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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][b]Frontier Wrestling One – Year One – A New Beginning[/b][/center][/size] Date: August 1, 2007 I sat on the edge of the bed, still covered in sweet. Somehow I had managed to get one shoe and my shirt off before passing out and crashing to the floor. When I woke up I found myself in a pool of my own vomit and still clinching a Vodka bottle. [b][i]”How the hell did I come to this?”[/b][/i] I had asked myself that repeatedly over the past few years. I had tried to find happiness in women, drugs, alcohol, debt, but yet, one thing had only me feel, well, normal. That one thing was Pro Wrestling. I had once ran a wrestling promotion that had almost got to the level TNA enjoyed. The delight and horror of the fans, seeing what worked and what didn’t, that’s what I enjoyed most. But what happened? The WWE happened. Vince McMahon with his unsatisfied lust of buying u everyone and everything had driven the Frontier Wrestling 1 promotion to shut down. Loosing big names to either TNA or WWE had forced us to cut costs, which in a short time, forced us to begin to reexamine our financial situation. This had forced us to sacrifice quality. Japan had looked promising, running shows had given us a spark of hope. But that too came to an end as we could not keep up with the costs of flying wrestlers and staff to Japan on a monthly basis. Suddenly it had all come to a crashing halt. We were left with nothing. [b][i]”But you haven’t drank up all your money have you?”[/i][/b] No, I still had several dollars in things that I still had access to. An emergency fund that I had set up with Steven Richards when we were doing well. I hadn’t drank that up and could put it to use. [b][i]”Times have changed. Why not give it another chance?”[/b][/i] [b][i]”But if I failed again. I mean McMahon can buy up everything.”[/b][/i] [b][i]”Bull****! The exciting part of it was the atmosphere. Giving fans a realistic alternative. Doing what you wanted; sticking it to the big name companies!”[/i][/b] I stood up for a minute. The quick movement shot a stabbing pain into m temples and I quickly crumpled back onto the bed. [b][i]”Maybe I should sleep this hang over off and then try to reason this out; make the calls that matter. Most of all, get my sanity and happiness back.”[/i][/b]
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A month of hard work had paid off. Happiness had begun to creep back into my life, replacing the drugs, the booze, and the women. Together with my longtime friend Steven Richards, Frontier Wrestling 1 had been reborn. Instead of the humid, sticky Central Florida battleground where we once flourished, the dry, arid desert of Phoenix, Arizona would house our headquarters (my office in my condo). Together we had been able to sign a number of talented individuals, ready to take the independent scene, and eventually the world (hopefully) by storm. Without further a due, I present the roster for Frontier Wrestling 1: [quote][b]Main Event[/b] Kash (Kid Kash) – Face Joey Mathews (Joey Mercury) – Heel Steven Richards – Heel[/quote] [quote][b]Upper Midcarders[/b] Chase Stevens – Face Vito LoGrasso – Heel Andy Douglas – Face[/quote] [quote][b]Midcarders[/b] Kaos (Kid Kaos) – Heel Kory Chavis – Face Jerrelle Clark – Face Aaron Aguilera – Heel Chris Hamrick – Heel[/quote] [quote][b]Lower Midcarders[/b] Retail Dragon – Face Tony DeVito – Heel EZ Money – Face[/quote] [quote][b]Openers[/b] J.D. Michaels – Heel Dan Maff – Face[/quote] [quote][b]Managers[/b] April Hunter – Heel[/quote] [quote][b]Announcers[/b] Kevin Kelly[/quote] [quote][b]Referee’s[/b] Brian Hebner Billy Dalton[/quote] [quote][b]Authority Figure[/b] Court Bauer – Face[/quote] [quote][b]Titles[/b] FW1 Heavyweight Title FW1 Tag Team Titles[/quote] [quote][b]Tag Teams[/b] Chavis & Maff Los Pochos Guapos (Aguilar & Kaos) The Naturals (Stevens & Douglas) The New York Connection (DeVito & LaGrasso)[/quote] The first card has yet to be finalized but it will involve an 8 man tournament for the vacant FW1 Heavyweight Title.
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[center][size="6"][b]Frontier Wrestling 1 Presents… [color=red]The New Frontier[/color][/b][/size] Featuring: [b]An 8 Man Tournament For the FW1 Heavyweight Title[/b] [b]Los Pochos Guapos vs. Dan Maff & Kory Chavis[/b] [b]A special autograph signing with former WWE Superstar Joey Matthews (Joey Mercury)[/b][/center]
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The New Frontier - August 2007 “I was quite surprised to see that the crowd was a sellout. It was a meager 300 fans, but it’s still a good turn out considering this was the first FW1 show in years AND it was clear across the country. I took a minute to thank everyone involved, especially Court Bauer, the man who we bought Major League Wrestling from once upon a time. To see that he was willing this much dedication into a new product certainly showed his love for the business.” The ring had been set up with the house lights off except for the entrance and ring. The event was about to begin and I had taken my spot at ringside as the time-keeper. [center][size=7][color=blue]Frontier Wrestling 1 Presents…. From Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC The New Frontier[/center][/color][/size] [quote]Kevin Kelly was in the middle of the ring working the fans. He welcomed everyone to the new Era of The Frontier, The NEW Frontier.[/quote] [quote][b][u]Match 1[/u] Kory Chavis & Dan Maff vs. Los Pochos Guapos[/b] All four men ended this tag team match up in hard-nosed fashion, with chairs, a chain, and anything else that wasn’t nailed down. The referee had no choice but to disqualify both teams. The action didn’t stop there as, after knocking Chavis into the crowd, Aguilera and Kaos attempted to Pillmanize Maff’s ankle. Officials rushed in to stop this from happening however. Los Pochos Guapos walked out with their hands raised and smiles on their faces.[/quote] I’m surprised that no one in the “real” world gave us crap that we had hired on Dan Maff. By real world I of course mean the non-internet fanatics who are so quick to criticize. The fans didn’t seem to care. The match turned out so-so, about what we expected. [quote][b][u]Match 2 – Quarter Final Match for the FW1 Heavyweight Title[/u] Kash v. Tony DeVito[/b] DeVito did not like the fact that he wasn’t allowed to get away with what he wanted to in this match up. Kash scored a clean victory quickly with the Bank Roll.[/quote] Even though he usually plays the heel, Kash was well received in the match by the fan as a fan-favorite. [quote][b][u]Match 3 – Quarter Final Match for the FW1 Heavyweight Title[/u] EZ Money v. “Confederate” Chris Hamrick[/b] Hamrick incited the fans, as always, by walking to the ring with a Confederate Flag. Money scored the fans support by attacking his former team mate early. Despite his skills, Money lost the match when Hamrick used the ropes for the pinfall.[/quote] [quote][b][u]Match 4 – Quarter Final Match for the FW1 Heavyweight Title[/u] Steven Richards v. Retail Dragon[/b] Dragon made quite an impression on the fans but was not able to get the victory over the former bWo’er. Richards scores a victory with a Stevie Kick when Dragon miscalculates a top-rope move.[/quote] I don’t know how we pulled in Retail, especially from the East coast, but he had a good showing. And considering what a fan I am of “Dragon’s”, I’ll have to say that Retail will certainly be a pet project of mine. [quote][b][u]Match 5 – Quarter Final Match for the FW1 Heavyweight Title[/u] Vito LoGrasso v. Jerrelle Clark[/b] Clark had a good showing and defeated Vito following an outstanding 630 Senton.