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WWF: New Owner, New Era, New Everything

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v639/invitethesilence/logo_WWF_old.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][FONT="Tahoma"][B]WWF: New Owner, New Era, New Everything[/B] [B]OWNER:[/B] [I]Comik[/I] [B]CHAMPIONS:[/B] [I]All Titles Has Been Vacated[/I][/FONT][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [FONT="Tahoma"][B][U]3:14 P.M. Comik's Home in Nashville, TN[/U][/B] There I was sitting in my couch watching Vince McMahon give his Resignation Speech on live TV. I was shocked that WWF may be lost forever with Vince not being around anymore. It was nearing the end of the speech when my phone rang. I answered it and it happened to be someone from my local Wrestling School. [I]Comik: Yes this is Comik Woman: Mr. Comik we have just recieved a Phone Call from WWF Owner Vince McMahon. He would like to have a meeting with you here at the Reno Riggins Main Event Pro Wrestling Academy.[/I] I was speechless, I had no idea what to tell her. I was sitting there watching Mr. McMahon give his resignation speech, and now I am hearing that he wants to talk to me. [I]Comik: Alright, you tell him that I will meet him there. What time and what date? Woman: He is here right now, he wants you to come in this instant. [/I] I was even more shocked that he was already there. So I knew that this event wasn't live on TV. So that means he has already resigned from WWF as the owner. I wasted no time at all, I hung up the phone. I got my street clothes on and got as clean as I could get for Mr. McMahon. I got in my car and drove down the Riggins Main Event Pro Wrestling Academy. When I arrived I saw that two guards were outside to let me in where Vince McMahon himself was waiting for me. [I]Vince: Hello there, you must be Comik Comik: Yes I am. I can't believe that you want to talk to me Vince: Oh yes, I have heard many things about you. You have followed wrestling since 1992. Well its only been three years but that doesn't matter. I came here to talk to you about the Owner spot in WWF. I want you to be the new Owner of WWF. I decided to quit since it is just boring now to me. I will still be there as a ring announcer. I just resigned as Owner not from the company itself. So what do you say?[/I] I just stood there with my mouth beginning to drop. I could tell that Mr. McMahon was being serious when he gets that smile. I extended my hand and shook his hand. He then got a clipboard out that had a paper with the WWF logo on the top. It read: [QUOTE][I]I, ____________ hereby accept the honor as the new World Wrestling Federation owner. As my duties as owner I will please the crowd, make money, and please the staff. If I fail to fufill my duties I will seek help from anyone of the WWF Staff. Signature:_________________ WWF CEO: [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"]Jack Tunney[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/QUOTE] I signed the contract above the signature of the WWF CEO's Signature. After I laid my signature down Vince took the clipboard and gave it to the guards. [I]Vince: Comik follow me as we have some important business to do.[/I] I did that as fast as I could as I do not want to make a bad impression to the former Owner on the first day on the job. I climbed into the limo with Vince and we drove off on a long journey. He took me to the Arena that would be the host of the first show of 1995. We went inside and Vince introduced me to all the superstars who greeted me with pleasure. Vince then took me down the corridor to a door that had my name on it. We entered and it turned out to be my new office. I felt like I was right at home. [I]Vince: Well sit on down there, you are my boss now. So I will leave you to your work. You have alot of stuff to do. I would get started![/I] I did as he said when he left the office. I went to work starting with the schedule. The current schedule was as follows: [QUOTE][B]Monday:[/B] WWF Monday Night Raw [B]Saturday:[/B] WWF Livewire[/QUOTE] I thought that the fans wanted more than just two shows a week. So I decided to fill up the week with a show everyday except on Sundays. I couldn't think of names, so I called for one of the superstars to help me out. I got on the phone and called Vince. [I]Vince: Hello? Comik: Yes, what superstar is good at helping their boss? Vince: I know, let me get them for you.[/I] Vince hung up and it wasn't five minutes when I had a knock on the door. [I]Comik: Come In![/I] It was my idol, Bret Hart. He came through the door in a suit and a smile on his face. He walked up to my desk with papers and it had different show names on it. [I]Comik: How did you know I was wanting some Show Names. Bret Hart: Vince heard you talking to your self about it. Comik: Thanks Bret you can go now if you want.