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[quote][b][size=5]Frontier Wrestling 1.net[/size] May 2008[/b] We start out by announcing that due to his loss at Spring Slam, Kash is no longer under contract with the FW1. We wish him the best in all his future endeavors. NWA Anarchy has agreed to a working relationship with FW1. Word in the backstage area is that El Diamante has already challenged Joey Matthews for a shot at the FW1 Heavyweight Title. Speaking of the new champion Joey Matthews, we will be informed as to the result of Court Bauer’s decision to help Joey win the belt. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio and Dan Maff have both requested a match against FW1 Impact Champion JD Michaels.[/quote] For some reason, it said that my message was "too short" so I am adding useless text to extend the length of the post.
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[b]Saturday May Week 3 2008 May Day! Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC – Los Angeles, CA 138 Fans[/b] Court Bauer and FW1 Heavyweight Champions Joey Matthews make their way out to the ring. The crowd boos the duo as Bauer begins his explanation of what happened last month (though he says he doesn’t owe it to anyone). Bauer talks about his history with Frontier Wrestling 1 and how they “strong armed” him into selling Major League Wrestling a few years ago. He says that he has never been the same man since then, even when he should have been on top of the world writing for the WWE. He said that one thing has haunted his life was his being forced to sell MLW to “thugs” and give up his dream. He said guys like Steven Richards sold out and quickly kissed the asses of the new FW1 powers. He said that last month he was able to get his own retribution. He says that he has been secretly planning with Joey Matthews to retake what is his last piece of MJW, the FW1 Heavyweight Title. Bauer says that it was a travesty the night his title was unified with a “cheap, two-bit indy belt” to be known as the FW1 World Heavyweight Title. He says that tonight, things are back in his court and he is renaming the FW1 Heavyweight Title to the Major League Wrestling World Heavyweight Title. [b]Rating: E+[/b] Before the two get to leave, NWA-Anarchy wrestler El Diamante walks to the ring. He tells Bauer that he wants a shot against the “new” Champion tonight. Bauer whispers to Matthews briefly and says that Matthews would be delighted to put his title on the line. [b]Rating: E[/b] [b]El Hijo Del Rey Misterio v. Dan Maff v. JD Michaels © w/April Hunter – FW1 Impact Title Match[/b] Maff out powers Misterio early and Michaels hit the floor, avoiding this at all costs. In fact, Michaels spent most of the match on the floor, anytime an opponent started to show offense. This left Maff and Misterio to work most of the match. Toward the end Hunter smacked Maff with a steel chair as the referee was distracted which allowed for JD to hit the Top Rope Elbow at the 8:47 mark to defend his title successfully. [b]Rating: C-[/b] [b]Kory Chavis v. “Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel[/b] It was obvious that Kaos did not consider Chavis too much of an opponent which was almost costly. Chavis took Munoz to task, reviving hot matches that the two used to have in tag team competition. Jezabel aided her boyfriend many times during the match. Kaos wins with a Kaostrify at the 5:03 mark. [b]Rating: D+[/b] [b]Shark Boy & Retail Dragon v. The New York Connection © - FW1 Tag Team Title Match[/b] The two masked wrestlers looked good as a team, getting an equal time of offense as the champs. DeVito & LoGrasso tried to unmask both men several times. Toward the end of the match, Dragon went for a Tornado DDT on Tony but was caught with a solid Mafia Kick by Vito. SB tagged himself in and was hit with a Double Hotshot at the 8:12 mark giving the champions the victory. [b]Rating: D+[/b] After the match DeVito and LoGrasso remove their belts from their pants and grab the mic. They say that they want to send a message to The Naturals. They hold Shark Boy down against the second rope with their boots, leaving his back exposed. The two begin to wail away on SB’s back with the belts. Finally The Naturals hit the ring, driving the champions out. [b]Rating: E-[/b] [b]El Diamante v. Joey Matthews © - “MLW World Heavyweight” Title Match[/b] A fantastic back and forth match. Diamante took Joey to school with repeated technical moves and the champ looked shaken up after one encounter. At the end, Diamante hit a hard Sit Out Powerbomb on Matthews and as the referee began to count the cover, the bell rang as time had expired at the 20:00 minute mark. Matthews, realizing that he had not been beaten, grabbed his belt and hightailed it to the back leaving a disappointed Diamante to be praised by the fans. [b]Rating: C Overall Rating: C-[/b]
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[b]Saturday June Week 1 2008 Summer Sizzler Elk’s Lounge Ballroom – Pompano Beach, FL 234 Fans[/b] We are shown footage of last month when The New York Connection whipped Shark boy with belts and The Naturals making the save. The crowd is told that both members of The Naturals and The New York Connection will be meeting in singles matches, one to be a street fight and the other will be a tables match. [b]Rating: E[/b] [b]Alex Dell v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio[/b] Misterio was on top of his game tonight and took the younger talent to school. Misterio hit a Split Legged Moonsault to pick up the win at the 4:39 mark. [b]Rating: C-[/b] [b]Retail Dragon v. Blind Rage[/b] As humorous as Dragon’s entrance was (riding a Walmart handicapped scooter to the ring), Rage’s was bizarre (a foggy entrance followed by a Blood drinking prayer in the corner). Both men exchanged offense as the match went on. Rage hit a spring board Senton on Dragon and got al almost three. Dragon later on hit his 450 Splash at the 4:33 mark to get the win. [b]Rating: D[/b] [b]EZ Money v. Jerrelle Clark[/b] The Florida regular had the fans behind him but Money used low-blows, chokes, and the ref’s five count to his advantage. Clark went up for a Moonsault but Money rolled out of the way. Money picked Clark up and hit a Cha-Ching Powerbomb at the 6:32 mark for the win. [b]Rating: D+[/b] Ron Waterman came to the ring after a lengthy intro by Kevin Kelly. Waterman thanked the fans and God for allowing him to be here tonight. He said that he enjoyed his time in Japan and looks to go back soon. He talks about how Matthews is the new champion, but a tainted champion. He also calls Bauer a fraud and says that Court is “doing the Devil’s work.” This brings out Court who says that if Waterman wants to run his zealous mouth, he can take on the “tainted” champion in tonight’s Main Event. Waterman quickly accepts. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]Dan Maff v. Pogo The Clown[/b] Before the match starts JD Michaels and April Hunter take seats by the new three man (Kelly, Steve Romero, and Tyrone Holmes) announce team. He says that he is just here to scout. Maff goes at the big man and stuns the fans when he hits a huge Powerslam. Pogo goes to the floor and Maff follows. Michaels and Maff exchange some heated words that distracts Maff long enough for Pogo to hit a fireball into Dan’s face. The blinded Maff falls over the guard rails and is counted out. Michaels and Hunter walk by officials helping out Maff laughing. [b]Rating: D[/b] [b]”Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel v. Shark Boy[/b] After an intermission we come back to the match. The two work very well together and exchange offense. Shark Boy plays to the fans as does Kaos. Shark Boy goes for an Enziguri but Kaos ducks it and wraps SB up with a STF for the win at 6:41. [b]Rating: D[/b] After the match Jezabel and Kaos beat down Shark Boy. It’s defiantly not been SB’s month. [b]Rating: F+[/b] [b]Vito LoGrasso v. Andy Douglas – Street Fight[/b] Douglas tore into his opponent and soon Vito was busted wide open. The match spilled over into the crowd as Douglas repeatedly beat Vito with right hands. Vito regained control at the half-way mark and went to put Andy through a table but it backfired and he found himself splitting a table in two. The match came back to the ring and Douglas went a Diamond Dust. Vito pushed him off and hit a Mafia Kick at the 10:41 mark to get the win. [b]Rating: C-[/b] [b]Chase Stevens v. Tony DeVito – Table Match[/b] Much like the last match, Chase struck instantly, before he was even announced. This match was more back and forth and it looked like Tony had it in the bag, but the fan favorite fought back with new found intensity. Chase Superplexed Tony through a table at the 7:45 mark to get the win. [b]Rating: D[/b] [b]”H2O” Ron Waterman v. Joey Matthews © - “Major League Wrestling World” Title Match[/b] Matthews went to the floor early in the match, not sure as to what his boss had gotten him into. Matthews wore the challenger down with Sleepers and headlocks. Waterman came back and locked in a submission. Court Bauer came to ringside to distract the referee as Matthews was about to tap. This pissed off the big man and he let go of the hold. Ron grabbed Court by the collar and this gave Joey the instant he needed to hit a Neckbreaker. As Ron lay motionless on the mat, Joey locked in the Virginia Necktie causing Ron to pass out before tapping out. Matthews got the win at the 9:59 mark. [b]Rating: C Overall Rating: D+[/b]