[/quote] I know Vito wasn’t happy about the match, but Jerrelle puts a great high-flying performance and simply one-uped Vito. [quote][b][u]30 Minute Intermission[/u][/b] The fans were treated with a chance to catch everyone’s autograph and pick up merchandise. The fans were especially surprised when Joey Matthews was friendly to everyone.[/quote] [quote][u][b]Match 6 – Semi-Final Match for the FW1 Heavyweight Title[/u] “Confederate” Chris Hamrick v. Kash[/b] Kash put another great match. He was almost eliminated from the tournament when Hamrick again used the ropes for leverage. Unfortunately for him, the ref caught him. As he argued with Billy Dalton, Hamrick was rolled up in a school-boy and said good bye to his chances before he even realized what had happened.[/quote] [quote][u][b]Match 7 – Semi-Final Match for the FW1 Heavyweight Title[/u] Steven Richards v. Jerrelle Clark[/b] Richards out-schooled Clark and picked up the win following a Stevie-T.[/quote] [quote][u][b]10 minute break[/u][/b][/quote] [quote][u][b]Angle 1[/b][/u] JD Michaels is escorted to the ring by his lovely wife April Hunter. They both talk about the lack of competition in the FW1, as obvious that he wasn’t booked for a match. He talks about how the Main Event is Kash and Richards, two guys who never did anything with their careers. Michaels says that he demands a title shot from the champion.[/quote] Well all I can say is, “JD, when you are a better over-all worker, then you get an FW1 Heavyweight Title shot. Pissing off Kash and Richards is not your best bet to get a shot at the title. You may get your ass handed to you, but not a title shot.” [quote][b][u]Match 8 – Final Match for the FW1 Heavyweight Title[/u] Steven Richards v. Kash[/b] Surprisingly, both men didn’t look winded for this lengthy match. Both got about the same amount of offense. Toward the 15 minute marker, a fan rushed into the ring and was quickly cut off by Brian Hebner. As the referee and Kash were focused on what turned out to be Joey Matthews, Richards a small chain from his trunks and wrapped it around his fist. Kash turned but the ref’s attention was still focused on a laughing Matthews. Kash turned around into a knock out punch from Richards. Steven tucked the chain back into his tights and covered Kash for the pin fall.[/quote] A satisfying match up for the title in my opinion. [quote]Next month we will hear what President Court Bauer has to say about how Richards won the title at [b]Two For The Money[/b] in September[/quote]
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[b][center][size=5]Frontier Wrestling 1 Presents...[/size] [size=6]Two For The Money[/size][/b]September 17, 2007 Galaxy Theater, in Santa Ana, California The New York Connection v. The Naturals Jerrelle Clark v. "Confederate" Chris Hamrick J.D. Michaels w/April Hunter v. Retail Dragon Kory Chavis & Dan Maff want revenge on Los Pochos Guapos Court Bauer will speak about the FW1 Heavyweight Title Situation[/center]
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Two For The Money 9.17.07 [center][b][size=5]Frontier Wrestling 1 presents…[/size] [color=blue][size=6]Two For The Money[/b][/size][/color] September 17, 2007 Galaxy Theater – Santa Ana, California 90 fans in attendance[/center] [quote]FW1 President Court Bauer came to the ring and asked for a microphone. He started off by welcoming everyone to tonight’s event. He said that he wanted to come out and talk about the final match for the FW1 Heavyweight Title. He said that what Matthews and Richards did was not fair to Kash. Bauer says that because he holds the FW1 Heavyweight Title in high regard, he is making the main event for tonight a Ladder Match between Richards and Kash. He said that if Matthews steps foot inside the ring, he will be barred from all future FW1 events.[/quote] [quote][b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter defeated Retail Dragon[/b] It was obvious in the earlier going of the match that the styles of the two didn’t mesh well. Michaels used more brawling then he usually does and was able to win the match following a Top-Rope Elbow.[/quote] [quote]Kory Chavis & Dan Maff walk to the ring, brushing by Michaels. Maff said that they are not finished with Los Pochos Guapos. He said that a Double Disqualification is “bullsh!t” and they wanted Guapos in another match.[/quote] [quote][b]Chavis & Maff over Los Pochos Guapos by countout[/b] After many minutes of stalling, Kaos and Aguilera finally accepted the match. The straight forward style of the fan favorites was too much and Kaos and Aguilera bailed, not wanting anymore. Maff and Chavis were visibly angry about this.[/quote] [quote][b]Jerrelle Clark defeated “Confederate” Chris Hamrick[/b] Clark had a good showing again, using the 630 Senton to pick up the victory over the hated heel.[/quote] [quote][b]The Naturals over The New York Connection[/b] Vito and Tony could not compete against the speed and high flying of The Naturals. This one was over and certainly gives Stevens and Douglas a look for the FW1 Tag Team Titles. Douglas pins DeVito following a Tornado DDT.[/quote] [quote][b]FW1 Heavyweight Title Match – Ladder Match Richards defeats Kash with the aid of Joey Matthews[/b] Following the proclamation laid down by Court Bauer, Matthews never stepped foot in the ring. Instead he stayed on the floor, and when the chance was right, smacked Kash over the head with a steel chair. The fans were calling for Richards and Matthews heads after the incident.[/quote]
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FW1 Tidbits - Week 4 Sept. 07 [b]Week 4 – September 2007[/b] [quote]FW1 Signings: Caprice Coleman – Face – Lower Midcard Big Tilly – Heel – Upper Midcard Bruno Sassi – Heel – Midcard[/quote] I was not happy with pushing Big Tilly into the Upper Midcard position, but in order to drive our Tag Team Division, it was necessary. Coleman may be a good fit for Michaels as it seems Retail Dragon does not have chemistry with him. [quote]October Show Announced: October 20, 2007 – FW1 Octoberfest[/quote] I want to get our tag straps on someone, I think that this will be the show. I don’t know yet if we should do a tournament or simply announce a match for the belts. Certainly The Naturals, The New York Connection, and Phi Delta Slam would be the three top teams involved. [quote]FW1 Heavyweight Title: In Court’s opinion, he is not comfortable with Kash taking the belt but sees great potential in him. He also feels that in order for us to give credibility to the belt, Richards needs a wider range of opponents. Ron Killings name was brought up as he is now a Free Agent as well as our former champion, Ron Waterman. I suggested Shannon Moore. Feelers will be sent out to all three men to see if anyone will bite. I advised Court that this will not mean the end to The Kash/Richards feud.[/quote]
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[center][b][size=5]Frontier Wrestling 1 presents…[/size] [color=blue][size=6]Octoberfest[/b][/size][/color] October 20, 2007 Hon-Dah Casino – Pinetop, Arizona [b]Tag Tea Gauntlet Match for the FW1 Tag Team Titles[/b] The Naturals, The New York Connection, Phi Delta Slam, and Maff & Korvis EZ Money v. Aaron Aguilera Kaos v. Retail Dragon [b]JD Michaels Open Invitational[/b] Michaels is calling out anyone who wants a match [/center]
