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WWE: The Tides of Evolution Change

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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/logos/wwf/wwelogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]My Home Nashville, Tennessee 5:37 A.M.[/B] It was early morning in my home in Nashville, Tennessee, and the phone ringing fairly well agitated me, so I'd stubbed my toe on the door frame on my way out to get to the phone line. Upon arrival, I'd glanced at my old WWF poster on the wall, from back in the day when I'd been owner after Vince stepped down - that was, until I'd decided to step down myself. Comik: "Hello?" Linda McMahon: "Hello, is this Chris Dobson?" Comik: "Oh, hey Linda. Yeah, this is me." Linda: "Chris, I was wondering if you would take over for me out here for a while? Vince and Stephanie have lost their powers over the company - especially considering they are doing their best to get back at Triple H after he formed Evolution and stopped following Vince's orders. I'm going to be out for a while, and you did a fantastic job when you took over WWF for Vince, so I knew who to call for this situation?" Comik: "Sure thing, Linda - how long do you think this will last, this time around?" Linda: "Well, personally I think you can hold it as long as you want, but I'm going to need at least a year - after that, it's up to you rather to step down or continue working." Comik: "I'll do it. I'll be up at Headquarters ASAP." Linda: "Thank you, Chris. Goodbye." Comik: "Bye." The excitement that had arisen once before, had all come back to me. Glancing up at the old framed poster from my days with WWF, and my mug on it behind several of the greatest superstars of that time, I couldn't help, but to let a smile proceed to take over my face, before I'd ran off to my bed room to pack my bags. [U] --------------------------------------------------------------[/U] [B]WWE Headquarters, Stamford, CT 4:37 P.M.[/B] Triple H: "So what you're trying to tell me, is you have the power or the audacity to fire your World Heavyweight Champion?" Around Triple H stood his cohorts, the Intercontinental Champion, Randy Orton, and the World Tag Team Champions, Ric Flair and Dave Batista. They were in Vince's office, where Mr. McMahon was trying to convince Triple H that he was fired. Vince: "That's what I'm saying, Hunter. You are hereby stripped of your title, and of your ability to even so much as step into a WWE arena, ever again." Comik: "I don't believe you have that sort of power, Vince." Evolution turned around, as Vince turned red, seeing who was standing at the door. The only person in the room outside of Vince that remembered me from WWF was Triple H, especially given that one half of Evolution wasn't in the business back then. Triple H: "Chris, it's good to see you again." The Game stepped over and shook my hand, obviously attempting to suck up to me, but Vince wasn't quite so generous. Vince: "Get the hell out of my office! Who let you back here?!" Comik: "You're wife did. From this point on, I'M the one that runs this company, and all three weekly shows associated with it. Vince, I'd like to ask you to clean out your office, and leave as soon as you can - this office will then be given to my personal secretary. Linda's office will be borrowed as of mine for the time being." Vince looked flustered, but knew that if Linda was behind it, he'd have to listen to what I'd said. Triple H and his Evolution buddies couldn't help, but laugh as Vince stood up, and power walked towards the door to his office, stopping by me for final words before he exited. Vince: "This isn't the last you've seen of me, boy..." Once Vince had left, Triple H had already taken a seat behind the large, wooden desk in the room. Triple H: "So, I'll take it I'm your new secretary or whatever, right, Chris?" Comik: "No, you aren't. In fact, the new secretary should be arriving any minute now, so I'm going to have to ask you and your friends here to leave, please." The Game looked flustered now - he expected to be given such a power since my return of control, but when Stephanie McMahon, his wife, entered the room - it was only a matter of time before he was truly angry with me. Comik: "Ah, here we are. Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet my personal secretary, Mrs. Stephanie McMahon." Randy: "Whoa buddy, you do know that's Hunter's wife, right? Honestly, why don't you just hand over the position to him, and let him handle things for you?" Stephanie: "That's funny Randy, but that won't be happening any time soon. Now you four get the hell out of my office before we call security." Evolution frowned upon the situation angry collectively, before they turned their backs and walked from the office. Comik: "Thanks Steph, I'll be seeing you around." Now was the time to get the card together for that night's Monday Night Raw, so I'd left, going to the top floor of the building, and into the biggest and most luxurious office within WWE Headquarters - which was now all mine.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/logos/wwf/newraw.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Mobile Civic Center, Mobile, Alabama, Monday, 7:50 P.M.[/B] Stephanie: "Ten minutes till the show, Mr. Dobson." Comik: "Alright, thanks Steph. By the way, just call me Chris - there's no need for any formalities here." Stephanie laughed slightly, before turning and exiting my on-site office in the Mobile Civic Center - the location of tonights RAW Live Event, which would be aired on television stations across the globe this very night. The industry had really come a long way since I'd run WWF ten or so years back, but what didn't change was the activity backstage before the show was to be aired. It wasn't before long that I'd made my way to the black curtain, getting in the gorilla position as Lillian Garcia was standing in the ring, with the fans screaming just in time for the cameras to start, all after Lillian welcome them to the show. J.R.: "Hello and welcome to Monday Night RAW!" King: "That's right, and tonight there's supposed to be some huge announcement made, in regards to the owner of the company!" Before Ross could reply, "Ace of Spades" by Motorhead came over the PA system, and several of the older or the longer watching fans of wrestling recognized me, even being ten or so years older, as I'd stepped on