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[b]FW1.net June 2008 – Newsline[/b] We start off this months update by letting everyone know that as many of you have read: Steve Romero, formally of the WWE, has joined the announce team in FW1. The fans who continue to support us through DVD purchases will soon be hearing his voice. Speaking of DVD purchases, Uncensored 2008 and March Madness 2008 are available for sale. There is a sale on older items, please check the FW1 store for details. FW1 is reporting that Kevin Kelly is finished with his contract with the company. He asked for it not to be renewed due to his focus on IWC, contrary to many internet wrestling “news” sites. We here at FW1 use that term loosely. FW1 President Court Bauer has issued a memo to the FW1 Officials that all title defenses of the “MLW World Heavyweight”/FW1 Heavyweight Title must be cleared and authorized with him. Bauer has authorized El Diamante a rematch this coming month for the title. We welcome a third generation to FW1: Austin Von Erich. He is the grandson of legendary Fritz Von Erich and is a member of the legendary Texas wrestling family. Everyone seems to have some high expectations of the 25 year old. This is the current line up for Xplozion: [center] [b]”MLW World”/FW1 Heavyweight Title Match[/b] Champion – Joey Matthews Vs. NWA-Anarachy Main Eventer El Diamante [b]A Special Challenge Match[/b] ”Kaos” Joey Munoz with Jezabel Vs. Austin Von Erich [b]Luchadore Action[/b] Retail Dragon Vs. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio These and much more in Los Angeles, CA[/center]
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[b]Saturday July Week 1 2008 Xplozion Hollywood-Los Feliz JCC – Los Angeles, CA 234 Fans[/b] [b]Alex Dell v. Blind Rage[/b] Dell wasn’t too sure of his weird opponent especially after Blind Rage strange pre-match ritual (drinking of blood and praying in the corner). Dell wasn’t able to get as much offense as he needed to and it cost him at the 7:18 mark. Rage won via submission with an Amputation Special. [b]Rating: D-[/b] [b]El Hijo Del Rey Misterio v. Retail Dragon[/b] Dragon pissed Misterio off by handing out free Rey Mysterio shirts from a Walmart shopping cart. Misterio attacked quickly and gained the upperhand. Misterio dominated most of the match, taking his anger out on the comedy masked man. Misterio won at the 6:59 mark following a Split-Legged Moonsault Splash. [b]Rating: C-[/b] In a dark hospital room lay Dan Maff. His face is bandaged heavily as he tells the cameraman to come closer. He says, “Michaels, I want you to get a good hard look at what you caused. I was just told today that there is a 99.9% chance that I will regain sight in my left eye. But you don’t know what it feels like to have someone tell you that your career may be over. You don’t know what it’s like to have had to claw your way up from the streets, have so called friends stab you in the back, and still be willing to walk down to the ring to support yourself and your family. You don’t know what it’s like to have that almost taken away by some young, punk-ass do you JD? As I lay here healing, I think of everything I am going to do to you so that you do understand what it’s like to face career extinction. See JD, in your egotistical mind, you don’t think that this really would have mattered in the spectrum of things. But, pretty boy, I will soon show you that what you have created is your own demise. I am going to show you how Newark boys handle their problems with someone.” [b]Rating: E[/b] [b]Shark Boy v. JD Michaels © w/April Hunter – FW1 Impact Title[/b] Both men looked good in this great matchup. The two definitely have chemistry. Shark Boy had to contend with April Hunter a few times and complained to the referee. At one point, being overwhelmed, Michaels got out of the ring. Shark Boy quickly followed and was attacked by Hunter. The match came to an end at the 9:47 mark following a Top Rope Elbow Drop by Michaels. [b]Rating: C-[/b] Steve Romero introduces Austin Von Erich to the fans. Austin comes out and graciously takes the microphone. He said that he is honored to be competing in the sport where his family made a Legacy for themselves. As he went on, Joey Munoz and Jezabel made their way to the ring. Von Erich, not realizing the intentions of Munoz, extended his hand as a gesture of good will. Kaos smiled at Jezabel before cold-****ing the new competitor. [b]Rating: E-[/b] [b]Austin Von Erich v. “Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel[/b] Both men got the crowd going, but the fans were clearly behind Austin. Kaos seemed a bit off his game, possibly from expecting less from the younger grappler. Von Erich hit a trademark Discuss Punch before locking in The Iron Claw at 6:51 to get his first victory. [b]Rating: D[/b] [b]The New York Connection © v. Jerrelle Clark & Kory Chavis – FW1 Tag Team Title Match[/b] Chavis and Clark did not click well as a team and it cost them. From the beginning DeVito and LoGrasso both dominated the match. Chavis finally got the hot tag but was not enough to overwhelm the champions. At 8:42 Vito hit A Mafia Kick on Chavis to keep the titles. [b]Rating: D+[/b] Immediately following the match, as The New York Connection celebrated, The Naturals hit the ring. The champions bale from the ring before any damage is done. [b]Rating: E-[/b] [b]El Diamante v. Joey Matthews © - “MLW World”/FW1 Heavyweight Title Match – No Time Limit[/b] A heated, no nonsense match developed between these two. Neither man was able to dominate the other for very long. Diamante put on a great showing against the champion. Matthews went to the floor and Diamante followed. The two continued to brawl, using ring steps, ring posts, and the ring guardrails whenever they could. The referee was able to coax both men back into the ring, but the violence did not end there. Because he could not get either man to listen, the referee had no choice but to call for a Double Disqualification. Matthews scurried from the ring to collect his title belt. [b]Rating: C Overall Rating: C-[/b]
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[b]FW1.net August 2008 – Newsline[/b] We start out this Newsline Edition by paying respects to one of the men responsible for the flourish and rebirth of Professional Wrestling, Hulk Hogan. It was announced through the Associated Press that Hulk passed away last evening in his home. He had worked out and told his wife Linda that he was going to lay down. An hour later, when Linda went to check on Hulk for dinner, she found him unresponsive. Emergency services responded to a 911 call by the family. Hulk was transported to the hospital and pronounced dead. We are greatly saddened by this huge loss to the Wrestling world. Our prayers and thoughts go out to the family and friends of Hulk Hogan. Word around the FW1 offices has been that former FW1 Heavyweight Champion, Steven Richards is negotiating a return to the FW1 ring. What will this mean for the current champion Joey Matthews? Speaking of Matthews, originally, Joey was scheduled to defend his title against IWC, FIP, & ROH competitor Nigel McGuiness. Due to a recent injury of McGuiness, this plan has been scrapped. However, with the new working arrangement with Deep South Wrestling, Matthews will be going up against a former TNA & WWE superstar. Our next show is entitled “Attitude” and will come from the Southwest. All three titles will be on the line.
