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Bernard Manning Dead


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Well....... even tho this happened Monday, I just found out.... Some of his stuff was quite distasteful but still a funny bloke! He allways said that the typical working man on a building site didnt want to hear calm jokes, they wanted racist, sexist crude jokes. And hes right! **** Controversial comedian Bernard Manning has died aged 76 after being treated in hospital for a kidney condition. He died in North Manchester General Hospital at 1510 BST on Monday. He shot to fame in the 1970s on ITV programme The Comedians, having already developed a career in music as a vocalist and a compere. His website branded him "one of the most outrageous and successful comedians of our time". Manchester-based Manning denied being racist, once remarking: "I tell jokes. You never take a joke seriously." However, in 2002, he was banned from performing in the Dorset seaside town of Weymouth, where councillors were worried that his act would breach laws on race. Last month a tribute to him was paid at the recording of a proposed TV show entitled This Was Your Life, in front of an audience of 600 friends and fans. He told them: "I'm going to be with you for a long time yet!" He was more successful than any of the comedians that have been on television in the last 15 years Stan Boardman "He was a wonderful man. If I had to write his gravestone I'd put: 'Here lies Bernard Manning, comedian, who died 76 years old.' "Underneath that I'd put: 'What a pity, he had a booking next week.'" Carson added: "He's gone but he'll never be forgotten. He was one of the most generous men on earth." Another comedian, Stan Boardman, said that all he did "was take the mickey", which was "the British sense of humour". "Right up until last week he was still cracking the jokes and pulling the audience in. "Because he wasn't on television very much doesn't mean he wasn't still successful. "He was more successful than any of the comedians that have been on television in the last 15 years." Film director Michael Winner, who paid for Manning to perform at a party, described Manning as "the funniest man in the world". "He was the last of the comedians who put the PC brigade behind him. He took no notice of them and just got on with the job of being funny," he said. Agent Mickey Martin, a close friend of the comedian, told the Manchester Evening News his death had come "all of a sudden as we thought he was on the mend". ***
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god he was one crude fella. When it came to crassness he was right up there with the roy "chubby" brown's of this world. Still i think his act was a bit dated. The non pc stuff really didnt bother me. But his act didnt develop enough over the years as far as im concerned. Still its always sad when somebody who has caused so much laughter passes on. RIP
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Few things Ive read about him, take it as you will ** Bernard Manning, who unashamedly proclaims his desire to tell jokes about anyone of whatever nationality, does not agree that jokes are a cover for racism. "You never take a joke seriously," he says. "It's a joke! There's no such thing as throwing [people out of the window]. You wouldn't do that! "We have to tell jokes about everything and everyone." ** Totally agree with that, if youve ever seen the South Park "Family Guy" episode, its the same thing as "either everythings ok to make fun of, or nothing is" ** There were some who argued that by confronting people with their own prejudices, expressed in their most extreme and unpleasant form, he was actually performing a service to community relations. The violent far-Right was said to be embarrassed by him, and he was never prosecuted under Race Relations or Public Order legislation. At a personal level, too, Manning did not quite live up to the racist image. He had happy relations with his black neighbours, sent a sick Asian child he heard about locally on a no-publicity trip to Disneyland, gave money privately to anti-racist groups and was a major benefactor of Jewish charities in Manchester. Darcus Howe, the black writer and social commentator, recalled meeting Manning in 1999: "He asked me straight up where I was from, and I told him, Brixton. He smiled, and said he'd been there once, so he could be my daddy. And I kind of liked that... We parted friends. I felt a little sorry for him." ** So I think that last one kind of clears it up! Would a racist person do all those things?? I think not
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