[/I] Bret left with a bigger smile. I looked at the papers and it had at least 24 Names on here. I chose three of the names as the new shows. The new schedule is as follows: [QUOTE][B]Monday:[/B] WWF Monday Night Raw [B]Tuesday:[/B] WWF Shotgun [B]Wednesday:[/B] WWF Blackout [B]Thursday:[/B] WWF Thursday Fightz [B]Friday:[/B] WWF Domination [B]Saturday:[/B] WWF Livewire[/QUOTE] After I completely modified the schedule I decided to go to the champions. I was amazed at the duration of these champions. I hated to make this move but I decided to vacate the titles. The champions was as followed before the Titles were vacated. [QUOTE][B]WWF World Title:[/B] Diesel [B]WWF Intercontinental Title:[/B] Razor Ramon [B]WWF Womens Title:[/B] Bull Nakano [B]WWF Tag Team Titles:[/B] Well Dunn[/QUOTE] All the titles were vacated and I couldn't think of anything else to do. Then it dawned on me, I should check out anybody that needs a job. When I checked there was no body that needed a job. So I decided to pack it up and head home for the night to think about the first Card of 1995. When I arrived home I saw that I had some mail from WWF. I opened them up and it happened to be information about the superstars. I found this useful for when I would think about the card. This was a beginning of a new WWF Era.[/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][B][U]8:45 P.M. - Sunday Comik's House in Nashville, TN[/U][/B] I was sitting at my home desk thinking about what I should do on the first day. I thought about a Tournament for the WWF Title, but then I should just have a night of champions. It was hard to decide so I just started to brainstorm matches and see if they are interesting to me. [I]*1 Hour Later*[/I] Well it took a while but I finally got the official Card done with for Monday Night RAW. No Titles would be on the line, but it would be a great show. Here is the card: [QUOTE][I]The 1-2-3 Kid vs Razor Ramon Mabel vs Tatanka The Bushwhackers vs The Smokin' Gunns Shawn Michaels vs Yokozuna[/I][/QUOTE] After I placed the card by my door so I wouldn't forget it the next morning when I go to work, my phone rang. [I]Comik: Hello this is WWF Owner Comik Man: Hey Comik it's me Vince McMahon. Comik: Oh Hey Vince, What Can I Do For You? Vince: I was wondering if you have tomorrow's card finished yet? Comik: Yes I do it is sitting right here next to my door so I can pick it up when I head to work tomorrow. Vince: Well, there is a thing I forgot to mention. You have to come the night before the show and put the card on the white board in the Group Locker Room. Comik: Oh Ok, I'll head over there in a few minutes. Vince: Alright see you in a few minutes, bye.[/I] Well to my suprise I had to go to work early, tonight. So I picked up my keys and the Card and headed to my car. I headed to the Municipal Auditorium where Monday Night RAW would be held at. [B][U]10:01 P.M. - Sunday Municipal Auditorium[/U][/B] I arrived at the Auditorium and headed to the group locker room. I saw many superstars who hasn't went to their hotel yet. Many of them greeted me and showed me the White Board in the Group Locker Room. I told all superstars to leave the locker room while I write the matches up on the White Board. [I]*5 Minutes Later*[/I] After anticipation was getting the better of all the superstars I finally left the room and told them they could go in and check the card out. When they went in their jaw dropped when they saw it. Shawn came out and wanted to talk to me in private. [I]Shawn: Comik can we go to your office and talk in private? Comik: Sure Shawn anything for my WWF Superstars.[/I] We headed to my office where I took a seat behind my desk and Shawn took a seat in the chair infront of me. [I]Comik: What's up Shawn? Shawn: It's about my match with Yokozuna. Are you serious? Comik: Yes I am Shawn, last year I saw you compete against him. So I thought I would see a rematch with you two. Shawn: Well the thing is I didn't win against him last year. Comik: It's not whether you win or lose, it is about you competing. Alright you go out there and try your best. Shawn: Okay, thanks boss.[/I] Shawn left my office and I was feeling tired. So I decided to leave and head home until Monday Night Raw tomorrow. I grabbed my bag that I left here earlier and started to leave the arena. Before I got to the exit, Vince McMahon stopped me. [I]Comik: What do I have to do now? Vince: Nothing, I just wanted to tell you have a good night. Comik: Oh, thanks.[/I] I continued out the door and out to my car. I then drove home. When I arrived I placed my bag by the door. I took a shower and headed to bed when my phone rang. I let the answering machine pick it up. The following message was left. [QUOTE][I]Hey Comik it is only me Tatanka, I was just checking in about what time we have to arrive at the arena for our meeting. See You Later![/I][/QUOTE] I heard it but didn't care so I continued to bed. To Be Continued[/FONT] OOC: I hope this is getting good, if it isn't please give me some suggestions!