stage. J.R.: "Oh my god, King - do you realize who that is up on the stage?!" King: "I sure do! That's Comik! He was the temporary owner of WWF back in the early nineties!" My theme song cut off, allowing me to turn on the microphone in my right hand, and begin to speak. Comik: "Many of you know me, but for those of you who don't, my name is Chris "Comik" Dobson - and I'm out here tonight, because company owner Linda McMahon has requested me to run the company - and the three weekly shows associated with it - for at least the coming year, or until I decide to quit or step down. Tonight, you just might enjoy the matches I've put together, because every title on the RAW brand will be defended tonight in varying matches. Without further adieu, let's get the show on the road, with this first competition for the Womens title!" After stepping backstage, I'd allowed the show to begin. [QUOTE]Trish Stratus vs Lita Trish Stratus hits Lita with some amateur blows. Lita ducks a wild right hand. Lita bitch-slaps Trish. Lita whips Trish into the turnbuckles...and the referee gets sandwiched. Flying knee to the face from Lita. Japanese marks everywhere cream themselves as someone uses a Shining Wizard....it's only a knee for crying out loud! Cover, but there's no one to count for Lita. Lita misses a big legdrop and lands ASS-FIRST on the mat. Big kick from Trish. Trish hits a stump piledriver on Lita, but messed it up. 1 - 2 - kick out. Trish DDTs Lita. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Lita counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Flying elbow off the top rope by Lita. 1 - 2 - kick out before the 3. Trish reverses a Lita hammerlock. Trish Stratus sets Lita up in the corner. Stratusphere!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Trish Stratus goes into the crowd, where she celebrates her victory Winner: Trish Stratus to Retain ---------------------------[/QUOTE] King: "What a match! I like this new owner already!" J.R.: "Well that was an impressive contest, but it looks like we've got an even more impressive superstar coming down to the ring right now!" Shawn Michaels hits the ring, microphone in hand, as he plays to the crowd, their screams almost over powering his entrance music. Shawn: "Alright, so it has come to my attention, that I'm the one taking on Triple H tonight for his World Heavyweight Title - I'm out here to say, that after tonight, I can guarantee you people, a NEW champion - and one that doesn't wear a thong at that!" [QUOTE]Shawn Michaels is in the ring, when Evolution run down and hit the ring. They swarm all over him and beat him down. When Triple H is satisfied with the beating, they back off and head back toward the locker room, their point made. [/QUOTE] Backstage, Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore - aka Mattitude, were standing by with Jonathan Coachman. Coach: "This is the Coach, and I'm standing here with Mattitude, whom tonight, will be the ones to challenge Batista and Flair for their World Tag Team titles. Any comments on your match, guys?" Matt: "Yeah, our comments? We're going to take this title from the waists of those two Evolution whack-o's, and we'll do it proudly, because we are Version 1.0 and The Moore - Mattitude." [QUOTE]Mattitude vs Flair and Batista Terrible brawling from Ric Flair. Shannon Moore takes a right hand to the temple from Flair. 1 - 2 - kick out. Tag between Ric Flair and Batista. Flair and Batista whip Shannon into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Batista hits a right hand on Shannon Moore. Shannon gets out the back of a Batista bodyslam attempt. Batista takes a rana from Shannon Moore. 1 - 2 - kick out. Tag between Shannon Moore and Matt Hardy Version 1.0. Batista takes a rana from Matt Hardy Version 1.0. 1 - 2 - kick out before the 3. Bodyslam by Matt. Batista powers out of a Matt Hardy Version 1.0 headlock. Running clothesline from Batista. Tag to Ric Flair. Ric Flair hits a right hand on Matt Hardy Version 1.0. Tag between Matt Hardy Version 1.0 and Shannon Moore. Ric Flair hits a right hand on Shannon Moore. Randy Orton comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Shannon Moore turns around. Randy Orton spins Shannon around. Randy Orton hits the RKO! Orton leaves the ring, the damage done! 1 - 2 - 3. Ric Flair pinned Shannon. Mattitude are beaten down three-on-two by the combined forces of Batista, Flair and Orton. Winners: Ric Flair and Batista to Retain[/QUOTE] [U]------------------------------[/U] [QUOTE] The Rock is standing in the set for his personal interview segment. He announces that tonight's guest is Vince McMahon, who comes out from the back. [/QUOTE] Rocky: "Vince, we all know you got your candy ass whipped by the combination of Linda and Comik, so why don't you tell us - when are you going to stay the hell out of these arenas, because the Jabroni knows you aren't supposed to be here, so Vince, tell me, why are you here?" Vince: "Rock, I'm here because-" Rocky: "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHY YOU'RE HERE!" [QUOTE]They try to do a straight interview, but it is obvious that there is tension between the two, and soon a brawl breaks out. They fight all around the set, and eventually all the way backstage. [/QUOTE] [U]------------------------------------[/U] [QUOTE]Randy Orton vs Goldberg vs Edge for the Intercontinental Title Edge uses a forearm to the face. Edge slams Randy Orton. Edge gets taken down out of nowhere. Edge takes a weak clothesline. Massive backbreaker, Goldberg got planted. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Thrown slam by Edge. Orton counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Goldberg scoops up Edge. Orton bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Side suplex from Goldberg, looked crap. Chop hits Goldberg...that was stiffer than a 14 year old at a stripper convention. Goldberg powers out of a headlock. Goldberg punches away at Edge. Goldberg moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Jackknife. 