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WWE: The Unforgiven.

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[IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/internet.jpg[/IMG] WWE.com has reported that Stephanie McMahon has been replaced as head booker by Robert Bobson, a little known Englishman who has been booking shows in Australia. WWE.com stated that Stephanie McMahon was replaced because she wanted to spend more time with her baby Aurora McMahon - Levesque. A short statement by Vince McMahon stated that Bobson will be starting off with little control and if he is successful, he will be granted more power within the WWE. [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ColbertReport.jpg[/IMG] WWE.com has been reporting that Stephanie McMahon has been replaced as head booker by Robert Bobson, a little known Englishman who my Colbert Nation tell me has been booking shows in Australia. WWE.com will tell us that Stephanie McMahon was replaced because she wanted to spend more time with her baby Aurora McMahon - Levesque, but I think its all part of a Vince McMahon led conspiracy. The truth shall come out Nation! A short propaganda statement by Vince McMahon stated that Bobson will be starting off with little control and if he is successful, he will be granted more power within the WWE. This is reason to worry Nation, be afraid. Your Hero in Americaness and Wrestling truth, Stephen Colbert. OOC: I'm finally starting this. I'll book up to Unforgiven, (starting week 1 august)then see what happens. Matches and Raw to be up soon. I'm always open to advice and feedback.
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[IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE.com RAW Preview:[/B] RAW will be Live on USA network from the DCU Center in Worcester, MA. Confirmed Matches: Cryme Tyme vs. WGTT Umaga vs. Sandman (Intercontinental Title) Mickie James vs. Melina (#1 Contenders match) Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy John Cena & Bobby Lashley vs. Randy Orton & Carlito
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Looking good so far... Cryme Time vs. [B]WGTT[/B] [B]Umaga[/B] vs. Sandman (Intercontinental Title) [B]Mickie James[/B] vs. Melina (#1 Contenders match) [B]Mr. Kennedy[/B] vs. Jeff Hardy [B]John Cena & Bobby Lashley[/B] vs. Randy Orton & Carlito
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[IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B] WWE Raw Pre Show news:[/B] The Amazing Red and Mark Copani (aka Muhammad Hassan) have been seen backstage tonight at Raw. John Laurinaitis was seen leaving the arena in a very bad mood. [B]WWE Heat Taping card:[/B] Val Venis vs. Jack Bull Cody Rhodes vs. William Regal Kendrick & London vs. Cade & Murdoch [B]TNA Impact News[/B] This weeks Impact taping has been getting great reviews. Dustin Rhodes debuted by beating Hernandez, Kurt Angle put on a technical masterclass against Christian Cage and Sting defeated Scott Steiner. The highlight of the show was Samoa Joe beating AJ Styles with the muscle buster. [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ColbertReport.jpg[/IMG] Nation, Shocking TNA news tonight. The Peoples Enhancement Talent Shark Boy has been released. Johnny Devine and Frankie Kazarian have also been released. More on this shocking Human Tragedy as it comes to hand. Also the world's worst Porn Star Sean Waltman has been fired by AAA. Colbert Report lackey John Oliver reports Waltman was given a mariachi band farewell.
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[B]Cryme Time [/B]vs. WGTT [B]Umaga[/B] vs. Sandman (Intercontinental Title) [B]Mickie James [/B]vs. Melina (#1 Contenders match) [B]Mr. Kennedy [/B]vs. Jeff Hardy [B]John Cena & Bobby Lashley [/B]vs. Randy Orton & Carlito [B]Val Venis [/B]vs. Jack Bull Cody Rhodes vs.[B] William Regal[/B] [B]Kendrick & London [/B]vs. Cade & Murdoch
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/rawshowlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]Raw begins with the usual intro and pyrotechnic show, until the Camera’s focus on your hosts Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.[/B] [B]JR:[/B] Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m Jim Ross and I’m here with my Hall of Fame partner Jerry “The King” Lawler. Thank you for welcoming us into your home tonight. [B] Lawler:[/B] What a show we’ve got tonight JR! Mr. Kennedy will face Jeff Hardy and we’ve got the Diva’s! [B]JR:[/B] Yes that’s right it’s a #1 contenders match for Candice Michelle’s Women’s title, between Mickie James and Melina. [I]**JR and King are cut off by the Entrance music of The Chairman Vince McMahon.**[/I] [B]JR:[/B] Bah Gawd, what’s Mr. McMahon doing here! [B]King: [/B]I heard he was going to explain why he chose to fake his own demise. [I]**Vince stands on the entrance ramp with microphone in hand.**[/I] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/VinceMcMahon4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Vince:[/B] Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m here tonight to explain a few things. I’m also here to announce a new exciting direction for the WWE. [B]Crowd:[/B] “YOU SUCK” “YOU SUCK” “YOU SUCK” “YOU SUCK” “YOU SUCK” [B]Vince:[/B] [I]**Agitated**[/I] SHUT UP! [I]**Crowd Boos Loudly**[/I] First of all with the limo explosion, I wanted to know I still mattered to everyone. I thought if I pulled a Machiavellian special, I’d see who cared and who was just sucking up. I’m delighted to say that you the fans, still love me…..Vincent Kennedy McMahon![I] **The crowd boos, putting off Mr.McMahon**[/I] DAMMIT , DIDN”T YOU HEAR ME? I’M VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON!, I own each and every one of you! [B]Lawler:[/B] Yeah, you New England morons, respect our chairman. [B]Vince Continues:[/B] I’m somewhat saddened to say, my children didn’t seem to care as much as everybody else. Shane was MIA, and my only daughter Stephanie was too busy trying to claim what she could of my possessions. My next announcement is one that effects every superstar and staff member in the company. Change is in the air, I’m not ready to announce my full plans yet but I will reveal that ECW will be getting another Championship, a new general manager and in regards to Summerslam, the WWE is in negotiations to bring in a few celebrities for the party of the summer. [I] **Mr. McMahon’s music plays and he exit’s the stage**[/I] [B]Raw Comes back from the break with JTG and Shad Gaspard in the ring.