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How in the world do you get a worker more overness / popular, I just am not seeing improvements so therefore I have to be doing something wrong here. I have tried having ME vs ME Mid vs Mid, I have tried pushes ME 5-6 victorys over mid carders. I know there is probley some formula to building popularity but I just flat can't seem to figure it out. I have tried also having what I think is a very ballenced roster talent wise. Guess I am just a lousey booker :eek: . Can anyone tell me things they have done to make workers more popular? BTW I am figureing Popular and Overness is the same thing.
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Maybe your workers have each hit that "glass ceiling" Adam set where they cant get anymore popular. Just continue to book good angles and if that doesnt work, just edit their overness. It doesnt have to be much, but I've seen that the second you do that, the glass ceiling dissapears and you can make them as over as you want.
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If their match and (5+ min) angle performance ratings far exceed their overness and there's NO improvement (I mean NONE, not "he didn't go up a letter grade"), they might have reached their overness cap. So if the worker has C- overness and is putting on B-/B matches, you're probably looking at a cap situation. However, if they're at C overness and putting on C+ matches, that may not be quite enough to generate an increase.
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