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Wrestling Schools/Training Camps

Tyler Gadzinski

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Anyone here on the boards ever go to a Wrestling School or Training Camp and if you did what was the name of it and if you got gear where did you go for it. Reason I'm wondering is sometime this or next month I am planning on going to a local Wrestling Training Camp with FOWLEntertainment. I was gonna buy my wrestling equipment off Highspots.com but they can be a little pricey for what I had checked up on it would cost me about $475 for a pair of Pants with custom design($150ish), a Pair of Boots($200) and pair of Knee Pads($25ish).. just wondering if there was a place I could go and get them cheaper. for the place I'm going here is there official website... [url]www.FOWLEntertainment.com[/url] They are based in Appleton, Wisconsin.
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I've been talking it over with my girlfriend about moving to Atlanta. The #1 wrestling school in the world is there. WWA4. Cost around $1000 to go there. Many WWE superstars have gone there. Alot go on to OVW and then WWE. I've also been looking for gear and where I could get it. [url]http://www.wwa4.com/[/url] [B]Wrestling Gear[/B] [url]http://www.highspots.com/wrestling-gear.asp[/url]
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;256978]Check that math again.[/QUOTE] good call... lol... Woody, WWA4 was actually the first school I considered but I don't want to move to Georgia(I'm still 17 turn 18 in 3 months) but I was thinking about training at FOWL to get a start then head down to Georgia and continue training down there. I know that Jindrak trains at WWA4 on a regular basis.. and theyve had alot of wrestlers go pro. so yeah Im thinking about doing what I said about... Also its a matter of saving up $990 then enough for a Greyhound Bus/Plane... I just don't know howd I'd be able to take most of the stuff I have here at my house.(Dresser, TV, Entertainment Stand, Bed) And I dont have a license to just drive down there .. waiting until I turn 18 to take the tests. I have also been talking to people from NWA Wisconsin and am trying to see if they have a School/Training Camp that I can go to.
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Currently I have trained under three wrestlers for my training (That is still not complete) Brandon Bishop (Owner of Asylum Championship Wrestling out of Colorado [url]www.asylumwrestling.com[/url]) Cade Sydal Matt Garza I am about to move down south to finish my training up in San Antonio somewhere or another promotion in Texas... I am nearly done just need a little bit more ring time before I go full time in wrestling...
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I'm kinda partial to [URL="http://www.allprowrestling.com/bootcamp/"]APW Boot Camp[/URL]. But in the end, it's going to come down to your resources. If you can't get to/stay in the area the school is in (and Hayward is near San Francisco & San Jose's not too far away, i.e. it aint cheap), it doesn't matter how good the trainers are. You won't be there. It's probably best that you stick to someplace local, then when you have the resources, go to somewhere bigger/better. Besides, not counting discounts, APW Boot Camp is like 6 grand. I think your biggest problem if you decide to go away for training, is going to be finding a place to stay (if the school doesn't provide it). Atlanta aint cheap either and neither is Boston (Killer Kowalski). As for your gear, you might want to do some checking of the less heavily trafficked sites. There are several people who do custom ringwear, though I dunno their general pricing. I'd just be hesitant to get "off the rack", stock wrestling gear, personally. And from a "big name" site, no less. Like buying a computer from Dell or Gateway (it's ALWAYS more expensive than the alternative, unless you get the bottom of the barrel $399 "special" that's only good for websurfing, word processing, and email :p). I'll ask around and see who does what. I've referred 4 people to APW but at a time when I still had a place in San Leandro (so they had a place to stay when they got there).
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yeah 6 grand is a bit expensive ... the main things that cought my eye at WWA4 in Atlanta, is that its only $990 for 2 years there they hold shows very often, multiple rings in workout area, a weightroom, and many many stars were born through that place So far my current plan is to go through FOWL Entertainment which is $100 for about 1 month or until you got everything down then you get a bunch of matches and its close.. then after that Training period I hope to go and do more training up at NWA Wisconsin/ACW/ICW's training camp which raised stars like, Hornswoggle, Davairi, and Austin Starr, then after being there for awhile and after I save up about 3 grand head down to Atlanta and finish training with WWA4, There are alot more schools ive checked out and none of them as impressive as WWA4, Ive looked into Playboy Buddy Rose's School, New Jack's new school, Matt Hyson's school... but prices were just too high for me right now, Buddy Rose's was about 1,500 bux for 6 months, New Jacks was 2,500 dollars for a year. WWA4 is $990 for 2 years. And has alot more accomidations as in equipment.