[/B] [B]JTG:[/B] Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo……Worcester, What’s Crackin? [I]**Crowd Cheers**[/I] [B]Shad:[/B] Yo, JTG. What do we have to auction for the DCU center tonight? [B]JTG Pulls out a portrait of Cryme Tyme’s opponents Benjamin & Haas:[/B] We got a A4 sized glossy portrait of the World’s Greatest Tag Team! [B] Shad:[/B] Ok Worcester, we’re gonna sign it, and start the bidding at…hmmm…a dime. [I]**Cryme Tyme walk around ringside taking bids from the fans**[/I] [B]JTG:[/B] Yo….What would the price be if we got JR and King to sign this? [B]Shad:[/B] Well, it’s gotta go for at least $20. [I]**before they can find out, the WGTT’s music plays and Benjamin & Haas come down to the ring**[/I] [B]Cryme Tyme vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team.[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JTG.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ShadGasparAAF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/sheltonav0.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/haasoq3.jpg[/IMG] WGTT keep the pressure on JTG and make sure he can’t tag in Shad. When Shad is finally tagged in he is able to clear house. A sneaky double team move gets Shelton in control…. [B]JR:[/B] Benjamin with a dropkick, now Tagging in Charlie Haas. WGTT double team Shad and JTG tries to get into the ring, but referee Jack Doan won’t let him [B]King:[/B] What’s JTG doing? he is allowing Haas and Benjamin to double team Shad. Charlie Haas holds Shad as Shelton goes for a super kick……Whack!! Shad Gaspard ducks just in time as Haas takes the full force of Shelton’s kick. Shad lifts Haas in the Gorilla Press position, then power slams Haas. Pin Cover 1.….2.……3 ding ding ding. [B]Your winners:[/B] Cryme Tyme. [B]Match Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C+[/COLOR] [B]When Raw returns from the break, a Jobber is standing in the ring.[/B] [B]Lillian Garcia:[/B] This contest is set for one fall, In the ring currently: Anthony Franco….and his opponent..[I]**Snitsky’s music plays** [/I] [B]Snitsky vs. Anthony Franco[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Snitsky3.jpg[/IMG] A pure squash, Snitsky wins with a Pump Handle slam in 1:30. [B]Your winner:[/B] Snitsky [B]Match Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Raw comes back from the break with Maria standing by with the WWE Women’s Champion Candice Michelle.[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/MariaAAF.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/CandiceMichelle2.jpg[/IMG] A stock standard face promo hyping the Women’s Champion and the #1 contenders match featuring Mickie James and Melina. [B] Quotable:[/B] Maria asking Candice if her name is the longer version of the word Candy, and if so was Willy Wonka her father. ??? [B] Mickie James vs. Melina[/B] [I][U]For the #1 contender to the Women’s Title.[/U][/I] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/MickieJames2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/MelinaAAF4.jpg[/IMG] Mickie and Melina gave everything they had in this encounter. Mickie got off to a flier, but Melina was able to gain control with an eye rake. At one stage Melina hit Mickie with a Tornado DDT, but got ****y allowing Mickie to counter the following Suplex attempt with a snap suplex. However a desperation roll up and Melina’s feet on the ropes meant the Hollywood A-Lister picked up the #1 Contendership for the Women’s Championship! [B]Your Winner:[/B] Melina [B]Match Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] [B]When we return to Raw King Booker and Queen Sharmell are in the Ring:[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/KingBooker.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/QueenSharmell.jpg[/IMG] [B]King Booker:[/B] [I]**With a phoney English accent**[/I] Now, peasants your King has a few issues he has to raise. You see, I…King Booker was crowned as a King after I won the King of the Ring tournament. There are some people on Raw who have declared themselves as a King without such an achievement , The so Called King of Memphis: Jerry Lawler! [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [B]King:[/B] Hey!…what’s Booker’s problem? [I]** King Booker walk’s from the ring down to ringside, he stops infront of Jerry Lawler who stand up to face King Booker** [/I] [B]King Booker:[/B] I say that you, Jerry Lawler are a pretender to King Bookers throne. [I]**Lawler is not happy with Booker’s words**[/I] I hereby challenge you Jerry Lawler to a match next week on Raw to prove you are just a pompus peasant! [B]Lawler picks up a Mic:[/B] I accept! [I] **with that King Booker cheap shots Lawler as Raw goes to a break**[/I] [B]Umaga vs. Sandman[/B] [I][U]For the Intercontinental Championship.[/U][/I] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Umaga2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Sandman2.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] From the start the Sandman is on the defensive. JR explains that Jonathan Coachman made this match after Sandman got beer all over the Coaches new suit. Umaga went for a running splash, but Sandman evades it and Referee Chad Patton gets taken out by the Samoan Bulldozer. Sandman uses this to his advantage and pummels Umaga with a Kendo Stick before hitting the White Russian leg sweep followed by a stuttering senton bomb. Sandman wakes the ref up and gets a two count, when Umaga gets to his feet he lets out a primal roar. That wasn’t good for the Sandman who was pinned soon after following a Samoan Spike/Samoan Splash combination. A fantastic effort from The ECW original, but Umaga retains. [B]Your Winner:[/B] and still Intercontinental Champion Umaga. [B]Match rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] [B] We go backstage as WWE Champion John Cena is talking to Bobby Lashley:[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Bobby_Lashley.