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Add my pet Gerbil


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[url]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=193149267[/url] Yes... I have too much time on my hands currently. But I've come up with a master plan that will help me get an inch closer to my eventual quest to world domination. I want my Gerbil to become super famous over the internet so I made him a myspace page. Now even though I question that he knows what the hell is going on, he needs the popularity points and my eventual goal is the amount of friends that rivals Bobbi Billard. Ifr I can go to wikipedia, type "gerbil" and see my gerbil get a shout out... then my mission is accomplished. But I must start somewhere so add him... send him a message or two... help my experiment work.
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