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[b]Saturday August Week 2 2008 Attitude Hon-Dah Casino – Pinetop, AZ 648 Fans[/b] [b]Generation nXt (Adrian Hawkins & Chad Preston) v. The Devils Rejects[/b] The debut of Generation nXt was well received by the fans. Working a very similar style to The Naturals. Pogo played up his menacing size and would not be floored by nXt. A ladder was brought into the equation and Preston was caught with a Sidewalk Slam onto it. Hawkins was grabbed by Pogo from behind as held in place as Rage grabbed a light tube. When he reared back, Hawkins slipped free, letting the big man get a taste of the object. Hawkins took Rage down with a DDT followed by a Moonsault. The fan favorites picked up the victory at the 9:43 mark. D- [b][u]FW1 Attitude Gauntlet[/u] Austin Von Erich v. Retail Dragon[/b] The two men shook hands at the beginning of the match. Dragon tried to work his type of match but it didn’t work as the rookie kept it on the mat. After a Discus Punch, Von Erich locked in The Iron Claw at 6:34 to advance. D [b]Austin Von Erich v. Alex Dell[/b] Dell hit the ring as soon as he was announced. The larger man extended his hand to Austin and it was accepted. During this match, the crowd saw several false finishes and a moment of counters and exchanges. Dell went for a thunderous Clothesline but Austin ducked it and hit a big Neckbreaker at the 5:57 mark to advance. D [b]Austin Von Erich v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio[/b] It seemed as Austin had hurt himself in the last match and Misterio was on the attack. Misterio wore the rookie down with some submissions before exploding with a Split Legged Moonsault at the 3:53 mark for the win. C- [b]El Hijo Del Rey Misterio v. Shark Boy[/b] SB was on fire as he wanted to get his hands on Misterio. It seemed as though SB was off his game in the match, missing several moves and being “off” on kicks and punches. Misterio hit a Tornado DDT on Shark Boy and went for the Split Legged Moonsault. Shark Boy got his knees up and quickly wrapped Misterio up for the pin at 9:47. C- [b]Shark Boy v. “Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel[/b] Munoz struck first, coming in through the crowd behind Shark Boy. Munoz slowed the pace of the match down from the past matches and it affected the reaction from the fans. Munoz dumped Shark Boy to the floor where he received a hard slap from Jezabel. Later in the match, Munoz sent Shark Boy into a corner torso-first, and as Shark Boy rebounded, Munoz nailed him with a chop-block. Munoz picked up the win to advance at 7:34. D [b]”Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel v. Trent Acid[/b] Acid slowly walked to the ring and took his time getting into the ring. This infuriated Munoz and he went for a Plancha. Acid avoided it and took the advantage. All seemed go for Acid but when he went to the top rope, Jezabel grabbed his boot, giving Kaos a chance to strike. Munoz hit a Top Rope DVD to get the win and advance to the final at 6:58 D [b]”Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel v. Monty Brown[/b] Brown took it to Kaos, getting the upper hand early in the conflict. This sent Munoz to the floor and he asked for a time out. Brown followed and chased him around the ring until Jezabel stepped into Brown’s way. Brown looked her up and down and waved her away. This gave her man the time he needed to sneak around the other side and clobber Brown with the ring bell. Kaos rolled the former TNA star back into the ring to begin his punishment. Toward the end of the match, Munoz went for a Big Boot but Brown ducked it. Kaos turned around into The Pounce at the 8:34 mark to become the first ever FW1 Attitude Gauntlet winner. D+ [b][u]Steel Cage Match[/u] The Naturals v. The New York Connection © - FW1 Tag Team Titles[/b] Chase and Andy went right after the champions, driving the heels from the cage. The referee inside and outside instructed the duo to reenter the cage or face a forfeit. Once the match started, both teams faced the toughest match in their FW1 careers. Blood flowed as all four men fought tooth and nail for a victory. In a great spot, The Naturals attempted a Double Superplex on LoGrasso. At the same time DeVito somehow grabbed Stevens and hit a Powerbomb. The finish came when Douglas went for a Frogsplash off the top of the cage onto Vito. Stevens was knocked to the mat by DeVito and the heel had the reflexes to push his partner out of the way, resulting in Douglas splashing his own partner. DeVito covered at the 9:15 mark to retain the titles D [b]Overall Rating: D-[/b]
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FW1 Year Two It’s been a long, tough year. Overall I am not angry or sad of how the promotion has gone over the past year, but it could be doing better. Money wise we were in the red, but with the building momentum and popularity we have increased revenue. I am going to post our current roster as an update for everyone – though I get the feeling not too many are reading, so I’ll do this from my benefit :p : [b]Main Event[/b] [quote]Joey Matthews [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/JoeyMatthews.jpg[/IMG] Matthews burst on to the scene as a partner to Steven Richards. However, unbeknownst to Richards, Court Bauer was secretly plotting with Joey to take the FW1 Heavyweight Title and rename it the MLW World Title. Heel Prima Donna [i]FW1 Heavyweight Title[/i][/quote] [quote]Steven Richards [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/StevenRichards.jpg[/IMG] Richards was a conniving, lying individual who held on to the FW1 Heavyweight Title for a significant time. He was double crossed by Joey Matthews and is now looking for revenge. He may have changed in the way he interacts with fans, but he has not changed his cheating ways. Heel Old School Heel[/quote] [b]Upper Midcard[/b] [quote]Andy Douglas [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/AndyDouglas2.jpg[/IMG] Douglas comprises one half of The Naturals along with Chase Stevens. The duo were the FW1 Tag Team Champs until New York Connection took those belts away. After facing humiliation by the two New Yorkers, Douglas has been on a mission to recapture the titles. Face Clean Cut[/quote] [quote]Austin Von Erich [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/AustinAdkisson.jpg[/IMG] The Great Grandson of Fritz Von Erich, Austin has a tall shadow to get out of. He burst onto the FW1 scene and has already established himself as a tough competitor. Face Generation Next[/quote] [quote]Chase Stevens [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG] Stevens comprises one half of The Naturals along with Andy Douglas. The duo were the FW1 Tag Team Champs until New York Connection took those belts away. After facing humiliation by the two New Yorkers, Stevens has been on a mission to recapture the titles. Face Teen Idol[/quote] [quote]Shark Boy [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/SharkBoy.jpg[/IMG] Shark Boy has yet to win big in the FW1 but he has been an excellent addition to the roster. At times he has taken Retail Dragon under his wing as a mentor and continues to wow fans. Face Masked Luchadore[/quote] [quote]Vito LoGrasso [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/Vito.jpg[/IMG] One half of The New York Connection and an FW1 original. Vito doesn’t play the rules and doesn’t begin to pretend that he does. Heel Troublemaker [i]FW1 Tag Team Titles[/i][/quote] [b]Midcard[/b] [quote]Dan Maff [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/DanMaff.jpg[/IMG] Maff started off in the FW1 as one half of a tag team but has since been drug into a feud with JD Michaels. Face Bulldog[/quote] [quote]JD Michaels [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/JDMichaels.jpg[/IMG] The ****y, brash attitude would have cost others a title, but not JD. Together with his gorgeous wife/manager April Hunter, Michaels is striving to remain Impact Champion as long as he can. Heel ****y [i]FW1 Impact Champion[/i][/quote] [quote]”Kaos” Joey Munoz [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/Kaos.jpg[/IMG] A veteran of XPW and WSX, Kaos is a ****y individual. He can more than backup his mouth when it comes to bringing it to the ring. Heel The Future[/quote] [quote]Pogo The Clown [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/PogoTheClown.jpg[/IMG] One half of The Devils Rejects with Blind Rage. He is a bizarre individual and many have yet to taste his true insanity. Heel Evil Incarnate[/quote] [quote]Retail Dragon [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/retaildragon.jpg[/IMG] Quickly earning a spot in the fans hearts, Dragon has grown as an athlete while in the FW1. His comedic entrances may make you think he is a push over, but he works hard to win and has a desire that can't be matched. Face Masked Luchadore[/quote] [quote]Trent Acid [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/TrentAcid.jpg[/IMG] Face Punk[/quote] [b]Lower Midcard[/b] [quote]Alex Dell [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/MichaelAlexanderDell.jpg[/IMG] Alex Dell is meant for bigger and better things. Since debuting in FW1 after his rookie debut, he has slowly moved up the ranks. He even holds a victory over JD Michaels. Face Blue Chipper[/quote] [quote]Chad Preston [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/ChadParham.jpg[/IMG] Preston has just appeared in FW1 rings with his partner Adrian Hawkins