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No, but how does sponsorship money work anyway? I was earning around 12k per month running 2 weekly events, then when I got one of them on TV with a repeat the next night (so 1 weekly event, 1 live TV show, and 1 repeat) it only went up to 15k per month. And it barely went up as my TV ratings increased from 0.04 to 0.06
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;250769]Has anyone else had their sponsorship money drop as they grew larger? My intake dropped from 6400 to 5100 right around the time I moved from E- to E popularity in my one region. Just wanted to see if I was alone or not.[/QUOTE] Did the wrestling industry or economy in your region drop at the same time?
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Good thought VBig, it's possible the wrestling industry switched from rising to falling, but it's still in the B range. And I'd been making around 6K a month since I started. I dunno. Maybed my save is corrupted. It's the same one where a 20 year old was losing stats. I took a look at my copy from earlier in the game year. The industry is a lot lower and I've been making 6K for the past year. Who knows.
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[QUOTE=Day_Dreamer;251364]The sponsorship money depends mainly on how many shows you run per month.[/QUOTE] OK, but surely the bigger the event, the bigger the sponsorship money?!? If I continue the same amount of shows all the way up to National or Global level, I'm expecting a bit more than £12k a month sponsorship!
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[QUOTE=Nightshadeex;250769]Has anyone else had their sponsorship money drop as they grew larger? My intake dropped from 6400 to 5100 right around the time I moved from E- to E popularity in my one region. Just wanted to see if I was alone or not.[/QUOTE] I had a look at my game last night. I'm regional and am currently around 59% overness in my home region. Anyway as far as I can recall my sponsorship money has fluctuated around 6400 (+/- $150) they whole time I've been regional reguardless of the number of shows a month. It's been around 6400 as far back as the finance screen shows. Going from small to local to regional it always looked like sponsorship money depended more on the size of the promotion than anything else. In other words your drop does look unusual to me but since I don't know the full mechanics of sponsorship money I can't really say for sure. Since I still don't have a TV show I can't tell you if that changes things.
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I just had an epiphany. There's one variable I forgot to mention. I was messing around with my product recently. Namely, I cut out some mainstream. That could be the reason for the hit. Sponsors would surely want to get on board with something that attempts to be a commercial success.
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