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I have been tring the following time limits with Stamina grades. For the most part it seems to be working, however there is still a few ( exmp: Corpal Doom 5 mins was totally winded ) that appraently it is still way to long a match. Please give me your opions on grades = mins max in a match. F = 4 E = 6 D = 10 C = 15 B = 20 A = I guess the 60 min man though 25 mins is most I have actually went. Too I am considering like C- C C+ all a C. I am surprised how much this game all takes into effect. Stamina, Pshy, Charistma, chemistry, Fans what they want. Still tring to find me my first B rated match so I hope this is another step in tring to perfect a match. Thanks all.
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Funny, you're shortchanging yourself. Anything from low D- and below can go 6 mins max. High D- to low D+ can go 10 mins. Of course, [URL=http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20557]someone else[/URL] went to the trouble of figuring all this out. ;)
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