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A Road Agent note...

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Yo, I got another question. In the fed I created (the dynasty is up if you wanna check it out :D ) I can run angles during the shows and there is nothing wrong with them except the road agent notes say "The angle wasn't very good to begin with, and the crowd really turned against it." Why would that note come up? Thanks.
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Its fairly self explanatory - the angle was bad (ie rated poorly - probably because the people in it aren't popular enough for the rating to be high) and since the rating was low the crowd didn't like it. Solution - only run angles with your main eventers. Of course - if the angles are still getting grades that are around the same level as your matches, then just continue what you are doing at the moment and ignore the note! :p
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[QUOTE=Remianen;249901]Yup! Overness trumps Entertainment skill, even in angles rated on Entertainment (because it's still rated on Overness, just in a "behind the scenes" type manner).[/QUOTE] But a local fed is gonna have popularity of F-, it's not like his guys can have popularity below that. Seeing someone with popularity in that area higher than his fed should not be a negative thing!
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[QUOTE=markhenry;249929]But a local fed is gonna have popularity of F-, it's not like his guys can have popularity below that. Seeing someone with popularity in that area higher than his fed should not be a negative thing![/QUOTE] I think the pop think is indeed a little awkward. Suppose you have a local fed, pop E-. Its workers will have E- pop as well. Suppose it's an entertainment promotion. The matches are gonna suck. Still, everyone present (all 20 of 'em) will no doubtly be huge fans and know the workers. So why do the matches suck so hard? They can be good. The solution of course is to look at the rating in relation to popularity. But the MotY rating doesn't take that into account. But no matter. But this will prolly be totally besides the question. :)
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