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Best Wrestling games ever list!

Capelli King

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Guest The Aussie
Nice to see Adam & Spike get recognised, Two Fire Pros in the top five and three Ryland games in the top 10.
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I can buy into No Mercy and two Fire Pro games being ranked higher than TEW '07, even if I don't necessarily agree. But EWR doesn't have a place in the #3 spot, since the only commercial game of Ryland's that it's managed to outdo is the first TEW. Also, check the guy's review of Wrestling Spirit. He doesn't seem to know what EWR actually stands for. Aside from Ryland Fanboy Mode kicking in I still think it's a pretty awful list, but that could just be due to my own personal experiences and an actual sense of good taste. :) EDIT: And Smackdown! 2 having the best CAW mode ever? [i]What?[/i] Also, English can't be this guy's first language. I could write a review, Babelfish it into Japanese and back into English and have a better chance of coming out of the process with something more coherent.
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Smackdown 2 didn't have the best CAW, but it was one of the best ways to earn those caws... "You notice a random jobber with body parts of former famous wrestlers" "X wrestler you're about to wrestle later this night is seen walking backstage, gets attacked by already mentioned jobber" If you beat this jobber you can win his move set and his body parts... Or all of the angles in the season mode. Tag Team X is in the ring and appear to be acting exactly like too cool. Wrestler X is being interviewed by Michael Cole, and is using the exact mannerisms as the rock. Or when you walking backstage the "restaurant sign" that looks strangely similar to the denny's sign. And my personal favorite portion of this game... MULTIPLAYER SEASON MODE... which has never been done since :( Everything on there makes sense, except for WCW/NWO Revenge... and I don't own a gamecube, so I wouldn't know about Day Of Reckoning. My personal vote for most interesting gameplay features in wrestling games: EWR: Pinky And The Brain start wrestling companies. WWE Raw (X-Box/Pc): Hand as a weapon... (Mae Young's child?), as well as Fred Durst being an unlockable character. WWF Just Bring It - The worst feature ever in a wrestling game, taking up half of the freaking ps2 memory card. The WCW aki games, and WWF Wrestlemania 2000: AKI Man And worst angle ever in a wrestling games: Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007: Blonde Diva (I forget which one) gets a magical wand and changes your playable character into a woman, that viscera falls in love with, she then switches someone into The Boogeyman or something like that.
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I really haven't played any console wrestling games recently, but from my point of view the list is pretty accurate. I can't speak for most of the Smackdown games listed, or the Fire Pro games (though they'd better have an incredible control scheme and great movesets if they're ranked so highly, so I wouldn't mind trying them!), but I will say that WCW/NWO Revenge was amazing at the time and No Mercy went even further. Some of my best childhood/young adulthood memories are playing 4 player No Mercy - in fact, I think I still have about 50 or 60 of my friend's user characters still saved on my N64 memory cards. :o I can understand rating EWR over TEW though. At the time, there was simply nothing on that level available anywhere - Promotion Wars, as much as I liked it at first, simply doesn't allow the creativity and freedom of EWR. It pretty much fit into exactly what players everywhere were looking for at that point in time, and defined the wrestling simulation genre for what I'm sure will be decades to come. It's [i]still[/i] incredibly fun to play - in fact I continue, to this day, to prefer playing real-life mods on EWR. Good to see that Adam's games are being given the credit that they deserve, though. I wasn't a huge Wrestling Spirit fan, and honestly thought that WreSpi2 was much better, but still - 3 of the top 10 wrestling games of all time isn't too shabby! :D
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[QUOTE=sprinklefurball;257492]And worst angle ever in a wrestling games: Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007: Blonde Diva (I forget which one) gets a magical wand and changes your playable character into a woman, that viscera falls in love with, she then switches someone into The Boogeyman or something like that.[/QUOTE] It's Candice Michelle that does that.
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[QUOTE=sprinklefurball;257492] And worst angle ever in a wrestling games: Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007: Blonde Diva (I forget which one) gets a magical wand and changes your playable character into a woman, that viscera falls in love with, she then switches someone into The Boogeyman or something like that.[/QUOTE] Yeah, that was by far the stupidest angle known to man. And I was playing as myself when I encountered this storyline so you know I wasnt paticularly happy with being turned into a woman.
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I have to say, that although there is no chance of comparing EWR with TEW07, i could say, that EWR was in its time a revolution. It is what set up the future TEW, Wrespi generations. I guess you could say that EWR in its time was TEW of today. It is still the best freeware ever appart from possibly Cybernations which i am playing now.
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Come on now, while it was completely rediculous, how can you not love Edge talking like Daivari, then being turned into the Boogeyman? And Viscera trying to horn in on your woman-form then being totally disappointed when she disappears? Anyway, honestly I would have placed DoR2 mugh higher on the list, and I believe it will be the best WWE game for years to come unless they actually make a sequel. The SvR series is an absolute sham, priorities all in the wrong places. HCTP was brilliant and has my favourite season mode. While not Mutliplayer (like SD2, Raw 2 and Attitude), it does feature the great ability to choose exactly who you want to feature in the season, and on what brand. You can have 95% CaWs if you want! And, through a series of awesome coincidence/glitches, I managed to get RVD to win (and keep!) every belt except Women's and the Raw Tag Team. Over the years he's had about 400 defenses of the WWE Title! Raw 2 is the best Wrestling game with the worst Wrestling gameplay. Slow, crappy matches but fantastic season mode (4p, setting traps, all that jazz), really good CaW (with CAE and custom music!), wide variety of match types, 6 wrestlers on screen... we still managed to get a stack of fun out of what is essentially a nigh unplayable game! I really wish I had the resources to play FirePro D or R, seems like it would be a lot of fun.
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Guest The Aussie
Well, the Fire Pro series are bloody brilliant even though I've only played the two on the GBA but you can actually customise the way a character wrestles in a match, come on is that not nifty? Even though you don't have name wrestlers (Copyright purposes but they are based on real-life wrestlers was well as you being able to rename them.) Audience Matches in the first Game of the two I played were wicked, You selected two characters and were put into a series of matches were not only did you have to try to win it but you had to put on a good match. Working a Luchador match would have you flying off the top rope a fair bit while going Kings Road would have you trying ot bust out as many hard hitting moves as possible while ending the bout quickly. Showman matches are just like WWE ones in which you only use your finisher to end the match. Plus just look at the size of the roster; You even unlock characters that have nothing to do with wrestling that are based on Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris as well as Batman & Robin. That's cool
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