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Raw To Be Moved To 3 Hours

chris caulfield

Raw To Be Moved To 3 Hours  

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  1. 1. Raw To Be Moved To 3 Hours

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[QUOTE=jonlawson;255470]They need to improve quality of talent in my opinion.[/QUOTE] Which is why it is a shame that TNA can't get it together. Right now, TNA with 2 hours [B]BOOKED PROPERLY[/B] would have a chance to expand it's viewership and slowly chink away at WWE's armor.
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[QUOTE=GDE71;255525]Which is why it is a shame that TNA can't get it together. Right now, TNA with 2 hours [B]BOOKED PROPERLY[/B] would have a chance to expand it's viewership and slowly chink away at WWE's armor.[/QUOTE] In MY OPINION, I think TNA has more Star Power, more talent, and has everything one could want in a promotion to take them to the top... But they fumble the ball all the dang time. Most people that don't like TNA isn't upset at their talent at all. It's the aggrevation that they have TALENT that could be so much MORE. I'm not mad or upset, the CAPITAL's are meant to exagerate the word and make is stand out more. Kind of just say the word a bit slower in your mind is all.
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[QUOTE=GDE71;255525]Which is why it is a shame that TNA can't get it together. Right now, TNA with 2 hours [B]BOOKED PROPERLY[/B] would have a chance to expand it's viewership and slowly chink away at WWE's armor.[/QUOTE] Yup. Absolutely. And the Catch 22 is that unless booked roperly they probably won't get the ratings to justify getting two hours. BUt I would definitely not bet against them if they did. That roster is ridiculously loaded.
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well, I may be sounding like a total TNA mark, but I have to say. The shows that they got 1.2's for were alot better than their other ones. The 47 minute world title belt show, would have been better if Mike Tenay didnt advertise BOTH an eric young match and a X showcase match. The only that I think he was trying to potray was that Rhino, Cage, and Angle, can make the entire show.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;255544]Yup. Absolutely. And the Catch 22 is that unless booked roperly they probably won't get the ratings to justify getting two hours. BUt I would definitely not bet against them if they did. That roster is ridiculously loaded.[/QUOTE] This is why I don't see it happening. As long as they try to crunch "all that" into an hour, and act like it means "Non-Stop Action", then they will probably continue to do that with even two hours... Will be just as messy and cluttered In my opinion. If they can get the hour long show under controll, they would definately get the ratings to get another hour. It's kind of hand in hand with the WWE thing.... Yeah, we know that 3 hours could possibly make things bad for WWE, but if they were to do it right, using alot of the suggestions in here, they would do ok with it. Same thing with TNA, only opposite. We know that they could make that ONE hour show into a Great Two hour show, by being able to do steps in a slower, yet steadier pace, and people be able to follow it alot better. That in itself would make that two hour slot twice as good for me. The problem is, will they do as we say, or just start saying, Well, I guess we need another show to showcase it right... Like I pointed out about WWE before... They rarely EVER use everyone on their roster (for each brand) on a weekly basis. We are lucky to see half the roster on any show (half of the brands roster). This is how we are able to stay up to date with them. We don't see London and Kendricks every week, but we see them at least every other week (unless there is an injury or something). Same thing with quite a few of the talent there. However, they make sure we see the one's they are trying to highlight or push. So week after week we see whoever (Kennedy, Lashley, CM Punk, etc.). If TNA could do that, it would rise pretty fast I'm pretty sure. I watch it to see Sting, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Raven, perhaps Abyss, and Christian. Then I would like to see people like AJ STyles and alot of the other "X-Division" Types on a semi weekly basis. And quit showing me footage of people I'm not going to see tonight!! Keep me informed on like a commercial thing or something, but don't talk all about it while I'm watching another match. Blah, I could say a whole lot of what to do and not do, but it's not going to matter. [QUOTE=NickC13573;255646]well, I may be sounding like a total TNA mark, but I have to say. The shows that they got 1.2's for were alot better than their other ones. The 47 minute world title belt show, would have been better if Mike Tenay didnt advertise BOTH an eric young match and a X showcase match. The only that I think he was trying to potray was that Rhino, Cage, and Angle, can make the entire show.