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[QUOTE=weirdo_man;257245]lol why would you ever want to be trained by New Jack. Also, training only does so much. In ring during a show experience is what teaches you 99% of what you will eventually know.[/QUOTE] Listen to this man. Who a school produces is as much a testament of an individual's ability and desire (and luck), as a reflection on their training. Yes, some trainers have success creating so-called "stars" but you can't teach charisma. You can't teach mic skills and you can't teach heart. Killer Kowalski produced Triple H, but much of what makes Paul Levesque "Triple H" has nothing to do with what Killer taught him. I will say this: after the fiasco surrounding Dalip Singh, I've seen how much tighter APW's training procedures have gotten. Though the casual observer might say "APW produced the Great Khali!", that's not something folks inside like to crow about, given the cost. Now Matt Hyson? That's something folks at APW will eagerly admit to. But again, it's your resources that are going to determine where you end up at first. I know of at least one person who uprooted her family (her & the hubby) to move across country to train with Killer Kowalski (see: Amanda Storm). But that was because she had the resources to do so. I just wish I could've gotten ahold of you two years ago. None of this would've been any issue, I'd guess. (I'm a youth mentor and have gotten a lot of kids involved in running their own businesses) At least you have a goal other than "I wanna go to college and boink college chicks" :p
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[QUOTE=weirdo_man;257245]lol why would you ever want to be trained by New Jack. Also, training only does so much. In ring during a show experience is what teaches you 99% of what you will eventually know.[/QUOTE] Most Training Camps/Schools offer many shows that you wrestle in..Training Camps and Schools just teach you the basics basically, like Remi said you cant train Mic skills, Heart, or Charisma.. but they do train.. Stamina, some Selling(mostly based on the workers ability to act), In Ring Ability, How to do the moves flawlessly. New Jack I think wouldn't be a horrible teacher. I just think he'd train too much on Hardcore stuff. But I mainly responded to say that yeah, Most schools run multiple shows letting you practice in front of a crowd.. out of all the sites I've seen 1 didn't and that was New Jacks.
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[QUOTE=SmokieMcPots;257295]ive been wrestling for about a year in missouri and I am going to atlanta at WWA4. I already have all my gear :P[/QUOTE] where did you get your gear... I plan on getting my gear sometime soon, and then heading up to FOWL Entertainment.. and start my training.
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I would give my left nut to have been trained by New Jack... I bet you could get away with anything... I can see it now My first promo in front of a live crowd 20 cuss words later... I get to the back... Promoter: Dude what the **** is your problem? Me: I was trained by New Jack Promoter: Ah ok its cool then...
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[QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;256959]Anyone here on the boards ever go to a Wrestling School or Training Camp and if you did what was the name of it and if you got gear where did you go for it. Reason I'm wondering is sometime this or next month I am planning on going to a local Wrestling Training Camp with FOWLEntertainment. I was gonna buy my wrestling equipment off Highspots.com but they can be a little pricey for what I had checked up on it would cost me about $475 for a pair of Pants with custom design($150ish), a Pair of Boots($200) and pair of Knee Pads($25ish).. just wondering if there was a place I could go and get them cheaper. for the place I'm going here is there official website... [url]www.FOWLEntertainment.com[/url] They are based in Appleton, Wisconsin.[/QUOTE] First thing I wouldn't jump into buying anything right away. First I would get some training under you belt b/c if you show up with all this gear and **** alot of people are going to piss on you right away b/c it tends to be a little disrespectful. 2nd after your training has moved into more then bump bump bump, then start talking to your trainer about helping you size yourself for your boots( a real and good trainer wont let you do this on your own b/c you can tend to have some errors.) 3rd after you gets your boots and a some good basic training down and your trainer has you running practice matches at the school then talk to your trainer and find some local promotions to start working and getting your name out there. [QUOTE=weirdo_man;257245] Also, training only does so much. In ring during a show experience is what teaches you 99% of what you will eventually know.[/QUOTE] Not to jump all over you for this but thats not true man, i would say its about 50/50. I mean if you dont know **** and go out there you are going to get your ass kicked by the guys who have busted there ass training day in and day out. Not to mention I have been on shows where guys show up with this attitude and have somehow got booked and the match turns into a WWE/TNA finisherthon. My question for you is do you think someone like payton manning doesnt train(practice) all the time outside of full games(MATCHES ON SHOWS)??? I mean seriously dude to say that 99% is learned in the ring durring a match is a crock of ****.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;257319]Not to jump all over you for this but thats not true man, i would say its about 50/50. I mean if you dont know **** and go out there you are going to get your ass kicked by the guys who have busted there ass training day in and day out. Not to mention I have been on shows where guys show up with this attitude and have somehow got booked and the match turns into a WWE/TNA finisherthon. My question for you is do you think someone like payton manning doesnt train(practice) all the time outside of full games(MATCHES ON SHOWS)??? I mean seriously dude to say that 99% is learned in the ring durring a match is a crock of ****.