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What did you think of Last Nights SmackDown?


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The Good: Matt Hardy's push. Their is frequent debate about whether this guy is ready for the main event or not. And I may be destroyed for saying this by guys whose names rhyme with Heter Pilton (lolz), but in a thin main event that includes Khali, Umaga, Bobby Lashley, Batista, Mark Henry and Johnny Nitro. I dont think it matters much if he can't cut a promo. Quite frankly neither of these men can, but he can easily out-wrestle all these men in his sleep. I'm not saying shove him to the top right now. I'm saying do what they are doing, give him some great matches, put him in a feud with a good uppermid carder (MVP) and see how he handles that, then if its good, push him to the top ever so gently. This week he actually managed to carry Chris Master to a match that didnt blow and made him actually look dangerous. People who think he cant do it say that he had his shot with Edge and failed. Bloody hell, they mustve given Mark Henry about a thousand shots already but nothing he does makes me want to pay money to see him. He barely gives me the enthusiasm to change the channel. No I'm not a Matt Mark... just a guy who thinks Matt Hardy's got what it takes in this day and age of paper thin rosters... so why the hell not? On another note, I really liked how they are pushing Kane for this PPV. Really making him seem badass after months of getting crapped on. These things he was doing (esspecially the last one) was reminicent of Stone Cold's hey day. I know... a few of them looked like take offs of "Warrior vs Hogan in WCW" BUT they actually worked this time and I dare not taint them with the comparison. If anyone read Mick Foley's Harcore Diaries, this seems oddly similar to the way he tried to push Terry Funk as a legit main eventer in the little time they had before One Night Stand. It seems like they are giving him this kind of effort. Just a shame that he's certain to lose. The Bad: Somebody in the WWE needs to pick up a copy of TEW 07 and try that "perfect show" formula. They did horrendous today. Packing all of the good matches in the first hour while the second hour was stuffed with garbage. I mean... Torrie Wilson is great and I love her but should she really be wrestling THAT late in the card? And calling it wrestling would be an insult to the likes of Lou Thesz or Ric Flair... you know... ACTUAL wrestlers. And really... why the hell should I care about Teddy Long and Kristal? And was it just me or did the announcer seem "off" tonight. JBL wasnt as funny and seemed to be mute for the bulk of the show and mutter for the rest of the show, while Cole.... well he's Michale Cole. And this hasnt just been one show... I mean for the last few weeks they've been off.... But it could just be me honestly, someone else needs to agree with me here. Overall: It seems as if the post-Benoit slump is only effecting RAW despite the fact he was an ECW wrestler, because this Smackdown was pretty good in itself. The first hour however, always seems to be better than the second. Rating: *** Best Pops: 1. Batista 2. Kane 3. Matt Hardy Best Heat: 1. Edge 2. Big Poppa Kev 3. Khali My Two Cents: * Isnt it funny that MVP's comments about the media "spinning things" is undeniably similar to the arguements the WWE makes about the Benoit case and the arguements just witnessed on these boards? * And how The announcers basically AGREED with him makes you think this was intentional. * Doesnt Masters huge physique yet sheering incompetence resemble Lennie from "Of Mice and Men" way too much? * And you just want to do to him like what George did to Lennie at the end of that book? * Knob Master...? WTFLOL * Was that Teddy Long in the audience dancing to his own theme song while Teddy Long heads to the ring? * Wasnt it funny that JBL and Cole were trying to sell Pulumbo as a nice guy who rides motorcycles while he was ruthlessly dismantling a kid who he can eat for lunch? * Admit it... you would do Victoria * Man, will Torrie EVER improve in the ring? * And look at how shocked was she when she actually won?
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I think Crapdown was ok this week. I thought it had a couple of good matches, and had some entertaining segments. I'm not a fan of the Teddy Long storyline, but at least it's a chance for him to be involved in a storyline. I think Victoria looks slightly less like a man now, so maybe I'd give her a go :)
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;259831]I think Crapdown was ok this week. I thought it had a couple of good matches, and had some entertaining segments. I'm not a fan of the Teddy Long storyline, but at least it's a chance for him to be involved in a storyline. I think Victoria looks slightly less like a man now, so maybe I'd give her a go :)[/QUOTE] Admit it... you'd tap dat... ;)
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Victoria is smoking hot to me. I don't think there is a feature on her that looks.... Male. I thought Smackdown was as entertaining as ever, outside of what you've noticed. I truly believe the tragedy has left a lump in JBL's throat, that he has yet to work out. Give him time, I believe he'll be ok.
