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TNA Phasing Out X division?


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[QUOTE=darkfire423;275093]Well here is the thing. Really the raitings are up. But not great. Good but not great. They run the risk of losing their one hour in a month and a half as spike is thinking of letting Impact go. Their house shows are a bust. PPV buy rates are SH*T (um 20,000 or so). You look at the list of guy who deals run out in the next 60 days. It is mostly the X guys. Scott D'amore who isnt even with TNA anymore is still backstage talking to guys. Basiclly acting on the behalf of WWE. Backstage is pissed, and many feel that the former WWE guys will kill the company (From a former TNA wrestler).[/QUOTE] Spike is not thinking of letting Impact go...if anything TNA has been thinking of leaving Spike. Their house shows are not a bust...I don't know where you're getting that from. The PPV buyrates are disappointing... Have we even seen an official list of guys who's deals are getting ready to expire? I've heard Team 3D and VKM deals are coming up...definetly not X guys and who would care if they left anyway.
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Again: the ratings are not up. They aren't. But the house shows have been OK. The only reason that was even being reported was becaus the PPV the did in Tenn didn't sell out. Otherwise they've been ok. Not completely sold out. But ok. Still not doing well from a business point. But they ae only "bad" from financially, whereas a year ago they were "christ almighty terrible."
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;275100]Still not doing well from a business point. But they ae only "bad" from financially, whereas a year ago they were "christ almighty terrible."[/QUOTE]Actually this isn't true...my source who is close to the Carter family said that TNA has been turning a profit for over a year.
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;275102]Actually this isn't true...my source who is close to the Carter family said that TNA has been turning a profit for over a year.[/QUOTE] Honestly, I don't know who your contact is but Carter and Panda Energy both issued statements that TNA was only supposed to begin turning monthly profits last quarter and only as long as buy rates continued to grow and their live events sold out. Neither happened. Buy rates actually went down. And they increased payroll. And even if they were turning slight profits, they were lsoing huge sums of money for the greater part of the last four years..a million dollars a month at one point. So unless things made an insane turnaround, they have still lost money over-all.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;275107]Honestly, I don't know who your contact is but Carter and Panda Energy both issued statements that TNA was only supposed to begin turning monthly profits last quarter and only as long as buy rates continued to grow and their live events sold out. Neither happened. Buy rates actually went down. And they increased payroll. And even if they were turning slight profits, they were lsoing huge sums of money for the greater part of the last four years..a million dollars a month at one point. So unless things made an insane turnaround, they have still lost money over-all.[/QUOTE]Over-all...yes that is correct. They are no longer operating in the red from a month to month basis though.
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;275099]Spike is not thinking of letting Impact go...if anything TNA has been thinking of leaving Spike. Their house shows are not a bust...I don't know where you're getting that from. The PPV buyrates are disappointing... Have we even seen an official list of guys who's deals are getting ready to expire? I've heard Team 3D and VKM deals are coming up...definetly not X guys and who would care if they left anyway.[/QUOTE] i think Samoa Joe is up in the next 60 days. House show in boston didnt draw. What saved them is the recent midwest and central states shows. [QUOTE=BIGJOSH;275112]Over-all...yes that is correct. They are no longer operating in the red from a month to month basis though.[/QUOTE] but ever month you are in the red you have to make that back the next month. Say they lose money this money. we will go with 250,000. Next month they have to cover their expenditures as well as 250,000 they lost this month. Until that happens, a company isnt doing well, or good. It needs help. biz 101 right there and giving people more the same isnt giving you a edge or really a good game plan.
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;275099]definetly not X guys and who would care if they left anyway.[/QUOTE] Maybe any fan who doesn't want a 'ghetto WWE' product? I'd care, how's that? The X Division is the only thing that separates TNA from being a poor man's WWE. Just because the current booking committee seems to have NFC on how to book them, doesn't mean they suck. The X Division allowed Styles, Daniels, and Joe to show what they could do. Gee, I wonder how that turned out.
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[QUOTE=darkfire423;275117]but ever month you are in the red you have to make that back the next month. Say they lose money this money. we will go with 250,000. Next month they have to cover their expenditures as well as 250,000 they lost this month. Until that happens, a company isnt doing well, or good. It needs help.[/QUOTE] TNA is getting help. Pana Energies gives them stacks of money any time they are in too deep. Man, why would they do that? Oh yeah...Dixie carter's dad owns the company. I swear..Jeff Jarrett is the world's greatest con-man [QUOTE=Remianen;275162]Maybe any fan who doesn't want a 'ghetto WWE' product? I'd care, how's that? The X Division is the only thing that separates TNA from being a poor man's WWE. Just because the current booking committee seems to have NFC on how to book them, doesn't mean they suck.[/QUOTE] Think you misread. BIGJOSH is saying this is no big deal, but in that paticuar post he was saying that the only people he's heard who's contracts are up are 3D and VKM and they are no big loss. [QUOTE]I heard the whole Joe thing wasn't true at all.[/QUOTE] What does your source say?