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[FONT="Tahoma"][B][U]11:45 A.M. - Monday Comik's House in Nashville, TN[/U][/B] My Alarm Clock has been going off since 6 A.M. When my eyes opened and saw that it was nearly Noon, I literally jumped out of bed and ran to get ready to go to work. Soon my phone was ringing off the hook. As I answered I noticed that my car wasn't in my driveway, but a limo was there. [I]Comik: Hello? Vince: Where are you at? Comik: I am still at home Vince: HOME!? Comik I know I'm not the Owner anymore, but you might want to get your butt down here fast. I mean you don't have to, I usually would wait until 1 hour before showtime until I would arrive. Comik: That was what I was planning on doing. Vince: Oh, well continue on and I will see you at 7 Okay? Comik: Yeah See You Then.[/I] I hung up reliefed when I heard that it was okay to wait until tonight before I would show up. I was feeling nervous about tonight's card as I hoped that all superstars was feeling alright with it. I had to stop worry about it as it was work time with free agents. [I]*8 Hours Later*[/I] [B][U]7:10 P.M. - Monday Comik's House in Nashville, TN 50 Minutes Before Show[/U][/B] I finally got up and got my bags and headed to the limo that has been waiting for me ever since this morning. When we arrived at the arena, the crowd was already beginning to fill in. This was the biggest moment of my life as I was about to air my very first Live Show in WWF since I took over as Owner. I would stay in my office until it was time to start the show. [B][U]8:00 P.M. - Monday Municipal Auditorium WWF Monday Night Raw[/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/logos/wwf/raw2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I was nervous, I knew when those fireworks went off I had to go out and talk to the crowd. It was time, the huge fireworks launched and the crowd stood to their feet cheering fo rhte first episode of Monday Night Raw. It's Showtime! [I]Vince: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to Nashville, Tennessee in the Municipal Auditorium. We have a great program for you tonight. I am Vince McMahon along side "The King" Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross. JR: Thank you Vince. As you all know on the last day of 1994 Vince McMahon resigned as the WWF Owner and we now have the honor of introducing the new owner. Jerry Lawler is in the ring to introduce him. Jerry Lawler: Nashville, Tennessee. It is my honor to introduce to you, World Wrestling Federation's new owner. COMIK!!![/I] There it was my name being announced. The music I gave the crew truck played and that was my que to go out. When I went through the curtains my heart started to race. I saw all the fans stand to their feet as they saw me come through. I smiled and waved and continued to the ring. I went up the steel steps and climbed through the Red, White, and Blue ropes and recieved the microphone from Jerry Lawler. I looked around still in shock of the excitement of this show. I decided to speak to the fans. [I]Comik: Wow, I didn't think I would be this speechless. You guys are great, and I am happy to be here in my hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. I want you guys to know that whatever happens tonight, I will make sure that it will please you no matter what. Tonight's Main Event will be between two great competitors. One of those superstars is giant man. He is a man who defeated The Undertaker in a Casket Match at the 1994 Royal Rumble. He is Yokozuna. The other superstar is "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. [/I] When I stopped the crowd just went nuts. My heart calmed down as I knew that the Crowd was happy with what I just said. I didn't know if I should continue or just close it now and let the show begin. [I]Comik: Well I am going to get out of here and let the show continue. [/I] I then gave Howard Finkel the Microphone as the show went to a commercial break. I didn't have much time to rush to my office and wait for the show to unfold. TO BE CONTINUED!![/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][B][U]8:04 P.M. - Monday WWF Monday Night Raw Resume[/U][/B] Well I was in my office watching the monitor awaiting for the first match to happen. It finally came and Howard climbed in the ring and started the introduction. [I]Fink: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Miami, Florida. Weighing in at 280 lbs, Razor Ramon. Vince: Well Razor Ramon is missing his Intercontinental Title because all titles were Vacated. So Razor has to prove himself to Comik and his first step is this kid. Fink: His Opponent, from Minneapolis, Minnesota weighing in at 172 lbs. The 1-2-3 Kid!! Vince: Well This Kid seems like a speed bump to Ramon, but I wouldn't doubt this kid. Let's see if Razor Ramon can climb the ladder to IC Title match.[/I] [QUOTE][I]Razor Ramon vs The 1-2-3 Kid ------------------------------------- Razor just dominated the Kid. He would toss him around like a rag doll. Nothing could stop him from destroying the Kid. Ramon went for the Razor's Edge but the Kid had other plans by knocking Ramon to the outside. The Kid bought himself time to catch his breath and deliver a baseball slide knocking Ramon back down. The ref would continue his count from 5. Ramon got back in the ring at 9 and attacked the Kid. Razor Ramon would not let go of his advantage. The Kid was clearly out of this match but Ramon would continue the beatdown. Razor Ramon then decided to deliver the Razor's Edge to capture the win. [B]WINNER[/B]: Razor Ramon [B]Rating[/B]: C+ POST MATCH ------------------------- The Kid is on the ground in pain and Razor Ramon was about to leave but turned around and saw the Kid trying to get up. Ramon went over and helped him up but then gave him another Razor's Edge. He then continued to beat him down until the referee's couldn't take it anymore. Razor Ramon then left The Kid in the middle of the ring suffering in pain. [B]Rating[/B]: A*[/QUOTE][/i] I couldn't believe what Razor Ramon just did to The 1-2-3 Kid. I walked outside my office and waited for Ramon to return to the locker room. When I saw Razor Ramon walk around the corner he had a smirk on his face and was chuckling to himself. [I]Comik: Ramon I don't know why the heck you did that, but it better not happen again. Ramon: Listen Comik! I don't listen to you. I hate you and I don't respect you. So if you let me be then I won't have to kick your a**. Comik: You better watch what you say to me. Ramon: You know what, since you are too scared to get in the ring and fight me how about you shut your mouth. I only listen to one man, that's Vince McMahon. Now if you will excuse me I have some showering to do.