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Octoberfest 10/2007 [center][b][size=5]Frontier Wrestling 1 presents…[/size] [color=blue][size=6]Octoberfest[/b][/size][/color] October 20, 2007 Hon-Dah Casino – Pinetop, Arizona 89 Fans in Attendance[/center] [quote]Court Bauer comes to the ring and calls the FW1 Heavyweight Champion Steven Richards and crony Joey Matthews out. Richards walks to the ring, dressed in street clothes. Bauer asks Richards why he isn’t dressed for action. Richards informs the President that it is his Champion prerogative not to compete tonight. He says that he doesn’t consider Kash the #1 Contender anymore and doesn’t see anyone in the back who deserves a shot at the title. Bauer says that Richards had better come dressed next month as he will be facing the man wrestling Joey Matthews tonight. Richards waits for someone to make an entrance but no one does. Matthews asks who he will be facing. Bauer simply smiles, tells him to be ready for the Main Event, and leaves. Matthews and Richards look confused.[/quote] [quote]Los Pochos Guapos came down to the ring and said that tonight they would be wrestling in singles action. They said that they have beaten Dan Maff & Kory Chavis enough and they were sick of it.[/quote] [quote][b]Kaos v. Retail Dragon[/b] The former XPW TV Champ had a decent showing. Dragon brought the speed, but the experience of Kaos brought that to an end. Kaos won at 5:57 with The Gonzo Bomb[/quote] [quote][b]EZ Money v. Aaron Aguilera[/b] Kaos stayed at ringside until the end when Maff & Chavis ran out. He high tailed it to the back. Aguilera, not knowing what happened, looked confidently toward his partner only to discover the faces looking back at him. Not knowing what to do, Aaron backed into a schoolboy, losing the match at 7:54.[/quote] [quote]The lovely April Hunter strolled to the ring with her husband JD Michaels. Michaels grabbed the mic and said that he was issuing a challenge to anyone who thinks they are man enough to take him on. The call was answered by Caprice Coleman.[/quote] [quote][b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter v. Caprice Coleman[/b] Michaels was taken to the limit in this match until Hunter interjected herself at 8:47 to give the victory to her husband. The duo posed as if they had it all under control the entire time.[/quote] [quote][b][i]Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the FW1 Tag Team Titles[/i] Match 1 – The New York Connection v. Dan Maff & Kory Chavis[/b] Maff and Chavis were in total control, but karma struck. Aguilera and Kaos made an appearance, causing Maff to be pinned by DeVito following a chair shot at 9:32.[/quote] [quote][b]Match 2 – The New York Connection v. The Naturals[/b] The Naturals took this one and advanced following excellent teamwork. The match ended when Douglas pinned DeVito after a great moonsault at the 5:32 mark.[/quote] [quote][b]Match 3 – The Naturals v. Phi Delta Slam for the FW1 Tag Team Titles[/b] Slam were on Stevens and Douglas immediately after they were declared the winners. The large men threw the fan favorites around like rag dolls. Andy & Chase regrouped on the floor. The lighter men overcame the power and brutality of Tilly and Sassi and ended it to claim the belts at 7:18.[/quote] [quote][b]Joey Matthews v. Mystery Opponent[/b] Matthews came out and waited for several minutes. He asked anyone who would listen who his opponent was. Bauer came out and informed Matthews that because he always wants to stick his nose into the title picture, he has booked a former FW1 WORLD Champion against him. Out comes MMA and Japan regular, “H2O” Ron Waterman. Matthews was totally out-powered and out moved in the match. At the 10:43 mark, Matthews bailed out resulting in a win for Ron via coutout.[/quote] [quote]Court Bauer yet again appeared. This time he told Matthews to “hold it”. He said that next month, Matthews and Richards will be facing Waterman and Kash in a Tag Team Cage match. No way to be disqualified and no way to “chicken out” and walk out. Matthews looks like a sad little kid and pouts.[/quote]
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Bring The Gravy 11.17.07 [center][b][size=5]Frontier Wrestling 1 presents…[/size] [color=blue][size=6]Bring The Gravy[/b][/size][/color] November 17, 2007 Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC – Los Angeles, CA 203 Fans in Attendance[/center] [quote][b]”Kaos” Joey Munoz v. Dan Maff – Street Fight[/b] Maff begged Court Bauer for this match. The action spilled to the floor quickly and saw weapons, including barbed-wire brought out. It looked like Maff was a bit hurt after Munoz dragged him to the top of a table and hit a Legdrop from the entrance way. Munoz picked up the pin at the 7:31 mark.[/quote] [quote]”Confederate” Chris Hamrick was running down the fans when he spotted EZ Money in the crowd, hawking Money’s wares. Hamrick demanded that Money stop as he should wait like the rest of the guys and sell his merchandise at the right time. When Money ignored him, Hamrick called Money a “never was” and said that maybe he is best suited selling “junk to a bunch of Mexicans.” This caught Money’s attention, but the music of Caprice Coleman stopped him from advancing.[/quote] [quote][b]”Confederate” Chris Hamrick v. Caprice Coleman[/b] Both men really showed heart in the match. Coleman pointed to Money and hit his finished for the pinfall at 6:56. After the match, Money came in and put one of his shirts on the dazed Hamrick.[/quote] [quote]April Hunter and JD Michaels made their way out to continue with the Michaels Invitational. The duo said that they made a fool of Coleman and will do the same tonight, if anyone is man enough. Out walks Jerrelle Clark.[/quote] [quote][b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter v. Jerrelle Clark[/b] Not too much of an exciting match as the fans expected more. Like last month, Hunter caused her husbands opponent to be distracted, allowing JD to pick up the win at 7:07.[/quote] [quote][b]The New York Connection v. The Naturals © v. Phi Delta Slam – FW1 Tag Team Title Match[/b] The Connection and Slam took turns trying to destroy Stevens and Douglas. After the two heel teams tried to outdo each other, they turned to in-fighting. This tiff allowed the young, quick champs to score a victory at the 10:51 mark when Stevens got the DVC on Sassi.[/quote] [quote]Sassi & Tilly weren’t satisfied and attacked Stevens and Douglas with chairs. They left the champions a bloody mess. DeVito and Lograsso looked like they would make the save, but took an opportunity to assist in the beat-down.[/quote] [quote][b]Kash & “H2O” Ron Waterman v. Steven Richards & Joey Matthews – Classic Cage Match[/b] As soon as the bell rang, the champ and his partner hit the sides of the cage, trying to climb to safety. That was short lived as Kash hit an amazing Hurricarana on Matthews and Waterman captured the champ. The match saw all four men bloody messes and Richards beg the referee for his life. The end came when Kash hit The Dead Level on Richards at the 25:17 mark.[/quote]
