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Blue belts in BJJ should be able to do much better on the ground than she did against Gina. Gina hasn't been doing jits too long, and while she's alot physically stronger, Julie didn't do much. But then again, there are always differing standards for BJJ promotions. Our school has 6 blue belts, and our instructor is a brown. The blue belts mop the floor with pretty much any white belt, save those who are primed for promotion.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;257460]With the weight classes, will there be the ability to overlap so that fighters could potentially compete at more than one weight? Or will one category start where the last one ends?[/QUOTE] Weight classes don't change to accommodate a fighter competing in different divisions, the fighter does. E.g. Pride didn't change their entire division structure around just to allow Dan Henderson to fight Wanderlei Silva, Dan gained weight.
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I like the freedom of the weight classes. It is cool that we have control over this. There will be the default weight categories that the computer will follow. SO assuming there are guys out there which want a standard set of weights, then fine! I like the flexibility! Man it looks as if i am advertising this game!!! I am not, i just like everything in it so far!;)
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As a guy who was a fan of rigged weight classes, I have to say this is a happy middle ground. In fact the more I think about this the more excited I get, it really allows your promotion to evolve and I began thinking,"Man if I start I new org I'm either gonna have to sign 40 guys, only have 2 weight classes active, or have like 3 guys in each weight class." This system however allows for your promotion to grow as your roster grows. I do hope like any product change alot of moving weight classes around will piss off your fans though.
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I agree 100%. I personally will go for the standard weight classes. I could have an openweight title also. What interests me, is if you have lets say 8 weight classes. Will the fighters automatically try to make weight? Or will it just be that they have their weight and depending on what weight they are they will try fight in the subsequent weight category? If they will adapt depending on your weight classes, that is simply awesome!:eek:
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[QUOTE=badbeat;257609]Will the regions with regulated athletic commissions define weight classes for those promotions wanting to compete in the region?[/QUOTE] Doubtful. Adam's post specifically states that weight classes will be determined by the promotions themselves... and I'd assume if that were a feature it would've been mentioned in today's update. From what I can see, Athletic Commissions will probably be more interested in specific rules and regulations regarding the fights themselves, along with some stake in the business end of things. This is really just a guess though, as Adam hasn't gone over the exacts regarding how the ACs will function in game. Apologies if this answer doesn't entirely satisfy you; hopefully soon Adam will get into more specifics in the Dev Journal! :D
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I was wondering the same thing, I believe it would make the game more of a challenge if the athletic commissions did attempt to ban open weight matches in some areas of the globe. But, if there's a good story behind why they don't, as this is a completely new universe then that makes everything interesting. My only question is, if the AI promotions can't change weight limits, doesn't that make it more of a challenge for them to succeed if there is a problem with one of the pre existing divisions?
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1 questions i have. 1 will we be able to edit the athletic commisions. I mean during the game as we could edit any other aspect of the game. I think the comissions should not get involved with things like the weight categories. It will limit the creativity of our game even more. Everyone will want to work out of Japan!;)
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Another one i was thinking. Areas such as Russia ect, which do not have an athletic comission, will they have one "arise" latter. If not, that means, we could in theory delete and add them as we wish. Or will there simply be a set amount of countries with them from the start and only the rules will change within those regions? Another one i have is. Will we be able to edit the regions as in TEW. In other words if i want to make the hotbed on MMA the UK wll i be able to do so?;)
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Features coming back like the promotional ranking is great. Hopefully giving workers vacation will be up there too, that'd be great. The ranking feature could bring up new media wars against promotions, like one promotion says that they put out better fights while another one says they make more money. Endless possibilities
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I like the new ranking system for the fighters. It is one factor which is very debatable. Should it be based on popularity? Of Skills or on W/L Adam seems to be going for a cambination of the last 2. I think a combination of the 3 should be taken into consideration, plus the value of the w/L record should be base on who they beat. Either way i am sure Adam has all this covered.........i HOPE!;)
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;259105]It isn't on popularity, it's on Win\Loss and Skills.[/QUOTE] does it take into account quality of opponet? somoene can be 50-0 but if everyone they beat was 0-10 it wouldnt really mean anything. on the other end if if somone was 8-8 and fought all top 10 comp, then he would be ranked higher.
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[QUOTE=y2trav;259244]does it take into account quality of opponet? somoene can be 50-0 but if everyone they beat was 0-10 it wouldnt really mean anything. on the other end if if somone was 8-8 and fought all top 10 comp, then he would be ranked higher.[/QUOTE] I have a feeling this is where the "skills" part of the ratings will come into play. Naturally, if someone is 15-0 but is lacking in the skills department, having won all of their fights thus far against the worst fighters the game has to offer, they won't be ranked all that highly just based on their win/loss record. On the other hand, if someone has a below average record but is regularly facing and competing with the best in the world, his high skill levels will probably balance out the record aspect in the rankings. Quality of opponents in and of itself probably won't take part, but I think the balance between skills and a good win/loss record in the rankings will work well on its own. I for one am very excited to see the rankings return from 04, because just as it allowed me to get to know the CornellVerse's big names back then it'll let me immediately recognize the most important fighters in the WMMA universe. :D
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