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[QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;259826]* Admit it... you would do Victoria * Man, will Torrie EVER improve in the ring? * And look at how shocked was she when she actually won?[/QUOTE] First, I've never denied that I'd do Lisa Varon. Raw dog even. Second, Torrie is hopeless. In a company where one "eye candy" worker can improve to the point where she can put on a decent Sports Entertainment match fairly easily, there's no excuse for Torrie to be that horrible (even by Sports Entertainment's low standards). She should be shocked to win, given how godawful she is between the ropes. It's been at least three months since the second hour of Smackdown was actually worth watching IMO. This was no different.
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Yes I've noticed this lately... the work rate has been far worse in the second hour lately. Someones been spacing on the second hour. And Torrie NEEDS to take more training. She is awful without an excuse... if Candice can improve... why the hell can't she?
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I really can't wait for to see Hardy (either) with a world title... Heck, I don't care if it ends up being an ECW Title, at least one of them. I like this Chuck Palumbo guy, irreguardless of being matched up against the skinniest guy I've ever seen, lol. I had no idea Moore was that skinny, they need to put some clothes back on him, let him at least use the clothe's as part of a gimmick (whatever the heck it's going to be).
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I channel hopped quite a bit during Smackdown as it wore on, but caught most of the show. [QUOTE=djthefunkchris;259962]I like this Chuck Palumbo guy, irreguardless of being matched up against the skinniest guy I've ever seen, lol. I had no idea Moore was that skinny, they need to put some clothes back on him, let him at least use the clothe's as part of a gimmick (whatever the heck it's going to be).[/QUOTE] Chuck Palumbo is nothing amazing in the ring, but he's got a decent level of intensity about him now. The biker gimmick is kinda so-so, it does give him a basic character, a decent looking finisher and a cool(ish) entrance, but beyond that it'll be down to Palumbo himself to get over. The guy he squashed however wasn't Shannon Moore... if that's what you're referring to in your post? As NickC13573 screamed, it was Luke Hawkes on jobber duty. Having said that, the amount Moore actually appears on WWE TV, I wouldn't hold it against you for forgetting what he looked like. ;) Matt Hardy is definitely on top of his game right now. He's putting in strong matches week in and week out, even got a solid match out of Chris Masters. I guess Master's got his heat back somewhat with his post match attack so I assume his push attempt numero four will keep going. Khali vs Batista... I don't care for the match whatsoever, let alone a contract signing for it. I really wish the WWE would just ditch the contract signing segments or at least save them for genuinely big matches. If nothing much happens in them, they're dull and if something does happen, it's predictable. It's just been pulled out too many times. There was something amusing about all the furniture throwing though. Jamie Noble got on TV... that's a plus. The Major Brothers really need some characterisation though, especially since they lost their "ECW fan living the dream" gimmick by being drafted (I still think that was a dumb move). I got bored once Palumbo's match had finished and skipped whatever came next. I did catch Mark Henry squishing Eugene and Deuce & Domino mocking him... I'm sure there was probably a reason for this. [QUOTE=AfRoMaN36;259962]And Torrie NEEDS to take more training. She is awful without an excuse... if Candice can improve... why the hell can't she? [/QUOTE] Torrie has been involved in wrestling for ages now. I suspect she's been trained to the point where she's as good as she will get, which is pretty darn awful, so I assume she just doesn't have the talent. Why the WWE insist on sticking her in the ring over and over in matches that aren't gimmicked (evening gown, pillow fight junk) is beyond me. I quite liked the Mardi Gras segment, it was entertaining enough to close a fairly forgettable Smackdown. Not terrible by any stretch, but the second hour (from what I could be bothered to watch) was pretty lacking. Still, this was far better than the dross RAW served up this week.