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cena:[/B] I think Coaches main event will be me…The Champ vs. The Frizzy Haired Apple Lover Carlito, and I bet I’ll win with the STFU in about 1 minute. [B]Lashley:[/B] No, No, No….Champ have the night off, I’ll face that 3rd Generation punk Randall Orton, and I’ll put him away with the Spear in 30 seconds! [I]**Coach walks into the shot and overhears the two fan favourites**[/I] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JonathanCoachman.jpg[/IMG] [B]Coach:[/B] Guys, I couldn’t help but overhear your thrilling conversation. I gotta say you aren’t giving Randy Orton and Carlito their due. That’s why tonight’s Main Event is going to be….John Cena and Bobby Lashley……..teaming up against two superstars with wrestling in their blood: Randy Orton and Carlito! [B] JR:[/B] What a great Main Event, but up next Mr. Kennedy one on one with Jeff Hardy! [B]King:[/B] I can’t wait! [B] Ken Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/KenAnderson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JeffHardy3.jpg[/IMG] These two young stars start off cautiously not wanting to give the other an advantage. Hardy goes up high, Kennedy takes the low road. Jeff Hardy misses a Corkscrew plancha, and Kennedy takes advantage and the match turns into a brawl. Jeff Hardy tries to take to the air again……and pays for it allowing Mr. Kennedy to hit a standing Green Bay plunge followed by a Kenton Bomb for the victory. Kennedy announces himself the winner in his own special way, before deciding to stomp Jeff Hardy until enough Referee’s hit the ring to stop him. [B] Your Winner:[/B] Ken Kennedy [B]Match Rating:[/B] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]A*[/COLOR] [B]JR:[/B] What a low act by Mr. Kennedy, but on a better note. Our Main Event is NEXT! [B] John Cena & Bobby Lashley vs. Randy Orton & Carlito[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Bobby_Lashley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/RandyOrton5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] John Cena starts off strong, isolating Randy Orton and making regular Tags to Bobby Lashley. Orton and Carlito play dirty and gain the advantage, Orton does all his trademark moves to Bobby Lashley, the Tags in Carlito. Carlito tries to be ****y…..too ****y, Lashley powers out of a Carlito surfboard and tags in John Cena. John Cena cleans house, flying shoulder block on Carlito…..Five Knuckle Shuffle!…Orton tries to interfere but a spear by Lashley takes care of him. FU by John Cena, who takes time to pump up the crowd signalling for the STFU…TAG! Lashley gets the blind tag and SPEAR!! To a recovering Carlito….1.…2.….3 Lashley gets the pin and gives the thumbs up signal to a still surprised John Cena as Raw goes off the air. [B] Your Winners:[/B] Bobby Lashley & John Cena in 14:49. [B]Match Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B+[/COLOR] [B] Attendance:[/B] 5,769 from the DCW Center in Worcester, MA [B]Show Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/wwe_logo.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]WWE.com[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ECW2.jpg[/IMG] [B]ECW:[/B] Live from the Pavillion arena in Philadelphia, PA An ECW alumni returns this Tuesday night! Tommy Dreamer vs. Nunzio Elijah Burke vs. ??? John Morrison vs. Balls Mahoney CM Punk vs. Kevin Thorn[/CENTER] [QUOTE] WWE has reached termination agreements with the following: John Laurinaitis Steve Romero WWE wishes them the best for the future. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B]Post Raw news:[/B] [I]Tom Tucker sent in this feedback from RAW last night:[/I] The show was awesome, I loved the Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy match. As I was leaving I saw the guy who used to wrestle as Muhammad Hassan talking to Arn Anderson. The Heat taping beforehand was great, London & Kendrick vs. Cade & Murdoch was the highlight for me. [B] Best Heat[/B] Vince McMahon Randy Orton Ken Kennedy John Cena [B]Best Pop[/B] John Cena Bobby Lashley Jeff Hardy Cryme Tyme. [B]WWE News and Rumours.[/B] If you’ve read the ECW preview on WWE.com I wouldn’t get your hopes up on the ECW Alumni who will be appearing, as our sources tell us that it will be somebody already under contract to the WWE. So it’s not RVD, Sabu, New Jack, Tanaka, The Funker Terry Funk or any of the TNA guys, so our money is on Dean Malenko making an in ring return to job out to a WWECW worker. Johnny Ace being released by WWE surprised many, but apparently he gave the company no choice when he refused to work with new Head Booker Robert Bobson. WWE have reportedly opened discussions with Joey Matthews on a return as well as Shelly Martinez, UPW worker Lizzy Valentine and even Chris Kanyon may be a chance for a contract. They are also expected to offer a developmental deal to The Amazing Red and possibly Frankie Kazarian who was just let go by TNA.[/CENTER] [B] OOC:[/B] How am I going so far? Also there is still time for ECW predictions, including who the Mystery worker is. [B]RAW predictions:[/B] Outlaw321 4/5 W3lshy 3/5
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I think you're doing great so far... [B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] vs. Nunzio I smell a Squash!!! Elijah Burke vs. [B]SID VICIOUS!!!!![/B] hehe.. probably not, but a man can dream right?? [B]John Morrison[/B] vs. Balls Mahoney Is Morrison the champ??? Who cares, he will still beat Balls [B]CM Punk[/B] vs. Kevin Thorn Punk wins again
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[B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] vs. Nunzio [I]Push Dreamer, but dont let Nunzio go to waste! Reform the F.B.I?[/I] Elijah Burke vs. [B]???[/B] [I]Will take a wild guess & say Rey Mysterio, seeing as you could possibly have all injuries off![/I] [B]John Morrison[/B] vs. Balls Mahoney [I]Has Mahoney won a match since the ECW brand was formed?[/I] [B]CM Punk[/B] vs. Kevin Thorn [I]Punk needs to look strong if your pushing him towards the title, which I suppose you will do![/I] Your off to a good start, and have caught the likeness of the WWE very well! Hopefully you try & put some more emphasis on the ECW brand, bring in a few more originals, and not label them as another OVW! I would also like to ask if you could write the match times? The more detail the better IMO.