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December 1, 2007 Show [center][b][size=5]Frontier Wrestling 1 presents…[/size] [color=blue][size=6]December 2007[/b][/size][/color] December 1, 2007 Galaxy Theater – Santa Ana, CA 194 Fans in Attendance[/center] [quote]April Hunter and JD Michaels make their way to the ring. The two joke about the lack of competition in the FW1 and how Bauer is trying so hard to bring in new guys who Michaels ends up beating anyway. He again makes puts the challenge out to anyone to come down and beat him. It’s answered by EZ Money.[/quote] [quote][b]EZ Money v. JD Michaels w/April Hunter[/b] The two men went back and forth with high-flying moves. Michaels nails a stiff kick sending Money to the floor. Michaels poses and says that he is the best thing FW1 has to offer. April readied herself to connect on Money but before she could strike, Hamrick ran out and hit a big boot on Money. He walked back smiling as April rolled the down face into the ring. Michaels got the victory at 4:32.[/quote] [quote]Court Bauer comes to the ring and asks Richards, Matthews, Waterman, and Kash to join him. Bauer announces that tonight’s Main Event will be Kash taking on Matthews. He continues by saying that at the end of the month, at Winter Chill, Richards will defend his title against the new #1 Contendar, Ron Waterman. Richards throws a fit as Kash looks a little upset.[/quote] [quote][b]”Confederate” Chris Hamrick v. Retail Dragon[/b] Dragon avoids Hamrick throughout the beginning of the match, leaving Hamrick a bit frustrated. This came to an end when Hamrick chop-blocked Dragon’s leg. Dragon began to battle back and went to the top rope. Simultaneously, EZ Money ran down to ringside and waved his shirts at Hamrick, distracting him. Dragon hit a Summersault Kick, sending Hamrick to the mat. Dragon scrambled and hooked his legs at the 3:31 mark for the win. Dragon celebrated, hugging the referee even.[/quote] [quote]Joey Matthews walks out of the dressing room with a mysterious hooded figure. Joey looks as if he is glued to the advice the person is giving him. The duo disappear around a corner.[/quote] [quote]FW1 Heavyweight Champion Steven Richards comes to the ring and requests Kash to join him. Kash walks out reluctantly. Richards asks Kash what his feelings are on Waterman being named the number one contender. Before Kash can answer, Richards pulls the mic away to continue. Steven says that from what he has heard, the FW1 administration has no confidence in Kash. He says that quite frankly, he doesn’t care who he has to face, but he does care that Kash is being overlooked. He offers Kash a hug. Kash returns with a left hand, knocking the champ to the ground.[/quote] [quote]After a brief intermission, The New York Connection comes to the ring. They talk about how they are now the laughing stock of Staten Island. “The Family” has threatened to “do something drastic” to them if they don’t start representing New York “properly.” They warn The Naturals that tonight, they will show the FW1 what New York means.[/quote] [quote][b]Phi Delta Slam v. The Naturals © - FW1 Tag Team Title Match[/b] Slam takes the early advantage and beats down Stevens. Later on, Douglas gets the hot tag and cleans house. Tilly tries to bring a chair in but is stopped by the referee. While this is going on, Douglas hits a Tornado DDT on Sassi at the 7:50 mark to pick up the win.[/quote] [quote]The New York Connection hit the ring and run ruffshot over the champions. DeVito and LoGrasso bloody the young champions. The duo wraps Stevens arm around the ring post and “Con-chair-to” it. DeVito adds insult to injury by putting his cigar out in Stevens face.[/quote] [quote][b]Kash v. Joey Matthews[/b] Matthews attacked his opponent before the bell and tried to take the easy advance. The action spilled to the floor. Matthews hit an Asai Moonsault on Kash. The referee stopped his count to check on both men. After both had rebounded, Matthews mistakenly tried to exchange blows with Kash. Kash flattened Joey with a Powerbomb and clamped on a Crossface. Kash thought that Joey tapped as he got up to celebrate. The referee had to tell him that Joey had not tapped out. As he turned around, Matthews hit a DDT and went for the cover. To ensure his victory, Joey used the ropes for leverage at the 11:27 mark.[/quote]
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Wnter Chill - 12/22/07 [b]December 22, 2007 – Week Four Winter Chill Galaxy Theater –Santa Ana, CA 171 Fans[/b] JD Michaels & April Hunter come to the ring amid the boos of the fans. The duo stand in the ring and say that JD has beat opponent month after month so he is wondering who is left. He points out someone in the crowd and asks the guy if he would like to get beaten tonight. The guy acts surprised but stands up and comes to the ring. Hunter makes a remark saying that it looks like the guy works out. Michaels says that this won’t take too long. [b]Rating:[/b] F [b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter v. Crowd Guy[/b] Michaels acts a little surprised that his opponent is able to hold his own. Michaels gets the pinfall with a Top-Rope Elbow Drop at the 4:31 mark. [b]Rating:[/b] D- [b]Aaron Aguilera v. EZ Money[/b] These two have great chemistry together having a steady flowing match. Aguilera picked up the win using a foreign object at the 4:44 mark. [b]Rating:[/b] D Steven Richards welcomes everyone to another edition of his “show”. He says that before he beats the “God-Preaching Muscle head” Waterman, he would like to bring out Kash. Kash comes out and Richards proceeds to belittle Kash, asking what he really thinks about not getting a title shot. Richards says that Kash and he hold a common background. They both spent time in ECW and the WWE. Richards says that Waterman can’t claim that. He hasn’t worked the hottest, most loyal fans and then worked the “Big Time” like they have. Richards says that his heart “really goes out to” Kash and he hopes that Bauer will reconsider giving him a title shot. Richards extends his hand to Kash but the fan favorite spits at the ground in front of him and leaves. [b]Rating:[/b] D [b]”Confederate” Chris Hamrick v. Kory Chavis[/b] A match between opposing styles. The finish came at the 5:04 mark when Joey Munoz smacked Chavis with a chair allowing Hamrick to get the pinfall. [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]Jerrelle Clark v. Joey Matthews[/b] Matthews seemed annoyed with Clark’s quick moving style. Matthews brought the match to an end at 9:20 with a Virginia Necktie. [b]Rating:[/b] D Immediately following his match, Matthews leaves the building, being met by the mysterious hooded figure. [b]Rating:[/b] E+ [b]The Naturals © v. Phi Delta Slam – FW1 Tag Team Titles – Ladder Match[/b] The long match left the heels tired. The Naturals put their heart into this match, retrieving their titles at the 13:03 mark. [b]Rating:[/b] D- The New York Connection get on the mic and tell Stevens & Douglas that they are going to show the champs what they are all about and how serious they are. They have two guys hold the doors open where everyone can see that they have had a car brought up close to the building. DeVito says that it is The Naturals car. Suddenly the bad guys pour gasoline on the hood and light it. The Naturals quickly make their way to the entrance. [b]Rating:[/b] E [b]”H2O” Ron Waterman v. Steven Richards © - FW1 Heavyweight Title[/b] Waterman out-powered the champion, sending him scrabbling to the floor many times during the match. As Ron locked in a Keylock Submission, the bell rang at the 15:00 mark resulting in a time limit draw. [b]Rating:[/b] D+ [b]Overall Rating:[/b] D
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January Week One 2008 [b]January 2, 2008[/b] It’s the beginning of a new year in the wrestling world. As you can see, we have increased out shows from once a month to twice monthly. Our scheduled shows for January are named “Florida Getaway” nights one and two. We hope this will increase our revenue and raise our popularity to get us a look for a television show. Chris Hamrick has announced that he is retiring at the end of the month. We certainly wish him the best. Ron Waterman has signed on with All Japan Pro Wrestling to tour with them. Obviously this will interfere with shows he is booked for with us. More will be revealed as the Booking Team meet to discuss this. We have contacted both El Hijo Del Rey Misterio (Rey Misterio Sr.’s son) and Shark Boy to see if they are interested in appearing on FW1 promoted shows. We are still awaiting responses from both. We are looking to add another title in the coming year. At this time we have debated resurrecting the FW1 Impact Title, but are looking at other names for the belt. Reid Flair and Richard Blood Jr. (Steamboat’s son) have entered the wrestling world. It will be interesting to see where they end up.
