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WCW 2001: The War Is Not Over

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[size=1][center][img]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x85/GreenYodaWCW/200px-Wcwlogo.jpg[/img][/center] The year is 2001. Vincent Kennedy McMahon has just held what is supposed to be the final Monday Nitro. The matches are held, the fans are sated. World Championship Wrestling, after it's long, brilliant, erratic, strange history, seems to finally be dead. But as the cameras begin to fade away, as the music hits, A man jumps the guardrail. He's got a microphone, and is pursued by security. Before the cameras can click away, as an enraged McMahon family watches on, Eric Bischoff stands in the center of the ring. "WCW is alive!" That's all the words he can say before he is collared by security. They drag him off, kicking and battling, as the fans in Club De La Vela try to figure out what just happened. But, they aren't watching television. Over on the TNT and TBS family of networks, Bischoff's image appears. He announces that, The Fusient Group had managed to purchase WCW, and save the television time from a rampaging Jamie Anderson. He says that this, this is the greatest swerve in wrestling history. One so big, the giant of the industry missed it. The fans missed it. But, the wrestlers still know where their paychecks come from. The backstage staff still knows who they work for. WCW is back baby, and better then ever. [center][b][u]WCW Roster[/b][/u][/center] [color="red"][b]Main Event:[/b][/color] [b]Face:[/b] Booker T - [b]WCW World Heavyweight Champion, WCW United States Champion[/b] Diamond Dallas Page Sting Kevin Nash Bill Goldberg Dustin Rhodes [b]Heel:[/b] Scott Steiner Jeff Jarrett Shane Douglas Chris Kanyon Buff Bagwell [color="red"][b]Upper Midcard:[/b][/color] [b]Face:[/b] Rey Mysterio Jr. [b]- WCW Crusierweight Tag Team Champion[/b] Ernest Miller Konnan Hugh Morrus Bam Bam Bigelow [b]Heel:[/b] Disqo Rick Steiner Mike Awesome Lex Luger Mike Sanders Sean O'Haire [b]- WCW World Tag Team Champion[/b] [color="red"][b]Midcard:[/b][/color] [b]Face:[/b] Norman Smiley Johnny The Bull Lash LeRoux Billy Kidman [b]- WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champion[/b] Shane Helms [b]- WCW Cruiserweight Champion[/b] Big Vito [b]Heel[/b] Alex Wright Mark Jindrak Lance Storm Chavo Guerrero Jr. Brian Adams Bryan Clark Shannon Moore Shawn Staisak Chuck Palumbo [b]- WCW World Tag Team Champion[/b] [color="red"][b]Lower Midcard:[/b][/color] [b]Face:[/b] The Wall Kaz Hayashi Jimmy Yang Jamie Knoble Jason Jett [b]Heel:[/b] Kwee-Wee Evan Karagis [color="red"][b]Openers / Enhancement Talents:[/b][/color] [b]Face:[/b] M.I. Smooth Christopher Daniels Air Paris AJ Styles [b]Heel:[/b] Kid Romeo Reno Elix Skipper Michael Modest [color="red"][b]Managers:[/b][/color] [b]Face:[/b] Stacy Keibler: Sean O'Haire / Chuck Palumbo Torrie Wilson: None Paisley: None [b]Heel:[/b] Jimmy Hart: None Midajah: Scott Steiner Major Gunns: None [center][u][b]Backstage Staff[/b][/u][/center] [color="red"][b]Announcers:[/b][/color] [b]Nitro:[/b] Tony Schiavone Larry Zbyszko Mike Tenay [b]Thunder:[/b] Tony Schiavone Stevie Ray Scott Hudson [color="red"][b]Interviewers:[/b][/color] [b]Face:[/b] Pamela Paulshock [b]Heel:[/b] Terry Taylor [color="red"][b]Authority Figures[/b][/color] [b]Face:[/b] Ric Flair [b]Heel:[/b] Eric Bischoff [color="red"][b]Injured:[/b][/color] [b]Face:[/b] Sid Vicious [b]Heel:[/b] Vampiro [center][b][u]Tag Teams[/u][/b][/center] Air Raid: AJ Styles and Air Paris Boogie Knights: Alex Wright and Disqo Karagis And Moore: Evan Karagis and Shannon Moore Kidman And Rey: Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio KroniK: Brian Adams and Bryan Clark Palumbo And O'Haire: Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire Romeo And Skipper: Kid Romeo and Elix Skipper Team Canada: Lance Storm and Mike Awesome The Filthy Animals: Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr. The Insiders: Diamond Dallas Page and Kevin Nash The Jung Dragons: Kaz Hayashi and Jimmy Yang The Mamalukes: Johnny The Bull and Big Vito The Perfect Event: Shawn Staisak and Chuck Palumbo The Rhodes: Dustin and Dusty Rhodes Totally Buff: Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell [center][b][u]Stables:[/u][/b][/center] The Filthy Animals: Konnan, Rey Mysterio Jr. and Billy Kidman Team Canada: Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Elix Skipper and Major Gunns [center][b][u]Show History:[/u][/b][/center] [b] [color="red"]* Monday Night