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TNA - Speed Diary

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[QUOTE=Samoa Joe ROH;259988]Just something i know this is small but Could you post the ratings of the Show so we can see what your doing not of each segment just the show[/QUOTE] Will do :) [QUOTE=takerlives77;260002]For what this diary intends (a nice runthrough of the shows you did without a lot of flashyness) this diary is quite good....i do however find it concerning that you seem to end your mainevents in draws...i understand it's a good way to hype a PPV but really if i was watching impact and saw this amount of matches without a clearcut winner (even by cheating or dq) i would be angry...keep it up though...not sure if i'd like to see kevin nash v senshi at all but senshi seems to be the voice of reason for every single frustrated tna fan out there....good stuff mate[/QUOTE] Thanks, yeah I guess I have overused draws a little bit looking back over things, I'll try to mix things up where I can without it having a knock on affect. As for Nash v Senshi, it has to be done. As much as I like Kevin Nash, it just has to be done, like you say, for ever frustrated fan and wrestler out there.
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[QUOTE]Xplosion - Teddy Hart defeated Petey Williams in 7:55 with a handful of tights while using the ropes for leverage. The match between the two was face paced and either man could have won it. End of the day it was Hart's cheating tactics that gave him the edge. (D+) iMPACT - Christian Cage comes out from the ramp way shouting and screaming for iMPACT to stop. Cage says that before iMPACT gets underway, he needs answers. Cage demands to know how come the 'Instant Classic' doesn't have a match for Bound for Glory when ever other Tom, Dick and Abyss has one set up. Cage says that TNA will collapse without its Superstar on the PPV. Cage demands that Cornette comes out and gives him answers. - Cornette comes out shaking his head. Cornette says that clearly Christian Cage did hear a word he said last week, that no longer will people be able to demand matches. Cage says he didn't barge into Cornette's office, so what's his problem. Cornette says that Cage will have a match at Bound for Glory, but he's still working on who the ideal opponent would be. COrnette says that be the end of tonight's iMPACT he'll have a choice for Christian Cage. - The camera cuts backstage to Robert Roode shouting at Ms. Brooks for her defeats at the hand of Christy Hemme. Roode says that he can't be seen having such a weak element to his Franchise. He says if Brooks isn't careful he'll dump her back where he found her. - Eric Young appears in the iMPACT zone to chants of 'Don't fire Eric' - despite the fact that those remarks are nearly a year old. Young says it feels good to be famous, and that tonight he was going to wrestle for the fans as a sign of his appreciation. - Eric Young defeated Johnny Devine in 4:45 by pinfall with The Showstopper. Young and Devine had a great natural match, with each guy allowing the other to get a decent amount of offence in the time provided. There were hints throughout the match of Devine heeling it up, taking a few short cuts to throw Young off, which got the crowd going. (D+) - Robert Roode appears out of nowhere and attacks Eric Young in the ring, Devine looks like he's going to make the save, but shrugs and walks off. Roode walks away laughing. - Styles, Tenay and West hype the upcoming match between Paul London and Kazarian from the comfort of their announcers table. They announce it is a #1 Contenders Match for the X-Division Title at Bound for Glory. - Paul London defeated Kazarian in 5:06 by pinfall with a London Calling. London and Kaz kept the pace fast and action packed, a true throwback to the X-Division's glory days. No one man looked like he'd be able to get the other hand, and Kaz took London to the limit, however a mistake by Kaz left him open to the London Calling, giving London the win. (C) - James Mitchell is backstage with the Order of the New Church (Venom, Jones & Apocalypse), the looming shadow stands behind them, just out of the light and focus. Mitchell says tonight Abyss will face the second of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - or should I say... New Church. He says that the downfall of Abyss draws closer each day, just like the end of the world and the power left in the sun. - Abyss defeated Nathan Jones in 4:41 by pinfall with The Black Hole Slam. Abyss worked over Jones, exchanging some hard brawls with him. In the end Abyss was able to counter a lariat into the Black Hole Slam for the win. Abyss looked good throughout the match, looking both menacing and clever. (D) - AJ Styles dedicates his upcoming match to Jeff Jarrett. - AJ Styles defeated Sonjay Dutt in 4:52 by count out. Styles hit the match in his classic style, lots of high flying moves and some of his signiture spots. However, he soon took it outside where he threw Dutt into the railings. Styles then distracted the ref, and while the Refs back was turned took a guitar from under the ring and smashed it over Dutt's head. Styles climbed back into the ring and allowed Dutt to be counted out while he posed. (D+) - A video plays hyping up the 3 way Tag Match at Bound for Glory - Kurt Angle appears backstage in the locker room. He says that in 1 week, he's going to defeat Joe and send him back to Japan in a freaking stretcher. Angle says that TNA is only around because Angle allows for it to be, because Kurt Angle holds TNA's exsistance in his presence. - Christian Cage comes out to the ring and says that Angle doesn't know what he's talking about - CHRISTIAN CAGE IS TNA! Cage is TNA's PPV PULLER! Which is why Cage wants to know who is he facing at Bound for Glory! Cornette appears and says that Cage will have a choice of opponants at Bound for Glory - Sting, Tomko or a Mystery Opponent. However, for Cage to choose he has to defeat Sting first tonight... right now... Cage protests saying he's not ready... - Christian Cage defeated Sting in 7:32 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Sting came out high octane on Cage, getting the upper hand straight away. Cage looked ragged and on the backfoot the whole time during the match, even having trouble removing his shirt. However, Sting's over confidence and constant attack allowed Cage to grab a lowblow and a cheap pinfall for the win. (C+) Show Rating: C[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE="3"]Bound for Glory[/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [B][U]TNA Heavyweight Title Match[/U][/B] Samoa Joe v Kurt Angle (c) Christian Cage v Sting or Tomko or Mystery Opponent [B][U]TNA World Tag Title Match[/U][/B] Team 3D v Steiner Brothers v LAX (c) AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett Abyss v Apocalypse [B][U]TNA X-Division Title[/U][/B] Paul London v Jay Lethal (c) Senshi v Kevin Nash
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TNA Heavyweight Title Match [B]Samoa Joe[/B] v Kurt Angle (c) [B]Christian Cage[/B] v Sting or Tomko or Mystery Opponent TNA World Tag Title Match Team 3D v Steiner Brothers v [B]LAX (c)[/B] [B] AJ Styles [/B]v Jeff Jarrett [B]Abyss [/B]v Apocalypse TNA X-Division Title [B]Paul London [/B]v Jay Lethal (c) [B]Senshi [/B]v Kevin Nash
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