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Florida Getaway Night One - 1.5.08 [b]January 5, 2008 Florida Getaway – Night One Eastmonte Civic Center – Altamonte Springs, FL 109 Fans[/b] [b]Shark Boy v. “Confederate” Chris Hamrick[/b] In his last professional match, Hamrick took on the debuting Shark Boy. Shark Boy tok it to the heel and won with a Deep Sea Driver at the 5:44 mark. [b]Rating: D+[/b] [b]Los Pochos Guapos vs. Retail Dragon & Jerrelle Clark[/b] A fast paced match that saw both teams exchange top rope and daredevil moved. Munoz ended it at the 6:43 mark following a Kaostrify on Dragon. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter v. Alex Dell[/b] In a rematch from Winter Chill, Michaels faced off against the guy he challenged from the crowd last month. Michaels was shocked when Dell hit a MAD launch to gain the pinfall at 5:07. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]Caprice Coleman v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio[/b] For anyone not familiar with Misterio, he is the son of Legendary Mexican wrestler, Rey Misterio Sr. and cousin to Rey-Rey. Misterio is looking to make himself the ONLY Rey Misterio Jr. and defeated Coleman at the 6:38 mark. [b]Rating: D+[/b] Steven Richards and Joey Matthews came to the ring for Richards “show”. Richards said that he was calling Kash out, but first he demanded that Matthews tell him who the hooded figure is and why he left before his match last month. The two began to argue when Matthews said that it was none of Richards business. The two became very heated when Kash came out. [b]Rating: C-[/b] Kash played the instigator and asked Richards why he hadn’t given a title shot to Matthews. Richards chuckles and says that sometimes his title defenses weren’t up to him. He said that he would gladly give either man a shot but the “Powers that be” don’t consider Kash a top contender. Richards turns the focus to again telling Kash that he “understands” the frustration he must be feeling. Richards promises Kash that he will “get to bottom of things” and get Kash the title shot. [b]Rating: D+[/b] [b]Kory Chavis & Dan Maff v. The New York Connection[/b] A hard bout as all four men broke every rule. The referee was visibly frustrated but didn’t want to stop the match. The end came when DeVito used the ropes to get the pin over Maff at the 6:41 mark. [b]Rating: E+[/b] After the match, The Naturals barreled into the ring and took it to Vito & Tony. [b]Rating: E-[/b] Like last month, Joey Matthews makes his exit with the hooded individual. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]Kash v. Big Tilly[/b] Kash disposed of the big man with an intensity not seen in his previous matches. Kash ended it at the 5:40 mark following a Bank Roll. [b]Rating: D Overall Rating: D[/b]
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Florida Getaway Night Two 1.6.08 [b]January 6, 2008 Florida Getaway – Night Two Eastmonte Civic Center – Altamonte Springs, FL 111 Fans[/b] Court Bauer comes down to the ring and thanks all the fans for making his and FW1’s return to Central Florida worthwhile. He says that tonight’s Main Event will be a six-man tag match between Steven Richards & Phi Delta Slam and Ron Waterman teaming with The Naturals. [b]Rating: E[/b] April Hunter storms out to the ring followed by her husband JD Michaels. They say that the loss to Alex Dell last night was a fluke. Hunter demands that Dell come out for a rematch and promises victory. [b]Rating: F[/b] [b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter v. Alex Dell[/b] Michaels looked frustrated and forced moves which threw him off. Toward the end of the match Michaels pulled the referee away so that April could act. She stood on the apron and tried to hit Dell with a hard clothesline. The rookie ducked and grabbed her by her hair. Michaels quickly pushed the referee to the side and charged. Dell moved causing Michaels to collie with April. Dell rolled JD up with a Schoolboy to get the win at 10:53. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]The New York Connection v. Dan Maff & Jerrelle Clark[/b] The teaming of Clark & Maff didn’t work as well as they had hoped. Vito and Tony worked over Maff for a good part of the match, using their experience to keep the fresh man in. Maff finally got the hot tag to Clark but a missed dropkick gave Devito the edge he needed hitting Da Hit at the 7:58 mark. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]Retail Dragon v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio[/b] The quick styles of these two enhanced a fast paced match. Dragon went for a Moonsault on the fallen Luchadore but missed. This allowed Misterio to lock on a Mexican Surfboard for the victory at 6:52. [b]Rating: D[/b] Misterio refused to let go of the hold after the bell. The referee tried to pry him off but he only released it when he wanted to. Misterio was leaving the ring but stopped and continued an assault on Dragon. Finally Shark Boy slid into the ring, knocking the Mexican star to the mat. [b]Rating: F[/b] [b]El Hijo Del Rey Misterio v. Shark Boy[/b] An impromptu match resulted from the confrontation. The two circled each other before colliding. Another luchadore style match to the delight of the fans. Misterio had enough when Shark Boy hit a second rope Moonsault. Misterio bailed to the floor holding his head resulting in a loss via countout at the 7:32 mark. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]Kory Chavis v. Aaron Aguilera[/b] Not much to cheer about as it seemed the fans were taking breaks during the match. Aguilera won at the 7:06 mark with the help of the ropes. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b]”Kaos” Joey Munoz v. Caprice Coleman[/b] A good match that matched up to even guys. The two exchanged moves for a bit but a Powerslam by Coleman ended the exchange. Coleman got the victory at 6:43 with a Thermal Shock. [b]Rating: D[/b] The quietness of the crowd is interrupted as Joey Matthews emerges from a dressing room in a cellphone conversation. He talks mysteriously to the other party. He says something about “getting my title shot” and that “I am the future of this promotion” before leaving. [b]Rating: D[/b] [b]Steven Richards & Phi Delta Slam v. “H2O” Ron Waterman & The Naturals[/b] All six men received about the same amount of offense during the match. Richards used the advantage of his partners size and bailed from the match anytime Waterman was tagged in. Toward the end of the match, it turned into a brawl as all men were in the ring at the same time. Richards accidentally nailed Sassi with a Stevie Kick, sending his partner into the open arms of Ron. Waterman locked in a Kimura as The Naturals dispatched Tilly at the 14:50 mark. [b]Rating: D- Overall Rating: D-[/b]
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Staff Meeting - Jan 2008 - Week 2 [b]January 14, 2008 – Staff Meeting – Week 2[/b] I called a meeting with Court (Bauer), Billy (Dalton), and our newest employee Tyrone (Holmes). Kash: He has been late for a show twice and last time, hadn’t bothered to cal anyone. It was agreed that his second punishment would be suspension for a week. In our promotion and operating system that doesn’t mean much, but it may send a message. He is one of our top guys and we have big plans for him. However it was agreed that if this behavior continues, we may be re-working some ideas to take him out of the picture. The storyline had become real life in this instance. Joey Munoz: We discussed pushing him as a singles worker. He certainly shined in XPW as a singles guy and we couldn’t see why it wouldn’t be different for us. Aguilera’s contract is up at the end of the month and the Los Pochos Guapos/Maff & Chavis feud wasn’t going anywhere. Possibility of brining in Kaos’s real life girlfriend/manager Jezabel as his manager was also discussed. Ron Waterman: Yet another monkey wrench in our plans for the FW1 Heavyweight Title. He recently signed a touring contract with All Japan, which of course, runs shows on Saturday’s putting that contract in opposition to our own. Waterman hasn’t been seriously considered to “lead” our promotion as a top worker, but he is involved in the top storyline. Alex Dell: He has two victories over Michaels but this is the start of his career. Court and Billy both agree that right now, Dell needs to be fodder for the midcard guys. This serves as a way to have him gain experience and for other guys to stay on top. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio: Definitely a nice addition to the roster. A sensible approach would be to match him up with Shark Boy which has already rooted itself. This will not be too long however as Shark Boy is being bumped from Midcard to Upper Midcard. Shark Boy: His experience defiantly calls for a push up on the roster. He is not a Kash skill wise, but he could easily fill the void Kash leaves, if there is a void to fill. FW1 Heavyweight Title: Richards continues to be the favorite to hold the belt amongst the staff at least for a few more months. This does not mean that he may lose the belt before that. No one agreed that putting the belt on Waterman at this point in time would be very wise. February Shows: We want to start promoting in areas where the FW1 is not established (outside of the South West and South East). It is agreed to hit the North West and Great Lakes next month with “Reign Over Me” and “War Games 2008”.