Nitro[/color][/b] [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=268146"]May, Week 1, 2001 (Booker T vs. Steiner, Title on the line)[/URL] [b][color="blue"]* Wednesday Night Thunder[/color][/b] [URL=http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=268473"]May, Week 1, 2001 (Sting vs. Jarrett, Big Bang Build Begins[/URL] [center][b][u]Pay-Per View Schedule:[/u][/b][/center] [b]WCW Sin[/b] - Sunday, Week 4, January [b]WCW Superbrawl[/b] - Sunday, Week 4, February [b]WCW Greed[/b] - Sunday, Week 3, March [b]WCW Spring Stampede[/b] - Sunday, Week 3, April [color="orange"][b]WCW The Big Bang[/b] - Sunday, Week 3, May[/color] [b]WCW Great American Bash[/b] - Sunday, Week 3, June [b]WCW Bash At The Beach[/b] - Sunday, Week 2, July [b]WCW Road Wild[/b] - Saturday, Week 3, August [b]WCW Fall Brawl[/b] - Sunday, Week 2, September [b]WCW Halloween Havoc[/b] - Sunday, Week 4, October [b]WCW Mayhem[/b] - Sunday, Week 4, November [b]WCW Starrcade[/b] - Sunday, Week 4, December [center][b][u]WCW The Big Bang Card:[/u][/b] [b]WCW World Heavyweight Championship[/b] [color="orange"]Booker T vs. Scott Steiner[/color] [color="orange"]Diamond Dallas Page vs. Chris Kanyon[/color] [b]WCW United States Heavyweight Championship[/b] [color="orange"]??? vs. ???[/color][/center] [/size]
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[size=1][center][img]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x85/GreenYodaWCW/nitro4.jpg[/img][/center] Monday Night Nitro on TNT has returned to the airways! After a short absence, we have a massive Nitro for your viewing pleasure to kick off a new era of World Championship Wrestling! Our main event of the evening will be a WCW World Heavyweight Championship match, as the current champion Booker T will defend the gold against the last champion "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner! The most prestigious gold in professional wrestling is on the line tonight, and it's only on Monday Night Nitro! Also, Chris Kanyon has been pestering WCW management about a match for the opening Nitro. After growing frustrated with the lack of response, he has made an open challenge for tonight's Nitro! Who will answer the call of Chris Kanyon, and who will win the match? You can only find out by tuning into Nitro, LIVE on TNT. Also Bill Goldberg will have a match against Dustin Rhodes. Goldberg's no longer undefeated, but he is still one of the most formidable competitors in World Championship Wrestling, and frankly in the world today. But, Dustin Rhodes is no slouch either, and he wants to gain some momentum here by stopping he who hasn't been stopped too often before. Plus: * Norman Smiley vs. Hugh Morrus * Billy Kidman vs. Evan Karagis vs. Shannon Moore vs. Kaz Hayashi * Eric Bischoff has an announcement to make! * And plenty more! Tune into Nitro at Eight, seven central to see what happens on the two hours of Monday Night Nitro, LIVE on TNT! [/size]
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[size=1][center][img]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x85/GreenYodaWCW/NEWNIT1.jpg[/img] [b]WCW Monday Night Nitro Monday, Week 1, May 2001 Club De La Vela (8,256 Fans) [/b][/center] [b]Tony Schiavone:[/b] Welcome to the rebirth of Monday Night Nitro! My name is Tony Schiavone, and joining me tonight is "The Living Legend" Larry Zysbyzko and "Iron" Mike Tenay! We've got some fantastic action for you here tonight, culminating in a main event of Booker T defending the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Scott Steiner! Also, Chris Kanyon issues an open challenge, and Bill Goldberg faces off against Dustin Rhodes! So buckle your seat belts folks, because Nitro starts now! © --- [i]A video plays, showing the wrestlers of WCW, including Booker T, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, and more. It ends with the graphic you see above. (B)[/i] --- [color="red"][b]Billy Kidman vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Shannon Moore vs. Evan Karagis[/b][/color] [i]Fast-paced cruiserweight action starts off Nitro. All four men hit the ring hard, going after one another with reckless abandon. The two Three Count alumni team up on the other two cruiserweights, who are forced into an alliance. The two groups battle, until Kidman goes up top and hits a Shooting Star Press onto all three other competitors. The match continues, with Karagis getting tossed out of the ring, then hit with a suicide dive from Hayashi. Moore is distracted, going to the ropes. And Kidman capitalizes, hitting a Kid Krusher for the pinfall victory. (B)[/i] --- [i] The cameras cut away to a shot of Booker T, WCW World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder, United States Title on the other. He stands there for a moment, soaking in the cheers, then raises a microphone to his lips.