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[QUOTE=Doe-Bomb;278533] Your off to a good start, and have caught the likeness of the WWE very well! Hopefully you try & put some more emphasis on the ECW brand, bring in a few more originals, and not label them as another OVW! I would also like to ask if you could write the match times? The more detail the better IMO.[/QUOTE] Yeah, i forgot to write down the match times for Raw, but that will be changed for ECW. Thanks for all the comments. :D
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[B]Tommy Dreamer[/B] vs. Nunzio Nunzio needs a bit of building before he can really be considered a threat to anyone noteworthy. Elijah Burke vs. [B]Mick Foley[/B] Maybe Mrs Foley's Baby Boy has a new book out? Bit of a stab in the dark, but from the clues you've given I guess it has to be someone on the WWE books. [B]John Morrison[/B] vs. Balls Mahoney Run of the mill victory for Morrison [B]CM Punk[/B] vs. Kevin Thorn And a momentum builder for Punk.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ColbertReport.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]WWE Conspiracy widens![/B] Nation, I’ve found more shocking evidence that WWE chairman Vince McMahon is planning something. First Vince fires his daughter (Who hasn’t been seen since!), then replaces her with a mystery man from OUTSIDE the United States! Then Vince comes on TV to reveal he was now “alive” after setting up a Limo Explosion. It seems Vince is back from the dead, which reminds me of someone else who rose from the dead….Jesus! It looks as though Vince will try to gain the people's trust by become our modern day “Saviour”, before setting us up for his devious plan. More on this shocking conspiracy will be posted as fast as I can come up with more “truth” [CENTER] [B] WWE Heat Spoilers. [/B][/CENTER] In the search for truth, Colbert Report lackey Matt King was able to “acquire” a run sheet for Sunday Night Heat. I have had some back office shoe shiner write up the Heat results for you guys: [CENTER] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/200px-Heat.png[/IMG] [B] WWE Heat results:[/B] [/CENTER] [I]Todd Grisham and Jonathan Coachman discussed this weeks happenings in the WWE.[/I] [I] Triple H return Promo[/I] [B]Val Venis[/B] defeated [B]Jack Bull[/B] convincingly in a squash match. [I]Todd Grisham and The Coach review Vince McMahon’s appearance on Raw.[/I] [B] William Regal[/B] defeated [B]Cody Rhodes[/B] with the Regal Cutter, but Cody more than held his own. Rating: C+ [I]Todd and Coach review Raw’s Main Event: Cena & Lashley defeat Orton & Carlito[/I] [B] Kendrick & London[/B] defeated [B]Cade & Murdoch[/B] by disqualification, when Trevor Murdoch smashed Brian Kendrick in the face with a Chairshot. Kendrick had embarrassed Murdoch by flooring the big Texan with a nice right hand. Rating: B- [B] OOC:[/B] I've had a busy weekend, but I hope to have ECW and a Smackdown preview up tonight by 9PM Eastern (around 12 midday in the UK and 8AM US Eastern). Also if it isn't already obvious, The Colbert Report isn't the place to get serious news! ;) Thanks for reading and keep those predictions coming in!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ECW2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joey Styles:[/B] Welcome everybody, I’m Joey Styles along with my partner in crime Tazz. Thank you for tuning in to ECW, LIVE on Sci Fi. [B]Tazz: [/B]What a Rocket Buster we have tonight. Our ECW champion John Morrison in action, CM Punk, Elijah Burke and a Mystery Superstar! [B]Styles:[/B] Yes, certainly ECW is the place to spend your Tuesday night. **Styles is interrupted by the music of Mr. McMahon** [B] Styles:[/B] Hey!? it's the Chairman of the Board Mr. McMahon, I wonder what he has to say? [B] Tazz:[/B] Geez, Joey don’t you read the press releases? We’re getting a new GM and a NEW Title! **Mr. McMahon is now in the ring, he grabs a microphone and starts talking** [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/VinceMcMahon4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mr. McMahon:[/B] I’d like to personally welcome each and everyone in this arena here in Philadelphia tonight. [I]**the crowd pops**[/I] It’s nice to see ECW put on a show in Philadelphia that’s not in a bingo hall. [I]**A small section of the crowd boos**[/I] Tonight I have an announcement. I think ECW needs a General Manager, Someone who shares my vision in wrestling, Someone who favours the same type of superstar I do. That man will be…….. **Jonathan Coachman’s music plays and the crowd boo the house down as Coach makes his way down to the ring** [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JonathanCoachman.jpg[/IMG] [B] Coach:[/B] Sorry I’m late boss. [B] Mr. McMahon:[/B] That’s ok, just don’t let it happen again. As I was saying the new GM will be….. [I]**Mr. McMahon pauses as an audible “Heyman” ,“Heyman” chant breaks out**[/I] [B]Mr. McMahon (now really peeved):[/B] That nutcase will never be seen in a WWE building again! [I]**Long Pause**[/I] Anyway, the new GM of ECW will be addressed in due time, as I’m only halfway though the interview process. [B] Styles:[/B] Thanks very much Vince! [B]Tazz:[/B] That was a big anti-climax. [B] Mr. McMahon:[/B] However, my faithful assistant Coach has something that will be of interest to everyone in attendance. [B]Styles:[/B] More like faithful ass kisser! [B]Tazz:[/B] Careful, Joey! **Coach walks over to the time keepers table and picks up a large black bag, then brings it into the ring** [B]Mr. McMahon:[/B] Now, every ECW superstar can’t challenge for the ECW title, but with what I’m about to reveal that won’t matter. Coach can you do the honours. **Coach opens the black bag to reveal a shiny new title** [B]Styles:[/B] That’s the ECW Television Title! [B] Mr. McMahon:[/B] Starting tonight, We will have a tournament to crown a new ECW TV champion, culminating in a match between the two finalists at Summerslam! **Mr. McMahon’s music plays, as Tazz and Joey Styles discuss what this means for ECW** [B]Tommy Dreamer vs. Nunzio[/B] [U][I]ECW Television Title Tournament.