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Good Product Question

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So I am running a pureish type company with the c-verse that was just wrestling and now that I am five years into the game I want to change up the product. The problem is I have not been succesful in getting the fans to not reject my angles. I have been doing the editing via the editor but I just can't get it right. I am looking for product ideas. I am looking to have it be 90% matches and have an in ring style alot like ROH. Thanks.
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Hint: If you want 90% matches, set your product at 80%. Any setting has a 10% leeway either direction - at 80% you only need 6min to the hour, or you could extend it to 18min. If you set it to 90%, the crowd will invariably crap all over angles because deep down theyre hoping for zero. I tried running a Heavy Pure fed, but gimmicks rated absolutely dirt poor and I found it hard to get anyone really over. I switched Mainstream off Key to Heavy, Pure down to Medium, and Comedy from Heavy to Key. I'm doing better now, although my best gimmick is still only C+.
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[QUOTE=Moe Hunter;253696]I tried running a Heavy Pure fed, but gimmicks rated absolutely dirt poor and I found it hard to get anyone really over. I switched Mainstream off Key to Heavy, Pure down to Medium, and Comedy from Heavy to Key. I'm doing better now, although my best gimmick is still only C+.[/QUOTE] If you are running a "pure" wrestling company then you probably wouldn't need to use gimmicks at all - similar to PGHW in the C-Verse
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I have been trying to get gimmacks over. My best was Cale Sanders as 'Gambler' which got to a D- during his two year hold of my Light Heavyweight belt. I will try some stuff after the In August. Right now I work 16 hours a day until next week and then I leave to teach English in Ukraine for a month. Plus I am still finishing my novel so TEW has been pushed to the back burner. Thanks for the ideas.
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My friend who I'm playing against has a very similar product to me - Key Daredevil instead of Comedy is the only real difference. His gimmicks practically all get A*. But then, he also gets that when using two of the same workers as I might, exact same booking - he'd get A*, I'd get B+. It's weird.
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