mind :D. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Yeh, I definitely foresee a few guys having some problems. Especially as Vito Corleone does not wish to associate his family name with drugs... I don’t think he knows what is about to hit him... The next installment will be the roster of Corleone wrestling. I’ve got quite an unfamous roster, with a few under-appreciated wrestlers and a few guys that should reach the top one-day. The idea is to not sign well-known wrestlers and showcase their popularity, but instead sign wrestlers that have made a name for themselves, but have yet to achieve superstardom. I like building up characters in TEW. But that’s enough teasing for now. Let’s just say that the Corleone’s are fans of the “bigger is better” approach. But who knows, the minority of small, agile workers may turn into a whole division… :-P Once again, thanks for you kind comments.
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Haha, yes... I can see Sonny trying to sign some big names at any cost. [QUOTE][I]After introducing cm_p_u_n_k as the new head booker to Vito.[/I] [B]Sonny:[/B] Now, Punk, Pops, there's this guy Hogan... we gotta sign him. He'll draw a crowd like... [B]Vito:[/B] Sonny, be quiet... You must excuse me. I have a sentimental weakness for my children. They talk when they should listen.[/QUOTE] Quote The raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/8403/corleonewrestlingpd3.png[/IMG] [I]Inside Vito Corleone’s office sits Vito stroking his beloved cat, awaiting the arrival of Tom Hagen and Sonny Corleone. It is stormy a night, and the rain hits the windows like a pebble. The room is dimly lit and Vito Corleone is expressionless.[/I] [B]-[/B] [I]Several minutes behind time Tom Hagen and Sonny Corleone enter the Godfather’s office. Tom enters carrying a briefcase. Sonny enters carrying just his wet coat. The two men take off their hats and place them on the hooks on the door. The two take a seat at the large desk that Vito is behind. Tom Hagen sits opposite Vito, while Sonny sits to his father’s right. The two men arrange their hair while Vito Corleone looks on at them expressionlessly.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: What news do you bring? [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: We’ve made a real impact Papa. Everyone is talking 'bout us. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: We have come to agreements with twenty-eight wrestlers and ten staff members. I have the word of every single one of them, and they promise to appear at our first show. Without a doubt we are the priority of every one of them. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Tell me about the wrestlers. Who will be headlining our shows? [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: He’s huge! [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: If you’re referring to Bob Sapp, then he is huge. I have some photos for you. I’ll give a brief description for you of where they all fit in. [CENTER][I]Tom Hagen gets some photos out of his briefcase and holds them in his hand, ready to present them to Vito while describing the wrestler.[/I] [IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/5634/bobsappmd5.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Bob Sapp[/B][/U][/CENTER] This man is a monster. He is 6'5". He weighs 350lbs. And he is even bigger in person, we've seen him. Looking at him you would think that a wrestling company would use him as the bad guy, well we have other plans. He was amazingly over in Japan, and still is, but he never made it big in America. We promised to make him big over here, and we plan on doing that by making him our main man. This man is a natural crowd pleaser in Japan, and if we want to make an impact we need to do it using someone who hasn't been seen on WWE programming as our main man. He will be our top good guy, and with reason, we are paying him the most. [CENTER][IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/2658/sylvesterterkayzj3.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Sylvester Terkay - The Predator[/U][/B][/CENTER] He will be known within our company as "The Predator" and that is because he is simply that. He is 6'6" and he weighs 320lbs. While he had a short and forgettable stint with WWE, he is fairly unknown. However, The Predator will be Bob Sapp's main rival for a while. He will break the rules and he will annoy the crowd. He will be our main bad guy. [CENTER][IMG]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/3678/sabu2fd3.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Sabu[/U][/B][/CENTER] Sabu is actually a friend of ours. He is very close with Rob Van Dam, infact he was the person who suggested him to us. Sabu is not your usual wrestler. He has a large fan base, and has been successful in the States before. However his age is beginning to plague him. We are hoping that he will pass on some knowledge to others in the ring, while we cash in off his popularity, and he can have his final years in the spotlight. [CENTER][IMG]http://img481.imageshack.us/img481/9292/billykidmanic2.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Peter Gruner - Billy Gruner[/U][/B][/CENTER] Peter Gruner is most famous for his career in WCW and WWE. WCW was the company that almost killed off the WWE. In those two companies he was called "Billy Kidman". However, due to legal reasons, we can only call him Billy Gruner. He is a very fast worker who was very popular in his prime. However now he has aged a little, he is becoming much more technical in his wrestling. He is another worker who's popularity will help bring the fans to our shows. [CENTER][IMG]http://img481.imageshack.us/img481/5206/perrysaturnat5.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Perry Saturn[/B][/U][/CENTER] After being disgraced in WWE, he was let go a few years back. He got shot several times after saving a woman from being raped, and has only just fully recovered. While he finds it hard to fit into a place in a roster, we are willing to give him a chance. He will provide experience to the roster. [CENTER][IMG]http://img461.imageshack.us/img461/1931/markjindrakbg1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER]Mark Jindrak[/CENTER][/U][/B]A former WWE wrestler who didn't really make his mark. He was let go and has been waiting for the next big event to prove himself. Many believe that he is nothing more than a good body, however he is still young and he plays a great heel. He currently goes under the name "Marco Corleone" in Mexico, however we wish to drop that as it may cause confusion. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Boys, I'm growing tired. I don't think I can hear about another twenty two wrestlers. I trust you two. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Well their is plenty of information in the briefcase on wages, agreed commitments and their role in the company. [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: And we've got some more big news for you Papa! Our first show will take place on the fourth Wednesday of June. And it will be on Pay-Per-View! [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: And we would very much hope that you will attend. [CENTER][I]Vito seems angered.[/I][/CENTER] [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: I'll attend, of cause I'll attend. Why would I miss out on the first show? [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: Papa, are you okay? You seem frustrated. [B]Vito Corleone[/B]: Ahh, the Barzini's... they arel busting my balls over this narcotics deal they wish for. Something is going on I can feel it... Enough, I will retire to my bedroom. I will look over these files before I sleep. Goodnight boys. [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: Night Papa... [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: Goodnight... [CENTER][I]Vito Corleone slowly gets up and the cat jumps off his lap. He takes the briefcase and slowly makes his way out the office. [/I][/CENTER] [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: It's more than just the Barzini's. He's drained. [B]Tom Hagen[/B]: We need to make this project as easy as we can for him. He's an old man, he doesn't need this on top of everything else. We'll pull off a great show, and then he will understand that we have it under control. [B]Sonny Corleone[/B]: I just hope the stress don't cause him to have a heart-attack! Oi! He should take it easy these days. [CENTER][I]And with that the two men stand, take their possesions, and leave.[/I][/CENTER] ***If you wish to know the rest of the roster that is included in the briefcase, simply read the upcoming show!***
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As a fan of the Godfather Im loving this. Any chance of fiddling about in the editor to represent Don Vito's heavy-handedness. I.E. A small disrespect like turning up late or not turning up to a show results in two broken legs via setting his Leg Condition to 0%..... or say someone injures your Champ, they get a beating afterwards resulting in low all-round physical condition stats, then just force them to wrestle against a tough opponent and sit back and watch the injuries come in..... Then of corse someone makes the ultimate disrespect of turning down a contract offer or refusing to resign, then they just mysteriously turn up as 'desceased' the next day..... You could even scare rival promotors into 'leaving the business'......... Anyway, can't wait to see how this turns out, keep up with the good work.
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