1....2...3, it's finished. Winner: Goldberg, the NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion[/QUOTE] When Orton sees that his Evolution buddies didn't come out to help him, he's both confused and frustrated, and instead of trying to get back in and assault Goldberg by himself, seeing that Edge was there to assist his fan favorite friend 'Berg, Randy just steps back to the back, screaming empty threats that he'll be back for his title. [U]--------------------------------------------[/U] Backstage, Triple H was standing by with the Coach for an interview. Coach: "Again, this is the Coach, standing by with Triple-" Triple H snatches the microphone out of Jonathan Coachman's hand, obviously frustrated at what he had just seen. Coach runs away, frightened, to leave HHH alone to speak. Triple H: "I don't know what I just saw out there, but it sure wasn't Orton holding his title - putting the guy in a two on one match is NOT fair! Comik, you can bet your ass, I'm coming for you, and I'm coming for you soon!!" I'd shown up in the camera view with a microphone in my own hand. Comik: "Game - first off, that was a triple threat match. Second, I'd like to see you try and get your hands on me - besides, you better be more worried about your match tonight, because I just got done talking to Shawn Michaels, and he says he's damn well fine to kick your sorry ass tonight." Triple H: "Go ahead and bring him out - I'm ready anywhere, anytime, and under any conditions. I've beaten Shawn before, and I'll damn well do it again." The Game tossed his microphone to the floor, causing a loud pop, before he walked off, with his World Heavyweight Title still on his shoulder. [QUOTE]Triple H vs Shawn Michaels Terrible brawling from Triple H. Triple H throws HBK into the cage. Triple H climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by HBK! Weak bodyslam on HBK by HHH. Big kick from HHH. HBK backdrops Triple H out of a piledriver attempt. Shawn Michaels throws HHH into the cage. Super kick by Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels and HHH climb the cage....but both end up crashing back to the canvas after a struggle! HHH blocks a suplex attempt using the power of gravity. Triple H DDTs HBK. Sloppy tornado punch from Triple H...maybe that's a clue that Kerry Von Erich is going to run in...but probably not. HBK pushes out of a Triple H hold. Shawn Michaels scores with a back heel kick on HHH. HHH counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Triple H climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by HBK! HHH slams Shawn Michaels down. Running knee to the face on HHH, HBK is God for doing such a stupidly dangerous move!!! Shawn Michaels goes to leave the cage by the door...but Batista appears at ringside and slams the door on his head! HHH takes the opportunity, and climbs out the door for the win! HHH and Batista are beating the hell out of Shawn Michaels! Chris Jericho sprints down the aisle and slides into the ring! He goes toe-to-toe with Triple H, exchanging punches, while Shawn Michaels comes back, sending Batista out of the ring with a clothesline. Jericho \ HBK have cleared the ring, driving off HHH and Batista! [/QUOTE] J.R.: "Oh my god! Oh my god!! Jericho has made the save, and now HHH has more to worry about than just HBK after him!!" King: "Make no doubt about it, J.R. - Evolution will pay Jericho back ten times over next week!" The show was done airing, and backstage I'd grabbed my suitcase, prepared to leave my office, when Stephanie showed up. Stephanie: "Chris, we've got to talk. You're in real danger out there with Hunter - I know first hand, that he WILL be after you if you're not careful!" Comik: "Don't worry Steph - I've got a card up my sleeve, besides just HBK or Jericho... someone who's destroyed The Game before, and he'll be happy to get a chance to do it again... I'll see you around..." Stephanie looked confused, but a smirk on her face revealed her intentions - to warn he husband that there was someone else I'd had in mind to help me out.
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OOC Note: Criticism - most preferably the constructive variety - are very well appreciated, or if you just want to let me know what you think about the journal/fan fiction of sorts, I'd be very appreciative! I always love to hear how well I'm doing with stuff like this.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/logos/wwf/wwelogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]My Home, Nashville, Tennessee, Tuesday, 3:22 P.M.[/B] [I][B]*RIINNGG, RIINNGG, RIINNGG*[/B][/I] Comik: "You own a major sports entertainment company, and suddenly your phone starts ringing off the hook!" My telephone had begun to aggravate me, as in the matter of one day, it had nearly rung clean from it's base. For what would hopefully be the final of the many, many times I've answered it today, I'd picked it up. Comik: "Hello?" ???: "You put yourself in major trouble by going against both of us in one day, you know." Comik: "Vince? Is that you?" ???: "You better come up with one hell of a force to oppose us - we've worked together before, and it took a hell of a lot more than anything you've got on either roster nowadays to handle us." Comik: "Hunter?" ???: "We'll be seeing you Monday, Chris - you better come prepared." [I][B]*CLICK*[/B][/I] The person on the other end of the line had hung up the phone without answering as to who exactly he was, but I'd had a fairly good concept of who it was anyway, so instead of worrying about it anymore, I'd picked the phone back up, looking to a clipboard sitting on my desk beside the phone, and lifting a few sheets of paper until I'd found the one I wanted - dialing the number of the person I'd found on the list. ???: "Hello?" Comik: "Hey big guy, this is Comik. I've got a treat for you come Monday - so make sure you're at the arena and have your gear ready. I've got to call the J. and Heartbreak too, then we'll really have our contest for Monday." ???: "Sounds good, but what's in it for me?" Comik: "Well, we did manage to get one title off those Evolution jackasses - maybe we can get a few more. How does a World Heavyweight Title shot sound to you?" ???: "Sounds like we have a deal. I'll see you there." [B][I]*CLICK*[/I] [/B] Comik: "Fantastic... looks like I better go dust off my wrestling boots before Monday rolls around again... for the time being, I've got to get some matches together for Smackdown and Heat too... hmm... guess I'll return to my thoughts of competing on Raw later - for now, it's time to get to work on it." Taking a seat at my desk, I'd grabbed a black match card sheet, and a pen, beginning to write out matches for Thursday Night Smackdown!, and Sunday Night Heat - all the while, still day dreaming about how well Monday was going to go, this time around...