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Reign Over Me 2.9.08 [b]February 9, 2008 Reign Over Me Kleiver National Guard Base – Portland, OR 86 Fans[/b] Court Bauer comes out to announce the Double Main Event for the evening: Kash v. Joey Matthews & Steven Richards defending against Shark Boy. He thanks the fans of Portland for welcoming FW1 and reminds everyone that the next show will be in a couple of weeks. He doesn’t mention that it is “War Games 2008” however. [b]Rating: E[/b] [b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter & El Hijo Del Rey Misterio v. Kory Chavis & Dan Maff[/b] A match that afforded many different styles. Michaels & Misterio worked well as a team against the more experienced opponents. Hunter grabbed ankles and tights a few times. At one point, as the referee was distracted, she entered the ring and Misterio and her hit dueling Hurricanranas. Misterio got the pinfall at 8:42 following a Springboard Leg Drop. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]”Kaos” Joey Munoz v. Alex Dell[/b] A squash match with Kaos going over following a Kaostrify at the 3:47. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]The Naturals © v. The New York Connection – FW1 Tag Team Titles[/b] Both teams almost cost themselves the match by repeatedly disregarding the referee and the rules. The Naturals had set up a possible win when Vito shoved Chase from the top rope, sending him crashing to the guard railing. The heels won with a countout as Andy assisted his partner. [b]Rating: E[/b] [quote][i]I’m not really sure why the fans didn’t react better to this match. They were upset over the finish, but damn, that’s a heck of a lower rating then I expected.[/i][/quote] As Chase Stevens was being attended to by officials and his partner, Phi Delta Slam came down and swiped the tag straps. [b]Ratng: F[/b] [b]Kash v. Joey Matthews[/b] A hooded figure led Matthews halfway to the ring then turned back. A great match but the crowd were further upset by the finish, a double DQ at the 8:35 mark. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]Shark Boy v. Steven Richards © - FW1 Heavyweight Title Match[/b] Richards was a bit pissed when Matthews wouldn’t come to his corner. The match of the night as Shark Boy showed Richards what he was all about. He almost picked up the title but missed a move. Richards quickly capitalized and struck with a Stevie-T at the 9:07 mark. [b]Rating: C-[/b] Right after the match, El Hijo Del Rey Misterio hit the ring. He hit two Split Legged Moonsaults on Shark Boy. Richards collected his belt and added to the beat down. Reluctantly, Kash hit the ring with a chair and made the save. He did not help Shark Boy up, leaving with an angry look on his face instead. [b]Rating: E Overall Rating: D[/b]
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Uncensored 2.23.08 [b]February 23, 2008 Uncensored Derby Park Flee Market – Louisville, KY 97 Fans[/b] Steven Richards demands that Joey Matthews come to ringside. Richards calls Matthews a coward and wants to know why he didn’t come to join in the beat down of Shark Boy two weeks ago. Matthews doesn’t respond and looks away. Richards tells Matthews that he had better “shape up and get with the program” or he will see that Joey is “shipped out”. [b]Rating: D[/b] As Matthews is about to leave the ring, Court Bauer comes and tells him to stay put. Bauer says that the Main Event of the night will be Shark Boy and Kash taking on Steven Richards and El Hijo Del Rey Misterio. He adds that Joey Matthews will have a role in the match as he is the special referee. He finishes by welcoming everyone to “Uncensored”. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter v. Retail Dragon[/b] Michaels posed and April seemed uninterested. Dragon hit the ring and the proceeded to exchange fast paced moves. JD disposed of Dragon on the floor and grabbed the ref, expectantly waiting on April to trash the Luchadore. Instead, she simply stood by and watched him to get to his feet. Michaels quickly reacted and flew to the ropes, demanding an explanation. He didn’t receive one and turned into a Flying Heel Kick. Michaels instinctively ducked and hit a Super Kick at the 6:51 mark getting the victory. [b]Rating: D+[/b] [b]Jerrelle Clark v. “Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel[/b] Kaos made sure the fans got an eye full of his girlfriend and new manager. Kaos got more than he bargained for against Clark. Finally after looking as if he was going to be defeated, Kaos hit a low blow on Clark and got the pin at 11:02. Kaos and Jezabel made out over top the downed Clark after the match. [b]Rating: F+[/b] The New York Connection come out with two ladders. They call out Phi Delta Slam and the champions The Naturals. DeVito & LoGrasso say that two “fat slobs” have “our” title belts and they want a three way ladder match to get them back. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b]The Naturals © v. The New York Connection v. Phi Delta Slam – FW1 Tag Team Title Ladder Match[/b] A bloody, hard fought match that left both heel teams duking it out for control of the ladders. Vito pulled a Terry funk and knocked down his partner and Phi Delta Slam with an Airplane Spin with a ladder. Douglas got back into it when he mounted the top rope and nailed Tilly with a Cross Body, sending both to the floor. Sassi was taken out with a Double Russian Leg sweep onto the other ladder. DeVito planted Stevens with a hard DDT as his Vito retrieved the belts to become the new tag champs at the 9:43 mark. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]Kash & Shark Boy v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio & Steven Richards – Guest Referee: Joey Matthews[/b] Richards stood out as the performer in the match. Both teams exchanged offenses and Kash gave Shark Boy some hard, not so friendly tags. Matthews and Richards exchanged words during the match and this allowed Shark to roll him up for a near pinfall. Richards got up and claimed a hair pull by SB, but Matthews wasn’t listening. The end came when Richards had taken himself and SB out of the ring, over the top. As the two battled on the floor, Kash hit a Dead Level on Misterio and Matthews pulled a very fast count at the 10:37 mark. [b]Rating: D- Overall Rating: D-[/b]
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Staff Meeting - March 4, 2008 [b]March 4, 2008 – Staff Meeting – Week 2[/b] As the staff of FW1 sat down, I let them know that I had some tremendous (as Don Callis would say) news. As of this Saturday, we would begin to broadcast our program on our website. This meant that dedication would be put into taped promos from here on out. We are not going to raise our overness in any new area’s as a result, but it will provide an avenue for our current fans to see more of our guys on mic work. FW1 Impact Title: A decision has been made to add this belt back into our fold and use it to put on our midcard and lower guys. In the past the Impact Title has served as a springboard for bigger and better things and I can’t see why this would be any different. War Games 2008: It has been argued between Court and I who really had the idea to bring this type of match back into the independent scene. He of course, operated Major League Wrestling and booked this type of match while we had our own in FW1. Since we bought out MLW and I’m Court’s boss, I can claim this idea as my own, which I kid Court about. Right now I don’t feel comfortable putting this event on without a top guy working regularly on our shows, that being Ron Waterman. We may revamp this idea and put the show on sometime down the road. Phi Delta Slam: We have decided not to renew Big Tilly and Bruno Sassi’s contracts. We will be premiering a new heel tag team, but the demands of Tilly and Sassi were too great and no one saw them as upper echelon type guys anyway. March Shows: Currently we will be promoting “March Madness” in our home are of the South West. The show after that will be promoted in the Midwest are of the US.