[/QUOTE] I have no problems, and I would hope no one else would either, with anyone being a "Mark" for any show or promotion. "It's your thing, do what you wanna do! I can't tell ya, who to sock it too!" My problems come when we are trying to discuss constructively one promotion or the other, and someone comes in and says "TNA Sucks, WWE is the best!" or "WWE Sucks, TNA could tear them apart if they had another hour!". I have a problem, because neither one of those statements are productive at all, and are bassically confrontational... If your a fan of the one that "Sucks" your going to want to defend them... Then what happens is it's Well, they might do this, but SUCH AND SUCH Does that!! Now it's just let's see who can put down the other guys favorite the best. I like when I here comments like, "Well, I like TNA and am a huge fan of alot of their wrestler's!" alot better then "TNA is WAY BETTER then WWE!". The first statement tells me what you like, the second just tells me you think WWE sucks worse then TNA, and If I think TNA sucks.... It makes me think your saying "Yeah, TNA Sucks, but WWE is even WORSE!". So it ends up being even worse then how it was probably meant to be, although I'm not so sure of that either. Anyways, the way I feel about it I have stated alot of times. I know TNA isn't even in the WWE's league... It's like comparing the locally owned corner supermarket to Walton Industries.. Apple's and Oranges so to speak. However, If anyone has that chance, it's them. When TNA fans come in and talk as if TNA is on the same level in any shape or form, it kind of takes away the whole point they were trying to make. IF they could do this, IF they could do that... That old saying "IF" = Small word, big meaning. That's not a put down to TNA though. I would like for them to achieve the kind of position the WWE is in today. IT would be AMAZING to me, to have that many options available at that level. When I first tried to watch TNA, it was pretty much messed up by "Marks" for me. I was expecting this AWESOME, Super Spectacle or something, I don't know.. I guess I really believed I was going to see a show that was better then any of the WWE's to me. Their was two shows I liked they did. One was a two hour special episode, highlight being Abyss and Christian in a steel cage match, the other was a "Highlight" special, that showcased mainly PPV's, that looked to be worse shows then the "special" I watched before. I wasn't impressed with the match's at all..... HOWEVER If I would have looked at it the way I should have.. As a pimple compared to the WWE, instead of as an equal, I think I could have enjoyed everything TONS BETTER. Now that I do think of them as so much smaller, I am able to enjoy what they are doing.. Kind of like thinking, ok, I'm watching the "B" show now, and it feels like it "could" be an "A" Show. See my point? Another thing to watch out for is.... I don't get into a match just because the "live Crowd" thinks its the greatest thing since pumpkin pie. In fact, watching something that is obviously not that great, get HUGE crowd reactions makes you feel like it's all faker then what it is... Almost like you think the crowd is "Payed Extra's". When I tell people about TNA, I say... Just realise when your watching, they don't have the Assets that WWE does for Raw or Smackdown. I tell people to compare it to ECW if your going to compare them to anyone, and realise they don't have the quality that WWE does. I downplay it, so that when they watch it, they go "Yeah, but man, I just seen one heck of a match, and STING and KURT ANGLE are on that show! I think I'll watch it more often!!"
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ya, I like your thinking. and I agree with you, 3 pages of CONSTRUCTIVE critiquing (SP?) is a whole lot better than bashing one thread or another. Also, TNA has been in talks with fox about more programming. GREAT! the more the better, 2-4 hours more better. However, rumblings have been that its going to be on FX!!! I mean I am a fan of nip/tuck and rescue me, but putting a wrestling show, or shows, on that kind of TV network, while more exposure, is just a plain joke.
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I said no. I think they've already oversatuated the market with their product to expect people to cut 3 hours out of their life every week seems nuts to me. As it stands now if you want to keep up with all the storylines that are developing you have to watch something like 23 hours a month (2 hr a week for raw and smackdown 1 hr for ECW then 3 for the PPV) it's just to much.
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