[/I][/U] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/LittleGuido.jpg[/IMG] A short match to open proceedings tonight. When Nunzio was in command (for about 30 seconds) he was able to clearly out wrestle Dreamer. However the match turned into a brawl and Tommy Dreamer took control, and he advanced courtesy of a Dreamer DDT in 3:03 [B] Your Winner:[/B] Tommy Dreamer. [B]Match Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]C[/COLOR] [B]As ECW returns from the break The Boogeyman is in the ring.[/B] [B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/TBoogeyman3_ndp.jpg[/IMG] Boogeyman:[/B] Nobody likes me, Nobody cares, I’ll just go down the garden and eat some worms! **With those words Boogeyman gives himself a mouthful of worms** [B]Styles:[/B] That man is nuts! [B]Tazz:[/B] You Reckon Joey!? **The Boogeyman notices that ring announcer Justin Roberts is still in the ring. Boogeyman walks up to Roberts, pauses then grabs Roberts and power slams the poor ring announcer .** [B]Styles:[/B] Our ring announcer isn’t a wrestler! What’s this nut doing! [I]**Boogeyman grabs a handful of worms and shoves them in the mouth of Justin Roberts**[/I] [B] Styles:[/B] On that disgusting note, ECW goes to a break! [B]As ECW returns from the break, Elijah Burke is in the ring.[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ElijahBurke2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Burke:[/B] I’m supposed to be facing a former old school ECW wrestler, and I use that word loosely too…wrestler. It doesn’t matter who I face, once they ride the Elijah Express there ain’t no return. I Elijah Burke will be the ECW TV champion! [I]** Burke is interrupted by a video playing on the screen:**[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Is it? [B]Tazz:[/B] Yeah, I think it is….it’s Nova baby! [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Nova.jpg[/IMG] Nova makes his way to the ring and we have a match. [B]Elijah Burke vs. Nova[/B] [U][I]ECW Television Title Tournament.[/I][/U] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ElijahBurke2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Nova.jpg[/IMG] Elijah Burke tried to rush Nova, but the veteran is able to counter to get control. Nova mixed up his offence to keep Burke off balance, at one stage going up top for a full body press. An impressive match which was soured after Burke cheap shotted Nova with brass knucks while the referee was distracted to gain the momentum. The match ended after Elijah Burke hit an STO, followed by an Irish whip into the corner allowing Burke to steal the win with the Elijah Express in 7:57. [B]Afterwards Burke grabs a microphone:[/B] [B] Burke:[/B] I told you all it doesn’t matter who stands in my way, all trips on the Elijah Express are one way! **Suddenly Elijah Burke gets attacked from behind by Nova, who sets him up for the Supernova (Simonizer), but Burke manages to wriggle free and escape the ring. [B]Your Winner:[/B] Elijah Burke. [B]Match Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Joey Styles:[/B] Damn that Elijah Burke! I wish Nova had hit the Supernova on Burke! [B]Tazz: [/B]Calm Down Girlpants, John Morrison’s up next! [B]Joey Styles:[/B] That’s right our ECW Champion in action NEXT! [B] John Morrison vs. Balls Mahoney[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JohnHennigan2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/BallsMahoney.jpg[/IMG] A lot of people would of marked this down as a squash, but the man time forgot was able to brawl his way to the advantage. A DDT on the 2 minute mark made the fans think a huge upset was on the cards, but a suplex reversal got Morrison back in the match. From then on John Morrison used his athletic ability to keep Balls on the defensive, including a corkscrew moonsault that also took out the referee. Noticing that the ref was down, Morrison went to ringside and grabbed a chair which he used to smack Mahoney square in the head. The ending came soon after when Morrison placed the chair on Mahoney and executed the Standing Shooting Star Press. Getting the pinfall victory in 7:54. [B] Your Winner: [/B]John Morrison [B]Match Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] When ECW returns from the break, Extreme Expose and The Miz are in the ring. [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/MikeMizanin.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/BarbieBlank.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Layla.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/BrookeAdamsAAF.jpg[/IMG] [B] Miz:[/B] Hoooooo Rah! ** The crowd only Boo’s** [B] Miz:[/B] I’m here with the Extreme Expose, and I’m going to host my very own Mizfit beauty contest! Hooo Rahh! **The crowd boo’s, and the camera focuses on a sign that says: The Reality is: Miz Sucks!** [B] Miz:[/B] First up, Layla! [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Layla.jpg[/IMG] ** Layla begins to pose and strut until she’s interrupted by the music of Big Daddy V!** [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/BigDaddyV.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/MattStriker.