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The year I'm not TOTALLY sure about - would likely be the earlier parts of the years 2004 or 2003 or so, when Rock, Steve Austin, and Evolution were still around. Aye, and this is no mod, I'm using Extreme Warfare Revenge to simulate the matches and whatnot, and for the roster list.
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Yeah, EWR is pretty good for this sort of thing - better than TEW, in my opinion. Only issue is that when it gives you results for interviews or angles, it sometimes reads as if you were a fan, and all of them are similar to "Missed this one, because I ran downstairs to get a beer." or "I was in such a drunken stupor, I didn't really understand this segment, but..." So those parts I wrote partially myself. Anything in quotes came from EWR itself, and the self written parts are...everything else!
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Never played it. I tend to use TEW for a basis. I started using the 'Road Agent Notes' section to relay the messages that the game gave me( I can't remember who started that-doesn't matter anyway-as there have been things or ideas copied from mine. Everyone has there own style-for me its the story that the author is telling that makes a diary(there are some that son't hold that view-which is fine too-that's their opinion.) Anyway don't mean to ramble on and clutter your diary here. Just know this, not that it means anything special, but I only post in diaries that I like! Keep up the good work!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/logos/wwf/wwelogo.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [B]WWE 24/7 News, Wensday, 5:00 P.M. [/B] Natasha Harding: "Good evening. This is Natasha Harding, and as all of you saw Monday, Comik is back, and he's already taken an effect on the Raw roster, as early on, Vince McMahon and Triple H with Evolution lost any care for the new owner, coming to hate his ways. Meanwhile, Randy Orton surely doesn't enjoy Comik's presence, after he was forced to compete and defend his title in a triple threat match with Edge and Goldberg as the other two-thirds of the contest. Goldberg took advantage of Randy being taken out of the ring early on, and was able to connect with the JackKnife to pin Edge to become the new champion. Afterwards, Evolution leader Triple H was far from happy about the result, and you've got to wonder if this may take effect on Randy Orton's position within the alliance. We also have in, for the first time in a while, three of the matches we can expect for Smackdown! this Friday Night! These are in no particular order, but Mr. Chris "Comik" Dobson has sent that there will be matches between Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, and United States champion Big Show, for number one contendership to Brock Lesnar's WWE Championship. Brock will also be putting his title on the line, against "The Phenom" The Undertaker in a Last Man Standing match, but not before WWE Tag Team Champions Doug and Danny Basham put their gold on the line in a three team ladder match! Comik is surely making an impact on the industry, now that Linda has passed ownership over to him, for at least one year, and after that, he can either continue to run the company, or he can step back down - it's all under his decision. We'll get back to you for any advancements, but now we'll be moving on to "WWF: The Time Vince Stepped Out" which features the story of Comik, when he originally gained control of WWF nearly ten years ago! We now proceed to that show, now in progress..."
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/logos/wwf/newsmackdown.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA Thursday, 6:56 P.M.[/B] Another night, and another show was ready. I'd already sent out a small listing of three matches to be expected, and the rest were ready to go when their time slot hit, later on in the evening. Tazz and Michael Cole were at ringside for color commentary, and a relatively new worker, Scott Manton, was in the ring with a microphone in his hand, as he would be tonights announcer. The Smackdown! theme aired over the sound system, and when it was done, the pyrotechnics shot from the fist through broken glass stage set, while the fans cheered, as the camers scrolled across the audience members, looking at all of the happy, shining faces. Michael Cole: "This is Michael Cole and Tazz at ringside, and welcome to the Los Angeles Staples Center, where we have a packed audience tonight for Thursday Night Smackdown!" Tazz: "That's right, and since Comik has taken over WWE again, we've already seen his effects on Raw, and tonight we'll be seeing more for Smackdown! Anyone with WWE 24/7 knows that tonight there will be a WWE Title match, a WWE title number one contenders match, and a three team ladder match for the WWE Tag Team titles!" [QUOTE]World's Greatest Tag Team vs Basham Brothers vs A.P.A.. Match Background: This will be a ladder bout. A.P.A. are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. This match is for the WWE Tag Team titles. The Match: Shelton drives a thrust kick into the chest of Farooq. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Danny is down! Shelton Benjamin with a whip into the ladder. Bradshaw hits an ugly looking bulldog off the ropes. Shelton hits a piledriver on Bradshaw. That used to end matches, you know. Basham Brothers whip Shelton into the corner. Danny Basham whips Doug Basham in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. High Angle DDT by Doug Basham just SPIKES Charlie Haas down! Nice piledriver on Farooq. Bradshaw rams Danny into the ladder. Running clothesline from Bradshaw was actually MIGHTY sloppy. Northern Lights Bomb very nearly crushes the spine of Bradshaw! Running knee lift from Charlie Haas. Power drive elbow by Charlie Haas. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas climb the ladder and grab the prize for the win. Winner(s): WGTT to Retain [/QUOTE] [U]-----------------------------[/U] [QUOTE]A video is played, hyping the upcoming Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar match. [/QUOTE] [U]-----------------------------[/U] [QUOTE]A-Train vs Chris Benoit. The Match: Chris Benoit snap suplexes A-Train. Big forearm by Chris Benoit makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. Big dropkick by Chris Benoit, who got a ton of air on the move. A Gut buster connects on A-Train and hits hard. A-Train blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! A-Train slams Chris Benoit down. Benoit is sure in trouble now. A-Train hits a piledriver on Chris Benoit. I know I wouldn't let someone that bad give me a piledriver. There's a two count on the pin. Chris Benoit pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Benoit almost belly-to-belly suplexes A-Train through the mat. What? It's possible. There's a two count on the pin. BACKDROP DRIVAH~! and A-Train lands HARD! Pin, but A-Train is out just before the three count. A-Train blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Benoit hits a punch, but takes one right back. Again! A slugfest erupts in the ring! Benoit counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! A-Train gets caught with a short powerbomb from Benoit. A-Train gets knocked to the ground by Benoit. A-Train gets locked in the Crippler Crossface! Submission victory! Winner: Chris Benoit [/QUOTE] [U]---------------------[/U] [QUOTE]Brock Lesnar is backstage.[/QUOTE] Al Snow: "Hey everyone, this is Snow backstage here with the WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar, who has to fight 'Taker later tonight, in a Last Man Standing match. Alright, so what have you got to say?" Brock: "What have I got to say? WHAT have I got to say?! I don't care WHO you throw at me, dead or alive, I'll make sure that by the end of the night, they can't hardly walk, let alone can they continue to compete! I'll see you in the ring, Undertaker!!" [QUOTE]He was out there to tell Undertaker that he was going to discombobulate him. Great, now I've got to look that word up. Time to sit back and watch. [/QUOTE] [U]------------------------------[/U] Scott: "The following is a three way elimination match, for number one contendership of the WWE Championship!" [QUOTE]Eddie Guerrero vs Big Show vs Rey Mysterio. Match Background: This will be an elimination bout. Big Show is the reigning WWE United States champion. The Match: Rey Mysterio strikes Eddie. Rey takes a weak kick. Eddie kicks Big Show in the gut to reverse the momentum. Flying cross body off the top rope! Spinning bulldog in the corner and Rey is down! Hooks the leg for a two count. Big Show scores with a ****ty standing spinebuster. The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Big Show pins Eddie. BORING ass brawling from Show. BIG clothesline from Show. 'BIG' because it missed by a mile! There's a two count on the pin. Rey blocks a punch. Power drive elbow by Rey Mysterio. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Rey Mysterio moves in for the kill. West Coast Hop!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Winner: Rey Mysterio - New #1 Contender for the WWE title. [/QUOTE] [U]-------------------------[/U] [QUOTE]A limo pulls up outside, and out steps Randy Orton. He looks around, then heads for the locker rooms. [/QUOTE] Tazz: "Well look who's here, Cole - it's Randy Orton from Raw!" Cole: "What the hell is he doing here? He's a Raw superstar!" Tazz: "I don't know, but we'll certainly find out pretty soon - when someone from Evolution is around, that usually means something bigs about to go down!" [U]--------------------------[/U] [QUOTE]Akio vs Billy Gunn. The Match: Akio strikes Billy. Billy counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Uninspired brawling from Billy Gunn. Akio reverses an irish whip...and Billy Gunn runs into the referee! Billy Gunn scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Could have been done a hell of a lot better though. Cover, but there's no one to count for Billy Gunn! Billy Gunn misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Second rope flying axe handle, Billy goes down. One day, Akio might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by Akio. Covers for a quick two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, Billy goes down. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Billy kicks Akio in the gut to reverse the momentum. Billy Gunn DDTs Akio, but it just looked terrible. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Akio avoids a Billy Gunn avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Billy Gunn is in trouble. Dragon Suplex! 1....2....3. Akio gives a murderous look toward Billy Gunn...and attacks! Billy gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. Akio leaves the ring having left Billy down and out. Winner: Akio [/QUOTE] [U] ------------------------[/U] Scott: "It's now time, for the WWE Championship match, scheduled for a Last Man Standing contest!" [QUOTE]Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker. Match Background: This will be a last man standing bout. This match is for the WWE World title. The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Undertaker who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Undertaker gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Fallaway slam by Brock Lesnar puts down Undertaker. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Undertaker by Lesnar. Remember when that was a legit finish? Undertaker backdrops Brock Lesnar out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of Undertaker. Undertaker slams Brock Lesnar onto the table. Spear by Undertaker. The referee counts: 2....3...4....but Lesnar stands up. Undertaker drops an elbow...but Brock Lesnar moves out of the way. Big piledriver on Undertaker. The referee counts: 2....3...4....but Undertaker stands up. Powerbomb on Undertaker. The referee gets to a seven count....and Undertaker gets back up. Undertaker powers out of a headlock. Lesnar takes a headbutt from Undertaker. Lesnar kicks Undertaker in the gut to reverse the momentum. Hard impact Russian Leg Sweep by Lesnar. According to some other reviewers around here, 'legsweep' is one word. Randy Orton comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Undertaker turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Orton! Randy Orton has left Undertaker in big trouble. Brock Lesnar moves in for the kill. F5! The referee counts to 10, this match is over! Lesnar and Orton tie Undertaker up in the ropes, then start punching away at him until referees run down and break it up. [/QUOTE] Tazz: "Oh my god! We now know why Randy Orton has shown up here tonight!" Cole: "Somebody get down here and stop this! This isn't right! Taker can't defend himself after just losing a huge match like that, and now he's got Randy Orton from Raw showing up here to help in the assault?!" "Ace of Spades" by Motorhead came over the sound system, and out I'd stepped on the stage, while referees had finally managed to get Taker the space he needed to roll out of the ring, holding himself up with the crowd barricade. Comik: "Orton, explain your actions right now!" Orton: "I'm just here to make sure you don't try and screw Triple H over with The Undertaker like you said you would last week!" Comik: "You seem to have something wrong, Orton. I never planned on having Undertaker have anything to do with Evolution - no, it's not 'Taker you need to worry about, unless you pissed him off as bad as I guess you have from your little run in here - no, THIS is who you have to worry about!" Flames explode from the stage, as "The Big Red Machine" Kane steps out onto the stage beside me, before his music was cut to allow me to speak. Comik: "That's right, and before we have Evolution vs. HBK, Kane, The Rock, and myself this Monday on Raw, you're going to go one on one with "The Big Red Machine" this Sunday for the Main Event of Heat - to make sure the people in the arena get their moneys worth. Now, if I was you, I'd be running." I'd turned around, leaving the stage, as Kane walked down the ramp, climbing into the ring, to face Orton and Lesnar - that was, until 'Taker rolled back into the ring, and the two proceeded to beat down Lesnar, before Orton was able to get the slip and run through the audience to leave, watching as Taker devastated Brock with a Tombstone Pile Driver, after Kane connected with his patented Chokeslam from Hell. Tazz: "It would appear that while next week Rey gets a shot at the WWE Title instead of the Deadman, we now know a couple of upcoming main events, including that one on one between Orton and Kane this Sunday, and a four on four tag team match for Monday Night Raw!!" Cole: "Well it's sad to see such a huge match end that way, but we now have answers to several questions, and we'll surely see this culminate Monday Night on RAW!"
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[CENTER][IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/39/Logo_Da_Heat.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , Sunday, 6:15 P.M.[/B] Al Snow: "Hello, and welcome to Sunday Night Heat. This is Snow, beside The Coach, and tonight we've got one of the biggest main events in Heat history!" Coach: "That's right Snow, tonight, Comik has scheduled for Evolution member Randy Orton, to take on "The Big Red Machine" Kane, one on one - and keep in mind that this is just one day before Evolution has to take on the combined forces of Shawn Michaels, Kane, The Rock, and Comik himself!" Al Snow: "It will certainly be a great match, in my honest opinion, but let's get started with tonight's contests so we can move on to that main event, shall we?" [U] ------------------------------------[/U] [QUOTE]Billy Kidman and Billy Gunn vs A.P.A. Farooq receives some unexciting punishment. I'm not sure this stuff is watchable without alcohol...and i don't feel like finding out. Farooq gets squashed in the corner with an arm to the face. 1 - 2 - kick out. Farooq ducks a Billy Gunn clothesline. Billy takes a vertical suplex. Farooq hits a bulldog off the ropes. Tag between Farooq and Bradshaw. Bradshaw DDTs Billy Gunn. Billy gets out the back of a Bradshaw bodyslam attempt. Tag to Billy Kidman. Bradshaw walks into a high dropkick from Billy Kidman. Second rope flying axe handle, Bradshaw goes down. 1 - 2 - kick out. Super frankenthingy on Bradshaw, who hit hard. Tag to Billy Gunn. Billy DDTs Bradshaw. 1 - 2 - 2.999 Bradshaw counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Billy takes a vertical suplex. Tag between Bradshaw and Farooq. Weak bodyslam on Billy by Farooq. Billy Gunn is all alone...Spike Powerbomb!! 1....2....3! A.P.A. go into the crowd, where they celebrate their win. Winners: A.P.A. [/QUOTE] [U]--------------------------------------[/U] Backstage, Evolution was standing by with Natasha Harding for an interview. Natasha: "Alright - so tonight, Randy Orton has to face off, one on one, against Kane, just one night before the four of you face The Rock, HBK, Kane, and Comik in a four vs. four Survivor Series style match. Any thoughts?" Randy obviously wanted to take the microphone, but Triple H snatched it before he could get near it. Triple H: "Any thoughts? My thoughts are simple, Natasha. Orton's gonna go out there tonight, destroy Kane, then tomorrow, he'll combined with the biggest and the best team in ALL of WWE - Evolution - to finish off those three idiots, and that overly-power-endowed bastard, Comik." Triple H led Evolution away, while Randy still looked quite dissapointed. [U]-----------------------------[/U] [QUOTE]Chris Kanyon vs Hardcore Holly Kanyon takes a kick. Kanyon reverses a Hardcore Holly hammerlock. Kanyon hits a right hand. Hardcore Holly charges, Kanyon moves, and the referee is knocked out. Chris Kanyon scores with a standing spinebuster. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is still down. Hardcore Holly ducks a Chris Kanyon clothesline. Chris Kanyon takes a right hand to the temple from Hardcore. Hardcore Holly hits a bulldog off the ropes. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Sloppy tornado punch from Hardcore Holly...maybe that's a clue that Kerry Von Erich is going to run in...but probably not. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Kanyon reverses a Hardcore Holly hammerlock. Spear by Chris Kanyon. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Hardcore ducks a wild right hand. Chris Kanyon can barely stand. Alabama Slam! 1....2....3. Winner: Hardcore Holly [/QUOTE] [U]-----------------------------[/U] [QUOTE]Vince McMahon is walking backstage, when he meets Comik.[/QUOTE] Vince: "You know, messing with Evolution is bad enough - when you mess with me, you're just screwing yourself over, pal!" Comik: "Well Vince, we'll see about that - don't think I've forgotten you - oh no, I'll be facing you one on one after this thing with Evolution blows over Monday..." Vince: "Oh, is that right? Well guess what - I REFUSE - you aren't the boss over me, Dobson!" Comik: "Actually, that's not so correct, Vince. You see, by all technicality, your worker contract is under my jurisdiction, meaning that if I want to put you in a match, I can damn well do so... see you around, McMahon." [QUOTE]They trade insults, get in each others faces, but eventually walk off without coming to blows. [/QUOTE] [U]---------------------------------------[/U] [QUOTE]Rikishi vs Garrison Cade Cade takes a kick. Rikishi hits Cade with some amateur blows. Terrible brawling from Rikishi. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Big kick from Rikishi. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Cade powers out of a headlock. Dropkick connects...Rikishi goes down like a skanky hooker. 1 - 2 - kick out. Rikishi walks into a slam. Rikishi backdrops Garrison Cade out of a piledriver attempt. Rikishi DDTs Garrison Cade. Rikishi moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Rikishi Driver. 1....2...3, it's finished. Rikishi is still in the ring celebrating. Garrison Cade pushes the referee away. Garrison Cade spins Rikishi around. Garrison Cade hits the Super Kick! Winner: Garrison Cade [/QUOTE] [U]------------------------------------[/U] Jonathan Coachman was in the ring with a microphone in hand, ready to personally introduce the main event of the evening. Coach: "For tonight's main event, we will have a one on one match." [QUOTE]Kane vs Randy Orton Thrown slam by Randy Orton. Big piledriver on Kane. 1 - 2 - kick out. Kane ducks a clothesline attempt. Kane slams Randy Orton. Flying shoulder tackle by Kane sends Orton to the mat. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Spear! Orton is down. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Thrown slam by Kane. Orton counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Big piledriver on Kane. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Lifting DDT by Randy Orton. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Orton slams Kane down. Kane gets slammed. Kane reverses a waistlock. Back elbow connects, Orton staggers backward. Spear! Orton is down. Kane moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Choke Slam. 1....2...3, it's finished. Batista comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Kane is ready though, and strikes first! Kane spins Batista around. Kane hits the Choke Slam! Batista has been left down on the canvas. The attempted ambush has backfired. Winner: Kane [/QUOTE] Al Snow: "It would seem Triple H and Flair want nothing to do with Kane tonight, because they certainly aren't down here trying to help their unexperienced trainees!" Coach: "It's a perfectly calculated move by The Cerebral Assassin, Snow. He's saving his energy and Flair's before their big match tomorrow night." Al Snow: "Call it what you want, I call it cowardess - nevertheless, we'll see you tomorrow night, on Raw!"
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  • 3 weeks later...
[CENTER][IMG]http://www.steveswrestling.com/logos/wwf/newraw.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida, Monday, 7:58 P.M.[/B] I'd stepped into my office earlier in the day at WWE HQ, only to find my message machine over-flowing with messages from Vince McMahon, and Triple H. They were both fairly over-zealous and angry with me about how things had gone down since my return to power, but it comes with the position to get angry messages from disgruntled employees. However, now we were in the American Airlines Arena, for tonight's RAW, which was just about to begin, as I'd turned on a television which was mounted on the wall across the room in my on-site temporary office. [QUOTE]Goldberg vs Randy Orton Match Background: This match is for the WWE Intercontinental title. The Match: Some pretty weak shots by Goldberg. Punch by Goldberg, missing Orton COMPLETELY. I'm just glad thatOrton didn't sell it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Goldberg charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. BAAACK Body drop by Goldberg gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. STIFF~! chop lights up Goldberg who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Fallaway slam by Randy Orton puts down Goldberg. Goldberg kicks Randy Orton in the gut to reverse the momentum. Powerslam from Goldberg on Orton. Randy Orton is in trouble. Spear! 1....2....3. Goldberg is still in the ring celebrating. Randy Orton pushes the referee away. Randy Orton spins Goldberg around. Randy Orton hits the RKO! [/QUOTE] Backstage, Randy Orton was prompted to do an interview, and he was eager to do so, with a few choice words for Goldberg... [QUOTE]Randy Orton is backstage. I've got a feeling this one is going to be good. He was out there to tell Goldberg that he was going to discombobulate him. Great, now I've got to look that word up. Time to sit back and watch.[/QUOTE] R. Orton: "I don't care what it takes, but at the next PPV Event, I WILL take you on, one on one, and I WILL get my title back!" Orton slammed down the microphone, walking away before anything could really be asked. [QUOTE]Kane is backstage, when Evolution come out of nowhere and attack him. They destroy him and leave him down on the concrete floor, hurt.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Flair and Batista vs Dudley Boyz Match Background: This match is for the World Tag Team titles. The Match: Bubba hits a punch, but takes one right back. Again! A slugfest erupts in the ring! Flair slams Bubba Ray Dudley down. Bubba is sure in trouble now. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Batista. Ric Flair scoops up Bubba. Batista bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. There's a two count on the pin. Big kick from Batista staggers Bubba but that's about it. Batista gets taken down out of nowhere! Bubba Ray Dudley hits a bulldog off the ropes. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley. Weak bodyslam by D-Von. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! D-Von Dudley with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Batista. One more performed that badly and this match will end on a bad note, if you get my drift. D-Von goes for a splash but Batista puts the knees up. Batista slams D-Von Dudley down. D-Von is sure in trouble now. Batista tags out to Ric Flair. A weak headbutt on D-Von by Flair causes nothing but pain for both. Tag between D-Von Dudley and Bubba Ray Dudley. Bubba Ray Dudley takes a right hand to the temple from Flair. Ric Flair gets whipped into the corner. Bubba charges in, but into a pair of raised boots. Flair uses a roll up, with feet on the second rope! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Comik is backstage. He always delivers the promo goodness. He was laying a verbal Smackdown on Triple H. [/QUOTE] Comik: "Triple H, what I just saw your team do to Kane backstage, and when what two fourths of your group did to retain their titles against the Dudley Boyz was pathetic. Unfortunately for you, you four didn't beat down The Big Red Machine as much as you thought you did, and tonight, he will get revenge... trust me." [QUOTE]Chris Jericho vs Matt Hardy Version 1.0 Match Background: None. The Match: Hard impact Russian Leg Sweep by Matt. According to some other reviewers around here, 'legsweep' is one word. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Jericho is down! Covers for a quick two count. Jericho counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Standing leg lariat by Chris Jericho on Matt. Matt takes a flying neckbreaker from Chris Jericho. Covers for a quick two count. Matt walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one of those though? Pin, but Matt is out just before the three count. Matt takes a flying neckbreaker from Chris Jericho. Matt counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, aka the Doctor Bomb and Jericho hits hard. Hooks the leg for a two count. DDT from the top rope by Matt Hardy Version 1.0. That looked KILLER. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Jericho takes a flying neckbreaker from Matt Hardy Version 1.0. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 kicks the leg, knocks Jericho down, and goes to work on it. Chris Jericho pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Jericho hits a dropkick on Matt Hardy Version 1.0 and gets right back up. Springboard dropkick from Chris Jericho. Nicely done. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 gets knocked to the ground by Jericho. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 gets locked in the Lion Tamer! Submission victory! Chris Jericho extends his hand to Matt...and it is accepted! They shake! [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Stephanie McMahon is backstage, and announces that tonight we will see Triple H, Kane, and Shawn Michaels compete in a triangle match.[/QUOTE] Stephanie: "As Mr. Comik said earlier in the night, Kane will get his revenge tonight against Triple H, but not only will he get a match, he'll be one-third, of a three way match-up, for your World Heavyweight Title. That's right, it'll be Triple H, versus Kane, versus Shawn Michaels for the World Heavyweight Title, live here tonight!" The fans seemed to really pop in excitement to the thought that there would be a three way match-up of this proportion tonight. [QUOTE]Kane vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels Match Background: This will be a triangle bout. This match is for the World Heavyweight title. The Match: Kane connects with rights and lefts and Triple H is down! Kane hits a right hand. Triple H powers out of a Kane headlock. HHH slams Kane down. Kane is sure in trouble now. Lightning kick by HBK on HHH. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Flying shoulder tackle by Kane sends HBK CRASHING to the mat. Shawn Michaels pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. HHH \ HBK whip Kane into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Triple H scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Could have been done a hell of a lot better though. STIFF high kick on HHH by Shawn Michaels. Triple H once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Running clothesline from Triple H was actually MIGHTY sloppy. Kane slugs Triple H, sending him down into the corner. While Kane fires up the crowd, HHH is removing the turnbuckle pad! Kane comes over...but HHH grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Kane face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Triple H rolls up the stunned Kane: 1....2...3! How did the referee not see that? [/QUOTE] J.R.: "My god King, Triple H just BARELY avoided getting his precious title belt taken away from him, but at what price? Kane is NOT the man to mess with, and you can guarantee that after being screwed out of a title shot, he'll be agitated as all hell come next week!" King: "Yeah, well you seem to be forgetting that HBK was in this match too, and he's been gunning for Triple H's title for months now! I don't think The Show Stopper is going to let a Big Red Machine take his spot in the main event title matches!" J.R.: "We'll see how this turns out next week, King, and I for one, am DAMN well excited to see it!" ----------------------------------- [B]Backstage, Monday, 11:32 P.M.[/B] Comik: "So you're willing to do it? To get the old act together to end those bastards reign of terror on Raw?" ???: "Yes. I'll be seeing you Monday..." [B]*CLICK*[/B]
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