[/I] I was furious, I just wanted to punch the crap out of Ramon. He walked off with yet another smirk. I then went to check to see if the Kid was alright. I arrived at the medical room where the Kid was screaming in pain. [I]Comik: Hey Kid you alright? 1-2-3 Kid: Yeah, but I want Ramon tomorrow in a singles match. I want my revenge. I'm going to embarrass him. Comik: You Got It.[/I] I left the medical room and back to my office where I awaited the next match. I was still furious about the events that happened with Ramon and The Kid. Fink climbed back in the ring and began the introduction for the next match. [I]Fink: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first weighing in at 487 lbs, Mable!! JR: This huge man Mabel has a challenge. I don't say that much about Mabel, but he has a Native American who knows how to take huge obstacles out. Fink: His Opponent, Weighing in at 304 lbs, Tatanka!![/I] [QUOTE][I]Mabel vs Tatanka -------------------------------- When Jim Ross said Challenge for Mabel he must of been hit in the head. Total Domination on Mabel's behalf. Tatanka was visibly tired in the middle of the match. Tatanka did put up a good fight however. He just would not give up. Tatanka took Mabel down at one time but Mabel powered out of the pin and delivered a huge clothesline. Then he gave Tatanka a Huge Splash for the victory. [B]WINNER:[/B] Mabel [B]Rating:[/B] C- POST MATCH --------------------------------- After defeating the Native American Mabel went over and helped up Tatanka who was shocked. Mabel extended his hand out for a hand shake but Tatanka refused and walked away and headed to the back. Mabel looked on in disbelief of what Tatanka did. [B]Rating:[/B] C[/I][/QUOTE] TO BE CONTINUED AFTER COMMERCIAL BREAK![/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][B][U]8:40 P.M. - Monday WWF Monday Night Raw Resume - Finale[/U][/B] The show came back and we was running out of time fast. I notified the crew that we had to force the show. We only had 20 minutes left in the show. So Finkel ran into the ring and began the next match's introductions. [I]Fink: The following contest is a tag team bout. Introducing first, they go by Billy and Bart Gunn they are The Smokin' Gunns. Jerry Lawler: Well this is a continous Rivalry. At the Survivor Series these two met and The Bushwhackers stole the Tag Team Championship away from the Smokin' Gunns when Luke smashed Bart with a chair for the win. Now these two meets again but none of them are the champions. Fink: Their opponents, they go by Luke and Butch. They are The Bushwhackers!!!![/I] [QUOTE][I]The Smokin' Gunns vs The Bushwhackers -------------------------------------------- Butch and Bart would start the match. There was a lot of double teaming from the Smokin' Gunns but The Bushwhackers would play the same game against The Gunns. Billy and Butch would fight it outside distracting the ref from what Luke was about to do. Luke grabbed a chair and went to hit Bart with it but Bart kicked the chair into Luke's face. Bart would throw the chair out and pin Luke for the win. [B]WINNER:[/B] The Smokin' Gunns [B]Rating:[/B] C[/I][/QUOTE] Well after watching that match my heart began to pump faster. I knew that the big Main Event was coming up and I was hoping that the fans would support my decision of making this match. I was waiting on the main event to start when Razor Ramon barged into my office and got in my face. [I]Ramon: How dare you put me in another match with The 1-2-3 Kid! Comik: Why are you complaining? Do you think you will lose? Ramon: No, I just think that if I beat him once I don't have to do it again! Comik: Get out of my office or you will never see that Intercontinental Title Shot ever again![/I] Ramon left my office in a bad mood. On the way out he knocked over my chair and slammed my door. Then unexpectedly Fink made the last introductions of the evening. [I]Fink: The Following match is your main event. Introducing first from San Antonio, Texas. The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!! Vince: It is Shawn's time to shine. When he found out about his opponent for today he started to worry, but Comik reassured him. Lawler: I am afraid that Shawn will not survive this match. JR: Just shut up and watch. Fink: His opponent, from Japan..Yokozuna!![/I] [QUOTE][I]Yokozuna vs Shawn Michaels ------------------------------------ Yokozuna just cleaned house all through the match. With help of Mr. Fuji, it was just moments away before Shawn had a 563 pound man slamming his butt on his chest. The only thing was, Yoko lost his balance on the ropes and fell right when Shawn moved. Shawn went to the top rope and delivered a flying elbow drop and started to tune the band. Yoko was slow getting up but ran into the kick. Shawn hooked the leg and used the ropes for leverage to keep Yoko from kicking out. Shawn would win this match in dramatic fashion. [B]WINNER:[/B] Shawn Michaels [B]Rating:[/B] A*[/I][/QUOTE] It was finally over, my first show as WWF Owner was done. The fans were standing on their feet cheering for Michaels as he left the ring victorious over the huge Yokozuna. I felt good and wanted to go home but couldn't until all the fans were gone. So in the meantime I went by the crew truck and got the total ratings of the show. I looked and we had over 1 million viewers on USA Network and 400 Thousand Viewers on TSN. I then looked at show rating. [QUOTE][B]SHOW RATING:[/B] B-[/QUOTE] [I]*1 Hour Later*[/I] Well the fans depleted and I was allowed to leave. I went home where I relaxed and decided to book Tomorrow Night's show at Fayetteville Arkansas. I then called Vince McMahon to inform the others. [I]Comik: Vince, I need you to tell all the superstars that our flight leaves at 8 AM and we will be heading to Fayetteville, Arkansas. Vince: Alright Will Do! Comik: Thanks Man![/I] I then went and took a shower and headed to bed where I felt relaxed and not worried.[/FONT] TO BE CONTINUED!!
