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Hart Signs With WWE

chris caulfield

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Teddy Hart is supposed to of signed a development deal with WWE and has already reported to florida. I personally think it was a good move by WWE as Hart is super talented on the mic and in the ring and if he can sort out his behavior a bit he could be a future superstar. His behavior will probably be helped by the fact that his cousins harry smith and nattie neidhart and long term friend TJ wilson. Comments?
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[QUOTE=chris caulfield;257950]Teddy Hart is supposed to of signed a development deal with WWE and has already reported to florida. I personally think it was a good move by WWE as Hart is super talented on the mic and in the ring and if he can sort out his behavior a bit he could be a future superstar. His behavior will probably be helped by the fact that his cousins harry smith and nattie neidhart and long term friend TJ wilson. Comments?[/QUOTE] I've always been sort of middle-ground in regards to Teddy Hart - on the one hand, there's no denying he's got massive potential, as he's charismatic, good in the ring, and, of course, because his last name is "Hart". On the other hand, of course, by all accounts he's a complete prick. I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to achieve a modicum of success in the E, as he fits the archetype of the "small, good looking midcarder with mic skills" that they've been pushing recently... to the ECW title, that is. If he could impress like he did with Evans on his ROH debut, who knows? I'm all for WWE bringing in more talent, though. At least if Teddy becomes the next Randy Orton, he'll be a Randy Orton who's willing to die for the fans. :D
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There is no doubt that Teddy Hart is quite talented, he was the youngest guy ever signed to a development deal but there is a reason he was the youngest guy ever released from one too. I don't think he has done much to show he has matured since then. If he cleans up his act he certainly will be a star but I don't know I'm real skeptical of that happening.
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[QUOTE=jeven3176;257955]There is no doubt that Teddy Hart is quite talented, he was the youngest guy ever signed to a development deal but there is a reason he was the youngest guy ever released from one too. I don't think he has done much to show he has matured since then. If he cleans up his act he certainly will be a star but I don't know I'm real skeptical of that happening.[/QUOTE] That's about how I'd put it too.
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[QUOTE=jeven3176;257955]There is no doubt that Teddy Hart is quite talented, he was the youngest guy ever signed to a development deal but there is a reason he was the youngest guy ever released from one too. I don't think he has done much to show he has matured since then. If he cleans up his act he certainly will be a star but I don't know I'm real skeptical of that happening.[/QUOTE] Pretty much sums it up nicely. At least this time Hart might be a bit more settled with the likes of Wilson and Smith around. I wonder if we'll be seeing a Punk/Hart bout anytime in the future...
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What'd be hilarious is if, out of sheer dumb luck and tragedy more than anything, ECW were to become the brand with innovative hustle style wrestlers and workrate based matches that net fans have been complaining the WWE has been lacking for years... "DAMMIT...every time we try to put a big name on ECW it backfires!!! Who's left...???" "Well, we have all these guys who can really wrestle that we're not really doing much with..and we signed the Hart kid..and Punk seems to be getting some reaction..." "Awright screw it..just let them wrestle I guess..go balls out ...it'll never work though...let's keep Boogie Man ready just in case."
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Guest The Aussie
Are we making jokes about Punk & Harts altication back in 2004 which was broken up by none other than Sabu?
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=PeterHilton;258162]Sabu as the voice of reason.[/QUOTE] Must have been in a drug haze though
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I don't think teddy hart will ever make it to the WWE main roster and if he does then you'll have a lot of unhappy workers in the WWE. It's bad enough they have to put up with Orton but now Ted?! Besides with the E as heavy as they are on saftey he'd be a horrible fit. His random spots and such would get him fired quick. And I'm sorry i just don't see Punk/Hart fued or match happenin, at least not to anyone's delight. Even if he'd never be larger than a jeff hardy on the E, so punk and hart won't even be in the same league imo.
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