[/QUOTE] Not to totally disagree with you, but you kinda illustrated the point that was being made. Did Peyton's "training" give him his arm? Did his training make him intelligent enough to call his own plays? Was it training that made his throwing motion flawless? No on all three accounts. Training can refine what's there but if there was a trainer who could mass-produce Rock & Austin clones, he'd be richer than Vince. Your point is well taken and I largely agree with it. But to choose a wrestling school because "X worker trained there" is a bit misguided, wouldn't you say? X worker might've put in hundreds of hours outside of training, honing his abilities and paying his dues. That's not something you can easily attribute to a trainer.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;257327]Not to totally disagree with you, but you kinda illustrated the point that was being made. Did Peyton's "training" give him his arm? Did his training make him intelligent enough to call his own plays? Was it training that made his throwing motion flawless? No on all three accounts. Training can refine what's there but if there was a trainer who could mass-produce Rock & Austin clones, he'd be richer than Vince. Your point is well taken and I largely agree with it. But to choose a wrestling school because "X worker trained there" is a bit misguided, wouldn't you say? X worker might've put in hundreds of hours outside of training, honing his abilities and paying his dues. That's not something you can easily attribute to a trainer.[/QUOTE] I think you miss understood me. I wasn't promoting any school. I don't care who you get trained by. I am just suggesting that you train before you walk into school with a gimmick and what not as it is considered disrespectful. I mean I was trained by Shane Alden/Eric Alden, Chris" Shockwave", Jim Tanner, and Chip Stetson also attending some camps with Tony Atlas and Doink. I mean the only guy some of you might now there is Shockwave who just debut over in Japan as a robot/transformer gimmick. I am just suggesting that no matter what school you go to dont show up in gear when you have not been trained b/c it makes things look bad for you. I would also like to throw this out there. Make sure you look into the school you are attending. If you notice a whole bunch of out of shape slobs wrestling there and they only wrestle once a month on there own produced shows you might want to consider going else where(this isnt the case always but if you not that they dont look like wrestlers and dont pressure you to get to the gym they may be just trying to make some cash).But hey man its fun and nerve racking the first time you walk into the ring but if you love it, do it and make the most of it.
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[QUOTE=ubernoob;257444]I live in Appleton, have been looking at schools, and have never heard of FOWL if that means anything to you.[/QUOTE] I was just on the internet on Google looking for Wrestling Schools in Appleton, Wisconsin... cuz my friend told me that someone he knows went to a school in Appleton and he didn't know the name of it. They may have just opened too.. I have no idea.. but they run shows at Sawdust Days, and at Camp Onaway. (if you dont live in wisconsin you may have never heard of these.)
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WWA4 is of course the school of choice by me as well but I just want to do some local training first before I head down to Atlanta no one really starts off there training by going to the best school right away.. they always do some local stuff just to help promote there name so there not going to the big stage being an unknown to everyone
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If i was American and wanting to train to be a wrestler, no matter where i lived in the country i'd pack my bags and move to Philly to train at CHIKARA under Mike Quackenbush and Chris Hero, theres no one better to learn from imo. Plus CHIKARA students get great chances to wrestle stars on shows. Example being Joe Schmo trains at somewhere else and for months is in matches with other Joe Schmos. Tim Donst trains at CHIKARA, works a six man tag teamin with Sumner and Gulak against Hydra, Crossbones and UltraMantis(Original CHIKARA graduate from class 1 5 years ago), enters Young Lions cup and although loses to Shayne Hawke is booked to soon face Eddie Kingston and the crowd are sympathetic to errors and such too since CHIKARA fans know the students get fair opportunity so no real fears going in. Plus one huge thing is that they dont let you wrestle til you are ready, i';ve heard many school learn you the bumps then shove you in the ring whereas #Quack really cares about his students and makes sure they are proficiant in various styles before letting them loose to gain ring experience.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;257395]I think you miss understood me. I wasn't promoting any school. I don't care who you get trained by. I am just suggesting that you train before you walk into school with a gimmick and what not as it is considered disrespectful. I mean I was trained by Shane Alden/Eric Alden, Chris" Shockwave", Jim Tanner, and Chip Stetson also attending some camps with Tony Atlas and Doink. I mean the only guy some of you might now there is Shockwave who just debut over in Japan as a robot/transformer gimmick. I am just suggesting that no matter what school you go to dont show up in gear when you have not been trained b/c it makes things look bad for you. I would also like to throw this out there. Make sure you look into the school you are attending. If you notice a whole bunch of out of shape slobs wrestling there and they only wrestle once a month on there own produced shows you might want to consider going else where(this isnt the case always but if you not that they dont look like wrestlers and dont pressure you to get to the gym they may be just trying to make some cash).But hey man its fun and nerve racking the first time you walk into the ring but if you love it, do it and make the most of it.