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NOTBPW- The Stone Age

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[CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/NOTPW%20Dynasty/IntroBannercopy.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Times New Roman"] [B][U][SIZE="4"]Back Story[/SIZE][/U][/B] It is January 2007 and wrestling has started to flop in Canada and Dan Stone is starting to feel it in his pockets and his ratings. On the other side of the boarder the USA is suffering also. It seems at the moment the only places on the rise are Japan and Europe. Dan Stone has also noticed that his own promotion has been following the trends of SWF and TCW which has hurt the business as a whole. All of the big promotions booking teams are recycling the same storylines and using the same guys to try and draw fans in. Dan has come to realize if he wants to make it big and enter the US market and make that jump to solidify NOTBPW’s spot in the world of professional wrestling he has to make the change before anyone else. Dan has gone ahead and hired a new head booker to run the show and hopefully bring new life to NOTBPW, which has dried up and died over the past year or so. The new booker is former CGC from a few years back, Matt Wayne. With Matt taking over Dan decided they should meet and discuss a few things [/CENTER][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][B][SIZE="4"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Initial Creative Meeting[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] [FONT="Times New Roman"][COLOR="SlateGray"]So being myself and Dan Stone have never met before in person this was going to be a little awkward, we were meeting at his house rather then the office because we didn’t want it to get lose who Dan had signed on to do his booking for the foreseeable future. After showing up and walking through the Stone’s residence and talking about the random happenings in the world we made it back to his office to discuss the future of NOTBPW.[/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER][IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/NOTPW%20Dynasty/NOTBPW-WORKERS/DanStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g276/machinesxe/NOTPW%20Dynasty/NOTBPW-WORKERS/MattWayne.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="SlateGray"] Dan spoke for awhile about the direction he saw us heading in and where he thought we should be in the future. He basically let me know he doesn’t want to relay on anyone who didn’t have a longer future left in the business. He came out and said “You can’t hire anyone over the age of 35, because they are over their prime and we need to prepare for the future.” He also pushed the fact that we needed to have certain numbers finically and if I cause the company to drop below a certain amount of money then I would be out of the company with a second chance. This I understood. After going over the basics I decided I should let him know where I was coming from.[/COLOR] [B]Matt Wayne:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Dan, I can agree with you on the direction of the company and not hiring guys that we can’t get a good 10 years or so out of. I am not concerned with the money, because to be perfectly honest I don’t think we could lose money with the talent we have contracted currently. [/COLOR] [B]Dan:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][COLOR="Blue"]Good to here you see some things my way and we won’t be butting heads on this. I do hope you have a head of your own like I have heard since the last booker is out of a job because he only did what I said and feed me what I wanted to hear.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [B]Matt: [/B][COLOR="Blue"]Well then Dan let me shoot this out there. I hate women’s wrestling and feel it has no place in my vision of NOTBPW. I would like to keep a few of the girls around for some different positions but most of them will be getting the pink slip. I also see a lot of dead weight on the roster that can not produce the product we are going to start pushing. Dan: Matt, to just up and fired a bunch of people within the company is going to have a lot of guys questioning our future. I really don’t know if I can back up this decision.[/COLOR] [B]Matt:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Look Dan, if this is going to work first you are going to have to trust me and let me run with the plans I will be putting into place. I will give the guys I am considering cutting until after tomorrow nights Championship Wrestling and announce that we have a meeting on Thursday.[/COLOR] [B]Dan:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Look Matt, I can deal with some cuts but you need to keep the guys that have been loyal to us and have the talent to bring in the fans.[/COLOR] [B]Matt:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Well now that the little things are out of the way, I can move onto the bigger things. I have used some resources and contacts to get these four contracts signed and brought here for you to sign.[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"](The look on Dan’s face is astounding, he can not believe what is sitting in front of him)[/COLOR] [B]Dan:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]First off how have you been out of the business for 3 or more years and still have that much pull over in CGC and TCW? How did you get SWF to sign a non aggrieve agreement? Seriously, you set it up so SWF can’t touch us as we spread our empire into the US and with the help of using CGC and TCW talent, we can move forward with minimal resistance.[/COLOR] [B] Matt:[/B][COLOR="Blue"] I told you Dan, you trust in me an we can both gain a huge hand in the rest of North America. Dan, I hate to cut you off but I have sent out some contracts and need to get some paper work signed so we can get this moving. Dan, it has been wonderful, but really I need to get going so I can start writing the show for tomorrow night. [/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"][FONT="Times New Roman"]So after meeting with Dan for the first time I feel like we shouldn’t have any issues with moving forward with the terminations on Thursday and bringing in the new talent for the future direction of the company.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
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