making up Generation nXt. Face Young Lion[/quote] [quote]El Hijo Del Rey Misterio [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/ElHijoDeReyMisterio.jpg[/IMG] The son of Rey Misterio and cousin to Rey Mysterio Jr., however he hates the fact that his cousin has had success and he hasn't. He is an outstanding performer and is continuing to reach higher and higher. Heel Masked Luchadore[/quote] [quote]Tony DeVito [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/TonyDevito.jpg[/IMG] One half of The New York Connection and current FW1 Tag Team Champion. DeVito is a loud, brash New Yorker who will stop at nothing to hold on to what he has. Heel Extremist[/quote] [b]Openers[/b] [quote]Adrian Hawkins [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/AdrianHawkins.jpg[/IMG] Adrian is one half of Generation nXt with Chad Preston. The duo just came onto the FW1 scene and are looking to establish themselves as a top team. Face Young Lion[/quote] [quote]Blind Rage [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/BlindRage.jpg[/IMG] A bizarre individual to say the least. His odd antics in the ring coupled with a pretty disgusting pre-match ritual make for an intimidating sight. Rage is on-half of The Devils Rejects with Pogo The Clown. Heel Maniac[/quote] [b]Managers[/b] [quote]April Hunter [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/AprilHunter.jpg[/IMG] The ever present wife and manager of JD Michaels. Heel Old School Valet[/quote] [quote]Jezabel [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/Jezabel.jpg[/IMG] The devilishly cunning manager of her boyfriend Kaos. Heel Bitch[/quote] [quote]Lady Kraven [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/VanessaKraven.jpg[/IMG] Kraven puts her fists where her mouth is when she needs to. Sure to mess up the day of any other manager, or wrestler who gets in her way. Face Bad Ass[/quote] [quote]Roni Jonah [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/RoniJonah.jpg[/IMG] Roni is new on the FW1 scene but in the wrestling scene. She has joined FW1 to take her clients to bigger and better things. Face Rockstar[/quote] [quote]Synn [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/Synn.jpg[/IMG] Synn, the notorious manager from OVW, has arrived on the scene to lead her men, The Devils Rejects on a path of destruction and mayhem. Heel Goth[/quote] [quote]Vanessa Harding [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/VanessaHarding.jpg[/IMG] She's not just a pretty face, Vanessa is a hard hitting girl. She has come to the FW1 to be the Beauty and Brains of the operation. Although currently focusing on managing, don't be surprised if she doesn't lace them up and get in the ring herself. Face Brains and Beauty[/quote] [b]Announcers[/b] [quote]Steve Romero [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/SteveRomero.jpg[/IMG] The former Announcer for the WWE, he has made a great replacement for Kevin Kelly. Face Staff Member[/quote] [quote]Tyrone Holmes Tyrone Holmes is an announcer who joined the world of pro wrestling in November 2007. Face[/quote] [b]Color Commentator[/b] [quote]Gary Yap Gary Yap is a well known cartoonist, designing character portfolios for such shows as King of the Hill and The Simpsons. He also was the owner of the failed wrestling promotion EPIC. Now involved with FW1 both onstage and backstage. Heel Staff Member[/quote] [b]Referee[/b] [quote]Billy Dalton [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/BillyDalton.jpg[/IMG] Billy Dalton is the Senior Referee of FW1. Face Staff Member[/quote] [quote]Sean Hanson Face Staff Member[/quote] [b]Authority Figure[/b] [quote]Court Bauer [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/CourtBauer.jpg[/IMG] The former owner of Major League Wrestling and former writer for WWE's Smackdown. He is the on-screen President for FW1 and has lead Joey Matthews against his friend Steven Richards to take the FW1 Heavyweight Title. Heel[/quote] [b]Titles[/b] [quote]FW1 Heavyweight Title [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/Generic26.jpg[/IMG] Main Event 100% Prestige[/quote] [quote]FW1 Impact Title [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/Generic53.jpg[/IMG] Midcard 40% Prestige[/quote] [quote]FW1 Tag Team Titles [IMG]http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m225/skinsguy78/Generic63.jpg[/IMG] Midcard 65.7% Prestige[/quote] [b]Tag Teams[/b] [quote]Generation nXt Adrian Hawkins & Chad Preston Full Time F-[/quote] [quote]The Devils Rejects Pogo The Clown & Blind Rage Full Time F-[/quote] [quote]The Naturals Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas Full Time A[/quote] [quote]The New York Connection Tony DeVito & Vito LoGrasso Full Time A[/quote]
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[b]Saturday September Week 2 2008 Born To Be Wild Mayan Theater – Los Angeles, CA 602 Fans[/b] Steven Richards introduces everyone to his new show The Stevie Show. He talks about how over the last few months he has been at home, going over the events that led to Joey Matthews getting the title. Richards says that he’s finished with the pity parties and back in the FW1 to reclaim his title. He calls out FW1 President Court Bauer. Bauer comes out and the interaction is immediately one sided. Richards insults the President numerous times and questions Court but doesn’t allow the President to respond. The crowd starts to warm up to Richards as he continues. Bauer grabs the microphone out of Richards hands and says that he is going to tell it like it is. F- Bauer calls Richards a coward and says that Richards turned his back on the original Major League Wrestling, immediately jumping ship to FW1. Richards calmly asks for the mic back and when Court responds by shoving him, Steven knocks Bauer to the mat. F+ [b]Adrian Hawkins w/Roni Jonah v. Blind Rage w/Synn[/b] Roni worked the match well and really seemed to motivate her man. Synn, always devious, stalked Roni a few times on the floor. The fans got a double feature as the action in the ring was supplemental to the action on the floor. Hawkins went for a Shooting Star Press but missed after Synn hooked his foot. Rage covered at the 5:49 mark for the win. D+ Backstage Roni Jonah and Adrian Hawkins are joined by Chad Preston. The three tell The Devil’s Rejects and “that fat pig in black clothes” that next month they want a Hardcore Tag Team match. E [b]Alex Dell v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio[/b] A fantastic match that put Dell in a new light. Misterio could not match the ferocity of Dell and it cost him the match at 7:57 following a MAD Launch. C As Misterio is collecting himself, Dell grabs a microphone and begins to sell Rey Mysterio shirts to the fans. This incites Misterio who chases him to the back. E- The Naturals are on camera and tell The New York Connection that they are going to re-claim the Tag Team Titles “one way or another.” E+ [b]Pogo The Clown w/Synn v. Dan Maff[/b] Somehow, rules were out the window from the word go in this match. Chairs were brought into play, light tubes, trash cans, and Singapore Canes. Similar to the match from a few months ago between the two where Maff suffered multiple burns from a well placed fireball, the two men tore down the house. Synn attempted to interfere, but Maff smacked her, knocking her off the canvas. Maff set up two steel chairs and a table on top of that, using the objects to add to the effect of a Burning Hammer. Maff picked up the victory at 7:56. D+ Synn was helping her man up when Roni Jonah came running to the ring, chasing Synn to the back. F- After Pogo chases after his manager, Dan Maff asks for a microphone and runs down the current Impact Champion. He says that he is going to teach Michaels a lesson and that lesson begins next month at Bad Blood. D [b]The New York Connection © v. Trent Acid & Austin Von Erich – FW1 Tag Team Titles[/b] Acid & Austin made an odd pairing, but worked well together, hitting several double team moves. The pace was slowed by DeVito & LoGrasso as they kept Acid in the ring, wearing him down. Finally Trent was able to make the hot tag. Austin came in and started clearing house. As he applied The Iron Claw to DeVito, who was not the legal man, Vito wrapped a chain around his hand and clobbered Austin with it. Vito covered for the three at 11:55 to retain the belts. D+ [b]Shark Boy v. “Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel[/b] The longer this match went, the longer Joey started to be visibly tired. This led to the full advantage of SB and he was able to pick up the win with a Deep Sea Driver at the 11:46 mark. C- [b]Monty Brown v. Joey Matthews © - “MLW World Title”[/b] Since the fans were screwed out of this one last month, they are treated to it now. A hell of a match for FW1 standards, I think the best they have ever put on. Both men had obvious chemistry as the match flowed flawlessly. The match built up into an ending where both men exchanged Finishers but neither man was able to execute. Matthews retrieved a chair from the outside and swung at Brown. Brown ducked and hit a Urinage Slam. He went for the pin but Matthews kicked out. Monty picked Matthews up over his shoulders but Matthews fought free with repeated right hands. As Brown recovered, Matthews crippled Brown with a chop block. The champion followed with a Picture Perfect DDT at the 12:46 mark to retain his title. C+ [b]Overall Rating: C[/b]