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I enjoyed Smackdown - but yeah, the second hour was weaker than the first. What exactly is the point of showing Vault matches that promo workers like Albert, who's no longer working for the E? How about a London/Guerrro cruiserweight match, or something like that. And why show Vault matches at all when you could put on an actual cruiserweight match in that time? With Benoit no longer available, the E seem to have turned to Matt H to carry opponents - and as MVP is definitely carriable at least, I'm thoroughly looking forward to their match at GAB. MVP will win - but a sustained feud with Hardy will work for both men, and Hardy's inevitable title win if the feud [I]does[/I] continue would be a great stepping stone for a shot at the Main Event. I enjoyed the Majors tag match, but agree that they need promo time, or a manger to cope with the duty for them. A notable win for them - if not the huge upset that JBL painted it as. Michelle McCool is smoking hot - oh for a Maria/Michelle B&P match... And I'm bored with Mark Henry already. Seriously, what does he bring to the company? Khali looks much more impressive, Umaga can actually hold his own in a match... Mark Henry's continued employment bewilders me.
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the Vault matches i believe are only for us in the UK because of ther amount of adverts there is in the US showings. The show wasn't too bad last night, the first hour was by far the best, but to put the Diva's in the main event, at least i think tthat was our main event, was a stupid move, Hardy/Masters would have been better suited up there!
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[QUOTE=djthefunkchris;259962] I like this Chuck Palumbo guy[/QUOTE] How long have you been watching wrestling? (Im not trying to be a smartass) Chuck Palumbo has been around since about 99 - 2000 in wCw. Also I think he was in one of the recent Smackdown vs Raw games.
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I'm sure he knows that, he was referring to his new gimmick. Which is so so for me. An "American made biker who's a nice guy but beats the crap out of guys half his size" Meh.... its better than that stupid Italian Mobster gimmick. Though I just struggle seeing Chuck as a face.
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;260015]How long have you been watching wrestling? (Im not trying to be a smartass) Chuck Palumbo has been around since about 99 - 2000 in wCw. Also I think he was in one of the recent Smackdown vs Raw games.[/QUOTE] How could you make that post and not mention Billy and Chuckie? ;)
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;260015]How long have you been watching wrestling? (Im not trying to be a smartass) Chuck Palumbo has been around since about 99 - 2000 in wCw. Also I think he was in one of the recent Smackdown vs Raw games.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I know him. I've been watching since the 70's if you really want to know. I haven't been watching for the last 20 year's untill about two years ago though. So bassically, I remember the mid 70's to mid 80's... Then when the attitude era (which I know everyone seems to think was great) come up, I bassically become uninterested in it. Wasn't for me I guess. Then the last couple of year's I've gotten back into it. However, weather or not I watched him in WCW or not mean's nothing these days. You know all these guys from just watching for a while. He might not be something that people that watched him the first time out, would think was important, but his name come's up enough. Heck, just play TEW and you know more then you should, lol. Anyways, Yeah, I know the guy. I was bassically refering to the new gimmick, and although it's similar to the "Old" taker gimmick, I'm sure I've seen it twice upon a time before, and at least oever 15 years ago. Point I am making, is I like it. I think he fits it about as good as anyone can. Of course, we will have to see how he cuts a promo in this gimmick to get the "full" feel of it.
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I enjoyed this week's Smackdown actually. It was odd seeing a women's match essentially as the main event, but it shows that they're not COMPLETELY useless (although Torrie is in the ring). I like Palumbo's new gimmick, although as has been said before, it's a rip-off of Biker 'Taker. For some reasons, I can't see him getting over as a face with it- it seems like he's just getting poor reactions to me. I have to say the guy who did the job (Hawke?) sold Chuck's offence really well I thought- made a predictable match entertaining, really put Palumbo over as strong and brutal.
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Palumbo faced bigger sized guys when he had a few matches on heat before being moved to SD, but he is just at the very beginning of his push and at least he isnt one half of the worlds gayest tag team. ;) I'm just watching the replay now, and I thought of some other good points of Smackdown: Finlay, who still puts on good matches and Jamie Noble got TV time (and didnt get pinned). The negitive: Chavo jobbed...and to a top rope dropkick!
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