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;275164]Think you misread. BIGJOSH is saying this is no big deal, but in that paticuar post he was saying that the only people he's heard who's contracts are up are 3D and VKM and they are no big loss.[/QUOTE] If that's the case, then I apologize. The way I read it, it seemed the 'no big deal' part was attributed to the last group mentioned (the X Division guys). I do think losing Team3D would hurt though. They seem to work very well as the 'Gatekeepers' of the tag team division.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;275164]TNA is getting help. Pana Energies gives them stacks of money any time they are in too deep. Man, why would they do that? Oh yeah...Dixie carter's dad owns the company. I swear..Jeff Jarrett is the world's greatest con-man [/QUOTE] I know dixie dad is funding them but one day. just one day the money bags will get pulled. Look at compaines like Shimmer, and ROH. They turn a profit. Mind you with shimmer a small profit. But a profit still. Their product isnt anything like the WWE. TNA who is heading down the road to be WWE 4th Brand. Is losing money. Hmmm makes you think dont it.
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[QUOTE]I do think losing Team3D would hurt though. They seem to work very well as the 'Gatekeepers' of the tag team division.[/QUOTE] I agree. In an era where tag team wrestling has really fallen apart.. Team 3D (The Dudley Boyz as I will always know them) is one of the final examples of a dying breed... Tag Teams that actually stick with each other through out their careers! Now a days tag teams have some success and then they are split by creative management to capitalize on their run and go for singles glory. The Dudleyz are a throwback to the old days where tag teams stay as tag teams & you never see the one without the other. (Dudleyz, The Road Warriors). They may not be the "sexy choice" for wrestling fans now a days as they don't were not watching back when ECW was in its height... And the Dudleyz were seen as an ultra violent tag team that would pick off people whenever they felt like it! So if TNA loses them you might as well kiss the tag team division goodbye just as much as the X Division (If it does go).... But ohh wait... Pac Man is going into tag team wrestling isn't he?! Well there ya go! The savior of Tag Team Wrestling... Adam "Pac Man" Jones. From what it seems, They'll probably have him tag with Jeff Jarrett.. haha, one to destroy any momentum that he would have and secondly... Because every single interview I see Pacman giving in the media he always has Jarrett at his side. hah
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=darkfire423;275202]I know dixie dad is funding them but one day. just one day the money bags will get pulled. Look at compaines like Shimmer, and ROH. They turn a profit. Mind you with shimmer a small profit. But a profit still. Their product isnt anything like the WWE. TNA who is heading down the road to be WWE 4th Brand. Is losing money. Hmmm makes you think dont it.[/QUOTE] It's because ROH and SHIMMER fit into a real niche. Their fans really only have their Japanese equivalents to compare them to while with TNA, Fans have WWE which is a much superior product, no matter what it may do bad.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;275162]Maybe any fan who doesn't want a 'ghetto WWE' product? I'd care, how's that? The X Division is the only thing that separates TNA from being a poor man's WWE. Just because the current booking committee seems to have NFC on how to book them, doesn't mean they suck. The X Division allowed Styles, Daniels, and Joe to show what they could do. Gee, I wonder how that turned out.[/QUOTE]I was saying losing VKM and 3D would be no big deal...not the X Division guys. 3D might hurt a little bit, but VKM can go...PLEASE GO VKM YOU HAVEN'T BEEN RELEVANT SINCE 1998.
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;275327]I was saying losing VKM and 3D would be no big deal...not the X Division guys. 3D might hurt a little bit, but VKM can go...PLEASE GO VKM YOU HAVEN'T BEEN RELEVANT SINCE 1998.[/QUOTE] My fault, sorry. I misunderstood. As a wrestling fan, I like to see different things. While copying the market/segment leader works in some areas of entertainment (movies, TV, video games, etc), I don't think wrestling is one of them. Promotions like ROH, SHIMMER, and CHIKARA prove that you can be different and still be successful. The X Division is (or was) TNA's niche. Without it, they're not even worth watching IMO. You can watch old WCW tapes to see Sting and the Steiners (at their best, no less) and old WWE stuff to see the rest of them (if you wanted to). Samoa Joe did his best work, arguably, in ROH so pick up some of their DVDs and you get him too.