[/QUOTE] Ahh yeah, my mistake. The kid showing up with the flashy gear but who hasn't done a damn thing, would tend to get hazed a bit. This even happens in other sports (football, baseball, basketball, hockey, here in the States). I believe the term is, 'earning your stripes'. But forlan has a point too. I had forgotten about CHIKARA, to be honest.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;257319] Not to jump all over you for this but thats not true man, i would say its about 50/50. I mean if you dont know **** and go out there you are going to get your ass kicked by the guys who have busted there ass training day in and day out. Not to mention I have been on shows where guys show up with this attitude and have somehow got booked and the match turns into a WWE/TNA finisherthon. My question for you is do you think someone like payton manning doesnt train(practice) all the time outside of full games(MATCHES ON SHOWS)??? I mean seriously dude to say that 99% is learned in the ring durring a match is a crock of ****.[/QUOTE] Um, I was training for two weeks before I started my matches. Now with just a couple of hours of training, mostly working on moves that I don't know before show for the first few months that I wrestled, I'm not bad at all most would say. Training just teaches you the basics, your heart and will to learn teach you the rest. [QUOTE=Tyler Gadzinski;257294]Most Training Camps/Schools offer many shows that you wrestle in..Training Camps and Schools just teach you the basics basically, like Remi said you cant train Mic skills, Heart, or Charisma.. but they do train.. Stamina, some Selling(mostly based on the workers ability to act), In Ring Ability, How to do the moves flawlessly. New Jack I think wouldn't be a horrible teacher. I just think he'd train too much on Hardcore stuff. But I mainly responded to say that yeah, Most schools run multiple shows letting you practice in front of a crowd.. out of all the sites I've seen 1 didn't and that was New Jacks.[/QUOTE] Heh, you say this all like I don't know. I'm a wrestler bro, believe me, the schools don't teach you anywhere near what you can learn by wrestling in a match when you only know about 6 moves and watching the tape and studying to see what parts looked bad.
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[QUOTE=weirdo_man;257725]Um, I was training for two weeks before I started my matches. Now with just a couple of hours of training, mostly working on moves that I don't know before show for the first few months that I wrestled, I'm not bad at all most would say. Training just teaches you the basics, your heart and will to learn teach you the rest. Heh, you say this all like I don't know. I'm a wrestler bro, believe me, the schools don't teach you anywhere near what you can learn by wrestling in a match when you only know about 6 moves and watching the tape and studying to see what parts looked bad.[/QUOTE] Send me some links to your matches and send me a website of the promotion you work for. B/C I have been around the US Northeastern indies on and off for about 7 years and I can tell you 80% of what you see out there is ****, most people who I saw come to a school and go like for 2-3 times and then hit the shows trying to make something of themselves, when all this does is water down the indies and make it worse off then it has ever been. I hate the indies b/c of this. Its great when you can go to a show watch the promoter book himself in the first match, have the ring break and then jump from a ladder to the outside of the ring through a table on a guy. I am sorry if it seems like I am ripping you up(not directed torwards you personaly just your veiws on how to make it). Its the same situtation over and over again. Joe Nobody shows up trains for like 2-3 times getting the intial "Beat in" seeing if they are tough enough, some continue but most leave after 2-3 times of this because as they say " I dont need to get the **** kick out of me by some nobody like me, I came to get trained not get the **** kicked out of me". After this they invest in a ring,gear and put up a website promoting there "Professinal Wrestling Show". Joe Nobody gets his old buddies he used to backyard with and they move from the yard to a local indoor KoC. After all is said and done they are charging fans 10 dollars a person to watch a couldnt hack it piece of **** book himself into a "World Heavyweight Championship title match", which will consist of chairs and weapons along with probley the Stone Cold Stunner, a Super Kick and whatever other finisher has just become majorly popular. Check it out it all over the net. Just go over to youtube and you will see all the crap out there taking money out of guys pockets who bust their ass week in and week out to train(Like every other professional athlete out there). I am sorry for the rant, I can not just sit by having been a part of Indie wrestling until my son became ill and not say something about the sport I love and respect. IF YOU ARE GOING TO WRESTLE TRAIN. IN THE RING, IN THE GYM. DONT THINK YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING B/C you can fall to the mat. You need to run practice matches at your school over and over again with different people without talking about what your doing before you do it. YOU ARE NOT A WRESTLER IF YOU TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU ARE GOING TO DO B4 you do it. YOU ARE A DANCER. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO GO OUT TO THE RING WITH ANYONE NEVER EVEN TALKING TO THEM AND BE ABLE TO RUN A MATCH START TO FINISH ONLY KNOWING THAT THE BOOKER WANTS SO AND SO TO WIN. YOU NEED TO KNOW HOW TO [B]WORK[/B] to be a wrestler. Just b/c you can flip and jump in the air doesnt mean ****, neither does taking 10 chair shots, or falling through a table. If you go to the ring and you get lost out there and are not telling a story then your not a WORKER. Again sorry for the rant.:D
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