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matt Striker:[/B] Hey, Hey, Hey Enough of this smut fest. Miz, your repulsive and it’s time Big Daddy V taught you a lesson. ** Extreme Expose evacuate the ring as Big Daddy V enters it, leaving The Miz stunned at the size of the Big V** [B]Miz:[/B] Come on now, I don’t wanna lose my chick magnet looks! [B]Styles:[/B] What! **Big Daddy V gives The Miz a huge running clothesline and starts hammering away at The Miz, before throwing him into the corner and delivering a few splashes to a defenceless Miz. After Striker decides that Miz has been through enough, he calls for Big Daddy V to exit the ring. Striker and Big V back up the ramp looking very pleased with their nights work as ECW goes to break.** [B] CM Punk vs. Kevin Thorn[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/CMpunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/KevinThorn.jpg[/IMG] This match saw a clash of styles, with Punk going for a more MMA style offence and Thorn favouring straight up brawling. CM Punk was in control early, at one stage hitting a sweet Muay Thai roundhouse kick that staggered Kevin Thorn. Punk though allowed Thorn back into the match when he was distracted by the sight of John Morrison watching the match from the entrance ramp. [B] Styles:[/B] Thorn with the short arm clothesline, oh Elbow Drop right on CM Punks throat! [B]Crowd:[/B] C M Punk, C M Punk, C M Punk! [B]Styles:[/B] Thorn with an Irish Whip……Clothesline from Kevin Thorn!…NO CM Punk was able to duck under it. [B]Tazz:[/B] Dropkick from Punk! [I]**Thorn gets sent into the turnbuckle**[/I] [B]Styles:[/B] Running Knee from CM Punk!…Thorn staggers, Punk lifts him up…..GTS! Oh my God, I can’t believe Punk just lifted the massive Kevin Thorn. [B]Tazz:[/B] Punk with the Cover Joey! 1.………2.………3! This match is over in 7:58 [B]Your Winner:[/B] CM Punk [B]Match Rating: [/B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] After regaining himself CM Punk directs his attention to John Morrison, who is still watching from the entrance ramp. The two stare at each other before CM Punk motions that the ECW title will soon be around his waist, prompting John Morrison to hold the title aloft as ECW goes off air! [B] Attendance:[/B] 5,000 (Sell Out) from the Pavillion in Philadelphia, PA [B]Show Rating:[/B] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]B-[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I know Nova may be a let down to some of you guys, but I was a fan of his. I also thought Foley was too obvious, but Mrs. Foley's baby boy will be on WWE programing soon ;) [/CENTER]
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Solid show I thought. You built all of ECW's main players with solid wins (Dreamer, Morrison, Burke and Punk) and gaves Big Daddy V another notch in the belt of his monster push by squashing The Miz while also including his storyline with Extreme Expose. Nova didn't come as a disappointment, afterall I've brought him back for my ECW dynasty and I almost opted for him before picking Foley as the surprise. Coach makes for a capable GM as you pretty much know what you're going to get from him, if nothing spectacular.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Smackdown.jpg[/IMG] [B]Smackdown comes to you from the Wachovia Arena in Wilkes-Barre, PA[/B] Don't miss Smackdown on the CW network this Friday night with Mark Henry's Sliverback Challenge, Matt Hardy, MVP, Ric Flair and Batista will be in action. Also what will World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali have in store for his closest rivals The Animal Batista & the Big Red Machine Kane? [/CENTER] [B] Confirmed Matches[/B] Deuce & Domino vs. Eugene & Funaki Matt Hardy vs. Finlay Ric Flair vs. M.V.P Batista vs. Chris Masters [B] More matches to be announced on the night![/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE News and Smackdown Notes[/B][/CENTER] The strong rumour in the WWE is that a few signings will announced in the next few days with Head Booker & Junior Vice-President of Talent Relations Robert Bobson feeling that ECW and Smackdown's rosters are way too thin. [B][CENTER] Smackdown Taping Notes[/CENTER][/B] The Smackdown spoilers coming through are interesting to say the least, with a Ladder Match being the opener! We won't give away the results but Smackdown seemed to feature more matches than usual. [CENTER][B] The Dark Matches were:[/B][/CENTER] Mark Henry Squashing OVW's Mike Mondo Victoria beating Michelle McCool and a Cruiserweight Battle Royal featuring Jamie Noble, Funaki, Shannon Moore, Jimmy Wang Yang and Raw's Super Crazy with the last 2 workers being Jamie Noble and Jimmy Wang Yang. There was no winner as the final 2 in the Battle Royal qualified for a match on Smackdown. [CENTER][B] On the Main show:[/B][/CENTER] Mark Henry's Silverback challenge jobber was Arik Cannon. The Great Khali again held the World Heavyweight Title upside down during his promo. Ric Flair vs. MVP was the best match on the card. [I]Smackdown Taping notes submitted by Brian Griffin.[/I]
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[B]OOC:[/B] Smackdown's nearly ready to go, but I'll give a little bit more time for predictions. Thanks to all for posting Raw & ECW predictions, and thoughts. Thanks for Sebsplex for his thoughts on ECW, and remember I'm open to suggestions, tips and comments. Edit: I was nearly done writing up Smackdown when my computer had an "error" and I lost all my write-up since my last save. I don't have time to write it up tonight, because I'm really tired after work but rest assured it will be up Tuesday (I have the day off).
