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Ok, HOW?? I keep seeing people multiquote different statements from two or more people in their posts. You've never seen me do that because, well.. I can't figure it out. I just use "Insert what I copied and pasted here". I can quote a whole post, but have never figured out how to multiquote people. Can anyone help me with this, I think I would find it usefull at times.
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[QUOTE=SadisticBlessings;248027]Heh. Took me a while to figure this one out too. See that little button marked [b]+"[/b] between the Quote button and quick reply button? Click it it and it turns red. Whichever ones are clicked to be red when you hit "Post Reply" will be quoted in your reply. Innovative, no? :D[/QUOTE] But that perfectly summed up what to do, THANKYOU! [QUOTE=Moe Hunter;248048]You can also just copy the code and split the content, but that button is handy now that I see it![/QUOTE] I think I've done that, but this is so easy and fast!! [QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;248050]I just quote what they say.... then hit back, than quote something else.[/QUOTE] Well, you can do it that way, but this actually left space in between "The Quotes" where it was so easy for me to comment on each individual. Thanks!!!
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