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March Madness 3.8.08 [b]March 8, 2008 March Madness Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC – Los Angeles, CA 233 Fans[/b] Backstage Steven Richards is walking by a doorway when Joey Matthews enters. Richards tears into Matthews verbally wanting to know what his problem was in the match at Uncensored. Matthews says nothing and attempts to continue walking. Richards grabs his arm and Matthews reacts with a punch to the mouth. Richards stands in shock, holding his face as Matthews walks away. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]Retail Dragon v. Bruno Sassi[/b] Dragon came to the ring wearing his Walmart vest and the fans seemed to be empathetic for the beating he was about to receive. Sassi came to the ring and was instantly attacked by Dragon while Sassi’s back was turned on the apron. Dragon struck with a summersault plancha to the floor. It seemed as if Sassi never recovered as Dragon hit repeated rights and lefts and sent the big man into the ringpost. Dragon showcased his speed and in a major upset for himself, scored a pinfall following a 450 Splash at the 4:38 mark. [b]Rating: D-[/b] Court Bauer walks to the ring, welcoming the large crowd to FW1 March Madness. He reminds everyone that tonight we will see the FW1 Impact Champion crowned in a Four way Ladder Match. He wants Richards and Matthews to listen to the Main Event he has scheduled and that is the two of them squaring off in a one-on-one match for the FW1 Heavyweight Title. He adds that Kash will be the Special Referee. [b]Rating: D-[/b] Backstage Kory Chavis hangs up a payphone (who uses a payphone these days?). EZ Money appears and floors Chavis. Money lays down a beating before being pulled off by other FW1 workers. [b]Rating: F[/b] [b]Dan Maff v. EZ Money[/b] Maff comes out and says that he watched what happened to his partner Kory Chavis. He calls out EZ Money, saying that if he wants to make a name for himself, he will make it for him. Money comes out and the match is on. Maff gets the win following a Half Nelson Suplex at the 5:31 mark. [b]Rating: D+[/b] [b]”Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel v. Shark Boy[/b] Kaos and Jezabel want everyone to know how upset they are for not being a part of the FW1 Impact Title match. He says that he was the longest running XPW TV Champion holding the belt for a year and a half. He says that being an athlete doesn’t matter in FW1. The only thing that matters is who you know. He says that he will show Court Bauer just what kind of athlete he is. Shark Boy was introduced and Kaos was waiting. The match should have been better than it was and the fans voiced their dislike of it. Kaos became aggravated with Shark Boy and finally called for his girlfriend to intercede. This caused Kaos to be disqualified at the 6:48 mark. He didn’t seem to care as he and Jezabel celebrated. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio v. Caprice Coleman v. Jerrelle Clark – FW1 Impact Title Ladder Match[/b] A great match showcasing four high flying, hard working guys. Misterio and Michaels worked in tandem several times to take out the two fan favorites. This ended when Michaels grabbed a chair and waylaid Misterio with it. Michaels put the boots to his one time partner. Michaels began to set up a ladder and stalled to allow someone to get up as he began up the ladder. Clark got up and hit a Powerbomb from the ladder on Michaels. Toward the end of the match, April came into the ring to assist her husband. The duo attempted a double clothesline on Coleman, but he ducked it and hit a double DDT on the two. As soon as Caprice turned around, Misterio hit a tilt-a-whirl arm drag, sending the face to the floor. Clark hit a Misterio with a Hurricanrana sending Misterio to the floor. Clark turned around and was nailed with a Superkick from Michaels. Hunter assists her husband as he ascends the ladder and retrieves the belt. [b]Rating: C-[/b] We are treated to a video clip from The New York Connection. Vito and Tony rub the fact that they are the champions in The Naturals faces. The go on to hype themselves and refuse to give The Naturals another shot at the titles. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]The Naturals v. The Devils Rejects[/b] Pogo The Clown and Blind Rage debut as a tag team to take on the former champions. The Naturals strike with full force and with a new found desire, keeping the smaller of their opponents in the ring. The exchange quick tags and work over the arm of Blind Rage. Rage finally gets the tag to his large partner, but Stevens and Douglas hit a Double Dropkick sending him to the floor. The fan favorites would not allow Rage to leave the ring and continued to beat down the masked man. The referee had no choice but to disqualify the former champions at the 9:28 mark. [b]Rating: E[/b] [b]Steven Richards © v. Joey Matthews – Kash is the Special Referee – FW1 Heavyweight Title Match[/b] An evenly back and forth match. The fans really didn’t have a favorite that they were cheering as they hate both men. Richards goes for a Stevie Kick but Matthews ducks and picks him up like he is going for a Powerbomb. Richards squirms free and hits a Stevie-T. He goes for the cover but Kash refuses to count. Richards confronts Kash and the two get into a screaming match. Matthews is up and goes for a Schoolboy, holding the tights. Again kash refuses to count. Matthews gets nose to nose with Kash. This turns sour as Joey fires a right hand into Kash. Kash returns the blow with his own and this sends Matthews into another Stevie-T by Richards. This time Kash counts the three at the 13:38 mark. [b]Rating: D+ Overall Rating: D[/b]
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3.22.08 March Show [b]March 22, 2008 - Week Four March Show Eastmonte Civic Center – Altamonte Springs, FL 153 Fans[/b] A Pre-recorded video segment is broadcast to the fans. Steven Richards talks about how he has risen to the top of the FW1 and has continued to hold on to the top title. He talks about his gradual distrust in his “friend” Joey Matthews asking him what he wants. Does he want another title shot? He got one a few weeks ago and lost. He goes on to tell Joey to get on the same page as the champ. Richards continues to talk about Kash. Richards says that he is the one who controls his own destiny. Steven says that he has done “everything” for Kash and he can’t get through to the FW1 Administrative Team. He goes on to tell Kash that he has an opportunity to do what they brought in Ron Waterman for. Since he has shown everyone where his commitments and loyalty lie, maybe Kash should take advantage of the situation and take what he thinks is his. [b]Rating: D+[/b] [b]Jerrelle Clark v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio v. Caprice Coleman v. Retail Dragon[/b] These guys put it all on the line and went for the shining spot of the night. Crazy spots from the ring to the floor accentuated Clark, Misterio, and Dragon’s performances. Coleman kept up for a bit but could not truly overcome the action he faced. A lot of near and false finishes dotted the match up. The fans were satisfied with the showing of Dragon and Misterio specifically. Rey won after a Sit Out Powerbomb on Coleman at the 7:45 mark. [b]Rating: C-[/b] We see a black and white video footage of Hunter and Michaels sitting on a posh sofa, the FW1 Impact Title positioned over Michaels shoulder. Michaels asks April what her problem was a few weeks ago. She says that she was becoming unsatisfied with JD simply beating people and not having anything drive him. They discuss this for a minute and Michaels adds in some sexually provocative statements for his wife. She smiles and kisses him passionately. He says that he will do everything in his power not to lose the Impact Title. [b]Rating: E-[/b] [b]Kash & Shark Boy v. Steven Richards & Joey Matthews[/b] The tension between Richards and Matthews as well as Kash and Shark Boy could be cut with a knife. Still, SB and Kash meshed better together and Kash’s performance stood out as the best in the match. A few miscalculated moves caused Matthews and Richards to hit each other. Kash ended it at 8:49 following The Bank Roll. Richards collected his belt and started to the back as the cover was being made. [b]Rating: C- Overall Rating: C-[/b]
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Staff Meeting April 2008 [OOC: For anyone who may be reading this diary, I did import all the indy promotions (32 to be exact) and workers (Thousands) from T-Zone into the mod I use, which is One Ring Circle. Obviously, not being able to set who works for what promotion will give these feds an organic feel. For anyone that is quick to say (what about the workers already in the database that have different spellings of names, etc. – I am doing my best to mark these duplicate workers as Deceased so they won’t be signed, or benefit any promotion in anyway. I am not perfect and this will be an ongoing process until all duplicates are weeded out.) [b]April 2008 – Staff Meeting – Week 1[/b] New Show Format: I think we had success running a regular hour and a half show plus a smaller half hour show last month. I can’t see stopping this formula anytime in the foreseeable future. We are piggybacking with smaller promotions and simply promoting a few matches at the half hour events. And for all the fans who are buying DVD’s, we simply add the 30 minute show to the big show. Ron Waterman: Pointless contract. Although he is Pay Per Appearance, the goal was to have him benefit our roster. All Japan takes a break from touring in June which is when Ron’s contract with us is up. The FW1 Leadership Team are still undecided on what to do when this comes up. International Wrestling Cartel: Having being purchased by Kevin Kelly, we have entered into a Working Agreement with them which will allow a Talent Trade arrangement. Unfortunately for us, besides Kelly, they have Josh Prohibition as the Head Booker and we can’t trade for him. Pushes: Several guys have moved up on the roster. This includes Michaels, Dragon, Kaos, Chavis, and Maff.