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[FONT="Tahoma"][B][U]5:45 A.M. - Tuesday Comik's House in Nashville, TN[/U][/B] I woke up to the sound of my answering machine going off. I didn't want to play the messages as it may be Vince McMahon trying to give me more assistance in being the owner. Since I had to be at the airport at 6, I decided to hurry up and get ready. I showered and got a suit on. I got the card that I worked on last night but wouldn't release it to anyone yet. The Answering Machine finally got on my nerves. I played the message. [I][QUOTE]I hope you will regret placing me in this match with The 1-2-3 Kid, because if I lose that match. I will quit WWF and head to WCW. DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU ARE SCREWING ME OF THE TITLE. ALSO ANOTHER STIP, IF I WIN I GET TO FIGHT YOU IN THAT RING THE SAME NIGHT.[/QUOTE][/I] Well I got angry that Razor Ramon would leave a message saying that he would quit if he lost. Oh well, it really didn't matter to me whether he quit or not. So I decided to continue on to the airport. When I arrived I was greeted by all the WWF Superstars who was waiting on me. I went to the front desk and the person attending the desk directed me and the superstars to the gate in the back of the airport. We finally reached the gate and entered our plane. Razor Ramon who was sitting 2 seats behind me would not stop starring at me and kept muttering to himself. I finally exploded in front of everyone. [I]Comik: Ramon since you want this to continue on so bad. Then you have yourself a deal. Don't act like you don't know I got your message. If you win you will fight me in the ring. If you lose then you will quit and go to WCW. Shoot, I'll even be happy to fire you. So shut up and enjoy the flight.[/I] Everyone just stared at me, they couldn't believe what Razor Ramon was going to do. This would be a long flight for me and Ramon. [I]*4 Hours Later*[/I] [B][U]10:08 A.M. - Tuesday XNA Airport - Fayetteville, AR[/U][/B] We finally arrived in Fayetteville, AR where the Razorbacks just won against Texas. I decided to hitch a ride in a limo and head to a hotel. The others would go to the arena. Well it wasn't much but it would do for a few days as we had 4 Shows to do in Fayetteville. Thankfully my hotel was near the arena, so I told the limo driver to take me there. It was Bud Walton Arena, home of the 1994 National Championship winning basketball team, Arkansas Razorbacks. I entered the arena and the ring and stage was already set up. All I had to do was go into the locker room and write the card down. The card was as followed: [QUOTE]Razor Ramon vs The 1-2-3 Kid British Bulldog vs Owen Hart - [B]Winner gets IC Title Shot[/B] The Smokin' Gunns vs Well Dunn - [B]WWF Tag Team Titles[/B] King Kong Bundy vs The Undertaker Bret Hart vs Diesel vs Shawn Michaels - [B]WWF Title[/B][/QUOTE] Yet another card that I have done that impressed me. I just hope the fans will think the same way. Ramon would have to live with fighting the Kid once more if he wanted to face me in a match. I decided to do some errands while I waited for time to pass. [I]*7 Hours Later*[/I] Well I had all the things finished that I had to do. I got the title belts out and got them polished and took them out to ringside where I saw fans piling in as the show was about to begin. It took a while before the fans filled the seats but it finally got there and it was SHOWTIME!!!!![/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][B][U]6:59 P.M. - Tuesday Bud Walton Arena - Fayetteville, AR WWF Shotgun[/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/shotgun.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I was sitting in my office when I decided to start the show. I called the crew truck and told them to hit the intro video and hit the pyro. When all of that was set and done the show began and I started to feel nervous again. [I]Vince: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to our first 1995 Episode of WWF Shotgun. Tonight will be even bigger than last night's show. JR: Yes it will. We are coming to you live from Fayetteville, Arkansas in Bud Walton Arena. This is the same arena that Diesel won the WWF Title away from Yokozuna but only held it for one day. Jerry: Can we just be quiet and start the show. Our first match has been assigned by our new owner Comik. Razor Ramon has been forced to take on The 1-2-3 Kid again after defeating him last night. If Ramon wants to get his Intercontinental Title back he has to defeat whoever Comik puts him with. Vince: It has been confirmed that if The 1-2-3 Kid wins this match, Razor Ramon will quit the WWF, but if Ramon wins then he gets to have a match with Comik tomorrow night. Here's Howard Finkel to make match introductions. Fink: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, Razor Ramon!![/I] Razor Ramon makes his way out to the ring with a smirk on his face and a meaning in his walk. He doesn't do his usual stuff so he just heads to the ring. Where he awaits The Kid to come out. [I]Fink: His Opponent, from Minneapolis, Minnesota..The 1-2-3 Kid!![/I] Razor Ramon left the ring and attacked the Kid when he was coming to the ring. He brutally placed a beatdown on him outside the ring before finally bringing him to the ring. [I][QUOTE]The 1-2-3 Kid vs Razor Ramon ------------------------------------- Razor Ramon had knew that this match would determine his career. He did his best to keep the Kid from attacking him and he succeeded. He just kept beating the snot out of him until the Ref got knocked out by the Kid. When Razor ducked from a Spinning Heel Kick. The Kid was checking on the ref until Ramon took a chair and delivered a beatdown to the Kid. He would then give the Kid a Razor's Edge onto the chair. He threw the chair out and dragged the referee to him. He then got the 1-2-3 to win the match. [B]WINNER:[/B] Razor Ramon [B]Rating:[/B] B+[/QUOTE][/I] [I]Vince: If I was Comik I would be high tailing it out of this arena as fast as I could. Jerry: Yeesss!! Comik will finally get what has been coming to that Scum bag.