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Appology If I have Offended.


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I know, I sometimes make a double post, or ask something that may have been asked in another thread. Please forgive me for this as I do not mean to offend anyone. I try to read and find answers before I ask or make a statement. However many times while reading I miss lines or topics due to things becoming very blurry to me. I am also diabetic and slowly losing my site, so please forgive me for missing the obivous, Thanks
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[QUOTE=panix04;249694]dont worry bout it too much fella, we are generally a friendly bunch as long as you don't exhibit consistent *troll-like behaviour you will be welcomed here! *There is only room for one troll on here and he, is me! :D[/QUOTE] Get back under that bridge! :p
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Whatcha talking about Willis....? My posts are quite off topic even when they ARE on topic But yeah.. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/threaddirection.gif[/IMG] Who did i blag that from i wonder??? *tee hee*
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[QUOTE=panix04;249729]i know i have a large stomach, but i dont need a someone to take a photo just to see that part of my anatomy! :D seriosly though, we have dragged this way, way off-topic, we should probably stop![/QUOTE] Is that because the wife keeps it in a jar on the mantlepiece :D Hmm maybe we should let this go back on subject *curses not joining in the Mafia game so he could have heckled Panix*
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i shouldn't worry too much about mafia, the people you thought were your friends will stab you in the back and eat Turkey sandwhichs round your carcass! lol, just have to join in the next one fella! I'm pretty excited about it!
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[QUOTE=panix04;249732]i shouldn't worry too much about mafia, the people you thought were your friends will stab you in the back and eat Turkey sandwhichs round your carcass! lol, just have to join in the next one fella! I'm pretty excited about it![/QUOTE] Panix, I should apologise if I stepped on your toes; it's just that your trying to help me actulally made me look suspect. I did vote for Jerlito. Nonetheless, just thought I should try and amend the situation (especially after telling you to shut up). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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:D Thats OK, mate there have been a couple of people apologise. Its just a game at the end of the day, occasionally my competetive streak rears its ugly head and it sounds like im getting pissy, but invariably its not the case! I was really just larking around to be honest, its a shame it backfired, it would have been entertaining as hell to use my death card in the later rounds!
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[QUOTE=irabowman;249617]I know, I sometimes make a double post, or ask something that may have been asked in another thread. Please forgive me for this as I do not mean to offend anyone. I try to read and find answers before I ask or make a statement. However many times while reading I miss lines or topics due to things becoming very blurry to me. I am also diabetic and slowly losing my site, so please forgive me for missing the obivous, Thanks[/QUOTE] Even after doing a search, what people that have not used this feature need to know is that.... ESPECIALLY if the topic has been gone over several times in different posts, you get that "Message" that tells you, ya need to be more specific, or there was nothing. Alot of things that get asked wasn't a "Topic" or "Thread Heading" which makes it very hard to find. The original data get's pushed way back, making it non-visable as well. What I have seen people do that know where to find it is Link the thread the topic is covered in, and that's the best way to do it (If you can find it). I hate it when someone says "You need to look a little bit", yet they themselves have no idea where it is, or they could have linked it for you.
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Thank you, I do feel better. I just wanted to make sure I had made noone mad :) Too I am sure I will goof in the future, Hmmm maybe I oucht to change my charters name to Capt Goofy or something of the kind. Thank You all very much :)
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