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Rebuilding the ECW Brand

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[i]Vince McMahon was sitting in his office at WWE Headquarters, when someone knocked on his door. The WWE Chairman gets out of his seat, walks up and opens the door. It is former ECW Owner Paul Heyman, Vince greets Heyman with a shake of hands and tells Heyman to sit down in the chair placed in front of the Chairmans desk.[/i] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paul Heyman:[/COLOR] So, What did you want to talk to me about boss [color=red]Vince McMahon:[/color] I wanted to talk to you about the ECW brand [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paul Heyman:[/COLOR] Alright, then. [color=red]Vince McMahon:[/color] I am not pleased with how the ECW brand has been doing since I let you go and replaced you. So I was wondering if you would like to be the Head Booker of the ECW Brand. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paul Heyman.[/COLOR] Sir, there is no way I would not want to be the Head Booker of that brand. Thank you so much Mr.McMahon. You will not be disappointed in me. [color=red]Vince McMahon:[/color] Your welcome Paul. As you know, the WWE Special Draft Edition of Raw is tommorow, and here is the list of talent your brand will be losing and receiving. Also listed is the talent ECW will be losing and receiving in the Supplemental Draft next Sunday. However, you will not be able to use these guys involved in the Supplemental Draft until the show after the Supplemental Draft. I hope you like it. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paul Heyman:[/COLOR] Oh I'm very pleased sir. Super Crazy has just been cleared to wrestle, and I was wondering if I could have him on ECW. [color=red]Vince McMahon:[/color] We did not have any plans for Crazy as he returned from his injury on Raw, and he is not involved in the draft. So, sure, you can have him. Just so you know Paul, I'm not gonna hold back ECW like I did before. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paul Heyman:[/COLOR] Thank you very much, sir. You will be pleased. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]ECW Roster[/COLOR] Balls Mahoney Boogeyman Chris Benoit CM Punk Elijah Burke Joey Styles Johnny Nitro Kelly Kelly Kevin Thorn Layla Marcus Cor Von Matt Striker Mike Knox Nunzio Rob Van Dam Stevie Richards Tazz The Miz Tommy Dreamer Viscera
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[CENTER][COLOR="Purple"]Backstage Report[/COLOR][/CENTER] [LIST] [*]Paul Heyman reportedly was able to persuade Vince McMahon into negotiating with several wrestlers. All that is known is that they may be ECW Alumni. [*]Heyman has announced that an 8 man tournament will be held for the Vacant ECW World Title. It is expected that several of the wrestlers acquired in the WWE Draft will be involved as well. [*]Paul, apparently would like another title for the brand, but he feels it is not best for ECW at the moment with the time slot they have. [*]With the approval of Mr.McMahon, Paul Heyman has stated that ALL matches will now be competed under Extreme Rules! [*]Paul Heyman's first show back as Head Booker will be held at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, one of the venues used in the original ECW. [/LIST]
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