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[b]Saturday October Week 1 2008 Bad Blood The Wavehouse – Mission Beach, San Diego, CA 659 Fans[/b] [b]Generation nXt w/Roni Jonah v. The Devil’s Rejects w/Synn – Hardcore Match[/b] Preston and Hawkins made a HUGE mistake by signing this match as they were destroyed by their Hardcore styled opponents. The match started off good for Generation nXt but slowly deteriorated as Pogo used his size advantage to wear the two youngsters down. Roni did an excellent job of getting the fans into the match for her men, but the rookies didn’t respond. Pogo was visibly tired toward the end but managed to put Chad away with a Buried In The Basement at the 10:49 mark. After the match Synn cackled hysterically. E- We get a video clip of the ever lovely April Hunter lounging with her hubby JD Michaels. They talk about how funny it was to see Maff blinded with a fireball at the hands of Pogo The Clown. Hunter begins to make a crude remark about Maff enjoying putting something in people’s faces but whispers the rest to Michaels. Michaels tells Maff that just like every other night of his FW1 career as Impact Champion, he promises to walk out of the event tonight as reigning champion. E- [b]Dan Maff v. JD Michaels © w/April Hunter – FW1 Impact Title Match[/b] Maff charged into the match like a raging bull and this caused Michaels and Hunter to retreat to the floor. Michaels worked a technical match but this seemed to piss Maff off even more. Every time Dan went to brawling, JD scooted to the floor, evading the larger man. Michaels turned the match back to his advantage and hit his normal spots (the kickup, Enzuguri, rolling fist drop, Victory Roll for a near fall). Maff began to battle back and Hunter had seen enough. She entered the ring and swung at the challenger. He ducked and nailed a Burning Hammer on the redhead prompting the referee to call for the bell. Maff was announced the winner as a result of a disqualification. D- El Hijo Del Rey Misterio enters the ring and demands the microphone. Gary Yap leaves the announce position to “interpret” what Rey is saying. Misterio puts Alex Dell down and says that he is not the on the same par as himself. He goes on to say that he is fed up with the use of his cousins merchandise being sold by Dell. He insults Dell and American’s for believing his cousins hype. He ends by threatening Dell and anyone else who he sees with Rey Mysterio merchandise. F+ After a brief intermission, Steven Richards enters the ring, which has been set up like his set. He introduces his guest as the man the current FW1 Heavyweight Champion has yet to beat, El Diamante. Diamante comes to the ring and Richards proceeds to ask him various questions about his career and the match tonight. Diamante reminds the fans that since he has yet to get a decisive victory on the champion, tonight’s match has been booked as a Ladder Match. Richards adds that he will be in Diamante’s corner to see that Court Bauer doesn’t stick his nose into it. This brings out Matthews and Bauer. The four men begin to bicker back and forth and finally Matthews decks Richards. Diamante in turn clobbers Matthews. Bauer produces a can of Pepper spray from his pocket and sprays it into Diamante’s face. E [b]The Naturals v. The New York Connection © - FW1 Tag Team Titles – Sadistic Madness Match[/b] Romero goes over the rules of the match for anyone who is not familiar. Much like the other matches involving these four men, The Naturals tear into the champions. The match was heavily overbooked but it didn’t affect the intensity of the contest. DeVito stood out as giving the best performance of the match however it wasn’t enough for the victory. The Naturals reclaimed the belts when Stevens planted Vito with a Chaser Shot at the 10:43 mark. D- As the new champions celebrated, The New York Connection returned to the ring with baseball bats, driving the fan favorites away. E- We are introduced to Vanessa Harding via a taped video package. She builds herself up as a well-to-do aristocrat who has joined the FW1 to bring another wrestler to Superstardom. She says that she has her eyes set on one worker in particular and soon, he will find out that what she can do for his career. E+ [b]”Kaos” Joey Munoz w/Jezabel v. Trent Acid[/b] A standard match with both guys exchanging a fair amount of offense. Surprisingly Jezabel didn’t interfere and it may have been the deciding factor in her boyfriend losing. Acid picked up the win at the 9:37 mark with an Acid Bomb. D+ [b]El Diamante w/Steven Richards v. Joey Matthews © w/Court Bauer - FW1 Heavyweight/”MLW World” Title – Ladder Match[/b] The match of the night showcased Diamante’s skills. A back and forth match that featured several close calls on the ladder and a few breath taking spots. Bauer tried to aid Joey only to be pulled off by Richards and decked into the front row. Matthews executed a Suplex from the ladder that left both men down. Matthews was the first up and readjusted the ladder. He slowly climbed to the top but Diamante dropkicked the ladder sending the champion crashing to the floor. With the fans behind him, the challenger retrieved another ladder and climbed to the top to retrieve the title at the 14:09 mark. C- [b]Overall Rating: D[/b]
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[b]Saturday November Week 2 2008 Revenge Mayan Theater – Los Angeles, CA 645 Fans[/b] The Stevie Show kicks off the show and Court Bauer, makes his way out interrupting the host. Bauer insults Richards, calling him a coward. He tells Richards that as long as he is president, he will do everything in his power to see that Richards never gets a shot at the FW1 Heavyweight Title. Before leaving, he tells Richards that he has a match tonight against Tony DeVito and Joey Matthews. F+ [b]Generation nXt & Roni Jonah v. Synn & The Devils Rejects (Blind Rage & Marax)[/b] Synn introduced her newest accusation, a rather large individual named after a demon. The crowd was turned off from the snoozer due to the fact that Roni and Synn were competing. Synn was visibly tired toward the end and fell victim to The Rockstar Slam by Roni at the 9:57 mark, E [b]Alex Dell v. Pogo The Clown[/b] Since Synn was exhausted in the last match, she didn’t accompany Pogo to the ring. Dell showed that he is working up the ranks and took it to the big man. Toward the middle of the match, the pace bottomed out which probably prompted for the finish to come sooner. Although El Hijo Del Rey Misterio attacked Dell, it wasn’t enough to give the tired Pogo the victory. Dell won at 6:46 with a Reverse DDT. E+ After the match, Rey Misterio attacked Dell again. This time the luchadore left Alex in a pool of blood. F The fans are shown a video of Austin Von Erich sitting in a restaurant, checking his watch for time. Finally, Vanessa Harding sits down next to him to his surprise. She tells him that she has been looking forward to meeting him. E+ [b]Dan Maff v. JD Michaels & April Hunter 1 on 2 Handicapped Match[/b] A decent match that saw Maff finally got some revenge on the couple. After repeated bashing of Michaels on the floor, throwing him into the ring posts, guard railings, and tables, Maff set his sights on April. Hunter attempted a Hurricanrana, but Maff maneuvered her onto his shoulders to set up for a Burning Hammer. Maff picked up the victory at the 9:45 mark. D- [b]Spanish Fly (Kaos & Apollo) w/Jezabel v. The Naturals © FW1 Tag Team Title Match[/b] The debuting tag team showed the rest of the FW1 roster why they may be one of the best duo’s to ever wrestle in the FW1. Despite a fantastic offense by the champions, at the 11:19 mark, Apollo hit a Lion’s Den on Chase to win the match and the titles. D+ [b]Shark Boy v. Trent Acid[/b] This match was put together last minute to give both guys a spot on the card. Both shook hands at the bell and did their respected styles service. Shark Boy picked up the win at 8:53 with a Deep Sea Driver. D+ [b]Stevie Richards v. Tony DeVito & Joey Matthews 1 on 2 Handicapped Match[/b] Richards relieved a load of punishment from his opponents. Matthews acted as the leader, setting up Richards for moves by DeVito. The two partners almost came to blows when Matthews would not allow DeVito to cover. Finally, at 8:07, Mattews picked up the victory. D- After the match, Richards punishment did not end as DeVito and Matthews continued their beatdown. To the rescue came the Heavyweight champion, driving away the two heels. D- [b]Overall Rating: D+[/b]
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[b]Internet News – Week 1 November 2008 [i]Frontier Wrestling One[/i][/b] - Rumor is since FW1 started back up, they have lost $26,000. It is reported that although they are still financially stable, they can not continue to lose large amounts of money. In an attempt to raise them “to the next level” they will stop producing DVD’s at this time and focus more on Internet streaming of their shows. - FW1 has requested a meeting with Eddie Colon. Word is that El Diamante helped to set this up. - Owner Chris Davis is looking to his staff for fresh ideas on storyline's and who might shake up the roster. - FW1 failed to get a contract signed with Kotaro Suzuki aka Tiger Emperor. Apparently Suzuki is focusing strongly on his career in Japan. - Pogo The Clown and Blind Rage are both gone from the FW1. Pogo’s contract was up and FW1 didn’t look for renewal of it. No word on who will be Rage’s replacement in The Devil’s Rejects. - FW1’s new show is called Overload.
