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Bringing Wrestlers out of Retirement

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Hey Guys, In TEW2005 in my fed I had Bret Hart on my booking team, he was still retired from in ring competition but I selected an option to ask him if he would come out of retirement to wrestle and he said yes. I have started a new fed with my purchase of TEW2007 and have the Hitman on my booking team again. I was thinking of asking him out of retirement again for this game but I can't find that same option anywhere. Does anywhere remember the option that I'm talking about and does anyone know if it can be done in TEW2007 as well?? thanks!
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no there's no option for that. You must be thinking of 04, as that's the only game that let you do that. You don't have the option of asking workers questions like coming out of retirement. Talk to worker screen has preset questions with preset answers. Only in 04' could you actually "talk" to your staff.
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