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Smackdownlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B] Smackdown opens this week without the usual fanfare, with the camera’s focused on JBL in the ring.[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JohnLayfield.jpg[/IMG] [B]JBL:[/B] Welcome to Smackdown Ladies and Gentlemen, Tonight I’ve been told to meet our General Manager Teddy Long in the ring. Teddy told me that he has an important announcement, maybe he’s going to beg me to get back into the ring! [B] Crowd Chant:[/B] YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK [B]JBL: [/B]See, you can still hear the fans chant MY NAME! …………….J B L!, J B L!, J B L! [I]**Theodore Long’s music hits and the Smackdown GM walks down to the ring**[/I] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mr. Long:[/B] Mr. Layfield, I know the WWE have got a lot of injury’s but we’re along way from asking you to return to the ring playa. [I] ** The crowd cheer’s and JBL looks disgusted**[/I] [B] JBL:[/B] Now, Teddy I was told to come out here and get the exclusive. What’s going on in the Smackdown world? [B] Mr. Long:[/B] Well JBL, Smackdown Fans, I’ve just come from a meeting with the WWE Board of Directors and I’ve got an announcement to make about the Cruiserweight Title. Now after Hornswoggle became Champion, the WWE received letters from several athletic commissions across the United States. They don’t like the weight difference between Hornswoggle and our other Cruiserweight competitors, and will refuse to allow our Cruiserweight Champion to participate in any matches. This made the board decide to strip Hornswoggle of the WWE Cruiserweight Title. [I] **The Crowd voices their displeasure**[/I] [B]Mr. Long: [/B]Now, Ladies and Gentlemen I know how you feel and I don’t like this any more than you. I have informed Little Hornswoggle and the rest of the Cruiserweights, and here’s what’s gonna happen: Before Smackdown we held a Cruiserweight Battle Royal with the last 2 superstars qualifying for a shot at the Cruiserweight Title in a LADDER MATCH! [B] Cole:[/B] That match happens now! [B]Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] [B]vs.[/B] [B]Jamie Noble[/B] [I][U]For the Cruiserweight Championship.[/U][/I] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JimmyWangYang2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JGibson_ndp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/WWEWorldCruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] Both wrestlers went straight at each other exchanging a few quick holds before separating to mild applause. Yang and Noble then exchange punches before Noble grabs Yang in a hammerlock, but it’s reversed into a jawbreaker. Next the action moves outside the ring with Yang being Irish whipped over the ropes before Noble surprisingly gets airborne with a flying splash. The ladder came into play at the 5 minute mark with Jimmy Wang Yang reversing an Irish whip and sending Noble crashing into the ladder. Jimmy Wang Yang has the first attempt at retrieving the title, but Noble speeds up the other side and hit’s a sunset flip power bomb to gain control. Noble then placed Yang in the middle of the ring before setting up the ladder over Yang. When Noble started climbing the ladder the match looked all over, but Hornswoggle came from under the ring and starts to climb the ladder. Noble sees Hornswoggle and looks mad as hell! Hornswoggle gets to the top and starts throwing lefts and rights at Noble. Then: [B]Cole:[/B] JBL! What’s Hornswoggle trying to do?! [B] JBL:[/B] It looks like Hornswoggle is trying to superplex Jamie Noble! Noble is easily able to reverse the superplex and sends Little Hornswoggle into the mat below! Before unclipping the belt and becoming the NEW Cruiserweight Champion in 14:57 [B] Your Winner and new Cruiserweight Champion:[/B] Jamie Noble [B]Match Rating:[/B] C [B] Josh Matthews is backstage with Batista[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JoshMatthews.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Batista8.jpg[/IMG] [B]Matthews:[/B] Batista, you requested this interview time to talk about Summerslam? [B] Batista:[/B] Yeah, Josh I did. Khali you proved nothing at the Great American Bash, you didn’t beat me. In all the time you’ve been Champion, you haven’t had the guts to face me one on one. I hope Teddy Long gives me a one on one shot in a steel cage, because Khali you won’t survive when the Animal is unleashed! [B] Deuce & Domino vs. Eugene & Funaki[/B] [LEFT][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JimmySnukaJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Domino.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Cherry.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/EDinsmore2_ndp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Funaki.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] Eugene starts of well against Deuce, and embarrasses him in front of Cherry. However the Tag Team Champs gain control when Cherry distracts Eugene and it’s academic from here. Michael Cole explains that Eugene asked for this match because he wanted to wear a shiny gold title, the only thing Eugene wears in this match is busted lip after a Crack in the Mouth in 4:35 [B] Your Winners:[/B] Deuce & Domino [B]Match Rating:[/B] C+ [B] Mark Henry’s Silverback Challenge[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/MarkHenry2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mark Henry is in the ring and he explains his Silverback challenge. [/B] [B] Henry:[/B] My Silverback Challenge is simple. Last two minutes against me and win $5,000. Henry looks at ring announcer Tony Chimel and says: Introduce my victim [B] Chimel:[/B] Introducing the challenger in the Silverback challenge….Arik Cannon! Henry and Cannon lock up and Henry out muscles Cannon and forces him to the mat. Henry follows up with a World’s Strongest Slam and a Bearhug rendering Arik Cannon unconscious. [B]Cole:[/B] Young Arik Cannon didn’t even last a minute! [B]JBL:[/B] Did you expect anything else Cole? [B] Chavo Guerrero & Kenny Dykstra vs. The Major Brothers[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/KenDoane.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/BreMajors_ndp.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/BrianMyers.jpg[/IMG] Another Tag Team match tonight on Smackdown, The experience and youth of Chavo and Kenny vs. the Young Lions the Major Brothers. Chavo dominated the young Majors with some old school wrestling, it was only when Kenny Dykstra was tagged in that Brett and Brian Major gained the upper hand. Brett Major used his high energy offence to keep Dykstra in trouble, however Chavo’s experience factored into the match when Brett Major came within reach and was guillotined on the ropes allowing for the Tag. Dykstra took out Brian Major and Chavo put Brett Major in the Gory Special for the win in 11:45 [B]Your Winners:[/B] Chavo Guerrero & Kenny Dykstra [B]Match Rating:[/B] C+ [B]When Smackdown returns from the break, Kane is backstage in room with red lighting.