[/i] [b]Booker T:[/b] Dawgs, WCW is back in business! And then, so is your WCW World Champion, Booker T. Playas, I'm ready to be back, and defend my title here in WCW! No matter where I am, who I'm facing, dawg, I'm ready to defend this belt. And tonight, it's the roid-raging playa, Scott Steiner! Steiner, just want to tell ya dawg, that there is no way you're taking this title from me tonight. [i]Scott Steiner blindsides Booker T, sending him crashing to the floor. He locks in the Steiner recliner, ripping and tearing at Booker T, while Midajah lies on the floor and holds a microphone for Steiner. [/i] [b]Steiner:[/b] Booker T, you think you are the WCW World Heavyweight Champion! You won that belt on a show that I don't think's part of WCW! You talk about honor, you talk about defending that title! That title's mine Booker! And The Man with the largest arms in the world's gonna use them on you tonight, and walk out with the freaks on one arm, and that belt on the other! (A*) --- [b][color="red"]Hugh Morrus vs. Norman Smiley[/color][/b] [i] Two fan favorites here start off another Nitro match. They battle around the ring, both men getting good offense. Norman Smiley gets to do the Big Wiggle, and the Smiley Spank, both times getting good response from the crowd. But Morrus ends up winning the match, using his superior size to powerslam Smiley to the mat, and going up top for the Laughing Man Moonsault! [/i](B) --- [b]Tony Schiavone:[/b] Remember folks, tonight we'll see Booker T vs. Scott Steiner in the main event! [b]Mike Tenay:[/b] Also, Bill Goldberg versus Dustin Rhodes, and Chris Kanyon in action! [b]Schiavone:[/b] Speaking of Kanyon, here he comes to the center of the ring! (B-) --- [i]Chris Kanyon walks out to the center of the ring. The crowd boos the arrogant wrestler, who's signature catchphrase "Who betta den Kanyon?" has made him way too ****y in their minds. He does nothing to persuade them differently, playing to the crowd, and inciting their response.[/i] [b]Kanyon:[/b] Who betta den Kanyon? *BOO* Nobody, that's who! I am Chris Kanyon, the best wrestler in WCW today. And those upstairs didn't even see fit to give me a match tonight. But I wanted one, so I got my way. Because, Who betta den Kanyon to have a match? Nobody, that's who. But as good as Kanyon is, he still needs a partner to have a match. So whoever wants to get squashed, come on out and have a shot! (B+) [i]"Self High Five!" hits and the crowd goes insane as Diamond Dallas Page hits the ring. Kanyon's eyes go wide at the side of this opponent, and he bails out of the ring to compose himself. While Kanyon's on the outside, DDP gives the Diamond Cutter signal to the fans, who scream their approval to the night sky above. Kanyon slinks back into the ring, referee Mickey Jaye comes to the ring, and the bell rings to begin the match.[/i] (B+) [color="red"][b]Chris Kanyon vs. Diamond Dallas Page[/b][/color] [i]These two men blew the non-existent roof off Club De La Vela, sending shockwaves through the area that could be felt by all in attendance, and all of those watching this on television. The chemistry with which these two move in the ring is something to be felt, not seen. A brawling, technical mish-mash turns into something beautiful as these two battle around the ring, searching for a weakness, something to take advantage of. Neither can find one for fifteen strong minutes, but in the end, DDP staggers Kanyon, signals for the Diamond Cutter, and sends Kanyon crashing face-first into the mat. The crowd explodes as Jaye makes the count, and Diamond Dallas is declared the winner of the match.[/i] (A*) --- [i] DDP celebrates as the crowd goes wild, fans screaming in joy. This is what WCW is all about, the payoff, the great match coming to the right conclusion, not another run in, not another Hogan title reign, not any of that. But Chris Kanyon, Kanyon can't stand it. He attacks DDP from behind, beating him down into the mat, as the crowd yells their disapproval. He takes a malicious glee in doing so, yelling "Who betta den Kanyon!" several times into the night sky, and the unforgiving darkness above.