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I am also a big fan of the 04 ranking system. I guess w\L is a pretty accurate system, including skill. What is the most important is that the ranking will be accurate. It does not mean that a ranked 20 cannot beat a ranked 1. I was not too fond of the TEW07 ratings as it was totally inaccurate. being 1st did not mean you were the best.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;259288]I am also a big fan of the 04 ranking system. I was not too fond of the TEW07 ratings as it was totally inaccurate. being 1st did not mean you were the best.[/QUOTE] See I think this works in wrestling because it's a fixed sport. If someone put out a top 100 list right now that had Bryan Danielson at 1 and another person put one out with John Cena at 1, both would have an argument. When it comes to an actual sport, there's little room for debate on those kinds of issues.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;259375]the TEW07 ratings as it was totally inaccurate.[/QUOTE][QUOTE=Capelli King;259375]the TEW ratings should be based on angle and match ratings. I do not know what they were besed on.[/QUOTE]If you don't know what they were based on then how do you know they were inaccurate?
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;259705]They were based on nothing!!! [/QUOTE]:rolleyes: And besides why even bring up "The End Of Year Top 100" when the announced feature was "Fighter Rankings" which seemingly have no relation whatsoever to each other. I mean hey now Weigh In's have been announced why don't we argue about the effects of Kaz Hayashi syndrome?
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Fight Status I like this, it gives more details on what's happening. So, nothing will be random. The fact that fighters don't have to be in a camp is pretty cool. My only question is how detailed will the information be on how well they're doing in the camp.
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[QUOTE=thedraem41;261745]I like this, it gives more details on what's happening. So, nothing will be random. The fact that fighters don't have to be in a camp is pretty cool. My only question is how detailed will the information be on how well they're doing in the camp.[/QUOTE] Just a guess, but I'd assume it'll have details on which stats they're improving with their regular workout routine. So perhaps he's been really developing his strikes lately and is splitting his time between the heavy bag and sparring. Or maybe he's 2 weeks away from his big title shot, so he's been training 4 hours a day in a BJJ camp because the current champ is known for his ground game. I think the feature is awesome. It'll add a new dimension to the TEW bios, because rather than staying the same throughout the entire game, part of the information on the worker will always be up to date. :D
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Alot of lower level guys train without camps, or with sparse camps. Some of the local camps train for 2 hours a day, four days a week, guys working around their day jobs. I think having guys with no camps, or lesser camps will definately open up the realism in the game.
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I really like how this game is going along. Adam, is probably the best guy out there when it comes to creating quality products with depth. Thinkers games. I truely hope this game get enough promotion when it comes out as i think this could be huge among MMA fans
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;262204]I really like how this game is going along. Adam, is probably the best guy out there when it comes to creating quality products with depth. Thinkers games. I truely hope this game get enough promotion when it comes out as i think this could be huge among MMA fans[/QUOTE] I agree every time I hear about the next big sci fi first person shooter(That happens to be like all the others that came before it with slightly better graphics.) and the developers raking in the cash I think of Adam then think,"Man is NOTHING in the world based off talent?".
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Guest kungfuchef
I have yet to see one update that didn't impress me. I am more and more excited about this game everyday.
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The owners feature is the most interesting part of the game so far. It sets up for a possible NWA set up in TEW, with having different promotions under the same banner while sharing some belts and having their own. Not only does that make WMMA a special game, it means great things for future games. The medical suspension feature is good, I'm assuming it covers issues like the fighters being caught with or having illegal substances in their system.
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