[/I] I was amazed at how Ramon defeated The Kid. I would hold my end of the deal. I headed to the ring and made an announcement. I went through the curtains with my music playing, I took the mic from Howard Finkel and looked up at the crowd and Razor Ramon who was on the outside celebrating. [I]Comik: Nice Match Ramon, but it just isn't good enough. Now I will hold my end of the bargain but tomorrow will be a special night for you. Tomorrow will be the first ever WWF Intercontinental Gauntlet Match. You will have to fight in 3 Matches. You must win 2 out of 3 but fight in all of them. Your first opponent is the person standing before you now. Your second opponent is the person who is already fighting for the chance to get a IC Title shot, Owen Hart. Then your last opponent is a special one and you will have to find out who it is tomorrow. The deal is about this match, if you don't win 2 of the 3. Then your IC Title match is history. There is a special Stip to each match. If I beat you, then your contract will be welded to the WWF. That meaning you cannot quit or be fired for this whole year. If you lose to Owen, then Owen Hart will get to choose your opponent as you try to climb to the IC Title. If you lose to the special person then he will get the IC Title match. Have a good night Ramon. Ramon: You can't do this Comik, you are not the owner of WWF!!! Comik: Umm, Yes I am. Vince resigned Sunday and gave the job to me![/I] Razor stood there in shock. He could not believe what he has just heard. Did no one tell him that Vince resigned and gave the job to me? If Razor would of known about me being owner, I bet we wouldn't be talking about this right about now! [I]Razor: You are lying, now I am going to kick your butt!![/I] Razor flew into the ring charging at me, but I sidestepped him and then tripped him. When he turned back looking at me I raised my fist up and acted like to hit him but decided tomorrow. [I]Comik: You are going to have to wait until tomorrow night for this fist![/I] I then left the ring with Razor still on the ground in shock of what I did and said to him. The show then went to commercial break! TO BE CONTINUED!![/FONT]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][B][U]7:20 P.M. - Tuesday WWF Shotgun - Resume[/U][/B] I felt good after telling Razor Ramon off. I headed to a concession stand bought me something to eat and drink and headed back to my office. I took a nice seat and began to eat until there was a knock at the door. [I]Comik: Come In! Razor: Comik I know you probably still hate me, but I am sorry about all this and I don't want this to happen. So can we be friends and move on? Comik: Yeah we can be friends. You still have the Intercontinental Gauntlet Match tomorrow. Now leave so I can watch the next match.[/I] Fink was in the ring ready to make the introductions to the second match of the evening. [I]Fink: The following contest is a #1 Contenders' match. The winner of this match will get a chance to fight for the Intercontinental Title. Introducing first, The British Bulldog Vince: British Bulldog has to fight someone that he has been avoiding for years. This will be a awesome matchup. Fink: His opponent, from Calgary Alberta Canda. Owen Hart!!!! Lawler: This is the best Hart member right here. Owen Hart is way better than that piece of trash Bret Hart.[/I] [QUOTE][I]British Bulldog vs Owen Hart ----------------------------------- The match was very good. It didn't look like any of these men could dominate the other as it was back and forth through the whole match. British Bulldog went for the powerslam but Owen Hart reversed and took the Bulldog down. He then placed him into the sharpshooter. It was very tight as the Bulldog tapped out with his hand under the rope. The referee consulted very long and decided to keep the match continuing. While the ref was telling the Fink this Owen Hart took a chair and attacked the Bulldog. The bell rang and the match began again. Owen just covered the laid out Bulldog and got the victory. [B]WINNER:[/B] Owen Hart [B]Rating:[/B] B[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Vince: What a victory for Owen Hart has he now has the chance to wrestle for the Intercontinental Title against whoever it may be. We will not know until the deal with Razor Ramon is over. Well this next match up is going to be huge!! JR: Yes and the thing is, the WWF Tag Team Titles are on the line. Let's go to Fink with the introductions. Fink: The Following Tag Team Match is for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship. Introducing first from Houston Texas..The Smokin' Gunns!![/I] Bart and Billy made their way out as I had just finished my late night