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Capelli King

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I could be running for office in my Cybernation game! I am in it just 3 weeks, but i could hold a huge position in the 12th largest alliance there called Sparta.............this is huge. By the way, this would be a good time to enter the game:p Look me up in the Search as Capelli King. Do not accept all the spam you will be getting, i said that last time, but a GDS guy signed with some other alliance and now he is struggling
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;262668]I could be running for office in my Cybernation game! I am in it just 3 weeks, but i could hold a huge position in the 12th largest alliance there called Sparta.............this is huge. By the way, this would be a good time to enter the game:p Look me up in the Search as Capelli King. Do not accept all the spam you will be getting, i said that last time, but a GDS guy signed with some other alliance and now he is struggling[/QUOTE] I'm not struggling in TOOL.:) They've taken me in and are hooking me up as they can.
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Man you are struggling! I went over to your nation screen. But you did say one thing. They hooked me up as they can!!!:p That is the difference. Some can allot Some not Ok, you are not doing terrible, just you should and could be doing 2x 3x better. Did you know SPARTA is up for making it to the Sanctioned list! Haha. Not bad eee
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OK, it looks as though days' go buy at normal "Real" time. So forget that question. I have a happy nation of around 100 people now (started with like 70, don't know why it's grown.... I think it's a good thing though). My military is somewhat small it says, I only have like 17 soldiers so far. My nations name is Heights, and my user name is same as here.
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Got all your messages, and answered them. I'm going to forgo any of the benefits of joining Sparta at this time (I am in it though, a full "Cadet" lol). After a week or two, I think I will have caught on well enough to do whatever is asked of me... I know they want everyone to grow as fast as possible to make Sparta bigger, but I just want to "Learn" right now. It's not going to take much time. A HUGE PLUSS to this game is that it can take so little of your personal time... You will probably take alot of time to learn, but you can only do so much in one day till you have ton's of cash. The money you earn for your nation comes through tax's, and you start with so little, that you won't be able to do a whole heck of alot to start with. My first tax gave me like 500 bucks. My next one should be late tonight, and give me 1k. That is for the whole nation, lol. IT grows fast though, as you can tell by what I will make. After today, I will be collecting tax's for only the third time, as I've already collected for today.
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Dj, keep in touch at all times, i can give you some insight on virtually everything. I got promoted today! Go and have a look at my new status..........Head Recruiter!!! I plan to make some drastic changes in this division. I have admin privilages on the Sparta site, so you could say i am in a pretty powerful position. This could not be doing any better! I am in the game for a week and i am in charge of one of the bigest alliances in the game Sparta! Did you know that we moved up to position #11 today!!! When i came we was in 16th! I have a plan to take up to #1 within the next year. This game moves slowly as you said, real time pace, so to achieve such a goal it is really a long term thing;)
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  • 4 weeks later...
After being the #1 fastest expanding nation in CN, i decided to set up my own alliance. I am looking for some guys which want to sign up. djthefunkchris is coming soon. When you create a new nation make it with Pink colour, then send me a message (capelli King) I will give instructions!
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Yeah, we need to tip toe allot for a while! We have 5 members in already, i have 5-6 coming from Sparta and i have 6-7 guys from recruiting also coming in soon. Add the fact i talked to 4-5 out of the game mates, also coming soon (they cannot enter the last 5-6 days the CN admin won't let them) I am in the process of getting an alliance to merge with us. They have 40 members and it is almost a finalised deal. That will take up to over 50 members by September the 1st!!! Very dynamic start! I recommend me, dj and our other guys start to move in once we have 15 members+ on the Big Biz affiliation
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Tried to register, got a screen saying: [I]The Cyber Nations is not accepting new registrations at this time. Please try again later.[/I] From the CN Forums: [QUOTE]It has been down for a few days now, as some of you have noticed. It will be turned back on when admin decides to do so. Until then, do not make any new topics about it. Anyone who does will be warned.[/QUOTE] So guess I will just have to wait to check this out, looks interesting.
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I also tried to sign up and got the same message about no more signups allowed but we will turn it back on when we want to. Sounds like the people running this website are a bit full of themselves and it is a huge turnoff in terms of wanting to join. I hope they enjoy their "success" while it lasts because with that attitude it won't last long!
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I think they do it as a strategy. They cut the air out for a while. A few nations dispand or die out. Then they let a new wave in! I also think they have a server problem. I have 6-7 of my mates wanting to join and they have the problem It is pissing me off a bit as i want my mates from here as well as outside to get involved. I have a load of work with the new alliance and do not have any reliable help.
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This is a very popular game by the way. 300-500 new guys enter every day when they are allowing members in. ALso they must be making HUGE cash! I mean HUGE! There are donations costing 20$ and i see them flying around around the forums in 10's a day. And that is just one big alliance!!! I think he could be on 2000$+ a day easy. I recommended GDS making their own version of such a game. I think they will do fantastic
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;283894]I think they do it as a strategy. They cut the air out for a while. A few nations dispand or die out. Then they let a new wave in! I also think they have a server problem. I have 6-7 of my mates wanting to join and they have the problem It is pissing me off a bit as i want my mates from here as well as outside to get involved. I have a load of work with the new alliance and do not have any reliable help.[/QUOTE] Well count me in once it is up and running but it is still pretty annoying!
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