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Need to check this before I screw up... (Product Settings)

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I know that with a Realism factor any higher than Low the fans will tend to poop on Tainted/Cheap finishes as well as angles, but what does Pure have to be at? The reason is that as ROH Pure is set to High, but I want the product to be flexible enough to allow dirty finishes and angles. Before I screw up and potenitally ruin some match ratings, I just need to check with you guys what my Pure rating will need to be to allow this. Thanks guys. ;)
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A suggestion? Since I don't know the exact answer (I don't think Pure has anything to do with finish types. I think it's more of a style/pace kind of thing, like Lucha) but I'd love to know for future reference, try cloning your save game and making the change you want to make and running the show and seeing how it works out. Make sure you do the data check (because Pure WILL affect the intensity/danger levels your fans expect or are willing to see). But I dunno about Realism having anything to do with how fans respond to angles. I've run angles with 5SSW whose Realism is 'Heavy' by just changing the match ratio (to 80%). Been a while though, I might be misremembering.
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you can run angles with PGHW and 5SSW but it'll have to be great workers in that area in order for the angles to be succesful, certainly at 100%. Pure is indeed a style and has nothing to do with match endings/types. Your idea is kinda creative: low realism but high pure. Interesting. :cool:
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