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Overload Dec. Week 3 2008 [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="5"][b]FW1: Overload[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Crowd: 646[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]The Stevie Show…[/b][/COLOR] Steven Richards kicks off the event by talking about the gutless Court Bauer. Steven thinks it’s funny that Matthews no longer holds the title and boasts that he was the longest reigning champion. Court Bauer storms onto the set followed by Joey Matthews and Tony DeVito. Bauer says that he is tired of Richards and his smart remarks. He didn’t like them years ago and certainly doesn’t like them now. Richards lunges at Bauer and is immediately attacked by Tony & Joey. The duo beat him down for a few minutes and then hold him up so that he can be ridiculed and spat on by the FW1 President. [b]E[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Help for Richards[/b][/COLOR] Richards is wondering around bloodied backstage. He runs into Eddie Colon and asks for his help in taking out DeVito and Matthews. Colon agrees. [b]E-[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Alex Dell v. Sterling James Keenan[/b][/COLOR] This match served to debut SJK as well as pit Dell against a seasoned indy vet. It worked as the match was a great match. Dell is only 19 years old and shows that he is destined for bigger and better things. Keenan put the match away at the 5:41 mark following a MK Ultra. [b]C-[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Spanish Fly…for a white guy[/b][/COLOR] Chase Stevens is getting a bottle of water from a vending machine when Apolo and Kaos strike. Jezabel cheers her men on as the duo Spike Powerbombs Chase onto the cold concrete floor. Officials rush in to break it up, but the damage has been done. [b]E[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Adrian Hawkins w/Roni Jonah v. Marax w/Synn[/b][/COLOR] Still building on the short feud between Generation nXt and The Devils Rejects this singles match proved to better than expected. Roni and Synn got into a brief argument on the floor during the match. Hawkins picked up the victory at the 4:51 mark following a High Cross Body. [b]D+[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Hype Video for the Main Event[/b][/COLOR] A quick, 1 minute graphic is shown for tonight’s main event. Apparently Bauer isn’t finished with Richards just yet. Steven Richards will be teaming with Eddie Colon to take on Matthews and DeVito in a Hardcore Match. [b]E[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Trent Acid v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio[/b][/COLOR] A classic back and forth match. Misterio played to the fans, yelling at some kid who was wearing a Rey Mysterio shirt. With his attention not where it should be, Acid struck quickly with an Acid Bomb at the 4:46 mark. [b]D+[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]The Impact Champion speaks[/b][/COLOR] April Hunter and JD Michaels talk about how Dan Maff has not proven anything to them. He is “ghetto trash” and was better off being blackballed from the world of wrestling. Michaels asks the crowd if there is anyone else he can wrestle besides a “one trick pony”. This brings out Dan Maff. Maff gets in Michaels face saying that he beat JD’s “bitch” last month and he wants one more chance to show the fans who the real “bitch” is the relationship. [b]E+[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Dan Maff v. JD Michaels © w/April Hunter FW1 Impact Title Match[/b][/COLOR] Maff did not hold anything back in the match. Michaels baled to the floor and had Hunter interfere on his behalf several times. Ultimately Maff caught the bloody Michaels and won the title following a Burning Hammer at the 14:33 mark. [b]D+[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]The Naturals v. Spanish Fly © w/Jezabel FW1 Tag Team Title Match[/b][/COLOR] When The Naturals came to the ring, Douglas was assisting Chase. Spanish Fly were quite proud of themselves and made sure to work on Andy. Although Chase was standing in the corner and asking for the tag, it was obvious he was in no condition to compete. Douglas played the part of hero and stayed in the match when he could have tagged out. The fans got behind the challenger and this brought a bloody Douglas back to life. He fought both men off and finally tagged in a hyped up Stevens. Chase hit a Tornado DDT on Kaos and went for a cover. The referee tried to tell the former champion that Kaos was not the legal man but it was too late as the larger Apolo came in and executed his finisher at the 10:46 mark to retain the titles. [b]D-[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] [b]Steven Richards & Eddie Colon v. Joey Matthews & Tony DeVito Hardcore Match[/b][/COLOR] Richards and Colon worked well together double dropkicking their opponents from the ring. DeVito immediately retrieved a Singapore Cane and paired off with Colon who bed early. Richards and Matthews tore into each other and for most of the match. After a grueling battle, Richards exploded with a Stevie Kick into DeVito’s chin and picked up the win at the 15:58 mark. After the encounter Richards thanked Colon for his help. [b]D [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Overall Rating: D-[/b][/COLOR] - Retail Dragon was busy trying to regain his PWU Philadelphia Title but was unsuccessful. - WWE Saturday Night’s Main Event drew 4,909 fans in Puerto Rico. The main event was John Cena defeating Bobby Lashley. - International Wrestling Syndicate rises to Regional size following a sellout crowd of 1,000 in Quebec. IWS Guilty Pleasure featured a main event of Teddy Hart defeating Bobby Roode to retain the IWS World Title.