[/i] (B+) --- [i]Once again, the cameras flick backstage to the mighty powerhouse Bill Goldberg walking to the ring. Schiavone, Zysbyzko and Tenay speak of this man in hushed terms, like he is an immortal of old. And, with the push WCW has given him, it might be right to do so. But, tonight he faces a great challenge in Dustin Rhodes. And, it's up next! [/i](A) --- [b][color="red"]Bill Goldberg vs. Dustin Rhodes[/color][/b] [i] This match isn't as good as the last one, but perhaps the crowd needed a break from the emotion of the last match, and this brief time provides that. However brief the match is, the match is not a squash. Dustin gets some offense, but as much as he does, Goldberg is too big, too much for the smaller Rhodes. Dustin falls victim to the Spear, and then like so many before him, his feet are raised to the sky, blood rushing to his head, as he is set up, then slammed to the mat by the Jackhammer. No one kicks out of it, and it's the same as ever, Goldberg. Spear. Jackhammer. Splat. Win. [/i](B) --- [i] Eric Bischoff comes out to the ring. The crowd is confused about whether to yell in anger or in joy, as this man, this man who both started the nWo, ran this company into the ground and destroyed what it had, is back. Somehow, he has gotten another chance. And, despite his failings, he has dared to challenge Stamford Conneticut. Very few have tried, and none have reached the heights that Bischoff have. So... the reaction is mixed. But Bischoff is as cool as ever, glad to be back, ready to begin anew.[/i] [b]Bischoff:[/b] Ladies and gentlemen of the audience, and you millions *and millions* (oops.) of fans watching at home, welcome back to W...C...W! Yes, we are back and we are better then ever. To all you watching at home, waiting for us to blow it like we have in the past, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it's just isn't going to happen! We have learned from the past, no matter what you think. But on to business. Congratulations to Booker T on his victory on the last Nitro, and his new reign as champion. But, I have some somber news for the man. No man can hold two singles belts here in WCW, as decided on by the World Championship Wrestling Executive Board of Directors. I apologize Booker, but you're going to have to give up one belt. [i]Booker T comes to the ring, World Title over his right shoulder, United States Title over his left. Without a world, he kisses the United States title, looks at it one last time, and hands it to Bischoff. He steps back into the backstage area to prepare for his match tonight.[/i] [b]Bischoff:[/b] Thank you Booker. Now, with those unpleasantries out of the way, enjoy the rest of WCW Monday Night Nitro! --- Another video plays, highlighting the tenures of both Scott Steiner and Booker T as WCW World Heavyweight Champion. All sorts of things are shown, but notably absent are the shots of Booker T last winning the belt. After all, that happened in a WWF ring, no? --- [b][color="red"]Booker T © vs. Scott Steiner[/color][/b] [b]WCW World Heavyweight Championship[/b] [i]These two end the first Monday Night Nitro of a new era with one heck of a bang. Both men tear into one another, going all out to try and prove themselves. Steiner wants to show that he is the rightful WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and Booker T is fighting for the same thing. They want respect, respect that only the big gold belt of lore will give them. Both men battle with increasing fury, the fight spilling to the outside. They battle with such great fervor that Charles Robinson, the referee of the match, has no choice but to count them out. Booker T and Steiner battled so hard that there was no choice. They were so intent on proving themselves to each other and the fans that they lost sight of the prize. The match ends in a draw, both men drained, exhausted, spent. But this battle is not done, it has only just begun.[/i] (A*)[/size] [size=3][b]Overall: A[/b][/size] [size=1] [b]Match Results:[/b] Billy Kidman d. Evan Karagis, Kaz Hayashi and Shannon Moore (B) Hugh Morrus d. Norman Smiley (B) Diamond Dallas Page d. Chris Kanyon (A*) Bill Goldberg d. Dustin Rhodes (B) Booker T drew with Scott Steiner (A*) Monday Night Nitro Rating (TNT): 16.99 Monday Night RAW Rating: (TNN): 31.21 [/size]