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I know some people are saying "oh they re brininging in all these old WWE guys so thats the end of the WWE." The one thing I think people are forgetting is that, as it was reported, they are bringing in more "known" faces is so they can get on fox. If I remember correctly that was one of the stipulations to get a contract with them. I dont think that this could mean the end of the X-Division. I think the X-division is taking a backseat right now so they can get more recognition in order to get better timeslots and more shows. Dont count the X-Division out yet.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;275455]I know some people are saying "oh they re brininging in all these old WWE guys so thats the end of the WWE." The one thing I think people are forgetting is that, as it was reported, they are bringing in more "known" faces is so they can get on fox. If I remember correctly that was one of the stipulations to get a contract with them. I dont think that this could mean the end of the X-Division. I think the X-division is taking a backseat right now so they can get more recognition in order to get better timeslots and more shows. Dont count the X-Division out yet.[/QUOTE] First off, no one knows if that is what Fox is asking of them. Secondly, even if that's the case, does anyone really believe that signing guys like Test, Mat Morgan, and possibly Albert and/or Rikishi is going to get them any more viewers? Anyone? Anybody think that the buy rate for Hard Justice will be significantly better because all those "Test-icles" will be buying it now? If Fox wanted a big name TNA should've cut a bunch of the dead weight and gone out and added one HUGE name like Goldberg or Savage instead of signing a bunch of Invasion Era stiff that couldn't draw even wehn they were working for the E.
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personally if I was TNA, I would not be focusing on a new contract. I would have put more work into "hard justice" as I see that being a bad pay per view. If they would have put more work into the pay per view, the new contract would work itself out. I just hope they don't have karen get physically involved in the match (or 3-D for that matter, and what was the point of having them show up at the end of impact). Also please [B]DO NOT [/B]have "Test/punisher" win the doomsday match
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;275497]First off, no one knows if that is what Fox is asking of them. Secondly, even if that's the case, does anyone really believe that signing guys like Test, Mat Morgan, and possibly Albert and/or Rikishi is going to get them any more viewers? Anyone? Anybody think that the buy rate for Hard Justice will be significantly better because all those "Test-icles" will be buying it now? If Fox wanted a big name TNA should've cut a bunch of the dead weight and gone out and added one HUGE name like Goldberg or Savage instead of signing a bunch of Invasion Era stiff that couldn't draw even wehn they were working for the E.[/QUOTE] Not saying that bringing in these guys will generate more viewers (because, as proven by bringing in Sting and Angle the ratings did not go up by as much as everyone thought and these are BIG names), but it has been reported that that is what Fox wanted to get a deal. I doubt that any of these guys will bring in more viewers and (I hope) that once that fails, TNA will go back to doing what they can (if they wanted) do best. Thats put on some of the best in-ring action on TV today with the X-Division.
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[QUOTE=mystic;275507] Also please [B]DO NOT [/B]have "Test/punisher" win the doomsday match[/QUOTE] It'll either be him or Abyss. [QUOTE=The Stallion;275511]Not saying that bringing in these guys will generate more viewers (because, as proven by bringing in Sting and Angle the ratings did not go up by as much as everyone thought and these are BIG names), but it has been reported that that is what Fox wanted to get a deal. I doubt that any of these guys will bring in more viewers and (I hope) that once that fails, TNA will go back to doing what they can (if they wanted) do best. Thats put on some of the best in-ring action on TV today with the X-Division.[/QUOTE] Oh I know you're not saying it. My point was more towards the network's way of thinking. I that's what they said, then they are wrong and if thy wanted a big name then they would be best served helping to pay for the contract of someone who might actually bring in some viewers.
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[QUOTE=mystic;275507] I just hope they don't have karen get physically involved in the match [/QUOTE] Ah you know she will. Either to help Joe or pull the double cross and help Angle. As for Team 3D, its all part of TNA's convoluted storyline telling. I just hope that once they get two hours thet can get focused.
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;275513]It'll either be him or Abyss. [/QUOTE] ok....abyss I could deal with [QUOTE=The Stallion;275515]Ah you know she will. Either to help Joe or pull the double cross and help Angle. As for Team 3D, its all part of TNA's convoluted storyline telling. I just hope that once they get two hours thet can get focused.[/QUOTE] I betting on the double cross
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[QUOTE=PeterHilton;275513]It'll either be him or Abyss. Oh I know you're not saying it. My point was more towards the network's way of thinking. I that's what they said, then they are wrong and if thy wanted a big name then they would be best served helping to pay for the contract of someone who might actually bring in some viewers.[/QUOTE] Problem is, I dont think there is anyone out there who can do that anymore unless they can steal someone big from the E (Edge or Rey but they are not up for grabs) or lure back Jericho, Rock or Hogan. Other than that, the only thing they can do is build who they have (Joe, AJ and Daniels could be mega-stars if handled right) and get a better handle of there storylines.
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