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2008 Year End News News from around the Wrestling World World Wrestling Entertainment has not renewed The Undertakers contract. Many in the industry think that this is leading to a UT retirement. Everyone would have thought that he would have finished out his career after Wrestlemania. Of course, no one would have thought that Brock Lesnar would have back under a WWE contract but he is. Likewise, in TNA, Jeff Jarrett and TNA owner Dixie Carter have been fighting over a new contract to keep Double J aboard. Strong rumors are coming from TNA that at the end of the month, Jarrett is done with TNA. It’s believed that he will either finish out his career with WWE or retire. Two former big wrestling names passed away. New Jack, who was 45, and Brian Lawler, who was 36. Most believe both deaths were drug related. Jerry Lawler, father of Brian, is said to be taking the new hard and has asked for a few weeks off from WWE programming to grieve the loss. Riki Choshu and Gyspy Joe have both retired from the ring. Nick and Brooke Hogan have both entered the wrestling world officially. After the death of their father last year, the two wanted to spend sometime working the wrestling scene. Nick’s girlfriend has even entered as the couple feel that it will strengthen their relationship. April Hunter is negotiating a new contract with FW1. Billy Dalton, long time senior referee for FW1, will be leaving at the end of the month. [b]2008 Year End Awards[/b] Wrestler of the Year: Brock Lesnar (WWE) Young Wrestler of the Year: Ken Doane (WWE) Veteran of the Year: Mark Calloway (WWE) Female of the Year: Meiko Satomura (5SSW) Promotion of the year: World Wrestling Entertainment Most Improved of the Year: Total Nonstop Wrestling Match of the Year: Brock Lesnar v. Shawn Michaels at WWE Sat. Night’s Main Event – Week 2 2008 – A Rating Show of the Year: CMLL Guerra – Several Weeks in 2008 – B Rating Top 10 Wrestlers of 2008: 10 – Alexander Otsuka – IGF – Unrated in 2007 9 – Kane – WWE – 16 in 2007 8 – Atlantis – CMLL – 2 in 2007 7- Randy Orton – WWE – 31 in 2007 6 – Triple H – WWE – 3 in 2007 5 – John Cena – WWE – 5 in 2007 4 – Rey Mysterio – WWE – 12 in 2007 3 – The Undertaker – WWE – Unrated in 2007 2 – Brock Lesnar – WWE – Unrated in 2007 1 – Shawn Michaels – WWE – Unrated in 2007 [b]Frontier Wrestling 1 opens 2009 with Boiling Point[/b]
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Boiling Point Week 2 January 2009 [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="5"][b]FW1: Boiling Point[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Crowd: 673[/b][/SIZE] [b]An Argument[/b][/COLOR] April Hunter and JD Michaels walk into the building together, carrying their bags. Hunter goes the opposite direction of Michaels and it prompts an argument. Michaels blames the referee for Maff’s victory. Hunter says that if Michaels want’s a nice warm body to come home to, he had better get to the bottom of this and get his title back. [b]F+[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Generation nXt w/Roni Jonah v. The Devils Reject’s (Luke Hawx & Marax) w/Synn[/b][/COLOR] Much of the same from nXt. Hawx makes a nice addition to Rejects and showed why he is a top indy talent. Hawkins was off his game and it showed. Hawx picked up the victory at 8:59. [b]D-[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]The Stevie Show[/b][/COLOR] Instead of the usual from Richards, he introduced his guest, the New Impact Champion, Dan Maff. Maff says that he heard what Michaels and his “tramp” had to say about his last match. He tells Michaels that he is denial about being beat by a better man. He says that he will gladly give a rematch to JD or anyone for that matter. Out comes Ricky Landell. Landell briefly introduces himself as “The Future” of pro wrestling. He claims that he is waiting for his agent to get back to the WWE about his potential contract. In the meantime he challenges Maff to a match next month. Maff agrees as Landell leaves smiling. [b]E & D-[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] [b]Trent Acid & Alex Dell v. El Hijo Del Rey Misterio & Sterling James Keenan[/b][/COLOR] This contest should have been the show stealer of the night seeing as who all was involved in it. Alas it was not. All four men got their usual spots off and it seems Keenan has changed his style to more of a Super Junior than in previous times in the ring. The fans hated the finish when the match was declared a no contest as all four men ignored the referee. [b]E+[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] [b]Shark Boy & Andy Douglas v. Spanish Fly © w/Jezabel FW1 Tag Team Title Match[/b][/COLOR] It was rumored that Chase Stevens was still recuperating from his injuries but SB served as a nice replacement. It was clear however that SB and Andy were not use to working together and this cost them. At the 13:58 mark Apolo picked up the victory for his team. [b]D+[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Harding hypes her man[/b][/COLOR] Vanessa Harding is followed to the ring by her newest managee, Austin Von Erich. She speaks for him saying that he is one of the brightest young stars to come down the pike and talks about his prestigious family background. She says that with her guiding him, it’s only a matter of time before he is wearing FW1 gold. [b]E[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]A cold reaction[/b][/COLOR] Backstage Spanish Fly is walking with their titles. El Diamante and Eddie Colon bump shoulders with them. The two fan favorites start speaking to Spolo in Spanish before laughing and wondering off. Jezabel asks Apolo what that was about. He does not answer, simply continues walking. [b]E[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] [b]Eddie Colon & El Diamante v. Tony DeVito & Joey Matthews[/b][/COLOR] A great back and forth match. Colon and Diamante worked better than their opponents. Toward the end Colon came in on a tag but the ref didn’t see it. As he was lead back to his corner, Matthews nailed the Heavyweight Champion with the ring bell allowing his partner to pick up the pinfall at the 14:13 mark. [b]D+[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="4"][b]Overall Rating: E+[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] - Again Retail Dragon was competing in PWU defeating Jeremy Lopez. The main event of the evening was Petey Williams defeating Joey Abs and Kory Chavis to retain his PWU Global Title. - Joey Matthews has asked for some time off to heal following a grueling schedule between FW1 & PWG. - Marax believes he deserves a better push. - Sat. Night’s Main Event featured Batista defeating, and defending his World Heavyweight Title, against Randy Orton.
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Newsline February Week 1 2009 [b]News From Around the Wrestling World[/b] As reported from last month, The Undertaker is gone from the WWE and Jeff Jarrett is gone from TNA. Speaking of WWE releases, Finlay joins that list. Chris Jericho is back in the full swing of his wrestling career. He has announced his Free Agency Candidacy. Word is that the WWE are doing everything to sign him to a contract. Networks are scheduling new shows. It looks as though FW1 is not in the loop again. The official ring retirements are as follows: Rey Misterio Sr. (father to El Hijo Del Rey Misterio), The Barbarian, Solar I, Ricky Knight, Rayo Del Jalisco, One Man Gang (who hasn’t wrestled in years), Natasha The Hatchet Lady, Mano Negra, Lord Zoltan, Klondyke Kate, Jesse The Latin Freebird, Frank Cullen, El Torero, El Mexicano, Kim “Desiree” Neilson, Dennis Condrey, Christine Arrant, Christine Wolf, Chris Rain, Brandi Alexander, Bill Eadie, Yumiko Hatta, Obacchi Iizuka, The Headhunters, Negro Casas, and Marty Jannetty. The next FW1 show is titled: Uncensored and it will be taking place on the Second week of February.
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Uncensored Feb. 2009 *OOC: I forgot to check to see how long this event was ran for last year. It was an hour, so this is an hours worth of matches from this years show. [SIZE="4"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"] [b]FW1: Uncensored Crowd: 626[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Trent Acid v. JD Michaels w/April Hunter v. Ricky Landell v. Dan Maff © FW1 Impact Title[/b][/COLOR] An interesting four way match that Court Bauer had booked at the end of last month. The fans were behind Trent more than they were for the champion. Acid hit a Tilt-a-whirl plancha on Michaels, sending them both to the floor. As both men recuperated, Hunter used a steel chair to Acid’s back. Inside the ring Landell had the advantage and was using some hard-hitting moves to try to push the champ beyond his point of return. Landell hit a Fisherman Buster and thought he had the victory when somehow Maff kicked out. At this point Michaels came back into the ring and worked over both men. After a grueling match lasting 14:37, Acid pinned Landell following an Acid Bomb to claim his first FW1 title. [b]C-[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]The Naturals v. Austin Von Erich & Eddie Colon v. Spanish Fly © w/Jezabel FW1 Tag Team Titles[/b][/COLOR] The Naturals immediately went after the champions, sending them to the floor. Von Erich and Colon worked well together and really got the fans involved in the match. The end came when Apollo hit The Lion’s Den on Colon to retain the titles. [b]D[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Retail Dragon v. Joey Matthews v. Steven Richards v. El Diamante © FW1 Heavyweight Title – Ladder Match[/b][/COLOR] Quite an impressive foursome although the fans were thrown off by Dragon being involved. The smart fans knew that he has been successful in other promotions gaining two top titles in recent months. He played up his comedy act however toward the end of the match threw down and went to town on whomever he could. Richards was sent sailing to the floor after a missed Cross Body on Matthews which left the former champion in a crumpled heap. Diamante hit Matthews with a Diamond Cutter before ascending the ladder to claim his title. [b]D- [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] Overall Rating: E[/b][/COLOR]
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Wrestling News March 2009 [COLOR="Blue"][b]News From Around the Wrestling World[/b][/COLOR] The following workers have retired from the ring: Steve Gray, El Pantera, Brody Ray Chase, Aguila Solitaro, Poison Sawada, Mariko Yoshida, and KAORU. The Sci-Fi Channel has not renewed ECW on Sci-Fi. DDT & DGPW have both gone out of business. Memphis Wrestling (Mid-South) and TNT Wrestling (The Prairies – Canada) have both started up. Alexandra Hart (daughter of Bret Hart), Shaquile O’Neal (yes, that one), and Charlie Murphy (comedian) have all officially entered the wrestling world. A major announcement from fW1 is forth coming according to promoter Chris Davis.