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[size=1][center][img]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x85/GreenYodaWCW/WCWThunder.jpg[/img][/center] After a massive return to television, WCW rolls into Thunder with a huge main event, as Sting takes on Jeff Jarrett! Now, these two have had their issues in the past, but tonight, they get to air them in a match that you should need to see! Two NWA legends. Two great wrestlers. One great main event. Shane Douglas takes on Bam Bam Bigelow on Thunder as well. These two men are no strangers to one another, both having spent time in Extreme Championship Wrestling, and tonight WCW gets to see what that's all about, as this match will be contested under hardcore rules. Who will come out in this battle of ECW alummni? Rey Mysterio Jr. faces off against Chavo Guerrero Jr. in a match that could main event cards down in Mexico. Both their fathers are legends in the business, and as you loyal WCW fans know, their sons are no slouches either. Prepare for what's sure to be an exciting, fast paced matchup. Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo will also put their WCW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles on the line against Johnny The Bull and Big Vito, a team known as The Marmalukes. In what is sure to be a hard-hitting affair, which team will come out of the shadows with the belts around their waist? Find out by tuning into Wednesday Night Thunder! Plus: * Ric Flair has an announcement to make! * The first matches for WCW The Big Bang are announced! * And much, much more. [/size]
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[size=1][center][img]http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x85/GreenYodaWCW/THNDRLOG.jpg[/img] [b]WCW Wednesday Night Thunder Wednesday, Week 1, May 2001 Dale F. Halton Arena (8,509 Fans)[/b][/center] [b]Tony Schiavone:[/b] Welcome, to Wednesday Night Thunder. I'm Tony Schiavone, and I am joined tonight by former ten-time WCW World Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Stevie Ray, and Scott Hudson! [b]Stevie Ray:[/b] All you fruit booties out there, welcome to Thunder. We back up in WCW's house, and tonight, you're gonna see all we got. [b]Scott Hudson:[/b] Our main event for the evening is Sting facing Jeff Jarrett. These two men are major parts in the history of WCW, and tonight they square off in one-on-one action. Also, Shane Douglas faces off against Bam Bam Bigelow, Rey Mysterio Jr takes on Chavo Guerrerro Jr and those tag titles you know something about Stevie are defended by Sean O'Haire and Palumbo against The Marmalukes! [b]Tony Schiavone:[/b] Get ready, for one of the biggest nights in the history of our sport, because Thunder starts now! (B+) --- [i]A video plays, showing the wrestlers of WCW, including Booker T, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, and more. It ends with the graphic you see above.[/i] (B) --- [color=blue][b]AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jason Jett[/b][/color] [i] Four of WCW's cruiserweights start off tonight's action. All four men have long careers ahead of them, that will take them all over the wrestling world. But at least for tonight, they are here in WCW, and we are lucky for it. The match is full of the high-octane, exciting action that the cruiserweight division is known for. Christopher Daniels shines in the match, eventually hitting Jett with a double underhook facebuster he calls the Angel's Wings for the 1-2-3. AJ Styles tried at the last minute to break it up with a Shooting Star Press, but was an iota too late.[/i] (B) --- [i]Ric Flair walks out to a huge pop from this Mid-Atlantic crowd. He's still the man in this town, 30 years after he started. It's one heck of a show, and the fans are going nuts as Flair struts to the ring.[/i] [b]Flair:[/b] Woooo! Wooooooo! It is great to be back, in North Carolina! Wooooo! Now, last week on Nitro, Eric Bischoff stripped Booker T, the Wooo! WCW World Heavyweight Champion, of the United States Championship. Now, "The Nature Boy" is all about oppurtunity, so I'd like to announce an eight man tournament, beginning on this upcoming Nitro, for the United States Heavyweight Championship of the world! Wooo! So, to all you competitors, Woooo! To be the man, you've got to beat the man! (A) --- [color=blue][b]Palumbo and O'Haire © vs. The Marmalukes[/b][/color] [i]These two teams go after one another in a strong brawling style. Johnny The Bull sees the majority of the action, as Palumbo and O'Haire keep him trapped in the corner, beating him down. He gets a hot tag to Big Vito, who cleans house for a few moments. But in the end, Palumbo takes him down with a lariat, makes the tag to O'Haire, who hits the Seanton Bomb for the pinfall win.[/i] (C+) --- [i]Chris Kanyon comes out to the ring, once again playing to the crowd. The fans aren't happy to see him, although a few fans are cheering, appreciative of the match he put on two nights ago at Thunder. Others... others are less forgiving of his ****y actions. He's got a microphone, and begins to speak.