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CornellVerse 1975 Version 1.1 Released!

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The update for the CornellVerse 1975 mod has been released over on bobinc.net! Please note that the picture file has been trimmed down significantly by the exclusion of the default data's pics. It's highly recommended you simply copy/paste the pictures from the default folder over to the 1975 mod. Thanks to bobinc for hosting the files, and Clarity and J Silver for providing several awesome renders that are used in the game.
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Yes, the best thing to do would be to dl the data and the pics. And then, to make sure you have the pics for the New Workers (and some of the pics for the Mexican andJapanese workers that ended up in the game), copy the pic file from the Default Database. We renamed the "youngified" workers so the older versions will no longer overwrite. Hope you guys enjoy. And with all the additional renders, i think 1975 is really fleshing out nicely.
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I noticed several of the new workers weren't included in the pic pack. Not sure why. But here they are, if you wanna add em to your games: Getter Robo Chiba: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/getterrobochiba.jpg[/IMG] Godzilla Kid: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/godzillakid.jpg[/IMG] Shimedzu Unaki: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/shimedzuunaki.jpg[/IMG] Charlie Homicide: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/charliehomicide.jpg[/IMG]
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Actually, now that I look at it, there is a set of pics ( I sent MT a zip called fill-in pics) that was omitted form the dl. It includes all of the pics SB did for the new Workers, plus some random renders from before that got omitted from the pic file. This is the a link to the download. I'm sure we'll get that fixed soon. [url]http://upload2.net/page/download/57jLy6HbbzDH7Aq/Fill+In+Pics.zip.html[/url]
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[QUOTE=Thriller;250603]Yay. I was a bit bummed that I'd have to start a new game, because I only just found out about the new temp patch, and now this is out. Good timing. :)[/QUOTE] We aim to please! Anyway, those pics not being included is strange- I know I have them, so I must have gotten them after condensing the picture files, and forgotten to add them!.
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;250771]*cheers* Now, gotta find some time to look at it and maybe start a diary.[/QUOTE] You've got one confirmed dedicated reader here if you choose to do so! :D SWF & APWF are both looking good. New bios and such were written... though I noticed Chief Two Eagles's pic isn't included in his AAFW (or is it APWF?) contract. That's the only problem I've seen so far.
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There's one rather important thing missing. SWF Sunday Slamfest doesn't have any TV slot assigned. I'm also looking at the TV networks, I think that's a good picture of the 70s, but I think in the long run (late 80s and 90s), it may be difficult to grab a contract 'cause of the very few large networks in each area. Of course, if only one company ever gets big in each area it won't be a problem.... hehe Still, it's a very inaccurate estimate I guess, that would be a hell lot of playing time to get there anyway.
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;250857]There's one rather important thing missing. SWF Sunday Slamfest doesn't have any TV slot assigned. I'm also looking at the TV networks, I think that's a good picture of the 70s, but I think in the long run (late 80s and 90s), it may be difficult to grab a contract 'cause of the very few large networks in each area. Of course, if only one company ever gets big in each area it won't be a problem.... hehe Still, it's a very inaccurate estimate I guess, that would be a hell lot of playing time to get there anyway.[/QUOTE] Keep in mind that you can also import TV networks at the correct time if necessary... at least I think... GAH! I hate being at work. Can't check the data to see what things work the way they're supposed to! If that thing about SWF's show is true though, I'm thinking it should be fixed soonish. :D
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;250857]There's one rather important thing missing. SWF Sunday Slamfest doesn't have any TV slot assigned. I'm also looking at the TV networks, I think that's a good picture of the 70s, but I think in the long run (late 80s and 90s), it may be difficult to grab a contract 'cause of the very few large networks in each area. Of course, if only one company ever gets big in each area it won't be a problem.... hehe Still, it's a very inaccurate estimate I guess, that would be a hell lot of playing time to get there anyway.[/QUOTE] Hmmm....I just downloaded the data to be sure and it has SWF with a show Sunday nights at 10:30 on ACE. Would you mind downloading again to verify? As to your second point: very true. We wanted the networks to reflect 1970's television, but we have all spoken and commented that the one thing that would make historical mods truly realistic is if networks and/or PPV carriers generated over time. It s agood point. If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure that, as well as this mod has been received and supported by the community, I'm sure somewhere along the way there will be some sort of 80s Mod as well.