dinner. I was excited who the tag champions would be at the end of the day. I continued to drink my Pepsi as I waited for Fink to introduce Well Dunn. [I]Fink: Their Opponent...Well Dunn!!!![/I] Well Dunn rushed to the ring attacking the Gunns and the match officially begun. [QUOTE][I]The Smokin' Gunns vs Well Dunn - WWF Tag Team Titles ------------------------------------------------- Bart and Timothy would start things off. This match would end shortly as Well Dunn could not handle Bart and Billy. Both men would tag their partners in as Bart and Timothy continued to fight on the outside while Billy and Steven fought inside. Steven caught Billy with a huge Lariat but Billy stood right up and delivered a Texas DDT for the victory. [B]WINNER AND NEW WWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS:[/B] The Smokin' Gunns [B]Rating:[/B] A[/I]-[/QUOTE] I was happy to see The Smokin Gunns come out on top. I got to relax for a little bit as the show took their last commercial break of the evening. TO BE CONTINUED[/FONT]
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[B][U]7:50 P.M. - Tuesday WWF Shotgun - Resume Finale[/U][/B] [I]Vince: Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen. We are now in rush mode. Fink is going to start the introductions for the next match.[/I] [I]Fink: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Death Valley, The Undertaker!!![/I] The Undertaker made his dark way to the ring with Paul Bearer carrying the Urn infront of him. The Undertaker then got into the ring disrobed and awaited his opponent. [I]Fink: His opponent weighing in at 465 pounds. King Kong Bundy!!!![/I] Bundy made his way to the ring trash talking Taker on the way out. He climbed into the ring and attacked Bearer then the Undertaker as the bell rung. [I][QUOTE]The Undertaker vs King Kong Bundy ------------------------------------------ Bundy would keep the attack on The Undertaker. He would do everything he could to keep him down, but no matter how hard he tried The Undertaker would sit up. Bundy even splashed him from the 2nd rope. The Undertaker still sat up. Bundy then got desperate and got a chair, he charged at Bundy who swung and missed hitting the ropes. This caused the chair to hit him self in the head. The Undertaker took advantage and chokeslammed Bundy, then he called for the Tombstone. There was no way Taker could do it. He lifted the big man and dropped him quickly with the tombstone and the victory goes to Taker. [B]WINNER:[/B] The Undertaker [B]Rating:[/B] A*[/QUOTE][/I] I stood there looking at my monitor in shock. I knew the Undertaker was strong, just not that strong. I knew there was only one match left and it was for the WWF Title. I hoped the fans would love the match!! [I]Fink: The Following Triple Threat match is for the World Wrestling Federation Title. Introducing the participants. First, from San Antonio Texas. The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels!! [/I] Shawn made his fancy way to the ring as Diesel followed and then Bret Hart. [I]Fink: The Other Participants are: First Big Daddy Cool Diesel. Then from Calgary Alberta Canada. Bret Hitman Hart!!![/I] The three men waited in the ring as the ref lifted the WWF Title as it was on the line in this match. Then the bell rang and the match began. [I][QUOTE]WWF Title Match - Diesel vs Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart ------------------------------------------------- Well this match ended in a shocker. Bret attacked Diesel while Shawn stood back and watched the Big Man clean house. Diesel seemed to be winning the match for Shawn. Everything was going fine, Shawn would stay on the outsided until Diesel was getting ready for the Jacknife Powerbomb. Then Shawn Came in and gave Diesel a Sweet Chin Music. He then tuned the band up for Bret Hart and delivered one to him. Shawn checked on Diesel and then pinned Bret Hart for the victory. Shawn is now the new WWF Champion. [B]WINNER AND NEW WWF CHAMPION:[/B] Shawn Michaels [B]Rating:[/B] A*[/QUOTE][/I] [I]JR: We have a new champion!! Shawn Michaels in a shocker of a ending has won the WWF Title. Lawler: That will teach Bret Hart not to mess with The Heartbreak Kid! Vince: How will Diesel respond to what happened tonight. Tune in tomorrow night and find out. Same Place, Same Arena, Same Time. See you then!!![/I] The match was over, the show was over and it was time for me to head back to the hotel. I packed my stuff up and hit the limo. The limo took me down the street to my hotel where I would stay the rest of the night. I took a shower thinking about tomorrow night's show but really didn't care. So I decided to pull a last minute card out. I finally went to bed without thinking about tomorrow's show! TO BE CONTINUED!! [B][I][QUOTE][B][I]SHOW RATING: B[/I][/B][/QUOTE][/I][/B]