[/i] [b]Kanyon: [/b]Who betta den Kanyon? Not Diamond Dallas Page! You all saw me supposedly lose to Diamond Dallas Page two nights ago on Nitro. But you didn't see the whole story. DDP cheated! There's no way he could have beaten me fairly. After all, who betta den Kanyon? So DDP, I challenge you to beat me again, this time for real, at WCW The Big Bang! Let's see how good you are! (B+) [i]Diamond Dallas Page walks down the entrance ramp to the strains of "Self High Five." He gives the Diamond Cutter symbol to the screaming DDP faithful, and grabs the microphone from Kanyon.[/i] [b]DDP:[/b] Kanyon, I've just got one thing to say to you. At The Big Bang, you will feel the... badda bing baddda BANG! (B+) --- [b][color=blue]Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. [/color][/b] [i] A high-flying, fast-paced matchup that shows off the athleticism that these two men have. The action is furious, with Chavo Guerrero trying to hit the Tornado DDT, but Rey manages to slip out. Guerrero hits the mat hard, and bounces to his feet, staggering around. Mysterio with the West Coast Pop! It's over, Rey Mysterio wins the match.[/i] (B+) --- The camera pans backstage to Eric Bischoff being besieged by both Booker T and Scott Steiner, who are arguing their case for a rematch. [b]Booker T:[/b] I am the WCW World Heavyweight Champion dawg, and this sucka gotta know that. I want him in the ring, anytime, anyplace! [b]Steiner:[/b] Look at these peaks Bischoff, they're the largest peaks in the world. The freaks love 'em, and come on, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship belongs only around the waist of the man who has them. [b]Bischoff:[/b] Enough! Okay, at The Big Bang. Steiner. Booker T. WCW World Heavyweight Championship on the line. Okay?! Now get out of my office! (A) --- [b][color=blue]Shane Douglas vs. Bam Bam Bigelow[/color][/b] Hardcore Match [i]As Schiavone, Ray and Hudson are discussing this latest revelation, Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigelow make their way to the ring, where a bevy of weapons await them. The match that follows is bloody, not the typical WCW fare that we've had over the years we've known the G-Rated WCW. But, the crowd is into it, and when Bam Bam Bigelow hits the Greetings From Ashbury Park onto a steel chair, they pop like mad. No matter what the kiddies say, they pop like mad.[/i] (B-) --- [b]Schiavone: [/b]Up next is the main event! Sting will take on Jeff Jarrett right after this commerical break in the biggest Thunder main event EVER! [b]Stevie Ray:[/b] All you fruit booties out there gotta know, this is going to be something to see. [b]Hudson:[/b] So stay with WCW Wednesday Night Thunder, which will be back right after this. (A) --- [b][color=blue]Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett[/color][/b] [i]As the crowd scans the skies, Sting slides down from the rafters. They pop as always for this, and as Sting lets out his wolf howl in the center of the ring, the fans scream their approval. Jarrett comes out in a more conventional fashion, out the entrance way, carrying his trademark guitar, which he sets by the ring post. The match begins with Sting taking control. He drives Jarrett into the corner with a series of blows, then irish whips him into the opposite corner. He goes for the Stinger Splash, but is met with a boot from Jarrett. Jarrett comes back, striking the staggered Sting several times in the head. He goes for the Stroke, but Sting slips away. The match continues, both men trying to put the other away. The match lasts fifteen strong, with Sting at one point locking in the Scorpian Deathlock, but Jarrett reaching the ropes. The battle rages on, both men scouring the others style, trying to find a weakness to exploit. Finally, Jarrett manages to bump the referee, sending him to the mat. He grabs the guitar, and hits the El Kabong, sending Sting loopy. As Sting staggers around in the ring, Jarrett revives the ref, and hits the Stroke! It's all over, Jarrett with the cheap victory.[/i] (A*)[/size] [size=3][b]Overall: A[/b][/size] [size=1]Match Results: Christopher Daniels d. AJ Styles, Elix Skipper and Jason Jett (B) Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo d. The Marmalukes to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. (C+) Rey Mysterio Jr. d. Chavo Guerrero Jr. (B+) Bam Bam Bigelow d. Shane Douglas (B-) Jeff Jarrett d. Sting (A*) WCW Thunder Rating: 16.41 WWF Smackdown! Rating: 17.13 [/size]
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