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Spring Slam April Week 1 2008 [b]Saturday April Week 1 2008 Spring Slam Florida Wrestleplex – St. Petersburg, FL 234 Fans[/b] [b]Alex Dell v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio[/b] A great match from these two. I had expected much less and was proven wrong. Both guys put their hearts into it and surprised the fans. Misterio used his high-flying, quick striking arsenal to pick up the pinfall at the 4:42 mark following a Power Bomb. [b]Rating: C-[/b] Kash came down to the ring and said that he was sick and tired of Frontier Wrestling 1 and Court Bauer. He said that he was making an offer to Court Bauer that if he were granted a title shot tonight against Steven Richards, he would never ask again and put his contract on the line. This brought Court Bauer to the ring… [b]Rating: D+[/b] Court Bauer said that he liked the offer from Kash and would agree to let him wrestle Richards, but added that another FW1 worker had asked for a match tonight. This brings out Steven Richards and Joey Matthews. The two make for an uneasy duo. Richards storms into the ring and berates Bauer for making the match. He says that for weeks he has gone to Court to not grant Kash a shot. Obviously this upsets Kash for being lied to. Richards smiles and says that he meant to say that he would be happy to grant a title shot to Kash. Bauer says that neither man seem to be concerned about the third participant in the match. Richards asks who it is but doesn’t get an answer. The four “dudded” it up in this one, I wasn’t convinced of the importance of the Main Event after this. [b]Rating: E-[/b] [b]JD Michaels © w/April Hunter v. Caprice Coleman – FW1 Impact Title Match[/b] The two got an equal amount of offense until Michaels sent Coleman flying to the floor. This is when Hunter was able to get her licks in. She sent Coleman down with a clothesline followed by repeated boots to the chest and back. Later in the match, Michaels leapfrogged the champ and Hunter pulled Coleman to the floor. This time she whipped him into the guardrail. Coleman reversed it and sent the red-haired vixen hard into the steel. Michaels went to see if his wife was hurt and was met by a knee to the midsection by Coleman. As Caprice was rolling the champ into the ring, Hunter hit a lowblow. She rolled Coleman into the ring where Michaels was waiting to get the pin at the 4:49 mark. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]Shark Boy v. “Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel[/b] I had expected better from these two. Shark Boy worked a semi-comedy match but wasn’t able to overcome the underhanded tactics of Kaos or his girlfriend. The match ended at 7:38 with a handful of tights by Kaos. [b]Rating: D[/b] The Naturals appeared on the screen. They talked about how The New York Connection stole what belongs to them and they are not happy. They talk about their trials in the wrestling scene and how they have spent their careers to be a top tag team. They warn Vito & Tony that they will not rest until they have the tag team titles. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b]Kash v. Steven Richards © v. Joey Matthews – FW1 Heavyweight Title Match v. Kash’s FW1 Contract[/b] Richards was outraged when he learned that Matthews had asked for another match. He tried to reason with his “friend” and instructed him to leave the ring. Matthews met this with a hard slap to Richards face. This was the match as the night as each man tried to outdo the other. A lot of false finishes and quick exchanges. At one point Richards and Matthews were brawling on the floor and Kash hit a Summersault Moonsault exciting the fans. Later on, Kash hit a Tornado DDT on Matthews. Richards followed up with a Stevie Kick to Kash. Court Bauer made his way to the ring and distracted the referee and Richards. Matthews found the FW1 Title that Bauer had planted in the corner. He collected it and smacked Richards between the eyes. The belt was dumped outside and Matthews picked up the pinfall at 16:34 to become the new champion. [b]Rating: C Overall Rating: D+[/b]
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[b]Saturday April Week 3 2008 Kliever National Guard Base – Portland, OR 105 Fans[/b] El Hijo Del Rey Misterio is on the screen and speaks in Spanish. Subtitled, he says that he is in the US to prove that the name Rey Misterio is not properly represented by his cousin, but himself. He says that he is gunning for the Impact Title. [b]Rating: E Dan Maff v. JD Michaels © w/April Hunter – FW1 Impact Title[/b] Michaels underestimated Maff and it almost cost him the title. The big man worked on JD until a Hot Shot ended that. Michaels scooted his opponent out of the ring and let his wife do her thing. Hunter put the smackdown on Maff and rolled him into the ring. Michaels defended his title at the 6:35 mark following a Top Rope Elbow. [b]Rating: D+[/b] The New York Connection were on a dark street, walking. They talk about how they have showed The Naturals what two “street thugs” can do and have the belts to prove it. They tell Chase and Andy that the next time they see them, one of them is going to get “whipped”. [b]Rating: E+[/b] [b]Retail Dragon v. Pogo The Clown[/b] Dragon flew under the ropes but didn’t know what to make of his opponent, who stood in the center of the ring, infatuated with a roll of barbwire. The referee tried to get Pogo to give it up as Dragon struck with a dropkick. Dragon spent most of the first part of the match trying to get Pogo off his feet. It didn’t work and Pogo dominated most of the match. Finally Pogo grabbed the barbed wire and smashed it into the masked mans chest. This resulted in a DQ victory for Dragon at 6:46. [b]Rating: E[/b] [b]The Naturals v. “Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel & EZ Money[/b] Stevens and Douglas were non stop in the match. Jezabel tried to help her boyfriend’s team out but took out Money with her spiked heel. Douglas planted Kaso with a Tornado DDT at the 7:53 mark to get the victory. [b]Rating: D- Overall Rating: D+[/b]
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