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Alright so far so good eh? Well dont get comfortable because there will be huge changes here. I will be moving to just reports. I will do Full Play By Play in a show but not my life. I know it was getting good, but I will only do my life if something good is about to happen. I hope you enjoy reading this!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/Mabel_08/WWF/news_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Hello America, I am Dan Taylor and I am from the WWF Daily News. Last Night we saw Shawn Michaels win the WWF Championship the easy way. He stood back to let Diesel handle business, but when Diesel went to finish Bret Hart off. Shawn Michaels ran in and gave Diesel a Sweet Chin Music. He then gave another Sweet Chin Music to Bret Hart. Also Razor Ramon will be competing in a Intercontinental Gauntlet Match. It will be Razor Ramon taking on 3 Men. If he doesn't win that match then he will not get a shot at the IC Title. Also it has been confirmed that Diesel will take on Shawn Michaels, for the WWF Title! The new owner of WWF has released tonight's card for WWF Blackout! [QUOTE][CENTER][B][U]WWF Blackout Reno, Nevada[/U][/B] [I]Yokozuna vs Doink The Clown The Undertaker vs Razor Ramon Billy Gunn vs Steven Dunn Owen Hart vs Razor Ramon Shawn Michaels vs Diesel - WWF Title Vader vs Razor Ramon[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] Will Razor Ramon survive. Will Diesel get his WWF Title back and will Yokozuna continue his path to the WWF Title Shot? Comik has released Yokozuna's path to the title shot. Here it is: [QUOTE][I]Doink The Clown Owen Hart Abdullah The Butcher King Kong Bundy Vader The Undertaker[/I][/QUOTE] I am Dan Taylor with WWF Daily News, we will see you tomorrow at 4 and 6. See You Later WWF DAILY NEWS '95™
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WWF Blackout Reno, Nevada [IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/Mabel_08/WWF/CurtHennig.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]Curt Hennig is in the ring to start the show off![/I][/B] [I]Curt: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am in the ring to introduce our newest addition to the WWF Family. He is the future WWF Champion, his name is Psycho Sid!![/I] [IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/Mabel_08/WWF/SidVicious.jpg[/IMG] [B][I] Psycho Sid makes his way out to the ring as the crowd cheers for the new superstar. He climbs into the ring and stands next to Curt.[/I][/B] [I]Curt: Sid you do not have a match, but who do you expect to fight first. Sid: VADER!!! Curt: Vader? Sid: VADER!!! Curt: Why Vader? Sid: VADER!!! I WANT YOU TONIGHT!!![/I] [B][I]Sid then looks at Curt and attacks him. He then lays Curt out with a huge powerbomb. Sid picks the mic back up.[/I][/B] [I]Sid: Vader this is you in the middle of the ring. You was a bad interviewer![/I] Sid then drops the mic on Curt's body and leaves the ring with the whole crowd booing him to the backstage area. Vince: Wow, new superstar sets a bad first impression. What can happen next. Lawler: I'll tell you what is gonna happen next. A dumb clown is about to get some sense knocked into him by a giant. That's right!! [IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/Mabel_08/WWF/DoinkTheClown.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/Mabel_08/WWF/Yokozuna.jpg[/IMG] [B][I]Yokozuna started off with a clothesline. From there it was total domination. Yokozuna used all of his weight and squashed Doink as many times as he could. It was finally time for the huge splash setup for the Bonzai Drop time. Success, Yokozuna placed him where he could deliver and Yokozuna gave Doink the Bonzai Drop for the win. Yokozuna would celebrate in the ring as this was the first match in his path to the WWF Title Shot. His next opponent would come tomorrow night. [/I][/B] [B]WINNER:[/B] Yokozuna TO BE CONTINUED
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Guest Vitamin E
Two things. One: 5 shows in a week? Come on. That is so bad. How could you actually keep 5 shows going in a week without making things boring or redoing stuff all the time and still make PPV's seem great and important? Two: Your current style of posting a part of a show then making another post for another part is rather bad as well. The entire show should be all in one post. People may say "he can do what he wants!!!!11!", which is true, but there's no reason to post a part of a show at a time, other than upping post count. The "building suspense" or whatever reason really wont work either. The backstory, I wont get into as Ive said enough bad. Ill go through the shows and see what the storylines are like and see if those redeem the diary.
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Guest Vitamin E
Yeah, pictures add nothing worthy to diaries other than eye candy, so dont think that the only way a diary is considered good is if you have pictures. If anyone here says that it is, they are full on retarded and have no idea what a good diary is. Good writing, good booking, good character portrayal, THAT is what makes a diary good. If you just practice enough and go to places like CX or EWB and check out diaries there, you can improve a lot. If you only have the demo, you could either just play a months worth of the game, then take the game data, put it into the actual data of the game, and start a new game with the previous games data in the next month. Either that or use EWR, which frankly wouldnt matter a damn if you use EWR for a diary here.
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Guest Vitamin E
Extreme Warfare Revenge, the freeware version of TEW. The latest version was 4.2. It isnt as detailed as TEW, but its a better pick up and go kind of game and can be as fun. I still prefer it over TEW because I have just as much with the free EWR than I do with the 35 dollar TEW.
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