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Also, to anyone who downloads this and then copies the pics form the default to add to this pic pack: [SIZE="6"][B]DO NOT OVERWRITE COBRA!!![/B][/SIZE] The Cobra in the default folder is not the same as 1975 Cobra. Other than that, you can overwrite and files it asks you to and you'll have all the 1975 pics plus all the pics for the New Workers that MT backdated for their debut.
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[QUOTE=SadisticBlessings;250786]You've got one confirmed dedicated reader here if you choose to do so! :D SWF & APWF are both looking good. New bios and such were written... though I noticed Chief Two Eagles's pic isn't included in his AAFW (or is it APWF?) contract. That's the only problem I've seen so far.[/QUOTE] My bust. When I added the fill in pics, I set it up so the pic with that contract was the alt pic you gave me of Two Eagles with war paint. if you add the fill in pics, it works fine. :)
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;250895]Redownloaded the files and reinstalled it, SWF TV show slot is indeed there. I blame Wild Man Sullivan for the whole thing. I'm sure he was trying to sabotage the SWF.[/QUOTE] Good to hear. Y'know..with all the stat checking you've done it almost feels like you're part of the mod team as well. Thanks for everything. I really hope you enjoy the data. When the diary get sstarted, I'm definitely on board. :)
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[QUOTE=MrOnu;250895]Redownloaded the files and reinstalled it, SWF TV show slot is indeed there. I blame Wild Man Sullivan for the whole thing. I'm sure he was trying to sabotage the SWF.[/QUOTE] Okay then, next release the SWF will have gone down in flaming ruins. If the Wild Man wants it, it must be done. :D
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OK...dl the pics from bobinc. Put them in your People folder. Use this link to dl the pics that were missed for some reason: [url]http://upload2.net/page/download/57jLy6HbbzDH7Aq/Fill+In+Pics.zip.html[/url] Put them in your People folder. And then, copy all the pic files ~EXCEPT FOR COBRA~ from the Default people folder, and put it into the People folder for this database. That will give you all the 1975 Workers, all the New Workers we created, and the pics for the New Workers that you'll recognize from the default CVerse data. Wooh! We gotta simplify that. :p
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[QUOTE=Thriller;252206]If we're moving the new pics into the old 1975 people file won't the default pics already be in there? (They were in the first update weren't they? Or did I move them in myself, I forget :o)[/QUOTE] I believe Peter's instructions were meant for people who haven't actually downloaded the game at all yet... to make sure they get everything. For those of us who already had the mod, yes, if we've already got all the old default pics then you just have to move the new pics into the folder to get it working right. :D
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Gonna finish out the active roster of HWA now, [CENTER][B]Tron The Punisher[/B] [IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/TheRenderThread/Cuts/Tron-The-Punisher.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Tron is a hardcore brawler in HHWA who also portrays the character of a drug dealer. He forms the team Hood Rich with Silky Seymoure. They are big time faces in HHWA, defying conventional logic.[/QUOTE] [B]Omar Grandsbury[/B] [IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/TheRenderThread/Cuts/Omar-Grandsbury.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]"The O.G." Omar Grandsbury is a hardcore brawler who works in HWA. He has no real wrestling talent, and when the promotion closes, it's unlikely he'll be finding a job anywhere else.[/QUOTE] [B]Lefty Jenson[/B] [IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/TheRenderThread/Cuts/Lefty-Jenson.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Lefty Jenson is a 20 year old rookie who has sucessfully broken into the business, albeit on the very lowest rung of the ladder, HWA. Despite being considered a safe, consistent, worker who excels at selling, nobody expects too much out of Lefty.[/QUOTE][/CENTER] And I did this for T-Bone Thompson a while ago, just never did post it. [CENTER][IMG]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o269/TheRenderThread/Cuts/TBone-Thompson.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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