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Capelli King

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Yeah, that dude is getting a beating! Acually it is our fault (one our guys attacked 1st without permission), we sent him a diplomatic proposal for him to break the attack and send peace, which he did not reply to So we did what is sensible.................kick his ass:eek: If he sends peace, accept it though Another annoucement is that Sparta (a top 10 alliance), have temporarily banned us from their forums! I think it is because they are a bit jealous that we are doing so well and are looking for some excuse (i used to be their head recruiter) Since i left them they dropped from 460 members to 370 and their NS is stagnated, while we went from 0 to 78 members and 200,000NS
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Well WW4 also called the Unjust path ended in total catastrophy for the Unjust path. \m/ which was a superpower, ranked 6th dispanded. Gold a top 12 sanctioned alliance also. Genmay 15th ranked alliance followed suit. Goons, which was 2nd biggest alliance is under heavy attack as we speak. They are dropping fast and it is not looking too good for them at all. We are rising up the ratings daily. We recently moved up to 6th place in point count and 3rd place in member count on the Pink colour. Currently 111 members and easily the fastest growing alliance in all Cybernations. In general things are doing fine. We will have the appointment of all the ministers very soon and it seems i will be getting the presidential position uncontested! But in general the whole CN scene is in shambles after the big war.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Going into the new elections soon for Big Biz! Was a crazy 2 months. We are currently on the list of 100 biggest alliances in total National strength and are soon to make the top 30 list for the biggest alliances in total count, currently at 180 registered members. Allot of the dudes here are doing great and are in the top 20 list of biggest nations in our alliance. Thinking of pulling off some big merger deals with other smaller alliances, which will put us right into the big picture. If you want to join up, follow the details on the 1st page and contact me!
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Cybernations is a great game and anyone not involved should sign up. Big Biz is rolling strong and hats off to Capelli for running such a good alliance. The one thing about this game is that it takes awhile to build up your nation so you need to be patient and plan ahead! Jim Force is all about patience and planning ahead!
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[QUOTE=Jim Force;301670]Cybernations is a great game and anyone not involved should sign up. Big Biz is rolling strong and hats off to Capelli for running such a good alliance. The one thing about this game is that it takes awhile to build up your nation so you need to be patient and plan ahead! Jim Force is all about patience and planning ahead![/QUOTE] IT really doesn't take that long either. The thing is you can only really do one thing per day, unless you just like to linger around it. Pay your bills, collect your tax's. What sped up allot for me is the fact you can earn interest on your tax's (the same is true about your bills, so be carefull). If you can pay them without collecting tax's, I suggest doing it as much as possible, till your maximum of 10k. After you have that kind of interest, go ahead and collect. It give you a bit more of a chunk each time if you can do it. At first though, the biggest thing you can do is keep buying that Infra... Infra = people, People = Tax money, etc.
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Well the Big thing is the contractor. My nation is the fastest expanding in CN history (from what i know of). I mainly did it from the free tech deals. That leaves all my cash for infra only and inprovements. Trade setup is a huge subject. I have what i call the Switch trade setup!:eek: This is a little secret by the way! I collect big cash using the trade setup i have now and once or twice a month i cancel one of my trades, get coal and marble, buy all my infra, then move back to max out my cash! LOL Genius if you think about it!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Allot has happened in Cybernations. We went on to create the fastest Alliances in CN history Called Big Biz. We had the Biggest count among all PINK alliances. This pissed off a few notable players. Sparta in particular did not like the fact that we would soon be dominating PINK colour politics and the PINK senate. We had to react quickly for the security of our nations. We merged with the NEW WORLD ORDER to create the Illuminati. We are now ranked the 23rd Biggest alliance and going VERY strong. If you are looking for a great new freeware. Sign up and send me a message. We have quite allot of GDS members in our alliance. See you there
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