[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Kane.jpg[/IMG] Kane smiles insanely, the camera pulls back to reveal that Kane is holding a picture of The Great Khali! All of the sudden the picture ignites in flames, causing Kane to erupt into his trademark evil laugh as the picture fades. [B] Matt Hardy vs. Finlay[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/MattHardyAAF3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Finlay2.jpg[/IMG] A good brawl to start out with, but soon Finlay got the advantage with an eye poke after feigning an injury. From there Finlay used his technical moveset on Hardy, with a few holds and suplex’s. Finlay went for the Celtic Knot about 7 minutes in and Matt nearly tapped before being able to reach the ropes. Matt Hardy reversed a vertical suplex attempt from Finlay and quickly hit the Side Effect, but soon after Hardy noticed M.V.P standing on the entrance ramp and started trading insults. A quick roll up from Finlay got a two and a half count from referee Charles Robinson. Hardy and Finlay then traded punches before Finlay was able to Irish whip Hardy and hit him with a clothes line. Finlay then set Hardy up for the Celtic Cross, but Matt was able to wriggle free and hit a quick Twist of Fate to get the win in 14:12 against the flow. [B]Your Winner:[/B] Matt Hardy [B]Match Rating:[/B] B+ [B] M.V.P:[/B] Yo, Hardy that was real good. It isn’t that hard to get a win over Finlay without his leprechaun, you just proved your still not in my league. You’d better watch my match against old man Flair, you might learn a thing or two. [B]J.B.L:[/B] I think M.V.P’s lucky that Finlay’s still stunned from the Twist of Fate after that comment. [B]Cole:[/B] M.V.P vs. Flair up next! [B]Ric Flair vs. Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/MVP.jpg[/IMG] Ric Flair starts off with a few chops in the opening moments. M.V.P got control by using the sort of tricks that the Nature Boy famous, then showed he has a good technical game by using a few suplex’s and rest holds. However Ric Flair showed why they call him the Dirtiest Player in the Game with a sneaky low blow when M.V.P went for a German Suplex. Flair followed that with a few chops and a vertical suplex before the Naitch went for the Figure 4, M.V.P didn’t like that idea and as Flair was about to lock it in, M.V.P grabbed Flair’s head for a roll up and a foot on the ropes ensured the 3 count in 7:36. [B] Your Winner:[/B] Montel Vontavious Porter. [B]Match Rating:[/B] A [B]Batista vs. Chris Masters[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Batista8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ChrisMordetzky2.jpg[/IMG] A typical big man match, both wrestlers used power moves and Masters performed well against the former World Champion. Masters found a way to get control of the match for a few minutes, but Batista’s better ability shone through. [B] Cole:[/B] Clothesline from Batista! [B]J.B.L: [/B]The Animal getting the better of the Masterpiece now! [I] **The Great Khali starts lumbering to ringside**[/I] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/TheGreatKhali.jpg[/IMG] [B]Cole:[/B] What’s the World Champion coming down here for partner? [B]J.B.L:[/B] I’m not your partner Cole, but Khali is doing whatever he wants. [B]Cole: [/B]He shouldn’t be out here John, oh no Khali is climbing in the ring! [B]J.B.L:[/B] Are you going to tell him he shouldn’t be out here? [I]** Khali walks up to Batista and starts punching him, the Ref Nick Patrick calls for the bell in 10:31**[/I] [B]Your Winner:[/B] Batista by DQ [B]Match Rating:[/B] B [I]Masters now joins in Khali’s beat down on Batista and Michael Cole goes nuts on commentary.[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] NO!!, Khali with a double arm Chokeslam! [B]J.B.L:[/B] I’m just surprised Khali is letting Masters lay the boots in! [I] Familiar Fireworks go off and Kane now makes his way to ring side and makes it an even brawl.[/I] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Kane.jpg[/IMG] The brawl continues for about a minute before Theodore Long’s music hits stopping all four competitors to hear what the GM has to say. [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG] [B]Mr. Long: [/B]Ok Playa’s hold it right there. Your all in brawl has given me an idea for Smackdown next week. Chris Masters since you felt the need to get involved tonight, you will be facing Kane! [I]**Masters goes nuts kicking the ropes after hearing the news, Kane just smiles**[/I] [B]Mr. Long:[/B] Now I don’t want to give away Batista vs. Khali just yet. So Khali, next week your going to face the 16 time World Champion Ric Flair, but that’s not all. The referee for this match will be……Batista! [B] Cole:[/B] Did you hear that John? Flair vs. Khali with Batista as the Referee! [B]J.B.L:[/B] Do you think I’m deaf Cole? Of course I heard it, what a match we’ve got next week! [B]Cole: [/B]Top that Raw, See you next week folks! [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/wwe_logo.gif[/IMG] [B]Attendance:[/B] 8,894 from the Wachovia Arena in Wilkes-Barre, PA [B]Show Rating:[/B] B[/CENTER] [B]OOC:[/B] No Smackdown predictions which was a little disheartening, but it's a new dynasty so hopefully it's not because it's crap.
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Don't let a lack of predictions put you off. Views are the real indicator. Most likely you got bumped off page one and nobody seems to bother looking at anything beyond that here. I've had a read and I like what you've done so far. It'll be interesting to see what direction you take things as the shows progress away from the "real" situation. :)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/internet.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE announce new Signings:[/B] [I] WWE have announced a few new signings, not really any big names but still some interesting people have been resigned.[/I] [/CENTER] [B]Joey Matthews[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/JoeyMatthews.jpg[/IMG] Our insider claims Matthews will be a Smackdown Superstar on his re-debut. WWE.com says Matthews passed a drug test and commited to staying drug free. This new stance on drugs is apparently due to Robert Bobson's influence on the WWE's new drug policy which will be released soon. [B] Mark Copani[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/MarkCopani.jpg[/IMG] Mark Copani was seen at Raw and now it is confirmed the man once known as Muhammad Hassan is back in the WWE. Copani will be sent to FCW to get rid of his ring rust before re-debuting, and we hear it won't be as Hassan. [B]Shelly Martinez[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/ShellyMartinez7.jpg[/IMG] Interesting re-signing, Shelly has been sent to OVW and not much is known about why she was re-hired or what Bobson has instore for her in the future. [B] The Amazing Red[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/TheAmazingRed.jpg[/IMG] The Amazing Red has been sent to FCW for a quick rundown in working the WWE style, before appearing on ECW or Smackdown. [B] Lizzy Valentine[/B] [IMG]http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z105/JobberJDH/Valentinakyky.jpg[/IMG] Lizzy is a UPW worker who used to go by the name Valentina, and can be a valet or wrestler. Valentine will again go by the name Valentina and will be working in FCW. WWE is tipped to announce more signings next week. Names being mentioned are: Masato Tanaka, Chris Kanyon, Tajiri, Molly Holly and Vampiro. [B]OOC:[/B] Thanks Flamebrain, I have a few plans and I hope I'll do better than the WWE has been doing.
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