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[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="4"][b]FW1: Grand Re-Opening March 2009 Crowd: 632 Hon-Dah Casino - Arizona[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]El Hijo Del Rey Misterio v. Trent Acid © FW1 Impact Title[/b][/COLOR] Misterio controlled the first part of the match, keeping his opponent on the mat with submission and wear down holds. The fans chanted Acid back to life following a Diamond Dust. Misterio set Acid back up on the top rope and went for a Hurricanrana. Acid was able to muster up the strength to turn it into a Powerbomb, wiping both men out. As the referee counted both men down, Ricky Landell came to ringside and cheered Misterio on. It worked to get the Luchadore to his feet first. Rey held acid as Ricky got on the apron and pulled back his arm. As he connected, Acid moved causing Ricky to pop Rey instead. Acid dropkicked Ricky from the apron and went for the cover on his opponent. [i]Acid retains at 10:31[/i] [b]Rating: D+[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Ricky Landell v. Dan Maff[/b][/COLOR] Both of these men are looking to get themselves named as #1 Contenders to the Impact Title. A good back and forth battle seeing both men land their usual spots. Maff got knocked from the ring to the floor. As the referee counted Maff, Landell produced a small chain from his trunks and wrapped it around his fist. Maff reentered the ring and was waylaid by his opponent. Ricky quickly hid the chain from sight and covered the fallen Maff. [i]Landell wins using a foreign object at 7:46[/i] [b]Rating: D[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]Shark Boy & Retail Dragon v. Spanish Fly © w/Jezabel FW1 Tag Team Titles[/b][/COLOR] Kaos and Apollo attacked their opponents before the bell. It was clear that the champions didn’t think highly of their opponents as they covered with their boots and mocked the antics of both men. This seemed to generate a spark in Shark Boy and he displayed more brawling then he is known for. The intensity of the fan favorites wasn’t enough to help them gain a victory. Apollo struck SB with a Superkick. [i]Spanish Fly defended their titles with a win at 11:47[/i] [b]Rating: D+[/b] Retail Dragon helps Shark Boy to his feet after the match. Without warning, Lady Kraven makes her way to the ring. Dragon goes to hold the ropes open for her as Shark Boy looks on with confusion. Lady Kraven grabs the microphone and speaks to Dragon, saying that he needs to let his partner know how he feels about the loss to Spanish Fly. Dragon then attacks Shark Boy, battering the veteran which causes blood to flow. Dragon takes Shark out with his own move, The Deep Sea Driver. [i]Retail Dragon has turned heel[/i] [b]Rating: E[/b] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]”Scrap Iron” Adam Pearce v. El Diamante © FW1 Heavyweight Title[/b][/COLOR] A UPW challenger versus an FW1 champion. This match proved to be a barn-burner; the hottest of the night. Pearce was clearly the heel and used every underhanded tactic to gain the advantage. The champion showed why he will not back down from any challenge and why he is the champion. Diamante brawled, knocking the challenger from the ring. Instead of allowing for a break in the action, Diamante followed Pearce to the floor where the battle continued. Eventually, the ten count came and both men were Counted out. [i]Diamante held on to his belt at 20:54[/i] [b]Rating: B [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Overall Rating: D[/b][/COLOR] - The Main Event was supposed to also feature Nigel McGuiness, but for the second time since we have traded for him, he was injured. - Sterling James Keenan was featured on the PWU show, thus he was present for our event.
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[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]FW1.net March 2009 - Newsline[/b][/COLOR] FW1 has restructured. With this news, FW1 officials have decided to produce less out of ring “angles” and focus more on the in-ring action. Several workers have been given their releases. The current list of workers is: Eddie Colon, Luke Hawx, Alex Dell, Tony DeVito, Vanessa Harding, Synn, Austin Von Erich, and Joey Matthews. The reasoning given to most was that the budget could not sustain such a large roster. FW1’s April show is entitled “Adrenaline”. No matches have been announced.
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[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][b]News From Around the Wrestling World[/b][/COLOR] The following wrestlers retired from wrestling this month: The Undertaker, La Fiera, Lola Gonzalez, Sadyst, & The Warlord. Glen Jacobs (Kane) has announced that he wishes to retire soon. Court Bauer is gone from FW1. Word is that Court wished to focus on his head booking duties with TSWP. FW1’s April show is entitled: “Adrenaline”. The main event is FW1 Heavyweight Champion defended against the former Deep South Heavyweight Champion, Justin Credible. Shark Boy has demanded a match against former protégé Retail Dragon. Spanish Fly will also be defending their titles against Generation nXt.
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Adrenaline April 2009 [COLOR="royalblue"][b]FW1: Adrenaline April 2009 Crowd: 686 Mayan Theater - California[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR="royalblue"][b]”HYPE” Jimmy Shalwin v. Trent Acid © FW1 Impact Title[/b][/COLOR] A match that was better than expected as the visiting challenger gave his all against the champion. The veteran was on top of his game tonight as he won the match with an Acid Bomb at the 7:39 mark. [b]Rating: C-[/b] Acid was set to leave the ring when Ricky Landell walked out to the ring. Landell said that he won the Number One Contenders Match for the Impact Title and demands a match next month. Acid accepts. [b]Rating: F+[/b] [COLOR="royalblue"][b]JD Michaels w/April Hunter v. Dan Maff[/b][/COLOR] Maff sported his usual frown, probably from loosing the number one contenders match for the Impact Title. Michaels hit his usual spots and the match looked much like the past matches between these two have looked. April Hunter tried to interfere on behalf of her husband but things didn’t work out in her favor. Maff won the match following a Half-Nelson Suplex at the 5:56 mark. [b]Rating: C-[/b] [COLOR="royalblue"][b]Generation nXt w/Roni Jonah v. Spanish Fly © w/Jezabel v. Scott Lost & Joey Ryan FW1 Tag Team Titles[/b][/COLOR] As the original match was about to begin, the former UPW Tag Team Champions walked down to the ring. Without making much of a scene, the duo climbed into the ring and stood in a neutral corner. This match served to step up Generation nXt and their interaction with more experienced teams. Apollo looked great in the match as he is the power of the champion duo. Apollo hit a Double Under-hook Powerbomb on Preston at the 10:13 mark to defend the titles. [b]Rating: D[/b] [COLOR="royalblue"][b]Shark Boy v. Retail Dragon w/Lady Kraven[/b][/COLOR] A match worse than expected. A back and forth luchadore affair that saw Kraven get in a few licks on Shark Boy. Dragon hit a Top Rope Shining Wizard but still used the ropes for leverage to pick up the win at the 7:50 mark. [b]Rating: D+[/b] Steven Richards makes his way to the announce table prior to the Main Event. He puts on a headset and is welcomed as the guest commentator. [b]Rating: E-[/b] [COLOR="royalblue"][b]Justin Credible v. El Diamante © FW1 Heavyweight Title[/b][/COLOR] Almost immediately the action spilled to the floor. There Credible found his Singapore Cane quickly and used it to his advantage. Very early in the match the champion was busted open and Credible took control. After trying to get the cane away from Credible unsuccessfully, the referee let it go much to the objections of the crowd. Diamante fought back and it looked as though things were picking up in the champions favor. As the champ was about to cover the fallen Credible following a Superplex, Richards hit the ring and Stevie Kicked Diamante. The crowd quickly turned on the former champion as he drug Credible over to the champion for the cover at the 10:42 mark. [b]Rating: C- [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Overall Rating: C-[/b][/COLOR]
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