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Era Football: Free Agency

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I came to the realization, this morning, that one thing I'd like to see is era-based free agency options. This would, for lack of a better idea, be the ability to toggle free agency on or off, or add the ability to limit it somehow. I would love to see old-time football played out in a game, and the ability to turn FA off, or at least severely limit it through a toggle option, would be a major plus to me. Any ideas or feelings on this?
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This is a great idea, and I'm going to speil a bit about it and explain my point. The reason this idea would be great, is obvious, you could live out old football dynasties, and even just create a current NFL league, and see how it would work in a non-FA atmosphere. Copy Cat or Created leagues could all benefit from this option being available. Now here's the first thing after reading this that popped into mind. Why I think it would be great; going on the presumption that you could run multi-leagues (ex: the NFL and the USFL; same player pool come draft time.) Let's say you have an NFL league, that is working under the current conditions. With free agency, salary cap, and parody. Then you also have a USFL league, that completes this duo-league you have running. Now with the USFL, and many of the former failed leagues, it was due to lack of profit or interest. If you could turn on FA/Salary Cap with the NFL, and then turn-off FA/Salary Cap for the USFL. What this would lead to, is almost a BBCF type atmosphere for the USFL. Every team starts out with the budget that their owner can provide(adjustable in case everyone wanted to start out even.) With that, your teams budget would then be adjusted year-to-year performance wise. Splitting away from let's say going 0-16, and getting a budget of 60 million, going to the super bowl the next year and getting a raise to 100 million. But more towards, bad season, - 1 to 3 million. Not enough to tear your team apart, but maybe just enough to keep you from giving that extension to a prized player. If you have a great season, and that's doing better than the expectations set for that year, a simple raise of no more than 5 million. Then again, you'll have that wild-card that if your stud-running back breaks the rushing mark, he'll want more duckets. A good season will all depend on whether or not you are able to give him the deal he wants. What I'm saying is, with a salary cap, there are bound to be 'casualties.' For those players that are just un-signable for the NFL team to keep, maybe all that expanded budget from a USFL team will call his name, and he'll make the switch over to the other league. Along with Undrafted FAs or simple draft picks that might have not made a cut for the owner, will be more than welcome into the USFL. Regardless, I'm too tired to proof-read, and I'm afraid I wondered a bit, but this option would be great either way. I do think if the duo/trio-league option were to be available; this option should be as well, between league's in the same 'pool' so to say.
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[QUOTE=southernwebb04;250565]This is a great idea, and I'm going to speil a bit about it and explain my point. The reason this idea would be great, is obvious, you could live out old football dynasties, and even just create a current NFL league, and see how it would work in a non-FA atmosphere. Copy Cat or Created leagues could all benefit from this option being available. Now here's the first thing after reading this that popped into mind. Why I think it would be great; going on the presumption that you could run multi-leagues (ex: the NFL and the USFL; same player pool come draft time.) Let's say you have an NFL league, that is working under the current conditions. With free agency, salary cap, and parody. Then you also have a USFL league, that completes this duo-league you have running. Now with the USFL, and many of the former failed leagues, it was due to lack of profit or interest. If you could turn on FA/Salary Cap with the NFL, and then turn-off FA/Salary Cap for the USFL. What this would lead to, is almost a BBCF type atmosphere for the USFL. Every team starts out with the budget that their owner can provide(adjustable in case everyone wanted to start out even.) With that, your teams budget would then be adjusted year-to-year performance wise. Splitting away from let's say going 0-16, and getting a budget of 60 million, going to the super bowl the next year and getting a raise to 100 million. But more towards, bad season, - 1 to 3 million. Not enough to tear your team apart, but maybe just enough to keep you from giving that extension to a prized player. If you have a great season, and that's doing better than the expectations set for that year, a simple raise of no more than 5 million. Then again, you'll have that wild-card that if your stud-running back breaks the rushing mark, he'll want more duckets. A good season will all depend on whether or not you are able to give him the deal he wants. What I'm saying is, with a salary cap, there are bound to be 'casualties.' For those players that are just un-signable for the NFL team to keep, maybe all that expanded budget from a USFL team will call his name, and he'll make the switch over to the other league. Along with Undrafted FAs or simple draft picks that might have not made a cut for the owner, will be more than welcome into the USFL. Regardless, I'm too tired to proof-read, and I'm afraid I wondered a bit, but this option would be great either way. I do think if the duo/trio-league option were to be available; this option should be as well, between league's in the same 'pool' so to say.[/QUOTE] For me this will make the game a sure buy! I mentioned this before in a previous post on financials. By having financials which count (if they do not then what will stop you from resigning all the best players), a removal of the cap will make the financial side to the game very interesting plus challenging. Making it to the playoffs and the superbowl, will play a huge role in the future of the organisation due to the finance they bring plus the potential of signing free agents(most people wanting to play for winners), plus resigning your own best players. Free Agents will happen of corse, if you cannot pay what he wants, they could want a new challenge, possibly more playing time, maybe they want to enter an winning team or maybe you cannot financially hold on to him.
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