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Momentum as relates to overness question

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ok.....so the higher a workers momentum the quicker or more successfully over he becomes. I understand that, but as a trade off, don't you have to pair two people with at least moderate momentum against each other to see a significant increase? Or am i way off base here? Another question I have is what is a good length for angles? I formerly thought about 8 mins works well but my main focus for angles usually is to spark momentum and gain overness. What is a nice length to achieve this goal for angles, in your opinion(s)?
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that's realistic, but how does that effect momentum or overness? For instance, does a longer angle produce better results, or are such things measured upon segments and not time? if you know, I always ask these detailed questions and make them sound like you SHOULD know, that's not my implication. I appreciate your response and would love to have your advice. danke!
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Angles under 5 minutes have little/no effect on momentum or overness of the workers and also have little/no effect on the rating of the show. 5mins or greater, they will increase / decrease overness / momentum / show ratings.
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